Operator's Manual
Operator's Manual
Operator's Manual
Overview Components
The game takes place in turns, in which each player picks a • 24 wooden cubes as vouchers
passenger card and place passenger disc(s) in the • 150 wooden discs (30 of each colour)
arrangement printed onto their player board. The game
ends when one type/colour of passenger is depleted. • 4 player boards
Players score and total their prestige points (PP) to • 72 passenger cards
determine the winner.
Place all passenger discs in the middle of the playing area.
(For a 2 players game, remove 10 discs of each colour.)
Aim of the game Placement Rules
To score the most prestige points (PP) for your airline Players place their passenger discs on their player board
through skilful and precise passenger seating. according to the following placement rules:
Ending the Game +5 PP for each exact pair of connected red passenger.
(0 PP for three or more connected red passengers.)
The game ends in the round when 1 or more passenger +3 PP for each protected child.
types (colours) have run out. Play until all players have had (Protected: Every possible connected seats must be seated
an equal number of turns. If a player draws a passenger with a non-child passenger.)
card with the corresponding passenger colour(s) that have
run out, ignore the exhausted colours. If passengers are +1 PP for each passenger in player’s largest connected
exhausted in the middle of placement (e.g. you have to blue passengers’ group.
place 2 green discs but only 1 green disc remains), choose (+2 PP if this group is the largest, or tied for largest,
which passenger to place or ignore. compared to all players.)
Players score their boards according to the scoring section. +1 PP for each passenger in player’s largest connected
The player with the most Prestige Points (PP) wins the green passengers’ group.
game as the most prestigious airline. (+2 PP if this group is the largest, or tied for largest,
compared to all players.)
Aisles Friends
Aisles don't count as barriers for scoring purposes (e.g. for All colours:
counting majorities, for children, for couples). Aisles still Group of 3/4: 5 points
count as barriers for passenger placement. Group of 5/6: 10 points
Group of 7/8: 15 points
Child Group of 9+: 20 points
Each protected child scores 5; player with the most Player(s) with the most groups (from all colours added
protected children gains 5 additional points. together) score 2 points per group (a group is defined as a
3+ patch of yellow/green/blue). Player(s) with the second
Couples most groups score 1 point per group.
Couples score 5, player(s) with most horizontal couples
score 5
Suits are printed on the corners of most of the passenger
cards. They provide another layer of strategy for the
experienced players. There are 4 different suits to watch
out for:
May replace
Event Cards
Shuffle all the event cards, flip 1 or 2 (depending on what is agreed among players) cards.
These cards show different ways to score in addition to the scoring in the basic gameplay.