Operator's Manual

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Operator's Manual

Overview Components
The game takes place in turns, in which each player picks a • 24 wooden cubes as vouchers
passenger card and place passenger disc(s) in the • 150 wooden discs (30 of each colour)
arrangement printed onto their player board. The game
ends when one type/colour of passenger is depleted. • 4 player boards
Players score and total their prestige points (PP) to • 72 passenger cards
determine the winner.

Place all passenger discs in the middle of the playing area.
(For a 2 players game, remove 10 discs of each colour.)

Shuffle the passenger card deck and deal out 4 passenger

cards face up in a row from left to right. Place the deck to
the left of the leftmost card.

Assign a player board to each player at random. For a 2-3

player game, use the 2-3 player side of the player board.

Assign 6 vouchers to each player which are to be placed in

the voucher section of the player board.

Aim of the game Placement Rules
To score the most prestige points (PP) for your airline Players place their passenger discs on their player board
through skilful and precise passenger seating. according to the following placement rules:

Passenger cards may be rotated to any orientation.

Game Turn Passenger disc must be placed exactly in the arrangement
printed on the card.
The player with the Singa Airlines player board begins (or
pick a player via any chosen method).
Passenger disc must all fit within one section of the plane.
(i.e. no passengers may be in the aisles, passengers may
On their turn, each player must pick a passenger card.
not cross over aisles to another section).
They may pick the rightmost card for free, or pay and
place 1 voucher on each card that they desire to skip (e.g.
All passengers on each passenger card must be placed. If
if they take the leftmost card, they place 1 voucher on
this would lead to overlap from previously placed
each of the other 3 cards). If there are voucher present on
passenger disc(s), move the previously placed customer
a card, the player takes those into their supply.
disc(s) to the overbooked section.
Players take the passenger discs of the colour
For Aisle, Middle and Window cards, players may place
corresponding to the passenger card (e.g. if there are 2
passengers in any space in the stated column. The
reds, 1 white and 1 blue, they take these from the supply)
passengers need not be placed in the same section for
to place them on their player board.
these cards.
Draw a new card from the deck face-up into the leftmost
Blank squares on the cards are there for guidelines only
spot. Make space for the newly drawn card without
and should be treated as though they were not present.
disrupting the cards order. The player’s turn is now over.

Ending the Game +5 PP for each exact pair of connected red passenger.
(0 PP for three or more connected red passengers.)

The game ends in the round when 1 or more passenger +3 PP for each protected child.
types (colours) have run out. Play until all players have had (Protected: Every possible connected seats must be seated
an equal number of turns. If a player draws a passenger with a non-child passenger.)
card with the corresponding passenger colour(s) that have
run out, ignore the exhausted colours. If passengers are +1 PP for each passenger in player’s largest connected
exhausted in the middle of placement (e.g. you have to blue passengers’ group.
place 2 green discs but only 1 green disc remains), choose (+2 PP if this group is the largest, or tied for largest,
which passenger to place or ignore. compared to all players.)

Players score their boards according to the scoring section. +1 PP for each passenger in player’s largest connected
The player with the most Prestige Points (PP) wins the green passengers’ group.
game as the most prestigious airline. (+2 PP if this group is the largest, or tied for largest,
compared to all players.)

Scoring +1 PP for each passenger in player’s largest connected

yellow passengers’ group.
(+2 PP if this group is the largest, or tied for largest,
For this game, connected means adjacent (up, down, left,
compared to all players.)
right) only. Seats that are separated by the aisles are not
considered to be adjacent. +1 PP for each pair of vouchers remaining.
(Two vouchers score 1 PP, three vouchers score 1 PP and
seven vouchers score 3 PP.)

-1 PP for each empty seats.

-2 PP for each overbooked passenger.

-2 PP for player(s) with the most overbooked passengers.
Advanced Rules
These rules provide seasoned players the option for more
replay value. They will make the game more complex, and
will not be recommended to start your first few games with

Aisles Friends
Aisles don't count as barriers for scoring purposes (e.g. for All colours:
counting majorities, for children, for couples). Aisles still Group of 3/4: 5 points
count as barriers for passenger placement. Group of 5/6: 10 points
Group of 7/8: 15 points
Child Group of 9+: 20 points
Each protected child scores 5; player with the most Player(s) with the most groups (from all colours added
protected children gains 5 additional points. together) score 2 points per group (a group is defined as a
3+ patch of yellow/green/blue). Player(s) with the second
Couples most groups score 1 point per group.
Couples score 5, player(s) with most horizontal couples
score 5

Suits are printed on the corners of most of the passenger
cards. They provide another layer of strategy for the
experienced players. There are 4 different suits to watch
out for:
May replace

‘Large’ Cards without

These passengers are hard to satisfy even for experienced
players. Arranging passengers can never be easier.
1 extra point for this card
Players can choose to use all the passengers cards or at the end of the game.
exchange some cards with these ‘large’ cards.

May omit one of the

listed passengers.

May straddle (ignore)


Event Cards
Shuffle all the event cards, flip 1 or 2 (depending on what is agreed among players) cards.
These cards show different ways to score in addition to the scoring in the basic gameplay.

Adorable Babies Like Sardines

Each protected child not seated on the border or aisle: +4 Every 9 passengers in a 3x3 square: +3
Only count squares that do not overlap each other.
Buddy Time
Each section with at least 3 connected friends of each of Lonely Christmas
the 3 types: +5 Every single (unpaired) lover: -3

Corner Seats Low Season Blues

A different passenger type on each of the 4 corners: +6 Largest empty patch (or tied): +5

Couples' Retreat Meteor Shower

Each section with at least 3 paired couples: +4 Every 2 filled window seats: +1

Emergency Exit Assistance Missing Friends

The entire middle row is full: +10 Each friend type with 3 or less members of that type: +5

Family Vacation School Holidays

Each couple connected to a protected child: +3 Each section with at least 3 protected children: +4

Full Flight Three's Company

Every complete column with no empty spaces: +4 Every group of exactly 3 friends: +3

Kids Gone Wild

Every child not protected: -2
Solo Variant
The following three scenarios have been designed for your
solitaire flight enjoyment. To use these scenarios, set up as
Solo Variant
per a 2 player game but with only 1 board.
Best Friends Forever
In the solo version, you may take any of the 4 cards in the
(Easy/Medium/Hard: 6/4/2 vouchers)
display without paying vouchers to skip them. However, to
Have at least a group of size 6 for each friend colour
eliminate a card from the display, you have to lose a
Also have at least: 3 couples OR 3 surrounded children
voucher. For every overbooked customer, you lose a
voucher. For each complete section, gain 2 vouchers. The
game is won if the stated conditions (according to the Couples Retreat
scenario) are met. The game is lost if you run out of (Easy/Medium/Hard: 6/4/2 vouchers)
vouchers. Have at least 5 surrounded couples
Also have at least: a group of friends of at least size 5 or 3
surrounded children

Credits School’s Out

(Easy/Medium/Hard: 6/4/2 vouchers)
Game Designer: Have at least 8 surrounded children
Daryl Chow Also have at least: a group of friends of at least size 5 OR 3
Illustration: couples
Sandy Lee
Graphic Designer:
Lily Chow
Graphic Layout:
Ng Jia Xiang, Shin Wong

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