8th Grade Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle: Name: - Date
8th Grade Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle: Name: - Date
8th Grade Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle: Name: - Date
Date: _______
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Across 25. The beach's Tranquility, or its peaceful 9. ______tell actors how to move and speak,
2. When the effects of the action or decision are feeling, made the vacation perfect. Tranquility usually in parentheses( ) or in italics.
revealed, leads to resolution. means? 10. The words around the unknown word are
4. The VITRIOL in his voice--all the anger and 26. One man's trash is another man's treasure is called.......
hate--made the character scary. Vitriol means? an example of______. 13. The message, moral, or lesson of a story is
5. A story about a person's life written by that 28. The main character in a work of literature, called?
person is called? usually the "hero" or "good guy"? 14. A struggle between opposing forces, the
7. When an author writes a story about another 30. the person that stands in the way of the problem in the story is called?
person's life is called? protagonist's happiness, usually the "bad guy' is? 15. Identify the meaning of the prefix in the word
11. Placing events in order in which they 31. Description or dialogue that introduces the UNDERESTIMATE
happened is called? characters, the setting, and the situation. 16. Which point of view uses "I" or "me"
12. _____is a long speech by a character in a 32. The repetition of initial sounds, such as "Peter 17. What does the "pre" mean?
play, spoken either to others or to himself. Piper Pizza" is called?
20. _________are the words spoken by characters
18. Realizing the POTENTIAL danger of the Down in a play.
situation, he called for help. Potential means? 1. Events that complicate the situation by 22. The moment of highest tension in the story,
19. Occurs when a main character clashes with an introducing the conflict, leads to the Climax. the turning point is called?
outside force. 3. An example of ____is saying you are so hungry 23. The Marlin is the social HUB of the ship-the
21. An example of a ____is "He is as scary as a you could eat a horse. heart and main point of attraction. Hub means?
bear." 6. Which point of view is all knowing and sees 27. Using your reason and experience to figure
24. What does the prefix "auto" mean? into different characters' minds? out something that is not written or stated.
8. An author describing the sun smiling on a field 29. What does the suffix "ology" mean?
of flowers is an example of ____.