What Do Feb Auto Sales Say About The Economy?: Recovery at Stake

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Thursday, March 3, 2022


mint primer QUICK EDIT

What do Feb auto Recovery

sales say about at stake
Recent data readings offer com-
the economy? fort on the health of India’s
economy. The manufacturing
purchasing managers’ index
BY ALISHA SACHDEV released on Wednesday edged
Automobile production and demand across segments such as personal higher to 54.9, as recorded in
mobility and goods movement are a sign of the country’s economic February, from 54 in January.
growth. Auto wholesale data for February throws up some interesting More than this rise, though, the
trends and also highlights some potential risks. Mint explains: fact that it’s staying well above
the 50 mark, which separates
Showing recovery expansion from contraction,
Wholesale dispatches of passenger cars from original equipment manufactur- makes for optimism on this
ers were on a steady path of improvement or sustained volumes in February. major sector. Also, data released
OIL prices AUTO DEMAND SCHOOLS goods and services tax mop-up
beyond OUTLOOK and
$100/barrel universities above ₹1.3 trillion for the fifth
reopening successive month in February.
These numbers suggest the
HIGH PRIVATE third covid wave has done our
commodity offices
prices resuming economy only limited harm.
work-from- With infection cases now back
in control, supply chains should
in semiconduc- EV momentum function smoother and help
tor production likely to
due to war in continue commercial activity gain pace.
Ukraine That the Reserve Bank of India
has chosen to stay dovish to the
What do February How is this linked to surprise of many should keep
1 numbers show?
Wholesale dispatches of passenger
2 economic recovery?
Signs of rural stress and poor
credit conditions supportive.
But the threat of inflation is fast
cars from original equipment customer sentiment on the lower worsening. Crude oil prices
manufacturers (OEMs) were on a end of the income pyramid are have risen past $110 per barrel,
steady path of improvement or evident from the lacklustre and with no end to the Ukraine
sustained volumes in February. demand for entry-level cars and crisis in sight, our central bank
Two-wheeler production, on the two-wheelers. Subdued tractor may need to move decisively
other hand, fell nearly 27% year- demand also betrays the same
towards policy tightening, even
on-year (y-o-y). Dispatches of stress. Factors such as high fuel
trucks were higher in February prices and successive increases in as the 2022-23 budget’s core
across segments—medium, heavy sticker prices of two-wheelers assumptions weaken. With too
and light. Tractor sales, however, because of higher raw material many economic variables up in
were under pressure due to a high costs have made the cost of the air, uncertainty stares at us.
base effect from February last year. acquisition high. Customers are
Barring some automakers, exports therefore exercising caution.
were largely in the positive terrain Entry-level passenger cars have
for most OEMs. The nascent also become nearly 10% more
electric vehicle (EV) market also
saw a multi-fold jump in sales in
expensive as compared to January
last year. Demand of mini-cars fell
February. close to 18% y-o-y. by Bibek Debroy

Becki Beckmann did bemoan

3 What’s the industry’s
demand outlook?
Manufacturers and experts expect demand
Loss of her precious I-phone.
to rebound in the next fiscal year.
Ten years after
Reopening of educational institutions and Amidst surprise and laughter,
private offices will support demand in the
two-wheeler and passenger car segments.
Toilet pipes returned what was her own.
The infrastructure push and growing e-
commerce demand will push demand for
commercial vehicles. But rising fuel and
vehicle prices are key downside risks.
ULIP will be a game-changer for
4 Are chip shortages still
playing spoilsport? 5
Chip shortages continued to play
Can the Ukraine war
disrupt supply chains?
The auto sector is on the cusp of
the Indian logistics landscape. It
spoilsport. Royal Enfield and TVS recovery even as it faces headwinds
will assist just-in-time inventory
Motor Co. said the shortage such as high commodity prices and management, monitor cargo
impacted sales of high-end bikes the global semiconductor crisis.
and scooters. Maruti Suzuki India While automakers are not
movement, among others
Ltd, India’s largest carmaker, has anticipating any major direct
shown month-on-month impact of the Ukraine crisis,
improvement, but it isn’t able to Icra Ltd highlights that in the
utilize its full production capacity event of a drawn-out war, chip
yet. Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd and availability could be hampered AMITABH KANT
Tata Motors Ltd were able to ramp further as Russia and Ukraine are Niti Ayog CEO
up production sequentially and both key suppliers of raw
over the year—alternative sourcing materials. Oil prices have
arrangements may have kicked in. already crossed $100/barrel and
But most OEMs said the challenge can further dent demand for
will continue for a few months. two-wheelers.


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Pew report lays bare

India’s gender troubles

A ny woman who chooses to behave like a full human being should be warned that the armies of the status quo will treat
her as something of a dirty joke,” American feminist icon Gloria Steinem once said. Even as the world celebrates
Women’s Day on 8 March each year, that status quo seems to be thriving, particularly in India, show the findings of
a 2019-20 survey of 29,999 Indians by US-based think tank Pew Research Center. “Indians accept women as political leaders,
but many favour traditional gender roles in family life,” said the survey report released on Wednesday. Mint elaborates:

Most Indians, regardless of gender,

think a wife must obey her husband 1 Disturbing Consensus
% of Indian adults who say... IN TRADITIONAL home settings, about nine in ten Indians
A wife must obey Men in a family should be primarily believe a woman must obey her husband, the Pew survey found.
her husband responsible for earning money If 89% of the men held these views, so did 86% of the women
Women in a family should be primarily responsible surveyed across regions.
for taking care of children
0 20 40 60 80 100 “Any oppressive system in the world, and India is not special
in that case, basically rests on being able to persuade a large
Women section of people who are oppressed that this is how the world
trend functions,” Kavita Krishnan, secretary of All India Progressive
Women’s Association, said on the large share of women
Hindi belt agreeing with the notion.
Regional Southern states fared relatively better, with 75% respondents
Southern states in agreement, as against 94% in Hindi belt states.
Hindi belt comprises Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh,
Women and men, however, differed in their perceptions of
Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bihar and Jharkhand. Southern states traditional divisions of household labour. Only 24% female
comprise Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu.
Source: Pew survey report: “How Indians View Gender Roles in Families respondents said women should be the primary caregivers to
and Society” (29,999 respondents) children, against 35% men.

2 Whose Job Is It? Most adults think men should get

precedence when there is a job scarcity
WHEN IT comes to the economic sphere, 79% Indians (82% of Respondents on whether men should get preference during
hiring when there is employment shortage (in %)
men surveyed and 77% of women surveyed) “completely” or
Completely agree Mostly or completely disagree
“mostly” agree that men should get precedence over women
Mostly agree Don't know/No response
when jobs are scarce. Higher education seems to temper such
views among college graduates, but not enough, with 74% still Education qualification Gender
favouring the precedence of men in the job market. 2 2
24 16
The data paints a gloomy picture for India compared with 59
other countries. Indians are thrice more likely than the median College
graduates 49 Men
global level (17%) to “completely agree” that men have a greater 3 19 4
17 23
right over jobs in times of high unemployment. Of the 61 25
countries surveyed by Pew, only Tunisia has a higher share (64%). Less than 57 Women 54
This is not simply the case of women being unaware of their 23 college
rights; it also reeks of poor policy support, such as child care and
gender-sensitive work environment that could have encouraged Source: Pew survey report: “How Indians View Gender Roles in
women to participate in the labour market, experts said. Families and Society” (29,999 respondents)

3 Long Way Ahead Every second Indian said teaching boys to

respect women is the way to make them safer
EVEN AS attitudes in India around women’s safety Respondents (%) on how to improve women's safety
seem to have changed over the years, about one in four, Educational Age
irrespective of their education levels and age difference, qualification group
still hold the view that women should behave
“appropriately” to protect themselves, putting the onus Less than College 18-34 35+
college graduate years years
of crime on women, the survey found. However, 75% of
Indians believe violence against women is a big problem Teach boys to
respect all women 51 49 52 50
and the silver lining is that about half of Indians think
Teach girls to behave
boys should be taught to respect women. The trend appropriately 26 23 25 26
varies across states. In Rajasthan, 63% of the
Women are
respondents said it was more important to teach boys to already safe 2 2 2 2
respect all women, compared with 40% in West Bengal.
Improve law and 6 11 7 6
In the southern states, Karnataka residents were the order policing
most likely (36%) to see a solution in women behaving
appropriately and Andhra Pradesh least (21%), the Others 13 15 12 14
report said. In Chhattisgarh, just 7% respondents put Source: Pew survey report: “How Indians View Gender Roles in Families
the onus on women. and Society” (29,999 respondents)

Women in J&K, Assam most likely

to report gender discrimination 4 Facing Prejudice
Women (%) who personally felt discriminated against because FEWER THAN a quarter of Indian adults (23%) said there was “a
of their gender (in 12 months preceding the survey) lot of discrimination” against women. This perception did not
Jammu and differ significantly with age group, education level, caste, and
10 Kashmir 32 religion of respondents. However, the survey found varying
35 responses in different parts of India. Southern states, which are

generally viewed as more socially developed in terms of gender
relations, were more likely to report “a lot of” gender-based
discrimination against women, with 44% respondents saying so
in Telangana and 39% in Tamil Nadu. The share was the least in
7 Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh (6% each).
However, women themselves may not always admit to facing
prejudice. Just 16% women overall said they had personally felt
Tamil Nadu discriminated against based on gender in the year preceding the
survey. This was more likely among women from Jammu and
Source: Pew survey report: “How Indians View Gender Roles in Families Kashmir (35%) and Assam (32%). Women who had faced recent
and Society” (29,999 respondents)
financial hardship were a lot more likely to say so (22%).

5 Women At Top Youth, college graduates more likely to

see women as equals to men in politics
GENDER EQUALITY remains a pipe dream in Indian politics. How respondents compare men and women as
political leaders (in %)
Women are almost half of India’s voter base, yet they made up just
Men Women Both
14% of all people elected to the Lok Sabha in 2019. Political parties are are equally
field women on only a handful of seats in any election. There are better better good
various reasons for their poor engagement, including stereotyped 18-34 23 15 57
obligations such as managing household chores, which are years
traditionally assigned to women, and a disproportionate burden of
35+ 27 14 54
family care. However, Indians in the Pew survey showed a strong years
tendency to accept women as political leaders, with a majority
(55%) either saying that women and men make equally good Less than 25 14 55
Education college
political leaders or that women can make better leaders than men
(14%). Tara Krishnaswamy, founder of activist group Political College 22 14 62
Shakti, said voters were far ahead on gender-related views on graduates
political leadership than political parties themselves, and Source: Pew survey report: “How Indians View Gender Roles in Families
and Society” (29,999 respondents)
“political parties are not meeting voters’ expectations”.
pragya.s@livemint.com AHMED RAZA KHAN/MINT

PEANUTS by Charles M. Schulz


Thursday, March 3, 2022

Ukraine: In search of a Manufacturing PMI sees rise,

livemint.com passage to India uP12 but threats abound uP4

SENSEX 55,468.90 778.38 NIFTY 16,605.95 187.95 DOLLAR ₹75.71 ₹0.37 EURO ₹83.91 ₹0.32 OIL $120.31 $9.35 GOLD ₹51,258 ₹779

‘We have evacuated about Volatile phase

Stocks plunged on Wednesday while oil and commodity
prices soared to multi-year highs.

12,000 Indians from Ukraine’

European Brent
56,200 (Previous close) crude spot ($/bbl)
56,000 Sensex
55,600 6.31am 7.15pm
Shashi Shekhar Uttar Pradesh are now nearing 55,400 % change (1 month)
letters@hindustantimes.com oN A WAR FootING their end. You have addressed
dozens of rallies there. What are
Rural demand weakens in Dec
qtr as companies raise prices

55,000 Lead 7.55
ndia is taking all necessary steps your expectations? Tin 6.61 Sales volume of fast-moving consumer goods fell
to bring home stranded nationals The people of Uttar Pradesh are 54,800
9.15am 3.30pm Zinc 3.99 2.6% year-on-year in the December quarter, a
from Ukraine safely, Prime Min- To bring determined that the pace of develop- Source: Bloomberg Copper 3.64 decline that came after five quarters of positive
ister Narendra Modi said in an ment in the state for the last five years volume growth with demand for packaged goods
interview with Hindi daily Hin-
back our citizens, should not be allowed to stop. PARAS JAIN/MINT dipping sharply in India’s villages, according to
we have engaged
dustan. India has so far evacuated
about 12,000 people from Ukraine,
Modi said, adding that the Indian Air
the IAF, apart
from the regular
I sensed this public sentiment
very clearly during my rallies in dif-
ferent parts of UP. There is tremen-
Stocks decline, oil industry data released by NielsenIQ.

Accel India raises $650 mn for


flights. Around 30
Force has joined the mission, apart
from regular flights, to bring back
remaining Indians from the war-torn
flights will bring
back Indians in
dous enthusiasm among the people
for the environment of develop-
ment that has been created in the
prices surge ahead seventh venture capital fund
India, an early backer of startups such as
Flipkart and Freshworks, has raised $650
country. Around 30 flights will carry the next few days. state. They yearn for greater devel- million in commitments for its seventh fund
Indians back in the next few days, he opment in the near future. It is now Ujjval Jauhari & Rituraj Baruah mediate (WTI) also surpassed to invest in new opportunities such as
added. Edited excerpts: Narendra Modi evident that people do not want to ujjval.j@livemint.com the $110-per-barrel-mark. Its emerging technology across India and
Prime Minister go back to the days when they had April futures contract on Southeast Asia, it said on Wednesday. >P8

There is a huge crisis in to face problems in every aspect of ndian stocks plunged on NYMEX was 7.90% higher at
Ukraine, especially when it their life. Wednesday while oil and $111.31 per barrel, the highest Apple, Ford, others retreat from
comes to the evacuation of Indi- You want to double the income commodity prices surged to level since 2013.
ans. You have also been priori- of farmers. Has the withdrawal multi-year highs, as the war in The surge in oil prices came
Russia; VW warns of disruption
tizing it through several high- heads of states. with the Ukrainian authorities and of agricultural laws posed a Ukraine and sanctions on Rus- despite the decision of the Apple, Ford and Dell joined the roster of firms
level meetings. How is the situ- We are taking all the necessary got this cap relaxed so that the hurdle to this? sia continued to whiplash International Energy Agency retreating from Russia, while other global businesses,
ation? steps to assist Indian citizens and number of flights could be As far as doubling farmers’ markets. (IEA) member countries to including Volkswagen AG, warned of further supply
disruptions. Exxon Mobil Corp. said late Tuesday it
Through Operation Ganga, we students who are still there. We increased. income is concerned, we planted The Nifty and the Sensex, release 60 million barrels of oil was halting operations at a multibillion-dollar oil and
are working day and night to bring have sent four ministers to coordi- The result of all these efforts has the seeds on the same day when we taking cues from global indi- from their emergency gas project in Russia. >P10
back all Indians trapped in this cri- nate the entire process and ensure been that we were able to ensure implemented the recommenda- ces, fell 1.12% and 1.38%, reserves. The US also
sis of war. We are also aware of the all possible help. the evacuation of about tions of the Swaminathan Commis- respectively. announced tapping its strate-
kind of suffering our children had Our embassy has INTERVIEW 12,000 Indians from sion. In the process of ‘Beej se Crude oil continued to soar. gic petroleum reserve. Government infra spending plan
to go through in these war condi- been in contact with the Ukraine. Bazaar’, we have tried to help farm- The price of the May contract This is adding to substantial to revive wagon manufacturing
tions. In many places, the weather students long before the war In order to bring back our citi- ers in every way. of Brent crude on the Inter- concerns about inflation in The Union government’s record capital
has deepened their misery. There- started and continues to guide zens, we have now engaged the We have identified four pillars to continental Exchange (ICE) India even as the December expenditure push is expected to boost
fore, the first effort of the govern- them. There used to be a cap on the Indian Air Force in this mission make the lives of the farmers easier. stood at $113 at 7.30pm, quarter economic growth manufacturers of railway rolling stocks that
ment was to ensure that the Indian number of flights between India apart from the regular flights. These are the four pillars: lowering according to Bloomberg data. slowed to a lower-than-ex- have seen orders stagnate for the last few years,
citizens, our students, reach safer and Ukraine due to the covid-re- Around 30 flights will bring back input cost; increasing the sources of This is the highest level of pected 5.4%. “This slowdown is Texmaco Rail and Engineering Ltd managing
places from the war-affected areas. lated air bubble. But before this sit- Indians in the next few days. Brent crude oil prices since director (MD) Ashish Kumar Gupta said. >P11
For this, I myself spoke to several uation of conflict arose, we worked Mr. Prime Minister, elections in TURN TO PAGE 6 2014. The West Texas Inter- TURN TO PAGE 6

Govt to take a call on BharatPe: Inside

LIC IPO timing soon an old covenant
Gulveen Aulakh selloff across asset classes and Arti Singh face serious fraud allegations.
gulveen.aulakh@livemint.com delays in fund-raising plans arti.singh@livemint.com While Grover resigned early
NEW DELHI globally. The department of NEW DELHI on Tuesday morning, the com-
investment and public asset pany said that was minutes after

he finance ministry will management (DIPAM), one of n a move hitherto unseen in he received the agenda for the
review the timing of Life the nodal bodies involved in India’s startup ecosystem, board meeting scheduled for later
Insurance Corp. of the IPO, has been holding payments firm BharatPe on that day, which was to consider
India’s mammoth initial public roadshows with global inves- Wednesday said its erstwhile the findings of an independent
offering as early as this week as tors for the past two weeks managing director and governance review at the firm.
geopolitical uncertainties trig- after the government filed co-founder Ashneer Grover was Grover dismissed the allega-
gered by the Russian invasion draft IPO papers for the mar- “no longer an employee, tions later in the day, asking the
of Ukraine have soured inves- ket regulator’s approval on 13 founder or director” and that he board and company management
tor sentiment worldwide, two February. and his family had indulged in to get back to work and that he was
senior officials aware of the The official said that the “extensive misappropriation of concerned about the value
development said. roadshows have been going company funds”. destruction at the firm. After all, as
A decision is likely by the well with sovereign wealth The statement drew the cur- he had said in his resignation letter,
end of the week on whether the funds, alternative investment tains on weeks of sniping he continues to be BharatPe’s sin-
state-run LIC’s IPO, India’s funds, pension funds, mutual between the outspoken execu- gle largest individual shareholder.
largest ever, should be funds and new investors across tive and the company, which That claim might come under
launched this fiscal, one of the markets, including the US, UK, dragged in board members, scrutiny in days to come, as the
officials cited above said, Canada, Australia and Japan, investors and co-founders and severe falling out between Grover
requesting anonymity. showing interest. engulfed the company in an and the company, including other
The war in Ukraine, soaring The government aims to sell unseemly public spectacle. co-founders and board members,
energy prices and the prospect 5% of its shareholding in the While it all started with a leaked has cast a shadow over the status
of a return to cold war-like country’s largest insurer conversation in which Grover of a key informal arrangement
geopolitical rivalry have was heard abusing a Kotak
scared investors, sparking a TURN TO PAGE 6 banker, he and his family now TURN TO PAGE 4

As Moscow batters Kyiv, both ready for talks

AP while US President Joe Biden
feedback@livemint.com warned on Tuesday that if Rus-
KYIV sian leader Vladimir Putin is
not made to “pay a price” for

ussia renewed its aerial the invasion, the aggression
assault Wednesday on won’t stop with one country.
Ukraine’s second-largest Russia, too, ramped up its
city in a pounding that lit up the rhetoric, with foreign minister
skyline with balls of fire over Sergei Lavrov reminding the
populated areas, even as both world about the country’s vast
sides said they were ready to nuclear arsenal. In an interview
resume talks aimed at stopping with Al-Jazeera, he said: “A third
the fighting. world war will be nuclear, and
Seven days into Russia’s inva- devastating,” according to Rus-
sion, a refugee crisis unfolded on A handout picture from Ukraine’s interior ministry shows smoke sian news sites.
the European continent, with billows from a television centre in Kyiv after a missile attack. AFP A Russian attack hit the
the UN saying more than regional police and intelligence
870,000 people have fled of about 1.5 million, came Both sides held talks on Mon- headquarters in Kharkiv, kill-
Ukraine and that the number under bombardment again day, agreeing only to keep talk- ing four people and wounding
could soon hit 1 million. Wednesday, and a strike ing. It was not immediately clear several others, Ukraine’s emer-
Ukraine’s state emergency reportedly hit a hospital in the when new talks might take place gency service said. It added that
service reported that more than country’s north. Meanwhile, a or what they would yield. Ukrain- residential buildings were also
2,000 civilians have been killed, 40-mile-long (64-km) column ian President Volodymyr Zelen- hit, but did not provide details.
but that could not immediately of Russian tanks and other skyy said on Tuesday Russia A blast blew the roof off of the
be independently verified, and vehicles stood outside the capi- should stop bombing before five-story police building and set
neither side has disclosed its tal, Kyiv, while invading forces another meeting. the top floor on fire, according to
military casualties. pressed their assault on the Zelenskyy has decried Rus- videos and photos released by the
Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second- strategic port cities of Kherson sia’s attacks on civilian targets
biggest city, with a population and Mariupol in the south. as a blatant terror campaign, TURN TO PAGE 6

India’s output, exports of Sputnik
India exploring payment Banks hold
meeting on
vaccine at risk due to Ukraine crisis
New Delhi: India’s production and exports of Russia’s Sputnik
covid-19 vaccines are expected to slow further following US sanc-
tions on Russia’s sovereign wealth fund that promotes the shot
alternatives for Russian biz Swift freeze
in Russia
globally, three Indian pharmaceutical industry sources told Reu-
ters. The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) had billed India Shayan Ghosh & Subhash
as one of Sputnik’s biggest production hubs and markets, though Narayan
local sales have stagnated at 1.2 million doses out of 1.8 billion The methods being explored include routing payments through smaller Russian banks MUMBAI
doses of various vaccines administered in the country. REUTERS

hile the government
Dilasha Seth also being explored. But it will have its explores alternatives
US to release oil supplies to dilasha.seth@livemint.com difficulties as sanctions have come to work around the
into effect for all products other than Swift payments freeze for large
maintain global oil prices BENGALURU
agriculture, pharma and energy. Russian banks, Indian lenders

he Centre and the Reserve Also,the rouble is not a freely convert- held a meeting earlier this week
Bank of India (RBI) are ible currency,” the second official to discuss the challenges fol-
exploring alternative mech- added. lowing the sanctions, said two
anisms to process financial Queries emailed to spokespersons people aware of the develop-
transactions involving Rus- of the ministries of finance, commerce ment, seeking anonymity.
sian businesses, including routing and industry, and external affairs The agenda of the meeting,
payments through smaller Russian remained unanswered at press time. organized by the Indian Banks’
banks which have not been put under The commerce department set up a Association (IBA), was to look at
sanction, local currency trade and help-desk last week for traders as the the impact of the sanctions on
third-country payments, said two gov- Russia-Ukraine conflict intensified. Indian lenders and what could
ernment officials, requesting ano- Most queries so far pertain to financial be done to overcome the issues,
nymity. transactions-related difficulties faced said one of the two people.
The departments of economic by exporters. At present banks are not in
Washington: US President Joe Biden announced that his affairs, financial services and com- Meanwhile, representatives of the favour or any consolidated
administration has worked with 30 other countries to merce, and the ministry of external Indian Bankers’ Association met with request to the Reserve Bank of
release millions of barrels of oil from American strategic affairs are brainstorming over releas- banks to understand the exporters’ India in the matter since it has
reserves to maintain the global oil prices in the midst of a ing payments to exporters and busi- concerns and will share these with the initiated preliminary discus-
Russian invasion of Ukraine. PTI nesses that have been affected by the Exporters have raised concerns with the government and banks to get clarity on RBI to devise a mechanism for pro- sions. “Banks discussed how
sanctions imposed by the US, UK and whether their pending payments were secure. MINT cessing pending payments. realizations of export proceeds
EU following Russia’s invasion of Exporters have raised concerns and payments for imports have
Income tax refunds of over ₹1.83 tn Ukraine. look at the other banks. But again, stood at $2.6 billion, while imports with the government and banks to get come to a halt after the ban,” he
“Departments are exploring options there are sanctions on products, so were at $5.5 billion. clarity on whether their pending pay- added.
issued so far during current fiscal to resolve the issue. One option is those cannot be traded. However, RBI India shipped pharma products ments were secure and whether they “Banks have not proposed an
New Delhi: The income tax department on Wednesday said it whether payments can worth $469 million and should continue to export. alternative mechanism to the
has issued refunds worth over ₹ 1.83 trillion to more than 20.9 be routed through small SOME BANKS NOT SANCTIONED electrical machinery Last week, the Export Credit Guar- government or the RBI so far.
million taxpayers so far this fiscal. This includes 17 million Russian banks that have worth $301 million to antee Corp of India changed the cover However, the central bank
refunds of the 2020-21 fiscal ended 31 March 2021, amounting not been sanctioned,” THE idea is to AN option is that THE West, led by the Russia. Other major category shipments to Moscow from sought details of Indian banks’
to ₹34,202.31 crore. “CBDT issues refunds of over ₹1,83,579 crore said one of the two offi- release payments to payments can be
businesses that have routed through
US, has excluded
some banks from
items include tea, coffee, ‘open cover’ to ‘restricted cover’, transactions with Russian len-
to more than 20.9 million taxpayers from 1 April 2021 to 28 Feb- cials. Trade estimates been affected by the banks that have not the SWIFT financial apparel and textiles. which has revolving limits (normally ders and is assessing the situa-
ruary, 2022,” the I-T department tweeted. PTI put the due amount at sanctions in Russia been sanctioned transaction system During April 2021--Jan- valid for a year), and are approved on tion,” the second person said.
$400-500 million. uary 2022, India’s a case-by-case basis. Following its invasion of
The West, led by the exports stood at $2.99 The state-owned export credit pro- Ukraine last week, the US and
About 5,000 Indian students in US, has excluded some Russian banks is looking into the payments issue and billion, up 25% from a year ago, and vider clarified that the cover for ship- the European Union (EU) have
from the SWIFT financial transaction will revert with the best possible way accounting for 0.84% of India’s overall ments to Russia has not been with- barred some Russian lenders
Ukraine will be airlifted: Scindia system. “So far, SWIFT has been out,” said the second official. exports. drawn, but modified with effect from from the Swift network.
excluded for large banks. We could In FY21, Indian exports to Russia “Feasibility of rupee-rouble trade is 25 February. shayan.g@livemint.com

PM calls for robust data security network ‘Consider transfer

Gulveen Aulakh
of MBBS students’ housing sector and asked them
to come up with innovative
NEW DELHI ideas. “We have to increase self-
reliance in communications Priyanka Sharma country’s ministry of education

rime Minister Narendra sector,” the prime minister priyanka.sharma@livemint.com and science.
New Delhi: About 5,000 Indian students, earlier stranded Modi urged the private said. From a security point of “We want co-ordination

in the war in Ukraine, will be airlifted from neighbouring sector to come up with view, servers should be located he doctors’ association in with the Romanian border
Romania and Moldova between 2 March and 4 March, civil concrete suggestions on the in India and the dependence on India are asking for a spe- authority for their safe passage
aviation minister Jyotiraditya Scindia, one of the union possible opportunities in sun- foreign countries should be cial provision under through the country. Also,
ministers overseeing the evacuation process, said on rise sectors such as 5G and also reduced, he said. National Medical Commission NMC should consider the
Wednesday night. There are currently about 3,000 Indian stressed on the need to have a The animation, visual (NMC) to consider the transfer transfer of these MBBS stu-
students stranded in the Romanian capital Bucharest and robust data security framework effects, gaming, and comic of students studying medicine dents to medical colleges in
1,000 in the border town of Siret. RHIK KUNDU within the country. (AVGC) sector offers immense in Ukraine to medical colleges other countries valid when it
“There is a very clear road- potential to employ youth, in other countries valid, in comes to application for the
map laid down for 5G spectrum Modi said. “We need to pro- addition to their safe return. entrance exam in India for for-
India urges all its nationals to leave auctions in 2022. India has a mote AVGC to build domestic This comes against the back- eign medical graduates,” the
strong 5G ecosystem. There- Prime Minister Narendra Modi also urged the private sector to give capacity for serving our mar- drop of the fate of thousands of Progressive Medicos and Sci-
Kharkiv for safer locations nearby fore, a production-linked suggestions on opportunities in sunrise sectors such as 5G. PTI kets and the global demand. people studying entists Forum
New Delhi: India on Wednesday urged all its nationals in the incentive scheme for design in Similarly, Indian toys have a medicine in the The fate of (PMSF) said.
besieged city of Kharkiv to leave for safer areas nearby within five 5G has also been proposed in Modi also emphasized on the tems and drones, semiconduc- huge market and we should use war torn country thousands of This comes
hours amid scenes of chaos following intense bombardment and the budget. I urge the private need to have a robust data secu- tors, space technology, genom- technology to capture the hanging in the people studying against the back-
a Russian airborne assault on Ukraine’s second largest city. sector to hold detailed discus- rity framework even as he spec- ics, pharmaceuticals, and 5G global market,” he noted. balance. medicine in drop of an Indian
Indian nationals in Kharkiv, where medical student Naveen She- sions on new opportunities ified the requirement of secu- have been set as priorities for Innovative ways to handle The proposal
war-torn Ukraine student being
kharappa Gyandagoudar was killed in a Russian attack on Tues- emanating from these propos- rity for communications and the country in the FY23 Union e-waste management should by the doctors’ killed in shelling
day, were asked to move out of the city immediately for their als and come up with concrete fintech networks. budget, the prime be identified with the help of association will, in is hanging in the in Ukraine’s
safety in “light of the deteriorating situation”, according to an suggestions to the government “India needs a Modi also sought minister said. technology to advance the gov- turn, ensure their balance Kharkiv and also
urgent advisory issued by the Indian embassy. STAFF WRITER to move forward,” he said on robust data secu- the industry’s The use of tech- ernment’s Swachh Bharat Mis- eligibility to apply when the Indian
Wednesday at a webinar on rity framework. active role in the nology for ease of sion, the prime minister said. for the entrance government is
implementation of proposals in To benefit from application of living must be “I urge startups to focus on exam in India meant for foreign trying to evacuate Indian citi-
Govt policy push to put solar mfg the Union budget linked to data, its govern-
modern focused on finding innovative solutions for medical graduates, the NEET- zens from Ukraine.
technology-enabled develop- ance is also neces- besides the use of e-waste management, circular FMG (Foreign Medical Gradu- “We demand transfer of
industry on strong footing: ISMA ment. sary and therefore technology in the optical fibre, rail, economy and electrical mobil- ates’ Exam). Indian students doing MBBS in
New Delhi: The government’s recent policy initiatives to pro- The government plans to standards and housing sector road and other ity,” he said. Modi also exhorted Ukraine’s state-run universi- Ukraine to safer countries and
mote the manufacturing of solar power equipment in the country hold the spectrum auctions norms have to be infrastructure the private sector to take maxi- ties providing quality medical a special provision by NMC to
will put the industry on a strong footing and help achieve ambi- soon and has also asked the sec- set,” he said, ask- along with PM mum advantage of the change education at low costs have consider their transfer valid
tious targets, industry body ISMA said on Wednesday.The gov- tor regulator to provide its rec- ing the industry and govern- Gati Shakti, he said. He also of rules for the use of geospatial been attracting Indian students and ensure their eligibility for
ernment has set an ambitious target of 500 gigawatts of renewa- ommendations on reserve pri- ment to prepare a roadmap. sought the active participation data and the infinite opportuni- for years. There are around NEET without any extra paper-
ble capacity by 2030, which is about 5 times the current cumula- ces of 5G spectrum on a fast- Sunrise sectors such as artifi- of the industry on the use of ties that have emerged because 18,095 Indian students in work,” said Dr. Harjit Singh
tive installations. PTI track mode. cial intelligence, geospatial sys- modern technology in the of the reform. Ukraine, according to the Bhatti, president, PMSF.

‘No discrimination’: Ukraine denies charges of racism at the borders CORRECTIONS AND
Mint welcomes comments,
Devina Sengupta hinder this,” @MFA_Ukraine sands waited to crossover to had reached the stations to that Africans are singled out suggestions or complaints
devina.sengupta@livemint.com said in a Twitter post. “In neighbouring countries on reach the border, they were for unacceptable dissimilar about errors.
Ukraine, there is no discrimi- foot or by train and bus. not allowed to board the trains. treatment would be shock-
Readers can alert the

kraine’s ministry of for- nation based on race, skin col- Ashmita, a fourth-year stu- “My brother was told ‘Ukraini- ingly racist and in breach
newsroom to any errors in the
eign affairs on Wednes- our or nationality, including dent of Vinnytsia National ans only’ and could only board international law,” said cur- paper by emailing us, with your
day refuted allegations when it comes to the crossing Pirogov Medical University the last train leaving the sta- rent chair of the African Union full name and address to
of racism against its border of the state border by foreign who had to wait all day long on tion,” said an Indian national and President of the Republic feedback@livemint.com.
guards. In a Twitter post, the citizens. The first-come-first- 27 February to get past the based in the Middle East, of Senegal, H.E. Macky Sall,
ministry said there was no dis- served approach applies to all border, said: “They gave pref- whose brother managed to and the chairperson of African It is our policy to promptly
respond to all complaints.
crimination “based on race, nationalities.” erence to Ukranians to cross escape the war zone. Union Commission, H.E. Readers dissatisfied with the
skin colour or nationality” by Sayan Chowdhury, a fourth over to Romania in cars and “The number of people who Moussa Faki Mahamat, in a response or concerned about
its officials. year student of Ivano Frank- buses. But we had to get down fled Ukraine to neighbouring statement on 28 February. “... Mint’s journalistic integrity may
“Ukrainian border guards in ivsk National Medical Univer- from our bus and walk 8 km countries reached 677,000…” all people have the right to write directly to the editor by
cooperation with colleagues sity, who is currently in Roma- from Chernivtsi (western United Nations High Commis- cross international borders sending an email to
from neighbouring EU coun- nia, awaiting a flight back to While some students had reached the stations to reach the Ukraine) to the check post and sioner for Refugees, Fillipo during conflict, and as such, asktheeditor@livemint.com
tries and Moldova are doing India, however, said Ukranian border, they were not allowed to board the trains. AFP wait at the Ukraine-Romanian Grandi said in Twitter post on should enjoy the same rights Mint’s journalistic Code of
everything possible to speed border guards at Siret physi- border. We heard some stu- 1 March. to cross to safety from the con- Conduct that governs our
up the passage for all citizens cally assaulted Indian students Other Indian students, too, Ukranian borders officials. dents were abused and beaten Students of other nationali- flict in Ukraine, notwithstand- newsroom is available at
from Ukraine and have never and demanded $25-100 each took to social media describ- Videos were circulated of vio- at the Polish borders.” ties, including Africa, also ing their nationality or racial www.livemint.com
created obstacles that would for safe passage to Romania. ing the hostile behaviour by lence at check-posts, as thou- While some other students alleged racist attacks. “Reports identity,” they added.


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Lenders prefer outside Consumer cos fear war could Home services
platform Urban
inflate edible oil prices, too Company
IBC biz rescue: Experts Suneera Tandon
launches PSOP
Anuj Suvarna

he ongoing Ukraine- BENGALURU
Russia conflict could put
IBC is seen as the last option when other turnaround options have failed
further pressure on pri- ome services market-
ces of edible oil, said packaged place Urban Company
foods companies in India. (formerly UrbanClap)
Gireesh Chandra Prasad Ukraine and Russia are large has announced a stock owner-
gireesh.p@livemint.com sunflower oil producing coun- ship plan worth ₹150 crore for
NEW DELHI tries, fulfilling a significant its service providers over the
chunk of global demand for the next five to seven years.

enders and corporate restructuring edible oil. The platform had received
experts are increasingly choosing India consumes an estimated the board’s approval for the
to rescue companies outside the 2.5-3 million tonnes of sun- India consumes an estimated 2.5-3 million tonnes of sunflower first tranche worth ₹75 crore, it
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code flower oil per annum. Nearly oil per annum. Nearly 70% of this comes from Ukraine. BLOOMBERG said.
(IBC) without the judicial delays 70% of this comes from Urban Company will set up
and huge haircuts they are forced to take Ukraine. Ukraine, and Russia going to be really challenging lysts at S&P Global Platts said in a process to grant these stocks,
once a company goes into formal bank- accounted for nearly 13% of all situation for processed foods a 1 March note. Sunflower seed taking into account both the
ruptcy resolution, according to experts. of India’s edible oil imports in companies,” said Mayank Shah, crushing plants have stopped performance of service part-
The preference for investors and lenders 2021, supplying 1.6 million ton- senior category head at biscuit operations in Ukraine, they ners and
to deal with industrial stress out of bank- nes, according to a report by maker Parle Products. said. their lon-
ruptcy tribunals shows that the IBC is Reuters. The maker of ParleG biscuits As supply of sunflower oil gevity on
increasingly seen as the last option—when Companies across packaged uses multiple edible oils in its tightens, companies are likely the plat-
other corporate turnaround options have cooking oils and products, which it to substitute it with other edi- form, it said.
not worked out. A Reserve Bank of India This also reflects in the absence of a surge in bankruptcy cases after the one-year processed foods Companies said can easily be ble oils, Shah said. “That’s “Urban Company’s partner
(RBI) scheme rolled out in 2019 has acceler- suspension of creditor action against corporate defaulters was lifted last March. MINT anticipate both an across packaged used as a substi- where we will see the impact in stock ownership plan (PSOP)
ated the trend, experts said. This also impact on their cooking oils and tute for sunflower pricing,” he said. will help scores of service part-
reflects in the absence of a surge in bank- To be sure, the IBC has helped reduce for the others totalling a debt size of around direct sourcing processed foods oil. “So, we are not Branded sunflower oil prices ners become shareholders of
ruptcy cases after the one-year suspension stress in India’s banking system, with sev- ₹7,000 crore, Gangwal said. for the commod- directly getting have already increased in the the company, thereby ena-
foresee an impact
of creditor action against corporate default- eral large cases getting resolved under the In a recent example of successful, out-of- ity as Russia impacted but we past one year, going up 39% bling broad-based wealth cre-
ers was lifted last March, said experts. tribunal monitored process. RBI data IBC restructure, Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd, wages war on on their direct are going to be between January 2021 and Jan- ation through equity sharing.
“The IBC is not a panacea for all. It is a showed that gross non-performing assets a listed company, informed stock exchanges Ukraine, as well as sourcing for oil indirectly affected uary 2022, according to data by This is perhaps the first of its
long-drawn process; hence many lenders of scheduled commercial banks have on 12 February of approval of a restructuring a jump in prices of at least as far as the retail intelligence platform kind plan globally, where gig
and investors are actively backing corporate declined from ₹9.3 trillion as of the end of plan with lenders and, subsequently, of allot- other edible oils as two commodities Bizom, which works with mil- workers become shareholders
restructuring outside the IBC for a quicker March 2019 to ₹8 trillion as of July 2021. ment of equity shares to lenders. Experts demand for other commodities of wheat and sunflower oil are lions of kirana stores. of the very platform they work
and smoother resolution of issues. Many Brescon has, in the past few years, pointed out that the execution of quick turn- goes up. concerned,” Shah told Mint. “With the Ukraine-Russia with. This will allow our ser-
believe that under a few special situations, engaged in four corporate turnaround around ensures financial benefits to all “There can be a major Ukraine is the top exporter of crisis, we could see further vice partners to benefit from
providing financial backing to a stakeholders, including limited impact on all food companies sunflower oil globally. Russia’s pressure as India imports sig- the company’s growth in the
distressed company under new QUICK SOLUTION haircut and provisioning for which are using any sort of edi- invasion of Ukraine has “signif- nificant volumes of these from coming years,” said Raghav
management could be a better lenders, an overall increase in ble oil because edible oil prices icantly” disrupted the Ukrain- Ukraine,” Bizom said in data Chandra, a co-founder of
choice than taking it to the LENDERS seek to EXPERTS say the HOWEVER, the market capitalization for the will go up. If this lasts long it’s ian sunflower oil industry, ana- shared with Mint. Urban Company.
bankruptcy tribunal and hav- avoid judicial delays
and huge haircuts
execution of quick
turnaround ensures
IBC has helped
reduce stress in
shareholders while retaining
ing to deal with delays and hair- they are forced to financial benefits to India’s banking honest management and tax
cuts,” said Nirmal Gangwal, take under IBC all stakeholders system revenue to the exchequer.
managing partner, Brescon & Shareholders and lenders
Allied Partners LLP, which spe- prefer solutions such as refi-
cializes in handling businesses in distress. transactions in which a solution was nancing and recapitalization in which new
“The June 2019 circular of RBI is a well- achieved outside the National Company lenders or investors provide more flexibil-
received alternative to the IBC for the Law Tribunal (NCLT) framework. Out of ity to the company in terms of repayment,
restructuring process,” said Gangwal. The those, financial capital was raised in two said Nikhil Shah, managing director, Alva-
Central Bank had provided a stressed asset cases aggregating around ₹4,000 crore rez & Marsal, who leads the turnaround and
resolution framework on 7 June 2019. and restructuring under the RBI guidelines restructuring practice in India.

White Oak Capital picks 2% stake in Bikaji

Debjyoti Roy AIF-I, the people cited above Axis Asset Management snacks and sweets, according
debjyoti.roy@livemint.com said on condition of anonym- remained unanswered till to Frost and Sullivan report. It
NEW DELHI ity. White Oak Capital is said to press time. is the largest manufacturer of
have led the round. The company, which is also Bikaneri bhujia, soan papdi,

hite Oak Capital Axis New Opportunities backed by home-grown private packaged rasgulla, and gulab
Management has AIF-1 is a public markets-fo- equity fund Lighthouse Funds, jamun. Shiv Ratan Agarwal
picked up a minor- cused fund managed by Axis filed its red herring prospectus launched the Bikaji brand in
ity stake in ethnic snacks Asset Manage- (DRHP) last week 1993. It had operations in 22
maker Bikaji Foods Interna- ment Co. Ltd. to raise ₹1,000 states and three Union territo-
tional Ltd at a valuation of The fund had White Oak crore through an ries as of 30 September 2021. It
around ₹7,000 crore ($923 picked up a stake Capital has initial also exports its prod-
million) ahead of its planned in the snacks been investing public ucts to 35 countries
initial public offering (IPO), maker in 2019. largely in offering accounting for 4.6%
two people familiar with the White Oak (IPO). of its product sales.
matter said. Capital has been The IPO is Bikaji’s operating revenue
White Oak Capital, a bou- investing largely or publicly listed expected to value grew 22% to ₹1,311 crore in
tique investment manage- in IPO-bound or companies the company FY21 from ₹1,075 crore in
ment and advisory firm set up publicly listed around $1 billion FY20, while net profit grew
by former Goldman Sachs companies such (₹7,500 crore). over 60% from ₹56.4 crore to
executive Prashant Khemka, as Rategain Travel Technolo- Notably, Lighthouse too ₹90.3 crore during the period.
and a few unidentified family gies Ltd, Shaily Engineering increased its shareholding in It reported a net profit of ₹40.9
offices, jointly picked up Plastics Ltd, and Newgen Soft- the company last year at a val- crore against an operating rev-
around 2% stake worth around ware Technologies Ltd. uation of ₹5,500 crore. enue of ₹771.7 crore during the
₹140 crore ($18.4 million) held Email queries sent to Bikaji Bikaji is one of India’s lead- six months ended September
by Axis New Opportunities Foods, White Oak Capital, and ing FMCG brands selling 2021.

Navi takes up 75,000 sq ft B’luru space

Madhurima Nandy Startech, a Grade A office com-
madhurima.nhtlive.com plex in Bengaluru’s Koraman-
BENGALURU gala area. Cab hailing firm Ola
had also leased around

lipkart co-founder Sachin 400,000 sq ft of space in the
Bansal’s financial services same complex. Bengaluru-
startup Navi Technolo- based Navi, which was set up in
gies, which is gearing up for a 2018 and turned profitable in
public listing, has taken up 2020-21, is preparing for an ini-
75,000 sq ft of office space on tial public listing (IPO).
lease from IndiQube, in subur- Navi passed a special resolu-
ban Bengaluru, according to tion to convert the company
two people familiar with the from private to a public limited
transaction. Flipkart co-founder Sachin Bansal’s financial services startup will entity and rename it to Navi
Managed office provider occupy the office space in April Technologies Limited, a move
IndiQube has about 1.5 lakh sq that will pave the way for the
ft of office space across two “Navi has taken up a new tioned above, who didn’t wish company to float an IPO soon,
buildings at AMR Tech Park in ground-plus-four storey build- to be named. Spokespersons of news portal Entrackr reported
Hosur Road. It has leased one ing, which will be used largely Navi and IndiQube did not in February. During 2022-24,
building to Navi for a nine-year for backoffice operations and as respond to queries. startups are expected to lease
tenure. The company will a delivery centre. It can house In 2021, Navi had taken up 29 million sq ft, according to a
occupy it in April once the fit- around 1,000 employees,” said around 110,000 sq ft for its cor- report by property advisory
outs are done. the one of the persons men- porate office at Prestige RMZ Colliers and CRE Matrix.

S&P BSE Sensex Nifty 50 Nifty 500 Nifty Next 50 Nifty 100 S&P BSE Mid-cap S&P BSE Small Cap

55,468.90 -1.38 16,605.95 -1.12 14,199.80 -0.76 40,063.9 0.03 16,855.70 -0.95 23,316.56 -0.17 26,631.33 -0.12

56,247.28 55,629.30 16,793.90 16,593.1 14,307.95 14,161.70 40,052.10 39,798.95 17,016.55 16,826.25 23,355.61 23,258.10 26,662.33 26,573.08

55,755.09 55,020.10 16,678.50 16,478.65 14,265.50 14,104.75 40,267.60 39,687.50 16,930.20 16,732.05 23,410.00 23,160.06 26,837.08 26,481.15

m MINT SHORTS Challenges galore for Manufacturing PMI saw

Hedge funds close short bets rise, but threats abound
on Japanese bonds in a hurry
Hedge funds may have helped fuel the biggest gain in
Japanese bond futures in a year after money markets
trimmed bets on the pace of US interest rate hikes. Ten-
autos after a dull Feb Harsha Jethmalani
Low hopes
Indian manufacturers are less
Vineetha Sampath optimistic in their business

year futures jumped 58 ticks to 151.17 on Wednesday, the usiness activity in India’s man-
largest one-day rise since March 2021. Commodity trad- vineetha.s@livemint.com Hits and misses ufacturing sector saw a mar-
outlook compared with
counterparts in other nations.
ing advisers may have unwound bearish bets on the secu- In February, sales of both passenger and commercial vehicle segments were ginal improvement in Febru- Future output index (unadjusted)

rities, according Bloomberg data. Overseas investors have he Nifty Auto index was the good but that of tractors and two-wheelers were disappointing. ary. The seasonally adjusted IHS India Global
sold 5.03 trillion yen ($43.7 billion) of the futures since biggest loser among sectoral Year-on-year growth Month-on-month growth (in %) Markit India Manufacturing Pur- Emerging markets Asean
March delivery became the front-end contract in Decem- indices on Wednesday, falling 60
chasing Managers’ Index (PMI) rose 75
ber, exchange data showed. Global funds accounted for by almost 3%, on a day when to 54.9 from 54 in January, aided by
February 2022 volumes
67% of transactions involving the derivatives last year, the Nifty50 index fell by 1%. modest rise in the new orders com- 70
the figures show. Debt markets globally are reflecting The jitters are understandable. For ponent as the impact of Omicron on
bets for slower tightening as traders anticipate the one, the Ukraine war has ignited the pri- demand conditions faded.
Ukraine war to make central banks’ response more meas- ces of commodities, including crude oil 20 A reading above 50 indicates
ured. In Japan, bond bulls have the added benefit of a and aluminium, both of which have a expansion. For the eighth month in a
prolonged period of accommodative policy.BLOOMBERG bearing on the automobile sector. As 0 row, the headline figure has 60
such, rising costs are a worry. “Our Com- remained in the expansion zone and
modity Cost Index has started inching up above its long-run average of 53.6. 55
and is 50-100 basis points (bps) higher for But the good news ends here. A
PVs and 150-200 bps higher for 2Ws cur- closer look at the sub-indices data
rently versus the Q3FY22 levels,” said -40 does not paint a bright picture for the 50
analysts from Nomura Financial Advisory sector’s outlook.
and Securities (India) Pvt. Ltd in a report -60 For instance, the survey for Febru- 45
Escorts Jan 2020 Feb 2022
on 1 March. One basis point is 0.01%. PVs Maruti
M&M Tata Tata Ashok
Motors - Motors - Leyland
Eicher Hero TVS
Motors MotoCorp Motor Co.
ary showed a further increase in
Source: IHS Markit
and 2Ws refer to passenger vehicles and PV CV average input costs faced by Indian
two-wheelers, respectively. “Hence, we PV stands for passenger vehicle, CV for commercial vehicle. Source: Company data manufacturers. Even though the SATISH KUMAR/MINT

think that further price hikes may be input price index softened to a six- increased costs is still missing among
required in Q1FY23F to support margins SATISH KUMAR/MINT
month low, it remained above the Indian manufacturers. The output
if the current trend persists,” the broker- partly made up for domestic fall in 2Ws. 2Ws and entry segment cars, as oil prices historical average. price sub-index of PMI fell back to 51
age said. CVs are on a good footing. “The growth are likely to rise in March,” said Nomura. “The fact that new covid infections from 51.7 in January.
Moreover, it is not as if February vol- in the CV segment is primarily because of “The freight rates for automakers will in India remain low bodes well for However, according to Miguel
ume numbers are inspiring. PVs and a cyclical upturn. The segment is seeing increase, which will weigh on margins,” the manufacturing outlook. But Chanco, chief emerging Asia econo-
commercial vehicles (CVs) have done more replacement demand. With eco- Baxi said in this context. there are headwinds,” said Darren mist at Pantheon Macroeconomics,
The Bloomberg Commodity Spot Index, which tracks 23 well, but 2Ws and tractors showed no sign nomic activity picking up and increased What’s more, there is a possibility of Aw, Asia economist at Capital Eco- the outlook for inflation remains hot.
futures contracts, climbed 4.1% on Tuesday. AFP
of recovery. Higher demand for personal spend on infrastructure, the demand the semiconductor crisis worsening nomics Ltd. He feels that companies have been
mobility, along with easing of the semi- momentum is likely to continue,” said because of the ongoing geopolitical ten- “For a start, today’s data also show sitting on substantial increases in
conductor crisis aided the PV segment. In Varun Baxi, analyst at Prabhudas Lillad- sions. “Ukraine supplies specialty gases that the supplier delivery times index costs over the past 18 months and are
February, Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd’s her. Also, remote working has acceler- required by the chip-making industry. remained below 50 for unlikely to continue to
Commodities jump most since (M&M) domestic PV volumes grew by ated the use of e-commerce platforms, Thus, there is potential of an extension of the 12th consecutive Companies have be that way. He expects
2009 as war threatens supply 80% year-on-year (y-o-y), the stress in the supply month in February. been sitting on manufacturers to raise
Commodity prices soared the most since 2009 as Rus- helped by utility vehicle ROUGH ROAD AHEAD chain of semiconductors, This suggests that deliv- substantial their selling prices fur-
sia’s invasion of Ukraine threatens key supplies of energy, sales. Tata Motors Ltd’s which are key to manufac- ery times are still increases in costs ther.
crops and metals that were already tight as major econo- domestic PV sales rose 47% THE Ukraine war has WHILE PVs and CVs IT is possible that turing autos and other elec- lengthening. And the However, unless
for 18 months and companies significantly
mies emerged from the pandemic. The Bloomberg Com- y-o-y. Maruti Suzuki India ignited commodity
prices which have a
have done well, two-
wheelers and
the semiconductor
crisis may worsen
tronic equipment in the Russia-Ukraine war has
modity Spot Index, which tracks 23 futures contracts, Ltd’s domestic PV volumes bearing on the Asia-Pacific region,” said a added to downside are unlikely to hike prices, their profit
tractors showed no due to the ongoing
climbed 4.1% on Tuesday. The gauge has more than dou- fell by 7.5% y-o-y, but an all- automobile sector signs of recovery geopolitical tensions report by Moody’s Analyt- risks,” he said in a report continue doing so margins would remain
bled from a four-year low reached in March 2020, during time high export meant flat- ics. on 2 March. under pressure.
the early days of the health crisis. The sweeping sanctions tish overall volumes. On the flip side, there It should be noted All these factors have
on Russia from the US, Europe and Asia, as well as sur- Meanwhile, a high base and muted thereby driving growth for CVs. could be an accelerated conversion to that the ongoing Russia-Ukraine kept manufacturers’ degree of opti-
ging costs to send ships into the war zone, are bringing rural demand meant M&M and Escorts True, the expected healthy rabi crop electric vehicles (EVs) once the retail fuel conflict has pushed Brent crude oil mism regarding business outlook
trade deals with the country to a virtual standstill. Russia Ltd’s tractor volumes dropped by 27% harvest boosting rural cash flows bodes prices are increased. In February, Tata price to over $110/barrel. At a time below its long-run average. The
is a major supplier of crude, natural gas, grains, fertilizers and 46% y-o-y, respectively. The domes- well for 2Ws particularly. However, Motors reported 479% y-o-y growth in EV when cost inflation is already ele- future output index for India at 57.3
and metals such as aluminium. The war is worsening a tic 2W volumes of TVS Motor Co. Ltd, higher Brent crude prices (over $110 a volumes, but it remained flattish sequen- vated, a further increase dampens [see chart] is lowest compared with
global cost-of-living crisis that has sent inflation rates in Hero MotoCorp Ltd, and Bajaj Auto Ltd barrel at the time of printing) would mean tially. “Despite supply constraints, EV 2W the prospects of the manufacturing the future output index readings of
the US to the highest since 1982 and has created a fell by 11%, 32%, and 35% y-o-y, respec- a rise in the cost of ownership and that is sales continued to inch up (~3.3% in Feb- sector, which relies on crude-based global manufacturing, emerging
dilemma for central bankers worldwide as they weigh the tively. Bajaj’s steeper fall is due to semi- a risk for 2Ws. “We believe a slowdown in ruary versus 2.7% in January). We expect raw materials, too. markets and Asean PMIs. Asean is
need to increase borrowing costs against the risk of stunt- conductor shortages as a key supplier mass consumption is a key risk to watch further ramp up in the EV mix in March What’s more, the confidence to short for Association of Southeast
ing economic growth. BLOOMBERG faced a huge shortfall. Better exports out for as we go into FY23F, especially for 22,” said the Nomura report. meaningfully pass on the burden of Asian Nations.

Mark to Market writers do not have positions in the companies they have discussed here

US job growth
above forecast
Nothing to hide in NSE case, says Tyagi More foreign funds likely to exit
in February
Jayshree P. Upadhyay
India, S Korea owing to oil shock irregularities and governance said. “We have had nothing to
lapses at the NSE, attracted a hide. Our job has been objec-
NEW DELHI fair bit of criticism. Sebi tive. Never a dull day on the job
feedback@livemint.com imposed fines and bans that at Sebi. Regulatory side Bloomberg $9.3 billion so far in 2022, the

he outgoing chairman of were far less than the punitive enforcement and clearing the feedback@livemint.com most among emerging Asia

S companies in Febru- the Securities and action taken in other cases. backlog of cases needs work,” markets tracked by Bloomberg,

ary added more jobs Exchange Board of India The order also failed to iden- he said. s the war in Ukraine and excluding China. South Korean
than forecast as covid-19 (Sebi), Ajay Tyagi, on Wednes- tify an unknown On making the sanctions on Russia stocks have seen $3.1 billion
cases dropped and restrictions day addressed the criticism the third person who According to splitting of the drive a relentless surge withdrawn. “While foreign
eased, encouraging more regulator received on its received the Tyagi, all that has posts of chairman in oil prices, equities in India ownership of markets like
Americans to work. recent order against NSE. exchange’s data come out in the and managing and South Korea are looking India, Korea has declined amid
Businesses’ payrolls rose by “I want to say that Sebi tried from former chief public domain so director post at more vulnerable. recent selling, foreigners’ hold-
475,000 last month, according in earnest to resolve the NSE executive Chitra listed companies With Brent crude crossing ing of equities is still much
far on the NSE
to ADP Research Institute data co-location case and govern- Outgoing chairman of Sebi Ramkrishna. mandatory, Tyagi $110 a barrel, that clouds the larger currently vs pre-covid
released on Wednesday. The ance lapses at the exchange,” Ajay Tyagi. MINT “Covid also co-location case said that one has outlook for two of Asia’s larger levels due to valuation-driven
median forecast in a Bloomberg he said in a press conference delayed the latest is because of Sebi to be practical oil importers —which are also Indian stocks have seen $9.3 bn gains in these markets,” Nom-
survey of economists called for after handing over charge to five years. He was eligible for order against and cannot be a home to the region’s worst- of foreign funds exit in 2022. AP ura strategists led by Chetan
a 375,000 rise. The greater- Madhabi Puri Buch. another extension, but the NSE. Maybe we purist as 46% performing currencies this Seth wrote in a report Monday.
than-expected job growth “It was a complex matter. finance ministry chose to did not do enough and missed were still to comply. “We have year. While stocks in Mumbai ment. Foreign funds are net Foreign holdings of shares in
points to a labor market We came out with orders replace him with Buch, a something but let other to live in a practical world and and Seoul have already taken sellers of Indian and Korean South Korea and India were at
rebounding strongly from the within our remit and powers,” former banker. authorities do what they have can push only to an extent. It hits from concerns over Fed- stocks this year and Nomura $620 billion and $639 billion as
Omicron variant’s spread in he said. It is Sebi’s February order to,” Tyagi said. was made voluntary with the eral Reserve interest-rate hikes Holdings Inc. sees room for fur- of December and January
January, which led to business Tyagi, a 1984 batch IAS offi- on NSE that may have scuttled “All that has come out in the hope that shareholders and and a related technology sell- ther declines after Russia’s respectively, more than 30%
closures and kept many work- cer, was appointed chairman Tyagi’s chances of staying on. public domain so far on NSE directors will push for it,” he off, analysts see both as more invasion of Ukraine. Indian higher than 2019 levels for both
ers at home sick. on 1 March 2017 and served for The order, around hiring case is because of Sebi,” he said. susceptible to risk-off senti- equities have seen an outflow of markets, the report added.

How much of payments firm BharatPe does co-founder Ashneer Grover own?
FROM PAGE 1 company and has been targeted Back in the country, Koladiya was a high-profile executive. December 2018, just before and other stakeholders reached company is on account of the stake shareholding pattern changed.
in recent statements by Grover started going to hackathons and An alumnus of IIT Delhi and Sequoia came on board as an an understanding to minimize held on behalf of Koladiya, the Grover and Nakrani now owned
between the co-founders of the and his wife, Madhuri Jain. grasped the power of the UPI IIM Ahmedabad, he worked at investor, Koladiya’s name went Koladiya’s public involvement people said. If this is added to the 29.1% and 23.3%, respectively, in
company, according to multiple His story might be among the network. He teamed up with Kotak Mahindra’s investment missing from the founders’ list. with the firm. The arrangement 1.4% set to be clawed back by the the company. Koladiya’s name dis-
people close to the development, strangest for any startup Shashvat Nakrani, an IIT Delhi banking division before moving And ever since then, Grover has involved him transferring his company, as Mint reported on appeared from the cap table, and he
who spoke on the condition of founder in India. student at the time and the son to American Express in 2013, become the face of stake to Grover, Wednesday, Grover might be left also became a consultant to the
anonymity. The resolution or the While the details of the story of his school teacher from back where he led startup invest- the company. Koladiya is said to Nakrani, Nakrani’s owning 3.5-4% of the company company so as to avoid being on the
wrangling over it will ultimately are sketchy, according to multi- home in Bhavnagar. The duo ments for the card network in What hap- still own 8.5% of father (also his ultimately. One angel investor, rolls of the company he founded.
determine what share of the firm’s ple people familiar with the facts, incorporated BharatPe in March India. He led Series B invest- pened then is the company erstwhile school- who spoke on the condition of Grover, Koladiya, Nakrani
equity actually belongs to Grover. Koladiya went to the US in 2007 2018 with equal shareholding. ment in MobiKwik on behalf of unclear but two through equity teacher) and some anonymity, said the founders had and Harshjit Singh Sethi from
It will also determine the fate of and was running a grocery store At the time, Koladiya was the American Express. He also people who are in
held on his behalf angel investors. entered into a side agreement Sequoia did not respond to
BharatPe’s original founder—a where he started accepting pay- face of the firm and used to worked at Grofers post that and a position to know, According to two regarding the same. According to requests for comment. But if
high-school graduate who was ments digitally without a license. speak with investors to raise then joined PC Jewellers. and spoke on the by the other two people with knowl- him, the understanding was that Koladiya indeed holds some
jailed for data theft and deported This violated data theft and mail funds, according to people who When Grover joined, he got condition of ano- co-founders edge of the arrange- the two co-founders would hold instrument by way of a formal
from the US—who might be left fraud laws in the US, and he recalled such meetings. 32% equity, Nakrani held 25.5%, nymity, said that ment, Koladiya still the equity on behalf of Koladiya. agreement that can call back his
with little recourse to secure his ended up getting arrested and In June 2018, Grover joined and Koladiya remained the larg- owning to dis- owns 5.75% of the It’s unclear how the agreement equity stake from the other
rightful equity stake in the com- jailed. After judicial proceedings the duo as a co-founder. Unlike est shareholder, with a 42.5% comfort on the part of large company through equity held on envisioned compensating him for co-founders, BharatPe’s cap
pany. that went on for 22 months, he Koladiya, with his chequered stake, according to Registrar of institutional investors to have a his behalf by the other two the same in the future. table might go through another
That person—Bhavin Kolad- was let go with a fine of $100 and past, and Nakrani, who was rela- Companies filings from then. person with a jail term in the US co-founders. And out of the 8.5% Post the investment round by churn. But it’s unclear if Kolad-
iya—is now a consultant at the deported back to India. tively inexperienced, Grover However, six months later, in on the cap table, the founders owned by Grover, 3.5-4% of the Sequoia in December 2018, the iya holds any such instrument.
14 TH - 1 5 TH M A R C H 202 2 I M U M B A I



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As Moscow
batters Kyiv, Feb trade deficit expands as ‘Rlys to make 90%
allocation for pvt
both ready
for talks
tensions boost commodities sector in R&D’
Gulveen Aulakh
FROM PAGE 1 gulveen.aulakh@livemint.com
Value of inbound shipments soared due to rising prices, while domestic demand stayed tepid
service. Pieces of the building he government will bring
were strewn across the streets. out a policy on promot-
In the northern city of Cherni- Dilasha Seth & Ravi Dutta Mishra ing research and devel-
hiv, two cruise missiles hit a hos- BENGALURU/NEW DELHI opment (R&D) in railways soon
pital, according to the Ukrainian where 90% of the government

UNIAN news agency, which he gap between India’s mer- allocation for R&D will go to the
quoted the health administration chandise exports and imports private sector, said railways,
chief, Serhiy Pivovar, as saying widened in February after communications and informa-
authorities were working to touching a five-month low in tion technology minister Ash-
determine the casualty toll. January, official data showed wini Vaishnaw. Minister for railways and IT
In besieged Mariupol, at least on Wednesday, as the value of inbound “We are starting something Ashwini Vaishnaw. PTI
one teenager died and two shipments soared due to rising crude in railways very soon. In
more were wounded by appar- and commodity prices amid escalating another seven or eight days we revenue generator.
ent Russian shelling. geopolitical tensions and the modest will be launching that new pol- “Thought process on the use
The three boys were rushed to revival in domestic demand post the icy where private sector R&D of spectrum is changing. For a
a regional hospital. One had lost Omicron wave. would become an integral part long period, spectrum was
his legs in the attack and died India’s merchandise exports grew the or rather major part of R&D viewed as a revenue-generat-
soon after arriving, according to slowest in five months at 22.36% in Feb- budget. We do hope that going ing resource. The last two years
an Associated Press reporter at ruary to touch $33.81 billion, while forward, probably 90% of rail- have shown a public good ele-
the scene. Family members told imports grew by 35% to $55.01 billion, ways R&D budget would be in ment of spectrum,” he said,
the AP the three had been play- leaving a trade deficit of $21.19 billion the private sector, compared referring to the increased use of
ing soccer near a school when the during the month, up from $17.42 billion with 100% in the public sector digital services on the back of
shelling hit. in January, preliminary data released by today,” the minister told the data networks during the pan-
The attacks came a day after the ministry of commerce and industry concluding session of a post- demic.
Russia, intensifying its attacks showed. Economists have warned that the economic uncertainty due to the Ukraine war could worsen the trade deficit.. BLOOMBERG budget webinar on technology- “I am happy to observe that
on cities, bombed Kharkiv’s While data released on Wednesday enabled development on there is a broad consensus on
central square — where at least showed that India’s exports are set to ity in the economy, were $3.01 billion billion in February compared with $2.4 grew by 33.7%, 32.84% and 31.34% Wednesday. spectrum management issues
six people were reported killed exceed the $400 billion target for lower than the previous month at $31.61 billion in the previous month as domes- respectively. “With monthly exports He added that a similar which are basically leading to
— and struck Kyiv’s main TV 2021-22, economists cautioned that ris- billion. India’s spend on petroleum tic demand recovered. However, it was crossing the $30 billion mark for the 11th approach of the public or to
tower, where authorities said ing economic uncertainty led by the products rose to $15.04 billion in Febru- about 11.45% lower than the corre- consecutive time during the fiscal, we bringing in pri- Vaishnaw said the t e c h n o l o g y
five died. Kyiv’s nearby Babi Russia-Ukraine conflict could worsen ary against $11.6 billion in January. sponding month last year. are on course to cross the $400 billion vate sector in new policy to improvement or
Yar Holocaust memorial also the trade deficit and widen current Petroleum imports were 66.5% higher With just one month to go for the fis- exports target for the fiscal,” said A. Sak- R&D was required involve private technology devel-
came under fire, but the main account deficit going forward, as inter- compared with the same month last cal to end, India’s exports in the April- thivel, president, Federation of Indian to be followed in sector in railways’ opment. We now
monument was not damaged. national oil prices are likely to remain year. February period touched $374.05 bil- Export Organisations (FIEO). all sectors, noting
R&D will be out in need to convert in
Zelenskyy expressed out- elevated, while supply side bottle- Exporters expressed concern that the “silo- clear policy state-
rage at the attack near Babi Yar, necks and rising freight cost could SLOWING DOWN over the worsening Russia-Ukraine breaking” initia- another seven or ments which can
where Nazi occupiers killed hurt exports. situation and its impact on ship- tive had already eight days then be imple-
more than 33,000 Jews over “The duration of the Russia- MERCHANDISE IMPORTS grew by THE trade deficit in ACCORDING to the ments going forward. been taken by the mented,” he
two days in 1941. Ukraine conflict, and its impact on exports grew the
slowest in five
35% to $55.01 billion,
leaving a trade
January was $17.42
billion, as per
data, India’s exports
are set to exceed the
“Impact (of uncertainty over defence and space added.
Even as Russia pressed its commodity prices, especially crude months at 22.36% in deficit of $21.19 preliminary data $400 billion target Ukraine war) on engineering goods sectors. On the road map ahead, min-
assault, Kremlin spokesman oil, will determine the magnitude of February billion in the month from the ministry. for 2021-22 exports is yet to be Vaishnaw sought sugges- ister of state for information
Dmitry Peskov said a delega- the merchandise trade deficit in assessed…Among the CIS countries, tions and recommendations technology Rajeev Chandrase-
tion would be ready later in the March 2022, even as year-end ful- Russia is the biggest export market from the industry to further khar said that there should be
day to meet Ukrainian officials. filment of export orders may provide a Even as the US released nearly 60 lion, which is only $25.95 billion short of for Indian engineering goods. Exclu- increase local manufacturing of an urgency to tap the acceler-
Ukrainian foreign minister buffer,” said Aditi Nayar, chief econo- million barrels from its strategic the $400 billion target set for the fiscal. sion of Russia from the SWIFT payment technology products while ated digitalization opportuni-
Dmytro Kuleba also said his coun- mist, Icra. reserves with its allies to stabilize global Besides a 66% growth in petroleum system would, therefore, mean delayed appreciating suggestions on ties. He also stressed the need
try was ready but noted that Rus- While overall imports in February are energy markets, Brent crude oil price exports, the outbound shipments in payment realization for exporters,” spectrum management, with to conduct outcome-based
sia’s demands have not changed $3.08 billion higher than January, the touched a nearly seven-year high level February were led by the strong per- Mahesh Desai, chairman, Engineering the changing thought process research and collaboration
and that he wouldn’t accept any non-oil non-gems and jewellery of $113 per barrel on Wednesday. formance of electronic goods, cotton Export Promotion Council (EEPC). on spectrum being now viewed between government and
ultimatums. imports, which signifies industrial activ- Gold imports nearly doubled to $4.6 yarn, and engineering goods, which dilasha.seth@livemint.com as a public good rather than a industry.

Stocks decline, crude, metal prices surge ahead Govt to take a call on LIC IPO
FROM PAGE 1 Europe. New opportunities “Volatility is expected to FROM PAGE 1
may open up in Asia as well. remain high in the near term
likely to be extended. As things Analysts at Edelweiss Secu- given elevated Russia-Ukraine through an offer-for-sale
stand now, India’s GDP growth rities Ltd said that “in the case conflict, upcoming state elec- (OFS) slated for March end,
for FY23 will be lower and infla- of domestic players, we see a tion results as well as US Fed aiming to garner as much as
tion higher than estimates,” positive impact as Russia has meeting,” said Siddhartha ₹75,000 crore.
said V.K. Vijayakumar, chief emerged as the regional steel Khemka, head retail research, Last week, the Union cabi-
investment strategist at Geojit price setter in South-East Motilal Oswal Financial Servi- net approved foreign direct
Financial Services. This is nega- Asia”. If Russian exports are ces Ltd. If the conflict investment of up to 20% under
tive for the stock market. curtailed, coupled with the stretches on and keeps energy the automatic route in LIC to
Among base metals, alu- ongoing maintenance activi- prices elevated for long, it may facilitate foreign investment in
minium, copper, zinc, and lead ties at Far East impact margins the insurer.
prices have risen 3.6-15% dur- Analysts said global sanctions on major metals producers in mills and China The rising input and earnings, he The sale of LIC shares by the
ing the last month on the Lon- Russia could squeeze the tight aluminium market further.. REUTERS focusing on costs still pose added. end of March holds the key for
don Metal Exchange, with alu- reducing steel some challenges as The govern- the government to meet its
minium leading the pack. see base metal prices climb Wednesday, having gained exports, we may key raw materials ment has been reduced disinvestment target The sale of LIC shares by March end holds the key for the Centre to
Notably, aluminium prices, higher short-term, and prices 73-112% in the past year. see Indian steel monitoring the of ₹78,000 crore for the cur- meet its reduced asset-sales target of ₹78,000 crore for this fiscal.. AFP
such as iron-ore
having gained more than 58% of nickel and aluminium are The Russian invasion of mills such as JSW geopolitical situa- rent fiscal. The government
in the last year, are at multi- climbing already,” said ana- Ukraine can also mean higher Steel and Tata and coal prices are tion closely and initially budgeted ₹1.75 trillion global considerations war- value worked out by actuarial
year highs. lysts at Credit Suisse in their steel prices in Europe due to Steel gaining in on the rise also its economic from asset sales. rant that I need to look at it, I firm Milliman Advisors.
Analysts said that interna- report dated 28 February. The supply disruption. Analysts at the export mar- fallout. On Finance minister Nirmala wouldn’t mind looking at it Investment bankers advising
tional sanctions on major met- immediate concern would be Nomura Research said that ket”, they added. Wednesday, Sitharaman said earlier this again,” she said. She further the government on the share
als producers in Russia could that any cut in Russian exports “the most impacted region is The rising input costs still Prime Minister Narendra week in an interview with said that the divestment tar- sale have said that the money
squeeze the tight aluminium would cause shortages, they Western Europe, which pose some challenges as key Modi held a high-level meet- The Hindu Business Line get was not a constraining raised will depend on investor
market further. The supply of added. However, they said that accounted for 21% of its raw materials such as iron-ore ing with minister for external newspaper that the govern- factor for the government. appetite.
aluminium already remained if commodity exports are unaf- imports from these countries and coal prices are on the rise. affairs S. Jaishankar, minister ment may look at the timing Queries emailed to a finance A total of 10 investment
impacted due to higher energy fected, then prices should sub- in CY21. Economic sanctions The weaker domestic demand for commerce and industry of the initial share sale fol- ministry spokesperson on bankers, including Goldman
costs leading to the shutdown sequently slide as the greater on Russia could impact sup- is keeping a tab on domestic Piyush Goyal, national secu- lowing the war between Rus- Wednesday remained unan- Sachs (India) Securities Pvt.
of many smelters. China also risk would be to demand plies into Europe, potentially steel prices. rity advisory Ajit Doval, for- sia and Ukraine. swered till press time. Ltd, Citigroup Global Markets
saw smelter closures following through a potential recession. leading to higher pricing in the Metal stocks were the top eign secretary Harsh Vardhan “Ideally, I’d like to go ahead Mint had reported last India Pvt. Ltd and Nomura
power shortages and its initia- Shares of Hindalco Indus- region, in their view”. gainers among sectors, fol- Shringla and principal secre- with it because it is some- month that the government is Financial Advisory and Securi-
tives to curtail carbon emis- tries Ltd, National Aluminium This, however, may offer an lowed by energy and media. tary to the prime minister P.K. thing we’ve planned for some seeking a valuation of at least ties (India) Pvt. Ltd, have been
sions. Co. Ltd (Nalco), Vedanta Ltd, opportunity for Indian manu- However, the rest of the sec- Mishra to discuss the evolving time purely based on Indian ₹15 trillion for LIC based on appointed to manage the LIC
“A conflict escalation may scaled fresh 52-week highs on facturers to ramp up exports to tors ended the day in the red. situation. considerations. But now, if the ₹5.39 trillion embedded share sale.

‘We were able to ensure the evacuation of about 12,000 Indians from Ukraine’
FROM PAGE 1 We have worked to during the elections. What ing and after electrification. During the pandemic, a lot of years old—that means even in ated with their growth. started getting back on track.
strengthen and expand the sys- is the government’s plan in About 33 crore MUDRA things simply came to a stand- the midst of Corona, 1 crore Small and medium indus- Our approach regarding small-
income of farmers; farmers get- tem of government procure- this regard? loans have been given, which still. The Opposition and some new opportunities have been tries have been hit hard due scale industries has been to save
ting better prices in the market; ment centres to ensure that When it comes to job crea- not only ensures economic political experts were even created for the youth. to the pandemic. Most of the as well as grow them in this
more use of scientific methods farmers get a fair price in the tion, we have to look at it in its empowerment but also creates thinking that India would According to NASSCOM, in employment is also gener- period. For this, our government
in farming by our farmers. market. Today, foodgrain is entirety. I want to give you more jobs. never be able to recover from it. the last 4-5 years, around 23 ated by this sector. What has come up with a special credit
As far as reducing the input being purchased from farmers some facts. And think, would When a record level of work But the power of India is such lakh direct and indirect jobs special measures is the gov- guarantee scheme. More than
cost of farmers is concerned, by twice the number of govern- these things have come up is being done in every sector, that we did not have the kind of have been created (in IT). ernment taking to bring ₹2.5 trillion were given to these
you will see its effect from “Beej ment procurement centres in without employment genera- not just one, will it devastation that In 2021 alone, we saw 44 them back on track? small-scale industries across the
to Bima Yojana” (seed to insur- the country compared to tion? happen without When it comes to these people were startups reach unicorn status, We cannot deny that there country. Consequently, many
ance scheme), minimizing har- before 2016. In the last seven years, employment gen- highways, we praying for. Nev- and over 2,000 new startups was a very serious pandemic in small-scale industries were saved
vest and post-harvest losses We are investing about ₹1 24,000km of rail route has eration? have added ertheless, the have come up. We have also the whole world and in such a from closure.
and even fertilizer prices. You trillion to develop infrastruc- been electrified. When it Today work is thousands of speeches these seen startups receiving record situation, we framed the neces- It is the result of the efforts of
will understand it better with ture like food processing and comes to highway construc- being done three- people had pre- investments in 2021. sary policies and strategies the government that the export
an example. Despite the huge cold chain. You can see that till tion, we have added thousands four times faster pared then are still Forget about 2021. If you talk accordingly. of goods is increasing. As the
increase in the prices of fertiliz- the year 2014, there were only of kilometres despite the pan- than before. despite the being used despite only about 2022, India has pro- In these circumstances, it is export of goods is rising, our
ers across the world, we did not two mega food parks in India. demic. When the speed pandemic the situation not duced one new unicorn every also true that the economy of small-scale industries, our
let the burden fall upon the But today, the number has LPG coverage has increased of work increases, being the same five days. It also means more the whole world had to go MSMEs have started working
farmers and increased the sub- increased to 22. from 55% to over 95%—this more workers are now. opportunities for our youth. through a very difficult period. with new vigour. We are fram-
sidy for DAP fertilisers to 140%, As far as the impediment in means a larger distribution net- also needed, doesn’t it encour- Coming to EPFO, the num- Talking about the export of Despite this, today, we are see- ing the policies in such a way
which is unprecedented. the form of the repeal of the work and expansion of agen- age employment? ber of formal jobs created in the engineering goods, there has ing the positive impact of the that the small-scale industries
We have focused on an all- agricultural laws is concerned, cies. Now let’s talk about the pan- last eight months is more than been a huge growth in it policies and decisions we made of the country benefit and get
round strategy to increase the I would say that the path may Rural electrification has also demic period. Covid is the big- the previous three years. because small and medium in the interest of the country. maximum work. In this budget,
income of the farmers. For the be different. But our goal is the taken place at a record pace, gest crisis in 100 years, the There are many such jobs industries are very much We are seeing how the econ- we have decided that 68% of
first time, we have decided to welfare of the farmers. and we have electrified more greatest pandemic. There is no which have been given to the involved with this sector. So, omy of the major countries of the country’s defence needs
keep the MSP at 150% of the The Opposition is raising than 99% of villages. This has one in the world who has not youth. There are more than 1 clearly, employment opportu- the world is still derailed will be met from the domestic
cost of the farmers. the issue of unemployment led to the creation of jobs dur- been affected by it. crore such youth who are 18-28 nities have definitely been cre- whereas India’s economy has market itself.

Inflation ate into volumes of SOCIAL, LIVE COMMERCE TO

FMCG in December quarter ORDINARY
they could buy from SMBs through social com-
merce, 63% said they are more likely to make
repeat purchases from the same seller.
The study covered 10,000 users from India,
POST China and Brazil, the US and UK. While China
will remain the largest market for social com-
Data released by NeilsenIQ shows 2.6% y-o-y fall in volumes as rural demand dipped sharply SHUCHI BANSAL merce, India and Brazil are registering the high-
est growth, the report said.
Respond to this column at Social commerce’s success in India reflects the
Suneera Tandon shuchi.b@livemint.com power of mobile-first consumers in the country
Kirana nos up and the launch of hyperlocal social commerce

NEW DELHI tage3 co-founder Sabena Puri insists that platforms, it said.
4% in 2019-21 the way beauty and fashion is sold online in That, perhaps, prompted Puri to target the

ales volume of fast-moving India is set to change forever. The change, millennial and GenZ consumers who are digital
consumer goods fell 2.6% in she says, will be enabled by her own startup as natives and spend eight hours a day on social
the December quarter from a Suneera Tandon well as several others “that come with their own media. “We’re building a social commerce plat-
year earlier, with inflation renditions”. Apart from Meesho and Trell, India’s form which merges traditional e-commerce’s

causing a sharp dip in rural ielsenIQ on Wednesday social commerce is now driven by platforms like transaction capability with social media net-
demand after five quarters of positive also released its Retail Glance and Roposo, and other short-video apps works to deliver to young India a feed, which is
growth, according to industry data Establishment Survey in like Moj. Roposo pivoted to a live commerce personalized, discovery-based and video-led,”
released by NielsenIQ. Q421 that tracks the total num- model last year. she says.
Higher inflation during 2021 led to ber of FMCG stores in India. The Stage3 will help young consumers discover Inevitably, social commerce will be entwined
three consecutive quarters with double- total number of stores selling and buy branded fashion at affordable prices. with video commerce and will include live-
digit price increases resulting in a con- FMCG in India grew at a com- The company promises to be an enabler for sell- stream-based e-commerce as the market
sumption slowdown in urban markets pound annual growth rate, ers (individuals, influencers and small brands) matures. With videos becoming an integral part
and consumption degrowth in rural (CAGR) of 4% over 2019-21. The complete with logistics and secure payment ser- of branding for com-
markets, the market researcher said in market added 800,000 stores in vices. India’s social panies, video com-
its FMCG Snapshot on Wednesday. the country. Interestingly, 60% Puri’s firm got its first round of institutional commerce is merce shoppers could
NielsenIQ, which follows a calendar of these opened in rural India. capital from Blume Ventures, and has raised Rs touch 216 million by
year, reported a more “accentuated” “The usual annual rate of 20 crore in pre-series A, led by Inflection Point now driven by the end of 2022, a
slowdown in rural markets, with vol- growth has been approximately Ventures and LC Nueva Investment Partners. platforms like report by digital
umes down 4.8% during the quarter. 1-2% in pre-covid-19,” the India’s social commerce segment seems to be Meesho, Trell, agency WATConsult
This slowdown comes after rural mar- researcher said. on fire, with new companies popping up in the and a few more said. Video commerce
kets drove demand for FMCG compa- Rural demand saw a dip after five quarters of positive growth.. MINT space selling fashion and other products or yet refers to shoppable
nies in the initial months of the pan- others emerging to bolster the creator ecosys- videos on social com-
demic. Inflation is hurting rural house- quarter earnings call. term impact because of global inflation- December quarter, while volumes of tem. On Tuesday, social currency card company merce platforms such as Meesho, Sim-Sim, Trell
holds, it said. Diptanshu Ray, South Asia cluster ary pressure. Within this environment, food items were down 1.2%. Non-food Wyld said it has raised pre-seed funding from or on social media websites or video sharing plat-
“Categories such as staples, or OTC, lead, NielsenIQ, said consumers in rural the calendar year has seen double-digit categories, said NielsenIQ, are experi- Better Capital and entrepreneurs like Aman forms.
have seen a high price increase in last India are going back to small pack sizes growth, though there has to be a watch encing stress in volumes. Gupta and Sameer Mehta of Image Marketing Social commerce is a blend of content, com-
two quarters, leading to larger price to cope with inflation. out for continued consumption “Consistent inflation is happening in that sells boAt products. Wyld is a payment card merce and community. “The first generation of
growth in rural markets and, hence However, the December quarter saw degrowth impacted by price increases,” cooking mediums and staples. We have and mobile app for active social media users e-commerce was built on closing transactions.
impacting the volumes,” the researcher 9.6% year-on-year growth in value Ray said. seen a drastic price increase in the last (those with over 1000 followers on Instagram) to It’s beyond that now as consumers want online to
said in its report. terms for FMCG in India on account of He said inflation across edible oils and two quarters; this is basically taking the help them monetize their social influence with mimic offline experience,” Puri says.
Companies have been warning of price-led growth up. Consumers are every purchase. boAt’s Gupta called it a platform Little surprise that traditional online fashion
an impending rural slowdown over MOVING GETS SLOW optimizing their baskets and ration- that allows social media users to become brand marketplace Myntra has entered social com-
the last two quarters. “We had cau- alizing spending on non-foods. This evangelists and monetize their networks. merce too. In an interview to Mint last month,
tioned about rural growth in our HIGHER inflation NIELSENIQ has said AN analyst at BUT the December is primarily happening in rural, Puri, too, believes that influencers are now Myntra CEO Nandita Sinha said though 60% of
September quarter earnings call, during 2021 led to
three consecutive
slowdown in rural
markets was higher
NielsenIQ said rural
buyers are returning
quarter saw 9.6% y-
o-y growth in value
which is not a good sign at this point almost the marketing agencies of brands. They its consumer base is still in the metros, growth is
and we do see the deceleration tak- quarters with double as volumes fell 4.8% to small packs to terms for FMCG in in time,” he added. are the brand’s voice and its customer acquisition coming from tier two and tier three towns. “Our
ing hold. With very high levels of digit price increases during the quarter cope with inflation. India, the report says Meanwhile, inflationary head- channel. Stage3, however, will put smaller foray into social commerce is really getting a
inflation that consumers are wit- winds continue to impact small brands and home entrepreneurs in fashion and deeper view into these consumers”, she said. For
nessing, volumes in the market have manufacturers. The number of beauty in touch with consumers as they lack the this, the company launched Style Squad, a cohort
declined, and this decline is more accen- successive price hikes taken by large staples is hurting household budgets. As small manufacturers or those with sales resources to sell on traditional e-marketplaces of fashion content creators or influencers to
tuated in the rural markets and in those companies. For the full year, the FMCG a result, consumers spend less on non- below ₹100 crore dropped by 13% dur- where commissions could be as high as 35%, she exclusively collaborate with Myntra and its brand
categories which have been impacted industry reported a smart 17.5% growth, food categories such as home and per- ing the quarter. This was due to the diffi- says. partners to become the faces of Myntra’s social
more by commodity inflation,” Sanjiv albeit led by price increases. sonal care. culty of continuing operations with It’s easy to see where Puri is coming from. A commerce proposition.
Mehta, chief executive officer and man- “During the fourth quarter, the coun- Non-food categories such as personal higher costs. Large and medium manu- report by Accenture said that social buyers are Clearly, companies are building social com-
aging director, Hindustan Unilever Ltd try’s macroeconomic factors continued care and home care reported a year-on- facturers stayed stable through the year. more likely to support small businesses than merce and creator ecosystem to drive consumer
said during the company’s December to witness softness, and there is a long- year volume decline of 5.9% in the large brands. Over 59% of those surveyed said demand and stickiness.


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Press NIT No. 21(2021-22) Re-invited
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1. Up-gradation and Comprehensive Operation & Item rate 198.37 2022_DJB_ 21.03.2022
Maintenance of 40 MGD Sewage Treatment Plant at Lakhs 217670_1 03.00 PM
Rithala Phase-II, Delhi for 10 years
NIT along with all terms and condition is available on website https://govtprocurement.delhi.gov.in
ISSUED BY P.R.O. (WATER) STOP CORONA: “Wash Your Hand, Wear Mask (Ashok Sharma)
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VI for a further period of 10 years.
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1. O&M of 90 MGD Effluent Pumping Station i/c 02.03.2022/ 20 Lakh deposit + 28.03.2022 at
rising main at Yamuna Vihar for 10 year. 2022_DJB_217814_1 2.58 Cr. in the form of 03.00 PM/10.03.2022
BG/1500/- at 12 P.M.
For further details in this regard can be see https://govtprocurement.delhi.gov.in
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PRESS NIT NO.- 24 (2021-22)
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Refundable Tender Id. tender
1. Providing & Laying 300 mm to 635 mm nominal dia 35,74,17,479/- Rs. 1500/- 28.02.2022 / 22.03.2022
(710 mm outer dia) Internal and Peripheral sewer 45,75,000/- 2022_DJB_ upto
line in Pradhan Enclave falling under Coronation 217783_1 3.00 P.M
Pillar WWTP catchment area in Burari AC-2 in Delhi.
2 Providing & Laying 300 mm to 1400 mm dia 316,36,00,344/- Rs. 1500/- 28.02.2022 / 22.03.2022
internal and peripheral sewer line in Zindpur GOC 3,26,37,000/- 2022_DJB_ upto
falling under Zindpur WWTP catchment area in 217783_2 3.00 P.M
Narela (AC-1) & Burari AC-2.
Further details in this regard can be seen at https://govtprocurement.delhi.gov.in
ISSUED BY P.R.O. (WATER) “STOP CORONA: Wear Mask, Follow Physical
Advt. No. J.S.V. 1194(2021-22) Distancing, Maintain Hand Hygiene” Dy. SE(C) DR-III

Prozo Distribution raises $10 mn in
Accel India raises $650 mn Monthly
active users
round led by Sixth Sense Ventures
Bengaluru: Prozo Distribution Pvt. Ltd which operated supply
chain, warehousing and logistics focused startup Prozo, has
raised $10 million (₹76 crore) led by Sixth Sense Ventures with
for 7th venture capital fund up 200% on
apps, games
participation from Jafco Asia and high net worth individuals
(HNIs). The Noida-based company will use fresh funds to expand Abhijit Ahaskar
the its infrastructure, tech capability and market coverage across abhijit.ahaskar@livemint.com
the country, the statement said. ANUJ SUVARNA The seventh fund is higher than the $550 million Accel raised for its sixth vehicle in 2019 NEW DELHI

ndroid apps and games
Amitabh Bachchan, Inflection Joseph Rai panies that we could get into with this made in India seem to
fund where we can protect our pro rata have reached new
Point Ventures back Macmerise Ranjani Raghavan
for a longer term in each company. We highs in the past two years.
NEW DELHI want to be the first institutional investor Apps and games made in India
and our aim is to get 20% during our saw a 200% increase in

ccel India, an early backer investment period in the companies,” monthly active users in 2021
of startups such as Flipkart Kirani said. from the 2019 figures, accord-
and Freshworks, has raised Accel has also been the first venture ing to Purnima Kochikar, vice
$650 million in commit- capital firm to back companies such as president, Play Partnerships at
ments for its seventh fund Acko, Blackbuck, BookMyShow, Google. Users spent 150%
to invest in new opportunities such as Bounce, BrowserStack, Clevertap, Cur- more time on homegrown
emerging technology across India and efit, Mindtickle, Moglix, Ninjacart, Por- apps and games globally in
Southeast Asia, it said on Wednesday. tea, Rupeek, Samunnati, StanzaLiving, 2021 compared to 2019,
“This money, we believe, is the right UrbanClap (now Urban Company), and Kochikar said.
size for India and Southeast Asia to build Zenoti. “India is home to one of the
a world-class return to our investors. In the past, Accel has been investing largest bases of internet users
New Delhi: Merchandise startup Macmerise Celfie Design Investing is easy but making our in the Southeast Asian region as well, and is one of the fastest-grow-
on Wednesday said it has secured pre-Series A funding of investee companies durable and poten- where it has backed investing app Plu- ing app user countries in the
$1 million (around ₹7.56 crore) led by Inflection Point Ven- tially going public and returning the ang and quick commerce startup Astro. world. India’s apps and games
tures. The round also saw participation from investors money is more important,” Shekhar “For the last few years, we are actively have been receiving extraordi-
including Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan, Tarun Kirani, partner, Accel, told VCCircle in looking to invest in the region. While we nary
Katial, Ajmera Group and NAFA Capital, among others. The an interview. don’t have a specific allocation, we will inter-
Mumbai-based platform eyes using the fundraise to boost The seventh fund invest as and when we find good oppor- e s t
its innovative provisions and technology network, along is higher than the Accel has been investing in the Southeast Asian region as well. ISTOCK tunities. The kind of acceleration we are from
with roping in more brands and celebrities for its merchan- $550 million Accel seeing in some businesses there, it users as well as investors,”
dise roll out. KAUSHIKI CHATTERJEE raised for its sixth vehicle in 2019. software as a service (SaaS), consumer but we are also making sure that the seems to be the right place to invest Kochikar said at the virtual
Accel’s peer Sequoia Capital had fintech, global business to business companies that we invest in are of high more. We will continue to spend a lot of launch of Appscale Academy,
received record commitments worth (B2B) marketplaces, digital health, and quality and compliant with regulatory time in Southeast Asia from this fund,” a venture by Google and the
Pet care firm Just Dogs raises $7 mn $1.35 billion from its limited partners Web3, according to Abhinav Chatur- norms,” Kirani said. Chaturvedi said. ministry of electronics and
across a venture fund and a growth fund vedi, partner at Accel. Accel, which typically comes in at a Accel also got bumper returns from information technology
in funding round from Sixth Sense to invest in India and Southeast Asia in Accel has invested in FalconX, a seed stage and then makes follow-on these two bets as Flipkart got acquired (MeitY).
New Delhi: Retail pet chain Just Dogs on Wednesday said it has 2020. Web3 company, through its sixth fund, investments, has been the first institu- by Walmart in the biggest M&A deal in Ludo King, a game made by
raised $7 million (around ₹53 crore) in a funding round from Sixth The ticket size of the new fund is the startup ecosystem in India and Mumbai-based Gametion
Sense Ventures. The startup plans to use the fresh money to build expected to be higher, though it will BIGGER BET Freshworks floated its initial pub- Technologies Pvt. Ltd,was
a full-stack online experience for the pet parent and expansion also depend on different companies, lic offering last year on Nasdaq. among the most played games
of offline stores. Founded by Ashish Anthony and Poorvi Kirani said. “There is inflation in ACCEl’S THE new fund will ACCEl has been the EARlIER, Accel Earlier this month, Accel India in the world, she said. Game-
Anthony, Just Dogs provides dog foods, supplements, accessories general and with the latter part of commitment to the
startup ecosystem
seek to invest in
consumer fintech,
first institutional
investor in more
India selected 14
startups as part of its
selected 14 startups as part of its first tion claims the game has been
and other pet products through its platform.KAUSHIKI CHATTERJEE our sixth fund and now with Fund has increased to next generation e- than 87% of all first cohort of Atoms cohort of the Atoms programme downloaded 650 million
VII our ticket size will be higher. over $2 billion commerce, etc. portfolio companies programme that was launched last year to make times. Appscale Academy was
Repeat founders are expecting pre-seed funding in startups. first announced in October last
Investments in agritech startups much higher initial cheques,” he Last year, several early-stage ven- year. It aims to help early to
explained. With the latest fund, Accel’s Kirani said. Notably, FalconX was tional investor in more than 87% of all ture capital firms announced fundrais- mid-level Indian startups to
rise sharply to nearly ₹6,600 crore commitment to the startup ecosystem in co-founded by Prabhakar Reddy, who portfolio companies. Flipkart and ing milestones. Chiratae Ventures, Stel- build apps and games for
New Delhi: Investments in agritech startups significantly grew the region has increased to more than $2 was with Accel in 2016-18 and the VC Freshworks are examples of companies laris Venture Partners, and WaterBridge global markets. The company
in four years to nearly ₹6,600 crore till 2020 on the back of explo- billion, the venture capital firm revealed firm worked together with him on backed by Accel from their initial seed Ventures announced the final close of announced the names of 100
sive growth potential for companies that address inefficiencies in a separate statement. developing the idea. FalconX focuses on rounds through all subsequent financ- their new funds and Blume Ventures startups who will be the first
across the agri value chain, according to a report. Indian agricul- The new fund will seek to invest in institutional brokerage of crypto assets. ings. announced the first close. cohort to receive the benefits
ture has faced some challenges in the past. PTI next generation e-commerce, emerging “Overall, we are excited about Web3, “Our goal is to find the 40-plus com- joseph.rai@livemint.com of this academy.


Hackers launch phishing attacks ahead of EV adoption

Moumita Deb Choudhury & tively similar to our website, like this and this allows fraud-
Abhijit Ahaskar with our name and trade- sters to trick them,” he added.
marks. Those website(s) also Google ads are also used by
BENGALURU provide links to apply and EV firms to generate leads, and
make payments. The fraudu- scamsters are taking advan-

lthough electric vehi- lent websites made fake vehi- tage of that.
cle (EV) adoption is still cle bookings, issued a ‘Letter “They even bid high on key-
at a nascent stage in of Intent’ and asked users to words and take the prime posi-
India, scammers have pay ₹2,999 towards registra- tion and, if anyone searches,
launched phishing campaigns tion and security.” their results show on top, and
to target potential EV distribu- A former employee of Ola users end up clicking on
tors and users. Electric said the company was them,” Kawoosa said.
For instance, on 6 Decem- well aware of such scams when Ather said it had filed cyber
ber, Aniket Mudame tagged it started registra- fraud complaints
Ola Electric’s Twitter handle tions. The Google ads are and directed vic- How tech giants reacted to Ukraine crisis
to verify an email invite he had employee, seek- also used by EV tims to the police
The Russia-Ukraine conflict has inadvertently become a test of the power technology giants
received to start a dealership ing anonymity, firms to generate when it came to wield today. Caught between the Russian and Ukrainian governments, and even the European
on a payment of ₹25,000, only India saw a spike in phishing campaigns designed to take said while some leads, and know about the Union, firms like Google LLC, Microsoft Corp., and Apple Inc. have taken decisions that will
to realize that he could have advantage of the growing demand for EVs. MINT EV firms have scams. It has noti- affect individuals as much as governments.
scamsters are
been defrauded. warned users fied abuse to
Mudame was one of the and marketplaces, have mush- ing the masses,” said Sohinder through social taking advantage domain registries
lucky few, as thousands fell roomed. They are manipulat- Gill, chief executive officer, media posts, it’s and search
prey to such attacks. ing search engine optimiza- Hero Electric, the EV arm of unlikely that they engines, and to ON 27-28 February, it LAST month, Meta ON 24 February, Microsoft’s
Bengaluru-based security tion techniques to appear on Hero Motocorp. are “trying to spot raise awareness temporarily stopped (formerly Facebook) Threat Intelligence Center
firm CloudSEK said India saw generic searches as A spokesperson and foil such scams” actively among stakeholders, it issued displaying live traffic took down a “relatively (MSTIC) detected “destructive
information on the Maps app small” network of around 40 cyberattacks” against Ukraine’s digital
a spike in phishing campaigns well as searches for of the oldest EV by forming teams. Ola Electric public notices through social in Ukraine accounts, pages, and groups that infra. It said it notified Ukrainian
designed to take advantage of specific EV brands, startup of Ather did not respond to a request media and national print ads were spreading misinformation. authorities of the same.
 IT also blocked
the growing demand for EVs and money is col- Energy said it first for comment for the story. informing everyone about its Russian media firms  ON 26 February, the  IT also de-ranked RT and
since the second half of 2021. lected in the guise of reserva- encountered such a scam last Faisal Kawoosa, founder and official website. “We have also RT and Sputnik’s news said it had established a Sputnik content from the
The scam has so far cost Indi- tion, booking fees, security year, and has been “proact- chief analyst at market put up a caution notice on our apps from its app store in “special operations personalized news feed platform
ans₹4-8 crore, it added. deposits, or dealerships. ively” looking out for such research firm techARC, said website and have been actively all of Europe. centre” to monitor the platform called Microsoft Start and Bing search.
Scammers exploited Goo- To be sure, EV makers are activities since then. “In the the problem is rampant across sending emails to our stake- around the clock and respond to
 THE Russian authorities, on
issues in real-time. APPLE
gle ads to misdirect unsuspect- aware of the problem. “The past few months, we have sectors with high consumer holders and posting dis- their part, have urged Google
ing users to phishing sites to growing demand for EVs has encountered a handful of fake interest. claimer information on our to stop ads that spread  LIKE Google, Meta  IT has suspended all
misinformation about too has restricted product sales from its online
access data and defraud each proved a boon for businesses websites, such as atherenergy- “When large players cause a social media handles,” the casualties sustained access to Russian stores in Russia, disabling the Russian
user of ₹2-4 lakh, it said, add- and individuals. However, it dealership.com, atherenergy- disruption in the way products spokesperson said. by Russian forces and state-owned media outlets in the population from purchasing iPads,
ing that fake internet domains, has also opened another ave- dealer.in, and atherelectric- are booked, consumers end up moumita.choudhury@live- Ukrainian civilians. entire European Union region. iPhones, and other Mac products.
resembling EV manufacturers nue for scamming or exploit- dealer.com, which are decep- thinking that this sector works mint.com

Permanent work-from-home jobs for select roles gain popularity

Ayushman Baruah six months. About 57% of these technical writers, program- gig workers who possess the launched a work-from-any- mutes, thus having a positive
ayushman.b@livemint.com searches were for permanent mers, recruiters, and other necessary niche skills sets. where initiative in the early impact on their well-being,”
BENGALURU remote jobs. individual contributor roles “We currently leverage an stages of the pandemic which said Vivek Ranjan, chief
According to Naukri.com, are most likely to work from artificial intelligence-based led to multiple benefits. “One human resources officer, Zen-

ermanent remote work- some of the companies posting home on a permanent basis. talent marketplace of the biggest sar.
ing jobs are fast gaining both temporary and perma- Data also suggests that pro- called, Talex, to RISING advantages of this HR experts believe remote
popularity, especially for nent remote jobs include ductivity has risen with the identify gig work- DEMAND initiative is that we working is here to stay as it
select roles in the software ser- Amazon, Tech Mahindra Ltd, work-from-home (WFH) ers internally. We have access to a provides access to talent with-
vices sector, with employees HCL Technologies Ltd, PWC, arrangement. A FlexJobs have also built an OF the 3.2 million diverse set of talent out geographical barriers.
showing improved productiv- Trigent, Flipkart, Siemens, report showed that remote external market- job searches on
Naukri.com, 57%
who may have “Organizations with a
ity and other health benefits Deloitte, Oracle, Zensar Tech- and flexible workers tend to be place called BeGig were for permanent been out of our remote work culture will be
even as they don’t physically nologies Ltd, Tata Consult- happier and more loyal due to that e n a b l e s remote jobs reach due to loca- leading the way to attract top
attend offices. ancy Services Ltd and Cap- lower stress levels when work- employers to tion…This has also talent, and to give employees
Naukri.com currently has gemini. ing from home. seamlessly tap into DATA also suggests helped us recruit more options to define their
that productivity has
more than 93,000 permanent Globally, companies such as “Some of the pros for WFH Globally, companies such as Slack, Twitter, Spotify and Tata Steel the freelance increased with the those who were on work-life balance. In talent
and temporary remote job lis- Slack, Twitter, Spotify and are increased flexibility, allow employees an option to continue working remotely. HT workforce and hire work-from-home a career break, acquisition and retention,
tings, out of which 22% jobs Tata Steel have allowed reduction in overall infra- the appropriate arrangement mostly women companies now realize that to
are for permanent remote employees the option to con- structure costs, employee Staffing, TeamLease Digital. can become a hindrance for and requisite tal- employees as well attract and keep the best tal-
roles only. The job search por- tinue working remotely. retention, access to a wider tal- To be sure, remote working growth in their career,” Nan- ent,” said Harsh- as those who are ent, WFH must be an option,”
tal saw more than 3.2 million Data from TeamLease ent base, less distractions and has its own disadvantages. duri said. vendra Soin, global chief peo- physically challenged. It has said Varun Sachdeva, APAC
searches for permanent and showed that profiles like data overall cost savings for the “Freshers are at a disadvantage Nevertheless, as WFH gains ple officer and head of Market- also led to better work life inte- Recruitment Leader, NLB Ser-
temporary remote jobs by scientist, software developers, employees,” said Siva Prasad as work is seen more as a trans- in popularity, Tech Mahindra ing, Tech Mahindra. gration for our employees as vices, a workforce solutions
Indian job seekers in the last designers, product managers, Nanduri, business head-IT action than collaboration and is seeing growing demand for Zensar Technologies no time is spent on long com- provider.

FSSAI to introduce health star Prolonged war to hit Indian

MSMEs hard: FISME chief
rating for packaged goods Rituraj Baruah

large number of small
Rating will be based on salt, sugar, and fat content and will be printed on the front of the pack businesses will be
severely impacted if the
war in Europe continues for
Priyanka Sharma information present in 100 mg quantity another week, a lobby of Indian
priyanka.sharma@livemint.com of packaged food. Our FoSCoS licens- small enterprises said on
NEW DELHI ing application portal will have a new Wednesday. In an interview,
module for generating HSR certificate Federation of Indian Micro and

ackaged food products in for the food product wherein a licensee Small & Medium Enterprises
India will soon be labelled can put in details of their product. (FISME) president Animesh
with an official health star Based on evaluation, HSR certificate Saxena said that freight rates
rating (HSR), a top official at will be generated for the respective have gone up 10-15% in the past Freight rates have gone up 10-15% in the past week of Russia’s
Food Safety and Standards packaged food item. These ratings will week of Russia’s Ukraine inva- invasion, raw material costs are expected to shoot up as well. HT
Authority of India (FSSAI) said. be provided by the FSSAI depending sion, and the raw material costs
The rating will be the first such in upon the factual information of the are expected to shoot up as On payment issues due to icy focus to formalize micro
India, a country burdened with lifestyle product,” Singhal said. well. some Russian banks cut out of enterprises which are largely
diseases, and is aimed at guiding con- Over the last year, the apex food reg- According to commerce Swift, the world’s most widely unorganized, with very little or
sumers to opt for healthy food. The ulator has been brainstorming with ministry data, India’s bilateral used international payments no institutional financing at all.
HSR format ranks a packaged food item experts to launch FoPL in India. A peti- trade with Russia stood at $8.1 network, Saxena said, “The Small enterprises are also
based on salt, sugar, and fat content and tion seeking direction to the govern- billion in FY21, with Indian payment crisis has already concerned about any likeli-
the rating will be printed on the front of ment to frame guidelines on HSR and exports of $2.6 billion and started. We are in touch with hood of sanctions or blockade
the package. impact assessment for food items and imports of $5.5 billion. the government on the pay- by the US and European Union
This move follows a report by the beverages was filed in the Supreme “About 40% of the exports ment crisis specially and other as a result of their continued
Indian Institute of Management Court in June last year. from India are from MSMEs. safety issues.” trade with Russia, Saxena said.
Ahmedabad (IIM-A) on the impact of Recently, representatives from IIM-A We have already started seeing “We are seeing how the On the broader situation of
front-of-the-pack labelling for pack- and Dexter Consultancy made a the increase in the freight, sea things unfold. If the things are MSMEs in the country, he said
aged and processed foods. The study detailed presentation before the FSSAI as well as air, which were sorted out soon, it’s OK; other- that the sector has so far wit-
endorsed the HSR format as the best revealing the findings of the survey. already almost four times from wise, it (prices) might spiral up.” nessed a recovery and was
suited to Indians in helping to choose The move is aimed at guiding consumers to opt for healthy food. MINT Members from industry associations, pre-pandemic days,” he said. MSMEs have been a major anticipating a faster pace of
healthier packaged food items under a consumer organizations, scientific The FISME president said focus for the gov- growth as the
new policy on Front of Packaging across the world and identify one sought feedback from industry associa- panel on Labelling and Claims/Adver- that as the war intensifies and ernment amid the Small businesses economy revives,
Labelling (FoPL). which is easy to understand and can tions for evaluation by a scientific panel tisement, and the World Health Organi- more cargo flights avoid con- pandemic. Along may witness but noted the
“IIM-A has recommended HSR as induce behaviour change among so that the HSR model can be included sation also participated in the meeting. flict areas, transit and delivery with several disruption worrying rise in
the most preferred format by Indian Indian consumers. In India, packaged in the draft regulation formulated by “Based on the analysis of the data, times will increase and freight measures to ease primarily in the raw material
consumers under proposed FoPL in food has had back-of-package (BOP) the government. IIM-A recommended HSR over other rates will go up. the regulatory costs.
supplies of
India. This national survey by IIM-A is nutrient information in detail but no The food regulator has exempted models for achieving a careful combi- Export sectors that will be framework and Calling for reg-
the voice of more than 20,000 people FoPL, which, as global experience sug- milk and dairy products from the pro- nation of the dual objectives for the most impacted include textiles, business environ- polyester and ulations regard-
across the country and none of the gests, has the ability to nudge healthy posed FoPL, as they were in the earlier ease of identification and understand- apparels, electronic goods, ment for small chemicals ing the pricing of
countries in the world has surveyed ing; and change of purchase behav- plastic and metal components, businesses, the raw materials
people at such a large scale. FoPL HEALTH CONSCIOUS iour of Indian consumers,” accord- Saxena said. Other major government in used in industries,
will bring a transformational ing to the minutes of the meeting exports to Russia include phar- 2020 rolled out the Emergency he said that in the past one year,
reform in the society as it will THE move follows a THE study endorsed THE FSSAI had IN India, packaged reviewed by Mint. maceuticals and machinery. Credit Line Guarantee Scheme cotton prices are up 80%, forc-
encourage healthy eating. It will report by IIM-A on
the impact of front-
the HSR format as
the best suited to
directed IIM-A to
conduct a survey to
food has had back-
of-package nutrient
During the meeting, three major In terms of raw materials, (ECLGS) to support pandemic- ing several businesses to shut
also help to reduce the burden of of-the-pack labelling help Indians choose analyse major FoPL information in detail decisions were also taken on set- small businesses may witness hit businesses with the primary shop. He added that the budget
Non- Communicable Diseases for packaged foods healthier items models but no FOPL ting up thresholds and the number disruption primarily in the sup- focus on MSMEs. The scheme announcement of a 35.4%
(NCDs) in the country,” Arun Sin- of categories, type/format of FoPL, plies of polyester and chemi- was launched with an initial increase in capital expenditure
ghal, chief executive officer, FSSAI, and a time period for transition cals, driving up their prices. corpus of ₹3 trillion, but it has should be helpful for the sector
told Mint. consumption behaviour with respect to FSSAI draft notified in 2019. Also, the from voluntary to mandatory. The This comes in the backdrop of now been expanded to ₹5 tril- in the long run. The Union
The FSSAI, a body under the minis- packaged food. scientific panel has recommended vol- FSSAI noted that the proposed levels of input costs of products from lion. Budget for FY23 pegged a capi-
try of health and family welfare At present, countries such as the UK, untary implementation of FoPL from thresholds are in alignment with ‘FoPL steel to cotton yarn remaining Saxena said that although tal expenditure of ₹7.5 trillion
(MoHFW) had directed IIM-A to con- Chile, Mexico, New Zealand, and Aus- 2023 and a transition period of four Models’ implemented in other coun- high, with the geopolitical cri- these initiatives have sup- for the upcoming financial
duct a large-scale survey to analyse tralia have FoPL. years for making it mandatory. tries and ‘WHO Population Nutrient sis likely to make it worse for ported MSMEs, the govern- year, against of ₹5.54 trillion in
major FoPL models that are available Following the report, the FSSAI has “We will analyse the nutritional Intake Goals Recommendations’. SMEs. ment should bring about a pol- FY22.

Chalet Hotels focus on leisure portfolio Russia-Ukraine conflict may increase the
Varuni Khosla
Sethi said January was a bit
of a setback as occupancy rates
risk of cyberattacks for India, warn experts
were down due to rising covid
Devina Sengupta

Raheja Corp-backed case. However, the decline was executive officer of Ban-
Chalet Hotels Ltd will not as steep as in earlier waves. devina.sengupta@livemint.com breach, a cybersecurity com-
add up to two leisure In the first wave, occupancy MUMBAI pany specializing in network
properties to its portfolio in had fallen to 17% and its prop- security, data breach manage-

the coming years, said manag- erties were being used as quar- ndia needs to up its ante ment, and forensics.
ing director and chief execu- antine facilities. In January, against potential cybersecu- Adversities such as covid
tive Sanjay Sethi in an inter- occupancy levels hit nearly rity attacks in the telecom, and the Russian invasion lead
view with Mint. 37%, similar to the pan-India infrastructure and banking to an uptick in cyberattacks
The company, which oper- average. sectors, warn cybersecurity and often individual accounts
ates over 2,500 rooms across The company also has 1.4 experts. are targeted.
seven hotel brands, such as the mn sq. ft. of commercial build- With Russia’s invasion of “Given the current scenario,
JW Marriott Mumbai Sahar, ing space under development Ukraine also being played out some hackers will work in the
Four Points by Sheraton Navi near its existing hotels in in the cyber world and mal- shadows attacking those who
Mumbai, The Westin Hydera- Powai and Bengaluru. Once wares being introduced, these have a big Internet market
bad Mindspace and Bengaluru Chalet Hotels operates over 2,500 rooms across seven hotel the projects are complete, it may eventually find their way India has to be prepared for a vicious cyberattack. ISTOCKPHOTO base like India. There may be a
Marriott Hotel Whitefield, will brands, such as the JW Marriott Mumbai Sahar. will be operating over 3,000 into Indian servers or get sold rise in WiFi hacking and indi-
build or acquire properties in rooms and around 3 million later in the dark web and used suffer from collateral damage. nations may take advantage of vidual accounts will be tar-
the National Capital Region, of growth. We don’t have a hotel property in Powai Lake, sq.ft. of office space. against India, the experts said. “During the state sponsored this distraction to test their lat- geted,” said Liad Herman,
Chennai and Goa. It is also timeline for acquisition. We Mumbai, from Renaissance to A report by consulting firm “India has to be prepared for attacks, it’s likely that new cus- est malwares into the vulnera- co-founder and chief execu-
developing a Westin hotel in will look at opportunities as Westin. It is also adding nearly HVS Anarock, which services a vicious cyberattack,” said tom based malware/exploits bilities of servers based in tive officer of SafeHouse Tech,
Hyderabad. they come,” he 88 rooms to the the hospitality industry, said as Pavan Duggal, a Supreme come into play. India. an Indo-Israeli cybersecurity
Chalet Hotels is looking to said. “Clearly, the Chalet Hotels is hotel in Pune. a result of the Omicron wave, Court advocate and cyber law It’s possible that With malwares “The threat of enterprise.
diversify across regions, asset impact (on hospi- looking to “We have a 167- domestic air traffic declined by expert. these thereafter being introduced n a t i o n - s t a t e However, Supreme Court
classes and hospitality seg- tality) is lessening diversify across room near-ready 43% in January compared to “I expect India’s critical get exploited in the wake of intrusions advocate Duggal said India
ments through a mix of green- with every covid regions, asset Westin in Hyder- December. The hotel sector, infrastructure, banks, telecom commercially, Ukraine war, increases even for could also become a specific
field developments as well as -19 wave. There abad to be com- too, witnessed muted demand, network to up their securities hence there is a countries not target soon. “A lot of the hack-
classes and these may find
brownfield acquisitions, Sethi were a lot of vaca- missioned in the with occupancy rates falling in the coming days,” he said. possibility of engulfed in the ing community in Ukraine is
said, adding that strategically tions happening hospitality coming financial 23-25 percentage points to Duggal’s comments come cyber collateral their way into conflict. The spill- also not happy with India’s
it is a good to time to look at in resort destina- segments year. Addition- 35-37%, the lowest levels since amid Russia’s invasion of impact even if Indian servers over of malware stance. This trend is likely to
acquisitions, considering that tions. While we ally, we are in the June 2021, it said. Ukraine, which has also one is not a target attacks from Rus- be replicated in cyber space.
several hotel companies have are seeing that midst of evaluat- While room rates continued spurred intense cyber warfare of cyber warfare,” sia or Ukraine Since India has chosen to
been hit hard by the pandemic easing off a bit, we do see ing the demand dynamics to to rise on a year-on-year basis, where digital banking services said Siddharth Vishwanath, may not be high but smaller abstain from voting at the UN,
and may have balance sheet resort and leisure destinations commence construction of a average daily rates in January are targeted. Security experts cyber leader at PwC. groups or individuals may this approach could lead to the
challenges. to continue to do well.” 250-room Hyatt Regency in were down 15-17% month-on- warn that although India may There could also be a spill- carry out low intensity hacking community being
“We will evaluate all forms The company will rebrand a Navi Mumbai.” month to ₹4,900-5,100. not be a direct target, it could over impact where other attacks,” said Suman Kar, chief antagonized,” he said.

Aggregator platforms help small, niche streaming players stay afloat

Lata Jha The emerging trend is help- to video streaming, while OTT for all stakeholders , such as Accenture India, said. “For aggregators provide OTT plat-
lata.j@livemint.com ing OTT firms to focus on con- players partnering with these streaming platforms, telcos, consumers, bundling makes forms a faster monetization
NEW DELHI tent with aggregators taking telcos are gaining access to a and other smart devices, to woo content discovery simpler as opportunity. Aggregators are
care of product and user expe- huge mobile subscriber base. audiences and maintain sus- they can get more recommen- crucial to resolving customer

ideo streaming aggre- rience, according to industry “Any aggregated offering can- tainable revenues dations across plat- frustration from broken view-
gators, including Prime executives not work unless it’s a win-win and user acquisi- CONTENT IN forms on a single ing experience and helping
Video Channels, Tata “There is a funnel that they for both,” Dhanuka said. tion,” said FOCUS service. They can realize the payoff on the cord
Play and Airtel XStream Pre- (aggregators) provide. It opens Aggregation helps the part- Mohanty. create combined cutting vision,” he added.
mium, are emerging as the up a subscriber base, which if ners reach out to a wider audi- EPIC ON plans to AGGREGATORS will watchlists and Bundling and aggregation
backbone of India’s online the individual platform had to ence, raising engagement and expand to 10 coun- help OTT firms to
focus on content as
reduce costs along were key reasons for linear tel-
video market, helping small go on and acquire themselves, improving revenue, Hiren tries, including key they handle product with the option to evision to reach nearly 240 mil-
and niche streaming services to would have taken longer,” said Gada, chief executive, Shema- African nations, and user experience turn-on or turn-off lion households in India, said
stay afloat in a competitive eco- Amit Dhanuka, executive vice- roo Entertainment Ltd, said. Iraq, Palestine, and individual OTT Ali Hussein, chief executive
system. president, Lionsgate India. ShemarooMe, which show- Israel. THE trend is likely to apps within the officer at streaming service
grow, as consumer
Though telcos offer bundled The value-conscious Indian cases old films, web originals Aggregators are helping small firms such as Lionsgate Play find The aggregation preferences and same subscription.” Eros Now. “The next six to 12
over-the-top (OTT) video consumer also stands to benefit and devotional videos, has also their feet and reach a larger subscriber base. trend is set to grow tough economics OTT services months will see the emergence
streaming services, aggrega- from this model, which will started offering Gujarati lan- due to changing come into play also stand to gain of super aggregators that may
tors are helping small firms like co-exist with direct-to-con- guage content. work, said it witnessed more tion spike with an average of consumer prefer- greater reach and be able to connect shows
Lionsgate Play, DocuBay, Eros sumer offerings, he added. Sourjya Mohanty, the chief than 35% increase in revenue four to six hours of watch-time ences and tough assured revenues (across platforms) and target
Now and ShemarooMe to find On the other hand, telecom operating officer of video-on- and user growth during the daily, it is imperative for OTTs economics, Neeraj Sharma, with minimum guarantee. “As customers at scale at different
their feet and reach out to a operators are benefiting from demand platform EPIC ON, pandemic. “With millennials to be part of a bundling propo- managing director, communi- the incremental cost of cus- price points across the coun-
larger subscriber base. higher data consumption due operated by IN10 Media Net- contributing to the consump- sition, which is the way forward cations, media and technology, tomer acquisition is high, try,” Hussein said.

US diplomatic push for Ukraine falters

From the Persian Gulf’s oil-rich monarchies to Israel, US allies tempering their criticism of Moscow in a sign of Russia’s growing influence in the region
David S. Cloud if Russian President Vladimir Putin official said. travel for Ukrainian tourists to the
feedback@livemint.com prolongs the conflict, the official The administration’s relations Middle East trade and tourism hub.
said. with the UAE have seemed even Ukrainian citizens, who had been

he Biden administration “We are focused on ensuring we frostier, highlighted by the Emirati eligible to stay in the UAE for a
is pushing its closest Mid- are putting maximum pressure on abstention from a UN Security month, must now apply for a visa to
dle East partners to back Russia and Putin, while mitigating Council vote condemning Moscow’s visit the country.
Ukraine in its deepening the risk to the U.S. and the global invasion, despite direct appeals from As Russian forces were closing in
war with Russia and for economy,” the official said, adding U.S. Secretary of State Antony on Ukraine’s capital city, Kyiv,
help alleviating the economic fall- that high-level talks with the Saudis Blinken. Sheikh Mohammed avoided any
out—without much to show for it. and others are aimed at making “We believe that alignment and public criticism of Moscow, empha-
From the Persian Gulf’s oil-rich “sure we are coordinated and under- positioning will only lead to more sizing to Mr. Putin “the need for a
monarchies to Israel, US allies and stand each other’s actions.” violence,” Anwar Gargash, a UAE peaceful solution to the crisis,” the
partners are staying neutral or tem- While Saudi Arabia has pushed presidential adviser in a tweet on news agency said.
pering their criticism of Moscow in back against previous U.S. requests Sunday. “In the Ukrainian crisis, our The Ukrainian request for weap-
a revealing sign of Russia’s growing for additional oil supplies, officials at priorities are to encourage all parties ons from Israel includes systems that
influence in the region. the Organization of the Petroleum to adopt diplomacy and negotiate to would help Ukraine defend itself
Saudi Arabia, the de facto Opec Exporting Countries say it isn’t find a political settlement that ends against Russian missiles, but not for
leader, has rebuffed US requests to expected to counter a move Tuesday this crisis.” Israel’s Iron Dome system, which is
pump more oil to help tame surging by International Energy Agency Abu Dhabi’s decision to not back designed to intercept shorter range
crude prices, which topped $100 a members to release 60 million bar- the resolution also appeared linked rockets and missiles, said Mr. Korni-
barrel amid concerns over supply rels of oil from their emergency to its effort to win Moscow’s backing ychuk, the Ukraine ambassador to
after Russia invaded Ukraine. The stockpiles in an attempt to tame pri- for a separate U.N. resolution con- Israel. “We are in huge need of self-
United Arab Emirates, which hosts ces. Meanwhile, Qatar, recently des- demning missile and drone attacks defense weapons,” he said at a Tues-
US troops, ignored US lobbying and ignated by the US a non-Nato major US President Joe Biden. REUTERS against the U.A.E. and Saudi Arabia day press conference. “I do hope that
abstained from a UN Security Coun- ally—a title not given to the Saudis or by Houthi rebels in Yemen. Israel will consider positively all of
cil resolution condemning the Rus- Emiratis—has expressed openness to better manage supply in a deal leads, OPEC and Russia, an alliance official. That resolution was approved by our requests.”
sian invasion. to divert some gas shipments from that has helped fuel a crude price called OPEC+, officials in Riyadh U.S. efforts to sway Riyadh have the Security Council on Monday, “Israel has taken a measured and
Even Israel, the US’s closest ally in Asia to Europe to help fill potential rally. It has established partnerships said. That pact, which allows for pro- been complicated by the fraught with Russian support. “The strong responsible approach, which allows
the region, has refused a Ukrainian disruptions in Russian natural-gas with Saudi Arabia’s main sovereign duction increases of 400,000 bar- relations between President Biden perception among diplomats was us not only to protect our interests,
request for weapons and other mili- supply, say people familiar with the fund and oil company. Russia has rels a day each month, has done little and Prince Mohammed, known as that there was a quid pro quo,” said but also to be useful…one of the few
tary equipment, such as helmets and talks between US and Qatari offi- offered alternatives to U.S. arms to to stem the rise in oil prices and the MBS, who has been shunned by the Peter Salisbury, a senior Yemen ana- that can communicate directly with
protective vests, according to cials. Persian Gulf nations that are under Saudis have pumped less than their U.S. president for his role in the lyst at the International Crisis both parties,” Israeli Prime Minister
Ukraine’s ambassador, Yevgen Kor- Nonetheless, the Ukraine inva- threat from their share, according death of Saudi journalist Jamal Group. The UAE foreign ministry Naftali Bennett said Tuesday.
niychuk. Israel fears that choosing sion has highlighted how frayed the neighbors, while to the IEA. Khashoggi in 2018. didn’t immediately respond to a The longer the war continues, the
sides too openly against Moscow oil-for-security bargain between the intervening on Saudi Arabia’s “The fact that Biden refuses to request for comment. more pressure U.S. partners and
could prompt Russian forces in Syria US and its Arab partners has the side of Crown Prince acknowledge MBS as the de facto In another sign of the UAE dis- allies in the region are likely to face
to respond by interfering with its become, with doubts about Ameri- strongmen in the Syrian and Libyan Mohammed bin Salman, the king- leader of Saudi Arabia makes the tancing itself from Washington, Abu to align more closely with Washing-
long-running air campaign against can staying power in the region. The civil wars. “Putin has managed to dom’s day-to-day ruler, told French decision easier for MBS to take the Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh ton. Though Russia has increased
Iranian-backed militias there, Israeli US’s abrupt withdrawal from create leverage with leaders across President Emmanuel Macron on side of Putin, who, despite some hic- Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan, ties to the region, Moscow doesn’t
officials said. Afghanistan last summer and its the Middle East that, despite spend- Sunday that Riyadh remains com- cups, has been closer to him,” said a the country’s de facto ruler, spoke by offer the same long-term military
A senior US official said the diplo- long-term foreign-policy goal of piv- ing billions, the U.S. has not been mitted to continue an agreement Saudi adviser. phone Tuesday with Mr. Putin about support to Riyadh and Abu Dhabi,
matic response in the region has oting toward China has pushed able to match,” says Karen Young, a with Moscow on oil-production lev- The Biden administration has “bilateral relations”, the energy mar- said Ms. Young at the Middle East
been more cautious than Washing- many of its regional partners to seek senior fellow at The Middle East els, according to the official Saudi been working to rebuild relations ket and “developments in Ukraine,” Institute.
ton would have preferred. But there out new security and economic ties. Institute, a Washington think tank. Press Agency. with Saudis, sending high level dele- according to the UAE state news “Russia doesn’t have the capacity
is far more agreement than is visible Russia in recent years stepped “I think it’s a real shock to the U.S.” “Saudi Arabia does not see any gations to Riyadh and arranging a agency. Also on Tuesday, Ukraine’s to play that role, not now or in the
publicly on steps to calm energy into that gap. Moscow has joined Saudi Arabia doesn’t want to jeop- need to take an action and jeopar- Feb. 24 call between Mr. Biden and embassy said in a Facebook post that future,” she said.
markets and avoid economic shocks with key Middle East oil producers ardize a deal between the oil cartel it dize this alliance,” said a senior Saudi Saudi Arabia’s King Salman, the U.S. the UAE had suspended visa-free ©2021 DOW JONES & COMPANY, INC

Apple, Ford, others retreat from EU inflation peaks as Russia crisis confronts ECB
Russia; VW warns of disruption Paul Hannon
its growth forecasts for subse-
quent quarters.
businesses seek to cover their
higher costs.
The EU’s top economic pol- However, there is little sign
William Boston

exports of vehicles to Russia he eurozone’s inflation icy official Wednesday said the that workers are getting larger
feedback@livemint.com and would cease assembly of rate jumped to a new invasion will weaken the bloc’s pay rises. Germany’s statistics
vehicles with a partner in high in February, pre- recovery, “but without derail- agency Tuesday said that

pple Inc., Ford Motor Kaliningrad. senting the European Central ing it.” annual pay rises negotiated by
Co. and Dell Technolo- “Due to the current geopoli- Bank with a difficult choice “Russia’s invasion of labor unions or similar groups
gies Inc. joined the ros- tical situation we will stop our between supporting flagging Ukraine will likely impact EU amounted to just 1.1% in the
ter of companies retreating local production and export growth and clamping down on growth negatively, including three months through Decem-
from Russia, while other for the Russian market until accelerating prices driven by through repercussions on ber.
global businesses, including further notice,” a spokesman the threat to energy supplies financial markets, further Before the invasion, the
Volkswagen AG, warned of said. BMW also said that sup- following Russia’s invasion of energy price pressures, more ECB had signaled it was likely
further supply disruptions fol- ply-chain disruptions, such as Ukraine. persistent supply-chain bot- to choose the first course of
lowing the country’s invasion the closure of some supplier Russia accounts for around Russia accounts for around 40% of the European Union’s imports tlenecks and confidence action, and announce a time-
of Ukraine. Exxon Mobil Corp. plants in Ukraine, would hit 40% of the European Union’s of natural gas, a key source of energy for the bloc. BLOOMBERG effects,” said Paolo Gentiloni, table for ending its bond buys
said late Tuesday it was halting production at some factories imports of natural gas, a key European Commissioner for at its March 10 meeting. But
operations at a multibillion- Commodities giant Glen- source of energy for the bloc. It impact will be via gas and oil the fact of Russia’s invasion of Economy. many economists now think
dollar oil and gas project in core PLC said Tuesday it was also supplies around a quarter prices, both of which are likely Ukraine has dashed those That presents the ECB with that unlikely, given the
Russia and would make no fur- reviewing its business in Rus- of the bloc’s oil imports. While to be higher for longer than hopes. Economists at Capital a dilemma. It could tackle mounting threats to eurozone
ther investments in the coun- Exxon Mobil Corp. said it is sia, including stakes in EN+ supplies of oil and gas have previously expected. Any dis- Economics now expect the inflation by winding down its economic growth.
try following its attack on holding operations at a gas Group PLC—the controlling continued to flow from Russia ruption to the supply of gas annual rate of inflation to peak bond-buying program and “The dramatic conflict in
Ukraine. project and won’t invest shareholder of the world’s into Europe, market prices from Russia could cause prices at more than 6% this month, open the way for a rise in its Ukraine is now weighing neg-
The moves were wide ran- further in Russia. REUTERS No.2 aluminum producer— have jumped to reflect worries to surge again.” and remain above 5% until the key interest rate later this year atively on both supply and
ging and reflected several and oil a b o u t Much of the pickup in infla- final three months of the year. or early next. But that would demand conditions, making
dynamics that have played out owns a 30% stake in the company f u t u r e tion has been driven by energy Economists at JPMorgan likely exacerbate the slow- uncertainty more acute,” said
since Russian President Vlad- project, alongside Russian Rosneft Oil availabil- prices, which were 31.7% said they now expect the aver- down in growth, and threaten Fabio Panetta, an ECB policy
imir Putin invaded Ukraine state-controlled oil producer Co. ity. higher than a year earlier, hav- age rate of inflation in 2022 to a sharp decline in inflation maker in a speech Monday. “In
last week. Rosneft, Japan’s SODECO and Glencore joined a growing The European Union’s sta- ing been 28% higher in Janu- be 1 percentage point higher back below its target next year. this environment, it would be
Some companies have sig- India’s ONGC Videsh. The list of companies, including BP tistics agency Wednesday said ary. That was also the fastest than they did before the inva- Alternatively, the ECB can unwise to pre-commit on
naled they wanted to take a company said it is taking steps PLC and Shell PLC, that are consumer prices were 5.8% annual increase in a series that sion at 5%. By contrast, the leave its stimulus measures in future policy steps until the
stand against Russia. At the to exit from the consortium. assessing their longtime ties higher in February than a year goes back to 1997. ECB’s December forecast for place and tolerate a period of fallout from the current crisis
same time, key parts and com- Exxon is also developing with Russia. BP has said it earlier, an acceleration from As they prepared their plans inflation this year was 3.2%, very high inflation to cushion becomes clearer.”
modities that typically flow out plans for expatriate staff in plans to exit its near 20% stake the 5.1% rate of inflation for 2022, policy makers at the well above its 2% target. the economy against the fall- Over recent days, European
of Ukraine, a major agricul- Russia to leave the country, if in Rosneft, while energy rival recorded in January. It was the ECB had been counting on a But economic growth is also out from Russia’s war. But that government bonds have ral-
tural exporter and an auto- the employees wish to do so, Shell has said it would pull fourth straight month in decline in energy prices—as likely to turn out weaker than might persuade eurozone lied as investors bet the ECB
parts supplier, have been bot- according to a person familiar back from joint projects in which the inflation rate hit a demand for winter heating the ECB had expected. JPMor- workers that inflation is set to would delay hiking interest
tled up inside the country. with the plans. The most of Russia. record high, and probably not fuels eased toward the end of gan said it now expects the remain high for an indefinite rates. “No one can seriously
Sanctions against Russia, Exxon’s roughly 1000-person “Glencore condemns the the last. this month—to help reverse eurozone economy to stagnate period, and inspire them to ask expect the ECB to start nor-
prohibiting a range of financial workforce in Russia is made up actions taken by the Russian “The war in Ukraine will add the rise in the eurozone’s infla- in the three months through for significantly higher wage malizing monetary policy in
transactions and exports, have of Russian citizens. government against the peo- to upward pressure on infla- tion rate and bring it back to its March, having previously rises than they have secured such a moment of high uncer-
businesses halting sales and Volkswagen, meanwhile, ple of Ukraine,” the company tion,” said Andrew Kenning- 2% target by the end of this forecast an annualized over recent decades. Big wage tainty,” said Carsten Brzeski,
other operations there. All that said it may shutter its flagship said in a statement, adding that ham, an economist at Capital year. increase in gross domestic rises might prompt another an economist at ING Bank.
has some companies with deep German plant later this month it was “reviewing all our busi- Economics. “The biggest But first the threat, and then product of 1%. It also lowered round of price increases as ©2021 DOW JONES & COMPANY, INC
Russian roots reviewing their because it can’t get parts from ness activities in the country.”
interests in the country. suppliers in war-torn Ukraine. Glencore owns 10.55% of EN+,
Apple said Tuesday it Volkswagen had previously which controls United Co.
stopped selling iPhones and
other products in Russia, say-
ing it was “deeply concerned
idled production at its plant in
Zwickau, Germany, its most
important factory for produc-
Rusal International PJSC, and
around 0.5% of Rosneft.
Dell said it suspended prod-
Ford reorganizes to run EV, engine businesses separately
about the Russian invasion of ing electric cars, including the uct sales in Russia. Ericsson changing company again, and maker also is now targeting Ford’s internal combustion Farley has been working
Ukraine.” ID.4 that is exported to the US AB, the Swedish telecom- Bloomberg that requires focus,” chief adjusted earnings before engine business. closely with Doug Field, the
Silicon Valley’s tech giants Supplies of wiring harnesses— equipment maker, said it, too, feedback@livemint.com executive officer Jim Farley interest and taxes of 10% by Implementing major struc- former head of Apple Inc.’s
have been facing particular a kit containing wires, connec- was suspending shipments said in a statement Wednes- 2026, up from as much as 8% tural change at Ford requires car project, on reviewing

pressure to cut off services and tors and terminals to connect a into Russia. ord Motor Company will day. “We are going all in, cre- expected for this year. the backing of the company’s Ford’s operational and manu-
content to Russia. On Friday, car’s components—have been The world’s biggest con- separate its fast-growing ating separate but comple- Accelerating Ford’s transi- founding family, which con- facturing structure to prepare
Ukraine’s vice prime minister, interrupted. tainer ship operators—A.P. electric vehicle opera- mentary businesses that give tion to a battery-electric trols the automaker through a for the company ramping up
Mykhailo Fedorov, asked Although production at Moller-Maersk A/S and Medi- tions from its legacy combus- us start-up speed and unbri- future has been a special class of its EV offerings.
Apple Chief Executive Tim Volkswagen’s Wolfsburg plant terranean Shipping Co.—said tion engine business in a his- dled innovation.” major focal point The new unit will stock. It’s boosted output of the
Cook to stop supplying Apple is running normally, the auto they would temporarily sus- toric reorganization of the The shake-up -- along with for Farley. scale up the EV While Farley electric Mustang Mach-E and
products and services to Rus- maker said it expects more pend services to Russian ports, 118-year-old company. new targets for higher EV He raised the offerings and has considered prepared more production
sia, including halting access to restrictive production next even those far from the con- The newly formed Ford production and overall profit- a u t o m a k e r ’ s develop software spinning off capacity for the F-150 Light-
the App Store. week and that it would be flict in Ukraine. Maersk said Model e unit will scale up the ability -- sent Ford shares up wager on EVs either its EV or ning pickup going on sale this
“unable to manufacture in
and connected-
Ford on Tuesday said it was Tuesday it was halting book- automaker’s EV offerings and as much as 5.4% to $17.60 months after tak- combustion spring.
suspending its joint-venture Wolfsburg” the week after. ings in light of the sanctions develop software and con- before the start of regular ing over as CEO. vehicle tech engine busi- Ford shares have soared
operations in Russia, citing Production at its commercial imposed on Russia. Both oper- nected-vehicle technology trading. Bloomberg News and services nesses to raise 151% since Farley became
concern over the invasion of vehicles plant in Hannover ators said they would continue and services for all of the com- first reported last funds and possi- CEO in October 2020.
Ukraine. would also be impacted, as to move foodstuffs to and from pany. Ford Blue will focus on FRESH TARGETS month that the bly earn higher While the stock has pulled
Exxon, the US oil giant, said well as its component facto- Russia. combustion vehicles, cutting Ford said it plans to be able to company was contemplating market valuations, according back since mid-January, its
it was preparing to shut down ries, the company said. Tim Higgins, Costas Paris costs and simplifying opera- make 2 million electric vehi- a further increase in expendi- to people familiar with the $66.9 billion market capitali-
production from the massive Bayerische Motoren Werke and Nora Eckert contributed to tions. cles annually by 2026, a big tures toward EVs, and that deliberations, he and Ford zation was slightly ahead of
Sakhalin Island development AG, the German luxury-car this article. Ford’s ambition will be “to step up from the 600,000 it’s Farley had wanted to wall off have said there are no plans General Motors Company’s at
in Russia’s Far East. Exxon maker, said it had stopped ©2021 DOW JONES & COMPANY, INC become a truly great, world- aiming for in 2024. The auto- electric operations from for such a move. the close of trading Tuesday.


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in travel, but corporate digital platforms. Technol- Its increased 38% to enable a truly inclusive and
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Aatmanirbhar Bharat. over the last year. data sharing with purpose.

SG hopes India RELIEF ON ITS WAY REL to set up war

remove ban on app chest for ventures

ingapore’s ministry of trade and industry iversified financial services provider
on Wednesday said that it hopes India’s Religare Enterprises Ltd (REL) on
ban on popular gaming app ‘Free Fire’, Wednesday said that it is in the process
owned by technology group Sea Ltd , could be of setting up a war chest for new ventures.
resolved quickly. In a regulatory filing, the Non-Banking
Singapore had raised concerns with India Finance Company (NBFC) said that it was
after it blocked ‘Free Fire’ as part of a going to enter new strategic sectors, including
crackdown on 54 apps it believed were sending asset reconstruction, alternate investment
user data to servers in China. funds, insurance broking and digital wealth
“The app is owned by Sea, a technology management, embarking on a new era of
company founded and headquartered in growth.
Singapore,” the trade ministry said. The company said that it was in the process
“We hope that this matter can be resolved of creating a war chest to grow the new
expeditiously,” the ministry said. ventures organically and inorganically.
Sources, including two Indian government REL said, these identified sectors have
officials, have said that Singapore had asked business synergies with existing BFSI
Indian authorities why ‘Free Fire’ was targeted (Banking, Financial Services and Insurance)
in a widening crackdown on Chinese apps verticals of the company and this should have a
India’s information technology ministry did multiplier effect on Religare Group’s business
not immediately respond to a request for and financial performance. PTI
comment on Wednesday. REUTERS

Relief material being loaded in an IAF aircraft on Wednesday. It will be distributed among Indian students evacuated to Romania from Ukraine..... PTI

Government infra spending to Number of air passengers will exceed the 2019

The bank issued Basel-III compliant bonds

Union Bank raises

revive wagon manufacturing pre-covid level by 3%.

Air pax to reach


₹1,500 cr via bonds 4bn-mark in 2024

he total number of air passengers in the

nion Bank has raised ₹1,500 crore by world will reach the four-billion mark in
issuing Basel-III compliant bonds to Texmaco has an order book of 1,400 wagons and expects the size to grow in FY23 2024, exceeding the 2019 pre-covid level
investors. by 3%, global airlines body International Air
The bank has allotted unsecured, Transport Association (IATA) said on
subordinated, non-convertible, taxable, Subhash Narayan There is a lot of traction for orders now and thus “Now, the focus will be to start building an Wednesday. In 2021, overall traveller numbers
perpetual, fully paid-up Basel-III compliant ubhash.narayan@livemint.com the order book position should improve for all order book again here and participate in EPC were 47% of the pre-covid level, the
additional tier 1 bonds in the nature of companies in the space, including Texmaco, tenders. There is a huge amount of work that is International Air Transport Association IATA

debentures, aggregating to ₹1,500 crore. he Union government’s record capital Gupta said. coming up for EPC,” Gupta said. mentioned.
The bonds are eligible for inclusion in the tier expenditure push is expected to boost A lot of work from railways, metro, and other The company has an order book of 1,400 wag- “This is expected to improve to 83% in 2022,
1 capital of the bank. manufacturers of railway rolling stocks projects, including that which involves ballastless ons and expects the size to grow substantially in 94% in 2023, 103% in 2024 and 111% in 2025,” it
To comply with Basel-III capital regulations, that have seen orders stagnate for the tracks and signal- FY23 on the back of added.
banks globally need to improve and strengthen last few years, Texmaco Rail and Engi- ling, is also coming big railway tenders. IATA’s director general Willie Walsh said
their capital planning processes. neering Ltd managing director (MD) Ashish in the engineering, The Union budget has raised capex Also, the private that the trajectory for the recovery in
These norms are being implemented to Kumar Gupta said. procurement and for FY23 to ₹7.5 trillion, with most of sector is expected to passenger numbers from covid-19 was not
mitigate concerns on potential stresses on asset “The government’s capex push with infrastruc- construction (EPC) provide more orders changed by the Omicron variant.“People want
quality and consequential impact on ture focus would shoot up demand for rolling segment where the the additional capex expected to go to the company. to travel. And when travel restrictions are
performance and profitability of banks. stock. Already, Indian Railways plans to place a company would to infrastructure projects. To expand its lifted, they return to the skies,” he noted. IATA
Tier 1 capital is the core capital of a bank’s record level of wagon orders while private con- actively participate, operations, Tex- represents some 290 airlines comprising 83
reserves and it is primarily used to fund business tainer train operations are also expected to get a according to the maco also aims to per cent of global air traffic. PTI
activities. Banks are required to hold certain leg up with operations of portions of dedicated Texmaco MD. enhance its exports and tap markets in the African
levels of tier 1 and tier 2 capital as reserves so that freight corridors,” Gupta said in an interview. Rolling stock accounts for about 40% of Tex- continent.
they can absorb large losses without threatening The Union budget has raised capex for FY23 by maco’s total turnover, which stood at ₹1,689 crore Texmaco is targeting Africa, where the com-
their stability.
Shares of Union Bank of India closed at ₹41
a record 35% to ₹7.5 trillion, with most of the addi-
tional capex expected to go to infrastructure pro-
in FY21. EPC accounts for another 40%, while the pany has already bagged an order for 200 wagons
remaining 20% comes from its foundry and other in Liberia, Cameroon, and Mozambique, Gupta
India adds 10GW
apiece on BSE, up 1.99% from the previous close. jects. small business verticals. said.
solar capacity

ndia installed a record 10 gigawatt (GW) of
China opposes solar capacity during calendar year 2021,
AAI urges for smooth coal supply registering a year-on-year (y-o-y) rise of 212
sanctions on Russia per cent, according to Mercom India Research.
The country had made 3.2 GW of solar
India (AAI) has said that for past seven capacity installations during 2020, the

hina would not join the United States months, the non-power sector across the research firm said in its latest report.
and European governments in country, of which aluminium companies Cumulative solar installed capacity in India
imposing financial sanctions on are a key part, has been plagued by a was approximately 49 GW at the end of
Russia, the country’s bank regulator said on protracted coal shortage putting the December 2021, the report titled ‘Annual 2021
Wednesday. sector to a near-calamitous situation that India Solar Market Update’ said.
China is a major buyer of Russian oil and gas could also give a severe blow to the “India added a record 10 GW of solar in 2021,
and the only major government that has ongoing v-shaped recovery of the Indian the highest ever in a year. Solar accounted for
refrained from criticizing Moscow’s attack on economy. 62% of new power capacity additions in 2021,
Ukraine. As the most widely used non-ferrous the largest share of power capacity ever,” it
“Beijing opposes the sanctions,” said Guo metal globally and a critical input for said.
Shuqing, the chairman of the China Banking several core industries in India, any Five of the 11 coal mines put on auction received During the year, large-scale solar projects
and Insurance Regulatory Commission. disruptions in the sector’s production is single bids. MINT accounted for 83% of installations and saw a
“We will not join such sanctions, and we Aluminium companies has been plagued by expected to have a negative effect across 230% y-o-y surge while Rooftop installations
will keep normal economic, trade and
financial exchanges with all the relevant
a protracted coal shortage. BLOOMBERG the country’s industrial landscape.
In its letter, the AAI has said that
26 companies bids registration increased to 138 %. PTI

T for 11 coal mines

parties,” Guo said at a news conference. he aluminium industry has urged continued coal shortage being faced by
“We disapprove of the financial sanctions, the government for an urgent and India’s highly power intensive aluminium
particularly those launched unilaterally, immediate resumption of coal industry has now put lakhs of jobs in
Fed to raise rates
because they do not have much legal basis and supplies to the sector to ensure the jeopardy. SW Steel, Jindal Steel & Power Ltd and
will not have good effects.” One of its citizens
was shot and wounded in Ukraine while 2,500
survival of the domestic industry.
In a letter to the Prime Minister’s Office
The aluminium industry and its allied
SMEs in India provide jobs to lakhs of
Bharat Aluminium Company Ltd were
among the 21 firms that put in bids in the this month: Powell
Chinese nationals have been relocated to (PMO), the Aluminium Association of people. SUBHASH NARAYAN latest auction of coal mines, the government

safer places in the war-torn country. AP said on Wednesday. hair Jerome Powell on Wednesday said
In all, 26 bids were received for the auction that he supports a traditional quarter-
of coal mines under the fourth tranche of sale point increase in the Federal Reserve’s
of coal, the coal ministry said in a statement. benchmark short-term interest rate when the
Space junk on 5,800-mph collision course with moon Five of the 11 coal mines put on auction
received single bids.
Fed meets later this month, rather than a larger
increase that some of its policymakers have
The Gare Palma IV/6 mine in Chhattisgarh proposed. But Powell did open the door to a

he moon is about to get walloped by 3 tons of space junk, a punch that will received a maximum of eight bids. bigger hike in the event that inflation, which
carve out a crater that could fit several semi tractor-trailers. The mine was originally allotted jointly to has reached a four-decade high, doesn’t
The leftover rocket will smash into the far side of the moon at 5,800 Jindal Stel & Power Ltd (JSPL) and Malwa noticeably decline this year, as the Fed expects
mph (9,300 kph) on Friday, away from telescopes’ prying eyes. It may take Sponge Iron Ltd in January 2006 to meet the it to.
weeks, even months, to confirm the impact through satellite images. coal requirement of their respective sponge “I’m inclined to propose” a quarter-point
It’s been tumbling haphazardly through space, experts believe, since China iron plants in nearby Raigarh and Taraimal rate hike to fight the acceleration of inflation
launched it nearly a decade ago. But Chinese officials are dubious it’s theirs. districts, respectively. that has engulfed the economy in recent
No matter whose it is, scientists expect the object to carve out a hole 33 feet to However, the allocations, along with others, months, Powell told the House Financial
66 feet (10 to 20 meters) across and send moon dust flying hundreds of miles were cancelled by the Supreme Court 2014. Services Committee on the first of two days of
(kilometers) across the barren, pockmarked surface. Low-orbiting space junk is Utkal B1 and B2 mines in Odisha received six semiannual testimony to Congress. Most other
relatively easy to track. Objects launching deeper into space are unlikely to hit bids, while Chinora in Maharashtra got four Fed officials have in recent weeks supported a
anything and these far-flung pieces are usually soon forgotten, except by a and three bids came in for Rabodih OCP in similar modest increase, while a few have said
handful of observers who enjoy playing celestial detective on the side. SpaceX Jharkhand. they back a half-point hike or are at least open
originally took the rap for the upcoming lunar litter after asteroid tracker Bill It said a total of 26 bids have been received to a potential such increase. The stock market
Gray identified the collision course in January. AP It can take weeks to confirm the impact of the space junk. AP against 11 coal mines. PTI rose in response to Powell’s support. AP


Indian students share their harrowing experiences and the struggle to get home as bombs fall all around them

Divya Rajagopal

eptember 2021 marked a libera-
tion of sorts for Surbhi and her
classmates at the Kharkiv
National Medical University in
Ukraine. After being forced to
attend online classes as the covid-19 pan-
demic spread, they were elated when the
institution announced that it was starting
in-person classes for the fall semester.
Surbhi, who had cleared the highly
competitive National Eligibility cum
Entrance Test (NEET) for medicine, had
decided to pursue a medical degree in
Ukraine as it was far more affordable and
far less competitive than in India.
In December 2020, she received her
admission into the Kharkiv National Med-
ical University, but the covid-19 pandemic
struck. Within months, universities across
Ukraine moved to remote learning.
Surbhi moved back to India but
returned to Ukraine again in September.
Here, she rented an apartment in Kharkiv
with two friends, one from Kolkata and
the other from Ludhiana.
Over the last decade, Ukraine has
become the go-to destination for thou-
sands of aspiring students from India who
want to study medicine. The ease of get-
ting admission and the cost—70% less
than in India—have been the main pull.
This has even led to a mushrooming of
agencies in various parts of India facilitat-
ing admission to Ukrainian universities.
Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city,
has a population of 14 million people, of
which at least 100,000 are students. But
little did Surbhi and the others know that
six months after in-person classes began,
they would be caught in the crossfire of a
bloody war as Russia invaded Ukraine.
There are several thousands of Indian stu-
dents stuck in Ukraine struggling to get


R ussia’s full-scale military strike on

Ukraine entered the seventh day on
Wednesday. Kharkiv, in the north-east of
Ukraine, not far from the Russian border,
has come in for intense shelling. As they People gather in a subway, using it as a bomb shelter, in Kyiv (also know as Kiev), Ukraine, on Wednesday.. AP/PTI
see the gruesome images of death and
destruction in Kharkiv on their screens,
the people of Ukraine are getting a
glimpse of what lies in store for other cities I called in the evening to see how Surbhi began. “We have been questioned about mint They left Kharkiv on 1 March. “We man-
if the war does not end. and her friends are doing, only to find they why we didn’t leave two weeks ago, when SHORT UKRAINE’S PULL aged to arrange a bus five hours after
On Tuesday, the Ukrainian government were rushing to the basement. “Would the advisories came in. But we had STORY The number of international reaching Lviv. We had to arrange for food,
said eight people had been killed in a Rus- love to chat but there is no network at all in received mixed signals about the situa- students in the country have risen bus, and train all by ourselves in Ukraine.
sian airstrike on a residential building in the basement,” she said. Some of the stu- tion,” said a student, who did not want to over the last decade The Indian government is helping once
the city. Earlier, Russian missiles had dents planned to make another be identified. WHAT 85,000 we cross the borders. In Ukraine, the train
destroyed an administrative building, kill- attempt to get to the railway The student said an agent fare is free and they even provided some
The high cost of medical 80,000
ing an Indian student. station to take the train to had assured them noth- food. Right now I am totally exhausted but
After their first talks since the war Kiev but noticed the ing would happen. education in India and difficulty 75,000 I would like to talk about what I saw only
in getting admissions in the 76,548
started failed to secure a breakthrough on military unit next to Russia Moreover, the uni- 70,000 after I reach the border.”
Monday, Russia continued to target resi- their apartment Belarus Kiev versity demanded country has pushed thousands
Sumy 65,000
dential areas in Kharkiv indiscriminately. a r m e d and 100% attendance to study in Eastern Europe, RELIEF AT THE BORDER
Poland Kharkiv
where the course is cheaper.
That day, curfew had been lifted for a few regrouping for a
hours, allowing residents to stock up on new round of fir-
groceries and essential items before ing. Perhaps this
and leaving the
country would
result in the stu-

H elp awaits once they reach the bor-
der. In an advisory dated 1 March, the
Embassy of India in Poland said: “Indians
returning to shelter in make-shift bunkers was when 20-year- Lviv dents missing an SO 50,000
2011 2020 presently in Lviv and Ternopil and other
in their building basements. old Naveen She- Odessa entire academic places in western Ukraine may travel at
Surbhi had just returned to her apart- kharappa, a student Black Sea year. “We did not Thousands of Indian students Indians top the pecking order of the earliest to Budomierz border check-
ment after buying biscuits and flour. Even from Karnataka, who want to miss our classes studying in Ukraine are stranded, international students in Ukraine point for a relatively quick entry into
from a distance, she could see the rising was waiting in a grocery and we took this as a mes- particularly in Kharkiv and Sumy, India 18,095 Poland.”
smoke and hear bombs explode. “We had store queue at an administra- sage that our stay was essen- close to the Russian border, Alternatively, they have been advised
Morocco 8,832
to walk to a supermarket close to a metro tive building in Kharkiv, was killed tial,” explained the student. which have faced heavy to travel south for a transit via Hungary or
bombardment. Turkmenistan 5,322
station. There were long queues when the by Russian bombs. He is the first Indian It was only on 24 February, after the Romania. “Those who enter Poland from
market opened up. We stocked up on bis- national killed in the Ukraine-Russian Ukranian government imposed martial Azerbaijan 4,628 any other border crossing where Indian
cuits, and as I entered the apartment we war. law, that universities announced a two- Nigeria 4,227 officials are not deployed may kindly
got a warning that there would be heavy On Tuesday, the government con- week vacation, till 13 March. “Martial law NOW China 4,055 travel directly to Hotel Prezydencki … in
shelling,” Surbhi told Mint on a WhatsApp firmed that Shekharappa had died follow- has been declared in Ukraine. Karazini- Turkey 3,999 Rzeszow where all arrangements have
call. ing the intense shelling of Kharkiv. “With tes, stay at home with your families. With the war expected to been made for their stay and from where
intensify, the Indian embassy in Egypt 3,048
Through the call, the 22-year-old profound sorrow, we confirm that an Remain calm, sensible, take care of your- Operation Ganga flights to India are
stayed composed, describing life in a war Indian student lost his life in shelling in self and your loved ones! Remember, Ukraine has shut down. Students Israel 2,107 being operated regularly,” the embassy
zone that until a week ago was her univer- Kharkiv this morning. The ministry is in safety is a priority now!” read the in Kharkiv have been told by the Uzbekistan 1,585 said.
sity town. Shock and fear have triggered touch with his family. We convey our announcement from Karazin Kharkiv embassy to leave immediately, On 2 March, the evacuation of roughly
Source: Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
the instinct for survival, as Surbhi and her deepest condolences to the family,” exter- Medical University. under all circumstances. 1,200 students in Kharkiv’s hostels began.
friends looked to somehow get through nal affairs ministry spokesperson Arin- The students were told Indian embassy
each day. “We pack our bags, fill water dam Bagchi said in a tweet. FEAR IN THE BUNKER officials have left Kiev. An agent named
bottles and prepare food that will last us Shekharappa’s death is a grim reminder
through the day,” she said. When the that the Indian government has an uphill I n Sumy, Niranjana Santhosh, a fifth- dusty. Of course, we know this is a war and
year medical student, has been sending we must adjust, but it is just hard,” she
sirens ring and the explosions get closer, battle in ensuring that the 2,000-plus stu- SOS messages to the MEA’s helpline. Her said. The uncertainty over evacuation
dential areas. She has been urging her Hardeep Singh and his friends walked the
daughter to leave the city as soon as safely students to the railway station for immedi-
possible and not wait for the ministry’s ate evacuation out of Kharkiv. The stu-
the students rush to the basement of the dents trapped in the north-eastern parts of videos show a group of scared students in from Sumy is adding to the students’ frus- assistance. dents were urged to just get on the trains
building. “The last two days we have felt Ukraine, in cities such as Kharkiv and bunkers as the city above gets bombed. tration. Indian government helplines have Calls to Surbhi’s phone remained unan- and leave. It will take at least two days for
the bombing getting closer. We know this Sumy, are safe. These are the cities that are There are 700 Indian students now wait- told students that they will be evacuated swered on Tuesday. On WhatsApp, her everyone to get on a train and many may
because our window close to the border with ing to be evacuated from Sumy, 48 km through the Russian border in a couple of last seen status was 10 am have to wait near the sta-
panes have started rat- Russia. A road journey from the Russian border. days’ time, but they have no way of know- Ukraine time. Her friend tion.
tling,” she said. Our call Shekhrappa’s death is a towards the western bor- On 27 February, in a call with Mint, Nir- ing if this information is reliable. For stu- Sarbori said they had On 2 March, the evacuation of From the looks of it,
lasted for 10 minutes. “I grim reminder that the der with Poland or anjana pleaded for help. “We have food dents in Sumy, the option of taking a train managed to get out from roughly 1,200 students in things will get worse
will charge my phone Romania is 17 hours long, supplies only for two days and we don’t to Kiev is also ruled out as the rail lines are Kharkiv and were going before they get better.
now and call you in the Indian government has an and life threatening, as know when we will get out. It is really not operational. cross-country on a train Kharkiv’s hostels began. An On the evening of 2
evening,” Surbhi told uphill battle in ensuring Russian forces march scary,” she said. A resident of Thrissur dis- On 1 March, the mood in the bunkers in to Lviv in the west, agent and his friends walked March, the Indian
me. towards Kiev. trict in Kerala, Niranjana, 22, said most of Sumy turned sombre as news of Shekhar- barely 70 km from the embassy in Ukraine
that students trapped in the evacuation efforts by the Indian gov- appa’s death reached the students. That border with Poland. It them to the railway station for posted this tweet from
A STUDENT DIES MIXED SIGNALS ernment were concentrated on the west- evening, sirens went off, sending the stu- was going to be a its account (in capital
Ukraine are safe. immediate evacuation.
O n 28 February, sev-
eral students from T he Indian govern- ern side of Ukraine, from where it is far dents scurrying down to the bunkers.
ment has demanded easier to evacuate people. Every night, Power was cut and the street lights were
Kharkiv packed their suitcases in an that Russia and Ukraine provide safe pas- power is cut and students are advised to switched off.
13-hour-long train jour-
ney. “I don’t have much
letters to underline the
urgency): “Urgent advi-
charge. We will text you once we reach a sory to all Indian nationals in Kharkiv. For
attempt to catch a train from Naukova sta- sage to Indian nationals in conflict zones. remain in their bunkers. On the morning While the students cower in their bunk- safe place,” she said, signing off. their safety and security they must leave
tion on the Kharkiv metro line to get to the The students Mint spoke to, however, said of 28 February, Niranjana sent a voice ers, their worried parents are hanging on Aman Joon, 21, from Chandigarh, has Kharkiv immediately. Proceed to Peso-
capital Kiev in the north-cental region of there is no clarity about their situation. message to Mint, saying the situation every piece of information trickling out already made it to Lviv. The student of chin, Babaye and Bezlyudovka as soon as
the country. Upon reaching the station While there were clear signs that Russia seemed “sort of ok”. She and her friends from the MEA. Diya Singh, whose daugh- Karazin Kharkiv National University is possible. Under all circumstances, they
they were told that foreign nationals was preparing to launch an attack, it was took a taxi to buy groceries. ter is stuck in Ukraine, told Mint she was making his way along with 19 classmates must reach these settlements by 1800 hrs
would not be allowed to board the train. not until 25 February that a full-blown war “It is not easy to stay in a bunker. It is too shocked to see visuals of bombings in resi- to Budomeirz on the border with Poland. (Ukrainian time) today.”

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cards and prepaid forex cards. investors’ favoured asset class, but several SBI Small Cap 27.86 20.47 11,288
Travel credit cards: people also went overboard with the equity Category average Midcap 21.91 14.38
These cards usually cater to allocation in their portfolios. However, 15
Category average Smallcap 25.53 16.30
customers who spend heavily that strategy seems to have come undone
on travel. However, the card in 2022. Equity markets have fallen from 0 EQUITY (TAXSAVER)
becomes expensive if travel- their record highs. Also, volatility has Canara Robeco Equity Tax Saver 22.57 17.82 3,209
lers withdraw foreign cur- become the order of the day. For many, this
Mirae Asset Tax Saver 21.68 18.03 10,972
rency from ATMs abroad. has come as a harsh reminder of the impor- -15
They have to pay finance char- tance of diversification. While investing, Category average 17.57 13.32
ges, foreign currency transac- diversification is no less critical than select-
tion fees, and withdrawal fees. ing the right avenues, a multi-asset
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Forex cards: A forex card is approach is key to successful investing. BALANCED ADVANTAGE
Calendar year returns. Past performance may or may not be sustained in future. Returns mentioned are in
a pre-loaded foreign currency How multi-asset investing works: CAGR terms. Data as on 31 Dec 2021. Nifty 500 TRI indicates India Equity; MSCI World Index indicates Global Edelweiss Balanced Advantage 15.88 12.44 7,353
Equity; CRISIL ST Bond Fund Index indicates India fixed income.
card that helps you make pur- Simply put, multi-asset investing entails Source: MFI Explorer & Morningstar Direct
ICICI Prudential Balanced Advantage 12.85 10.56 38,544
chases, withdraw cash in for- investing across various asset classes such Category average 11.51 9.56
eign currency, and enables as equity, fixed income, cash, and gold.
spending on your overseas Under varying economic and market con- equity and fixed income. India’s fixed placed. Practically all investment skills one ARBITRAGE
travels. ditions, different asset classes behave dif- income outshone its peers in 2015. Indian can think of are required for managing a Kotak Equity Arbitrage 4.77 5.32 25,013
Raj Khosla, founder and ferently. Each asset class has a performance equity staged a comeback in 2017, only to successful multi-asset strategy: from stock Tata Arbitrage 4.93 NA 11,192
MD, MyMoneyMantra.com, cycle of its own. Being diversified enables falter in 2018. Instead, gold clocked a good selection at individual asset class level to Category average 4.58 5.08
said forex cards attract a fee investors to benefit from different market showing in 2018 on a relative basis. Both asset allocation at the overall level. Since
every time currency is moves/cycles. Furthermore, multi-asset global equity and gold impressed in 2019. such execution requires multiple skill sets 1-year return* 3-years return Corpus
reloaded or the card is investing can aid in curbing portfolio vola- This clearly shows, investors can’t predict which are rarely found in one individual, DEBT (%) (%) (₹ cr)
renewed. “The other is a cross- tility. A decline in one asset class can poten- how each asset class will perform on a year- fund houses employ multiple specialist SHORT TERM
currency charge. It applies tially be offset by an uptick in on-year basis. Neither should teams to manage these. And all this is avail- HDFC Corporate Bond 5.35 8.33 27,400
when you spend in a currency another asset class. Over investors indulge in such an able at a very low cost. For example, ICICI IDFC Corporate Bond 5.44 7.61 19,598
different from the currency on longer time horizons, the Multi-asset exercise. The easiest option to Prudential passive multi-asset fund of fund
Category average 5.27 8.03
the card,” said Khosla. How- importance of de-risking the investing helps circumvent this is to invest expense is capped at a maximum of 1%. As
ever, you can choose to load it portfolio cannot be over- buffer portfolio across asset classes through a on January month-end, the portfolio has
in the currency of the country stated. When it comes to volatility while well-constructed multi-asset exposure of 27.9% to domestic equity ETFs, 9,038
HDFC Credit Risk Debt 7.31 8.85 24,430
you are travelling to or opt for investing, at the start of any portfolio. 25% to foreign ETFs, 34.3% to domestic
people stay ICICI Prudential Credit Risk 7.07 8.54 8,436
a multi-currency forex card if financial year, no one can pre- The mutual fund route: debt ETFs, 4.1% to gold ETF, and 8.7% in
you plan on travelling to dif- dict which asset class will out- invested until the Mutual funds with their short-term debt, etc. Category average 8.92 5.23
ferent countries. As long as perform that year (See next upturn diverse categories can be Multi-asset investing is not a silver bul-
6-month 1-year Corpus
you make payments in the cur- graphic). At best, what an excellent tools for multi-asset let. Rather, it is intended to help investors DEBT (LESS THAN 1 YEAR) return* (%) return* (%) (₹ cr)
rency available on your forex individual can do is make an investing. Particularly note- buffer portfolio volatility while staying
HDFC Money Market 1.81 3.93 14,185
card, no markup fee will be educated guess. This is akin to guessing the worthy are multi-asset allocation funds/ invested until the next upturn. In conclu-
charged, making it the most winner at the start of a sporting event. Be it funds of funds, wherein investments are sion, multi-asset investing enables inves- Kotak Money Market 1.84 3.84 11,463
economical option compared the FIFA World Cup winner or the asset made across various asset classes: equity tors to balance risk with reward, by allocat- Category average money market 1.74 3.76
to a travel credit card. class, winners keep changing every year. (domestic and global), fixed income, gold, ing monies to both risky and relatively safer
Returns since Date of Corpus
Which is better? Over the past five FIFA World Cups, we had and cash, and in some cases, Infrastructure assets. Also, from an investor’s perspective, OU T OF T HE BOX launch launch (₹ cr)
Sachin Vasudeva, associate five different countries lifting the Cup; Bra- Investment Trusts (InvIT) and Real Estate it simplifies the investment process. Inves-
BHARAT Bond ETF - April 2031 4.39 23 Jul 2020 10,492
director and head of credit zil in 2002, Italy in 2006, Spain in 2010, Investment Trust (REITs). Apart from the tors would do well to recognize the benefits
cards, Paisabazaar.com, said Germany in 2014 and France in 2018. convenience of investing in multiple asset of multi-asset investing in the quest for Motilal Oswal S&P 500 Index Fund 23.84 28 April 2020 2,624
that travel cards offer travel- Likewise, Indian equity excelled in 2012, classes through one fund, investors also achieving their financial goals. *Absolute Returns
focused benefits such as com- but 2013 belonged to global equities. 2014, gain from the fund house expertise of Adil Bakshi is Head of Corporate Commu- Returns as on 28 Feb 2022; Corpus data as of Jan 2022; Growth option in regular plans has been used
Data and analysis by CRISIL Research Compiled by Neil Borate
plimentary lounge access, air was a noteworthy year for both Indian determining which asset class is favourably nications at ICICI Prudential AMC.
mile earnings, extra benefits ISTOCK

on travel bookings, and more.

However, most of these do not
feature a low/any forex
markup fee, which comes as a
major disadvantage for inter-
Can you earn ₹2 cr in 5 years by investing ₹2 lakh per month in SIPs?
national travellers. Even if a ISTOCK

card is handsomely rewarding Srikanth Meenakshi ASK MINT this should be a straightfor- Can I invest ₹2 lakh per medium time frame will
you for international transac- m MUTUAL FUNDS ward proposition. If at any month in SIP and get a cor- require the addition of debt
tions, the actual value will be I will retire in May 2032 point, you feel that the mar- pus of ₹2 crore after five funds to keep it balanced.
nullified or even be in deficit if and to garner a corpus of kets are high and you want to years? Hence, if your risk appetite is
cross-currency markup char- ₹1.35 crore, I would like to closer to ₹60,000 rather than book profits, it is likely that at — Name withheld on request truly aggressive you can go for
ges apply at the usual rates. invest ₹45,000 per month ₹45,000 you are planning to such a point your portfolio’s an all-equity portfolio such as
Sudarshan Motwani, in mutual funds. I also want invest now (assuming a 12% asset allocation is skewed If you invest ₹2 lakh per UTI Nifty index fund, Canara
founder and CEO, BookMyFo- to park a portion (25-30%) portfolio return over the towards equity. All you would month for 5 years (total of 60 Robeco Flexicap fund, Axis
rex, said, “Since forex cards are of the contribution in debt period). So, you would need to need to do then is to ‘rebal- installments), you would have midcap fund, and SBI small
prepaid instruments for a spe- funds. Will it be prudent to raise your investment amount ance’ your portfolio and move invested ₹1.2 crore over the cap fund. If you would like to
cific value, your regular bank book profit on one or two gradually to reach the target. enough money from your period. If you assume a 12% moderate your risk level a bit
account/ credit card is not occasions during the inter- This so-called step-up SIP, can equity portfolio to your debt annualized return over the in keeping with your invest-
exposed to any risk. Moreover, vening period between be used effectively in your sit- portfolio such that the asset period, you can expect to have ment time frame, you can
in the case of forex cards, the now and my retirement uation. You are proposing a balance is back to 75:25. You ₹1.7 crore at the end of the replace the smallcap fund with
exchange rates are locked on and park the amount in a portfolio that is 75:25 in terms can also do this exercise peri- investment tenure. a debt fund such as HDFC
the day of loading, whereas select debt fund or reinvest of equity to debt. odically (once a year) even if To reach a goal of ₹2 crore Credit risk debt fund.
credit cards accept the prevail- in the best performing For a 10-year investment funds and two debt funds with investment), and Axis midcap markets are not heating up. In given the same assumptions, Srikanth Meenakshi is
ing exchange rate as on the funds. horizon, that would make it a the amount split 75:25 fund. For debt funds, you can some situations, you may be you would need to invest ₹2.4 co-founder, PrimeInvestor.in.
date of settlement. So, if the —Amitava Majumder moderately risky portfolio, between the two asset classes. choose HDFC Corporate bond moving money from your debt lakhs a month. Both these cal-
rates happen to be higher on and given that you are close to For equity funds, you can go fund and ICICI Credit risk funds to equity funds, which culations assume a high-risk Do you have a personal
that day, you will face extra You desire to accumulate retirement than you are to the with Axis Bluechip fund, Mirae fund for the time period of would also be a fair move if portfolio filled with equity finance query? Send in your
loss.” ₹1.35 crore in about 10 years. start of your career,, that is a asset emerging bluechip fund, your investment. equity markets are in a down- investments, which is not an queries at
However, experts also sug- The monthly systematic fair risk profile to adopt. You Parag Parikh Flexi cap fund (or Given that you have a bal- turn. ideal match for the time frame mintmoney@livemint.com
and get them answered by
gest that one must keep travel investment plan (SIP) required can have a compact six fund Canara Robeco fund if the anced portfolio between I am 45 years old and have of five years. Any portfolio
industry experts.
credit cards as backup options. for you to get there would be portfolio with four equity PPFAS fund is not open for equity and debt asset classes, an aggressive risk appetite. design for such a short to


was about 11 times seen in May 2003. After the recent correction 40-year historical average P/E of 21.92) which explains why
seen in the domestic markets followed by that in the global mar- investors are moving towards global and US markets purely on
POWER kets, the 12-month forward P/E ratio of the Nifty 50 index has
come down. However, the market cap-to-GDP ratio for the index
valuations perspective after the recent corrections. The S&P 500
index saw a record level of 4,796 on 3 January, with a forward
POINT is about 98% and according to the original Buffet Indicator, which 12-month P/E multiple of around 21-22x at that time. The index
implies that the markets are ‘modestly overvalued’. Goldman has corrected close to 12% from its January peak currently and
MENAKA REDDY Sachs, in its report in January, stated that it prefers emerging this has been the major catalyst of the decrease in the P/E ratios
economies like Mexico over India for investments among emerg- to current levels. Additionally, at the sectoral level, some of the
Respond to this column at ing economies largely due to lofty valuations seen in the Indian S&P 500 sectors like healthcare, and
feedback@livemint.com markets. However, the recent corrections seen on the index According to communication services are all trading
made most analysts re-examine their views which saw some cool- historical data, below the five-year sectoral averages

oing back to the fundamentals of investing and market off in the valuations. Although the valuations are down from the and below the S&P 500 index five-year
valuations let’s understand if the markets are currently highs seen last year during the pandemic, and the beginning of S&P 500 average P/E ratios.
overvalued or undervalued. The question becomes sig- 2022, analysts believe that the ongoing headwinds are likely to average P/E Conclusion
nificant in the light of price corrections after geopolitical tensions see further corrections in the markets. The earnings growth of ratio for the last Emerging markets including India
between Russia and Ukraine that saw indexes correct across geo- 28.3% for FY22 and 11.7% for FY23 may still work in favour of the index is still trading above the 10-year, 20-year and 25-year his- 40 years is 21.92 are mostly taking a hit on the back of
graphies. We will look at the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio which bulls partially in the domestic markets which may likely prevent torical average P/Es of 16.7, 15.5, and 16.5 respectively at current slowdown in China, rising crude oil
is a popular financial metric that helps investors analyse the over- markets from a steeper correction. levels. prices, higher inflation in the global
all valuations of the indexes. How expensive is the S&P 500 index According to historical data, the S&P 500 average P/E ratio for markets and more recently the worsening Ukraine-Russia crisis
How expensive is the Nifty 50 index Moving on to the global markets, we saw the S&P 500 index the last 40 years (1981-2020) is about 21.92. The highest P/E on which are leading to fund outflow from the markets. However,
The Nifty 50 index is currently trading at about 18.5-19x12- trading at 2,400 levels in March 2020 when markets saw a huge the index was around 123.73 in May 2009 (after the market crash), valuations of US and Indian stocks have come off from their
month forward P/E which is close to its historical average P/E of sell-off at the beginning of the pandemic and that was when mar- and the lowest was 5.31 seen in December 1917. Markets are cur- stretched levels of last year and are now trading closer to their
19. The index was trading at 22-23x forward P/E until recently. kets were considered undervalued. The S&P 500 index is cur- rently trading closer to the historical five-year average P/E and historical averages. If you look at P/E for two indices: Nifty 50 and
This multiple was also the highest in comparison with other rently trading at 4,300 levels and saw its recent lows of 4,225 on lower than the highs of last year (P/E of 45.89 seen in July 2021). S&P 500, the forward PE multiple is extremely similar. Robust
emerging markets as per data from the Goldman Sachs report in 23 February. The forward 12-month P/E for the index is around When we consider the earnings estimates of the index, it is cur- earnings growth in the coming quarters are likely to further bring
January. The Nifty 50 index saw its highest levels of P/E ratio of 18.5x as against the five-year average of 18.6x. Its forward rently trading at about 19.25 times the 2022 earnings estimates down the PE multiple for the S&P 500.
around 40x in February-March last year and the lowest P/E ratio 12-month EPS estimate is about $229. However, the S&P 500 and 17.50 times the 2023 earnings estimates (lower than the Menaka Reddy, is associate, Investment Research (US Equities)



The systemic problems that have

kept Indian schooling ineffective
We must address a wide range of factors that prevent kids from learning what they should in school

public expenditure on education, we Fifth is the administrative leadership

have been well short of our commitment and management of the system. What-
of 6% for decades. This underlies many ever the design of the system, leadership
of the other problems. An inadequate makes a difference. In many states,
number of teachers and (in some states) a under good leaders, the difference they
large number of teachers with short- make is visible. But too often, the leader-
term contracts and low remuneration. ship is shoddy. Or just incompetent and
Inadequate staffing for other needs, such indifferent. But even more often, it is a
as community outreach. A lack of basic lack of understanding that all adminis-
ANURAG BEHAR facilities in schools such as toilets, run- trative actions have educational conse-
is CEO of Azim Premji Foundation ning water and electricity, alongside quences, which must be assessed by the
poor maintenance. Deteriorating nutri- appropriate educational principles, and
tional standards of the mid-day meal not by what is administratively expedi-
across years. Poor quality and inade- ent. For example, continuous non-edu-

India must stay neutral

quate teaching-learning-material. All of cational demands on the time of teachers
this and more affects the motivation and are made, ranging from election duty to

n my last two columns, I asked, ‘Why efficacy of teachers, as also the school anti-malaria campaigns; their priorities
are children not learning what they atmosphere and children’s engagement. are continually and rapidly changed, dis-
should in school?’ and explored the The third is our dysfunctional teacher orienting them and distracting them

as Cold War II worsens very basics: reasons relating to children

and then to teachers. This week, let us
similarly explore the range of causes that
are systemic. Let’s note at the outset that
education system. We have one of the
world’s worst and most corrupt teacher
education systems. The National Educa-
tion Policy 2020 confronts this problem
from their main role. Further, flawed
notions of how to develop good text-
books inform decisions, and ineffective
implementation of sound policies has
many of these causes are intertwined in head-on. But the current reality is that become the unfortunate norm.
complex ways. most of our 9 million teachers have Sixth is the weak capacity of key insti-
The West is up against not just Russia but other adversaries too with a convergent interest in The first set of issues arise from the undergone a B.Ed or D.Ed programme of tutions in school education. We have
‘design’ of our schooling system. We very poor quality, if they’ve done one at had the foresight to imagine institutions
ending US dominance of the world. How it’ll play out is uncertain. We should hedge our risks made a choice a few decades ago that all. There are also many ‘colleges’ that that will lead and support some of the
each habitation must have a primary just sell degrees, without students even most important educational matters,
school within 1km to ensure access for attending classes. Most teachers who are such as curriculum and textbook devel-
little children. This has worked really effective are so because of their own opment, design of assessment systems,

he end of Cold War I in 1991 was China’s in the activation of alternatives that well and has been a key reason why most hard work and initiative. We cannot professional development support for
momentous. The Soviet Union could get around curbs enforced by the US. children in that age-group are now in overestimate the deeply corrosive influ- educators and more. These institutions
primary schools. But it has created a few ence of a dysfunctional and corrupt range from ones right there on-the-
cracked up, the US claimed victory Technology enablers do exist. In some ways, intractable problems. teacher education system on overall ground to those which are for districts,
in a moment Francis Fukuyama crypto transfers had already put old systems on Each primary school, since it serves education, not only on basic learning. states, or for the entire country. Too
called “the end of history”, and India notice, and a Chinese-run digital yuan being one habitation, has a small number of The fourth is the design and culture of many, if not most, are ineffective, lacking
adopted market reforms in a move given such a role is not beyond the realm of children across classes 1 to 5. Because of our education system which makes it in capacity and embroiled in internal
spurred by a Gulf War oil-shock but endorsed plausibility. While the scope of sanction-foiling the small student group, there is often rigid and centralizing rather than flexi- politicking, while equally enmeshed
only one teacher, or perhaps two. They ble and empowering—which is what’s with external politics. Instead of leading
by the clarity of an open economy’s advantage cooperation across the great Asian landmass teach five classes simultaneously, and needed for effective schooling and learn- our educational thinking and practice,
over autarky. Does the start of Cold War II, as remains hazy, its very possibility could also also all three subjects. Teaching is com- ing. Uniform norms or diktats across the they are dragging us down. Honourable
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine presages, mark a restrain Russia from using an oil-export plex and challenging as it is. But multi- state, cookie-cutter training for teachers exceptions prove that this need not be
‘return of history’ that may call for another big embargo as a retaliatory weapon, given China’s class teaching of many subjects increases irrespective of their actual needs, an the case. Those who should lead the
strategic shift? On Tuesday, US President Joe vulnerability to it. The stance adopted by the difficulties manifold. Also, with so many ‘inspectorial’ regime rather than a prob- response to India’s crisis of learning have
single- or two-teacher schools, teachers lem-solving one. The list goes on. All neither the capacity nor the intent. Our
Biden’s state-of-the-union address sought to world’s original weaponizer of oil, Opec, which are isolated and hard to support. exacerbated by a culture which treats teachers and children are left to fend for
convey America’s “resolve that freedom will effected a drastic price spike in 1973, could also The second set of issues arise from teachers as scapegoats and is bereft of themselves.
always triumph over tyranny”, with Russian prove significant. After a recent attempt by inadequate investment in public educa- genuine social-human engagement, There are other systemic factors, and
aggression held up as the example of what had Moscow to play its own game was met by a tion, resulting in either inadequate or which is essential to education. Result- equally there are societal factors behind
to be defeated. The US-led West’s arsenal is Saudi oil glut that throttled its revenues into poor-quality resources. With roughly 3% antly, teachers are largely unsupported, the lack of learning in our classes. In my
of gross domestic product (GDP) as our demotivated and disempowered. next column, I will take up those.
composed of sanctions aimed at hitting Russia’s complying with the cartel’s calculus, Opec+ has
economy, which had integrated itself with the stuck to an uneasy truce, but the Ukraine war’s
Western world’s over three decades. Clamps on impact on this club’s unity defies easy analysis.
reserves held in the West by Russia’s central No less shrouded in a thick fog of war were
bank deprived Moscow of a currency prop as Pakistan’s confabulations with Russia soon
money began to flee, its rouble got scrunched, after hostilities broke out. While Moscow’s
imports turned inflationary and asset values relations with Islamabad have blown hot and www.livemint.com New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Chandigarh*, Pune* Saturday, March 3, 2012 Vol.5 No.53 `5.00 16 PAGES

dropped; rate hikes and capital controls may be cold over the past few years, our neighbour’s Q&A: Draftfcb’s Fedoris on
need for analytics >4
ECONOMY: Compensation row may
further delay GST roll-out >3

unable to restore stability. Yet, we have seen no tilt away from the West—a bet on Chinese POLICY: Fertilizer ministry likely to

The desire for liberty

EXCLUSIVE PARTNER make changes in new urea policy >5
WSJ: Game changer for Zynga >12

sign of a Kremlin back-down, despite the quag- domination of Asia in time to come—was visible SENSEX 17,636.80 Æ 52.83

NIFTY 5,359.35 Æ 19.60 DOLLAR `49.50 Æ `0.29 EURO `65.46 Æ `0.02

Ramesh wants
GOLD `27,805 Æ `125 OIL $124.14 Æ $0.58


mire it might find itself in as it eyes Kyiv, and in the sordid episode of America’s withdrawal Govt finally TOUCH DOWN
Apple Inc. is hosting a media event on Wednesday, where it is expected
to unveil a faster, better-equipped version of its popular iPad tablet to
thwart increasing competition from deep-pocketed rivals such as
Amazon.com Inc. The third iteration of the device is expected to boast a
to sidestep
food security
Bill categories
EU’s fiscal
medicine may be ingrained in
defends O
faster, quad-core processor, and a higher-definition screen. n Friday, 25 leaders
of the European
9.15 B Y L IZ M ATHEW Union (EU) signed a treaty

every human breast,

liz.m@livemint.com meant to ensure fiscal
More than ························· discipline in the group of
20 8

domestic discontent stirred by financial hard- from Afghanistan. Speculation has also arisen of
55 million NEW DELHI countries (see Page 12).

2G policy R
units sold (in million) iPads 6.87 ural development minister The treaty prescribes a
*Revenue (in $ billion) sold
Right-hand scale 6.05
Jairam Ramesh wants to balanced budget rule for
15 6
15.43 sidestep categories proposed signatory nations. When
4.61 under the food security law to the rule is breached, it
make sure that the welfare im- will lead to imposition
10 4
2.84 11.12 pact of the legislation isn’t nul- of a fine of 0.1% of the
2.79 9.25 lified because a count that’s violating country’s gross
Telecom department To this, the court asked: 2.17 7.33 central to it hasn’t been com- domestic product.

ships may take too long to shake its authority. the four-way Quad’s function being taken over
seeks review of licence “Who will address the court for 5 pleted across large parts of the It may be the ideal

but so is the potential

DoT on the decision-making 4.19 4.69 nation. solution to a profligate
cancellation judgement, process?” 3.27 Ramesh wants 25kg of continent’s problems.
questions court’s Vahanvati: “I don’t want to 0 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 0 foodgrain given every month In practice, it makes for
do it. There could be larger im- FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 to 75% of the rural poor and volatile politics as voters
power of judicial review plications. If I defend it, then it 50% of the urban poor at subsi- across the EU feel they
looks like we are defending 2010 2011 2012 dized rates. are “powerless” and the
B Y N IKHIL K ANEKAL what is being investigated (by The National Food Security European Commission—
nikhil.k@livemint.com the Central Bureau of Investi- J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M Bill, which was introduced in a virtually unelected

Critically, Russia could decouple itself from the by a new Aukus alliance of Australia, the UK
························· gation, or CBI). If I don’t (de- Parliament during the winter bureaucracy—takes
NEW DELHI fend it), then it appears that session and is currently being major decisions. In this

E xactly a year after the In- what was done was wrong. In 27 Jan 3 Apr 3 May 2 Mar 7 Mar studied by a parliamentary case, too, the European

for complacency,
dian government told the these circumstances, it is haz- Launches Released One million Launches iPad2 iPad3 standing committee, aims to Commission will make
Supreme Court that it ardous for me to say anything.” iPad in the US iPads sold to be provide cheaper foodgrain to the timetable for effecting
was “hazardous” to take a stand The government, through a
iPad 09:41 AM

launched the poor to ensure that people fiscal corrections. The


on the telecom policy, it finally review petition settled by solic- iPad 3? Calendar Contacts Notes Maps
“live a life with dignity”. treaty kicks in once 12
defended its first-come-first- itor general Rohinton F. Nar- 73 The Bill, considered to be euro zone countries
Speculated to be
Weather YouTube iTunes App Store

served (FCFS) norm and argued iman’s office, told the court the brainchild of the National have ratified it.

West at a lower cost than the US estimates. and US aimed at glaring China down. All these
that an auction of 2G spectrum that it had not applied its mind same size as iPad 2 Advisory Council (NAC) led by Europe may now have
Camera FaceTime Camera Photo Booth

or other natural resources was and fully thought through the new ‘retina display’ screen Settings
ruling Congress party chief So- the instrument to deal
not in public interest. consequences when it ordered faster processor and more RAM nia Gandhi, seeks to grant pri- with a vexed problem.
The department of telecom- that all natural resources such ority beneficiaries the right to The danger is it will create
higher quality cameras

munications (DoT) filed a re- as spectrum will be allocated 7kg of foodgrain per month per another set of problems

confusion, and cowardice.

Web Mail Photos iPod

view petition before the Su- only through public auction. 4G LTE wireless networks person at `3 per kg for rice, `2 that will be far more
preme Court on Friday, laying The adverse effects of com- difficult to resolve.
* Includes revenue from related products and services. LTE: Long-term evolution Source: Reuters
down grounds for the court to petition between established TURN TO PAGE 3®
partially set aside its 2 Febru- telecom operators and new en-

If global geopolitics differs vastly from what it developments could make us wonder if New
ary judgement through which trants had been overlooked by
122 telecom licences were can- the court, said the govern-
celled, to the extent that an
auction to allocate spectrum
ment, reasoning that the entry
price of spectrum of `1,658 How the ONGC RAISING STAKE
and other natural resources
was not mandatory.
crore (which was discovered in
a 2001 auction) was retained in share sale Maran pumps `100 cr into SpiceJet
Questions were also raised the 2007-08 allotment of spec-
fiasco unfolded

And losing has a price.

by the government on the con- trum in order to maintain a INDIA TODAY IMAGES
stitutional nature of the power “level-playing field”. B Y T ARUN S HUKLA

was 30 years ago, China’s rise is the big reason. Delhi’s long-held neutrality is the best way to
of judicial review of policy ex- The government told the B Y A NIRUDH L ASKAR, tarun.s@livemint.com
ercised by the court in its court that forcing an auction of P RAMIT B HATTACHARYA & ·························
judgement, in which FCFS was spectrum would preclude it J OEL R EBELLO NEW DELHI

found to be violative of Article

14 of the Constitution (right to
from increasing teledensity
(good network coverage) in ru-
M edia tycoon Kalanithi Ma-
ran will pump about `100
equality). The doctrine of sep-
aration of powers between the
executive and the judiciary has
ral and semi-urban areas,
which is where it was steering
new operators towards,
A day after state-run Oil and
Natural Gas Corp. Ltd’s
(ONGC) share auction was al-
crore more into SpiceJet Ltd in
April and increase his stake in
the budget carrier to 48.6%. It
also been incorporated in the through the existing policy. most written off as a disaster be- will be the second cash infusion

Invasion-eve talks between Moscow and Bei- secure our future as this Cold War II worsens.
government’s petition. “This wide disparity would re- fore a late-night scramble to an- into SpiceJet in six months by
The government also de- sult in an unfair and anti-com- nounce that it had been fully Maran, founder of Sun TV Net-
fended the Telecom Regulato- petitive advantage being given subscribed, the Securities and work Ltd, who spent about `130
ry Authority of India, which to incumbent telecom opera- Exchange Board of India (Sebi) crore in October for an addition-
had been criticized in the tors who acquired the said li- initiated a probe into how India’s al 5% of the Gurgaon-based air-
judgement, arguing that the cence and spectrum for a less- first offer for sale (OFS) issue line company.
court had not fully applied its er cost as compared to the cost turned into a near fiasco. The proposed cash injection
mind to recommendations of acquisition which will be The start of the crisis and its by Maran, which will be used to
Fresh equity: A file photo of Sun TV Network founder Kalanithi Maran.

jing had bound both of them closer together. As we found after 1991, the Western model is a
from the expert body among paid by the new entrants,” said resolution was pieced together pay for expansion and to cush-
other factors, based on which the petition. on Friday after conversations ion losses, comes at a time when The cash infusion will increase Maran’s stake in SpiceJet to 48.6%.

DoT had issued licences. Raja, who was not a party to with various officials involved, India’s other domestic airlines
Former telecom minister A. the licence cancellation case, all of whom spoke on condition are struggling to bring fresh eq- can—not just talking, but also 0.48% to `20.70 on Friday as the
Raja and two telecom compa- contended that the observa- of anonymity due to the sensitiv- uity as they battle debt and loss- demonstrating his support to the Sensex edged up 0.3%.
nies, Unitech Wireless Ltd and tions in the court’s 2 February ity of the issue and also because es caused by higher operational company in very tangible terms.” SpiceJet has a 16.3% share of
Sistema Shyam TeleServices judgement unequivocally prej- of the fact that the various stake- costs and increased fuel prices. The new shares will be pur- India’s domestic aviation mar-
Ltd (SSTL), also filed separate udice the criminal trial he is holders are blaming each other. Creditors have asked airlines chased at a premium to the cur- ket. With a fleet of 40 aircraft, it
review petitions on the court’s facing in the special CBI court. The key entities involved are such as Kingfisher Airlines Ltd, rent share price of the carrier. has focused on expanding

The barring of big Russian banks from the main good assurer of prosperity. But we live in Asia.
2G licence cancellation judge- The court “condemned Life Insurance Corporation of In- run by liquor baron Vijay Mallya, The price will be based on the through regional operations in
ment on the last day that this (Raja) for alleged illegalities dia (LIC), the largest successful and state-owned Air India Ltd to rolling price of the shares over the last six months. The fresh
could be done. committed by him, and for al- bidder at the auction, its custodi- bring in fresh funds before addi- the last six months or the aver- funds will help support further
On 3 March last year, attor- leged devious methods and an, the Stock Holding Corp. of tional loans can be granted to age of the last two weeks, which- expansion in 2012, when three
ney general Goolam E. Va- manipulations by him, and al- India Ltd (SHCIL), the National the cash-strapped companies. ever is higher. Boeing 737s for medium-haul
hanvati told the court on be- leged arbitrary actions by him Stock Exchange (NSE) and In October, Maran’s Kal Air- In the last cash infusion, Kal routes and eight Bombardier
half of DoT: “I’m here to tell to favour parties and these BSE—the two platforms on ways Pvt. Ltd had raised his stake Airways had bought SpiceJet’s Q400s for short-haul operations
about the larger policy issues. findings have been made in which the share sale was execut- in SpiceJet to 43.6% by buying its shares for `36 apiece when the will be added to the fleet.
I’m going to be very careful not the judgement against (Raja), ed—and the government. stock at a 50% premium to the market price was `24. The company posted a loss of

mechanism for moving funds around the globe And the dictates of security mean we must
to join issue on the decision- when he was not a party in the As a part of the government’s market price. He first bought Mills said the price at which `356.66 crore in the first nine
making process.” petitions, without notice to divestment programme aimed at into the airline in 2010. the new shares will be bought months of the fiscal ending
him and without hearing him raising funds to reduce the fiscal “This will be fresh equity,” will be less than the 50% premi- March. SpiceJet registered a
Mint is also available for R9.50 with said SpiceJet CEO Neil Mills. “He um paid last time.
Hindustan Times under a combo offer TURN TO PAGE 3® TURN TO PAGE 2® is giving us the most that he SpiceJet’s stock ended down TURN TO PAGE 2®

has since converged Russia’s interest with hedge our bets. Let’s stay non-aligned.


Ukraine’s Zelensky has shown grit and grace under fire

communique alongside the prime minister, president and attribute his communication Ukraine may be destined to be subjugated Zelensky has ably cast himself and Ukraine
RAHUL JACOB and other leaders. The cadences of his speech successes to his former career as an enter- militarily in a matter of days, but at great cost as a David against a Goliath, but also shamed
are rousing even in translation. Standing out- tainer. While it’s true the former actor ran a to Russia’s reputation and economic health. the West for initially being too passive. As
side government buildings in Kyiv, Zelensky comedy studio called Kvartal 95 before he The fierce resistance by Ukraine, according to Ukrainian president in a TV series a few years
used the word “here” repeatedly, as if in a won a landslide election in April 2019 with military analyst Ajai Shukla, who writes the before he was elected in 2019, the character
poem of solidarity to reassure Ukrainians that almost three-quarters of the votes polled, his Broadsword blog, is not going to change the he played sarcastically says to the Interna-

ne can cloak it in reams of geopoliti- he and the government were not going any- success thus far is much more profound. war’s outcome. “The Ukrainian military is not tional Monetary Fund, “Feeling deep grati-
cal mumbo-jumbo about supposed where. The video clip on social media lasts Far from sounding like organized for operations on tude, I want to say, ‘Stick your head in your
spheres of influence and bogus his- less than a minute. Has any war-time leader an entertainer, unlike many a day-to-day basis as the [expletive]!’”Just weeks ago, the EU was
torical claims of suzerainty over a neighbour ever said so much in so few words? The New pompous majoritarian His leadership Indian army is. There’s a speaking in many, often contradictory voices.
that overwhelmingly voted to leave the Soviet York Times (NYT) reported that Zelensky populists, Zelensky has limit to what it can do,” he Today, it is acting with decisiveness not many
Union in 1991, but the invasion of Ukraine by responded to an American offer to evacuate sounded authentic and in the face of told me. “Putin will inflict thought it capable of. Unimaginably, Ger-
Russia is a grim, dehumanizing sight. Images him from Kyiv with abrupt directness: “I need decent. Instead of hate- injuries and withdraw.” many has announced it will re-arm.
of apartment buildings in Kyiv being bombed ammunition, not a ride.” mongering, he referred to
Russia’s invasion In the meantime, how- Supposedly ‘constructive’ engagement

is a Mint columnist and a

and tens of thousands of refugees fleeing
towards its borders are everywhere. Mean-
If the unusual unity of purpose among EU
leaders that has led to the unveiling of an
Russians as family and even
switched to Russian in a
has proven ever, Russia’s rouble has
plummeted, reaching 109
through trade and economic ties with des-
potic countries such as Russia and China now
former Financial Times foreign
while, satellite photos of Russian military
vehicles in a long convoy getting ever closer
arsenal of financial and economic sanctions
against Russia seems unprecedented, Zelen-
recent TV speech to make a
direct appeal to Russians,
impressive in roubles to the dollar this
week, a drop of almost a
seems a dangerous fairytale. This awful saga
calls for a reassessment of China too, which
to the Ukrainian capital signal a more brutal sky again deserves much of the credit. On 24 while accepting that given ways the world fifth since the invasion has benefitted from the global trading and
onslaught. Yet, one man has shone with a February, he gave an impassioned speech in the Kremlin’s control over began, while investors in diplomatic system while seeking to under-
messianic sense of purpose. Ukrainian presi- a virtual summit with EU leaders that prod- the Russian media, there has rarely seen rouble-denominated bonds mine it. Putin’s attack has been a wake-up
dent Volodymyr Zelensky has shown rare ded them to impose harsher economic and was little chance of his mes- have almost no way to sell call, but so too has been the charisma of a
leadership in rallying his country and galva- banking sanctions than expected. These sage reaching them: “We them, as securities deposi- Ukrainian president turned global hero over-
nizing global opinion against Russia. Some came a few days later; even a big chunk of the are different, but that is not a reason to be ene- tories such as Clearstream and Euroclear night. In three years as president, Zelensky
days ago, after the Italian leader Mario Draghi Russian central bank’s foreign reserves were mies.” By contrast, Russian President Vlad- announced on Tuesday that they would stop hitherto had an erratic record in fulfilling
said he was worried about Zelensky’s safety frozen. “His intervention will be part of his- imir Putin’s speeches appear to have been accepting payments in that currency. The promises—for instance, to reduce the role of
because the Ukraine president missed a call tory… The silence in the room was impress- telecast from an alternate universe. He tightening of the noose on Russia’s financial oligarchs in Ukraine’s economy. But once a
with him, Zelensky responded in unique ive,” a European official told the NYT. bizarrely justified the invasion as an effort to ecosystem, which started with barring its big- catastrophe confronted his country, he
fashion. Dressed in a military brown T-shirt Journalistic shorthand makes it obligatory de-Nazify Ukraine and free it from a govern- gest banks from access to the Swift network, seized the challenge as few leaders anywhere
and fleece, he filmed a selfie presidential to refer to Zelensky as a comedian-turned- ment led by drug addicts. has gone much further than many expected. have in recent memory.


The dividends of democracy are War risk has spurred market

bets on a less aggressive Fed
worth the requisite investment US bond market moves show expectations of a policy recalibration

It has a subtle but real link with economic development and calls for global attention amid today’s ascent of authoritarianism



are, respectively, senior reporter and global
markets reporter, Bloomberg

is a former chief economic adviser to the
Government of India and currently professor of
economics at Cornell University

he US bond market is dialling back
expectations for how quickly and
steeply the Federal Reserve will raise
interest rates as Russia’s war in Ukraine Many traders expect a war-driven revival

uring my years as a policymaker in threatens to exert a drag on global economic of growth concerns at the US Fed REUTERS
India and at the World Bank, one of growth. Money-market traders have priced
the few leaders I met whom I truly out any risk that the US central bank will drop in yields is more about some traders
came to respect was Madeleine start its tightening campaign this month getting caught off-side with short positions.
Albright. The former US secretary of with a half-point increase, which was once “This is a position squeeze,” Athey said.
state was a master strategist, but seen as a near certainty. Even a quarter- “Central banks were being forced to tighten
behind the strategizing lay empathy and a moral point hike isn’t completely assured. At the by high inflation and high inflation expecta-
compass. That is why we should take seriously her same time, they have also marked down tions, not by high, rising growth or rising
recent essay on the need for urgent global action to where the Fed’s benchmark rate will peak, real wages,” he said. “So the fact that this
fight authoritarianism, which the all-out invasion to around 1.7%, a drop of over 20 basis Russia situation is probably bad for growth
of democratic Ukraine by Russia’s autocratic points from earlier expectations and well and bad for risk sentiment doesn’t provide
leader, Vladimir Putin, only serves to underscore. short of the central bank’s 2.5% long-term any excuse whatsoever for central banks to
History is replete with grotesque forms of estimate for the rate. dramatically change course.”
human oppression, including slavery, racism, and The repricing shows how much the geo- The market is now pricing in less than
oligarchies crushing people’s aspirations. Today, political uncertainty has shifted the balance five quarter-point rate hikes from the Fed
the continued rise of authoritarianism in countries of risks facing the world’s monetary-policy this year, compared with more than six such
such as Brazil, Turkey, and of course Russia, high- makers, who now need to weigh prospects increases two weeks ago. Traders are thus
lights the need to shore up democracy. What is of slower growth even as rising energy and betting the Fed may raise the borrowing
new is that this effort now must be global. commodity prices threaten to fuel what’s costs by less than 50 basis points next year
Even as the shadow of authoritarian misrule already the worst inflation in four decades. before starting to cut in 2024.
spreads, there is a growing aspiration for The move in US markets is being mirrored The increased inflation pressures and
democracy among ordinary people seeking in the UK and Europe, where traders have growth risks have sent US real rates plung-
greater freedom and dignity. A Pew Research also dialled back rate-hike bets. “This is a ing. The rate now on five-year Treasury
survey of 17 advanced economies in 2021 shows significant increase in the stagflationary inflation-protected securities (known as
disaffection with the lack of individual freedom in winds blowing through the global econ- TIPS) is around negative 1.7% versus being
authoritarian states at an all-time high. According omy,” Mohamed El-Erian, chief economic less than negative 1% just a few weeks ago.
to the survey, a median of 74% of people in these adviser at Allianz SE, said on Bloomberg TV. The two-year breakeven inflation rate,
countries had no confidence in Putin doing the “The marketplace has been coming down to which measures the gap between TIPS and
“right thing in world affairs.” many prominent Americans, including current do is post-independence India, one of the world’s a more reasonable amount of tightening. plain vanilla Treasuries, surged last week to
There is also hope in Albright’s interesting political leaders, take a similar stance. Yet, as most audacious experiments in creating and But what the marketplace hasn’t recognized the highest since Bloomberg began compil-
observation that leaders with totalitarian inclina- Donald Trump demonstrated, a US leader can be nurturing an open society. No doubt, the country is the reason why the Fed will tighten less. ing the data in 2004. It’s hovering just
tions tend to rise and fall in waves. Force out one, elected by promising to “make America great has made some economic-policy mistakes over the It’s not because inflation has a better out- below that now at about 4.23%, up from
and others may tumble, too, as happened when the again”, and, once in office, define “America” as his last 75 years, and its annual growth rate in the early look. It has a worse outlook. It’s because some 3.2% at the end of December. The five-
end of authoritarian rule in the Philippines in 1986 friends, family and cronies. decades after independence remained low, at growth has a significantly worse outlook for year breakeven is at 3.23%, up from 2.89% at
was followed by similar developments in Chile, While many justify the need for democracy around 3%. But the democratic investment meant the global economy.” the end of January.
South Africa, Zaire and Indonesia over the next as a means to other desirable ends, I believe that that, despite being a poor country, India did well Treasury yields have tumbled in the wake Two-year Treasury yields, which had
decade or so. This should encourage responsible democracy is necessary in itself. If it were the case in higher education, research, the arts and other of the Ukraine war, in part due to a rush into more than doubled between the end of last
governments today to initiate the process of that democracy slowed economic growth, we creative fields. the most liquid investment haven. But rates year and mid-February to 1.64%, have since
reviving global democracy. should be prepared to grow a little less in order to The pickup in India’s economic growth from on inflation-adjusted Treasury yields, retreated by over 30 basis points.
Sadly, the record of the US is far from clean in let equality and freedom flourish. the early 1990s onward had many causes, but it dubbed real yields, have also plunged as Part of the revamped calculus for traders
that regard. A recent study by the Roosevelt Insti- This is because the commitment to treat all also reflected the democratic dividend. Because of growth prospects dimmed and bond-mar- involves the possibility that if the Fed starts
tute’s Kyle Strickland and Felicia Wong points to human beings as equals, as democracy requires, the country’s political openness and freedom of ket gauges of short-term inflation expecta- out less aggressively this year it may be
how America’s neoliberal economic policies is an ethical axiom. As Abraham Lincoln put it speech and criticism, the services sector, which tions hit all-time highs. forced to catch up in 2023—all the while
fuelled discrimination and inequity in many in a handwritten note in 1858, “As I would not relies on creative human capital, began to bloom, The rapid reversal has some investors avoiding driving the policy rate so high that
countries. Moreover, in Chile, Cuba, Central be a slave, so I would not be a master. This fostering the growth of firms like Infosys, Wipro, questioning whether the pullback in yields growth grinds to a halt.
America and elsewhere, America has intervened, expresses my idea of democracy.” and Tata Consultancy Services. By 2005, India is overdone and whether the uncertainty “The Fed may go less aggressive to start,
often brutally, not to support democracy but to That said, the evidence suggests that democracy was among the world’s four or five fastest-growing cast by the war will actually alter the path of then have to make it up further out, with the
protect US corporate interests. Providing leader- is a key ingredient of economic advancement. economies. Its sophisticated polity had made India central banks seeking to tamp down infla- market also saying overall the Fed will do
ship to isolate authoritarian regimes and nurture By creating the space for dissent, criticism and a global success story, poised for a remarkable run. tion. Some of the price moves may also have less,” said Priya Misra, global head of rates
democracy will thus require the US to break with change, democracy nurtures creativity and inno- This success has come under a cloud in recent been exaggerated by a rush to cover bets strategy at TD Securities. “This may be
significant aspects of its past and take on this vation, and, through that, economic flourishing. years, with an observed increase in restrictions against Treasuries that were upended when related to concerns over the global credit
responsibility as its moral obligation to chart a new Economic progress in countries that succumb to on free speech and the media. Not surprisingly, prices rallied after the Russian invasion. exposure to Russia and the risk it tightens
course for the world. religious fundamentalism or authoritarianism India’s GDP growth decelerated each year from James Athey, investment director at financial conditions a lot—as well as growth
But to rely wholly or substantially on the US almost invariably stalls. China seems to be an 2017 to 2020. The close connections between Aberdeen Asset Management in London, is concerns. And even before Russia, the bond
would be folly. To be sure, some US presidents— exception, but it is worth noting that democratic democracy, creativity and economic progress are wagering against those thinking the war market was worried about the strength of
notably, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Taiwan’s gross domestic product (GDP) per capita subtle and long-term, but they are real. And they could upend the Fed’s tightening plans. He the economy next year and beyond.”
Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama—have possessed is nearly three times that of China. demonstrate the need to encourage democratiza- expects that any delayed rate hikes this year With the assistance of Edward Bolingbroke
a strong sense of global responsibility. Fortunately, One of the best examples of what democracy can tion worldwide. ©2022/PROJECT SYNDICATE will just be shifted into 2023 and said the ©BLOOMBERG


Our green hydrogen policy could be made more effective

mission of electricity between the points of The GHP allows the banking of RE used to RE-rich states implement the GHP’s banking to waive the aforementioned surcharges for
RAMANUJ KUMAR & PRIYAL MODI generation and consumption. The GHP produce green hydrogen and ammonia for provisions and levy uniform charges, it may open-access RE projects and cap RE-banking
envisages green hydrogen production using 30 days, and seeks to cap the charges on this not help green hydrogen producers much. charges at the level specified in the GHP.
power supplied by a co-located RE plant or to the difference between the discom’s last- While permitting a waiver of ISTS charges While the GHP measures aim to enhance
sourced from a remotely-located one. In case year average tariff for RE procurement and for hydrogen projects commissioned before the supply of green hydrogen at competitive
of the latter, the landed cost of power would the average market clearing price in the day- 30 June 2025, the GHP omits to mention any rates, moves to stimulate demand are com-

he ministry of power (MoP) announced determine the cost of output. As per a recent ahead market during the month that RE is waiver of ISTS losses for green hydrogen and pletely missing. It was widely anticipated that
a much-awaited green hydrogen policy Mercom India report, the landed cost of solar banked. Under the Elec- ammonia projects. The the policy would mandate hydrogen-pur-
(GHP) on 17 February. Industry partici- power in most states is in the range of ₹3.70 tricity Act, 2003, the power GHP lets discoms procure chase obligations for the petroleum refining
pants have largely welcomed it, for it fits in and ₹7.14 per kWh. IOC estimates that with to allow RE banking is held Its measures for and supply RE to makers of and fertilizer sectors to begin with. While
well with the climate-action thrust of India’s landed cost of ₹4-7 per unit, green hydrogen by State Electricity Regula- green hydrogen/ammonia large refiners like Reliance and IOC have
budget for 2022-23. The policy has set a tar- can be made at a cost of ₹500 per kg, which is tory Commissions (SERCs). cost reduction at the cost of procurement plans to set up green-hydrogen production
get of 5 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) of nearly 3.5 times the cost of grey hydrogen. So Many RE-rich states are with a small margin deter- facilities, other manufacturers and RE devel-
green hydrogen production by 2030, more the landed cost of RE from a distant source either moving away from
are welcome but mined by the SERCs. This opers would be hesitant to commit large-

are, respectively, partner and

than 80% of the current hydrogen demand in
the country. The question is whether the
will need to at least be halved (with a corre-
sponding reduction in electrolyser capex cost
allowing RE banking or
introducing regulations to
much else could margin may not be enough
incentive for discoms to
scale investments in the absence of demand
generators. While the success record of
associate, Cyril Amarchand
GHP contains sufficient measures to achieve
this ambitious goal.
and increase in efficiency), to make green
hydrogen competitive vis-a-vis grey.
restrict this facility. Guj-
arat, for example, allows
be done for procure and supply RE to
green hydrogen makers on
renewable purchase obligations in India’s
energy sector has been less than satisfactory,
As per the International Energy Agency Thus, a mere waiver of inter-state trans- settlement for banked solar India to achieve a long-term basis. this mechanism does provide a boost to the
(IEA), oil-refining is the largest consumer of mission system (ISTS) charges announced in power only between 7am Many of the measures nascent RE sector and lower RE project costs
hydrogen today. Our largest refiner, Indian the GHP may not suffice to make green and 6pm and levies ₹1.5 per its larger goal announced in the GHP through economies of scale. Hydrogen-pur-
Oil Corp (IOC) estimates that GHP measures hydrogen competitive. For open-access RE unit as its banking charges would require the active chase obligations or other demand boosters
will reduce the cost of green hydrogen pro- projects, a cross-subsidy surcharge and addi- for ‘high-tension’ consum- cooperation of state gov- would support the creation of a green hydro-
duction by 40-50%. Producing 1kg of it takes tional surcharge constitute a big component ers. Rajasthan permits banking of up to 25% ernments (including allotment of land in RE gen ecosystem. For example, the Centre may
about 50kWh of electricity, assuming elec- of the landed RE cost. The Mercom India of RE generation and settlement on an annual parks and proposed manufacturing zones) consider incentivizing petroleum refiners
trolyser efficiency of 70%, with renewable report says that cross-subsidy levies in states basis, but levies a 10% charge, among the and the relevant SERCs. To get the coopera- and fertilizer makers to make and use green
energy (RE) the biggest cost component. range from ₹1.71 to ₹2.23 per kWh. A waiver highest in India. Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pra- tion of RE-rich states, the Centre may con- hydrogen by offering subsidies linked to their
While India boasts one of the world’s lowest or substantial reduction in these two charges desh do not allow RE banking. Moreover, sider providing concessional finance to the level of its utilization as feedstock. This would
average cost of RE generation, it levies a would make the use of RE more attractive to most states do not permit banked energy to discoms in such states to clear their dues to further India’s goal of achieving its net-zero
plethora of charges on wheeling and trans- producers of green hydrogen. be drawn during the peak hours. So, unless power generators, and in return require them emissions target by 2070.

‘Kashmiri doesn’t come Neerja Mattoo talks about

her new book, women
poets, why Kashmiris are

naturally to most people’

By Nipa Charagi
not writing short stories, and
the state of the language


hen Neerja Mattoo
took her first col-
lection of Kashmiri
short stories trans-
lated in English—
The Stranger Beside Me: Short Stories From
Kashmir (1994)—to the publisher in Delhi,
he said, “Okay, we will think about it, but
can you suggest someone who can write a
book on Kashmiri cookery?” Mattoo
decided to write the book herself. “People
tell me the recipes work well,” she chuc-
Mattoo has since published six books,
including The Mystic And The Lyric (2019),
a translation of four women poets of Kash- The Greatest Kashmiri
mir between the 14th and 18th centuries: Stories Ever Told:
Selected And Translated
Lal Ded, Habba Khatoon, Rupa Bhawani By Neerja Mattoo:
and Arnimal. Her new book, The Greatest Aleph Book Company,
Kashmiri Stories Ever Told (Aleph Book 164 pages, ₹699.
Company), features early practitioners of
the craft like Diananth Nadim—his Reply-
paid Card (1948) is considered to be the The two other women followed in their
first Kashmiri short story—Somnath Zut- trail: Rupa Bhawani in the mystic way, and
shi, Sufi Ghulam Mohammad and con- Arnimal in the lyrical stream. I found that
temporary writers like Dheeba Nazir. these women had a distinct voice. They
Speaking on the phone from Srinagar, were quite exceptional because the age in
Mattoo, 83, says: “I thought by translating which they lived, they didn’t allow society
stories into English, Kashmiris themselves to throttle them. They spoke out loud and
would have more respect for their litera- clear. They, in a way, were one of the first
ture. Many of them have read these writ- proponents of the idea that a woman has
ers for the first time in translation only.” her own sensibilities and she needs to talk
She recalls a Delhi University professor about it.
telling her that he did not know that Kash- That’s the reverse of what happened
miri was a language. “I was both shocked The vocabulary used to write about Kashmir has seen a divide since the 1990s ISTOCKPHOTO in the 1990s?
and surprised. We Kashmiris are proud of Exactly. In my own lifetime I have seen
the fact that our language is probably one excerpts from the interview: could only find one contemporary writer, these terms. language at home. They are only spoken things going into reverse gear. When we
of the oldest in India. I realised that people Dheeba Nazir. These days, there are good The language of the people who have to in Urdu or English, because they (par- were students, the whole world was there
need to know there is this language and it What was the criteria for selecting women poets. left the Valley is a bit Sanskritised. There ents) think these are the languages for for us. The sky was the limit as far as our
has a very old literature, recorded from these stories, given the title says In many of the stories, the writings is also the script. People outside the Valley progress. You will not find a child of four- aspirations were concerned. Kashmiri
14th century onwards.” “greatest”? reflect a shared Kashmiri culture and use the Devanagari script, with modifica- five years old in an urban setting who will students are deprived of all that today. It’s
In her new book, you see the stories The best (Kashmiri) short stories were identity. How did 1990 change tions, while those in the Valley use Persian speak naturally in Kashmiri. Parents also a remarkable thing that they study and
evolving, from serving up realistic written sometime ago. These are authors things? Nastaliq, with various changes, which has don’t speak. That’s a pity and a huge loss. achieve things despite all the difficulties.
sketches of Kashmiri life to reflecting who have really done something remarka- You will see it more in the people who now become the official script. With no It is something that should be rectified. We were privileged in that sense.
broader themes and changing times. For ble. Short-story writing requires a sense of have left the interaction You took up translation seriously in Is there an audience for Kashmiri
instance, Poshikuj in Deepak Kaul’s Rad- technique, a sense of structure, a kind of Valley. Most being there, 1990... writing?
hakrishna’s Cat, who is always stuck to her discipline. Today, you find very few peo- of their work ‘Without interaction, the ability of I feel it is In the early 1990s, when there was so A lot is being written in Kashmiri but
post at the window, could be the nosy ple who are writing good stories. They is in one way one community to understand what g o i n g t o much destruction in Kashmir, I thought see, the language doesn’t come naturally
woman in any neighbourhood. Hriday find it easier to write in verse, where they or the other affect the we would lose everything, because people to most people. It’s an academic kind of
Kaul Bharati departs from the traditional don’t have to submit to a certain structure. related to the other community is saying in ability of one were running away. The whole cultural exercise. People prefer to write in English
mould with his Kafkaesque The Stranger There are only two women writers the loss of their language will be affected’ community fabric had broken up and I thought I had because it has a wider audience. They feel,
Beside Me, while Ghulam Nabi Shakir out of 25 in the book. their home- to under- to do something. And I decided to trans- who will read in Kashmiri?
writes subtly about a woman’s desire in That also required a lot of research. I felt land. There stand what late some short stories. The title of the first What are you planning next?
Unquenched Thirst. bad that poetry has these wonderful was no divide before 1990—the vocabu- the other community is saying in their collection was borrowed from Hriday I may do something about present-day
Mattoo taught English literature for women’s voices (like Lal Ded and Habba lary of the authors was the same. But if you language. Kaul Bharati’s story in the book. women poets like Naseem Shafaie and
four decades at the Government College Khatoon). Prose in Kashmir came late and read things now by Kashmiri Pandits and Given that Kashmiri was not even You have also translated the four Nighat Sahiba, who write in Kashmiri.
for Women in Srinagar. When she joined the short story came in the middle of the Kashmiri Muslims, you will find the taught in schools till some years back, women poets of Kashmir. They have a feminist voice, use the mod-
the college at the age of 20, it was not the last century. That time, women wrote, but vocabulary has undergone a change. what is the state of the language I realised the two main streams of Kash- ern idiom and are understandable. It is not
norm for Kashmiri women to take up a job. not short stories, except for Taj Begum The vocabulary used in the Valley has today? miri poetry, mysticism and lyricism, were a distinctly Hindu or Muslim voice.
“My father was worried that now nobody Renzu, who was exceptional in that she become more Persianised, Arabic words The unfortunate thing is that students both introduced by women. Lal Ded was
would marry me. But I stuck to my guns wrote in the late 1940s and early 1950s. are also predominant—they are used to find this the most difficult part of their the first practitioner of mystic poetry and For more stories on culture and books,
and I am glad I did that,” she says. Edited As far as short stories are concerned, I thinking in Urdu, which has many of curriculum because they don’t speak the Habba Khatoon, of romantic lyric poetry. read mintlounge.in/howtolounge

Five new breweries in Bengaluru

which are lifting the city’s spirits
India’s beer capital is pura Ghee Roast Chicken and Coorg
Style Pork.
always buzzing. Here Where: 35, 9th Mile, Holiday Village
are five new breweries Road, Vajarahalli Village, Jyotipuram,
Kanakapura Road, Bengaluru.
that opened during
the pandemic Brewmaster Umang Nair serves up spe-
cialty craft beers at this new brewery in
By Shrabonti Bagchi Electronic City. Sample the Toast Red
shrabonti.b@livemint.com Ale, a malt-forward ale with subtle fla-
vours of caramel and toffee; the Hibis-

he pandemic has not dimmed kiss, a Belgian-style Saison brewed with
Bengaluru’s passion for beer. hibiscus flowers imparting a berry fla-
Back in 2019, in what feels like a vour to the ale; an American-style Pas-
different era, we wrote that “in Benga- sionfruit Blonde; and the Raspberry
luru, beer is the new coffee”. Back then, Cider with a balanced sweetness and
we reported the city had 55 to 60 tartness. Chef Javed, who heads the
microbreweries—today, that number kitchen here, experiments with new
has crossed 100 with new outposts of dishes like the Baked Fish Puliogare, a
well-known brands. The craft brewery twist on the favourite local spicy rice
culture has also spread beyond the cen- dish, Puliogare, and Podi Pork Belly,
tral business district to the slightly Geist Brewing Taproom which uses chutney podi to spice up a
more far-flung areas of the metropolis. regular pork belly.
Here’s a roundup of some of the newer a smooth, light gold, low pilsner malt Eastside is a refreshing gin cocktail, Where: Neeladri Nagar, Near Brand
breweries lifting the city’s spirits: with an aroma of delicate fruit with The Whiskey-Brisky is made from Factory, Electronic City, Bengaluru
slight tones of bitterness and sweet- fresh fruits and enhanced with a dash of
THE MERAK BREWHOUSE ness, all crafted by brewmaster Karthik Kaffir lime, while the Asian Gimlet is GEIST BREWING TAPROOM
AT JW MARRIOTT Singh. made from Vodka and a secret syrup. Encouraged by the success of its cozy,
The Merak threw open its doors Where: JW Marriot Hotel, Vittal Where: 12th Main Road, Indiranagar, open-air and pet-friendly beer garden
recently, following in the footsteps of Mallya Rd, Bengaluru. Bengaluru. on the premises of its factory in Nimbe-
the Seven Rivers Brewing Co at the Taj kaipura on the outskirts of the city,
MG Road, which created the fresh for- HOPSHAUS TAPROOM & BLR BREWING CO, Geist, which started life by supplying
mat of a microbrewery situated within KITCHEN, INDIRANAGAR KANAKPURA ROAD fresh craft brews to restaurants and
the premises of a five-star hotel serving After a buzzy debut in Whitefield, Hop- While the brewing action earlier was in pubs and now sells growlers as well,
up brews and food at prices that are shaus recently opened a second out- the city centre and areas like Indirana- opened up a second outpost in the
competitive with other microbreweries post closer to the city centre in Indiran- gar and Koramangala, it is fast spread- heart of the city at the Orion Mall in
in the city (that is to say, at non-five star agar. Alongside the tavern-style food ing to every corner of the city. BLR Malleshwaram. The new pub serves the
prices). The Merak’s prized brews are menu and a draught beer collection on Brewing Co, with its two breweries in ever-popular Geist brews, from the
the American Style West Coast IPA, a tap is a list of ‘Haus cocktails’ created by Electronic City and Kanakpura Road, is Rauch-A-Fella, a smoked wheat beer;
refreshing orange-coloured ale with a beverage manager Robert Hospet, who one brand that’s taking the microbrew- the Kamacitra, a medium-bodied New
prominent and intense hops aroma uses local spices, botanical ingredients ery culture to the outskirts. Apart from England IPA with citrusy notes; and the
with a citrusy, piney and fruity charac- and homemade bitters to create hand- the regular craft brews like Belgian Geist Marzen, its take on the German
ter derived from American hops; crafted cocktails with seasonal flavours. Wit, Hefeweizen, Smoked Wheat, and Lager with a rich malt character and
Saison, a clear, amber-colored spicy Try the Purple Compass with blue tea German Lager, they have interesting balanced hoppiness.
malt with flavours of sweet spices, dark and citrus fruits and with a base of craft cocktails and short eats inspired Where: Orion Mall, Malleshwaram,
fruit and malty sweetness; and Kolsch, white rum and Martini Bianco. The by local cuisines like Podi Idli, Kunda- Bengaluru

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