Evolution and Biodiversity
Evolution and Biodiversity
Evolution and Biodiversity
(3rd Quarter)
Theory of evolution - offers an explanation for the existence of all living organisms on the Earth today and in the past.
Evolution - species change over time.
Over a period of about 3000 million years, many new species have been produced and many have become extinct.
Paleontologist - is a person who studies fossils.
Sedimentary rocks – most fossils are found in this rocks
Archaeopteryx - half-bird, half-reptile
1.) Evidence from Fossil Records
*Fossils are the remains or impression left by an animal or by plants preserved in the earth crust.
-They were from the hard parts of the organism like woody stem, bones, or teeth.
• Types of Fossil:
a. Imprints- are shallow external molds left by animal or plant tissues with little or no organic materials present.
b. Compression- is the other side with more organic material.
*Determining the Age of Fossils:
Relative dating is a method used to determine the age of the rocks by comparing them with the rocks in the
other layer.
Carbon-14 - Radiometric dating is a method used to determine the age of rocks using the decay of radioactive
isotopes present in rocks.
2. Analogous Structures - are structures, which are different in appearance but have the same function.
Examples are wings of birds, bats, and insects that have the same function but different in origin.
2. Convergent Evolution
▪ Is an increase in similarities among species derived from different ancestors as a result of
similar adaptation to similar environment.
The environmental problems like global warming, acid rain, air pollution, urban sprawl, waste disposal, ozone layer depletion, water
pollution, climate change and many more affect every human, animal and nation on this planet.