Supersonic Combustion of Hydrogen Using An
Supersonic Combustion of Hydrogen Using An
Supersonic Combustion of Hydrogen Using An
Article history: Numerical investigation of mixing is performed at Mach 2.0 model Scramjet combustor
Received 30 September 2018 employing parallel strut injection schemes for fuel. In the present investigation, basic strut
Received in revised form injector is modified in such a way to produce additional vortices in streamwise direction
4 January 2019 and improve fuel-air mixing. Air is injected at Mach 2.0 at the combustor inlet and fuel is
Accepted 9 January 2019 injected at sonic speed from the blunt end of the strut. The flow field involving high-speed
Available online 5 February 2019 turbulent mixing and heat addition was modeled by three-dimensional Reynolds averaged
Navier-Stokes equations. A realizable k-ε model was chosen to close the turbulence
Keywords: problem with the default model constants. Non-premixed combustion of hydrogen and air
Scramjet is modeled using the mixture fraction b-pdf framework. Turbulence-chemistry interactions
Strut injector are handled by a strained flamelet model. Comparisons of numerical results with experi-
Supersonic combustion mental results have demonstrated the accuracy and applicability of computational grid
Turbulent flows and a numerical scheme for hot and cold flow solutions. The shock-shear layer interaction
Mixing present within the combustor increases the local turbulent intensity and has a positive
CFD effect on mixing. The mixing efficiency obtained with improved strut injector is compared
with the basic strut. Improved strut injection scheme showed a mixing efficiency of >95%
with a 45% reduction in length. Further combustion efficiency is calculated in the
streamwise direction and plot follows the similar trend as the mixing efficiency. The
proposed modification of strut geometry showed improved mixing and combustion
© 2019 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S. Aravind), (R. Kumar).
0360-3199/© 2019 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
6258 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 6 2 5 7 e6 2 7 0
Fig. 3 e Static pressure variations along axis in streamwise direction for (a) strut (b) modified strut.
6260 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 6 2 5 7 e6 2 7 0
flow field. This allows the conservation equations to combine shock/boundary layer interaction requires extremely fine
the diffusion and reaction terms into a single entity called the grid near a wall to resolve the complex phenomenon prop-
flamelet, which is transported convectively by turbulent flow. erly. This results in additional computational cost and is out
Closure to the reaction term typically invokes a presumed pdf of scope for the present study. The focus of the present
model, tied to conservation equations for the variance of steady is on the mixing and reaction that occurs some short
mixture fraction and progress variable [38]. The flamelet li- distance downstream of the injector in the wake of the
brary is generated by using a reaction mechanism of Maas and wedge. The physics involved in the mixing/reaction in the
Warntz [39] consisting of 9 species and 19 reactions.
Computational domain
near field is relatively independent of the top and bottom refined grids. It is observed that the predictions on the second
wall behavior. Therefore, boundary layers developed on the and third grid levels (intermediate and fine grid) are in close
solid walls are not resolved. The final cell count and pre- agreement with each other. Thus, the fine grid requires no
dictions of maximum pressure are summarized in Table 2 additional refinement or coarsening. All the results reported
yþ<70 is maintained near the strut wall. The finest grid in this paper are obtained using the fine grid.
used in computations is shown in Fig. 2a for conventional The inlet condition for air and hydrogen are fixed and the
and in Fig. 2b for the modified injection scheme, respectively. required values of variables are given in Table 1. Flow vari-
All contour plots shown in the present study is obtained from ables at the combustor outlet are extrapolated from the inte-
z plane in the cross-stream direction located at a distance of rior of the domain, while no-slip boundary condition is
22.5 mm in the z direction perpendicular to the streamwise prescribed for all solid surfaces. Wall temperature is fixed at
direction.Where, Ncells is the number of cells present in the 300 K. Standard wall functions are employed at the walls to
three-dimensional grid. appropriately model the turbulence functions.
Streamwise profiles of static pressure along the centerline
(y ¼ 25 mm) is shown in Fig. 3 for the three successively
Fig. 5 e Velocity profiles at different stream wise location of Fig. 6 e Velocity profiles at different stream wise location of
non-reacting flows (a) x ¼ 78 mm (b) x ¼ 233 mm. reacting flows (a) x ¼ 78 mm (b) x ¼ 207 mm.
6262 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 6 2 5 7 e6 2 7 0
Numerical solution
Fig. 8 e (a) Experimentally obtained shadowgraph [20] (b) contour lines of pressure and (c) contour lines of density obtained
in non-reacting flows with basic strut.
combustion zone far downstream at x ¼ 180 mm in numerical shockwaves traveling through the channel, shear layer be-
calculations as compared to experimental observations. These tween air and hydrogen jet, shock-shear layer interaction,
variations in results as compared to experimental were also shock-shock interaction and formation of vortices. High-
observed by other researchers as well [22,40,41]. Numerically speed air flowing at Mach 2.0 parallel to the streamwise di-
predicted distribution of static temperature at different rection, on hitting the tip of the strut gets deflected away from
streamwise location is compared with the experimental results the flow direction and gets compressed leading to the for-
in Fig. 7. Numerical calculations predict a rapid heat release mation of the shock wave. Air is turned towards the stream-
near strut base at x ¼ 78 mm. The distribution obtained further wise axis after passing through an expansion wave at the tip
downstream is consistent with the experimental observations. of strut base. The experimental shadowgraph [20] is compared
with numerically predicted contours of pressure and density
in Fig. 8. The numerically predicted results show all the flow
Results and discussion features seen in the experiment. Recirculation zone is formed
at both ends of strut base, which helps in mixing of air and
Flow features without reaction fuel. A shear layer is formed at the interface of air and
hydrogen stream. The flow within the shear layer is deceler-
High-speed flow inside the scramjet combustor is complex ated to subsonic speed due to formation of eddies and mixing.
and is dominated by several flow features such as multiple Hydrogen jet losses its velocity due to entrainment of air to
6264 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 6 2 5 7 e6 2 7 0
maintain constant velocity. The shock reflected from the generation of shock, injects and distributes fuel, and acts as a
upper and lower walls is reflected from the shear layer at flame holder. Hence, a strut is a key design aspect whose ge-
xz100 mm and deflected at xz180 mm where the flow is ometry controls the shock pattern, vortex formation which
supersonic. The interaction of shock with the shear layer in- affects mixing and combustion. In the present work, strut is
duces additional kinetic energy of turbulence and turbulence modified as shown in Fig. 9 to see its effect on mixing. Modi-
intensity, which enhances the mixing between air and fied strut geometry is presented in Fig. 9 where hydrogen is
hydrogen. injected at 1.5 mm above and below the axis alternatively. The
The strut in the middle of the channel performs multiple length and strut angle is same as basic strut configuration.
functions such as it compresses the oncoming air by the The axial location of the modified strut in the combustor is
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 6 2 5 7 e6 2 7 0 6265
Fig. 10 e Density gradient Magnitude obtained for (a) basic strut geometry and (b) modified strut geometry.
same as that of basic strut. Between every jet, there is a slot react. Hot products trapped in the recirculation zone transfer
3 mm wide whose lower wall tapers down until it reaches the heat to an unreacted mixture, thus continuous stable flame is
axis of the strut. Air is allowed to pass in these slots. Density formed at the strut base [42]. As the reaction is initiated,
gradient presented in Fig. 10 for both types of the injector pressure increases at the strut base due to heat addition.
shows a wider shear layer for modified strut injector, indi- Therefore, the shear layer originating from the strut base di-
cating a wider spreading of hydrogen in the transverse di- verges at an angle slightly greater than the strut walls [21].
rection, which aids mixing. A region of low pressure is created This can be seen in experimental shadowgraph, contour plots
in the wake region; this causes the shear layer from strut walls of pressure and density are presented in Fig. 11. Flow regions
to converge. Expansion fan is formed at the corners of the having large gradients of density, velocity and temperature is
wedge. The hydrogen jet exiting into the region of low pres- separated by the shear layer. At xz 95 mm shock wave hitting
sure is under-expanded. Therefore, it expands into a the shear layer is reflected as an expansion fan and shear layer
diamond-shaped shock structure. As the shear layers curve that determines the boundary of the wake region bend back
back and start mixing with the hydrogen jet, compression towards the horizontal. The shocks are not present down-
waves are generated on each side that turn into recom- stream from this point. The reaction zone widens till
pression shock waves. A major difference in the shock pattern xz95 mm and narrows downstream. The flow is decelerated
observed for both injectors is along the strut, where a weak till x ¼ 95 mm and accelerates afterward where the reaction
oblique shock is created at the tip of modified strut followed zone starts narrowing.
by addition shock at xz55 mm and expansion fan at the tip of The region of subsonic flow is marked in the contour plot of
the strut. pressure. The contour plot of temperature, mass fraction of
proton and hydroxyl ion is presented in Fig. 12. Near the base
Flow features with reaction of the strut reaction occurs in the thin mixing layer between
air and hydrogen jet. In the vicinity of hydrogen jet, the region
Flow features with and without reaction are identical till the is still fuel rich, hence the temperature is low which is evident
base of the strut. The oncoming supersonic air stream is from the Fig. 7a. Further downstream entire hydrogen jet is
compressed on passing through the shock formed at the tip of diffused and mixing layer widens. At xz 125 mm entire jet is
the strut resulting in an increase in static pressure and static ignited and temperature reaches its maximum value. As the
temperature. Recirculation zone formed at the strut base flow evolves downstream little reaction occurs and tempera-
provides large surface area for hydrogen and air to mix and ture distribution diffuses and flattens. The region where
6266 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 6 2 5 7 e6 2 7 0
Fig. 11 e (a) Experimentally obtained shadowgraph [20] (b) contour lines of pressure and (c) contour plot of density obtained
in reacting flows with basic strut.
equivalence ratio is near 1 is marked in the contour plot of concentration of proton, hydroxyl and other radicals di-
proton. The region of highest proton concentration is found minishes earlier compared to results observed in basic strut.
below 4 ¼ 1, where the temperature lies within 400e600 K. From these observations shorter reaction zone is inferred for
This proton is completely consumed by oxygen outside the modified strut geometry.
line 4 ¼ 1 and other reactants. The hydroxyl radical is present
in the region of highest temperature. The hydroxyl radical is Performance parameters
mainly present along the shear layer where air entrainment
into the hydrogen jet takes place which implies that the Mixing process evaluated using two performance parameters
diffusion flame is located on the contact surface between are now described. Mixing efficiency (hm ) is defined as fraction
hydrogen jet and air [43]. The concentration of hydroxyl and of hydrogen mass fraction available at stoichiometric condi-
other radicals diminishes towards the end of the combustor, tion to the total mass fraction [44]. Comparison of mixing ef-
indicating completion of the reaction. Similar distributions in ficiency between planar and modified strut is presented in
temperature, mass fraction of proton and hydroxyl radical is Fig. 14a. Mixing is due to high level of turbulence in the shear
observed for modified injector as shown in Fig. 13. The reac- layer formed between the hydrogen jet and air stream.
tion zone is wider for modified injector compared to the re- Modified strut injector induces additional streamwise vortices
action zone observed for basic strut geometry. The region of which improves mixing between hydrogen jet and air stream.
maximum temperature and mass fraction of hydroxyl radical Modified strut takes about 18 mm to reach hm ¼ 1 while planar
is obtained at a shorter distance from the strut base and strut takes about 33 mm. Thus, complete mixing is achieved at
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 6 2 5 7 e6 2 7 0 6267
Fig. 12 e Contour plots of (a) temperature (b) mass fraction of proton (c) mass fraction of hydroxyl radical obtained with basic
strut geometry.
shorter distance for modified strut which results in shorter rapid near the base of the strut due to mixing and shock shear
combustor length and possible reduction in weight. layer interaction. Losses in total pressure are 10% higher for
Z modified injector which indicates better mixing. The decay in
yf rudA total pressure is less rapid after xz 115 mm as mixing is
hm ¼ Z (1) complete and losses arises only due to shock which also losses
yrudA its strength downstream.
Where, po rudA
ht ¼ 1 Z (2)
y ys po inlet rudA
yf ¼
ys ð1 yÞ 1 ys ; y > ys
Where, po is the total pressure and po inlet is the total pressure
Where, A is the cross-section area of the channel. at inlet section.
For flow across shock total enthalpy, and total temperature Combustion efficiency (hc ) [44] is defined as the rate of
are conserved, while total pressure decreases after flow consumption of hydrogen fuel along the streamwise direction
passes through shock due to irreversibility [45]. Total pressure and the rate of production of water vapor. These are the two
loss is due to shock, mixing and viscous effects. Hence, as the important performance parameters that are used for charac-
mixing increases total pressure loss also increases. Total terizing the combustion processes. Equation (3) shows that for
pressure loss normalized with mass flow rate is plotted in every streamwise location certain part of injected hydrogen
Fig. 14b for both injection strategies. Total pressure loss (ht ) is mass flux is already burned. The profile of the production of
6268 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 6 2 5 7 e6 2 7 0
Fig. 13 e Contour plots of (a) temperature (b) mass fraction of proton (c) mass fraction of hydroxyl radical obtained with
modified strut geometry.
Fig. 14 e (a) Mixing efficiency and (b) total pressure loss plot for basic and modified strut geometry configurations.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 6 2 5 7 e6 2 7 0 6269
Fig. 15 e (a) Rate of production of water vapor (b) Combustion efficiency plot for basic and modified strut injection
configuration in the streamwise direction.
water vapor is presented in Fig. 15a and it is similar to the plot compared and analyzed. The following conclusions are drawn
of combustion efficiency presented in Fig. 15b. from the present studies:
In the vicinity of the strut base, air entrainment occurs in
the H2-rich wake region and ignition occurs. Combustion ef- The design of fuel injectors is very crucial for the overall
ficiency plot can be divided into three regions. The first region performance of supersonic combustor, as fuel distribution,
is found in the immediate vicinity of the injector till xz78 mm shock pattern mixing and ultimately combustion is sensi-
where the hydrogen-air mixture is ignited and the flame an- tive to fuel injection scheme and injector geometry.
chors in the recirculation zone. The curves for both the in- Modified strut injector geometry presently investigated
jectors show an identical trend in this region as shown in the showed improved mixing performance due to the genera-
plot of Fig. 15b. The second region is found where the gradual tion of additional streamwise vortices.
consumption of hydrogen is found. This region extends till The length to achieve mixing efficiency >95% is reduced by
xz90 mm and xz125 mm for basic strut configuration. In this 15 mm for modified strut geometry. However, there is an
region, additional streamwise vortices are induced in the case increased 10% loss in total pressure due to the generation
of a modified strut configuration which improves the mixing of vortices.
between H2-air mixtures. Hence, consumption of hydrogen is Combustion efficiency, predicted from the rate of con-
rapid and most of the heat addition takes place in this region. sumption of hydrogen and the generation of water vapor
This trend is also seen in the plot of mixing efficiency pre- showed a similar trend.
sented in Fig. 14a. The consumption of hydrogen does not vary Proposed modified strut geometry improves mixing and
in the streamwise direction beyond xz125 mm for modified combustion performance. The length to perfect mixing is
strut configuration and xz200 mm for basic strut configura- strongly reduced.
tion and it is indicated as the third region. The region where
combustion efficiency increases rapidly, heat release takes
place rapidly could be seen from the temperature contour of
the Figs. 12a and 13a.
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