Group Behaviour: Madness Is The Exception in Individuals But The Rule in Groups" - F.Nietzsche

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Team development stages/Team building

“Madness is the exception in individuals but the rule in groups”

Dr. MG Jomon
Why do people join groups?

Group Exercise
 Terrorist groups: AL-Queda, IS, Taliban and Lashkar-E-Taiba
 Politics
 Religion
 Professional Associations
 Clubs
 Organizations
 Family

Dr. MG Jomon
Why do people join groups?

 Security
 Status
 Self-esteem
 Affiliation
 Power
 Goal achievement

Dr. MG Jomon
What are Groups?

“Two or more individuals, interacting and

interdependent, who have come together to
achieve particular objectives

Dr. MG Jomon
Types of groups

Formal group:
Work group defined by organization’s structure
• Command group:
Superior and subordinate group

• Task group:
A group that works together to complete a task

Dr. MG Jomon
Types of groups

Informal groups
A group that appear in response to a social need
• Interest group
Group that work together to attain a specific objective

• Friendship group
Group that share common characteristics

Dr. MG Jomon
A few fundaments…

 How do you differentiate between an organization

and a group?
 Is there a difference between Crowd, Mob, Group and
a Team?
 Is my family a group or a team?
 Is my organizational work group a group or a team?
 What is the difference between team building and
team work?
Dr. MG Jomon
Organization and Group


Two or more individuals, A consciously

coordinated social unit,
interacting and
composed of two or
interdependent, who more people, that
have come together to functions on a relatively
achieve particular continuous basis to
objectives(Robbins) achieve a common goal
or set of goals (Robbins)

Dr. MG Jomon
Types of organizations

Business organization
Citizen group
Fundamental group/Terrorist group

Dr. MG Jomon
Crowd and Mob

Crowd Mob
A large number of people A large number of people
gathered together often mobilized or even
voluntarily with common voluntarily gathered to
varied goals (ex. Market, sort out an issue at hand.
railway station) Often ride on emotions
and even may resort to
violence to achieve the

Dr. MG Jomon
Group and Team

A collection of two or A group whose members
more interacting have complementary skills
individuals who maintain and are committed to a
stable patterns of common purpose or set of
relationships, share performance goals for
common goals and which they hold
perceive themselves as themselves mutually
being a group accountable.

Dr. MG Jomon
Stages of Group Development

 Forming
 Storming
 Norming
 Performing
 Adjourning

Dr. MG Jomon
Exploration period
Members attachments are tentative
Members are anxious and watchful
No task clarity
Team members assess others capabilities
Poor Performance; Low productivity
Working relationships guarded, cautious,non-
Dr. MG Jomon
 Anxiety and fear
 Excitement and confusion
 Pride in being part of the team

 Asking a lots of questions
 Doubting on the ability to meet the challenges
 Making attempts to get to know of members
 Anxious to get on with the work
 Sharing of acceptable , non-controversial things
Dr. MG Jomon
Forming: Group Members Selection

 Intent (Interest in the goal)

 Diversity
 Complementary skills and competencies

Dr. MG Jomon
 Assertiveness period
 Members grow impatient with groups lack of progress
 Realize group task is difficult than initially understood
 The gap between expectations and reality seen
 Results in conflicts
 Growing awareness of others’ hidden agendas
 Cliques may be formed
 May be dissolved if not able to outgrow this stage

Dr. MG Jomon
 Anxiety
 Doubt
 Frustration
 Expressing anger
 Questioning the leadership
 Individual assertions
 Resisting to work together in groups
 Impatience due to slow progress

Dr. MG Jomon
Storming: Conflict

 Natural to group development

 Between two or more individuals or the whole team
 Principle: Need not like everyone members work with
 Agree to disagree
 Negotiation/mediation to overcome conflict or reach agreement
where group members are ‘comfortable with’ or ‘can live with’
 Critical issues: Reach consensus

Dr. MG Jomon

•Individuals change and •Individuals stick to their
grow views
•Results in solutions •Decisions not reached
•Increased involvement •Problems continue to exist
•High morale •Diversion of energy
•Build cohesiveness •Low morale
•Polarization and division

Dr. MG Jomon
Desert Survival Exercise

 Individual
 Group

Dr. MG Jomon
Norming Stage
 Conforming period
 It is a pleasant time in group’s evolution
 Discover group identity
 Critical approach towards the leader/members decreases
 Warrior factions mellow down
 A sense of belonging
 Quantity and quality of work increases
 Time where social needs of the group are pursued

Dr. MG Jomon
 New ability to express criticism constructively
 Acceptance of membership in the team
 Relief that things are going to work out
 Achieve harmony by avoiding conflict
 Establish and maintain rules and regulations
 Friendliness and increased cooperation
 Recognize others contribution
 Unfocused, irrelevant and overly friendly communications

Dr. MG Jomon
Manager/Facilitator Role

 Discussion point

Dr. MG Jomon
Performing Stage
 Is a stage where the team is fully functional
 Transform the group into a team
 Develops a shared vision
 Strategically aware what it must do and what brings in success
 Adopts structures best suited for its purposes
 Work together to accomplish objectives
 Group energy is very high
 Move towards permanent work team - maximum output

Dr. MG Jomon

 It is through struggle and fluctuation a group reaches this stage

 Members become collaborative in nature
 Structured processes and procedures emerge to ensure discipline, allocate
resources, resolve conflicts, give warranted feedback and to provide a larger
picture of the organization
 Define and set high standards for evaluating team and individual performance
 Begin to diagnose and solve problems
 Celebrate the achievements

Dr. MG Jomon

 High cohesion
 High comfort/security
 Mutuality feeling
 Feel for the team and willing to do anything that makes the team
 Enjoy at being a member
 Desire to assist other members
 Admire the outstanding skills of others
 Satisfaction with the group’s progress

Dr. MG Jomon
 High degree of interdependence and flexibility
 Roles and responsibilities change; high degree of trust and task mastery
 Able to stand on its own feet; Experience a high degree of autonomy
 There is no leadership interference; participation becomes the focus
 Team members looks forward to each other for contribution
 Disagreements are solved through dialogue and team effort
 Performance of task given highest priority; All efforts are directed towards task
 Accomplishment of tasks through collaborative work
 Effective decision making
 Continuous development and use of group members skills
 Creative and effective problem solving
 Open, direct and task oriented communications

Dr. MG Jomon
Stages and group effectiveness

 Can a group in stage II outperform another team in

stage III or even IV?
 Will this stages be followed one after the other or go on
 Can it regress to previous stage?

Dr. MG Jomon
Individual Role

 Discussion point

Dr. MG Jomon
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Forming Storming Norming Performing


Dr. MG Jomon
 Bruce Tuckman added the fifth stage of adjourning in 1975 after 10
years of his original theory
 Break up of the group with concern for closure of activities
 Status: Task completed or purpose fulfilled and everyone wants to
move on to new areas
 Mixed feelings: Sense of achievement, upbeat, sense of insecurity,
threat, loss of friendship etc.
 Pride in what is achieved
 Joy in the relationships developed

Dr. MG Jomon
Temporary groups: Alternative model

Punctuated - equilibrium model

 Temporary groups with deadlines go through
transitions between inertia and activity
 Awareness of time and deadline transit group
members to the state of inertia or activity

Dr. MG Jomon
Dr. MG Jomon

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