Rupture of Modulus Elasticity of Modulus
Rupture of Modulus Elasticity of Modulus
Rupture of Modulus Elasticity of Modulus
to Grain
Modulus of Modulus of Compression Parallel
To Grain, Crushing Shear Strength Specific Gravity
Rupture B ElasticityC Strength, Dmax
Stress at Stress
Proportional at 0.4
Species or Region, or
Limit inches
Varia Std. Avg, Varia Std. Varia Std. Varia Std. Std. Varia
Avg. bility Dev., 1000 bility Dev., Avg., bility Dev., Avg., bility Dev., Avg, Dev., Avg., Avg., bility Std.
psi Index psi psi Index 1000 psi Index psi psi Index psi psi psi Psi E psi Index Dev.
White fir 5854 1.01 949 1161 1.02 249 2902 1.02 528 756 1.01 78 282 79 491 0.37 … 0.045
California red fir 5809 1.01 885 1170 1.01 267 2758 1.01 459 767 1.00 146 334 94 573 0.36 … 0.043
Grand fir 5839 1.03 680 1250 1.03 164 2939 1.04 363 739 1.04 97 272 76 475 0.35 … 0.043
Western hemlock 6637 1.03 1088 1307 1.02 258 3364 1.03 615 864 1.02 105 282 79 457 0.42 … 0.053
Black cottonwood 4890 1.00 951 1083 1.00 197 2200 1.00 360 612 1.00 92 165 46 305 0.31 … 0.034
Southern pine: Slash 8692 1.09 1127 1532 1.08 295 3823 1.07 547 964 1.05 128 529 148 883 0.54 1.09 0.062
Compression, Perpendicular to Grain
Compression Parallel
Modulus of Modulus of To Grain, Crushing Shear Strength Specific Gravity
Strength, max Mean
Rupture B
Elasticity C
Stress at Proportional Stress at
Species (Official Common Tree Limit 0.4 inches
Average Standard Average, Deviation, Average, Standard Average, Standard Average Standard Deforma- Standard
psi Deviation, 1000 1000 psi Deviation, psi Deviation, psi Deviation, tion, Average Deviation
psi psi psi psi psi psi psi D,E
Baldcypress 6640 1062 1184 260 3580 644 812 114 403 113 683 0.43 0.043
Cedar: Port Orford 6598 860 1297 247 3145 397 842 122 301 71 521 0.39 0.034
Fir: Subalpine 4900 664 1052 182 2301 363 696 103 192 44 348 0.31 0.032
Hemlock: Eastern 6420 1027 1073 236 3080 554 848 119 359 101 613 0.39 0.039
Pine: Lodgepole 5490 878 1076 237 2610 470 685 96 252 71 443 0.39 0.039
Pine, Southern Yellow: Virginia 7330 1173 1218 268 3420 616 888 124 390 109 662 0.46 0.046
Redwood: Old Growth 7500 1202 1177 259 4210 758 803 112 424 119 716 0.39 0.039
Spruce: Sitka 5660 906 1230 271 2670 481 757 106 279 78 486 0.38 0.038
Tamarack 7170 1147 1236 272 3480 626 863 121 389 109 661 0.49 0.049
Compression, Perpendicular to Grain
Compression Parallel
Modulus of Modulus of To Grain, Crushing Shear Strength Specific Gravity
Strength, max Mean
Rupture B
Stress at Proportional Stress at
Species (Official Common Tree Limit 0.4 inches
Average Standard Average, Deviation, Average, Standard Average, Standard Average Standard Deforma- Standard
psi Deviation, 1000 1000 psi Deviation, psi Deviation, psi Deviation, tion, Average Deviation
psi psi psi psi psi psi psi D,E
Cedar: Eastern (northern) White 3860 618 515 113 1890 340 660 92 196 55 354 0.30 0.030
Douglas Fir 7540 1206 1613 355 3610 650 922 129 460 129 773 0.45 0.04
Fir: Alphine 5158 825 1258 277 2502 450 684 96 258 72 452 0.33 0.033
Hemlock: Eastern 6780 1085 1268 279 3430 617 914 128 404 113 684 0.40 0.040
Tamarack 6820 1091 1238 272 3130 563 919 129 413 116 699 0.48 0.048
Larch, western 8680 1389 1654 364 4420 796 920 129 519 145 867 0.55 0.0
Pine: Jack 6310 1010 1167 257 2950 531 822 115 335 94 575 0.42 0.042
Spruce: Engelmann 5660 906 1251 275 2810 506 702 98 268 75 468 0.38 0.038
Aspen: Largetooth 5340 854 1082 238 2390 430 789 110 212 59 379 0.39 0.039
Cottonwood: Eastern 4740 758 869 191 1970 355 770 108 210 59 376 0.35 0.035
Poplar, balsam 5010 802 1151 253 2110 380 666 93 178 50 325 0.37 0.037
Species Volume MMFC Species Volume MMFC