Objective Question Bank (NDT)
Objective Question Bank (NDT)
Objective Question Bank (NDT)
(Session: 2019-20)
[A] In the below mentioned questions: the statements have only one correct option: G S
a. Mass
Q1) b. Spin M (d)
c. charge
d. energy
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a. result is fetal death
b. cause brain damage
c. chance of birth death
d. all of the above
a. neutrons
Q3) b. beta particles M (c)
c. X rays
d. Alpha particles
a energy
b power
d none of these
a. Alpha particle
b. Neutron
c. Neutrino (C)
d. Electron
a. Electromagnetic radiation
Q7) b. Corpuscular radiation M (a)
c. Just a beam
d. Radiation capable of producing ions
a. -1
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b. 0
c. 1
d. 2
a. Wavelength increase
Q9) b. Wavelength decrease M (b)
c. Velocity increase
d. Velocity decrease
a. 5.1 year
Q10) b. 5.2 year M (c)
c. 5.3 year
d. 5.8year
a. Tesla
Q11) b. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen L (b)
c. Henri Becquerel
d. none of the above
a 100 V
Q13) b 100000V L (d)
c 1000V
d 1000000V
a. swell
Q14) b. dryers L (b)
c. sink
d. none of the above
a. natural radioactivity
b. artificial radioactivity
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c. X ray
d. Gamma ray
a. Gamma rays
c. Alpha particles
d. Beta particles
a Gamma rays
Q17) M (a)
b X rays
c Alpha particle
d Beta particles
[B] In the below mentioned questions: the statements may have more than one correct option(s): G S
a. gold
Q1) b. Polonium L (b), (c)
c. Radium
d. silver
a X ray
b gamma ray
d acoustic emission
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within atoms and the emitted waves frequency depend only upon
a. thermal radiation
b. infrared
c. radio waves
a. microwave
b. myriameter
Q4) (b),(c)
c. Very low frequency H
d. radio wave
All alpha particles are of ……… and ……………….. penetrate the outer
layer of skin (a) Short
Q2) range
(a) M (b) cannot
Q3) Both …… ray and ……………. ray are charge less & mass less M (a) X-ray
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(b) Gamma
[A] In the below mentioned questions: the statements have only one correct option: G S
Q2) When wavelength of any radiation is long then its called L (b)
a. Hard radiation
b. Soft radiation
c. Medium radiation
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d. None of the above
a. Hard
b. Very soft
a. Very hard
Q4) M (b)
b. soft
c. Ultra hard
d. Very soft
a. increase
b. no change
Q5) M (c)
c. decrease
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Dental X-Ray is also known as __________
a) Orthopedics
Q7) b) Orthopentology L (d)
c) Orthology
d) Orthopantomography
a. Very hard
c. soft
d. None of above
Q12) When tube voltage is less than 150-3000- KV quality of radiation M (d)
a. Soft
b. Very soft
c. Very hard
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d. hard
In ………….for shielding x-ray from harmful effect eye goggles and metal
shield were commonly used
a 1910
Q13) M (a)
b 1915
c 1911
d 1918
a. electron
Q14) L (b)
b. crystal
c. proton
a. Fairly soft
c. Ultra soft
[B] In the below mentioned questions: the statements may have more than one correct option(s): G S
a. Absorption
c Compton effect
d Attenuation
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b. Coherent scattering
c. Rayleigh s (c)
d. Compton effect
a. Attenuation
c. Beta scattering
d. Scattered radiation
a. Cellulose triacetate
Q4) H (a), (d)
b. Thick film
c. polyester base
d. emulsion
Analytical and Numerical Problems: In the below mentioned problem statements determine the
[C] G S
correct solution:
(a) degree of
The ……….depends on the type and the…….of material used
Q1) (a) H
(b) thickness
Q2) ………… were awarded the noble prize for their work in determining H (a) Braggs
(c) Nacl
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(d) Diamond
Q4 Mathematically half value of thickness is given by………………… M
Q5 In all three absorption process, the ……..of x-ray lower and it get H &
scattered in different direction with different ……………..
Topic Set-3: X ray principle equipment Source Lecture(s):U2_L5 to U2_L7 Ref.:T1, & D1
application types of radiation
[A] In the below mentioned questions: the statements have only one correct option: G S
Q3) The accelerating potential for an X-ray is 40 kV. What should be the minimum M (b)
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wavelength of the X-ray?
a) 0.024 nm
b) 0.031 nm
c) 0.097 nm
d) 0.054 nm
d) O°
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a) True
b) False
The maximum field of view which can be obtained with a specific radiographic system is
generally limited by the:
b. Anode size.
Q13) L (c)
c. Anode angle.
d. Heel effect.
Relatively low KV values are used in some x-ray procedures for the purpose of:
a. Increasing penetration.
Q15) A view box for mammographic films should have a brightness of M (d)
a. 3.5 foot-candles.
b. 3.5 lumens.
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c. 3500 luxes.
d. 3500 nits.
In the below mentioned questions: the statements may have more than one correct option(s):
[B] G S
When the smaller focal spot size of an x-ray tube is selected, you would expect:
d. Limited MA.
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a. Increase patient exposure.
Relatively long exposure times are used in some radiographic procedures (such as
mammography). This is necessary in order to use:
b. More compression.
Q5) (a), (c),
c. Reduced MA and KV values.
Analytical and Numerical Problems: In the below mentioned problem statements determine the
[C] G S
correct solution:
Q2) Effective focal spot size is defined as the…………………of focal spot on H (a)
surface……………………to axis of beam of x-ray
n (b)
(a) perpendic
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…………….refer to the degree of difference in …….. between two areas of
a radiographic …………….
Q3) (a) H contrast
c image
X ray produced when high speed moving……………….get collide with……..of an L
atom b nucleus
[A] In the below mentioned questions: the statements have only one correct option: G S
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d. RIA
(a) True
Q2) L (a)
(b) Flase
During radiography test, which region absorbs less radiation and transmits more?
a. Low and high density regions absorb and transmit same amount of radiation
Q4) b. High density region M (c)
c. Low density region
d. None of the above
a. Circular magnetization
Q6) M (c)
b. Direct magnetization
c. Indirect magnetization
d. Longitudinal magnetization
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c. Creep test
d. All of the above
a. 1601 year
c. 1603 year
d. None of above
It has four wire type IQIs ,where each IQI is made of seven wires of
various diameter placed parallel at equal distance
a. 72 year
b. 73 year
c. 70 year
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d. 75 year
(a) S
(b) U
d Penetrameters
a. 5.2year
c. 5.1 year
[B] In the below mentioned questions: the statements may have more than one correct option(s): G S
Q1) The amount of contrast in a radiograph can be affected by: M (a), (b)
b. Processing conditions.
c. Amount of exposure.
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d. Film-screen contact.
a. Sensitivity (speed).
d. Density.
a. Sensitivity (speed).
(a), (c)
Q3) b. Hypo retention. M
c. Base + fog density.
d. Density.
The wavelength (color) sensitivity of a radiographic film must be considered when selecting:
a. Developer chemistry.
b. Developer temperature.
Q4) L (c), (d)
c. Intensifying screens.
d. Safelights.
Q5) If you changed from a 10:1 ratio grid to a 5:1 grid in a radiographic procedure you would expect: L (a), (d)
b. Improved contrast.
c. Decreased blurring.
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Analytical and Numerical Problems:In the below mentioned problem statements determine the
[C] G S
correct solution:
(c) ? diaphragm
(a )9(2)
Q2) H (b) 1991
(c) 2000
……………..evolves charge less atomic particle …………which can penetrate most Neutrogra
materials and produce a radiographic image phy
(b) neutron
Q4 Degree of enlargement mathematically calculated as M
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……….definition refers to abruptness of change in ………..
Q5 a M
b b
[T1] Lari & kumar Non Destructive Testing 2015
Objective Questions in
[D1] https://www.objectivebooks.com/p/mechanical-engineering-mcq.html
Mechanical Engineering
…………………. X………………….
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