Heat Rate (Energy Efficiency)
Heat Rate (Energy Efficiency)
Heat Rate (Energy Efficiency)
Turbine heat rate = (Main steam flow * Main steam enthalpy + Aux
Steam flow * Aux steam enthalpy - Feed water flow * Feed water
enthalpy + Makeup water flow* Makeup water enthalpy)/Power
Unit of Heat rate is kcal/kWh, kJ/kWh,Mcal/MWh, MJ/MWh,
Turbine efficiency = 1/ turbine heat rate for Kcal/KWh is 860/ turbine
heat rate
For kJ/kWh is 3600/turbine heat rate
Station efficiency = 1/ station heat rate for Kcal/KWh is 860/ station
heat rate
For kJ/kWh is 3600/station heat rate
The performance of a power plant can be expressed through some common performance
factors as
φhr = H / E (1)
Thermal Efficiency
Thermal efficiency of a power plant can be expressed as
Capacity Factor
The capacity factor for a power plant is the ratio between average load and rated load for
a period of time and can be expressed as
Pal = average load for the power plant for a period (kW)
Prl = rated capacity for the power plant (kW)
The turbine heat rate of a steam turbogenerato is the ratio of thermal input: power
generated. It is often expressed in kJ/kWh. The efficiency of the turbogenerator is simply
calculated from this.
The plant heat rate is the ratio of fuel energy into the plant: power generated. It is greater
than the turbine heat rate, because not all of the fuel's thermal energy can be captured by
the boiler, and also power station services such as fuel handling, flue gas cleaning etc
consume power. Consequently, more fuel is needed for each unit of useful net power
produced. Plant heat rate is often expressed in kJ/kWh or Btu/kWh.
The fuel energy input used in the plant heat rate calculation may be on a higher heating
value (HHV) or a lower heating value (LHV) basis, and the plant power output, although
usually on a net (net of plant own consumption) is sometimes on the basis of that at the
generator terminals. Whatever is used should be made clear, but it often is not.
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