This document is an admit card for a class 10 examination. It provides the details of the candidate including their exam roll number, name, date of birth, father's name, address, subjects for the exam. It specifies the examination center and date as 17th January 2022. It confirms the candidate is provisionally allowed to appear for the class 10 exam. It also states this is the candidate's 1st attempt at the exam.
This document is an admit card for a class 10 examination. It provides the details of the candidate including their exam roll number, name, date of birth, father's name, address, subjects for the exam. It specifies the examination center and date as 17th January 2022. It confirms the candidate is provisionally allowed to appear for the class 10 exam. It also states this is the candidate's 1st attempt at the exam.
This document is an admit card for a class 10 examination. It provides the details of the candidate including their exam roll number, name, date of birth, father's name, address, subjects for the exam. It specifies the examination center and date as 17th January 2022. It confirms the candidate is provisionally allowed to appear for the class 10 exam. It also states this is the candidate's 1st attempt at the exam.
This document is an admit card for a class 10 examination. It provides the details of the candidate including their exam roll number, name, date of birth, father's name, address, subjects for the exam. It specifies the examination center and date as 17th January 2022. It confirms the candidate is provisionally allowed to appear for the class 10 exam. It also states this is the candidate's 1st attempt at the exam.
Bihar Board of Open Schooling and Examination, Patna तीय परी ा, दसंबर-२०२१ / Second Examination, December-2021 वेश प / Admit Card अधो ल खत ववरण बाले परी ाथ को वग 10 क परी ा म स म लत होने क औपवं धक वीकृ त द जाती है | The candidate bearing the following details is provisionally allowed to appear for class - X Exam
Exam Roll No : 2121012235
Enrollment Number : CWJO3117000221AA0011 1. Name : MD AAMIR 2. Date of Birth : 01/01/1995 3. Father's/Husband's Name : MD SHAKIL 4. Mother's Name : AFSANA KHATOON AT-HARPURALLOT,PO-ALLOTH,BLK+DIST-SAMASTIPUR ,Pin- 5. Address : 848101 6. Study Centre's Name & Code : TIRHUT ACADEMY, SAMASTIPUR (CW31170002) UCHH VIDYALAYA, MARDHPUR, SAMASTIPUR 7. Examination Centre's Name & Code : Code No: 212314 8. Date of commencement of Exam : 17th January, 2022(Monday) 9. Subjects
मु य वषय अतर वषय
Main Subjects Additional Subjects Hindi(201) Urdu(203) Mathematics(215) Science*(216) Social Science(217)
10. Admitted under TOC (Yes / No) : If yes then Sub1:
No Name of Subject & Code Under Toc Sub2:
11. परी ा क यास सं या
1 (One) No. of Attempts :
शाखा पदा धकारी वरीय कायपालक पदा धकारी,BBOSE
(परी ा एवं मू यांकन) (परी ा एवं मू यांकन) Section Officer Senior Executive Officer,BBOSE (Examination & Evaluation) (Examination & Evaluation) परी ा काय म एवं अ य सूचना के लए पार पृ दे ख | *Please see the Examination Programme and other informations on the reverse.
DCI Establishment of New Dental Colleges For Opening of New or Higher Course of Study or Training and Increase of Admission Capacity in Dental Colleges) Regulations, 2006