Revit24 NewFeaturesPresentation WD

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Project Browser - Graphics & Search Bar Dark Mode & Custom Graphics
• File/options/colors/UI Active Theme OR
toggled via the “canvas theme” icon under
the View tab

• Dark/Light modes are preset themes but can

be customized per project.

• Applies to both 2D & 3D views


My Insights
• Available in the Revit 24 home
screen, before opening a project.
• Includes personalized usage data
and suggestions.
• Additional tips & tutorials offered
though the “learn more” option on
each card

Sample Projects
• New sample project for the first time in a
number of releases.
• Showcases the new & most commonly
used features of Revit.
• Sample files are located in the C:\
24\”Sample Files” folder
• Faster performance using linked models
& CAD files.
• Coordination models can be linked from
Autodesk Docs (cloud-hosted) which
helps keep them up-to-date and keep
master file lighter.
• Coordination models can be underlaid
as reference
• Individual elements of coordination
models can be selected by tabbing
through and selecting - properties of
these items are shown but are not

Drawing Placement
• Multiple drawings/views can be
placed on a sheet a time. Drawings
are spaced apart from one another
• Drawings can be moved from one
sheet to another while maintaining
their respective positions on the
• To move a drawing aligned to a
different sheet, simply right click the
drawing under it’s respective sheet
and select “Move Aligned to Sheet...”,
then select the target sheet (search
feature can speed this up).

Scheduling Changes
• Schedule row height can now be edited
(under graphics, resize all rows and
input new height parameter)
• Revision clouds can now be scheduled
• Revision schedules should help speed
up the process of documenting new
revisions & reviewing revision history.
Revision schedules can include as many
or as little fields as desired (author, date,
notes, sheets affected by revision, etc.)
• To create a revision cloud schedule,
navigate to View/Schedules/New
Schedule--> revision clouds

Pattern Alignment
• Hatches can be edited in 3D and
orthographic views.
• All hatch patterns on a surface can
now be aligned to the same orientation
simultaneously using Modify/align/
far right option next to patter: selected
face or entire surface / click the element
face to align patterns to/ tab select the
pattern line to align
• Improvements to the family editor
include hatch arrangement (move to
front/back or forwards/backwards), and
consistent representation between the
family editor, in project, vector and raster

Egress & Path of Travel

• When generating Life Safety

Plans, the egress path of travel
between two points can be
automatically generated:
• Under the Analyze Tab, navigate
to the Route Analysis section
to the right, click Path of Travel.
Next click the path starting point,
then the target exit. The shortest
possible path will automatically
be drawn between these two
points avoiding obstacles.
• Obstacles can be defined by
clicking the arrow in the bottom
righthand corner of the Route
Analysis section.
• The automatic tag for the egress
path includes the distance and
estimated travel time to reach
target exit.

• Slanted, curved, tapered and
“show core only” features
• Previous Revit releases included
these features - “show core only”
available in 2D views, not 3D.
• This feature is a visibility/graphics
override setting under walls/
toggle off visibility for “non-core
• Subterranean walls, foundations
and footings can be split from
their surrounding topography by
enabling the cut tool, selecting
the toposolid to be cut, then
the elements to cut out of the
• The volume of the updated
toposolid is shown in the
toposolid properties (previously

• Replacing the Toposurface feature.
Serves as a hybrid between a floor and
a toposurface.
• Functions as a system family with
instance and type parameters - easily
change the compositions of different
• Can be generated from legacy
toposurfaces, a CSV point file, or a
sketch. Sketched boundaries now
include the abiltiey to draw convex
boundary lines
• Converting legacy toposurfaces to
topossolids is quick and easy:

• Subdivisions are not permanent
and changes to adjacent
topography affect subdivisions.
Subdivisions can only be given
a positive elevation relative to
surrounding topo.
• Splitting the toposurface allows
for a negative elevation relative
to surrounding topo but it is
permanent. Suggested workflow
from subdivisions to splits.
• Split toposolids can have their
own compositions; subdivisions
inherit the composition and
topolines of the parent toposolid.
• Split toposolids can be joined,
creating a cohesive section (no
vertical split lines visible), but this
locks in the changes made to split
topography. Recommend saving
a copy or a backup file before
splitting or joining permanently.
Edit\Undo works in the short term.

Toposolids & Voids

• Void family can be created, loaded
into project and used on toposurface
the same as you would for floor void.
• Alternatively, create a void geometry
in your project by navigating to:
component/model in place/toposolid.
Next, select Void forms and draw the
outlines or select the geometries that
will make up the void. Extrusions can
be given a height above and below
the elevation at which it is placed.
• The height of a void extrusion can be
edited under properties or by moving
the arrows in any view.
• Finally, click “Cut” under the Modify
tab, selecting the toposolid you wish
to cut first, then selecting the void
• Voids replace legacy building pad
elements. Older building pads can still
be edited in Revit 24, but new building
pads must be created using voids.

Toposolids & Voids (Alternate Method)

• Aleternatively, voids can be created by
an In-Place Mass (Massing & Site tab)
• the same as you would for floor void.
• Alternatively, create a void geometry
in your project by navigating to:
component/model in place/toposolid.
Next, select Void forms and draw the
outlines or select the geometries that
will make up the void. Extrusions can
be given a height above and below
the elevation at which it is placed.
• The height of a void extrusion can be
edited under properties or by moving
the arrows in any view.
• Lastly, click “Cut” under the Modify
tab, selecting the toposolid you wish
to cut first, then selecting the void

Toposolids & Contour Graphics

• General settings for contour

increments and major/minor
designations are found under the
toposolid type properties (Select
toposolid/edit type/graphics/
contour display
• Additional graphic settings for
toposolids are located under
the Manage Tab/Object Styles/

Toposolids & Graded Regions

• The example shown begins with

a toposolid phased as Existing.
The graded region then creates
a new toposolid phased as New
Construction and sets the original
toposolid to be demolished in the
New Construction phase.
• Functions similarly to graded
regions in previous versions
of Revit, but includes more
information under properties
• Changes in volume, area, etc. are
easily calculated by camparing
these values between the two
differently phased toposolids
• General rule of thumb: when
changing the elevation of
toposolid subelements (points
and lines), you can’t move them
below the 0’-0” datum. To do
this, increase the thickness of
the toposolid by an amount
greater than you are moving the

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