Complex Analysis Theorem Cheatsheet (Midterm)

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Topology 4. A Möbius tranformation has at most 2 xed points.

fore, if hA has 3 xed points, then it is hI .
1. The set S is closed ⇐⇒ S is openc
5. Let T be a Möbius transformation and z1 , z2 , z3 , z4 ∈ C be
2. Let G ∈ C be an open set. The following denitions for distinct points. Then [z1 , z2 , z3, z4 ] = [T z1 , T z2 , T z3 , T z4 ].
connectivity are equivalent:
Therefore, if w1 , w2 , w3, w4 ∈ C are distinct, there exists a
(a) G cannot be decomposed into two disjoint open sets: Möbius transformation such that ∀1≤j≤4 T zj = wj
X ⊆ G is open and X \ G is open, then either X = G 6. Suppose a Möbius transformation operates on a clircle:
or X = ∅. C1 7−→ C2 . Then every pair of points symmetric to C1
(b) Let a, b ∈ G. So there exitsts a polygonal curve that is transformed to a pair of points symmetric to C2 .
starts at a and ends at b. 7. Suppose z2 , z3 , z4 are distinct and on the clircle C . Then
(c) For each locally constant f : G → C, f is necessarily [z1 ]C , z2 , z3 , z4 = [z1 , z2 , z3, z4 ].

globally constant.

(d) Every continuous f : G → R veries the intermediate 8. zj , 1 ≤ j ≤ 4 are all on the same clircle if (z1 , z2 , z3 , z4 ) ∈ R.
value property: ∃α, β.f (α) = s, f (β) = t ⇒ [s, t] ⊆
Img (f ) Functions
1. Let G ⊆ C be a domain, u1 , u2 be branches of log. Then
Dierentiation u1 − u2 ≡ const.
1. If f is dierentiable at z0 , g is dierentiable at w0 = f (z0 ), 2. Let G ⊆ C be a domain, l : G → C be a branch of log. Then
then dtd g (f (z)) z=z0 = g 0 (w0 ) f (z0 ). l is holomorphic and l0 (z) = z1 .

2. f is dierentiable, at x0 ⇐⇒ it veries the Cauchy- 3. Let f : G → C be holomorphic and suppose that u is

Riemann equations. a branch of log (f ). Then u is holomorphic and ∀z ∈
G.u0 (z) = ff (z)
Curves 4. Let f : G → C be holomorphic, z0 ∈ G, f (z0 ) 6= 0. Then
1. Chain rule for curves: suppose γ is dierentiable at t0 , f is there exists δ > 0 such that D (z0 , δ) contains a branch of
holomorphic at γ (t0 ). So (f ◦ g)0 = f 0 (γ (t0 )) γ̇ (t0 ) log (f ).

Holomorphic Functions Series

1. If a series converges absolutely to a, it is invariant to any
1. Suppose f : G → C is holomorphic and G is a domain. Then permutation of its order of summation.
f is constant ⇐⇒ ∀z ∈ G : f 0 (z) = 0
2. Weierstrass' M-Test: let {un (z)}∞ n=0 be a series of func-
2. If f : G → C is holomorphic and real, then f is constant. tions in G, and {Mn }∞ a series of positive numbers such
3. Suppose f : G → C is holomorphic such that |f | is constant that:
in G, then f is globally constant. (a) supz∈G |un | < Mn
4. Suppose that f : G → C is holomorphic and f 0 (t) 6= (b) ∞
n=0 Mn < +∞
0, ∀z ∈ G. Then f is a conformal transformation, such
that ] (f (γ1 ) , f (γ2 )) = ] (γ1 , γ2 ). Then un (z) uniformly and absolutely in the domain
5. Suppose f : C → C is an R-linear transformation. then
3. D'alembert:

∀z ∈ C f (z) = az + bz̄ , such that a = ∂f
∂z (0) ; b = ∂ z̄ (0). For , R = limn→∞ cn+1 ;
∂f P∞ n cn
n=0 cn z

6. Suppose f : G → C is R-dierentiable and conformal. Then Cauchy-Hadamard: −1

R = limn→∞ sup n
|an |
f is holomorphic.
4. Suppose f (z) = n=0 cn (z − z0 ) is a power series with
P∞ n

convergence radius R ∈ [0, ∞].

Harmonic Functions
(a) The series converges normally at D (z0 , R).
1. Let f be holomorphic in G. If f has continuous second par-
tial derivatives, then f is harmonic (meaning Im (f ) , Re (f ) (b) If |z − z0 | > R the series diverges.
are both harmonic), (c) f (z) is holomorphic in D (z0 , R) and its derivative is
. Its convergence radius
P∞ n−1
f 0 (z) = n=1 cn n (z − z0 )
2. Suppose u : G → C is harmonic, then ∂u
∂z is holomorhpic. is the same as in f (z).
3. Let u : G → R be harmonic. Then: Therefore:
(a) If G = C, there always exists a harmonic conjugate. (a) f (z) = is C ∞ on D (z0 , R), and
P∞ n
n=0 cn (z − z0 )
(b) For each G, if there exists a harmonic conjugate, it is (k) ∞ n! n−k
. Specically for
f (z) = n=k (n−k)! cn (z − z0 )
single up to ±c. f (k) (z0 )
z = z0 : k! = ck .
Möbius Transformations (b) Suppose WLOG that z0 = 0. f has a primitive func-
tion with the same radius of convergence: G (z) =
1. f (z) = 1
transforms a clircle onto a clircle. n=0 cn n+1 .
z n+1

2. For each A ∈ GL2 , hA (z) transformations clircles to clircles. 5. Tauber's theorem: Suppose n |cn | n→∞→ P 0, and f (z) =
cn z n has a limit limR3n→1 f (x) = L, so cn = L.
3. If A, B ∈ GL2 , then hA ◦ hB = hAB . Therefore:
6. Abel's theorem: Suppose cn converges. Then if
(a) ∀λ 6= 0, hλA = hA . zn → 1 and sup 1−|z
n→∞ |zn −1|
< ∞ , then limn→∞ f (zn ) = cn .
(b) hλdd¯ = hI .

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