Control Techniques Start Up Info
Control Techniques Start Up Info
Control Techniques Start Up Info
This manual is a basic guide for the start-up of a UNIDRIVE SP variator with letter SM-
Applications/SM-Applications LITE with the specific program for elevation or of a UNIDRIVE ES with
the corresponding program.
This manual is indicated for the following minimum configuration requirements of a variator.
From the software version 1.0.12 10614, it is established a numbering change, since a specific
application is carried out for Control Techniques Iberia and the correspondence with this manual is
established from the Software version 1.0.0 10624 (Standard Version CT Iberia)
For the understanding of this manual, it is interesting to know that in the description of some
parameters, two different numbers are specified: the corresponding to the menu 0 (#0.PP [X]) and
the corresponding to the menu where it is actually the parameter #MM.PP.
All parameters of the zero menu have their correspondence with some parameter of a superior
menu (example: the parameter #0.46 is the value of the motor current, it is equivalent to the
parameter #5.07).
There are parameters in the zero menu that can change their meaning depending on the page
selected in the parameter #0.12=X.
In this manual, these parameters have the page to which they belong indicated between square
brackets [X]; to select such page, it is used the parameter #0.12=X.
Example: The parameter #0.14[0] is the equivalent to the nominal speed of the lift (parameter
#18.30) if the page selected in the parameter #0.12 is the page 0 (#0.12 = 0) or it can be equivalent
to the suspension relation of the lift (1:1, 2:1, etc.) if the selected page is the page 1 (#0.12 = 1) or
the value of the current filter can be modified (parameter #4.12) if the selected page is page 2
(#0.12 = 2), etc.
It is also specified in the description of the parameter if the parameter is only for reading
(RO) or reading/writing (RW)
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This configuration of the terminals is simple the initial configuration. If desired, it can be changed
carrying out modifications in the parameterisation. Some connection examples of application in
functioning are mentioned below:
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Minimum connection example of the variator with speed control by binary combination, brake
control and anticipated pre-opening of doors.
Example of variator connection wiring + card of expansion of entries/exits with speed control by
direct selection (with priorities), brake control, contactor control, anticipated pre-opening of the
doors, function of monitorization of the auxiliary contact of the motor brake, function of
monitorization of combined contacts brake + contactors and exit of information of favourable
External function Terminal Parameter Internal function
0V 3 0V – common
+10 V 4 Tension reference +10 V
Inversion bit 5 #07.01 Non inv. Analog entry +
6 Inv. Analog Entry -
Parameter 7 #07.02 Analog entry 2
8 #07.03 Analog entry 3
Motor 9 Analog exit 1
10 Analog exit 2
0V 11 0V – common
0V 21 0V – common
24V/Exit 22 #08.08 Source + 24 V (200mA)
Door pre- 0V 23 0V – common
Thersh. Speed 1 24 #08.01 F1 Digital Ent/Exit
Favourbale Favourbale direction 25 #08.02 F2 Digital Ent/Exit
Levelling Bit 2 speed selection 26 #08.03 F3 Digital Ent/Exit
RUN Ascend RUN Ascend 27 #08.04 F4 Digital Entry
RUN Descend 28 #08.05 F5 Digital Entry
Nominal Bit 0 Speed selection 29 #08.06 F6 Digital Entry
0V 30 0V – common
Habilitation Habilitation 31 #08.09 Habilitation
Equipment Equipment OK 41 #08.07 Relay exit 1
OK 42 Relay exit 1
(*) In case #19.26=1 is configured, it should be modified the direction of the terminal 27 the
following way: #8.24=19.44 (after configuring this parameter, the saving operation of the
parameters should be carried out in the equipment)
(**) By defect, this bit is controlled by the terminal 27 (#8.24=18.38). if it is wanted that this bit is
controlled by the terminal 5, it is necessary to configure the parameter #7.10=18.38 (after
configuring this parameter, the saving operation of the parameters should be carried out in the
When the three sets of speed gains are activated, the parameters related to the current lace are
now dependent on the motor speed, see figure 2.
● Sequence Control
To change the operation way of the variator to the desired way (Open.Lp, Cl.Vect o Servo) the
following steps should be followed:
- To accede the parameter #0.00.
- To introduce the value 1253 (M+1253+M)
- To accede the parameter #0.48.
- To change the value of this parameter to the desired way (Open.Lp, Cl.Vect o Servo).
- To press the red/reset button (the variator will be resetted and the operation way will be changed).
Once the operation way has been changed, the parameters regarding the motor data and the
Encoder type should be adjusted (section 2). In a Servo (GEARLESS synchronous), the basic
change should be carried out is the value of the nominal current (parameter #0.46) in amperes and
the number of poles (parameter #0.42). Once the Encoder data have been parameterised, to check
the parameterisation as well and the connection wiring are correct, it is necessary to turn the motor
by hand and to observe the speed in the parameter of just reading #0.10 (#3.02) in rpm. If there is
an Encoder with AUTOCONFIGURATION (SC.Endat/SC.Hyperface), if the parameter #3.41 is
established to ON, the parameters should be saved and the equipment should be turned off (for
later on, to turn it on again), because this parameter takes effect only during the POWER-UP of the
variator. Turning the motor clockwise (viewed from the front side), it is observed a positive value in
this parameter and turning it anticlockwise, it is observed a negative value.
Once the previous steps have been completed, the auto-tuning/phasing processes of the motor
have to take place. For that, the parameter #0.40 is adjusted to the appropriate value (1: with fast
movement; 2: Auto-tuning with slow movement; 5: Auto-tuning with small movements) and the
variator should be fitted in a normal way through the operation. The variator indicated with the
message AUTO TUNE that it is carrying out the process and if it ends without any failure, the
parameter #0.40 goes automatically to zero and the results of the phasing remain in the
corresponding parameters. It is recommended to save the parameters in the variator after finishing
this process (in any parameter #X.00, introduce the code 1000 and press the red button).
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It is recommended to carry out the mode 2 (#0.40=2) where the motor should be without any
charge. The variator measures the Encoder phasing and it saves it in the parameter #3.25.
Once the AUTO-TUNE process has been carried out, the parameters regarding the speeds and the
accelerations should be adjusted. It is recommended to begin with the parameters #0.13[0] and
#0.14[0], which determine the ratio between the motor turn speed in rpm and the speed of the lift
movement in mm/s. it is also recommended to adjust initially the nominal speed parameter to a
value lower than the one desired to carry out the first travels.
It is also necessary to adjust if the speed selection is a binary combination of entries or just by
priority (parameter #18.42). The parameter #18.10 shows which speed (number of the parameter)
is selected in each moment.
Likewise, the parameters regarding the acceleration, deceleration (gear change and stop) and jerk
(acceleration, gear change and stop) should be adjusted. Once these parameters are adjusted, it is
possible to consult the resulting deceleration (parameter #19.08) and the stop distance (parameter
You should take into account that all parameters regarding the speed, acceleration, deceleration
and jerk are expressed in linear units (mm, mm/s2, mm/s3). As a general rule, it can be said that to
increase the acceleration value and/or jerk makes a more abrupt behaviour of the lift but the
distances of deceleration/stop are reduced and vice versa.
Once the lift can begin to move, the parameters regarding the gains of the current, speed and
position laces should be adjusted.
To adjust the current laces, we can begin to carry out an autotuning in the mode 4, which carries
out a measure of the gains of the current lace (parameters #4.13 and #4.14). For that, the
parameter #0.40=4 should be adjusted and follow the same process as in section 5.3 (fit the
variator through the operation).
The values obtained from #4.13 and #4.14 in this process should be reduced many times (up to
more than the half) to reduce the acoustic noises in the motor. Once the current lace has been
adjusted, the parameters of the gains of the speed lace can be adjusted.
It can begin with just a set of gains (#3.10 and #3.11) with the parameter #18.48=0, to adjust the
behaviour when moving. Once this is done, with the parameter #18.48=1, it is possible to go to 2
sets of gains (#18.25, #18.26, #18.27, #18.28) to overcome the fall movement at the moment of
brake opening, adjusting the parameters #18.27 and #18.28. A good initial adjustment can be the
fact that the gains #18.27 and #18.28 are the double of the gains #18.25 and #18.26
(#18.27=2x#18.25 and #18.28 =2x#18.26).
Once the variator has given the brake order, the time is counted until the open brake signal is
received. If this time is higher than the parameter value #20.29 (in ms), the variator generates the
failure Trip 73.
If, during the lift functioning, it is detected a signal of closed brake, the failure Trip 73 will also be
When the variator removes the order to close the contactors, they fall. The time is counted from the
removal of the signal in the variator until the signal of closed contactors disappears. If this time is
higher than the value of the parameter #20.30 (in ms), the variator generates the failure 76.
If, during this resting time of the lift, it is detected the signal of closed contactors, the failure Trip 76
will be also generated for safety.
The thermistor should be connected between the terminals 8 and 11 of the variator. To activate the
control, the parameter #7.15 should be placed in th.disp.
With this mode, when during a sequence a overheat of the motor is detected, the sequence
continues until it is detected that the contactors have falled. At that moment, Trip Th appears in the
To activate the auto-reset of the failure due to temperature, the parameter #7.32 should be placed
in a value higher than 1.0. the level where the variator is resetted can be adjusted through this
parameter, being the suitable value for a thermistor type PTC of 4.7, which is equivalent to reset the
variator when its ohmic value is below 1.800 ohms. For the variator to auto-reset, it is necessary
not to have any signal of Run, nor of speed selection nor of contactors.
If the parameter #7.32 is placed in 0.0, the auto reset is deactivated.
To activate the control of the sequence, the parameter #19.38 should be placed to ON. When
this control is activated, it is controlled that once the order of RUN Ascend or RUN Descend has
been given, the speed selection signal appears in less than 1 s or vice versa.
If it is not like that, the variator generates the failure Trip 77.
It is also controlled that once the speed signal has been disappeared (in the stop), the order of RUN
Ascend or Descend disappears before 3 seconds.
If it is not like that, the variator generates the failure Trip 78.
There is the possibility of charging automatically the existing parameters in a SMARTCARD, duly
programmed for automatic charge, when living tension to the equipment if a bridge between the
terminals 4 and 7 of the variator is done.
To verify if the parameters have been charged appropriately, the following aspects should be
a) The parameter #0.48 should correspond to CL.VECT for aysnchronous machine with Encoder
or SERVO for GEARLESS machine.
b) The parameter #20.12 should value 1813
c) It can be consulted if the value of the motor current is correct in the parameter #0.46
d) It should be consulted the parameter #3.38 to verify that the selected Encoder
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When there is a failure in the variator, it stops to apply tension to the motor, it deactivates the exit of
the brake control (closed brake) and it is blocked, showing a descriptive code of the failure.
The possible failure codes are described in the following sections (between brackets, you can see
the failure code that can be read through series communication). The variator is blocked until the
tension is removed or you press the red button (RESET).
Trip 70 (70). Failure of speed mistake. If the variator detects that the difference between the
instructions of speed and the speed measured exceeds the value programmed in the parameter
#0.29, it blocks indicating this failure. The cause of this failure can be a bad connection of the signal
of Encoder or of motor power (for example: the situation in which it is the other way with respect to
the Encoder signal). It can also be due to a bad adjustment of the gains of the speed lace of the
variator. To deactivate this failure, the parameter #0.29 can be put to 0.
Trip 71 (71). Failure of position mistake. If the variator detects that the difference between the
distance that it should have covered and the distance measured exceeds the value programmed in
the parameter #19.18, it blocks indicating the failure. The cause of this failure can be a bad
connection of the Encoder signal or of motor power (for example: the situation in which it is the
other way with respect to the Encoder signal). It can also be due to a bad adjustment of the gains of
the speed lace of the variator. To deactivate this failure, the parameter #19.18 can be put to 0.
Trip 73 (73). Failure in the brake opening. Once the variator has given the order of opening the
brake, the time is counted until the signal of opened brake is received. If this time is higher than the
value of the parameter #20.29 (in ms), the variator will generate the failure Trip 73.
Trip 74 (74). Failure in the brake fall. When the variator removes the order of opening the brake, it
falls. The time is counted from the removal of the signal in the variator until the signal of closed
brake is received. If this time is higher than the value of the parameter #20.29 (in ms), the variator
will generate the failure 74. If during the resting time of the lift, it is detected the signal of opened
brake, the failure Trip 74 will be also generated for safety.
The trip 73 and 74 can be deactivated placing the parameter #20.29=0
Trip 75 (75). Failure in the contactor closing. Once the variator has given the order of closing the
contactors, the time is counted until the signal of closed contactor is received. If this time is higher
than the value of the parameter #20.30 (in ms), the variator generates the failure Trip 75.
Trip 76 (76). Failure in contactor fall. When the variator removes the order of closing the
contactos, they fall. The time is counted from the removal of the signal in the variator until the signal
of closed contactors disappears. If this time is higher than the value of the parameter #20.30 (in
ms), the variator generates the failure 76. If during the resting time of the lift, it is detected the
signal of closed contactors, the failure Trip 76 will be also generated for safety.
The trip 75 and 76 can be deactivated placing the parameter #20.30=0
Trip 77 (77). Failure in sequence beginning. When this control us activated, it is controlled that
once the order of RUN Ascend or RUN Descend is given, the speed selection signal appears in less
than 1 s or vice versa.
If it is not like that, the variator generates the failure Trip 77.
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Trip 78 (78). Failure in sequence end. When the sequence control is activated, it is also controlled
that once the speed signal has been disappeared (in the stop), the order RUN Ascend or Descend
disappears before 3 seconds. If it is not like that, the variator generates the failure Trip 78.
Trip 79 (79). Failure in the fall of brake contactor and the contactors. When the gear order is
removed from the variator, the brake contactor should fall and also the power contactors. The time
is counted from the removal of the signal in the variator until the signal of all contactors closed is
received. If this time is higher thatn the value of the parameter #20.31 (in ms), the variator
generates the failure 79.
The trip 79 can be deactivated placing the parameter #20.31=0
It.AC (20). Failure of overcharge of the motor. Check that the charge is not excessive/is not
pinned, that the motor brake can be really opened, that the Encoder works correctly (it counts with
the correct direction), that the nominal speed of the motor has been parameterised in a correct way
(only in case of AC asynchronous motors in closed lace), that the coupling between the motor and
Encoder is correct and that the value of the phasing is parameterised in a correct form
(synchronous motors).
OI.AC (3). Instantaneous Current (peak) of detected exit (value higher than 225% of the nominal
current of the equipment). Check that the supply phases of the motor (exit of the variator) are not
shorted, that the insulation of the supply cables of the motor is correct, that the wiring of Encoder is
correct, that the coupling status between the motor and Encoder is correct, that the signals of
Encoder are free of noise and the length of the cable between the motor and variator is not
excessive. Reduce the gains of the speed lace (parameters #3.10, #3.11 and #3.12 or #18.25,
#18.26, #18.27 and #18.28) and the gains of the current lace (parameters #4.13 and #4.14). (4). Excessive instantaneous exit current (peak) of the braking transistor (regeneration).
Check the wiring of the braking resistance, check also that the ohmic value of the braking resistance
is not lower than the minimum value allowed by the variator and the insulation of the braking
resistance is in a good condition.
O.SPd (7). Failure of overspeed. The motor has exceeded the speed configured in the parameter
#3.08 (only closed lace) or a 20% of the value established in the parameters #1.06/#1.07 (opened
lace). In case of closed lace (motors with feedback), check the value of the parameter #3.08 or
reduce the proportional gain of the speed lace to reduce the Overshoot.
OU (2). Failure of high voltage in the bus of continous. The value of the continuous bus tension has
exceeded the maximum continuous value during 30 seconds. Check the wiring of the braking
resistance, that the ohmic value of the braking resistance is not too high (it is reduced, take into
account the minimum value allowed by the variator), that the entry tension (supply of the variator) is
not too elevated and that the insulations of the motor and the braking resistance are in good
Ph (32). Loss of some of the three supply phases (entry) of the variator. Check that the three
supply phases have a tension value within the tolerances.
th (24). The motor thermistor has exceeded the 3300 ohms (overheat in the motor). This
failure can be auto-resetable if the application for it is configured. Review the temperature of the
motor. If it is hot, that means an overcharge of the motor and the cause can be that the brae does
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not open correctly or that some mechanical part generates a higher resistance to the motor
movement. If the motor is not hot, check the wiring.
UU (1). Failure of low voltage. The value of the continuous bus tension is below the minimum value
allowed by the variator. This failure takes place when supply tension of the variator is removed. If it
takes place during the normal functioning, check the value of the entry tension (supply) of the
O.Ld1 (26). Overcharge in the digital exits of the operation. The total current of all digital exits
exceeds 200mA. Check that any digital exit is shorted or has an excessive connected charge.
SLX.df (204, 209, 214). Change in the type of module installed in the Slot X. the variator has
detected that the type of module installed in the Slot X has changed since the last time the
equipment turned off. To re-establish the equipment, carry out the process to save the parameters
(in any parameter #X.00, introduce 1000 and press the button RESET).
SLX.Er (202, 207, 212). Mistake detected in the module installed in the Slot X. The code of the
mistake appears in the parameter #15.50 (Slot 1), #16.50 (Slot 2) or #17.50 (Slot 3). (203, 208, 213). Module installed in the Slot X not detected. When turning on the variator,
it has not detected the module installed in the Slot X. check that the module is correctly installed
(with the actioning turned off) or that it has a good functioning conditions. To re-establish the
equipment (if you want to eliminate definitely this module), carry out the process of parameter
saving (in any parameter #X.00, introduce 1000 and press the button RESET).
EnC1 (189). Failure in the Encoder supply. Check the connection wire of the Encoder or its
consume, which cannot exceed 200 mA at +15 V or 300 mA at +8V/+5V.
EnC2 (190). Breakage in the Encoder cable. Check the continuity of the cable, the used wiring and
the selected supply tension of the Encoder. In case everything previously mentioned is correct, the
Encoder should be changed. To disable this failure, place the parameter #3.40 to 0.
EnC3 (191). Failure of phasing (offset) signals UVW during the functioning. Check the noise of the
Encoder signal, check the screening of the Encoder cable, check the coupling between the Encoder
and the motor and repeat the test of phasing measure (offset).
EnC4 (192). Failure in Encoder communication. Check that the supply tension of the Encoder has
been parameterised in a correct way, that the communication speed is also parameterised correctly
and that the wiring is correct. In case everything previously mentioned is correct, the Encoder
should be changed.
EnC7 (195). Failure of Encoder at the initialization. Reset the equipment, check that the Encoder
type has been correctly configured (parameter #3.38), check the Encoder wiring, check that the
supply tension of the Encoder has been correctly configured (parameter #3.36), carry out the auto-
configuration process (place the parameter #3.41 into On, disconnect and connect the equipment
supply again). If the failure does not disappear after carrying out all these tests, replace the
TunE1 (11). The position of the Encoder has not been changed or has not obtained the
expected speed. Check the Encoder cable that the supply tension of the Encoder that has been
parameterised is correct and that the motor brake does open.
TunE2 (12). Incorrect turn direction. This mistake takes place when the turn direction of the motor
is the opposite turn the variator expects to measure. Check the wiring of the Encoder cable and the
connection of the supply phases (power) of the motor.
TunE7 (17). Incorrect number of motor poles. This mistake takes place when the moving
of the motor is different from the moving expected by the variator. Check that the number
of motor poles and the number of poles per turn of the Encoder have been correctly
C.Acc (185). The variator cannot read/write in the card. Check that the card is correctly
introduced or try it with another card.
C.Chg (179). The data block where it is desired to write is full. Delete this data block or
write the data in another block.
C.Err (182). The data in the card are corrupt. Check that the card is correctly introduced or
delete the data and try it again or try it with another card.
C.Full (184). The card is full. Delete a data block or use another card with available place.
HFXX (220-229 according to failure). If the variator detects a failure in the electronic circuitry,
it blocks showing a message type HFXX, where XX is the failure code. If a failure of this type takes
place, contact with the supplier of the variator because it need a technical intervention.
- Deletion of a parameter block of the SMARTCARD card (block number). In any parameter
#X.00: M + 7XXX + M + Red button.
- Save an entire parameter block from the variator to the SMARTCARD card (XXX: block
number). In any parameter #X.00: M + 3XXX + M + Red button. With this process, the parameters of
the menu 20 are not saved, but the offset phase value is saved (parameter #3.25).
- Save a parameter block different from the ones of the factory from the variator to the
SMARTCARD card (XXX: block number). In any parameter #X.00: M + 4XXX + M + Red button.
With this process, the parameters of the menu #20.YY are saved, but the phase angle value is not
saved (parameter #3.25).
- Recover a parameter block (entire or just values different from the ones of the factory) from the
SMARTCARD card to the variator (XXX: block number). In any parameter #X.00: M + 6XXX + M +
Red Button.
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- To delete all parameters of a SMARTCARD card, it should be placed in any parameter #X.00: M +
9999 + M + Red button.
RECOVER data from the SMARTCARD card planned for AUTOMATIC CHARGE
1) Recover the parameters of block 1. That means #X.00: M + 6001 + M + Red button
2) Recover the parameters of block 2. That means #X.00: M + 6002 + M + Red button
MOTOR Configuration
Installation Configuration
Position Control
#19.20 10 Kp
#19.12 60 Ki
Speed Control
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#18.27 900 Kp
#18.28 600 Ki
#18.25 800 Kp
#18.26 200 Ki
#20.27 1200 Kp
#20.28 600 Ki
Current Control
#20.25 80 Kp
#20.26 800 Ki
#4.13 80 Kp
#4.14 800 Ki
#21.22 80 Kp
#21.23 800 Ki
Filter (W123/W143)
Start-up #4.23 1.0 ms
Gear #4.12 1.0 ms
Stop #21.16 1.0 ms
Encoder Configuration
Incremental (W123/W143)
#3.38 = Ab Incremental type
#3.34 = 4096 Lines per revolution
#3.36 = 5V Supply
#3.39 = 1 Activated resistances of finishing
#3.40 = 1 Breakage mistake of activated cable
Absolute SC.SSI
#3.38 = SC.SSI Tipo SinCos SSI
#3.34 = 2048 ppr
#3.35 = 13 bits
#3.36 = 5V supply tension
#3.37 = 300 Communication speed
#3.39 = 1
#3.40 = 1
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Acensor: Lift
Ángulo de ranura: groove angle
Características de la instalación: Installation features
Carga ominal: Nominal load
Carga: load
Certificado de homologación: homologation certificate
Con conector: with connector
Filas: files
Freno: brake
Intensidad arranque: Start-up intensity
Intensidad nominal: nominal intensity
Longitud del cable: cable length
Máquina: Machine
Nivel de ruido: noise level
Nº de cables: No. of cables
Polea y cables de tracción: pulley and traction pulley
Potencia de freno: brake power
Suspensión: suspension
Tensión de freno: brake tension
Tipo de cable: cable type
Tipo: tyoe
Variador de velocidad: Speed variator
Velocidad: speed
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0) Verify the set of programs charged in factory (#20.35) parameters charged in the variator.
1) Connect the cabinet according to diagram.
7) Make Auto-tuning
a. Close safety series
b. Place parameter #0.40 = 1
c. Press Inspection Ascend continuously during 10 s until the parameter 0.40 is 0 or until
the motor moves.
8) If any failure has appeared in the variator, check in Inspection Ascend and Descend.
It is understood that once the lift Works in inspection, the change screens have been
relocated at a distance enough to allow the soft transition from the fast speed to the
levelling speed.
Although the following points are advisable, they are not necessary.
9) Place the fast speed (param. #0.16) in 400 mm/s and make travels between floors to see
everything works correctly.
10) Increase the value of the phase speed little by little (up to the nominal speed) to check that it
always enters in slow speed before arriving to the floor and it does not exceed the floor.
11) Modif. the acceleration and deceleration ramps and ramp changes according to what is desired
(Value higher = More brusque).
a. #0.03 = Acceleration ramp
b. #0.04 = Deceleration ramp
c. #0.23 = Ramp change when start-up
d. #0.24 = Ramp change from Nominal to Levelling
e. #0.25 = Ramp change from Levelling to Stop