Avid Pro Tools Mbox 3 Pro Manual
Avid Pro Tools Mbox 3 Pro Manual
Avid Pro Tools Mbox 3 Pro Manual
003, 96 I/O, 96i I/O, 192 Digital I/O, 192 I/O, 888|24 I/O,
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Interplay, LoFi, M-Audio, MachineControl, Maxim, Mbox,
MediaComposer, MIDI I/O, MIX, MultiShell, Nitris, OMF,
OMF Interchange, PRE, ProControl, Pro Tools M-Powered,
Pro Tools, Pro Tools|HD, Pro Tools LE, QuickPunch, Recti-Fi,
Reel Tape, Reso, Reverb One, ReVibe, RTAS, Sibelius,
Smack!, SoundReplacer, Sound Designer II, Strike, Structure,
SYNC HD, SYNC I/O, Synchronic, TL Aggro, TL AutoPan,
TL Drum Rehab, TL Everyphase, TL Fauxlder, TL In Tune,
TL MasterMeter, TL Metro, TL Space, TL Utilities, Transfuser,
Trillium Lane Labs, Vari-Fi Velvet, X-Form, and XMON are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Avid Technology, Inc.
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All other trademarks are the property of their respective
Documentation Feedback
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Contents iii
Chapter 5. Mbox Pro Hardware Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Mbox Pro Front Panel Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Mbox Pro Back Panel Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Appendix F. Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Backing Up Your Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Common Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Performance Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Before You Call Avid Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Appendix G. Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
About the Pro Tools Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Contents v
vi Mbox Pro User Guide
chapter 1
Welcome to the Mbox® Pro desktop production • Two XLR/TRS (Mic/DI) combo connectors
system from Avid®. on the front panel, and two 1/4-inch TRS
Line connectors with switchable +4/-10 in-
Mbox Pro and Pro Tools LE® provide your put level on the rear panel.
FireWire-equipped computer with six channels
• Mic preamps feature a –20 dB pad and soft-
of analog audio input, six channels of analog au-
limit switch separately on each analog in-
dio output, two channels of S/PDIF digital audio
put channel.
input and output, MIDI and Word Clock I/O,
and two front panel headphone outputs with • Mic/DI signal is adjusted by the Gain knob
independent level controls. Mbox Pro provides for each channel.
professional-quality mic preamps and 24- • Two additional channels of analog audio in-
bit/192 kHz analog-to-digital and digital-to-ana- put with high quality microphone preamps.
log converters. Each input channel 3–4 provides:
• +48v Phantom Power and inserts.
• Analog input jacks include two XLR Mic
Mbox Pro Features connectors on the rear panel, and two 1/4-
inch TRS Line connectors with switchable
The Mbox Pro provides the following: +4/-10 input level also on the rear panel.
• Mic preamps feature a –20 dB pad and soft-
Audio Inputs and Outputs limit switch separately on each analog in-
Mbox Pro lets your Pro Tools LE sessions utilize put channel.
up to eight discrete channels of input and up to • Mic signal is adjusted by the Gain knob for
eight discrete channels of output, using the fol- each channel.
lowing analog and digital I/O: • Two channels of analog audio input via RCA
or 1/8-inch connectors (Aux 5/6). Each input
Analog Inputs
channel provides:
• Two channels of analog audio input with high
• Analog input jacks provide an unbalanced
quality microphone preamps (inputs 1–2).
line input on either RCA connectors or a
Each input channel 1–2 provides:
1/8-inch mini stereo connector (common
• +48v Phantom Power and inserts. for connecting most MP3 players).
Analog Outputs
• Six balanced 1/4-inch TRS analog outputs,
supporting line level outputs, multiple stereo
Pro Tools LE Capabilities
monitors, or up to 5.1 surround monitoring. Pro Tools LE™ on Mac or Windows provides the
• Insert jacks (1–4) for inserting external pro- following capabilities with Mbox Pro:
cessing devices on input channels. • Playback of up to 48 mono or stereo digital
• 24-bit A/D and D/A converters, supporting audio tracks, or a combination of playing
sample rates of 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, back and recording up to 48 mono or stereo
96 kHz, 176.4 kHz, and 192 kHz. digital audio tracks, depending on your
computer’s capabilities.
Digital I/O • Up to 128 audio tracks (with up to 48 active
• Two channels of S/PDIF digital input and out- tracks), 128 Auxiliary Input tracks, 64 Mas-
put. S/PDIF inputs are available independent ter Fader tracks, 256 MIDI tracks, and 32 In-
of, and in addition to, analog inputs 1–6 strument tracks per session.
when clocking to S/PDIF. S/PDIF outputs are • 16-bit or 24-bit audio resolution, at sample
always available in Pro Tools. rates up to 96 kHz.
• Non-destructive, random-access editing
MIDI and mix automation.
• One MIDI In and one MIDI Out port, provid- • Audio processing with up to 10 inserts per
ing 16 MIDI input channels and 16 MIDI out- track (RTAS plug-ins or hardware inserts).
put channels. • Up to 10 sends per track.
• Up to 32 internal mix busses.
Other Capabilities and Specifications
Pro Tools LE uses your computer’s CPU to
• Front panel “Multi” button, assignable to a
mix and process audio tracks (host process-
variety of common Pro Tools functions.
ing). Computers with faster clock speeds
• Low latency direct record monitoring. yield higher track counts and more plug-in
• On-board tuner. processing.
File > Save Choose Save from the Product Registration Register your purchase
File menu online.
Control+N Hold down the Control key
Support and Downloads Contact Avid Customer
and press the N key
Success (technical support); download software
Control-click Hold down the Control key updates and the latest online manuals; browse
and click the mouse button the Compatibility documents for system re-
Right-click Click with the right quirements; search the online Knowledge Base
mouse button or join the worldwide Pro Tools community on
the User Conference.
The names of Commands, Options, and Settings
that appear on-screen are in a different font. Training and Education Study on your own using
courses available online or find out how you can
The following symbols are used to highlight learn in a classroom setting at a certified
important information: Pro Tools training center.
User Tips are helpful hints for getting the Products and Developers Learn about Avid
most from your system. products; download demo software or learn
about our Development Partners and their
plug-ins, applications, and hardware.
Important Notices include information that
could affect your data or the performance of News and Events Get the latest news from Avid
your system. or sign up for a Pro Tools demo.
Installation of the Mbox Pro on a Mac includes 1 Make sure you are logged in as an Administra-
the following steps: tor for the account where you want to install
Pro Tools.
1 “Installing Pro Tools LE and Connecting Your
Interface” on page 5. When the installation is complete, you will
2 “Launching Pro Tools LE” on page 7.
need to restart your computer.
9 Follow the remaining on-screen instructions. Virtual Instruments Installs 20 free effects plug-
10 When installation is complete, click Restart.
ins from Avid’s AIR group.
11 After the computer has restarted, connect Virtual Instrument Content Installs sample con-
one end of the provided FireWire cable to the tent for AIR virtual instruments.
FireWire port on Mbox Pro. Connect the other
Virtual Instrument Content is very large
end of the cable to any available FireWire port
and may take up to 20 minutes to install.
on your computer. Connect the power cable and
During this time, the progress bar may not
turn on the Mbox Pro using the power switch
appear to move but your software is still in-
on the back. Then follow the remaining on-
stalling. Do not terminate your installation.
screen instructions to complete installation.
Installers are located on your Pro Tools LE In- Before installing the demo session to your
staller disc in the Additional Files\3rd Party audio drive, make sure the drive is config-
Content folder. ured as described in “Formatting an Audio
Drive” on page 82.
The Avid CoreAudio Driver is a multi-client, 1 Insert the Pro Tools LE Installer disc into your
multichannel sound driver that lets Core Au- DVD drive.
dio–compatible applications record and play 2 On the Pro Tools LE Installer disc, locate and
back through Pro Tools hardware. open the Additional Files/Pro Tools Demo Ses-
sions Installer folder.
The Avid CoreAudio Driver is installed by de-
fault when you install Pro Tools. 3 Double-click Install demo session.pkg.
2 Go to Applications/Digidesign/Pro Tools/
Pro Tools Utilities and double-click
Uninstall Pro Tools.
5 Click Uninstall.
Installing the Mbox Pro on a Windows com- 1 Start Windows, logging in with Administrator
puter includes the following steps: privileges. For details on Administrator privi-
leges, refer to your Windows documentation.
1 “Installing Pro Tools LE and Connecting Your
Interface” on page 11. When the installation is complete, you will
2 “Launching Pro Tools LE” on page 14
need to restart your computer.
3 Configuring your system for improved perfor- 2 Insert the Pro Tools LE Installer disc in your
mance (see Chapter 4, “Configuring Your DVD drive and do on of the following:
Pro Tools System”). • If Windows AutoRun is enabled, a
mini-browser appears. Select Install
4 Making audio and MIDI connections to the
Pro Tools LE to begin your installation.
Mbox Pro (see Chapter 6, “Making Studio Con-
nections” for details). – or –
• If Windows AutoRun is disabled, locate and
The Pro Tools Installer disc includes addi- double-click Setup.exe. on the Installer
tional software for your system. For more in- disc.
formation, see “Additional Software on the
Pro Tools Installer Disc” on page 14.
Setup.exe icon
The demo session for Pro Tool LE is named To uninstall Pro Tools from your computer:
“Filtered Dream.”
1 Start Windows, logging in with Administrator
Before installing the demo session to your privileges. For details on Administrator privi-
audio drive, make sure the drive is config- leges, refer to your Windows documentation.
ured as described in “Formatting an Audio 2 Go to C:\Program Files\Digidesign\
Drive” on page 82. Pro Tools\Pro Tools Utilities and double-click
Uninstall Pro Tools.exe.
To install the demo session:
3 Click Next.
1 Insert the Pro Tools LE Installer disc into your
DVD drive. 4 Click Uninstall to proceed with the uninstalla-
2 On the Pro Tools LE Installer disc, locate and
open the Additional Files\Pro Tools Demo Ses-
sions Installer folder.
After you have connected your system and in- 6 With the volume of all output devices low-
stalled Pro Tools software, you are ready to start ered, turn on your Pro Tools audio interfaces.
up and configure your Pro Tools system. Wait at least fifteen seconds for the audio inter-
face to initialize and the status LEDs to stop-
3 Turn on any external hard drives. Wait ap- vices in your system.
proximately ten seconds for them to spin up to 3 Turn off the interface.
4 Turn off your computer.
4 Turn on any control surfaces (such as Com-
mand|8). 5 Turn off any MIDI interfaces, MIDI devices, or
synchronization peripherals.
5 Turn on any MIDI interfaces, MIDI devices, or
synchronization peripherals. 6 Turn off any control surfaces.
The Host Processors setting lets you manage 1 Choose Setup > Playback Engine.
multi-processor support for RTAS (Real-Time 2 From the Host Processors pop-up menu, select
AudioSuite) plug-in processing. the number of available processors you want to
allocate. The number of processors varies de-
Used in combination with the CPU Usage Limit
pending on your computer:
setting, the Host Processors setting lets you con-
trol the way RTAS and other host-based process- • Select 1 Processor to limit processing to
ing tasks are carried out by the system. one CPU in the system.
• Choose 2 Processors to enable load balanc-
For example: ing across two available processors.
• For sessions with large numbers of RTAS plug- • On systems running four or more proces-
ins, you can allocate 2 or more processors to sors, choose the number of processors for
RTAS processing and set a high CPU Usage processing.
3 Click OK.
• For sessions with few RTAS plug-ins, you can
allocate fewer Host Processors to RTAS and set a System Usage Window and Processing
low CPU Usage Limit settings to leave more host
processing resources available for automation The System Usage window (Window > System Us-
accuracy, screen response, and video. age) displays the combined amount of process-
ing occurring on all enabled processors with a
• Depending on the importance of video and
single indicator, regardless of how many proces-
overall screen response, and on the density of
sors are available in the system. If the System Us-
automation being employed, try different
age Window shows that you are at the limit of
combinations of Host Processors and CPU Us-
available resources, increase the number of pro-
age Limit settings to achieve the best results.
cessors and adjust the CPU Usage Limit setting.
For example, to improve screen response in a
medium-sized session using a moderate num-
ber of RTAS plug-ins, try reducing the number
of RTAS plug-ins, but keep the CPU Usage Limit
set to the maximum (up to 99% on a single
processor system).
The maximum available CPU Usage Limit de- 1 Choose Setup > Playback Engine.
pends on the number of processors in your com- 2 Select Host Engine: Ignore Errors During Play-
puter and on the number of processors you spec- back/Record.
ify for RTAS processing. This value can range
from 85% for single-processor computers, and 3 On Mac, you can also select Minimize Additional
99% for multiprocessor computers (which dedi- I/O Latency.
cate one entire processor to Pro Tools). 4 Click OK.
3 Click OK.
Large Improves performance when using Elastic The optimum Plug-In Streaming Buffer Size for
Audio features, but it also decreases the amount most sessions is 250 ms (Level 2).
of memory available for other system tasks, such
• Plug-In Streaming Buffer Size settings lower
as RTAS processing.
than 250 msec (Level 2) reduce the amount of
Using a larger Cache Size leaves less system system memory used for sample playback and
memory for other tasks. The default setting frees up memory for other system tasks. How-
of Normal is recommended unless you are ever, audio quality of sample playback may
encountering -9500 (“Cache too small”) decrease.
errors. • Plug-In Streaming Buffer Size settings higher
than 250 msec (Level 2) improve the audio
To change the Cache Size: quality of sample playback, but they also de-
1 Choose Setup > Playback Engine. crease the amount of memory available for
other system tasks, such as RTAS processing.
2 From the Cache Size pop-up menu, select a
disk cache size. Using a larger Plug-In Streaming Buffer Size
leaves less system memory for other tasks.
3 Click OK.
The default setting of 250 ms (Level 2) is
recommended unless you are experiencing
problems with the audio quality of sample
3 Click OK.
3 Click OK.
Configuring the Pro Tools 2 Select the sample rate from the Sample Rate
Hardware Settings pop-up menu.
3 Click OK.
In the Hardware Setup dialog, Pro Tools lets you
set the default sample rate and clock source for
your system, as well as a range of controls spe-
cific to each type of audio interface.
2 Do the following:
• Set the computer sleep setting to Never.
• Set the display sleep setting to Never.
• Deselect “Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when
7 Under Device Properties, check the box Enable 5 Click Change advanced power settings to
6 Click OK.
1 Choose Start > Computer. 2 Click the Advanced system settings link in the
left pane (Vista, Windows 7) or the Advanced
2 Click System Properties.
tab (Windows XP).
3 In the left-hand pane under Control Panel
3 Under the Performance section, click the Set-
Home, click on Device Manager. tings button.
4 In the Device Manager window, double-click
4 In the Performance Options window, click the
Network adapters. Advanced tab.
5 Right-click on the network adapter and select
5 Under the Processor Scheduling section, select
Disable. the Background Services option.
6 Repeat as necessary for additional network
6 Click OK to close the Performance Options
adapters window.
7 Close the Device Manager window.
7 Click OK to close the System Properties win-
To disable a network card (Windows XP):
8 Restart the computer for the changes to take
1 Right-click My Computer and choose Manage.
2 Under System Tools, select Device Manager.
The Mbox Pro front panel provides the follow- Gain/–20 dB Pad Switches
These knobs adjust the input gain levels of
Mic/DI 1 and 2, or Mic 3 and 4. Turn the knob
Input Combo Jacks (Mic/DI) clockwise to increase gain, and counter-clock-
These combination jacks (Mic/DI) provide XLR wise to decrease gain.
and 1/4-inch (TS) inputs for Input channels 1
and 2 (01, 02).
Headphone Outputs
Use the A and B, front panel Headphone Out-
puts to connect stereo headphones with a 1/4-
inch stereo connector.
The Mbox Pro back panel provides the follow- Aux inputs 5–6
The RCA jacks and the 1/8-inch mini are all part
of Aux Input 5/6.
Power Switch
Use the RCA jacks is for line-level devices like
Mic Inputs
These two jacks provide XLR inputs for Input
channels 3 and 4. The Mic signal is adjusted by
the Gain knob for each channel.
Breakout cable
Foot Switch Connector
The footswitch connector on Mbox Pro lets you
FireWire Ports
use a footswitch to control either playback These standard FireWire 1394 connectors are
start/stop or recording punch in/out. Both used to connect your computer to Mbox Pro.
QuickPunch audio punch-in and punch-out The Mbox Pro cannot be powered solely
and MIDI punch-in and punch-out recording through its 1394 connection to your computer.
are supported. The Mbox Pro requires the power supply to
The footswitch connector is designed specifi-
cally for instantaneous (momentary) on/off
pedals with a 1/4-inch TS connector. Continu- +4/–10 Switches
ous on/continuous off pedals can also be used,
These switches let you select +4 or –10 input lev-
but may result in unexpected behavior.
els channel settings 1–2 and 3–4. When “out”
the level is set to +4 and when “in” it is set to
This chapter provides step-by-step instructions By default, headphone A monitors the Pro Tools
for connecting mics, instruments, mixers, main mix outputs (usually output channels
headphones, speakers, and other devices to 1–2).
Mbox Pro.
You can configure headphone output through
the Driver Control Panel. See “Using the
Driver Control Panel” on page 51.
Connecting Outputs
To hear audio recorded into a Pro Tools session, Do not use the front panel headphone out-
you will need to connect headphones or an ex- puts for anything but headphones. If you
ternal sound system (such as powered monitors use a headphone distribution amp or cue
or a home stereo) to Mbox Pro. Sound from system, use any of the six available Line
Mbox Pro cannot be played through your com- Out channels on the back panel. See “Addi-
puter’s speakers or your computer’s sound out- tional Analog Outputs” on page 40.
Connecting a Sound System
Connecting Headphones The default monitor outputs on the back of the
On the front panel of the Mbox Pro are two 1/4- Mbox Pro, (Line outputs 1 and 2) support 1/4-
inch headphone connectors, each with an asso- inch plugs. These connections can be balanced,
ciated level control, labelled A and B. Connect TRS (Tip, Ring, Sleeve) style connectors, or un-
up to two sets of headphones for mixing and balanced connectors. To listen to your Pro Tools
tracking. session, these outputs can be connected to any
amplification system: powered speakers, a home
stereo system, or an audio mixer.
Headphone level (A, B)
When connecting to a stereo system, connect
the left channel (often the white plug) to
Line Out 1, and the right channel (often the red
plug) to Line Out 2.
Headphone jacks (A, B)
Headphone jacks and controls on front of Mbox Pro
Or, you can toggle the Front/rear input source The Mbox Pro can only supply power through a
switch to source Input channels 1–2 from the microphone cable with an XLR connector. If
back panel Line inputs instead. you are not sure about the phantom power re-
quirements for your microphone, refer to your
Mic Inputs microphone’s documentation or contact the
The Mic Inputs (03–04) section on the back
panel provide two dedicated XLR connectors for
Input channels 3 and 4.
–20 dB Pad
Front/Rear switches Input 2 Pad
Front/Rear switches for Mic/DI combo jacks
Mic Input 3
XLR connector plugged into Mic Input 3 (XLR jack)
–20 dB Pad
Input 3 Pad
Mic/Line switches
Mic/Line switches for Mic/DI combo jacks
Connecting guitar to the Mic/DI 1 connector level. For example, the optimal level for most
keyboards is between 80% and 100% of maxi-
2 On the front of the Mbox Pro, make sure the mum volume.
Front/Rear switch for Mic/DI 1 is in the “out”
Multi-pin port for breakout cable input 1 Make sure your have connected the external
digital device to the correct Mbox Pro S/PDIF
Word Clock, MIDI, and S/PDIF input on Mbox Pro
connector (In and Out).
4 Choose Hardware > Setup. Only USB MIDI interfaces are compatible
with Pro Tools systems for Mac OS X. Mo-
5 Click the Clock Source pop-up menu and dem-to-serial port adapters and serial MIDI
choose “S/PDIF.” devices are not supported.
MIDI Connections With both Word clock input and output, your
Mbox Pro-equipped Pro Tools LE system can act
Two MIDI ports become available when you as Word clock “slave” or “master.”
connect the provided breakout cable into the
Word Clock, MIDI, and S/PDIF input on the
back panel of the Mbox Pro. See “Word Clock,
MIDI, S/PDIF Connector” on page 37.
Using Word Clock with To configure Pro Tools LE with Mbox Pro as a Word
clock slave:
Pro Tools LE
1 Make sure all Word clock and audio connec-
Pro Tools LE with Mbox Pro can act as Word tions are correct as described earlier in this sec-
clock master, or as a slave to Word clock sup- tion.
plied by an external device.
2 Make sure the external Word clock source is
Pro Tools LE as Word Clock Master powered on, and configured to output 1x Word
clock. (Be sure to verify any required termina-
Mbox Pro Word clock output is always active, tion; refer to the manufacturer’s documentation
letting Pro Tools supply Word clock to any con- if you need more information on the particular
nected devices that support standard Word requirements for your device.)
3 Launch Pro Tools.
To use Pro Tools LE as Word clock master: 4 Choose Hardware > Setup.
1 Make sure all connections are correct between 5 Click the Clock Source pop-up menu and
Mbox Pro and your external devices. choose Word Clock.
5 Click OK.
The Mbox Pro Driver Control Panel lets you To open the Driver Control Panel:
configure settings for your audio interface for
On Mac, launch System Preferences (Apple
use with Pro Tools or other audio applications
menu > System Preferences), then double-click
that support the CoreAudio Drivers (Mac) or
Avid Mbox Pro. (You can also open the Driver
ASIO Audio Drivers (Windows) standard.
Control Panel from the Applications menu.)
Several features of Mbox Pro can be accessed di- – or –
rectly from the Mbox Pro front panel, such as in-
On Windows, choose Start > Control Panel >
put gain, phantom power, and output levels.
Mbox Pro.
But there are many additional parameters that
cannot be accessed from the front panel. These Presets Layout Additional Functions
additional features are available to you using the
included Driver Control Panel application.
Save as...
The Save as button opens a file browser that lets
you save the current settings of the Driver Con-
trol Panel to a Settings file.
The Layout drop-down menu lets you choose
what information you would like the Driver
Control Panel to show, and how you would like
that information to be displayed. There are four
Mbox Pro Driver Control Panel launched in a Pro Tools layouts to select from:
Presets The Horizontal layout is the default layout. It
shows all knobs, faders, meters and buttons in a
The Preset view lets you load and save Mbox Pro
layout similar to that of a mixing console. The
Settings files, which contain all settings of the
Horizontal layout is used for all the screen cap-
Mbox Pro Driver Control Panel. This is useful if
tures in this chapter.
you'd like to save various configurations so that
you do not have to manually reconfigure your
system each time you work on a different type of Horizontal (Meters Only)
The Meters Only layout emphasizes pre-fader
For example, you could save the following pre- hardware input and software return metering,
sets: but does not provide access to the stereo mixers.
• A preset for live tracking, in stereo (low-la-
tency/direct monitoring, and/or for dis-
crete headphone mixes).
• A preset for mixing in stereo (alternate
speakers, etc.).
• A preset for working in multi-channel/sur-
Mbox Pro Driver Control Panel
(Horizontal (Meters Only) shown)
The Vertical layout provides access to all con- Mbox Pro Driver Control Panel
trols and meters in a vertical window. The Verti- (Vertical (Meters Only) shown)
cal layout was designed for compact operation,
which is convenient if you want to run it along
with Pro Tools (uses far less screen real estate,
but provides full functionality).
To find your system’s optimum buffer size set- Hold Clipping Indicators until Clicked
ting, begin with a high setting and gradually re-
duce the size until you begin to hear clicks, The top section of the meters (or right section
pops, or other audible glitches in your audio. for horizontal meters) of the Driver Control
Then, raise the buffer size setting until these Panel feature a red clipping indicator. When this
glitches disappear. You may need to stop play- option is selected, the clipping indicators will re-
ing audio any time you change this setting and main lit until they are clicked.
certain applications will require you to re-
launch the program before the new buffer size Load Latency and Clock Settings from Settings
settings become active.
When this option is selected, the clock source
This menu only appears on Windows sys-
and buffer settings are recalled when loading a
tems. Most Mac OS X applications allow to
setting file.
change the buffer size from within the au-
dio application itself. Please see your audio
application’s user guide to learn how to
change this setting.
Master Vol.
A stereo mix lets you set up a custom stereo mix, • For Stereo Mix sources, a traditional mixer
setting the desired level for each hardware input view is displayed. See “Stereo Mixes” on
and software return that is fed to the hardware page 63.
output pair. See the Stereo Mix section below for • For direct route sources, a view with meters
details. is displayed, and the input source and out-
put destination are highlighted.
Direct Routes • You can drag and drop the tabs to reorder
them if you want.
A direct route means that the chosen signal is
passed directly to the hardware output pair. For Notes on output pairs that are designated as
example, if the source for output pair 1–2 were control room outputs:
“Hardware Inputs 1–2,” then the signal coming
• If an output pair is a designated control
into hardware inputs 1–2 of the Mbox Pro
room output (see Setup Drawer section
would be fed directly to hardware outputs 1–2.
above), a speaker icon will appear in the
Similarly, if the source were “Software Returns
upper right corner of the tab. Click the
1–2,” the signal fed from an audio host software
speaker icon, or double click the tab, to
returns 1–2 would be fed directly to hardware
make the associated output pair the active
outputs 1–2.
control room speaker pair.
• Control room output pairs must have ste-
reo mixes as their source. This is enforced
automatically by the software.
• In most cases, you will want to use the
same stereo mixer (for example, Stereo
Mix 1) for all designated control room out-
put pairs. This is not enforced by the soft-
ware, because there are cases in which
varying sources for control room output
pairs would be desirable.
Signal Meter
Mute Master
Channel Fader
Channel Label
Width knob
Swap button
Channel Fader
Duration This knob controls decay time (for the Width Knob Adjusts the width of the stereo im-
reverbs) or delay time (for delay and echo). age, where fully counter-clockwise is mono, and
fully clockwise is full stereo (double-click the
Feedback This knob controls the number of re- knob to return it to center).
peats for the delay and echo effects. It does not
affect the reverbs. Mute Buttons Mutes the left and/or right side of
the stereo mix.
Volume This knob controls the effects output
level being sent to the FX Returns
You can use the Multi button to do these and Launch Control Panel Launches Driver Control
other common tasks with a single button in- Panel.
stead of using on-screen menu commands. By
pressing the Multi button two different ways
(Press and Release, Press and Hold) you can per-
form two functions with one button.
Save Session Each time the Multi button is Add Selected Track Adds whatever tracks that
pressed and released, it saves the session. you have selected in a session. Say you have se-
lected two Audio tracks in a session. It will add
Tap Tempo The Multi button can be tapped to another two Audio tracks.
adjust the session tempo. Tapping tempo will
cause Pro Tools to come out of Conductor mode Cursor to Next Marker Each time the button is
and match its tempo to the tapped tempo. If held and released, the transport will locate to
Pro Tools is already in Manual Tempo mode, the the next marker location.
session will automatically adjust its tempo to
match the value created by the Tap Tempo func- Cursor to Previous Marker Each time the button
tion. is held and released, the transport will locate to
the previous marker location.
5 Click OK.
click Done.
Patch Select button Patch Select button MIDI patch name files (.midnam) can be
(Edit window) (Mix window) edited in any text editor, or you can use
Patch Select button third-party patch librarian and editor soft-
ware to create your own custom patch
Input Port
click Done.
Change button
Patch Select dialog
6 Click Open.
Always back up any important data on your Mac Mac systems should use drives formatted
drive before formatting it, as it will erase all with HFS+ or HFS file system only.
data on the drive.
HFS drives are supported as Transfer drives
Recording to your system drive is not recom- Windows systems can also support Mac
mended. Recording and playback on a system drives formatted with HFS+ system (also
drive may result in lower track counts or fewer commonly referred to as Mac OS Extended).
plug-ins. Refer to the Pro Tools Reference Guide for
more information (Help > Pro Tools Refer-
ence Guide).
For complete information on track count and 5 Type a name for the new volume.
the supported number and configuration of
6 If you plan to connect the drive to a Mac OS 9
SCSI drives, visit our website (www.avid.com).
computer, select Install Mac OS 9 Drivers.
7 Click Erase.
Formatting an Audio Drive The drive appears on the Desktop with the new
volume name.
Formatting Mac Audio Drives
For optimum performance, audio drives should Formatting Windows Audio Drives
be formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled).
For optimal performance, audio drives should
be formatted as NTFS.
To format an audio drive:
1 Launch the Disk Utility application, located in Pro Tools only supports Basic drive types.
Macintosh HD/Applications/Utilities. Do not convert the drive to a Dynamic type.
• In the Format window, name the volume. Mac OS allows drives larger than 4096 MB
• Choose a file system. For optimum perfor- to be seen as whole volumes. Drives must be
mance, audio drives should be formatted as initialized with a disk utility that recog-
NTFS. nizes the 2 terabyte limit. Single Pro Tools
• Select Perform a quick format. audio files cannot exceed 3.4 GB in size.
• Make sure Enable file and folder compression
is not selected. Windows XP allows drives formatted with
• Set the Allocation unit size to Default. the NTFS file system to be seen as whole
• Click OK. volumes. Single Pro Tools audio files can-
not exceed 3.4 GB in size.
4 If the volume is “Unallocated,” do the follow-
• In the Disk Management window, Right-
click the hard drive you will use for audio
and choose New Partition.
Stereo audio tracks recorded with 16-bit resolution at 44.1 kHz (CD quality) require approximately
10 MB of hard disk space per minute. The same tracks recorded with 24-bit resolution require about
15 MB per minute.
Table 6 lists the required disk space for certain track numbers and track lengths, to help you estimate
your hard disk usage.
Table 6. Required hard drive space for audio tracks (44.1 kHz and 48 kHz sessions shown)
Appendix F: Troubleshooting 87
If you tried to launch Pro Tools by double-
clicking a Pro Tools session file, do the follow- Performance Factors
There are several conditions that may adversely
• Close any error message. affect the performance of Pro Tools. These in-
• Double-click the Pro Tools application. clude:
• In Pro Tools, choose File > Open Session to
Network Connections Close any network con-
open the session.
nections unless you are using them for network
Reinstall the Pro Tools application, using the
interchange of audio data.
Pro Tools Installer disc.
Background Applications Any software utilities
that run in the background or generate disk ac-
Audio Interface Is Not Recognized tivity, such as virus protection, disk optimiza-
tion, or file savers, should be turned off or re-
Problem moved.
When you launch Pro Tools it does not recog-
Screen Savers Screen saver software should be
nize an audio interface, or a connected audio in-
completely disabled on your computer before
terface is not available.
running Pro Tools.
Appendix F: Troubleshooting 89
90 Mbox Pro User Guide
appendix g
Whether you are new to Pro Tools or just start- Printed Intro to Pro Tools Guide
ing out with your new system, we encourage
you to read and utilize the many guides that The printed Intro to Pro Tools has tutorials on us-
Pro Tools provides. There are also useful online ing Pro Tools (such as recording in a Pro Tools
resources available, giving you everything from session, importing audio from a CD, and creat-
Pro Tools tips to Pro Tools answers. ing an audio CD from a Pro Tools session).
Appendix G: Resources 91
Documentation Installed
Automatically with Pro Tools
When you install Pro Tools, you get useful PDF
versions of many Pro Tools guides and
Read Mes. This documentation can be found in
the following locations:
Mac Applications/Digidesign/Documentation
Read Me Files
Compliance Information
Proposition 65 Warning
Environmental Compliance
This product contains chemicals, including lead,
Disposal of Waste Equipment by Users known to the State of California to cause cancer and
birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash hands
in the European Union after handling.
Perchlorate Notice
This product may contain a lithium coin battery. The State of
California requires the following disclosure statement:
“Perchlorate Material – special handling may apply, See
This symbol on the product or its packaging indicates that this Recycling Notice
product must not be disposed of with other waste. Instead, it
is your responsibility to dispose of your waste equipment by
handing it over to a designated collection point for the recycling
of waste electrical and electronic equipment. The separate
collection and recycling of your waste equipment at the time of
disposal will help conserve natural resources and ensure that
it is recycled in a manner that protects human health and the
environment. For more information about where you can drop
off your waste equipment for recycling, please contact your
local city recycling office or the dealer from whom you
purchased the product.
Communication Statement
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply
Safety Compliance
with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part
15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide Safety Statement
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, This equipment has been tested to comply with USA and
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed Canadian safety certification in accordance with the
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause specifications of UL Standards: UL60065 7th /IEC 60065 7th
harmful interference to radio communications. However, and Canadian CAN/CSA C22.2 60065:03. Avid Inc., has been
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a authorized to apply the appropriate UL & CUL mark on its
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful compliant equipment.
interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try and correct the interference by one or Warning
more of the following measures:
• Reorient or locate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician
for help.
Any modifications to the unit, unless expressly approved by
Avid, could void the user's authority to operate the
4) Follow all instructions. 14) Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing
is required when the equipment has been damaged in any way,
5) Do not use this equipment near water. such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been
spilled or objects have fallen into the equipment, the
6) Clean only with dry cloth. equipment has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not
operate normally, or has been dropped.
7) Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance
with the manufacturer’s instructions. 15) For products that are a Mains powered device:
The equipment shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing
8) Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat and no objects filled with liquids (such as vases) shall be
registers, stoves, or other equipment (including amplifiers) placed on the equipment.
that produce heat.
Warning! To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not
9) Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or expose this equipment to rain or moisture.
grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades with one
wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and 16) For products containing a lithium battery:
a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are CAUTION! Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly
provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type.
your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the
obsolete outlet. 17) For products with a power switch:
The main power switch is located on the back panel of the
10) Protect power cords from being walked on or pinched Mbox Pro. It should remain accessible after installation.
particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point
where they exit from the equipment. 18) The equipment shall be used at a maximum ambient
temperature of 40° C.
11) Only use attachments/accessories specified by the
Audio MIDI Setup (AMS) (Macintosh) 73 hard drives
authorizing Pro Tools LE drive formats 81
Mac 7 FireWire requirements 82
Windows 14 formatting 82, 83
formatting (Mac) 82
IDE/ATA requirements 82
maintenance 81, 84
Cache Size 22 optimizing 84
Clean Uninstall (Mac) 9 partitioning 83
Clock Source 24 requirements 3
Internal setting 24 SCSI requirements 82
S/PDIF (digital) setting 24 space requirements 86
compatibility 3 Hardware Buffer Size 18
CPU Usage Limit 19, 20
D I/O Setup
DAE Playback Buffer Size 21 Windows 24
DMA option (Windows), enabling 27 IDE/ATA requirements 82
drive formatting Ignore Errors During Playback/Record option 20
Mac 82 installing Pro Tools LE
Windows 83 Mac 5
drive maintenance 81 Windows 11
drive requirements 3 installing QuickTime (Windows) 13
Energy Saver (Mac), turning off 25 journaling (Mac), enabling 27
FireWire requirements 82 latency
Hardware Buffer Size 18
Index 97
Mbox Pro removing Pro Tools
features 1 Windows 9, 15
MIDI RTAS Processors setting 19
requirements 3
setup (Macintosh) 73 S
setup (Windows) 77
Safe Uninstall (Mac) 9
MIDI Studio Setup (MSS) (Windows) 77
Sample Rate 23
Minimize Additional I/O Latency option 21
screen savers 88
SCSI requirements 82
N Software Update (Mac), turning off 25
network cards (Windows), disabling 30 Spotlight indexing (Mac), disabling 27
network connections 88 Startup items (Windows), disabling 31
O optional optimizations (Windows) 29
optimizing hard drives 84 recommended optimizations (Windows) 29
required optimizations (Windows) 27
P shutting down 17
starting up 17
partitioning hard drives 83
system optimization
Patch Select dialog
Mac 25
Macintosh 76
Windows 30
Windows 80
system requirements 3
phantom power
system settings
when to use 34, 42
Cache Size 22
Playback Engine
Clock Source 24
RTAS Processors setting 19
CPU Usage Limit 20
Plug-In Streaming Buffer 23 Hardware Buffer Size 18
Plug-In Streaming Buffer Size 22 I/O Setup 24
plug-ins Plug-In Streaming Buffer 23
multiprocessors 19 Plug-In Streaming Buffer Size 22
RTAS Processors setting 19 Sample Rate 23
Pro Tools
demo session (Windows) 8, 15 T
removing (Windows) 9, 15
technical support 4
Pro Tools LE
capabilities 2
configuration (Windows) 18 U
installing (Mac) 5 uninstalling Pro Tools
installing (Windows) 11 Mac 9
Processor Scheduling performance (Windows) 30 Windows 15
User Account Control (UAC)
disabling 29
installing (Windows) 13