SPMRG 2020 Physics Questionpaper

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SPM 2021

(CODE 4531)


[4531/2] Physics

✓ Kaitkan apa yang dipelajari dengan kehidupan seharian

✓ Fahamkan konsep sesuatu topik

✓ Cari contoh perkara yang dipelajari di sekeliling kita

✓ Gunakan perseimbangan logik

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✓ Membuat banyak latihan penyelesaian masalah dalam fizik

✓ Lukiskan masalah yang kurang difahami, kemudian selesaikan

✓ Ingat apabila menyelesaikan masalah Fizik: Konsepnya sama, cuma nombor dan angkanya sahaja yang berubah

1. This question paper consists of 50 questions.

2. Answer all questions.

3. The diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated.

4. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator.

5. A list of formulae is provided.

The following information may be useful. The symbols have their usual meaning.
1. a= v-u 15. v=fλ
16. Power, P = energy
2. v2 = u2 + 2as time
Kuasa, P = tenaga

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3. s = ut + ½ at2 masa

4. momentum = mv 17. 1 = 1 + 1
momentum = mv f u v

5. F = ma 18. λ = ax
6. Kinetic energy = ½ mv2
Tenaga kinetik = ½ mv2 19. n = sin i
sin r
7. Potential energy = mgh
Tenaga keupayaan = mgh 20. n = real depth
apparent depth
8. Elastic potential energy = 1/2 Fx
Tenaga keupayaan kenyal = 1/2 Fx n = dalam nyata
dalam ketara
9. ρ=m
V 21 Q = It

10. Pressure, P = hρg 22 V = IR

Tekanan, P = hρg
23 Power, P = IV
11. Pressure, P = F Kuasa, P = IV
Tekanan, P = F 24. Ns = Vs
Np Vp
12. Heat, Q = mcӨ
Haba, Q = mcӨ 25. Efficiency = Is Vs x 100%
Ip Vp
13. pV = constant
T Kecekapan = Is Vs x 100%
pV = malar
T Ip Vp

14 E = mc2 26. g = 10 m s-2


Physics Paper 1 [4531/1]

1. Which physical quantity has the wrong S.I. unit? 5. Diagram 2 shows the scale of a micrometer screw gauge.

S.I. unit

A Length Metre

B Mass Kilogram

C Time Second Diagram 2

D Temperature Celcius What is the reading of the micrometer?

A. 6.58 mm
B. 6.52 mm
C. 6.03 mm
2. Diagram 1 shows the relationship between s and t. D. 6.02 mm
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6. Diagram 3 shows the position of a metal ball at the compressed

spring and after the spring is released.

Diagram 1

The relationship between a and b is represented by the equation

A. s = −
a t+b
B. s = − a t + a
C. s = a t + b
b Diagram 3
D. s = a t + a
b Distance x can be increased by using
A. a softer spring C. a spring with bigger diameter
3. 50 microseconds is equivalent to B. a longer spring D. two identical springs
connected in parallel
A. 5 × 10 -2 seconds
B. 5 × 10 -3 seconds
C. 5 × 10 -4 seconds
D. 5 × 10 -5 seconds

4. Which of the following displacements is the same as 234.6 Gm?

A. 2.346 × 1011 m
B. 2.346 × 1010 m
C. 2.346 × 109 m
D 2.346 × 108 m
7. Diagram 4 shows two men are lifting a full of water pail with 9. Diagram 6 shows a parachute diver falling with a constant
forces F1 and F2 respectively. velocity.
Upthrust, U Drag force, G

Diagram 4 Weight, W
Diagram 6
Which relationship is correct?
Which of the following represents the forces in equilibrium A. U + G > W C. U + W > G
acting on the pail? B. U + W = G D. U + G = W
A. B.

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10. Which of the statements shows the applications of high pressure
in everyday life?

A. A knife with a sharp edge

B. A bulldozer with a wider tyre
C. Tall buildings on a base of large surface
D. Snow shoes with a larger surface area

C. D. 11. Diagram 7 shows a dam is built across a river. The depth of the
water at the base of the dam is 25 m.

8. Diagram 5 describes the motion of two bodies before and after

collision. Diagram 7
If the density of water is 1.0 x 103 Kg m-3, what is the water
pressure at the base of the dam?
A. 2.5 x 102 Nm-2 C. 2.5 x 104 Nm-2
B. 2.5 x 103 Nm-2 D. 2.5 x 105 Nm-2

12. Diagram 8 shows an intravenous injection (IV) is used for

injecting solutions of salt into the vein of patient.
Diagram 5
What is the value of v?
A. 1.3 m s-1 C. 4.0 m s-1
B. 2.6 m s-1 D. 5.0 m s-1

Diagram 8
The Intravenous bottle should be suspended higher than the vein
of patient is to make sure
A. the solutions of salt more denser
B. the pressure of the solutions of salt is higher
C. the volume of solutions of salt is greater
13. Diagram 9 shows a manometer is used to measure the pressure 17. Gas pressure in container is due to
of the gas in the container. A. momentum of the gas particles
B. change in the momentum of the gas particles
C. rate of change in the momentum of the gas particles
D. rate of change in the momentum of the gas particles per unit

18. The heat absorbed is plotted against the change in temperature,

Δθ for four different objects, A, B, C and D.

Diagram 9
Which of the statements is true about the pressure of the gas in
the container if the atmospheric pressure is 76.0 cm Hg?
A. The gas pressure is zero
B. The gas pressure is equal to the atmospheric pressure
C. The gas pressure is 24.0 cm Hg more than atmospheric
D. The gas pressure is 24.0 cm Hg less than atmospheric
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Which object has the highest specific heat capacity?

14. Which of the instruments applies the Pascal’s principle?
A. Lift pump C. Bunsen burner
B. Hydrometer D. Hydraulic Jack 19. An iron cyclinder containing gas has a pressure of 360 kPa when
it is kept in store at temperature 270C. Calculate the pressure of
the gas when the cyclinder of the gas is removed outdoors with
the temperature of 400C.
15. Diagram 10 shows the air flows through a horizontal tube
causing water columns to rise in three vertical glass tubes. A. 243.0 kPa C. 375.6 kPa
B. 345.0 kPa D. 533.0 kPa

20. The table shows three solids and their respective spesific heat
Solid Specific heat capacity/Jkg-1ºC-1
R 428
S 850
T 3500
Diagram 10 By assuming all three solids have high melting points, which is
suitable for making the base of a frying pan and which is suitable
Which of the position has the highest air pressure? for making the handle of the frying pan?
Base of frying pan Handle of frying pan
16. Diagram 11 shows a thermometer.

Diagram 11

Which modification will increase the sensitivity of the

A. Using a longer capillary tube
B. Using a bulb with a thicker wall
C. Using a glass stem with a thicker wall
D. Using a narrow bore of capillary tube
21. Diagram 12 shows a light ray KLMN travels through three 25. Which of the instruments apply concept of total internal of
different medium. reflection?
A. C.

B. D.

Diagram 12
Which of the following is the critical angle?
A. p C. r
B. q D. s

22. Diagram 13 shows a ray diagram for an astronomical telescope

with normal adjustment. 26. When a system oscillates at its natural frequency is slowing
down because of damping, its amplitude will

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A. decrease C. remains the same
B. increase D. no amplitude

27. Diagram 14 shows displacement-distance graph of a loaded

spring which is vibrating with a frequency 10 Hz.

Diagram 12

A. Virtual, upright, smaller C. Real, inverted, smaller

B. Virtual, upright, bigger D. real, inverted, bigger

Diagram 14
23. A student draws ray diagram for light directed towards mirrors
M, N, O and P as shown in the diagrams below. F is the focal
point of mirrors M, N, O and P. What is the velocity of the vibration?
A. 80 cm s-1 C. 40 cm s-1
B. 60 cm s -1
D. 20 cm s-1

28. Diagram 15 shows the bubbles of gas, escaping from the mud at
the bottom of a deep lake, rise to the surface.

Which ray diagram is correct? Diagram 15

A. I only C. I, II, and IV only
B. I and II only D. I, II, III and IV Why the bubbles become larger as the bubbles rise to the surface
of water?
A. Atmospheric pressure on the bubbles decreases
B. Atmospheric pressure on the bubbles increases
24. An object is placed 50.0 cm in front of a convex lens. A sharp C. Water pressure on the bubbles decreases
image is formed on the screen placed 12.5 cm behind the lens. D. Water pressure on the bubbles increases
What is the power of the lens?
A. 5 D C. 15 D
B. 10 D D. 20 D
29. Diagram 16 shows the meniscus of the mercury reaches point X 34. A student draws light rays passing through lenses, P, Q, R and S
at 0 °C and point Z at 100 °C. as shown in the diagram below. F is the focal point of lenses P, Q,
R and S.

Diagram 16
Temperature below the ice-point is at
A. W C. Y
B. X D. Z

30. The same quantity of heat energy is applied to four different

Which drawing shows the correct path of the light rays?
blocks P, Q, R and S with the same mass. Which block has the
A. II only C. I, II and IV only
highest specific heat capacity?
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B. I and III only D. I, II, III and IV

A. Temperature rise in block P is 3 °C
B. Temperature rise in block Q is 6 °C
C. Temperature rise in block R is 9 °C
D. Temperature rise in block S is 18 °C 35. Diagram 18 shows an object which is placed at u cm from the
centre of a convex lens. The focal length of the lens is 20 cm.

31. Which of the following liquids A, B, C or D, can be used to make

a liquid-in-glass thermometer to measure temperatures from -50
°C to 50 °C

Liquid Freezing point / °C Boiling point / °C

A -115 78
B -39 357
C 0 100
D 17 118
Diagram 18
Which of the following characteristics of the image is not correct
32. Diagram 17 shows two copper blocks L and M, in contact with
when u is 10 cm, 15 cm, 35 cm and 45 cm from the lens?
each other. The initial temperatures of L and M are 50 °C and 30
°C respectively.
u/cm Characteristics of the image
A 10 Virtual and bigger
B 15 Virtual and bigger
L C 35 Real and smaller
M D 45 Real and smaller

Diagram 17
36. Diagram 19 shows a ray of light being reflected by a plane mirror
Which statement is correct when L and M are at thermal
PQ. The mirror is then rotated 10º anticlockwise.
A. Temperature of L is higher than M
B. The quantity of heat in L is the same as in M
C. Rate of change in temperature of L is bigger than that of M
D. Net rate of heat flow between L and M is zero

33. Before a long journey, the air in a tyre of a lorry has a pressure
of 128 kPa and a temperature of 27°C. After the journey the air
pressure in the tyre is 132 kPa. Which expression determines the
temperature of the air in the tyre after the journey?
[Assume the volume of the tyre is constant]

A. (27 + 273) °C C. (128132× 27 °C

Diagram 19

( D. [ ( −273]°C
132 × 300 (
B. 132 × 27 °C
( What is the new angle of reflection of the ray of light?
128 128 A. 20° C. 40°
B. 30° D. 50°
37. Diagram 20 shows a concave mirror. The distance between P 40. Diagram 23 shows a simple transformer with multiple outputs.
and F is

Diagram 23
If an output voltage of 120 V is required, the load must be
Diagram 20 connected between the terminals
A. W and X
A. the focal length of the mirror B. W and Y
B. the radius of the sphere from which the mirror was cut C. W and Z
C. the line joining the pole to the center of curvature D. X and Z
D. the diameter of the sphere which the mirror was cut

41. What are cathode rays?

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38. A. Neutrons
B. Electrons
C. Ions
D. Protons

42. Diagram 24 shows the structure of a cathode-ray oscilloscope

tube. A fixed potential difference is applied across the deflection

Diagram 21

Diagram 21 shows a ray diagram with the object O and the

position of the image I formed. If OI = 66 cm and LI = 40 cm,
what is the linear magnification for the image formed?
A. 0.61 C. 1.54
B. 0.65 D. 1.65 Diagram 24
Which of the following will increase the angle of deflection of
the spot on the screen?
39. A student measures how far a cork moves up and down on a A. Decrease the distance from the deflection plates to the screen.
B. Increase the length of the deflection plates.
wave in a tank of water as in Diagram 22.
C. Increase the potential difference between cathode and anode.
D. Decrease the separation of the deflection plates.

43. In which of the following circuits will the bulb lights up?

A. C.

Diagram 22
What quantity that can be obtained from the measurement?
A. amplitude C. speed
B. frequency D. wavelength
B. D.
44. A diode in an electronic circuit can be replaced by a 49. Diagram 26 shows a three-pin plug connected to an electric
kettle. Which of the following parts will the current flow from
A. resistor C. transformer the heater to the power source?
B. capacitor D. transistor


The combination of the three logic gates above is equivalent to


A. AND C. NAND Diagram 26

B. NOR D. EX-OR A. P Diagram
C. 26
B. Q D. S

46. The voltmeter measures the

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50. The table shows the electrical energy consumption tariff.

Electrical units Cost per unit(Sen)

First 20 units RM 0. 22
First 50 units RM 0. 25
First 80 units RM 0. 30
Calculate the cost in RM of using the electrical appliances below.

Appliance Time
A. Internal resistance of the battery
B. Electromotive force of the battery Kettle 3 kW 2 hr
C. Current flow in the circuit Lamp 1000 W 10hr
D. Potential difference across the resistor
Oven 5kW 2 hr
Lamp 100 W 10hr
47. The primary coil of a transformer connected to 240 V a.c has 50
turns and the secondary coil has 250 turns. A. RM 5.94
Which of the following statement is not true? B. RM 6.15
C. RM 59.40
A. Alternating current is produced at the secondary coil. D. RM 61.50
B. Power output is greater than power input
C. Output voltage is higher than the input voltage
D. Input current is higher than the output current
48. Diagram 25 shows an ideal transformer. Bulb X and bulb Y are

Diagram 25
Which of the following statements is correct?

A. Bulb X is brighter than bulb Y

B. Bulb Y is brighter than bulb X
C. Bulb X and bulb Y have the same brightness

Physics Paper 2 [4531/2]

Section A
[60 marks]
Answer all question in this section.

1. Diagram 1.1 shows a vernier callipers.

Diagram 1.1

(a) Name the physical quantity measured by the vernier callipers.

_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(b) Name the part labelled X.

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_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(c) State the function of X.

_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(d) What is the reading of a vernier callipers shown in Diagram 1.2?

Diagram 1.2

_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

2. Diagram 2 shows a worker lifting a load of mass 10 kg using a smooth pulley system. The worker applies a force of 110 N to pull up the
load at a distance of 0.5 m.

Diagram 2
(a) What is meant by work?
_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
(b) Calculate
(i) the work done by the worker

(2 marks)

(ii) the acceleration of the load

(2 marks)

3. Diagram 3.1 shows the structure of a cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO).

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Diagram 3.1

(a) State the process involved in producing electrons from electrode X.

_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(b) Describe the type of motion of the electron moving from Y to Z.

_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(c) A student uses the CRO to study the output voltage from a signal generator. Diagram 3.2 shows the trace displaced on the screen
and the settings of the CRO.

Diagram 3.2

(i) Determine the peak voltage of the signal generator

(1 mark)

(ii) Determine the frequency of the signal generator.

(2 marks)

(iii) Sketch the new trace in Diagram 3.3 if the time-base setting is now set at 0.01 s / div.

Diagram 3.3
(1 mark)

4. Diagram 4.1 shows one end of a spring is fixed to a wooden block. Diagram 4.2 shows the spring is compressed by a steel ball of mass
0.52 kg using a force F. Diagram 4.3 shows the steel ball moves after the force, F is removed. [The spring constant = 50 N m-1]

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Diagram 4.1

Diagram 4.2

Diagram 4.3

(a) What is meant by force?

_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(b) Using the information in Diagram 4.1 , 4.2 and 4.3,

(i) The compression, x of the spring.

(1 mark)
(ii) The elastic potential energy stored in the spring when the spring is compressed.

(2 marks)
(iii) The velocity, v of the steel ball when the force F is removed.

(2 marks)
(c) What is the principle used for your answer in 4(b)(iii)
_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

5. Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2 shows the arrangement of apparatus used in experiment regarding to a physics law.

Diagram 5.1 Diagram 5.2

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(a) State the function of Bourdon Gauge.

_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(b) Based on Diagram 5.1 and Diagram 5.2, compare;

(i) The reading of Bourdon gauge.
_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(ii) The volume of the air in the airtight container.

_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(iii)The temperature of the air in the airtight container.

_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(c) Based on your answer in 5(b)(i) and 5(b)(ii), state the relationship between the reading of Bourdon Gauge and the volume of
trapped air.
_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(d) Name the physics law involved in 5(c).

_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(e) Explain why the air bubbles formed by a fish expand as they float towards the surface of water.
_________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)
6. Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2 show identical copper rods placed on bare copper wires in the magnetic field.

Diagram 6.1

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Diagram 6.2
When the switch is on, the pointer of the ammeter deflects and the copper rod is moved to the final position as shown in the diagrams.
(a) What is the meaning of magnetic field?
_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(b) Observe Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2.

(i) Compare the deflection of the pointer of the ammeters.
_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(ii) Compare the final position of the copper rods.

_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(c) Relate the final position of the copper rod to the magnitude of electric current.
_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(d) (i) Explain why the copper rods moved in the direction as shown in diagrams when the switch is on.
_________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

(ii) Name the rule used to determine the direction of the copper rod.
_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
7. Diagram 7.1 and Diagram 7.2 show circuits consists of 3three identical bulbs arranged in two different ways. Each bulb has a resistance of

Diagram 7.1 Diagram 7.2

(a) Name the circuit arrangement in Diagram 7.1
_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(b) (i) Calculate the effective resistance in each diagram.

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(3 marks)

(ii) State which circuit will produce greater brightness of the bulb.
_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(iii) Give two reasons for your answer in (b) (ii)

_________________________________________________________________________ (2 marks)

(c) Diagram 7.3 shows an illuminating torch light.

Diagram 7.3
It is found that the torch light is not bright enough even when new cells are used. A modification is required to make it light

Suggest the modification that needs to be done through these aspects:

(i) Number of cells
_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(ii) The way the cells are arranged

_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(iii) Internal resistance of the cell

_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

Give a reason
_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
8. Table 8 shows three circuits used to switch on a spotlight 240 V, 1000 W automatically when it is dark. The resistance of the light
dependent resistor (LDR),X varies from 0.5 k Ω to 6.0 k Ω as the light intensity changes. The transistor functions when the potential
difference across BC is more than 2 V.

Circuit J

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Circuit K

Circuit L

Table 8

(a) (i) What is the function of resistor R?

_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(ii) Based on circuit J in Table 8, how does the potential difference across BC changes with resistance, X?
_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(b) Based on Table 8 :

(i) Calculate the potential difference across BC for circuit J and circuit K during night time when it is dark.
Circuit J

(2 marks)

Circuit K

(2 marks)
(c) Based on Table 8 :
(i) State the suitable type of the transistor used.
_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(i) State theadditional device required to light up the spotlight.

_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)

(d) Determine the most suitable circuit to switch on the spotlight when it is dark.
_________________________________________________________________________ (1 mark)
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Section B
[20 marks]
Answer any one question from this section.

9. Diagram 9.1(a) and Diagram 9.1(b) show two containers are filled with same volume of boiling water after 10 minutes. The mass of the
containers are same and made from material of different specific heat capacity.

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(a) State the principle involved when the thermometer measured the temperature of water. (1 mark)

(b) Using Diagram 9.1(a) and Diagram 9.1(b), compare the amount of heat in the water at the beginning in both containers, the
specific heat capacity of the containers, the temperature of water in the containers after 10 minutes and the rate of heat loss in both
Relate the specific heat capacity of containers to the rate of heat loss. (5 marks)

(c) After several minutes, the temperature of the water and the containers in Diagram 9.1(a) are the same.
Explain how it happens? (4 marks)

(d) Diagram 9.2 shows parts of the ice box used to store ice.

Diagram 9.2

You are required to modify the ice box in Diagram 9.2 so that it can kept the ice for a longer period without melting and easy to

State and explain the modifications based on the following aspects:

(i) the specific heat capacity of the inner box.
(ii) the type and density of the material X in between the double walled tube.
(iii) the density of the outer box.
(iv) the colour of the outer box.
(10 marks)
10. Diagram 10.1 and Diagram10.2 show copper wire coils connected to the ammeters, rheostats, switches and direct current power supply
are placed between two magnadur magnet.

Diagram 10.1
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Diagram 10.2
When the switch is ON, the copper wire coils swing outwards as shown in both diagrams.
(a) Name the rule used to determine the direction of motion of copper wire coil. (1 mark)

(b) Using Diagram 10.1 and Diagram 10.2, compare the reading of ammeter, angle of deflection of copper wire coils and the strength of
the magnetic field.
Relate the reading of ammeter and the angle of deflection of copper wire coils to make a deduction regarding the relationship
between the magnitude of the current and the force on the current carrying conductor. (5 marks)

(c) Explain why the copper wire coil swing upwards when the switch is on. (4 marks)

(d) Diagram 10.3 shows a simple moving coil ammeter which is less sensitive.

Diagram 10.3

Using appropriate physics concepts, explain the use of suitable equipment to design a moving coil ammeter which is more
sensitive and can give the reading more accurate.
Your answer should include the following aspects:
− the number of turn of coil

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− The material of the core
− the shape of magnet
− the stiffness of control spring
− The additional component to give accurate reading
(10 marks)
Section C
[20 marks]
Answer any one question from this section.

11. Diagram 11.1 shows parts of a slide projector designed to produce a real and magnified image of the slide on the screen, as shown in
Diagram 11.2.
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Diagram 11.1 Diagram 11.2

(a) What is meant by real image? (1 mark)

Table 11.3 shows four specifications P, Q, R and S for the design of a slide projector.

Type of mirror Concave Concave Convex Convex

Arrangement of
condenser lenses

Distance of slide
Between Between
from the projection Same as f Same as f
f and 2f f and 2f

The way the slide

Upright Inverted Upright Inverted
should be placed
Table 11.3

(b) You are required to determine the most suitable specifications for the design of a slide projector based on Diagram 11.1.
Study all the specifications given, based on the following aspects:
− Type of mirror used.
− The arrangement of lenses for the condenser lens.
− The distance of slide from the projection lens.
− The way the slide should be placed.

(i) Explain the suitabality of the aspects.

(ii) Determine the most suitable specification for the design of the slide projector and give your reason.
(10 marks)
(c) On a very hot day,vehicle drivers often see images which look like pools of water on a road surface. This phenomenon is known
as a mirage.

(i) Explain how a mirage is formed.

(ii) Can a mirage be formed in very cold places like the Artic? (4 marks)

(d) Diagram 11.4 shows a boy aiming his spear at a fish before throwing it. Unfortunately the spear did not hit the fish.

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Diagram 11.4

(i) Explain why the spear did not hit the fish when it was thrown. (3 marks)

(ii) Calculate the real depth of the fish if the image of the fish is 0.4 m from the water surface. (Refractive index of water = 1.33)
(2 marks)

12. An echo – sounder on a ship produces a pulse of sound. A fishing boat uses the sound echo to determine the depth of seabed. You are
assigned to investigate the suitable characteristics of the waves that could be used to determine the depth the seabed.

Diagram 12.1

(a) State one phenomenon of waves that produces ‘echo’ (1 mark)

(b) Radio waves is used to detect the position of an aeroplane and sonar technique is used to detect the shoal of fish below the boat.

(i) State the difference between radio waves and sound waves.

(ii) Explain why the speed of sound is greater in water than that in air? (4 marks)
(c) Table 12.2 shows the specification of five waves P,Q,R,S and T that can be used to determine the position of a shoal of fish.

Name of Name of Frequency/Hz Speeds/ms-1 Penetrating Power

waves waves
P Transverse High 3x108 Low

Q Longitudinal Low 330 Moderate

R Transverse High 330 Low

S Longitudinal High 1500 High

T Transverse Low 3x108 High

Table 12.2

You are required to determine the most suitable waves. Study the waves based on the following aspects:
− The type of the waves transmitted
− The frequency of the waves
− The speed of the waves
JAWAPAN boleh didapati di laman web www.afterschool.my

− Penetrating power of waves

(10 marks)

(d) (i) If the time taken for the return of the wave is 151 s, calculate the depth of the shoal of fish below the boat if the speed of sound
in water is 1500 ms-1 .

(ii) State two other uses of an echo sounder.

(5 marks)


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