Bim Salary Report A
Bim Salary Report A
Bim Salary Report A
A salary is the regular payment by an employer to an employee for employment
that is expressed either monthly or annually, but is paid most commonly on a
monthly basis, especially to white collar workers, managers, directors and
We have checked portals with job offers, salary reports and in some cases
contacted the local BIM communities to get the minimum, average and maximum
salary for each of four positions.
While making the salary list, we had to make some assumptions and
simplifications in order to be able to present the results in an uncomplicated way:
- We show only gross wage, as taxes in each country depends on many variables.
- Only the local currencies are shown, since the average exchange rate changes
A BIM manager is an engineer responsible for implementing the BIM
procedures during the design, construction, and handover of a project. They
are responsible for various tasks such as defining a BIM strategy, choosing right
project tools, implementing systems for communication and data exchange,
managing people and resources. BIM managers tasks can vary from
implementing and managing project, support, teaching, quality control, IT and
even coding. BIM Managers have to know BIM processes from inside out as well
as have excellent communication and IT skills.
A BIM Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the BIM project, setting the
BIM protocol, testing the various aspect models and communicating them with
all the people involved. As a coordinator it is important to have knowledge of
several aspects, such as the software required for checking, knowledge of BIM
and communication with other companies.
Computer-aided design (CAD) drafters make detailed technical drawings utilizing
computers with CAD software. The electronically created and stored drawings can
be viewed, printed, or programmed directly into automated manufacturing
systems. Unlike hand-drawn documentation, CAD systems allow to quickly
prepare variations of a design.The first CAD software was invented over 60 years
ago. Although CAD drafters have been a pillar of the design industry for the last 2
decades, the new professions, using new technologies - like BIM technician - are
taking over their position.
BIM adoption state
In 2013, the Dubai Municipality issued circular (196), which mandated the use of BIM (Building Information
Modelling) for architectural and MEP work on certain projects. This was subsequently widened by circular (207)
in 2015 to include architectural and mechanical works for buildings that are above 20 floors, buildings, facilities
and compounds with areas larger than 200 thousand square foot, buildings and special facilities like hospitals
and universities, governmental projects, and projects by foreign offices.
BIM adoption state
Austria has started with BIM standards in 2015, and over the last years ASI (Austrian standards) has developed a
series of standards for the implementation of BIM based on IFC. They have already developed standards that
deal with BIM technology on level 3 ÖNORM A 6241-1. However, adaptation is not happening at the desired
pace. Many BIM specialists are still needed.
BIM Technician /
EUR 28 000 35 500 43 000
BIM Modeler
BIM Technician /
AUD 50 000 72 500 95 000
BIM Modeler
BIM adoption state
Belgium does not have BIM standards but there is a BIM Portal which is supported by CSTC (Centre Scientifique
et Technique de la Construction) in French and in Dutch. In 2015 ADEB-VBA (Association of major Belgian
contractors) released the guide to Building Information Modelling. What's more, BESIX is the first Belgian
construction company as well as the first general contractor in Europe to receive BIM level 2 certification.
BIM Technician /
EUR 17 000 24 500 32 000
BIM Modeler
BIM Technician /
BRL 36 000 48 000 60 000
BIM Modeler
BIM Technician /
CAD 49 000 60 000 75 000
BIM Modeler
BIM Technician /
DKK 320 000 415 000 600 000
BIM Modeler
BIM adoption state
In Finland, Building Information Modelling has been developed and implemented for almost two decades. From
2007 government requires IFC for new structures and operation based on integrated models. Moreover, Finland
developed own requirements: Common BIM Requirements 2012 (YTV2012) for buildings and Common InfraBIM
Requirements 2015 (YIV2015) for infrastructure. In this two documents you can find how BIM models should be
made and what information should be included.
BIM Technician /
EUR 30 000 40 000 47 000
BIM Modeler
BIM Technician /
EUR 25 000 30 000 45 000
BIM Modeler
BIM adoption state
The German government still relies on the conventional method used by the AEC industry which has not fully
accepted BIM adoption and for which in 2015 government announced Digital Building Platform plan to be
developed. It is believed that by 2020 BIM will be mandatory for public infrastructure projects. Supporting the
implementation of BIM further, a group of industrial associations, major companies and non-governmental
organizations came together to set up a German BIM Steering Group – “Planen Bauen 4.0”.
BIM Technician /
EUR 38 300 51 500 64 780
BIM Modeler
BIM Technician /
HKD 192 000 280 000 320 000
BIM Modeler
BIM adoption state
Today, the understanding about BIM has increased in the country. Clients and the construction industry are
aware that BIM can provide them with the minutest information involved in the construction of a building.
However, the country needs to work on the awareness level. The majority of the users are limited to design and
engineering organizations.
BIM Technician /
INR 96 000 260 500 696 000
BIM Modeler
BIM Technician /
EUR 33 000 41 000 55 000
BIM Modeler
BIM adoption state
The Italian BIM implementation strategy began with the approval and publication of UNI 11337 and the “BIM -
Baratono - Decree” (DM 560/2017), which provides for the mandatory application of BIM methodology starting
from 1 January 2019. Italy aims to make the use of BIM mandatory for all new public buildings and large-scale
infrastructure projects. Progressive adoption of BIM started from 2019 solely to projects above 100 million euro
but it will gradually apply to smaller construction works. From 2025 BIM should be used, according to the
provisions of the decree, for almost all Italian public works.
BIM Technician /
EUR 22 000 33 000 43 000
BIM Modeler
BIM Technician /
MXN 144 000 192 000 264 000
BIM Modeler
BIM adoption state
In the Netherlands there is one of the highest BIM adoption rate in the world. The country has already
experience with open standards, as seen with the Dutch Information Exchange Standards (VISI) and the new
BIM Loket. The adoption of BIM is being driven by private-sector companies. The Rijkswaterstaat (the Dutch
General Directorate for Public Works and Water Management) is one of the biggest clients in Europe and leader
in BIM implementation.
BIM Technician /
EUR 30 000 40 500 51 000
BIM Modeler
BIM Technician /
NOK 410 000 540 000 670 000
BIM Modeler
BIM Technician /
SGD 25 200 40 000 54 000
BIM Modeler
BIM adoption state
In 2015 the Spanish Ministry of Development created a National BIM Strategy esBIM (spanish: 'Estrategia
Nacional BIM esBIM') and set milestones to implement BIM methodology in the country. Since 2018 it is
mandatory to use BIM in all public works within construction and in 2019 this requirement was extended to all
infrastructure projects as well. At the moment the use of BIM is on advanced level in Spain, with increasing
amount of companies implementing the technology.
BIM Technician /
EUR 22 000 27 000 35 000
BIM Modeler
BIM Technician /
CHF 35 000 59 000 65 000
BIM Modeler
BIM adoption state
Since 2015 BIM level 2 is mandatory for all new public investments. BIM is widely used among designers and in
many other fields. There are many projects with advanced BIM and Swedes are strong believers of open
standards. Most of the BIM work is driven by individuals (BIM enthusiasts). Because of this, the level of BIM
varies widely between different clients, regions, types of projects, etc.
BIM Technician /
SEK 384 000 441 000 522 000
BIM Modeler
In 2011 UK had created own strategy for BIM implementation. in 2016 BIM became obligatory in public projects
which means that all projects funded by central government should be at lest on BIM Level 2. Until 2025, the
aim is to move to level three BIM, which is deeply embedded in the wider digital economy. This will require
further development of technologies and commercial models.
BIM Technician /
GBP 25 000 32 000 36 000
BIM Modeler
BIM adoption state
U.S. does not have nationwide regulations that mandate the use of BIM technology for government
construction projects. There are a few reasons for that and the main one is that there is no single agency in the
federal government that is in a position to mandate BIM for all public projects in the USA, such as is done in
several European countries. Many professionals admit that it would not be practical to deploy a one-size-fits-all
solution for a construction economy as large and diverse as the one in the U.S. Several large federal agencies
have implemented BIM mandates, some of which, like ones adopted by the General Services Administration in
2003 and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers shortly after that, have contributed to BIM adoption throughout the
country. Several states also have BIM mandates, and the Federal Highway Administration recently launched a
focused initiative to encourage BIM use among transportation departments in all states. Many studies from the
past 10 years show steady growth in BIM adoption and implementation. A recent study of U.S. non-residential
contractors including general contractors, construction managers, and specialty trades, found that 89% of
respondents use BIM on at least some of their projects, with 47% reporting that they use BIM on more than half
of their projects.
BIM Technician /
USD 31 000 46 000 58 000
BIM Modeler
If you have any questions about the report or you would like to contact
us, just write us a message.