RBP User Manual
RBP User Manual
RBP User Manual
SuccessFactors Foundation
Document Version: Q3 2015 – August 7
Role-Based Permissions
1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1 What are role-based permissions?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3 Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.1 How can you check the permissions assigned to a user?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.2 How can you run an ad hoc report?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.3 How do you run a user search. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
This content is intended for security administrators to enable them to manage Role-Based Permissions (RBP).
It is important to note that RBP is the only permission model that is available to new customers. New customers
cannot disable RBP to use legacy permissions. Existing customers, new companies of Professional Edition or free
trial are not affected.
The first section familiarizes you with the concept of role-based permissions.
The subsequent sections detail the individual tasks that make up the process. Finally, you will find troubleshooting
information in case problems occur with the permissions.
This implementation content covers all general aspects of setting up RBP. The implementation handbooks for
the individual modules may contain additional module-specific information.
Role-Based Permissions (RBP) manage the permissions in the SuccessFactors suite. RBP controls access to the
applications and what users can see and edit. It's a suite-wide authorization concept which applies to the majority
of modules.
The main elements in RBP are permission groups and permission roles.
Permission groups are used to define groups of employees who share specific attributes. You can use various
attributes to select the group members, for example a user's department, country, or Job Code.
There might be a permission group called "Human Resources in US" which would list all US-based employees
who work in the HR department. To define this group, you would specify that users must match the selection
criteria "Country = United States" and "Department = HR".
The attributes or selection criteria that are available for defining groups are configurable.
In RBP, you can assign permission roles to permission groups. In addition, you use groups to define the target
population a granted user has access to.
Groups configured with criteria other than specific user names are dynamic, which means that the assignment of
employees into and out of a group is automated. For example, a group of granted users can be “All employees in
the Sales department”. As employees are transferred into and out of the sales department, their permissions will
automatically adjust. This automation will save you time and money. This is especially beneficial for large
organizations that need higher levels of administrative efficiency.
A role is a set of permissions. As such, a permission role controls the access rights an employee or group of
employees has to the application or employee data. Role-based permissions allow you to grant a role to a specific
employee, a manager, a group, or to all employees in the company. The roles can provide very granular
permissions, as this example illustrates:
There might be roles like "HR Compensation and Benefits Manager", "HR Manager for Sales", and "HR Learning
and Development Manager". While all three are HR managers, their roles have been distinctly carved out — one
handling compensation and benefits, another handling the sales team, and the third handling learning and
While roles define what is allowed, the groups define who is allowed to do it (granted users) and for whom (target
users). This graphic illustrates the principle:
You can grant a role to many different user groups which in turn have different target user groups. Thus, you can
easily achieve a high degree of granularity.
You could have a "Regional HR Administrator" role and use permission groups to make sure that US Admins
are limited to managing employees in the United States, while Europe Admins are limited to managing
employees in Europe, or AsiaPac Admins are limited to managing employees in AsiaPac. You would have only a
single role called "Regional HR Administrator" and would use groups to control access. Your groups would be
"AsiaPac Admins", "US Admins", "Europe Admins", "AsiaPac Employees", "US Employees", and "Europe
For detailed information about granting roles, see How can you grant permission roles? [page 18]
RBP Features
RBP is approved for organizations with up to 300,000 employees. We will continue to raise this bar in the
future. When in doubt, contact product management.
4. A search screen opens where you can either enter a search term or click magnifying glass, which will display
all values available.
If you select the "Team View" category, you can use hierarchical relationships to specify the group, as you can
see in this screenshot:
This allows you to apply rules such as "everybody in Carla Grant's team, all levels deep".
You want to create a group of sales employees working in the US. Then you choose the category
Department and select "Sales". You add a second category "Country" and select "USA".
7. Complex group definitions may require you to use multiple people pools. If you use two or more people pools,
this functions as an OR operation, that is, all users are selected who fulfill the selection criteria of at least one
Click Add another People Pool and then add categories and items.
You have two different offices: An office in Chicago and an office in Boston. Each office has a Sales team
and a Finance team. You only want to include Sales employees from the Chicago office and Finance
employees from the Boston office. You'll need to create two separate pools then.
The number of people pools in a group is limited to three.
8. If there are employees you'd like to exclude from the Permission Group definition, select them in the Exclude
these people from the group section.
9. If you want to prevent the group being updated automatically when new employees match the selection
criteria, click Lock group.
10. Click Done to complete the process.
Static permission groups store a static list of users instead of a list based on dynamic criteria. Changing user
information does not refresh group members. You can use static groups as RBP access groups or target groups.
Click the group name or click the button Take Action View summary to view a group detail.
2. From the popup window, click radio button "Full Replace" and then download a blank CSV template to see the
file format. The template has two column headers: GROUPNAME and USERID.
3. Add the static group name in GROUPNAME column and user IDs of users that belong to the static group to
the the USERID column. Please note the character encoding of the file should be Unicode(UTF-8). The
maximum file size is 20MB. If your import file exceeds 20MB, you can either split the file into several smaller
4. Select the file with the data by clicking the Choose File… button. Click the "Full Replace" radio button. Click the
Validate File button to validate file format, file size, etc. If the validation is successful, click the Upload button
to import the static permission groups. The import process will be run as a background job. Please note that
for one group type a maximum of two jobs can be pending or running.
5. After importing complete, you will receive an email notification with success or error messages. A
successfully created group is then displayed in the group list upon refreshing.
2. From the popup window, click radio button "Delta Replace" and then download a blank CSV template to see
the file format. The template has two column headers: GROUPNAME and USERID.
3. Add the static group name in GROUPNAME column and user IDs of users that belong to the static group to
the the USERID column. Please note the character encoding of the file should be Unicode(UTF-8). The
maximum file size is 20MB. If your import file exceeds 20MB, you can either split the file into several smaller
4. Select the file with the data by clicking the Choose File… button. Click the "Delta Replace" radio button. Click
the Validate File button to validate file format, file size, etc. If the validation is successful, click the Upload
button to import the static permission groups. The import process will be run as a background job. Please
note that for one group type a maximum of two jobs can be pending or running.
5. After importing complete, you will receive an email notification with success or error messages. A
successfully created group is then displayed in the group list upon refreshing.
1. Go to Administration Tools.
2. In the Manage Employees portlet, select Set User Permissions.
3. In the Set User Permissions section, select Manage Permission Roles.
9. Select the checkboxes next to the permissions you'd like to grant to the role.
10. Click the Done button when you finish marking your selections.
11. In the Grant this role to section, click the Add button to select the employees to be granted this permission.
12. Grant the permissions and specify the target population according to what you have defined in the workbook.
For a detailed description, see the section How can you grant permission roles? [page 18]
13. For some permissions, it might be necessary to exclude the granted users from applying the permissions on
themselves. For this, select Exclude Granted User from having the permission access to him/herself.
If the role grants permission to edit the salary, you want to prevent the members of this permission group
to be able to edit their own salary as well.
14. Click the Done button to assign this role to the defined users. You are taken back to the Permission Role Detail
15. Click the Save Changes button to complete creating the role.
Next Steps
Once this role is successfully created, the new role will be listed on the Permission Role List page.
To configure a JAM private role to enable full search in mobile, configure an RBP role with “User Search”
permission, and grant to the appropriate access group and target population.
You can grant a permission role to everyone, or to a subset of employees determined by permission groups or
● Permission groups: You assign a permission role to a defined group of users. However, relationships can also
play a role here as you can define that the granted user's managers have the same permissions. You can also
define how many levels up in the hierarchy you want this permission to be granted.
If you want to grant a role to a named user, you first have to create a group and add the user to this group.
Then you can grant the role to the just created group.
● In the second case, you use relationships (for example, manager -employee relationship) derived from the job
relationship object. These relationships can be hierarchical or non-hierarchical. You can find more information
in the following chapter Using Relationships to Grant Permissions [page 19].
Depending on the permissions included in the role, you might also have to define the target population. Not all
permissions require you to define a target population. For example, if the permission includes just the access to
an application (such as the Learning Access Permission), there is no need to add a target group. For each
permission it's indicated on the screen by a "t" whether it needs a target population. Target populations can also
be groups or can be derived from relationships.
There are five relationships that can be specified through employee fields, and managed through tools like the
employee data. The five relationships are:
● Manager
● Second/Alternate Manager
● HR Manager
Hierarchical relationships are characterized by a reporting line between the granted user and the target user.
These are relationships between employees and their managers, and employees and their second managers or
alternate managers.
Non-hierarchical relationships on the other hand are single-level relationships. These include the relationship of
an employee to the HR manager, the matrix manager and custom manager.
While each employee can have only one Manager, one Second Manager and one HR Manager, they can have
multiple Matrix Managers and Custom Managers.
If employees have global assignments (that is, a job in another country), they have both a home manager and a
host manager. In addition, they have a home HR manager and a host HR manager. All managers need to have
access to both the home jobs of the employees as well as to the host jobs of the employees. This is covered by the
following additional relationship types for global assignments:
● Home Managers
● Home HR Managers
● Host Managers
● Host HR Managers
When granting permissions using hierarchical relationships, you can specify how many levels down to go in the
hierarchy for the target population. For example, you can indicate that Managers can see performance ratings on
their direct reports (1 level deep), or allow it to go deeper into their team, that is 2 levels down or all levels.
● 1 Level Deep: Matrix Managers can view ratings information for their Matrix Reports.
● 2 Levels Deep: Matrix Managers can view ratings information for their Matrix Reports and the Direct Reports
of their Matrix Reports.
● All Levels Deep: Matrix Managers can view ratings information for their Matrix Reports (1 level deep) and the
Direct Reports, all levels deep of the manager hierarchy of their Matrix Reports.
You can grant permissions for viewing or editing generic objects which are part of the Meta Data Framework
(MDF). These objects, such as "Position", "Time", or "Absence", appear under Miscellaneous Permissions when
you create permission roles.
You can edit, copy, or delete permission groups and also view a summary of a permission group and its change
1. Go to Administration Tools. In the Manage Employees portlet, select Set User Permissions.
2. In the Set User Permissions section, select Manage Permission Groups. The Manage Permission Groups page
3. Click Take Action next to the Permission Group you want to modify.
4. Choose the desired action.
Next Steps
You can edit, copy, or delete a role and also view a summary of a permission role and its change history.
When copying a role, only the permissions get copied over. You will need to manually grant employees access
to this new role.
1. Go to Administration Tools. In the Manage Employees portlet, select Set User Permissions.
2. In the Set User Permissions section, select Manage Permission Roles. The Permission Role List page opens
displaying a list of permission roles in the system.
3. Click the Take Action next to the role you'd like to work on.
4. Choose the desired action.
Next Steps
If you find that users have access to applications or data they should not have, we recommend the following
1. Run the View User Permission report to determine how - through which role - the permission was granted to
the employees. For details see How can you check the permissions assigned to a user? [page 28]
2. If that does not clarify how/why they have that permission or creates concern about where else this
permission is visible, then use the RBP Permission to User Report with the Single Permission Filter to validate
what other groups have access to this permission. For details see How can you run an ad hoc report? [page
1. Go to Administration Tools.
2. In the Manage Employees portlet, select Set User Permissions.
3. In the Set User Permissions section, select View User Permissions.
4. In the Advanced Search, enter the user name.
5. Click View Permission next to the user name.
A list of permissions is displayed along with the roles that grant those permissions.
User Role Search can search the roles granted to specific users for a specific permission and a target user. When
some users get some permissions on some target users that should not be granted, the administrator can use
this tool to find which role grants the permission so they can update the permission settings.
● This tool does not support MDF RBP permission as search criteria.
● This tool does not support inactive user or TBH user to be selected as Target User.
1. Go to Administration Tools.
2. In the Manage Employees portlet, select Set User Permissions.
3. In the Set User Permissions section, select User Role Search.
4. In the Selection session of the tool, enter Access Users. You can select at most 2 access users.
6. Click Search Roles Button. The search result will display all roles that grant this permission and target user to
the access users. If the target user field is empty, the search result will not consider target user.
7. On the Result session, you can click on the role name to see role detail. On the role detail page, the grant rules
that grant the selected access user and target user will be highlighted in the “Grant this role to …” session.
You can use User Role Search to quickly search for an compare permission roles assigned to specified users in
role-based permissions.
1. Go to Administration Tools.
2. In the Manage Employees portlet, select Set User Permissions.
3. In the Set User Permissions section, select User Role Search.
4. In the Selection session of the tool, enter the Access Users whose roles you are comparing.
5. Click Search Roles Button. The search result will display which roles, if any, grant the specified permission to
either user. In the following example, you can see that both of the selected access users have permission to
view address data.
6. If a user does not have the specified permission, it is indicated as "no result." In the following example, you
can see that the user "cgrant" has permission to view "Impact of Loss" data, due to her roles as a manager
and administrator. The user "jreed" is not assigned to any role that allows him to view this information.
7. You can also specify one target user, in order to see whether either of the two access users has the specified
permission for the specified target. In the following example, you can see that although both user "cgrant" and
user "dsharp" are managers, only user "cgrant" has permission to view "Impact of Loss" data for user
"vstokes". This is because, in this example, the manager role has a target permission group of "All Direct
Coding Samples
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As far as possible, SAP documentation is gender neutral. Depending on the context, the reader is addressed directly with "you", or a gender-neutral noun (such as "sales
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