Lovely Professional University Assignment 2
Lovely Professional University Assignment 2
Lovely Professional University Assignment 2
Submitted by:
Name: S.Bhuvaneswar reddy
Reg no: 11806794
Roll no: 30
Section: KOM71
Submitted to:
Faculty: Manmeet kaur kukreja
Submission date: 17/11/2021
2. Opportunity Analysis
The Complexity-Relatedness diagram compares the risk and the strategic value of a product's
potential export opportunities. Relatedness is predictive of the probability that a country
increases its exports in a product. Complexity, is associated with higher levels of income,
economic growth potential, lower income inequality, and lower emissions.
4. Documentation:
A general idea to import Articles of leather, saddlery and harness, travel goods,
handbags, articles of gut etc. Imported goods that work in almost every country in the
world. After reading this post about the processes and procedures for tax authorization,
you will have a basic knowledge of the processes and procedures for how to import
various products from abroad. Some of the items under this category are restricted or
restricted to other countries. When importing any goods, you need to obtain accurate
information from the relevant government departments of the importing country, as the
information provided in this post provides the same opinion regarding the importation on
import of Articles of leather, saddlery and harness, travel goods, handbags, articles of gut
Different countries may have their own requirements to import Articles of leather,
saddlery and harness, travel goods, handbags, articles of gut etc. based on their foreign
trade policy although most of the procedures and procedures are the same in all
countries after global trade by General. Tax and Trade Agreement, GATT. Further trade
exemptions are expected in the future in WTO countries through the TFA Trade
No importation of goods should impair the health of human, animal, plant and other
species and the environment. Some of the items under the Skin and the leather article
fall under the Wildlife Protection Act. Therefore, the necessary approval from the import
wildlife protection department is required to import some of the items under the leather
Certificate from CITES for importing certain items under leather and leather article’s
CITES has been developed as an international treaty to protect endangered plants and
Washington conference. Therefore, if any material under the Skin or Skin article falls
under the CITES law, the required certificate from them is required to be imported.
If any items under leather and leather products fall under the Department of Animal
quarantine department, importers of such products under leather and leather products
RSP based rate for importing other materials under the skin and skin
Some of the items under leather and leather products fall under the RSP-based
estimates for import tax. For example, if any products are made of article parts or car
parts, CVD is calculated on the basis of RSP-based estimates to determine import duty.
RSP refers to the selling price. Retail Price RSP refers to the maximum price at which a
prepaid goods can be sold to the end buyer and includes all local taxes or otherwise,
goods, shipping costs, commission paid by retailers, and all advertising, delivery, and
packaging fees. , transfers and the like, as it may be, and the price is the only
importer must obtain an inspection report from an accredited laboratory that is accredited
or controlled by the importing country. The required sample of imported leather and
leather products is taken according to the rules and regulations of the importing country
and submitted to such an accredited laboratory and receives an analysis report. Usually
three sets of samples to import leather and leather products are drawn and transferred to
a laboratory notified by the local department and forestry. The inspection report maintains
a minimum of two years to ensure the fulfilment of the import obligation on non-leather
consider the importation of leather and leather products. In the event of non-compliance
with the importation of leather and leather products, the importer must recycle the
hazardous waste within 90 days from the date of arrival of the imported country in
importer who can work as a trader. The foreign trade office of each country is responsible
for issuing such an authorization as a trader. For example in India, an IEC number
(Export Code Number) is obtained from the office of the Director-General of the Foreign
Trade Office to act as an importer and exporter in India. The process of being a foreign
buyer is a one-off process, but renewal may be required in terms of that foreign trade
office. Nowadays, in most countries, the details of such a seller's registration - externally
linked to a tax haven and a fixed bank, as the import and export process is digitized.
Importers of rubber and rubber products need to contact the relevant government
agencies of their importing country to ensure that such registration is necessary or not.
Procedures to import: The seller and the supplier agree to the terms and conditions
regarding export prior to actual shipment of goods. Prices, quality specifications, payment
terms, delivery terms, shipping method and other terms and conditions are agreed upon
and discussed with the purchase and export of Rubber and rubber article are properly
As you know, under any imports, the required import documents and import authorization
procedures must be completed by either the importer or importer directly as per the
export policy of each importing country. Importing leather articles, harnesses and
harnesses, travel goods, bags, intestines etc. also, entry documents and carrier
document (Bill of Lading / Airway bill), trade invoice, packaging list, origin certificate and
other required documents. are installed and the required import procedures are
completed in order to take the delivery of imported goods under Rubber and rubber
articles. Nowadays, the required information is posted online and produces the required
documents during the inspection, testing or delivery of imported goods into the
destination culture. International partners share quality and are exempt from multiple
tests in the same products both export and import. However, according to the policy of
most developed countries the importation of goods from undeveloped countries (LDCs)
any importation of leather parts, harnesses and harnesses, travel goods, bags, intestinal
items etc. occur, details of such information can be obtained from the required
goods, handbags, articles of gut etc.: The source of origin of imported Articles of
leather, saddlery and harness, travel goods, handbags, articles of gut etc. is required in
almost every country. Therefore, a birth certificate issued by the authorized authorities of
the exporting country is required to import leather articles, harnesses and harnesses,
travel goods, bags, intestinal items etc. jobs and taxes. A separate, multilateral and
bilateral bilateral agreement also allows for the import and export of import duties where
the Certificate of Exit is the main evidence for the country of origin of imports Articles of
leather, saddlery and harness, travel goods, handbags, articles of gut etc.Specific
requirements for each importing country need to be followed by importers and exporters
of Articles of leather, saddlery and harness, travel goods, handbags, articles of gut etc.
The Harmonized System codes (Harmonized Tariff System- HTS) for ARTICLES OF
GUT are mentioned which help you in exporting and importing of ARTICLES OF
GUT. These codes help exporters and importer all over world to know product
classification code named differently in each country like Schedule B, ITC, HS, HTS, and
For example if you need to export or import ARTICLES OF LEATHER, SADDLERY and
respective country identify your product on the basis of harmonized system code. If you
are importing or exporting ARTICLES OF LEATHER, SADDLERY and HARNESS,
code mentioned in this article is accepted all over world. In other words, the export and
HANDBAGS, ARTICLES OF GUT are categorized product wise under the information
mentioned here. These harmonized system codes (HS codes) have been displayed in
this web blog in a systematic order to make you understand and identify easily.
Saddlery and Harness for Any Animal (Traces, Leads, Knee Pads, Muzzles)
Spectacle Case, Tool Bag, Similar Case of Leather, Composition Leather, Patent