Auto Tune Regent Drive
Auto Tune Regent Drive
Auto Tune Regent Drive
ReGen 驱动和感应电机自整定
Prepared By: Approved By:
(Last, F I typed) (Signature and date) (Last, F I typed) (Signature and date)
Gui ZhengDong Gui ZhengDong 2015-1-15 Ma HF
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delivered to others on the express condition that it will be used only for, or on behalf of, Otis; that
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Document: ReGen Drive and induction motor
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Table of contents 目录
1.1 SELF-COMMISSIONING 自整定测试 ............................................................................................................... 4
1.1.1 Steps 步骤 ................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1.1 Steps 步骤
1. Entering Auto Tune Mode.(Refer to 55661 5.4.1)
进入自整定模式(参照 55661 5.4.1)
1) Use the SVT to access category M31 and hit the go-on key unti the parameter
“Motor Type” is displayed. Set the parameter to 901. 进入变频器M31菜单,设置
“Motor Type”为“901”。
2) Use the SVT to access category M32 and hit the go-on key until the parameter
“Self Tune 0/1” is displayed. Set the parameter to 1. 进入变频器M32菜单,设置
“Self Tune 0/1”为“1”。
3) Hit the go-on key to display the parameter “LR Ampl KP/Ki PU”. Make sure that
this parameter is set to 0.2. This parameter controls the amplitude of the test
current. 0.2 corresponds to 20% of drive rated current. 设置“LR Ampl KP/Ki
4) Verify that „Motor Nameplate Data‟ and „Number of Poles‟ (see section 5.4.2) are
entered correctly. Poles=floor(120*rate Frequency/rate RPM)
2. Entering Motor Nameplate Data and Number of Poles.输入铭牌参数和极
数.(Refer to 55661 5.4.2)M34
1) Hit the go-on key until the parameter “Mtr Shft Pwr kW” is displayed. Enter the
rated power in kilowatts from the motor nameplate.按GO-ON直到“Mtr Shft Pwr
2) Hit the go-on key to display the “Rtd Mtr Spd RPM” parameter. Enter the rated
speed in rpm from the motor nameplate. 按GO-ON直到“Rtd Mtr Spd RPM”显
3) Hit the go-on key to display the “Rtd Mtr Ln-Ln V” parameter. Enter the rated
motor line-to-line rms voltage from the motor nameplate. 按GO-ON直到“Rtd Mtr
Ln-Ln V”显示,输入铭牌电动机额定电压值。
4) Hit the go-on key to display the “Rtd Mtr I Arms” parameter. If available, enter the
rated motor current from the motor nameplate. If not known, leave the parameter
to its default setting of zero. 按GO-ON直到“Rtd Mtr I Arms”显示,输入电机铭牌
5) Hit the go-on key to display the “Rtd Mtr Freq Hz” parameter. Enter the rated
frequency in Hz from the motor nameplate. 按GO-ON直到“Rtd Mtr Freq Hz”显
6) Hit the go-on key to display the “Mtr Lsigma mH” parameter. Enter the motor
transient inductance (Lsigma) if known or 0.001 if not known. The drive will
From Unpublished Work - Copyright © Otis Elevator
Rev. 2013-07-01
Document: ReGen Drive and induction motor
Sheet: 5 of 6
determine this value during the locked rotor phase of the tests. 按GO-ON直到
“Mtr Lsigma mH”显示,输入电机瞬时电感,如果不知道那么输入“0.001”代替。
7) Enter M34,Hit the go-on until the “Low Volt Op 0/1” parameter is displayed.
Enter 1 if the rated motor line to line voltage is less than or equal to 400 Vrms.
Otherwise, set the parameter to zero.
进入M34按GO-ON直到“Low Volt Op 0/1”参数显示,如果电机的额定电压小于
Note: if UCM function is not required, please set “UCM-on/off”to zero( M2-3-1).
注意:如果没有 UCM 功能,请把 M2-3-1“UCM-on/off”设置为“0”
3. Locked Rotor Tests(Refer to 55661 5.4.3) INDUCTION MOTOR ONLY!!
锁转子测试 仅适用于感应电机(参照 55661 5.4.3)
drive and remove the jumper. If you need to power the drive down to remove
jumpers, first access M12 and write down the locked rotor test results as
required in the data-sheet. These results will not be displayed in M12 once you
cycle power to the drive (of course if you saved them to EEPROM, you can
search for them in the regular service tool tree). 如果在第二步使用了短接线那
1) After the locked rotor tests, the elevator should move in manual mode or
inspection mode. Power up the drive, exit auto tune mode (Use the SVT to
access M31 and hit the go-on key until the parameter “Self Tune 0/1” is
displayed. Set the parameter to 0) and check that the elevator runs by using
manual or inspection mode. 锁转子测试之后,电梯可以手动模式或者检修运
行。变频器上电,“Self Tune 0/1”(变频器M32)设置为“0”,退出self-turn。然
2) If the elevator fails to move and a motor over current fault is logged, check the
phasing of the motor with the appropriate procedure. One such procedure is
outlined in [TIP1.1.12.0-1] 如果电梯不能移动或者有过流等故障发生,使用正
确的检查程序来检查电机的相序,可以尝试换相 (尝试更改Motor phase 参