Bulletin of The American Meteorological Society
Bulletin of The American Meteorological Society
Bulletin of The American Meteorological Society
A surface radiation budget observing network (SURFRAD) has been established for the United States to support
satellite retrieval validation, modeling, and climate, hydrology, and weather research. The primary measurements are
the downwelling and upwelling components of broadband solar and thermal infrared irradiance. A hallmark of the net-
work is the measurement and computation of ancillary parameters important to the transmission of radiation. SURFRAD
commenced operation in 1995. Presently, it is made up of six stations in diverse climates, including the moist subtropi-
cal environment of the U.S. southeast, the cool and dry northern plains, and the hot and arid desert southwest. Network
operation involves a rigorous regimen of frequent calibration, quality assurance, and data quality control. An efficient
supporting infrastructure has been created to gather, check, and disseminate the basic data expeditiously. Quality con-
trolled daily processed data files from each station are usually available via the Internet within a day of real time. Data
from SURFRAD have been used to validate measurements from NASA's Earth Observing System series of satellites,
satellite-based retrievals of surface erythematogenic radiation, the national ultraviolet index, and real-time National En-
vironmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) products. It has also been used for carbon sequestration
studies, to check radiative transfer codes in various physical models, for basic research and instruction at universities,
climate research, and for many other applications. Two stations now have atmospheric energy flux and soil heat flux
instrumentation, making them full surface energy balance sites. It is hoped that eventually all SURFRAD stations will
have this capability.
rainfall Elevation U.S. Station
Station name Latitude, longitude (cm) (m) Nearest city state Start date ID
Bondville 40.06°N, 88.37°W 94 213 Bondville IL 1 Jan 1995 BON
Fort Peck 48.31°N, 105.10°W 30 634 Poplar MT 28 Jan 1995 FPK
Goodwin Creek 34.25°N, 89.87°W 145 98 Batesville MS 1 Jan 1995 GWN
Table Mountain 40.125°N, 105.237°W 46 1689 Boulder CO 19 June 1995 TBL
Desert Rock 36.626°N, 116.018°W 18 1007 Mercury NV 16 Mar 1998 DRA
Penn State 40.72°N, 77.93°W 99 376 Pine Grove Mills PA 29 June 1998 PSU
FIG. 3. The Desert Rock SURFRAD station as viewed from FIG. 4. The SURFRAD station at Penn State as viewed from
the north. In the foreground is the solar tracker; on the right is the the southeast. The main platform is in the foreground. Directly
Total Sky Imager (TSI); on the left is the main platform; and in behind the main platform is the solar tracker stand, and in the
the background is the 10-m tower. The surface at Desert Rock is background stands the 10-m tower. The scaffolding in the far
made up of small rocks; the sparse vegetation visible in the pic- background is not part of the SURFRAD station.
ture is primarily creosote bush.
mounted in the data logger enclosure under the main 50 W nr , and then high again by > 200 W nr . After
2 2
from the BORCAL procedure generally range from was developed at ARL to transfer the mean calibra-
±2% to ±5% for pyranometers and ±2% to ±3% for tion of the reference pyrgeometers to the monitoring
pyrheliometers. pyrgeometers. Test and reference instruments are op-
There is yet no world reference blackbody calibra- erated together outdoors for a week to 10 days. Periods
tion device for pyrgeometers. A first step in isolating of stable signals common to both sets of instruments
a device or technique that could be used as a world are objectively isolated for daytime and nighttime
reference was the BSRN Pyrgeometer Round Robin periods. Calibration equations, reported in Albrecht
Calibration experiment (Philipona et al. 1998) where and Cox (1977), are written for each of those two pe-
11 blackbody infrared calibration devices were blindly riods using mean signals from the test instruments, and
tested by calibrating the same five pyrgeometers. Six setting both equations equal to the mean irradiance of
of the 11 showed little difference in their calibrations the reference instruments. The two equations are then
of the five instruments. One of those six, that at the solved for the two constants in the Albrecht and Cox
WRC, is used to calibrate the three SURFRAD refer- (1977) formulation. This calibration transfer technique
ence pyrgeometers. The stated accuracy of their cali- appears to improve the test instruments' absolute cali-
brations is ±4 W m . 2 brations such that typically > 99% of the test data are
The three reference Quantum instruments are sent within ±5 W n r of the reference values. Adding the
annually to the factory where they were manufactured reported uncertainty of the reference instruments' cali-
to be calibrated with a standard light source that has brations yields an uncertainty of ±9 W n r for the
semantic difference is that calibration factors are multipliers and defined as the ratio of the test instrument's daily inte-
sensitivity factors are divisors. gral of UVB irradiance to the mean daily integrated
upwelling infrared
Pyrheliometer Eppley NIP direct solar irradiance ±2% to ±3%
UVB radiometer Yankee Environmental UVB-1 global ultraviolet B ±5%
Systems erythemal irradiance
Quantum sensor LI-COR Quantum global ±5%
active irradiance
Temperature Vaisala CS500 air temperature ±0.5°C
and relative
humidity probe relative humidity ±2%-3% below 90%
RH, and ±6% above
90% RH
Wind monitor R.M.Young 05103 wind speed ±2% for wind
and direction speed
±5° for wind
Barometer Vaisala PTB101B station pressure ±4 mb (-20°-0°C)
±2 mb (0°-40°C)
improvements and problems that have necessitated re- hours after sunrise. The very low diffuse solar values
processing of network data are given under the head- during that period are also indicative of cloud-free
ing "Problems" on the SURFRAD Web page. An skies. In the afternoon, sharp decreases in the direct
example of an actual notification is given below: component indicate that clouds periodically obscure
the sun's beam. Note that when the direct component
Station(s): Bondville decreases, the diffuse component increases proportion-
Parameter(s): upwelling PSP, UVB, tem- ally to account for the increased scattering by the
perature, RH, and station clouds.
pressure Figure 6b shows the two components of thermal
Date(s): 4 June-22 July 1999 infrared irradiance throughout the day. Upwelling in-
Description of problem: 11 June 1999 frared irradiance should always be greater than the
downwelling because the pyrgeometer at the top of the
All data after the lightning strike on 4 June-7 June tower faces the surface that is warmed by solar radia-
were lost. By shifting connections on the data logger tion during the day. Consequently, the upwelling in-
from blown channels to good ones, we were able to frared radiation trace should resemble the diurnal
record data from all of the instruments. At that point variation of the surface skin temperature. Under clear
it was determined that the pyranometer on the tower or mostly clear skies, the downwelling infrared irra-
(measuring upwelling solar radiation) was damaged, diance is relatively flat because the pyrgeometer on the
and the barometer and temperature and relative humid- main platform views the cold target of space. When
ity probe may have been destroyed. The UVB radiom- clouds intervene, the two infrared signals converge
eter is now not heating properly, however the data are because the cloud base is a warmer target than space,
being recorded. Since the instrument may not be at a causing the downwelling infrared signal to increase. An
stable temperature, the UVB irradiance values are be- example of this is seen in the first few hours of the day.
SURFRAD station (thin lines), and the actual NWS sounding for Lincoln, IL (thick
lines), 100 km to the west of Bondville, for 0000 UTC 14 Apr 2000. The winds From its inception, SURFRAD was
from the Lincoln sounding are plotted with thick lines. a collaborative effort among universities
2340 Vol. 81, No. 10, October 2000
and government agencies, who all had input in the site
selection process, and right of refusal. Among the par-
ticipants were Princeton University, the Office of
Hydrology, the GEWEX Program Office, NESDIS,
and the NASA Langley Research Center. SURFRAD
has since developed several linkages with the USDA.
A USDA UV monitoring station is located at the Fort
Peck SURFRAD site. Through a special agreement
ARL accesses MFRSR data from USDA instruments
at Fort Peck and Bondville. The Goodwin Creek sta-
tion is sponsored by the USDA National Sedimenta-
tion Laboratory and is collocated with one of their
installations in the Goodwin Creek Experimental FIG. 8. Percentage difference between TOMS-based estimates
Watershed, where research quality measurements of of erythematogenic UVB flux at the surface and measurements
rainfall, soil temperature, and soil moisture are regu- at Goodwin Creek for totally clear-sky periods. The measured
larly made. UVB flux is averaged over 1-h periods centered on the satellite
SURFRAD data are now being used for a variety overpass time.
of validation activities. In 1997, the network was cho-
sen as a primary U.S. validation source for NASA's
EOS satellites. In fulfillment of this obligation, NOAA laborative effort among several interested groups who
provides reprocessed SURFRAD data, cloud-cover had a stake in the use of high quality surface radiation
information, interpolated soundings, and quantitative budget data, including OGP, NASA, NOAA's Office
estimates of cloud effects on the surface radiation bud- of Hydrology, university professors, and the GEWEX
get. SURFRAD data are also being used to validate Program Office. Consisting of six stations, it is the first
operational products such as weather forecasting mod- such network to continually measure the surface ra-
els, the NWS UV index, and NESDIS estimates of diation budget in various regions of the United States.
surface solar irradiance. SURFRAD nicely complements DOE's mesoscale
SURFRAD data have been used to check NASA's network of about 20 surface radiation budget stations
Total Ozone Mapping Satellite (TOMS) estimates of in Oklahoma and Kansas. Measurements include in-
erythematogenic UVB surface flux. Figure 8 shows dependent upwelling and downwelling components of
how SURFRAD data were useful in revealing that solar and thermal infrared irradiance, broadband
TOMS-based UVB estimates may be systematically erythematogenic UVB irradiance, photosynthetically
high. Data plotted in Fig. 8 are for times when the sat- active radiation, spectral solar, and basic meteorologi-
ellite passed directly over the Goodwin Creek station cal quantities. A theme of quality assurance guided the
during hemispheric cloud-free periods. The plotted design of the stations and the data processing system.
UVB data have been corrected for total ozone and The network is backed by a robust system of data re-
averaged over 1-h periods centered on the overpass trieval and distribution, redundant measurements, daily
time. Differences shown do not reflect a possible bias manual data checks, a rigorous instrument calibration
of an individual instrument because three different schedule, and efficient data processing and reprocess-
UVB radiometers were deployed during the period ing capabilities. Network instruments are cycled an-
depicted. nually and regularly calibrated to maintain accuracy
and precision. Data are released on a quasi-daily ba-
sis. Free access to the processed data is expedited by
9. Summary an ftp site and Web page from which daily data files
from individual stations may be downloaded. An in-
The SURFRAD network commenced in the teractive Web page also offers a feature where daily
middle 1990s. It arose from an expressed need by hy- time series of any parameter or group of parameters
drologists, modelers, the satellite community, and may be plotted. Likewise, there are Web pages that
GCIP scientists for a high quality, long-term surface allow the downloading and plotting of the interpolated
radiation budget network over the United States, which soundings, and the plotting of annual time series of
had been lacking. Planning for SURFRAD was a col- monthly means of measured or computed parameters.
With the development of meteorological science and the continual refinement of the
technologies used in its practical application, the need to produce a new edition of the
International Meteorological Vocabulary (IMV) became evident (the original edition was
published in 1966). This volume is made up of a multilingual list of over 3500 terms
arranged in English alphabetical order, accompanied by definitions in each of the
languages (English, French, Russian, and Spanish) and an index for each language. This
new edition has been augmented with numerous concepts relating to new meteorological
knowledge, techniques, and concerns. It should help to standardize the terminology used in
this field, facilitate communication between specialists speaking different languages, and
aid translators in their work.
WMO No. 182, 784 pp., softbound, color-coded index, $95 (including
postage and handling). Please send prepaid orders to: WMO
Publications Center, American Meteorological Society, 45 Beacon St.,
Boston, MA 02108-3693. (Orders from U.S. and Canada only.)
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 2339
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