Excel Engineering College: Komarapalayam - 637303
Excel Engineering College: Komarapalayam - 637303
Excel Engineering College: Komarapalayam - 637303
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai
Accredited by NBA, NAAC with “A+” and Recognised by UGC (2f &12B)
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Course Code: 20AI403 Course Name: Formal Language and Automata Theory
Sem/Year: IV / II Lecture Hour:1 Date:
Unit / Session Title: Unit 1 – Automata Fundamentals: Introduction to formal proof
Course Objective: Perceive Automata theory and the language hierarchy
i. Ability to learn the proof
Specific Objectives ii. To know what practical results can be gained from a suitable
mathematical theory
Outcome: Solve real world problem in computer field
Teaching Aid: Black board/PPT/Video/Demo Model/Lab/Out Bound
1) Statement / Theorem / Concept
2)Block Diagram/Circuit Diagram/Flowchart/Algorithm
Notes: 3)Construction/Explanation/Derivation /
4)Exercise Equation / Answer
16 Marks / 8 Marks / 4 Marks / 2 Marks / 1 Mark
1) 16 Mark
Possible Questions: 2) 8 Marks
3) 2 Marks
4) 1 Mark – Objective Type
Question – answer
Quiz / MCQ’s
Slip Test
Evaluation Method: Reading
Open Book Test
Each concept must be introduced through industrial application
Text book followed : Hopcroft J.E, Motwani and Ullman.D, “Introduction to Automata Theory,
Languages and Computations”, Pearson Education, 3rd Edition 2017
Reference book followed : Micheal Sipser, “Introduction of the Theory and Computation”, Thomson
Learning, 3rd Edition 2018.
Website referred :https:/ /nptel.ac.in/courses/106/103/106103070/
Course Code: 20CS401 Course Name: Formal Language and Automata Theory
Formal Proofs
• When we study automata theory, we encounter theorems that we have to prove.
• There are different forms of proofs:
– Deductive Proofs
– Inductive Proofs
– Proof by Contradiction
– Proof by a counter example (disproof)
• To create a proof may NOT be so easy.
• A deductive proof consists of a sequence of statement whose truth leads us from some
initial statement (hypothesis or given statements) to a conclusion statement.
• Each step of a deductive proof MUST follow from a given fact or previous statements (or their
combinations) by an accepted logical principle.
• The theorem that is proved when we go from a hypothesis H to a conclusion C is the
statement ’’if H then C’’. We say that C is deduced from H.
• Assume that the following theorem (initial statement) is given:
– Given Thm. (initial statement): If x ≥ 4, then 2 x ≥ x2
– We are not going to prove this theorem, we assume that it is true.
• If we want we can prove this theorem using proof by induction.
• Theorem to be proved:
If x is the sum of the squares of four positive integers, then 2 x ≥ x2
Course Content Worksheet EEC/IQAC/Academic/Form1.1.09-R00
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai
Accredited by NBA, NAAC with “A+” and Recognised by UGC (2f &12B)
Example: Proof of a Theorem
Statement Justification
2. x = a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 Given
If-And-Only-If Statements
• Some times theorems contain if-and-only-if statements.
– A if and only if B
– A iff B
– A is equivalent to B
• In this case we have to prove in both directions. In order to prove A if and only if B,
we have to prove the following two statements:
1. If-Part: if B then A
2. Only-If-Part: if A then B
Possible Questions: