ML Quiz 2

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ML quiz 2 (NN, RNN)

1. Neural networks accept only numeric values as input?


2. In neural networks nonlinear activation function such as sigmoid, relu

help in:
Help learn nonlinear decision boundary

3. Use activation function in hidden layer NN as … the output is -0.0001

what is the activation function:

4. Gradient is equal to zero means we find the minimal weight


5. Dropout is a regularization technique where we randomly set some

activation function to zero during:

6. When building simple RNN we used sigmoid and tanh as activation


7. Deep RNN we used:


8. In LSTM the gate that is responsible of deciding what is the next hidden
state is:
Output gate

9. In LSTM the gate that is responsible of deciding Which information

should kept or thrown is:
Forget gate

10. If the network has only the input layer and the output layer and used
sigmoid function as activation the neural networks is basically:
Logistic regression

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