Annabella Casungcad Yu - Flash Cards
Annabella Casungcad Yu - Flash Cards
Annabella Casungcad Yu - Flash Cards
Module 1: Section 4
1. Choose three (3) from among the following Filipino scientists and inventors
listed below. Then create a flash card of each scientist and inventor that
you have chosen. Your flash cards should highlights the following:
a. profession of the scientist/inventor
b. his or her specialization
c. his or her significant contribution in science and technology
2. Include or cite your reference/source in each flash card. Edit your content. Do not
just simply copy and paste from the internet.
3. Save and submit your activity in pdf to maintain the original fonts, images, graphics
as well as the exact layout of your file.
4. Each flash card is 10 points:
Content - 7 pts.
Correct output - 3 pts.
5. See/open attached file as your guide.