Radforda Swot 2021

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ITEC 7410/EDL 7105 SWOT Analysis Template for Assessment of Eight ISTE Essential Conditions

Name: Andrea Radford Semester: Summer, 2021

ESSENTIAL CONDITION ONE: Effective Instructional Uses of Technology Embedded in Standards-Based,

Student-Centered Learning

ISTE Definition: Use of information and communication technology (ICT) to facilitate engaging approaches to learning.
Guiding Questions:
● How is technology being used in our school? How frequently is it being used? By whom? For what purposes?
● To what extent is student technology use targeted toward student achievement of the Georgia Learning Standards (GPSs,
● To what extent is student technology use aligned to research-based, best practices that are most likely to support student
engagement, deep understanding of content, and transfer of knowledge? Is day-to-day instruction aligned to research-based
best practices?
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
 Technology used by  Lack of professional  Survey teachers’ lesson  Students not returning
100% of teachers due learning for research- plans for best practices or returning damaged
to pandemic = CTLS, based best practices  Teachers share best laptops that were
Zoom used every day  Lack of opportunities practices during faculty issued during the
by all teachers to for individual or meetings, Prof. pandemic = less
deliver daily instruction departmental Learning sessions, dept laptops available to
 Most teachers use professional meetings, CCC students during class
technology daily for development with TTIS meetings, Lunch &  No follow up after
data collection and  Unknown daily usage Learn sessions professional learning to
analysis to align of best practices by  Survey students on check what teachers are
learning to standards. teachers in the technology usage in using in daily
 Students practice on classrooms classroom and instruction.
USA Test Prep to  Lack of higher order assignments  Teachers’ misguided
prepare for GA thinking practices using  Continue usage of attitude toward CTLS
Milestones. technology = most CTLS to deliver due to other factors =
 TTIS assigned to our usage is practice instruction and changing a mindset
building for technology assessment.  Lack of Technology
support.  Increase staff use of Funds
SharePoint to share
resources and best
ITEC 7410/EDL 7105 SWOT Analysis Template for Assessment of Eight ISTE Essential Conditions

Summary of Results/Conclusions:

At Hillgrove High School, the district provided online platform, Cobb Teaching & Learning System (CTLS) was used exclusively
during the school year of 2020-2021. All teachers and administrators used this platform to deliver instruction with the built-in Zoom
software. All teachers were trained in using CTLS Teach by completing online modules during pre-planning. Most teachers use
technology to collect and analyze data. The core area uses USA Test Prep as GA Milestone (EOC) practice before the test. There is
a TTIS assigned to Hillgrove. The TTIS is available ever day for support and the TTIS delivers professional learning sessions for
staff. The sessions are based on district mandated technology tools. With the implementation of the district CTLS platform,
professional learning and the TTIS sessions have been based on the actual “how to” use the platform. Previous years of professional
learning have been based on research-based best practices. This year, there was a gap between how to use the system and how to
apply best practices to the system. There has not been an audit or survey completed in the past year of teachers and administrators
as to the usage of technology and best practices. This creates an unknown in that gap in the level of thinking skills that students are
using with technology.

Recommendations from Analysis:

Teachers, administrators and students can be surveyed and interviewed as to the usage of best practices being included daily with
technology. This will identify the teacher leaders in the building who are excelling in applying best practices with technology.
These leaders can model, share, and teach their methods to other staff members through the professional learning. Donaldson
(2006) remarks that forming this leader relationship among colleagues creates trust and strengthens the working relationship. The
trusting positive working relationship can improve teachers’ attitude about professional learning. This year, professional learning
can address the gap between using CTLS to deliver instruction to delivering best practices with CTLS. The TTIS, administrators,
and lead teachers can conduct professional learning sessions modeling the integration of best practices with CTLS and other
technology tools. This aligns with the district technology plan for Instructional Technology which focuses on creating “digital age
classrooms” where students use higher order thinking skills as “creators, collaborators, and critical thinkers” (Technology Services,
2016). These sessions can take place in faculty meetings, large groups, subject teams, CCCs, and individually. The sessions can
occur during Lunch and Learns, planning blocks, before and after school, early release days, pre-planning, and teacher workdays.
The session will be conducted with best practices for adult learning to decrease teachers’ negative attitude toward change.
According to ISTE (2021), this change or shift in education needs to focus on student-centered instruction in order to prepare
students for real world problem solving as they go forward in their careers. Follow up surveys and interviews after professional
learning will confirm the integration of best practices with technology. Technology funds can replace and repair laptops to provide
more access during class.

Supporting Sources:
ISTE. Donaldson, G. A. (2006). Cultivating leadership in schools: connecting people, purpose, & practice. Teachers College Press.
ITEC 7410/EDL 7105 SWOT Analysis Template for Assessment of Eight ISTE Essential Conditions

ISTE. (2021). Essential Conditions | ISTE. Www.iste.org. https://www.iste.org/standards/iste-essential-conditions

Technology Services. (2016). Www.cobbk12.org. Retrieved June 15, 2021, from https://www.cobbk12.org/page/5890/technology-



ISTE Definition: Proactive leadership in developing a shared vision for educational technology among school personnel, students,
parents, and the community.
Guiding Questions:
● Is there an official vision for technology use in the district/school? Is it aligned to research-best practices? Is it aligned to
state and national visions? Are teachers, administrators, parents, students, and other community members aware of the
● To what extent do teachers, administrators, parents, students, and other community members have a vision for how
technology can be used to enhance student learning? What do they believe about technology and what types of technology
uses we should encourage in the future? Are their visions similar or different? To what extent are their beliefs about these
ideal, preferred technology uses in the future aligned to research and best practice?
● To what extent do educators view technology as critical for improving student achievement of the GPS/CCSs? To preparing
tomorrow’s workforce? For motivating digital age learners?
● What strategies have been deployed to date to create a research-based shared vision?
● What needs to be done to achieve broad-scale adoption of a research-based vision for technology use that is likely to lead to
improved student achievement?
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

 Official district 3-year  Stakeholders are not  Use CTLS  All stakeholders are not
technology plan aware of district messages/emails, included in creating the
aligned with ISTE technology plan. ParentVue, shared vision.
standards.  Teachers are unaware StudentVue, to  CCC logs unkept or not
 District plan includes of tech plan and how it disseminate tech plan up to date
TTIS provided best can supplement and information.  Time needed for
practices training. impact their  School Technology teachers to complete
 School staff has strong instructional methods. committee and TTIS Microsoft Innovative
ITEC 7410/EDL 7105 SWOT Analysis Template for Assessment of Eight ISTE Essential Conditions

belief in educating  CCC collaborative logs can share district plan Educator certification
students as future do not reflect with all staff members  Time/Committee
global citizens that can technology and create how the creation for school to
implement technology implementation. school can implement begin Microsoft
to benefit themselves  School does not have a the district tech plan. Showcase School
and others. Technology plan  School can create a application
 Administrators believe School Technology
and expect that Plan
students should be  Share tech plan with all
using technology as stakeholders several
much as possible to times a year
employ higher order  Teachers completing
thinking skills. Microsoft Innovative
Educator certification
 School attaining
Microsoft Showcase
Summary of Results/Conclusions:

According to the Essential Conditions (ISTE, 2021), the district technology plan is rated as “Approaches” and the school
technology plan is “Initiates”. The district plan is very strong and detailed whereas the school does not have a technology plan. The
school administrators and teachers do employ as much technology as possible into learning but do not refer to the ISTE standards.
The district technology plan is not shared with stakeholders, nor does it have input from all stakeholders. Since teachers are
unaware of the district plan, they do not know of the expectation and do not understand the district mandated professional learning.
They are also unaware of the goals set for them because the plan was not shared through communication. It is based on the ISTE
standards and covers a three-year time period. The school collaborative teams do not report the use of technology in the
collaborative logs so there is no data on the usage, how it is assessed, or how it links to the subject area standards.

Recommendations from Analysis:

The school can improve the responsibilities of the Technology Committee by adding the TTIS to the committee, surveying the
stakeholders on the planning of a school technology plan, and creating the document. The committee can create marketing avenues
for the ISTE standards and the district tech plan, such as posters in the staff mailroom, tweets, emails, and announcements. This
committee can recommend a Microsoft Showcase School committee to be formed. The Microsoft Showcase School committee can
begin the application process and present the information to staff at a faculty meeting. To attain the district tech plan goal of 50% of
the district teachers certified as Microsoft Innovative Educators (Technology Services, 2016), the Technology Committee can share
ITEC 7410/EDL 7105 SWOT Analysis Template for Assessment of Eight ISTE Essential Conditions

incentives to teachers, such as blue jean days, spirit wear days, free lunch, and gift cards to those who complete the certification
within a certain time period. The school/Technology committee can share the district technology plan with stakeholders through
CTLS Parent, email, PTSA, Hillgrove Foundation, Twitter, teacher blogs, counseling blogs, and the school website. This should be
done several times a year. To collect data on technology usage, the collaborative team logs can add sections of the ISTE student
standards and record information connecting those standards to the student learning. These recommendations reflect a blend of a
“top-down” pushed reform versus a “bottom-up” reform. According to Lois Brown Easton (2011), the “top-down” educational
reform does not work in education while a mixture and cooperative reform from both ends will have more positive results. The
district and school can blend the technology reform with communication and input from all stakeholders.

Supporting Sources:
ISTE. (2021). Essential Conditions | ISTE. Www.iste.org. https://www.iste.org/standards/iste-essential-conditions

Lois Brown Easton. (2011). Professional learning communities by design : putting the learning back into PLCs. Corwin ; [Oxford,


Technology Services. (2016). Www.cobbk12.org. Retrieved June 15, 2021, from https://www.cobbk12.org/page/5890/technology-


ESSENTIAL CONDITION THREE: Planning for Technology

ISTE Definition: A systematic plan aligned with a shared vision for school effectiveness and student learning through the infusion
of ICT and digital learning resources.
Guiding Questions:
● Is there an adequate plan to guide technology use in your school? (Either at the district or school level? Integrated into
● What should be done to strengthen planning?
● In what ways does your school address the needs of diverse populations in the school or district to include how race,
gender, socio-economic, and geographic diversity giving consideration to how these factors commonly affect K-12
students’ access to school and beyond-school access to high-speed Internet, modern computing devices, software,
knowledgeable technology mentors, culturally relevant digital content, and other affordances critical to technology literacy
ITEC 7410/EDL 7105 SWOT Analysis Template for Assessment of Eight ISTE Essential Conditions

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

 District has 3-year  School lacks  School creates/plans  No school Technology

Technology plan. Technology plan School Technology plan
 School SIP includes  Teachers unaware of Plan or integrates  Year of pandemic has
usage of district gender digital access technology into every created a lax
provided online divide SIP goal/action. environment of
platform to implement  Lack of mobile internet  Technology Committee collaborative work and
formative assessments access devices for involved in SIP logs.
and Touchstone students to check out planning.  TTIS time commitment
mandated assessments. overnight.  ISTE standards  No extra laptops to
 Collected data used to  School SIP addresses addressed in SIP. issue for students
improve and innovate SWD only with regards  TTIS can work with  No funds for
instruction methods. to increasing reading SIP committee to technology devices or
 School SIP includes skills include ISTE standards. internet access devices
Universal Screener  Professional learning  No plan to support
used to collect RI and for staff in culturally households without
MI data relevant digital content internet access for the
 During pandemic,  Parent and student coming year.
stakeholders were surveys throughout the
made aware of school year to collect
technology and internet data on technology and
access for students of internet needs.
low SES.  Issue laptops to
 TTIS assigned and students that are
housed in the school. affected by gender,
SES, race divide
Summary of Results/Conclusions:

The school SIP supports the district Technology plan by teachers using CTLS to conduct the Touchstone assessments and some
formative assessments. This student achievement data drives the SIP actions/goals and classroom instruction. Online platforms are
used to collect and analyze reading and math literacy and this data is also used for the SIP and classroom instruction. Without the
pandemic, stakeholders would not have realized the number of students/households without access to internet and devices. There is
lack of discussion at the school pertaining to the needs of diverse populations. During the pandemic, any student in need was
provided a district/school device. Once those devices are returned (this summer), the students in need will be without access outside
ITEC 7410/EDL 7105 SWOT Analysis Template for Assessment of Eight ISTE Essential Conditions

of school hours.

Recommendations from Analysis:

One recommendation is to expand the school SIP committee to include a teacher from each department, the Technology
Administrator, the TTIS and members of the community. According to Dufour & Fullan (2013), to be a successful collaboration,
the group representation should be from top to bottom and commit to the purpose and accountability to the stakeholders. Having
representation on this committee from the district to the community invokes a partnership for improvement and change. These
members can use their technology and ISTE standards knowledge to make recommendations for the SIP document. The SIP
document can include technology in each action/goal. There may be inference that technology will need to be used for current
actions/goals but in the future the action/goal should be detailed in the description of technology usage to meet that action/goal
(Hillgrove High School - Home, 2018). Another recommendation is to survey parents and students throughout the school year or
have an online form available to collect data/information on technology needs outside of the school building. Laptops can be
available for student check-out. The school can use the survey data to identify residential areas that need internet access and then,
work with the district to continue the school bus wi-fi delivery system to those neighborhoods. The Technology Administrator and
the TTIS can work together to analyze data from the diverse population and gender surveys to determine needs of the students. Both
can develop a series of recordings and a SharePoint folder of resources for the staff on how to include culturally relevant content,
particularly for girls in STEM. According to Getting Smart website (2017), teachers need to know their students’ culture in order to
include connections in instruction and make the learning relevant for the student. The teachers can use the survey data and district
provided data to “get to know” their students, their languages, their backgrounds, and their culture.

Supporting Sources:

Dufour, R., Fullan, M., & Solution Tree Press. (2013). Cultures built to last: Systemic PLCs at work. Solution Tree Press, Cop.

Guest Author. (2017, February 20). Building Culturally Responsive Classrooms with Digital Content. Getting Smart.


Hillgrove High School - Home. (2018). Www.hillgrovehighschool.org. https://www.hillgrovehighschool.org/

ITEC 7410/EDL 7105 SWOT Analysis Template for Assessment of Eight ISTE Essential Conditions

ESSENTIAL CONDITION FOUR: Equitable Access (Specifically Low SES and gender groups)

ISTE Definition: Robust and reliable access to current and emerging technologies and digital resources.
Guiding Questions:
● To what extent do students, teachers, administrators, and parents have access to computers and digital resources necessary
to support engaging, standards-based, student-centered learning?
● To what extent is technology arrange/distributed to maximize access for engaging, standards-based, student-centered
● What tools are needed and why?
● To what extent are strategies needed to address equity issues among Low SES and gender groups? What are examples of
strategies that would benefit your school/district? (required)
● Do students/parents/community need/have beyond school access to support the shared vision for learning?
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

 CTLS provided to all  School SIP does not  Data analysis for SIP  Lack of funds to
administrators, include goals/actions planning for gender and increase
teachers, students, and for gender or low SES low SES strategies laptop/computer
parents. equity strategies.  CCC logs can reflect inventory in the
 Office 365 provided to  School is not 1:1 implementation for building.
all teachers and device. gender and low SES  District does not
students.  School lacks equity in lesson continue with bus wi-fi
 Teachers have access technology for every planning. access in low SES
to multiple software student to use every  Professional learning housing areas.
and apps through day. for teachers concerning  Time needed for
district Software Store.  CCCs do not address the digital divide for professional learning.
 BYOD capability in the gender or low SES gender and low SES.
building for all students disadvantages in  Teachers can observe
and teachers planning. and keep data on
 5 Computer labs in  Lessons are not gender technology
building student-centered in all usage.
 Most students own a subject areas.  Parents and students
device.  BYOD and Office 265 can be surveyed as to
 District outfitted school training is not adequate their use of technology
buses with wi-fi and for teachers and and their technology
ITEC 7410/EDL 7105 SWOT Analysis Template for Assessment of Eight ISTE Essential Conditions

parked them in low students. needs.

SES residential areas  Have laptops/devices
that needed internet available for student
access for students checkout.
during the pandemic.
 School media center
provides device access
before and after school
and during lunch.

Summary of Results/Conclusions:

Students, teachers, administrators have reliable internet access and technology devices while in the school building. The district
provides laptops to staff members and the school has multiple computer labs. With teachers sharing the computer labs, there is still
not access for all classes. The school is BYOD and most of the students have a device. The school media center is open to students
before, during, and after school hours. All students and teachers are provided with Office 365 by the district and teachers have
access to a software center through the district. With BYOD and Office 365, students and teachers do not know how to access the
tools or apps. Most teachers do not integrate technology with student-centered learning because of time constraints or lack of
knowledge with technology and student-centered learning. Teachers are unaware of equity issues due to gender and there is no data
collection. Equity issues for low SES were evident during the pandemic when many students/households requested laptops and
reported lack of internet access. Every available laptop/device was issued to students and the district outfitted school buses with wi-
fi equipment to park in residential areas where the needs occurred.

Recommendations from Analysis:

A recommendation to improve the access and use of technology is for the media specialists to create videos and resources teaching
BYOD and Office 365 literacy. The resources and videos can be shared through SharePoint and posted on the school and media
center websites. The TTIS can create a resource folder in the staff SharePoint for student-centered learning with technology and the
TTIS can include strategies in professional learning. Sheninger (2019) recommends the student remains at the center of the
technology integration, so teachers need to shift their mindset in order to prepare students for the future.
Ring (2008) details many strategies for recognizing and closing the gender gap of technology usage. One is for the teacher to keep a
count of how many times they call on boys versus girls during a lesson. Another is creating a club for girls based on girls using
technology. These strategies can be implemented at Hillgrove to close the gender gap. Strategies to close the technology
accessibility gap for low SES students are to start with surveys such as the template on the CoSN (2018) website that provides data
on student and parent technology access and usage at home. A strategy to provide students with access is to purchase wi-fi portable
stations and have students/parents check them out. The school could form a Partners in Ed relationship with one of the local wi-fi
ITEC 7410/EDL 7105 SWOT Analysis Template for Assessment of Eight ISTE Essential Conditions

providers to provide free or reduced wi-fi access to households.

Supporting Sources:

COSN. (2018). Digital Equity Initiative | CoSN. Www.cosn.org. https://www.cosn.org/digitalequity

Ring, S. (2008). Tech gURLs: Closing the Technological Gender Gap. Edutopia. https://www.edutopia.org/computer-science-


Sheninger, E. C. (2019). Digital leadership: changing paradigms for changing times. Corwin ; Rexford, Ny.


ISTE Definition: Educators and support staff skilled in the use of ICT appropriate for their job responsibilities.
Guiding Questions:
● To what extent are educators and support staff skilled in the use of technology appropriate for their job responsibilities?
● What do they currently know and are able to do?
● What are knowledge and skills do they need to acquire?

(Note: No need to discuss professional learning here. Discuss knowledge and skills. This is your needs assessment for
professional learning. The essential conditions focus on “personnel,” which includes administrators, staff, technology specialists,
and teachers. However, in this limited project, you may be wise to focus primarily or even solely on teachers; although you may
choose to address the proficiency of other educators/staff IF the need is critical. You must include an assessment of teacher
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

 Teachers were trained  Teachers do not use or  Strengthen new teacher  Time for teachers to
in online modules as to do not consistently use mentoring program. continue CTLS
how to navigate, create CTLS Assess to collect  Professional learning training.
classes and digital and analyze student for teachers using  Time for new teachers
sessions in CTLS. achievement data CTLS Assess by TTIS, to work with mentor
ITEC 7410/EDL 7105 SWOT Analysis Template for Assessment of Eight ISTE Essential Conditions

 Teachers use CTLS or which is a goal of the administrators, and teachers.

other blog platforms school SIP. Most teacher leaders.
every day to share teachers are unaware of
resources, lesson plans, the assessment
and communicate to capabilities of Assess.
students/parents.  The pandemic forced a
 Teachers use multiple quick completion of the
online platforms to CTLS and a rapid
collect and analyze training program for
student data. the users.
 Media specialists are  Weak new teacher
very knowledgeable in mentoring program.
technology and
application to
 TTIS is well trained
and available in the
 One to two teachers in
every department are
technology “gurus”.

Summary of Results/Conclusions:

The teachers at Hillgrove are adequately trained in the CTLS platform for lesson delivery to students. The teachers do not
consistently use the Assess part of CTLS as expected by the district. There are technology specialists such as the TTIS and media
specialist who are available for support by both teachers and students. There are many teachers who implement technology into
every lesson and those are the “gurus” that other teachers turn to for technology help. Given the year of the pandemic, technology
usage for next year is unknown as to the expectation of CTLS, particularly the Assess part. Most teachers discontinued the
mandated use of Assess during the pandemic because of time constraint converting all lessons into digital lessons. New teachers
that were hired after pre-planning did not complete all the CTLS modules and needed extra help with the CTLS implementation.
Several did not reach out for help and tried to learn on their own.

Recommendations from Analysis:

ITEC 7410/EDL 7105 SWOT Analysis Template for Assessment of Eight ISTE Essential Conditions

According to ISTE (2021), being technology skilled means that your personnel not only know how to use basic job-related tools
and apps, but they stay up to date on the technology. This is the challenge with CTLS. It is being constantly updated and upgraded
without training for the staff. The newest upgrade to the Assess component makes using the platform much easier and faster to
create assessments but the staff had a negative attitude about the previous edition of Assess so they are reluctant to explore and
learn the new upgrade. All teachers should engage in professional learning on CTLS Assess and that engagement is an action/goal
of the school SIP (Hillgrove High School - Home, 2018). The result would be data driven instruction by the collaborative teams and
recorded in the collaborative logs. The New Teacher Mentoring program should include CTLS check-ups for new teachers. Both
accountability actions will reduce the too-loose approach which does not benefit student achievement according to Dufour & Fullan

Supporting Sources:

Dufour, R., Fullan, M., & Solution Tree Press. (2013). Cultures built to last: Systemic PLCs at work. Solution Tree Press, Cop.

Hillgrove High School - Home. (2018). Www.hillgrovehighschool.org. https://www.hillgrovehighschool.org/

ISTE. (2021). Essential Conditions | ISTE. Www.iste.org. https://www.iste.org/standards/iste-essential-conditions

ESSENTIAL CONDITION SIX: Ongoing Professional Learning

ISTE Definition: Technology-related professional learning plans and opportunities with dedicated time to practice and share ideas.
Guiding Questions:
● What professional learning opportunities are available to educators? Are they well-attended? Why or why not?
● Are the current professional learning opportunities matched to the knowledge and skills educators need to acquire? (see
Skilled Personnel)
● Do professional learning opportunities reflect the national standards for professional learning (NSDC/Learning Forward)?
● Do educators have both formal and informal opportunities to learn?
● Is technology-related professional learning integrated into all professional learning opportunities or isolated as a separate
● How must professional learning improve/change in order to achieve the shared vision?
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
ITEC 7410/EDL 7105 SWOT Analysis Template for Assessment of Eight ISTE Essential Conditions

 Pre-pandemic-all  Administrators waiting  Teacher leaders can  District does not survey
teachers were required too late in the school share best practices by teachers for
to attend district and year to plan leading professional Professional learning
local school professional learning learning sessions. topics, so teachers do
professional learning. connected to  More Lunch and Learn not hold the learning
 During pandemic, only department requests. professional learning accountable.
professional learning  Not many of the sessions with lunch  Teachers do not
was required by all sessions use adult provided by culinary implement learning
teachers were online learning strategies so classes. into their lessons.
modules to learn how teachers tune out  Some sessions were
to navigate CTLS, because it is too boring. about technology
during pre-planning.  No follow-ups, upgrades that were not
 Pre-pandemic, all surveys, or evaluation available, so teachers
departments requested of impact of profession did not engage in the
specialized learning to instruction. training.
professional learning.
 District Instructional
Technology website
provides resources and

Summary of Results/Conclusions:

Hillgrove rates an “Approaches” in Professional Development on the Essential Conditions Rubric. According to ISTE (2021),
ongoing professional learning is supported by ongoing, updated, and implementing technology to learn. Hillgrove and the district
have yearly ongoing professional learning sessions that teach teachers and support staff how to integrate up to date technology. A
major weakness is the lack of follow-up and evaluation to the training. There is no accountability of teachers implementing the
technology. Most teachers resent the training because they have no voice in the topics or they are bored of training that does not
employ adult learning strategies. Hillgrove also has departmental professional learning which teachers can suggest, and request
training based on their needs. Most department chairs survey the team members for their input and the department chair works with
the administrator to plan the sessions.

Recommendations from Analysis:

ITEC 7410/EDL 7105 SWOT Analysis Template for Assessment of Eight ISTE Essential Conditions

One recommendation is to survey teachers for their interests in all staff professional learning. They can recommend training that
reflects actions/goals in the SIP. The sessions need to be planned using adult learning strategies to keep the staff engaged.
According to Sheninger (2019), the number one request from educators is professional learning that is formed from their requests
and choices. Another recommendation is to redesign the collaborative team log to a collaborative team portfolio as recommended
by Lois Brown Easton (2011). Evaluation of the professional learning can occur by collaborative teams saving and sharing the
technology implementation through the Office 365 provided by the district. This provides a reflection on the success of the
implementation on student achievement when the assessment data is included.

Supporting Sources:

Lois Brown Easton. (2011). Professional learning communities by design : putting the learning back into PLCs. Corwin ; [Oxford,


ISTE. (2021). Essential Conditions | ISTE. Www.iste.org. https://www.iste.org/standards/iste-essential-conditions

Sheninger, E. C. (2019). Digital leadership: changing paradigms for changing times. Corwin; [Rexford, Ny.


ISTE Definition: Consistent and reliable assistance for maintaining, renewing, and using ICT and digital resources.
Guiding Questions:
● To what extent is available equipment operable and reliable for instruction?
● Is there tech assistance available for technical issues when they arise? How responsive is tech support? Are current “down
time” averages acceptable?
● Is tech support knowledgeable? What training might they need?
● In addition to break/fix issues, are support staff available to help with instructional issues when teachers try to use
technology in the classroom?
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

 All teachers are issued  Teachers, students,  Community  Funding for school
district provided parents are not stakeholders might be field technician or
laptops. surveyed before able to help with TTIS positions could
ITEC 7410/EDL 7105 SWOT Analysis Template for Assessment of Eight ISTE Essential Conditions

 All teachers have technology purchases funding of new be reduced, and their
access to software by the school or technology purchases. positions could be
available through the district. stretched to cover more
district software center.  Students and parents schools.
 Laptops are refreshed are not supported 24/7
every 4-5 years. with technology issues.
 Computer labs are
supported by the school
field technician.
 Desktops in the
computer labs are
refreshed every 4-5
 A technology school
field technician is
assigned to this
building and another
 Tech support is
available 24/7 by an
app on the teacher’s
district laptop, by
phone, and by email.
 Tech support
immediately confirms
by email the help ticket
submitted by the app.
 “Down time” is very
brief and acceptable.
 The school field
technician is very
knowledgeable with all
hardwire in the
 TTIS is housed in the
ITEC 7410/EDL 7105 SWOT Analysis Template for Assessment of Eight ISTE Essential Conditions

building to support
instruction using
 TTIS is extremely
knowledgeable of
tools, apps, and
software that are
applicable to student-
centered learning.

Summary of Results/Conclusions:

Hillgrove ranks “meets” according to the ISTE (2021) essential condition of technical support because of the 24/7 support system in
place provided by the district. There is a technician on site and a TTIS housed in the building. The TTIS does support other schools,
but the availability is consistent for our building. The technician is shared with an elementary school within one mile of our school.
Both are very knowledgeable and capable of supporting teachers and support staff with any technology issues. If they are not
available, there are resources on the district instructional technology website, media specialists who are very technology savvy, and
district support by phone. All support is provided “in-house”. According to Roblyer (2016), teachers should not be expected to fix
or repair complicated hardware or software issues and with our support system in place that is the expectation. This successful
support system is a positive relationship which is reflective of leaders who are trustworthy, positive, and caring, according to
Donaldson (2006). It includes district leaders, district technologist, TTIS, and teachers who are willing and caring to help other

Recommendations from Analysis:

Recommendations include surveying stakeholders for technology support evaluation and suggestions. Students and parents can be
supported through a help app or online form when they are unable to locate the solution online. Partnerships can be formed with
community members with technology support experience. Teachers can be included in future technology purchases as to
preferences and usefulness.

Supporting Sources:

Donaldson, G. A. (2006). Cultivating leadership in schools: connecting people, purpose, & practice. Teachers College Press.

ISTE. (2021). Essential Conditions | ISTE. Www.iste.org. https://www.iste.org/standards/iste-essential-conditions

ITEC 7410/EDL 7105 SWOT Analysis Template for Assessment of Eight ISTE Essential Conditions

Roblyer, M. D. (2016). Integrating educational technology into teaching. Pearson.


ISTE Definition: Content standards and related digital curriculum resources.

Guiding Questions:
● To what extent are educators, students, and parents aware of student technology standards? (ISTE Standards for Students)
● Are technology standards aligned to content standards to help teachers integrate technology skills into day-to-day
instruction and not teach technology as a separate subject?
● To what extent are there digital curriculum resources available to teachers so that they can integrate technology into the
GPS/CCS as appropriate?
● How is student technology literacy assessed?
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

 Strong TTIS,  Students, parents, and  ISTE standards added  Teachers are
administrative team, teachers are not aware to the school website overwhelmed with
and teacher leaders to of ISTE standards. and to teachers’ CTLS work and will not
model, share, and teach  Content standards and or blog platforms. include technology
ISTE student standards technology standards  CCCs add ISTE standards.
to staff. are not aligned. standards to lesson  All teachers do not
 Digital curriculum  Student technology plans and collaborative have daily access to
resources provided on literacy is not as high logs. technology in the
district instructional as teachers expected.  Include basic building for all their
technology website and technology literacy in students.
the school media center core subject areas.  Not all students have
website.  Work with feeder device or internet
schools to include access out of the
technology literacy in school.
the curriculum.  During the pandemic,
so many students
remained online for the
whole school year, so
ITEC 7410/EDL 7105 SWOT Analysis Template for Assessment of Eight ISTE Essential Conditions

those students and their

parents might not want
to continue with
technology usage in
every class every day.
Summary of Results/Conclusions:

Before the pandemic, Hillgrove would rank “exceeds” on the essential conditions rubric for Content Standards and Curriculum
Resources (ISTE, 2021). Teachers are very knowledgeable in their content areas and have access to multiple technology resources
to support teaching and learning. The Hillgrove staff is a true collaborative team whose members share best practices and resources.
Post pandemic with reflection reveals some weaknesses that were overlooked. Teachers, students, and parents are unaware of the
ISTE standards. Teachers do not know to use these standards with the content standards. Teachers assumed that high school
students were technology literate and during the remote learning, we learned that they are not.

Recommendations from Analysis:

For technology to become a part of the learning goal, teachers and students need support by professional learning and training.
Students can attend technology sessions during Hawk Hour. According to Roblyer (2016), it is critical to integrate technology into
higher-order thinking skill task for students to become life-long learners and productive digital citizens. Therefore, teachers need
specialized professional learning in the Student and Educator ISTE standards and how to integrate them into content standards. The
newly organized technology committee (see Essential Condition Three) can hold informal professional learning sessions teaching
the standards. The sessions can be recorded and shared through Office 365. These sessions would align with the sessions on
student-centered and problem-solving lessons. This will complete the circle of learning with the goal of preparing students to solve
real-world problems. ISTE standards should be posted in parent emails, CTLS Parent, school website, teachers’ blogs/websites, and
included in collaborative team logs. By keeping the student in the middle of the educational community, the student will transform
education by controlling their own learning (Parkay et al., 2014).

Supporting Sources:

ISTE. (2021). Essential Conditions | ISTE. Www.iste.org. https://www.iste.org/standards/iste-essential-conditions

Parkay, F. W., Anctil, E. J., & Hass, G. (2014). Curriculum leadership: readings for developing quality educational programs.

ITEC 7410/EDL 7105 SWOT Analysis Template for Assessment of Eight ISTE Essential Conditions

Roblyer, M. D. (2016). Integrating educational technology into teaching. Pearson.


COSN. (2018). Digital Equity Initiative | CoSN. Www.cosn.org. https://www.cosn.org/digitalequity

Donaldson, G. A. (2006). Cultivating leadership in schools: connecting people, purpose, & practice. Teachers College Press.

Dufour, R., Fullan, M., & Solution Tree Press. (2013). Cultures built to last: Systemic PLCs at work. Solution Tree Press, Cop.

Guest Author. (2017, February 20). Building Culturally Responsive Classrooms with Digital Content. Getting Smart.


Hillgrove High School - Home. (2018). Www.hillgrovehighschool.org. https://www.hillgrovehighschool.org/

ISTE. (2021). Essential Conditions | ISTE. Www.iste.org. https://www.iste.org/standards/iste-essential-conditions

Lois Brown Easton. (2011). Professional learning communities by design: putting the learning back into PLCs. Corwin; [Oxford, Ohio.

Parkay, F. W., Anctil, E. J., & Hass, G. (2014). Curriculum leadership: readings for developing quality educational programs. Pearson.

Ring, S. (2008). Tech gURLs: Closing the Technological Gender Gap. Edutopia. https://www.edutopia.org/computer-science-technology-


Roblyer, M. D. (2016). Integrating educational technology into teaching. Pearson.

Sheninger, E. C. (2019). Digital leadership: changing paradigms for changing times. Corwin; [Rexford, Ny.

Technology Services. (2016). Www.cobbk12.org. https://www.cobbk12.org/page/5890/technology-services

ITEC 7410/EDL 7105 SWOT Analysis Template for Assessment of Eight ISTE Essential Conditions

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