Shadow World The Jade Dagger
Shadow World The Jade Dagger
Shadow World The Jade Dagger
A Rolemaster adventure set in Shadow World in the sixth century of the Second Era upon a lush
By Terry Amthor Andejaan found a place rich in potential, but inhabited
by savages; she determined to civilize them. To
Out of the mists, obscuring sight, implement her plans, the K'ta'viir survivor founded a
An isle shimmers on a surging sea. mystic cult centered around the "Jade Dragon" - a
Deep green shadows defy the light, creature which exists only as an illusionary form
Claws of Jade wait to be free. conjured by Andejaan herself. Through the cult, she
introduced a social structure, a writing system, and
Two forces from two worlds; technological advances.
The Demon against the Drake. She began by infiltrating certain gifted Vorloi with
This conflict the future molds... visions and suggestions of a coming Trinity of demigods
Wait for the blade to break. who would bring a new era. Then she bred a small group
of superior beings and chose three to be the leaders of
Following is an adventure set in Shadow World, on this society. By now, a rudimentary priesthood of
and about the continent of Emer. It begins in the famous shamans had evolved, ripe for the arrivals of the
trade city of Kaltaine off the southwest coast, but takes Messiahs. Andejaan unleashed her most elite servants, a
the players to the legendary Isle of Jade. This semi- trio of beings who were genetic improvements of the
mythical island is protected by jagged reefs and cloaked aboriginal race. They assumed the titles of Priestess,
in drifting mists, but its jungles are said to conceal an Warrior, and Mystic. While long-lived, the trinity were
ancient culture...and fabulous treasures. mortal beings and their positions were filled by offspring
Thrust into the middle of an old and deadly rivalry, the of the same sex (except for the Mystic, whose sex is
players are unexpectedly drawn to this deceptively always held in mystery). The roles of the three
peaceful-looking isle. There they must choose sides crystallized, with the Priestess and Warrior acting as
between a prehistoric Dragon Cult and an order of political and religious leaders, the Mystic assumed the
shadowy, fanatic priests. role of foil to prevent stagnation. He (she?) used his
powers to essentially disrupt the status quo.
1••The Tale Centuries passed under the benevolent rule of
the Trinity, while the jade Dragon herself vanished form
The tale of the Isle of Jade is a long and twisted one, sight - travelling between planes of existence. The Isle
and the GM should familiarize himself thoroughly with prospered and many beautiful objects of art and
the background information here before running the architecture were created.
adventure. All this was fine, but while this and many other
civilizations flourished on the world, shadows grew from
dark corners. One such evil force was the Jerak Agothu,
Background the Order of Agoth. Originating in the river valley
known as Zaen on the Emerian mainland, the Order
The following paragraphs are a general overview of
spread to encompass much of the southeast region. Soon
the island's history and inhabitants.
its tentacles were spreading out across the waters. After
several unsuccessful attacks, the minions of the demonic
A Historical Summary of the Isle order succeeded in overthrowing the Trinity and
destroying much of the Isle's culture. The Warrior and
History began for the Isle of Jade with the arrival of a Priestess were slain by Zaen forces at the gates of the
member of the Old Race. A K'ta'viir woman - a Lord of Jade Drake's lair...denied entrance. Their mistress could
Essence - Andejaan awakened from the deep slumber not help them; she too was trapped - in a place between
many of her people retreated to millennia ago with the worlds. The Mystic fled into hiding in a secret vault he
end of their galaxy-spanning civilization. Her cryogenic had prepared for just such a circumstance. Darkness fell
vault was located beneath the Isle, and thus she emerged on the Isle of Jade.
For almost two thousand years, the evil followers of the Green Brotherhood. When Teker discovered the
the demonic Jerak Agothu held sway over the Isle. The Emerald Ring while visiting a crumbling pile of
world-sweeping Wars of Dominion, which signaled the forbidden Dragon Cult ruins, he knew that it had a
end of the Second Era destroyed the dark cult, but left special significance, but was unsure of its exact powers.
little else in its wake. There was little time to research further, for he was sent
Five millennia passed over the Isle, while populations on an errand to the mainland by his father. He realized
slowly recovered. Ancient constructions scattered across that perhaps a powerful Seer there could unravel the
the Isle of Jade continued to slowly deteriorate, the riddle of this ring and decided to steal away from his
arcane symbols scribed on their granite faces party and seek guidance.
incomprehensible to the peoples now living amongst What Teker did not know was that his father's spies
them. Then dark forces began to gather once again in had seen him visit the Dragon Cult ruins, revealing him
Zaen and spread to the Isle of Jade. This time the as a possible betrayer. Talaaj was devastated, but
darkness manifested itself as the Green Brotherhood, an determined that Teker would receive no special
order of monks and priests who took many of the ancient treatment. An assassin was sent among the group with
artifacts of the Dragon Cult and cursed them, twisting his son, and should Teker be caught in traitorous activity,
them to their own evil purposes. This group, led by the he was to be punished.
Dyar elf Talaaj Morn, attempted to destroy the Dragon
Cult, utilizing methods that included subversion and About the Isle of Jade
terrorism. The Green Brotherhood also exploited the
racial differences between the aboriginal Vorloi and the Located off the eastern coast of Rael, the Isle of Jade is
large 'hybrid' population, trying to play the factions volcanic in origin and still sports two active cones. The
against each other. The Brotherhood is composed of Tyrl Halk (M-e. "Great Hall of Jade") rests on a small
Animists (Druids), Evil Clerics, Monks, and Warrior island within the dead cone of another volcano. Here a
Monks who are also assassins. spring has erupted and runs through the palace itself.
But not long ago (archeologically speaking), the The Palace of the Jade Dragon is here, populated by
Mystic was called forth from sleep to restore the Cult of servants and followers, protected by a force of Secret
the Jade Dragon. He managed to evade the Green Brother Guardians and a host of other defenses.
assassins and spread the ancient word of the Jade Except for the barren volcanic cones in the northern
Dragon. Slumbering legends awakened at his call and he regions, the Isle of Jade is almost entirely blanketed by
led a guerilla war against the dominant Brotherhood. But rain forest. There are black beaches along a few coastal
the Mystic needed additional help - only the Warrior and areas - especially to the south and east - but most of the
the Priestess could revive the old orders. There other two shores are rocky cliffs of jagged ebon.
could gather and train elite fighting units; they have
access to hidden vaults holding items of power to aid Flora and Fauna
these groups. He must find a way to call forth the
surrogate Warrior and Priestess! There is a wide variety of interesting plant and animal
life in the forest, most of it either unique to or at least
Recent Events unknown except in this region of the world. The island's
rain forest climate provides a fertile environment for an
Talaaj Morn is currently the most powerful man on the endless assortment of life.
Isle, leading a vast hierarchy of priests and Bakka: Huge, semi-intelligent frogs, Bakka are
administrators, operating from their monastic centers intelligent enough to be trained and ridden like horses.
(Dragon Cult ruins are shunned - Holy Places too They are sure-footed, strong, fast, and can even climb
powerful for even the Green Brother hood to overcome). trees while carrying a rider. Once they were the mounts
He is a Dyar Elf, but was accepted into the Green Order of an elite force under the command of the Priestess.
as an infant and rose to the top through political acumen Birds: One of the delights of the Isle of Jade is its
and by arranging several 'accidents' for those blocking varied and spectacular bird population. Nearly all are
his path to the High Priest-hood. harmless, though a few can serve as eyes and ears for the
Recently Talaaj learned of the Mystic's search for the Trinity.
vaults of the other two of the Trinity, and now seeks the Jade Dogs: Shimmering green fur and emerald-bright
place himself -to destroy it. Little does he know that his eyes mark these enchanted beasts. They are close
greatest threat is within his own household. relatives of the Vapor Hounds (described in the Shadow
Teker Morn is Talaaj's son and only child, born of a World Inhabitants Guide), including their deadly
union with the native Seer woman Hija. Son and wife poisonous breath. Jade Dogs primarily roam the beaches
have been conspiring for many years against the father, and more thinly wooded perimeter regions of the Isle of
though Talaaj has thought his son a devout adherent to
Jade. 3rd lvl reduction poison, 30' by 20' cone, fuses into
drifting 10' diameter bubble. Spells: All Monk Base to 10th.
Tree Frogs: Tiny but dangerous, these brightly Items:
colored little creatures are capable of spitting a powerful Green Jade Dagger and Amulet: These linked items
acid at distances of up to fifty feet. Treat as a medium were made for the Cult of the Jade Dragon long ago and
Claw/Talon, delivering no critical - unless they get a "C" have been perverted by the Green Brotherhood. Once
or better, indicating an eye hit. Target is blind in one eye they were used in a ritual to preserve the soul of a dying
and is stunned for 1-5 rounds of agony. priest. Now, they are employed to capture the soul of a
victim and hold it hostage or sacrifice it to the evil
Races Agoth. See Encounter: In the Street for details of the
dagger's operation.
Vorloi: The Vorloi ("tree spirits") are a strange race
apparently indigenous and unique to the Isle of Jade. Jade Mask: A face mask actually molded of a green
They are small and lithe (height averaging 4'8" - 5'6"), tinted shaalk with holes for the nose and eyes, the mask
and - because of their pointed ears and longevity - are adheres magically to the face but can be removed with a
perhaps the result of a mating of an Elven race with a gentle pull. When worn, it has the power of preventing
mortal group long ago. But the Elven grace of this people anyone from 'noticing' the wearer's face. See Encounters:
may be a facade - behind their beautiful lips are fangs In the Street for details of the mask's operation. The
and their long delicate fingers end in hard sharp nails. mask was also a Dragon Cult item, since corrupted by the
Vorloi have straight black or dark brown hair, green or Brotherhood.
hazel eyes, and their skin is a deep brown, though lighter
than the Itanian or Kuluku chocolate coloring. Green Cloak: Adds +30 to hiding; +80 in forest.
Hybrid Peoples: the result of interbreeding between
the Vorloi and certain Elven and mannish peoples (some Teker Morn
of which date back millennia), these are generally larger,
with lighter skin and less pronounced incisor and The youth who now lies in a coma is half Dyar Elf,
fingernail development. The variations are many, half Vorloi. His mother - Hija - is a Seer, and he is just
however, and exactly who is a Hybrid and how far from beginning to realize that he has tremendous magical
pure blood Vorloi they are is a clouded issue. potential.
Teker pretended to be loyal to his father, learning all
2••The NPCs he could of the Green Brotherhood, while really listening
to his rebellious mother. She is a follower of the Mystic,
The following persons are likely to be encountered by who has enlisted their aid to seek the nature of the ring.
the PCs during the course of their adventure. Another important fact about Teker is something that
only the Mystic himself knows - the youth is a direct
descendant of the Mystic through his mother and the
Green Brother
Mystic intends to name the boy his successor.
This man is a hybrid, larger than the typical native. He
is a ruthless killer and highly disciplined. No torture can Age: 16 • Eyes: Hazel • Hair: Black/straight • Build:
make him reveal any information and he has a +50 to Slender • Height: 5'11" • Race/Sex: Dyar-Vorloi /Male •
resist any spell to force him to talk. Skin: Light Brown* • Demeanor: Quiet • Dress: Green
tunic or loincloth
Age: 35 • Eyes: Green* • Hair: Black* • Build: Slender
• Height: 5'10" • Race/Sex: Vorloi-Laan/Male • Skin: Hits: 68 • Melee: 65 handaxe • Missile: 40 dagger
Light Brown* • Dress: Green Clothes and Cloak AT(DB): 1(25) • Sh: N • Gr: N • MovM: 25
*Not seen while he wears the Jade Mask. Lvl: 4 • Profession: Mentalist • AP: 98 • PP: 12 x 3 = 36
Hits: 110 • Melee: 120da • Missile: 120da Skill Bonuses: Climb 30; Swim 20; Perc 50; MASt
AT(DB): 1(90/40) • Sh: N • Gr: N • MovM: 30 45R3; Acro 40; AthlG 25; Dance 35; For 20; Track 15;
Trick 40;
Lvl: 8 • Profession: Monk • PP: 16
Spells: Mentalist Base Presence and Mind Attack, Open
Skill Bonuses: Climb 80; Swim 50; S&H 110; Perc 90; Cloaking, Closed Shifting, Movement to 10th.
Amb ±10, Amov 80; AD 50; MASt 110R4; MASw 90R2;
Acro 80 Items:
Necklace: a string of flat carved pieces of jade on a that the Matha Vurd is a eunuch (he is not, however). He
leather thong, it is a x3 Mentalist PP enhancer. is rarely seen in his 'natural' form in any case, for he is
the Mystic.
Handaxe: +10 magic weapon, which glows near Dragon His true name is Ramdaj and he carries the True Jade
Cult ruins. Mask. The purpose of the Matha Vurd is arcane, and
understood only by the other two rulers (and perhaps not
fully by them) and the Dragon. He is to act as a
dissuader, his function to actually disrupt the order of
things, so that the culture does not stagnate.
It is believed that the Jade Mask in fact has powers far
exceeding the other two items, allowing the Matha Vurd
Talaaj Morn
access to abilities beyond anything imagined by the
others of the Isle of Jade.
A Dyar Sorcerer, Talaaj is High Priest of the Green
But while the Warrior and Priestess are inactive, the
Brotherhood. As such, he answers to the Dark Priest
role of the Mystic has changed, for he must carry on the
Gothron at Zaen, but has considerable latitude as long as
traditions, which his normal role is to mock.
he makes progress against the Dragon Cult.
Note that physical attributes given below are the
An evil and cruel man, Talaaj keeps his wife in virtual
Mystic's true appearance, usually not seen.
slavery, having kidnapped her in a sea-raid two decades
ago. He also rules the Brotherhood with a harsh hand;
Age: ~?? (Appears ~20) • Eyes: Blue • Hair: White •
executions are not uncommon. He had hopes that his son
Build: Muscular • Height: 6'3" • Race/Sex: Vorloi-
would follow in his path - until this ultimate betrayal.
Elf/Male • Skin: Fair • Demeanor: Erratic • Dress:
Age: ~500 (Appears ~30) • Eyes: Green • Hair: Brown •
Build: Lean, but muscled • Height: 6'5" • Race/Sex:
Hits: 160 • Melee: 100 bs • Missile: 80 lb
Dyar/Male • Skin: Fair • Demeanor: Charming/Zealous
AT(DB): 11(40) • Sh: N • Gr: N • MovM: 20
• Dress: Green Robes or Tunic • True Attitude:
Lvl: 28 • Profession: Mystic • AP: 99 • PP: 384
Skill Bonuses: Climb 90; Swim 20; S&H 120; Perc 110;
Hits: 140 • Melee: 120 mace • Missile: 90 short bow
Rune 30; DirS 90 (firebolt); Acro 50; Act 100; Chem 35;
AT(DB): 11(40) • Sh: N • Gr: N • MovM: 20
Cont 40; Dance 60; Diplom 40; Fals 60; Lead 80; PubSp
Lvl: 22 • Profession: Animist/Evil Cleric • AP: 90 • PP:
120; Seduct 90; Trick 75; Tumb 65
44 (+5)
Spells: All Mystic Base to 30th, 10 other Open & closed
Skill Bonuses: Climb 70; Perc 110; Rune 60; S&W 80;
Essence and mentalism lists to 10th..
Chan 50; DirS 90; Admin 65; Diplom 40; Lead 100;
PubSp 90; Stra & Tac 80; WeathW 45
Jade Mask: allows the wearer free use of the Mystic Base
Spells: All Base Evil Cleric to 20th, Base Animist
lists Hiding and Mystical Change to 30th level. It also
Nature's Protection, Plant Mastery, Nature's Movement
allows the wearer to see through all illusions that fail to
to 20th, 4 Open/Closed Channeling to 10th.
resist vs. 60th lvl. When worn, the mask is invisible and
does not encumber or irritate the wearer.
Bracelet: acts as a shield vs. physical attacks and spells,
Hide Armor: Protects as AT 11 but does not encumber.
also a x4 Mystic PP enhancer.
War Mace: Mace delivers an additional Disruption
Sword: +25 broadsword.
Amulet of the Brotherhood: +5 Channeling PP
enhancer, Allows Returning and Rereturning 1x per Monks of the Green Brotherhood
passage of Orhan.
These would be tough Monks or Warrior Monks of 5th
- 10th lvl (The GM may want to scale them to his
The Mystic
characters) with green metal bracers, headbands set with
green gems, and green steel knives (suitable for melee or
The Mystic is known to his followers as Matha Vurd
(M-e. "Secret Twin") and is traditionally somewhat of a
wild card in the unique structure of the Isle of Jade. As a
true third of the Trinity, the Essence adept must be 3 • Layouts
'sexless'. It is generally believed in lore among the people
The following locations are likely to be important as shown to the players. It is mainly useful to give the GM a
the adventure unfolds. better understanding of the Isle as a whole and as an
accurate reference should he wish to run additional
The Isle of Jade adventures here.
The Vault of the Emerald Eye indentation - just the size of the ring. When the ring
is pressed to this spot, the door splits in two, half
A small installation built by Andejaan soon after her sliding down, the other half sliding up. The doors
awakening, it is essentially a small bunker designed to close when the last person has passed inside.
withstand almost any natural disaster, magical or 2. Corridor - When the door opens, curving
physical assault. It consists of a hidden entrance, a long translucent strips set along the sides of this tubular
corridor, an anteroom, a small lab/living area and the corridor glimmer to life, illuminating the tunnel in a
vault itself. Within this final chamber are tubes holding green radiance. The hall is 300' long.
the surrogates in cryogenic suspension. 3. Inner Doors - Another door opens as the PCs
This place should seem totally alien to any PC's who approach, this time splitting vertically, the halves
have not encountered installations of the Lords of sliding into the walls.
Essence before. Such places are very high-tech, with 4. Anteroom - This plain oval chamber, also lit with
smooth, machined-metal surfaces unblemished by green wall strips. Ahead lie two doors.
corrosion or wear. Doors, lighting, and fixtures are all 5. Cryogenics Chamber Outer Door - This metallic
wondrous creations like nothing the PCs have ever panel will open upon approach of the person holding
dreamed of. the ring. Both this door and #6 make a strange
rubber "thunk" sound as the open and close. This is
1. Entrance - Here, hidden back in the shadows of because they are airtight.
deep cleft, stands a circular door ten feet in diameter. 6. Cryogenics Chamber Inner Door - Along a short
There is a regular depression in a rock to the left at corridor, another door opens automatically.
chest level, in the center of which is a small
7. Cryogenics Chamber - This room is very cold, This adventure is ideally set in Kaltaine, in southwest
around freezing. The control panel in the center of Emer, but could be placed in any sizable city in Emer,
the room is covered with blinking lights totally the Western Hemisphere, or any world where the cults
incomprehensible to the PCs. Any attempts to described herein could be integrated.
manipulate the controls will meet with no results (or One of the players could be the unwitting recipient of
disaster for the sleeping Warrior and Priestess? GM the ring, handed it by a young man who is stabbed
discretion). moments later by a green-cloaked man wielding a jade
8. Warrior's Berth - The tube us partially opaque dagger.
from frost buildup, but within can barely be seen a
very muscular and regal-looking young man, clad Goals
only in a strange white singlet. His eyes are closed
and a silver metal band rests across his brow. He The goals of this adventure are multifold. Ultimately,
looks to be asleep. the PCs must go to the Isle of Jade and free the surrogate
9. Mystic's Berth - This tube is empty. Warrior and Priestess. It is also important to save young
10. Priestess's Berth - Within stands a statuesque Teker, for there is no surrogate Mystic to succeed this
woman. She also wears a white garment and one - not to mention that he is invaluable as an aid on the
headband, and looks to be sleeping. adventure itself.
11. Outer Medical Chamber Door - Only members of As the adventure progresses, the PCs will encounter
the Trinity can open this door. It is airtight like #5. knowledge of the Dragon Cult and its long battle with
12. Inner Medical Chamber Door Zaen.
13. Medical Chamber - Here is a lab and operating GM Note: The quest of the Islanders continues as the
table equipped with a computerized 'doctor'. Anyone Trinity seeks to overthrow the Green Brotherhood and
placed on the bed activates scanners which guide somehow summon back their mistress.... the Jade
sophisticated surgical arms. Blood and drugs can be Dragon. Whether the players decide to aid in this larger
synthesized and virtually any wound can be healed quest is up to them - and the GM.
in a matter of hours by using unique radiations.
Again, only the Trinity can gain access to this room Aids
or begin to understand its operation (even they don't
understand the lab equipment; that is for Andejaan's
4 • The Task
To travel to the Isle of jade and ultimately revive the
Warrior and the Priestess from cryogenic slumber, thus
helping to spark the return of the benevolent Cult of the
Jade Dragon.
The GM can run this adventure along more than one
route, depending on how the players proceed and how he
wishes to conduct it. Simply having the PCs figure out
the ring, sail to the island and release the Warrior and
Priestess takes some of the impact out of the plot, unless
they first understand the history and the dynamics behind
The most important aid is a ring fashioned of a
these factions, knowing the ramifications of releasing the
gleaming silver alloy, with a flat signet-like set of a green
Warrior and the Priestess is also important. The Gm may
crystalline substance. This unusual setting is open in the
wish to bring in additional characters to confuse the
back and has strange etchings on the surface that
issue. Perhaps the Green Brotherhood can be painted as
resembles no known writing or intelligible design. This
not so bad and the release of the two powerful beings
is actually a map of the Isle of Jade, showing the location
made to look like aiding the return of some evil order.
of the secret coastal cache.
The Encounters section includes many possible
However, the secret of the strange crystal ring must be
situations, some or all of which can be used.
unlocked before the PCs can get very far on their quest. It
must be held so that a candle flame is in the center, thus
Starting the Players projecting an image of the map on a nearby surface (the
flame is somehow prevented from heating the ring or
burning the holder).The map appears in startling detail The following section provides a more detailed
and can easily be traced (see Ring Map diagram). explanation of the various encounters the PCs are likely
to have.
In the street
The ring is a very powerful aid in more ways than one,
though some of these powers are elusive. In addition to A young man bumps into one of the PCs as he runs
the hidden map design, the ring will provide fleeting through a crowd. If he checks his pockets in typical
dreams to the wearer. It also has the power to aid the paranoid PC fashion to see if he is missing anything, he
player in reaching the Isle of Jade. The ring will act will discover a small black leather pouch he did not
almost like a Navigator - it will provide favorable winds previously possess.
and guide the ship to the Isle. It would be wise, of course, Before he even has a chance to open the pouch, a
for the PCs to determine the Isle's location in advance hooded figure wearing a dark green cloak also rushes
since they must have provisions; it could be a long trip. past and catches up to the man. The two men scuffle and
(Alternatively, the GM may wish the PCs to be magically the man collapses as the hooded figure begins to search
transported to the Isle, though this eliminates the journey his body. He looks around and, seeing the (hopefully)
there.) Of course, wealthy PCs may wish to hire a pursuing PCs, darts into an alley.
Navigator, who will be willing to take them to the beach. GM Note: Surreptitiously roll IN RRs vs. 20th level for
Perhaps most importantly, the owner of the ring has the PCs to see through the illusionary power of the Jade
access to the Vault of the Emerald Eye. Mask. As noted, only those who fail by 50 or less even
Teker himself could prove an invaluable aid. He has realize that there might be something odd afoot. Those
not deciphered the purpose of the ring, but certainly if the who fail by more just assume that they were distracted.
PCs discover the map, he will be able to identify the Obviously, all who fail do not see the face of the
island. attacker. If they don’t fail, they see an eerie,
expressionless green face mask.
Obstacles The cloaked figure flees down an alley, using spells if
necessary to escape. Meanwhile, the victim is lying in the
The first obstacle will probably be reviving Teker street, a faintly luminous green dagger lies next to him,
Morn. Considerable divining in quasi-religious circles the hilt smoking. There is no blood on the blade.
will be necessary to unravel the nature of the dagger. The boy is an unusual looking young man – tall and
Meanwhile, the assassin will be closing in. slender, with long, straight coal-black hair, delicately
Without Teker or the power of the ring, attempting to pointed ears, and light brown complexion. He is in fact
locate the Isle of Jade could be difficult. The name of the half Vorloi-half Dyar Elf. This combination is quite
Isle is not common knowledge - few but learned sages strange, owing to the fact that the reclusive “Dark Elves”
anywhere on Emer will have even heard of it! Only in typically intermarry with no one – certainly not mortals.
libraries in the larger cities will there be reference Upon inspection of the wound, the PCs will discover that
materials with any information on the Isle. Such will be there is no wound – at least not after a moment. Before
outdated and/or erroneous, but will have an approximate their eyes, the ugly gash in his chest will close, leaving
location. Historical data will make references to an only a faint scar. The glow of the dagger blade will then
aboriginal people ruled by a Dragon Cult. slowly fade.
Assuming the PCs reach the Isle, they might encounter It will require judicious use of spells to determine that
any number of animal foes. Agents of the Brotherhood the youth’s soul has been taken from him, and that the
watch the coasts at all times and will also possibly be dagger itself is a tool of soul-stealing, able to then
alerted. transfer the victim’s into another object. A skilled Seer
using Past Visions spells might learn that the linking
Rewards item is an amulet with a jade setting. The PCs –
assuming that they want to help this youth – may think
The grateful Trinity may give the PCs valuable gifts, that they will have to track down the would-be assassin,
either magical or redeemable for currency on the but he will soon be coming to them, which brings us back
mainland. The PCs may also earn the immortal ire of to the pouch. Inside is a single object – the green ring
Talaaj. (see Aids).
Depending on how the PCs are doing, some additional Depending on the mode of travel and precautions, this
help may be necessary. Should one of the characters put could be anything from uneventful to a major series of
the ring on, he will receive a dream-vision the first time crises. It is up to the GM whether he wants to throw any
he sleeps. random perils at the players – as if they don’t have
Read this passage to the ring-wearer: enough to worry about.
You stand within a huge circular room, one part of Arriving At The Isle
which is green and transparent. A cryptic pattern seems The PCs arrive at the black beach, the ebon cliffs
to be drawn on the green area and you look more looming high above. If Teker is along and conscious, he
closely, you realize that it is a map. Your body becomes will brief them on what the rest of the Isle of Jade is like,
without substance and you float weightless in this room. and hopefully steer the PCs away from many of the
You drift towards the luminous green wall, and suddenly lurking perils.
you are passing through it – into a nighttime sky. The Far more dangerous are the Green Brothers. As
great moon Orhan glows with a clean white light in the mentioned earlier, the Brotherhood keeps a watch on the
heavens. Below lies an island resting in a calm sea. coasts and an alert lookout might very well spot the
You descend to the isle and stand upon a green cliff. approaching ship – an unusual occurrence, especially
Behind lies a green jungle and before you, far below, is a anyone approaching the sheer western cliffs region. The
glittering ocean. Far off, a huge winged creature glides monks might lay an ambush on the beach or possibly
across the night – but you do not feel afraid. even summon Talaaj into the fray. He will fight like a
Three green lights float up out of the jungle and drift demon to stop the revival of the Warrior and the
towards you. The descend and transform into lordly Priestess.
beings clad in magnificent garments; One Man, One GM Notes: You may wish to bring in a lesser
Woman, and one who is Indistinct. lieutenant, such as an Evil Cleric or Duid of 10th level or
Then, on the horizon to the north, an angry red light so, instead of Talaaj – as he is a formidable opponent
glows in the night and the fires spring up across the (and you may want to save him for a later encounter).
jungle. You seek the winged beast – for it is your friend – Access to the cliff summit is via a 2 mile long,
but it has vanished. With silent cries of pain, the Man winding path cut into the cliff face, located about five
and the Woman vanish. The indistinct one falls to his miles south of the cave opening.
knees and seems to be in agony. You are overcome with a
feeling of helplessness. Then the Indistinct one looks up The Vault of the Emerald Eye
at you and for the first time you see his face – it is that of
the comatose youth. Unless the PCs can fly, there is a perilous climb up
800’ to the small shelf of rock which serves as the
entryway to the Vault. This shelf lies 400’ below the top
of the cliff, so access from above or below is very
difficult. With proper equipment, the climb should be
considered four Medium maneuvers for each climber.
With no equipment, it is four Very Hard maneuvers.
Once at the threshold, the PCs must figure out the lock
to the Vault. When the inner door is opened, the Mystic
is mentally summoned – he knows how to operate the
ancient cryogenic machinery. If Teker is with them, he
can avert any misunderstanding as he has met the Mystic
before. However, if the PCs are alone, they might not
understand who the Mystic is and try to stop him. This
could get messy.