Vedic Horoscope: Birth Details

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ओं ी सािय योितष िव ापीठम्

Vedic Horoscope

जननी ज म सौ यानां, वधनी कुल सं प दां |

पदवी पूव पु यानां, ल यते ज मपि का ||

Birth Details
Name fff

Gender Male

Date of Birth 5/3/1993

Time of Birth 7:15

Place of Birth Merlo

Latitude -34.6685: S
Longitude -58.7222 W

Timezone -2 W
Panchanga Details
Sun rise 07:49:49

Sun set 20:22:18

Day Length 12:32:29

Night Length 11:27:31

Kali year 5093

Saka Year 1914

Hindu Year Angirasa
Ayana Uttarayana
Rithu (Season) Shishira Ritu

Hindu Month Palghuna Mas

Tithi Shukla-Dwadasi
Weekday Friday
Vedic Weekday Thursday
Nakshatra, Pada Pushyami-2

Sign Cancer Sign

Yoga Sobhana
Karana Bava
Janmakshar Hay

Vimshottari Dasa Sat

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Avakahada Chakra
Nakshatra Pushyami
Nadi Madhya

Yoni Sheep
Gana Deva
Sign Cancer Sign
Rashi lord Moon
Varna Kuta Brahmin

Vashya Kuta Jalachara

This Avakahada chakra is helpful for marriage matching.

Ghata chakra
Month Pausha
Tithi 2-7-12

Weekday Wednesday
Nakshatra Anuradha
Yoga Vyaghata
Karana Naga

Prahara 1
Rashi Simha
Avoid Ghata tithi, nakshatra, day etc. for new openings, important
works and long journeys.
Prahar or Prahara is a Sanskrit term for a unit of time, or subdivision of the
day, approximately three hours long. Prahara =1 means, 3 hours from

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Lucky Things
Lucky Days Friday, Saturday, Tuesday
Lucky Planets Venus, Saturn, Mars
Friendly Signs Libra, Gemini
Friendly Ascendant Libra, Sagittarius
Life Stone Blue-Sapphire
Lucky Stone Diamond
Punya Stone Emerald

Favourable God Lord Venkateswara, Subrahmanya, Goddess Lakshmi

Favourable Metal Gold
Favourable Colour Blue, Red,Green
Favourable Direction South, Northeast
Favourable Time Evening
Favourable Numbers 3,6,9
Given gems are indicative only, please consult an Astrologer before wearing a

Jaimini Karakas
Planet Chara Karaka Sthira Karaka
Saturn Atmakaraka Ayu Karaka
Mercury Amatyakaraka Gnyati Karaka
Venus Bhatrukaraka Dara Karaka
Sun Matrukaraka Atma karaka

Jupiter Putrakaraka Putra Karaka

Mars Gnatikaraka Bratru Karaka
Moon Darakaraka Matru Karaka
Planetary Positions

Planet R/C Sign D/M/S House

Sun - Aquarius 21:02:50 1
Moon Cancer 08:24:16 6
Mars Gemini 16:46:32 5
Mercury (C) Aquarius 28:14:30 1
Jupiter (R) Virgo 19:01:52 8
Venus (R) Pisces 25:32:53 2
Saturn Capricorn 29:58:55 12
Rahu (R) Scorpio 23:18:09 10
Ketu (R) Taurus 23:18:09 4

Planet in retro motion or combusion. R = retro, C = Combust

Planetary table
Planet Nakshatra/ Pada Nak. lord Nav Nav. lord
Ascendant Shatabisha-3 Rahu Aqu Sa
Sun P.Bhadra-1 Jupiter Ari Ma
Moon Pushyami-2 Saturn Vir Me
Mars Arudra-4 Rahu Pis Ju
Mercury P.Bhadra-3 Jupiter Gem Me
Jupiter Hasta-3 Moon Gem Me

Venus Revati-3 Mercury Aqu Sa

Saturn Dhanista-2 Mars Vir Me
Rahu Jyesta-2 Mercury Cap Sa
Ketu Rohini-4 Moon Can Mo

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Planetary table
Planet Ava5 Swabhava M/F Tatwa Posi.
Sun Vrid Sthira Male Vayu Satru
Moon Vrid Chara Female Jala Own

Mars Yuva Dwi Male Vayu Satru

Mercury Mrita Sthira Male Vayu Sama
Jupiter Kum Dwi Female Bhu Satru
Venus Bala Dwi Female Jala Uchcha
Saturn Bala Chara Female Bhu Own
Rahu Kum Sthira Female Jala Neecha
Ketu Kum Sthira Female Bhu Neecha

Bhava Table
House Sign D/M/S
Lagna Bhava Aquarius 13:48:13
Dhana Bhava Pisces 13:48:13
Bratru Bhava Aries 13:48:13
Matru Bhava Taurus 13:48:13
Putra Bhava Gemini 13:48:13
Shatru Bhava Cancer 13:48:13
Kalatra Bhava Leo 13:48:13
Ayu Bhava Virgo 13:48:13
Bhagya Bhava Libra 13:48:13
Rajya Bhava Scorpio 13:48:13
Labha Bhava Sagittarius 13:48:13
Vyaya Bhava Capricorn 13:48:13
House Sign Bhava Madhya Bhava Sandhi

1 Aquarius 13:48:13 28:48:13

2 Pisces 13:48:13 28:48:13

3 Aries 13:48:13 28:48:13

4 Taurus 13:48:13 28:48:13

5 Gemini 13:48:13 28:48:13

6 Cancer 13:48:13 28:48:13

7 Leo 13:48:13 28:48:13

8 Virgo 13:48:13 28:48:13

9 Libra 13:48:13 28:48:13

10 Scorpio 13:48:13 28:48:13

11 Sagittarius 13:48:13 28:48:13

12 Capricorn 13:48:13 28:48:13

Naisargika Maitri Chakra
Planet Friends Enemies Neutral
Sun Moon, Mars.Jupiter Venus, Saturn, Mercury
Rahu, Ketu
Moon Sun, Mercury Rahu, Ketu Mars, Jupiter, Venus,
Mars Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, Rahu Venus, Saturn
Mercury Sun, Venus Moon Jupiter, Ketu, Mars,
Saturn, Rahu
Jupiter Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus Saturn, Ketu

Venus Mercury, Saturn, Sun, Moon Mars, Jupiter

Rahu, Ketu
Saturn Mercury, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter
Rahu Ketu
Rahu Jupiter, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury
Saturn Ketu
Ketu Mars, Venus Sun, Moon, Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter

Tatkalika Maitri Chakra

Planet Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa Ra Ke
Su - En En En En Fr Fr Fr Fr

Mo En - Fr En Fr En En En Fr
Ma En Fr - En Fr Fr En En Fr
Me En En En - En Fr Fr Fr Fr
Ju En Fr Fr En - En En Fr En
Ve Fr En Fr Fr En - Fr En Fr
Sa Fr En En Fr En Fr - Fr En
Ra Fr En En Fr Fr En Fr - En
Ke Fr Fr Fr Fr En Fr En En -
En = Enemy, Fr= Friend
Ve Ke Ma

12 1 2 3

Su Me Mo
As Lagna (D-1)
11 4

10 5

Ra Ju

9 8 7 6

Lagna Kundali tells about our overall life. Nature, Health, Education, Career,
Marriage, children etc..
Ma Su Me Ju

12 1 2 3

Ve As Navamsha (D- Ke
11 4

10 5

Mo Sa

9 8 7 6

Navamsha Kundali tells about marriage and Fortune. It also deals with
Partnerships, the Spouses, and general fine tunings of the Lagna Chart. This is
the most used, most important of the Varga Charts.

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12 1 2 3

Su Mo
Hora (D-2) Ma Me
11 4

Ju Ve
Sa Ra
Ke As 5

9 8 7 6

Hora Kundali tells about Financial position. It also relates to the balance of
Male/Female, Active/Passive, Individual/ Social, Mental/ Emotional balances.
Cancer is the Female/ Moon side, Leo is the Male/ Solar side.

12 1 2 3

Mo Ra
Drekkana (D-3)
11 4

Ju Ke
10 5

Ve Su Ma Sa
9 8 7 6

Drekkana Tells about body parts, health issues. It also tells about brothers,
sisters, friends and alliances, like the 3rd house in lagna kundali. It also
indicates our capacity to work hard, or in a group, to achieve some goal.Energy,
curiosity, courage, prowess. For better analysis of drekkana we also need to
check 3rd house in lagna chart and postion of Mars.

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Ju As

12 1 2 3

Ke Chaturthamsha
11 4

Su Ra

10 5

Ma Ve Me Mo Sa

9 8 7 6

Chaturthamsha deals with general well being, emotions, home and happiness,
emotional contentment, psychological happiness. To analyse this chart we need
to check Moon, mercury and 4th lord. They should be well placed in this chart
for inner peace. It also tells about fixed assets and comforts.
Ke As Su

12 1 2 3

Mo Ve Saptamsha (D- Ju
11 4

10 5

Ra Ma

9 8 7 6

Saptamsha deals with children and grandchildren, or the creative projections,

creative capacity, and to what degree that shall endure or remain or be
realized. We need to check 5th house, Jupiter along with Saptamsha to predict
Santana Yoga.

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Mo Sa As

12 1 2 3

Ra Dashamsha (D- Ve
11 4


10 5

Ma Me Su
9 8 7 6

Dashamamsha deals with career, this amsha indicates power, position,

achievement, status, skill, vocation and career. To analyse this varga we need
to consider 10th house and significators for career. The 10th lord should be
strong here for good impact in life in terms of career. Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and
10th lord are signifcators for career.
Ju As

12 1 2 3

11 4

Me Ve
Ke 10 5

Ma Sa Su Mo

9 8 7 6

Dwadashamsha deals with Fate, destiny, past karma, parents, hereditary traits,
past life influences. Used to judge last life, our underlying conditioning brought
forward to this life. We need to consider 5th house, Jupiter along with this
amsha to analyse above things.

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12 1 2 3

Shodashamsha Su Sa
11 4

Mo Ma
Ve Ra Ke
10 5

Me Ju

9 8 7 6

Shodashamsha deals with Fourth house affairs; ie Happiness, Home, Vehicles,

property. Shows a deeper level than the 4-Chaturtamsa in terms of the inner
heart & psychology of the person. To analyse this chart we need to consider
judge the 4th lord (from lagna Chart), Mercury and Moon.
Ra Ke Me

12 1 2 3

Su Vimshamsha Ma
11 4

10 5

Sa Mo As

9 8 7 6

Vimshamsha tells about Upasana, capacity for Bhakti or devotion, religious

development, the religions of our past, the deities we are inclined to worship.
To analyse this varga we need to consider Jupiter, 5th house in lagna chart and
5th lord.

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Ve Me Sa

12 1 2 3

ChaturVimshamsha As
11 4

Mo Ra
Ke 10 5

Su Ju Ma

9 8 7 6

Chaturvimshamsha tells about Spiritual capabilities or readiness, education,

ability to meditate on higher things. It is used for judging spiritual attainment
capacity. We need to look to the 9th lord, Mercury, Jupiter and the Atmakaraka
planet to analyse this Varga chart.
Ke Su

12 1 2 3

11 4

10 5

Ju Me Ve As Sa Ra

9 8 7 6

Saptavimshamsha (Bhamsha) tells about Physical strength and strain. It also

helps to analyse overall life.

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Ju Su

12 1 2 3

11 4

Ra Ke
10 5

Ma As Ve Sa Me Mo

9 8 7 6

Trimshamsha tells about misfortunes, injuries, enmity, diseases. This is also

helps for discovering the hidden dangers in life. Lords of, and planets in bad
houses (8,12 and 6 houses and maraka, bhadhaka sthanas in lagna chart)
should be judged herein to understand how they may do their work in life.
Me Ra
12 1 2 3

Ma Khavedamsha
11 4

Su Ve
10 5

Ju As Mo

9 8 7 6

Khavedamsha helps for indepth reading of birth chart, fine tuning of special
auspicious and inauspicious effects, good and bad habits, particulars of the
emotional and psychological natures.

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Su Mo Ju Ra Ke
12 1 2 3

Me Ve Akshavedamsha
11 4

10 5


9 8 7 6

Akshavedamsha tells about Morals and ethics, and fine tuning general
inidications. Also relates to 9th and 5th houses. Indicates which of the 3 main
deities one will most reflect.
Ma Ke As Ve

12 1 2 3

11 4


10 5

Sa Mo Ju Me Ra

9 8 7 6

Shashtyamsha is used in very fine tuning of predictions and judgement, it is

subtle impact is felt in the cases of twins born just minutes apart. The special
deities ruling these divisions have important sway on the native.

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Shodasha Varga Table
As Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa Ra Ke
D-1 11 11 4 3 11 6 12 10 8 2
D-2 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5
D-3 3 7 4 7 7 10 8 6 4 10
D-4 2 5 7 9 8 12 9 7 5 11
D-7 2 3 11 6 5 4 11 10 7 1
D-9 11 1 6 12 3 3 11 6 10 4
D-10 3 6 2 8 8 8 4 3 11 5
D-12 1 7 7 9 10 1 10 9 5 10
D-16 12 4 5 5 8 7 10 4 5 5
D-20 6 11 6 4 3 5 10 8 12 12
D-24 4 9 10 6 3 7 12 3 10 10
D-27 7 1 5 10 8 9 8 6 6 12
D-30 9 3 6 9 7 12 8 8 10 10
D-40 7 5 6 11 2 8 5 10 2 2
D-45 1 12 1 10 11 1 11 9 3 3
D-60 2 5 8 12 7 8 3 9 6 12

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Planetary strength
Planet Strength

Sun (Lord of:7th house, Placed in: 1 ) 55%

Moon (Lord of:6th house, Placed in: 6 ) 60%
Mars (Lord of:3rd and 10th house, Placed in: 5 ) 60%
Mercury (Lord of:5th and 8th house, Placed in: 1 ) 50%
Jupiter (Lord of:11th and 2nd house, Placed in: 8 ) 45%
Venus (Lord of:4th and 9th house, Placed in: 2 ) 45%
Saturn (Lord of:12th and 1st house, Placed in: 12 ) 60%
RahuPlaced in: 10 30%
KetuPlaced in: 4 40%
Given planetary score tells about strength of a planet. A Planet with 50%
above score will give good result and below 50% will give normal result in
their dasha, bhukti periods.

Planetary Aspects
Planet Aspecting House
Sun 7
Moon 12
Mars 11, 8, 12
Mercury 7
Jupiter 2, 12, 4
Venus 8

Saturn 6, 2, 9

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House strength
House Points Result
1. Lagna (Overall life 26 Normal
2. Dhana sthana (Finance and Family) 23 Demands
3. Bratru sthana (Brother and sisters, short 34 Good
4. Matru sthana (Mother, Education and Vehicles) 28 Normal
5. Putra Sthana (Knowledge, Children, love 25 Demands
6. Shatru Sthana (Health and Enemies) 36 Good
7. Kalatra Sthana (Marriage and Business) 24 Demands
8. Ayu Sthana (Longevity and Accidents) 26 Normal
9. Bhagya Sthana (Father and Fortune) 23 Demands
10. Rajya Sthana (Career, name and fame) 32 Good
11. Labha Sthana (Gains and Friends) 36 Good
12. Vyaya Sthana (Expenditure, Abroad) 24 Demands

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Vimshottari Dasa/ Bhukti

Birth Dasha Sat/Ven/Ven

Sat Maha dasha Start date Mer Maha dasha Start date
12.12.1985 12.12.2004

Maha dasha Bhukti Start date Maha dasha Bhukti Start date

Sat Sun 03.12.1995 Mer Mer 12.12.2004

Sat Moon 14.11.1996 Mer Ket 11.05.2007

Sat Mars 16.06.1998 Mer Ven 07.05.2008

Sat Rahu 25.07.1999 Mer Sun 08.03.2011

Sat Jup 01.06.2002 Mer Moon 13.01.2012

Mer Mars 13.06.2013

Mer Rahu 10.06.2014

Mer Jup 28.12.2016

Mer Sat 05.04.2019

Ket Maha dasha Start date Ven Maha dasha Start date
13.12.2021 12.12.2028

Maha dasha Bhukti Start date Maha dasha Bhukti Start date

Ket Ket 13.12.2021 Ven Ven 12.12.2028

Ket Ven 11.05.2022 Ven Sun 13.04.2032

Ket Sun 11.07.2023 Ven Moon 13.04.2033

Ket Moon 16.11.2023 Ven Mars 13.12.2034

Ket Mars 16.06.2024 Ven Rahu 12.02.2036

Ket Rahu 12.11.2024 Ven Jup 12.02.2039

Ket Jup 01.12.2025 Ven Sat 13.10.2041

Ket Sat 06.11.2026 Ven Mer 13.12.2044

Ket Mer 16.12.2027 Ven Ket 13.10.2047

Sun Maha dasha Start date Moon Maha dasha Start date
12.12.2048 13.12.2054

Maha dasha Bhukti Start date Maha dasha Bhukti Start date

Sun Sun 12.12.2048 Moon Moon 13.12.2054

Sun Moon 01.04.2049 Moon Mars 13.10.2055

Sun Mars 01.10.2049 Moon Rahu 13.05.2056

Sun Rahu 05.02.2050 Moon Jup 12.11.2057

Sun Jup 31.12.2050 Moon Sat 14.03.2059

Sun Sat 19.10.2051 Moon Mer 13.10.2060

Sun Mer 30.09.2052 Moon Ket 14.03.2062

Sun Ket 07.08.2053 Moon Ven 13.10.2062

Sun Ven 13.12.2053 Moon Sun 13.06.2064

Mars Maha dasha Start date Rahu Maha dasha Start date
12.12.2064 13.12.2071

Maha dasha Bhukti Start date Maha dasha Bhukti Start date

Mars Mars 12.12.2064 Rahu Rahu 13.12.2071

Mars Rahu 11.05.2065 Rahu Jup 25.08.2074

Mars Jup 29.05.2066 Rahu Sat 18.01.2077

Mars Sat 05.05.2067 Rahu Mer 25.11.2079

Mars Mer 13.06.2068 Rahu Ket 13.06.2082

Mars Ket 10.06.2069 Rahu Ven 02.07.2083

Mars Ven 06.11.2069 Rahu Sun 02.07.2086

Mars Sun 06.01.2071 Rahu Moon 26.05.2087

Mars Moon 14.05.2071 Rahu Mars 24.11.2088

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Doshas and Remedies
Kaal Sarp Dosh
Kal Sarp Dosha one of the bad doshas which causes effect on our Mental and
physical life. As a dosha of heredity it gives delays and misfortunes. It makes
people to live with no success and live for others. When all the planets are
hemmed between Rahu and Ketu i.e., the moon's north node and the moon's
south node Kaalsarp Yoga is formed. Complete Kaalsarp yoga is formed only
when half of the chart is unoccupied by planets. Even if one planet is outside
the Rahu, Ketu Axis there is no Kaalsarp Yoga.

You don't have Kalasarpa dosha in your chart.

Mangal Dosh
Mars is planet of emotions. In a birth chart if Mars is well placed then they will
have control in their emotions and when Mars badly placed of placed in 1st, 4th,
7th, 8th ot 12th house then that person unable to control their emotions.
Placement of Mars in these houses causes problem in marriage life due to their
heavy emotional behaviour and anger. ThisKuja dosha or Mangal dosha or
chevvai dosham also causes delay in marriage and problems after marriage. So
knowing about this dosha will helps you to perform remedies and reduce
negative effect of this dosha and having timed marriage and happy married life.

You have Mars in Fifth House (Putra Sthana). This is indicating

that you do not have Mangal dosh in your chart.
Horoscope Predicitions
Various Yogas
Anapha: a planet (excepting Sun) in the 12th from the Moon
One born in Anapha Yoga will be eloquent in speech, magnanimous, virtuous,
will enjoy food, drink, flowers, robes and females, will be famous, calm in
disposition, happy, pleased and will possess a beautiful body.
Ubhayachari: planets (excepting moon) in the 2nd and 12th from
the sun
One born under Ubhayachari Yoga will have forebearance, will be very
fortunate, even bodied, firm, profoundly strong, not very tall, full of everything,
learned, happy, will have many servants, will protect his relatives, be equal to a
king, ever enthusiastic and will enjoy all pleasures.
vesi Yoga caused by Venus
If Venus produces this Yoga, the person will be timid, will face obstacles in his
missions, will have pleasant (or swift) movements and will be defeated.
vasi Yoga caused by Saturn
If by Saturn, the native will be a businessman, wicked, will steal others`
money, will hate elders and will be the husband of a pious lady.
Vimala yoga: The 12th lord in the 12th house
Noble, frugal, happy and independent.
Nipuna (Budha-Aditya) yoga: Sun and Mercury together or in Sama
Skillful, expert, well-known and respected.
Viparita Raja Yoga
Success after pressures or someone else`s lossesViparita Raja Yoga
Success after pressures or someone else`s losses
Lagna Predctions

Please note: These predictions are taken from various classical Vedic
Astrology books. Do not take these results as it is. We need to consider so
many things to come in to a conclusion. So Do not depend on these
predictions and please consult an Astrologer before taking any decision.

Physical features
You are born in Aquarius Ascendant. (Kumbha Lagna). Kumbha is the 11 of the
12 langas. The ruling Lord of this Lagna is Shani (Saturn). These people are tall
and strong. Well built body and long hands are prominent features. Though
they are slim until middle age, they may gain weight later age. They will have
Oval shaped face, light brown to dark brown hair, and strong muscles. Most of
these people have a mole or sign of wound on their front calves.

Mentality and Lifestyle

Imagination and memory power are strong in these people. They are highly
intelligent. They plan and decide. They think logically and understand the
ground realities. They mould themselves based on these things. Great
concentration, acumency, kindness, humanity, and self control are their natural
traits. These people have many friends. They are the best in understanding
These people are sincere most of the times. They can work peacefully and with
concentration. Working without thinking is against their nature. Using their
thought power, and intellect they Co. Pete any job authentically. But these
people are not able to mix with others most of the times. They are basically
introverts. Though they have many friends, closest ones are very few.
Hardworking, and responsible execution are their ways of working. They cannot
conceal their displeasure. They don’t speak with two tongues. They express
what’s in their minds in an open way. They are strict and incisive. They behave
friendly. They love to settle problems with discussions rather than fighting.
They don’t like cheating and manipulating. They give utmost importance to
ethics and justice. They don’t allow others to interfere in their matters. Once
they happen upon a decision/opinion they don’t change it easily. They are
deterministic in their likes and dislikes. They can understand anything quickly.
They are wise most of the times. And work smart. They don’t accept defeat
easily. They like to highlight others. But keep modesty of themselves. They are
not prone to anger. Even if they get angry, it’s is generally instantaneous. But
they cannot handle problems painful situations. They are sensitive in nature.
Second half of their life is superior to their first half of life. Not only they are
happy they love to keep people around them happy. They don’t like to be
lonely. They carve a niche and name for themselves wherever they may go.
Collecting antiques, and masterpieces is their hobby. They are philanthropic.
They like to serve. They help others without thinking about return. Any can
adjust in any situation. They don’t ask others for help. They must understand
their situation and must help. They keep moody when they have problems.
They must be careful in friendships. They treat anyone who are known to them
as friends. Few people may use this and leave these people.

Fighting for public welfare, thinking and planning about future, quick King,
proper friendship, and being joyous are what they like.

Self boasting, loneliness, being common, limitations, and impractical idealism are
what they hate.

The Lord of the fourth house and ninth house, Shukra (Venus) give them
education. These people are deterministic in education. They excel in primary
education. They must take care on concentrating on higher education. During
higher education, they may get distracted. They may show indifference towards
education because of certain friendships. So, they must be extra careful during
their +with and undergraduate education. They can excel in competitive
examinations. Law, commerce, mathematics, science and technology, hotel
management courses are best for them.

Though they have strong bodies, they may suffer from small illnesses. Especially
skin and neurological issues, and gastric troubles because of lack of rest are
common health problems. Also, dental and football swelling, heel pains, ear
related issues may ail some of them. As Sun is opposed to these people, they
cannot recover quickly. Immunity may be less in some of these people. Taking
proper and timely diet, exercising, and Pranayamam will help clearing health

Love and Marriage

They desire intelligent and responsible life partners. They are honest and
sincere in their married life. They give importance to relatives and relationships.
They can be affable. They want their life partners to understand them. If they
don’t show the qualities these people want, they get distanced. They love to be
equal and be affectionate towards their life partners rather than dominating
them. They desire peaceful household atmosphere.
Men of Aquarius are responsible both in their professional matters and familial
matters. They make time to spend time with their wife and children. They don’t
hesitate to help in household chores. But they expect the same love from their
life partners. They wish hard to keep their children and family members in right
path. Also, they expect their children to love and respect them.
Mithuna (Gemini), Tula (Libra), and (Dhanus (Sagittarius) are most suitable
matches. Kanya (Virgo), and Capricorn are not suitable.

Family life
People of Aquarius get great support from their family. But these people don’t
like to take their help. As they love to be independent, they may not give
importance to family customs. This leads to friction in family. These people
support their families like none other. Similarly, they want their problems with
it asking for.

Financial Life
As Jupiter rules their finances and luck, their finances stay satisfactory. Money
will be available in any way. As these pare patient in nature, they can wait for
their compensation. They are careful in their money matters. Though they
don’t hesitate to spend, they give importance to savings. Bit most of their
spending is for their own sake only.

Professional life
Kuja (Mars), and Chandra (Moon) influence their professional life. These people
love to be in inventive and creative jobs. They can’t work properly if they have
to work like machines. They are incapable of rat race. Also, they want their
work to be useful to others. They want recognition too. Teaching, law,
economics, Academics, construction, Higher positions in governance, contracts,
and medicine are suitable fields of profession. They don’t care even if they don’t
get promotions, but this may lead to lack of proper development as per
Horoscope Analysis
You are born in AquariusAscendant . Lord of this house is Saturn. He is
placed in Twelfth House (Vyaya Sthana). Second House (Dhana Sthana)
falls in PiscesSign. Lord of this house is Jupiter. He is placed in Eighth House
(Ayu Sthana). Third House (Bhratru Sthana) in Aries Sign. Lord of this house is
Mars. He is placed in Fifth House (Putra Sthana). Fourth House (Matru Sthana)
falls in Taurus Sign. Lord of this house is Venus. He is placed in Second House
(Dhana Sthana). Fifth House (Putra Sthana) falls in Gemini Sign. Lord of this
house is Mercury. He is placed in First House (Lagna). Sixth House (Shatru
Sthana) falls in Cancer Sign. Lord of this house is Moon. He is placed in Sixth
House (Shatru Sthana). Seventh House (Kalatra Sthana) falls in Leo Sign. Lord
of this house is Sun. He is placed in First House (Lagna). Eighth House (Ayu
Sthana) falls in Virgo Sign. Lord of this house is Mercury. He is placed in First
House (Lagna). Ninth House (Bhagya Sthana) falls in Libra Sign. Lord of this
house is Venus. He is placed in Second House (Dhana Sthana). Tenth House
(Rajya Sthana) falls in Scorpio Sign. Lord of this house is Mars. He is placed in
Fifth House (Putra Sthana). Eleventh House (Labha Sthana) falls in Sagittarius
Sign. Lord of this house is Jupiter. He is placed in Eighth House (Ayu Sthana).
Twelfth House (Vyaya Sthana) falls in Capricorn Sign. Lord of this house is
Saturn. He is placed in Twelfth House (Vyaya Sthana)
Your Moon Sign is Cancer. You are born in 2nd quarter of Pushyami
Nakshatra. You are born in maha dasha of Sat.
For your Ascendant:
Good Planets: Venus Saturn Mercury
Bad Planets: Mars Moon Jupiter
Maraka Planets: Mars Sun Jupiter
Yoga Karaka Planets: Venus
Predictions of House lords placed in various houses
These predictions are taken from Hora Shastra.
Your lagna lord, Saturn is placed in twelfth house. If Lagnas Lord is devoid of
benefic aspect and/or conjunction, you will be bereft of physical happiness, will
spend unfruitfully and be given to much anger.
Your second lord, Jupiter is placed in eighth house. You will be endowed with
abundant land and wealth. But you will have limited marital felicity and be
bereft of happiness from your elder brother.
Your third lord, Mars is placed in fifth house. You will have sons and be virtuous.
If in the process the 3rd Lord be in conjunction with, or receives an aspect from
a malefic, you will have a formidable life partner.
Your fourth lord, Venus is placed in second house. You will enjoy pleasures, all
kinds of wealth, family life and honour and be adventurous. You will be cunning
in disposition.
Your fifth lord, Mercury is placed in lagna. You will be scholarly, be endowed
with progenic happiness, be a miser, be crooked and will steal others wealth.
Your sixth lord, Moon is placed in sixth house. You will have enmity with the
group of your kinsmen, but be friendly to others and will enjoy mediocre
happiness in matters, like wealth.
Your seventh lord, Sun is placed in lagna. You will go to others wives, be
wicked, skilful, devoid of courage and afflicted by windy diseases.
Your eighth lord, Mercury is placed in lagna. You will be devoid of physical
felicity and will suffer from wounds. You will be hostile to gods and Brahmins.
Your ninth lord, Venus is placed in second house. You will be a scholar, be dear
to all, wealthy, sensuous and endowed with happiness from wife, sons etc.
Your tenth lord, Mars is placed in fifth house. You will be endowed with all kinds
of learning, you will be always delighted and you will be wealthy and endowed
with sons.
Your eleventh lord, Jupiter is placed in eighth house. You will incur reversals in
your undertakings and will live long, while your wife will predecease him.
Your twelfth lord, Saturn is placed in twelfth house. You will only face heavy
expenditure, will not have physical felicity, be irritable and spiteful.
Dwi graha yogas (Two planets in one house)
You are having Sun and Mercury in one sign.
If the Sun and Mercury are in one House, you will be in service, will have
unsteady wealth, be sweet in speech, will have fame and money, be noble, dear
to king and good people and will possess strength, beauty and learning.
Thri graha yoga (Three planets in one house)

Chatur graha yogas (Four planets in one house)

Planetary Predictions
Sun Sign and House placement
If the Sun is in Aquarius at birth, one will suffer from heart diseases, will have
enormous strength (courage), be very short-tempered, be fortunate through
other housewives, be hated by the learned, be firm in his activities, be
miserable, will have little wealth, be fraudulent, be not firm in friendship, will
have dirty body and be a miser.Sun in the 1st bhava (in lagna)
Tall; short haired; defective eyes (one who wears glasses); hot body; a person
who worries a lot; a person who has greatness and dignity; impatient and
unkind. Sun will be strong in the lagna and noblest in the 10th bhava. One will
get auspicious results when lagna is Sun’s own house or exaltation house and
when Sun is positioned there.
Moon Sign and House placement
If the Moon is in Cancer at birth, the native will be fortunate, valorous, be
endowed with residence, friends, journeys and astrological knowledge, be
sensuous, grateful, be a minister, be truthful, will live abroad, be passionate,
hairy-bodied, fond of water and flowers, interested in construction of houses,
wells etc. and will have a prominent neck.Moon in the 6th bhava
You will be mentally weak, short lived, mentally agitated, lazy; and fail every
where. But if a weak Moon is in the 6th, there will be a reduction in the
harmful effects mentioned above because a weak Moon becomes malefic. 6th is
the position where the malefic planets do you good.
Mars Sign and House placement
Should Mars be in Gemini, the native will be splendourous, be capable of
enduring miseries, be very learned, be well versed with poetical rules, skillful in
various kinds of fine arts, fond of going to foreign countries, virtuously disposed,
highly intelligent, favourably disposed to his sons and friends and will devote to
various kinds of assignments.Mars in the 5th bhava
Lack of children; sins of the previous births; a detective mind; no hesitation to
do injustice; hot tempered and mentally weak. (Mars + Saturn + Rahu) in the
5th – suicidal tendency. Especially when it is Karkidaka/ Vrishchika rasi.
Mercury Sign and House placement
Should Mercury be in Aquarius at birth, the subject will be bereft of good
disposition and good deeds, be attached to many religious acts, will give up
doing worthy things, be insulted by others, be impure, be not virtuous, be very
wicked, be inimical to wife, be devoid of carnal pleasures, be very unfortunate,
very timid, impotent, dirty and modest.Mercury in the lagna
One will have long life; beautiful body; intelligence and learning; and will talk
Jupiter Sign and House placement
If Jupiter occupies Virgo at birth, one will be a scholar, be virtuous, be skillful in
his work, be fond of scents, robes and flowers, will firmly gain in undertakings,
will have rich experience in Sastras and fine arts, be affluent, charitable, pure-
hearted, skillful and wonderfully learned.Jupiter in the 8th bhava
Short life; born in a rich family; dear to everyone; benevolent; job in the news
and broadcasting department; lack of mental peace; disease of the bone
marrow. Your children will not attain a good position.
Venus Sign and House placement
If Venus is posited in Pisces at birth, one will be courteous, liberal, virtuous,
very wealthy, will destroy enemies, be famous in the world, excellent,
distinguished, dear to king, be endowed with good speech and wisdom, be
liberal, will derive wealth and respect from the virtuous, will keep up his
promise, will maintain his family members and be endowed with
knowledge.Venus in the 2nd bhava
You will be poet, singer, rich, handsome and intelligent man. There will be an
increase in knowledge and wealth, when Venus in the 2nd conjuncts with
Saturn Sign and House placement
If Saturn is posited at birth in Capricorn, the native will lord over the lands of
others' females, will be endowed with Vedic knowledge, virtues and knowledge
of many branches of fine arts, be excellent among his caste-men, be
honourable, will respect others, be famous, be interested in bathing and
decoration, will be skillful in performance, will live in foreign places, be
courageous and be polite in behavior.Saturn in the 12th You will be
extravagant and will have financial difficulties. If Saturn stands close to a
malefic planet in the 12th, you will have to undergo imprisonment. If Saturn
and Jupiter stand together in the 12th you will be poor. You may die of
rheumatic disease.
Rahu Sign and House placement
Rahu in Scorpio gives activity, perseverance and subtlety, which will enable the
native to succeed. It is also a sign of good-health, or, more strictly speaking, of
physical stamina. Success will not always be attained as quickly as may be
desired, but will come after great difficulties; and the native’s dearly-bought
happiness will endure all the longer. Rahu in the 10th bhava
You will have long life and prosperity. Benevolent; interested in women; earn
wealth through unlawful means (smuggling). You may become a physician or a
Ketu Sign and House placement
Ketu in Taurus gives material instincts, the necessity for physical exertion, and
sensuous desires, which will often cause the commission of blunders. This
position makes the native selfish; he likes his own comfort above everything
else, and as he is not lazy or work-shy he will obtain what he wants. Kethu in
the 4th bhava
Hereditary doctors; family that indulges in black magic; bodily deformity; mental
agitation; earning of vehicle and house by illegal method; an orphan; lack of
family comfort; pitiable family state.
Various Yogas
Anapha: a planet (excepting Sun) in the 12th from the Moon
One born in Anapha Yoga will be eloquent in speech, magnanimous, virtuous,
will enjoy food, drink, flowers, robes and females, will be famous, calm in
disposition, happy, pleased and will possess a beautiful body.
Ubhayachari: planets (excepting moon) in the 2nd and 12th from
the sun
One born under Ubhayachari Yoga will have forebearance, will be very
fortunate, even bodied, firm, profoundly strong, not very tall, full of everything,
learned, happy, will have many servants, will protect his relatives, be equal to a
king, ever enthusiastic and will enjoy all pleasures.
vesi Yoga caused by Venus
If Venus produces this Yoga, the person will be timid, will face obstacles in his
missions, will have pleasant (or swift) movements and will be defeated.
vasi Yoga caused by Saturn
If by Saturn, the native will be a businessman, wicked, will steal others`
money, will hate elders and will be the husband of a pious lady.
Vimala yoga: The 12th lord in the 12th house
Noble, frugal, happy and independent.
Nipuna (Budha-Aditya) yoga: Sun and Mercury together or in Sama
Skillful, expert, well-known and respected.
Viparita Raja Yoga
Success after pressures or someone else`s lossesViparita Raja Yoga
Success after pressures or someone else`s losses
Vishottari Dasha Predictions
Sat Maha dasha From: 12.12.1985
If Saturn well placed, in 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th house or exalted or placed in own
house or if he is Yogakara planet then in this maha dasha you will remain happy
with constant money flow. You will get foreign invitations, open up new
workshops and contact with persons not within your community. You will get a
good job and work in abroad. Well placed Saturn gives promotions in job and
increase in financial position, growth in career, name and fame. You may also get
support from various areas. Saturn is planet of Karma if he well placed then in this
maha dasha you will successfully complete all your undertakings.
If Saturn ill placed or debilitated then in this dasha you may suffer from
unexpected loss, disappointments in each and every undertaking and
misunderstanding among family and friends. Weak Saturn also causes problems in
career or loss of job. To nullify negative results of Saturn chant shani mantra or
Shani stotra.

Mer Maha dasha From: 12.12.2004

If Mercury well placed, exalted, or placed in own sign or in 1st, 2nd, 5th, 9th, 10th
or 11th house in your chart then in this maha dasha you will attain fame in
education, research, science, arts and mathematics. If you are studying, you will
get good result in your studies. Meeting learned people and engaging yourself into
wise discussions with them are also there on the cards. Interested in sacred
literature may also be acquired. Attainment if sharp intellect and scholarship are
the best effects of this dasha. You may have access to great intellectual treasures,
acquisition of fame, happiness from wife and family. Obtaining wealth from
superiors through your talents will be experienced of you are a native passing
under through the nominal phase of this dasha and you may also make new
friends. Insults and great sufferings from windy and phlegmatic diseases are the
effects of a weak Budha Dasha. It may also make you become a dull and a thick-
headed person.
If Mercury debilitated or Ill placed in your chart then you will have
misunderstandings, communication gaps with people, you may also suffer with
health issues like gastric troubles, nervous disorder and memory loss. It is also
gives lack of concentration, loss of relatives and friends and problems in studies.

Ket Maha dasha From: 13.12.2021

If Ketu well placed, placed in 3rd, 6th or 11th house or conjoined with favourable
planet in your chart then, in this maha dasha you will be gaining good wealth,
increase in your income, accession of valuable things, purchase of vehicle or house,
conferment of distinction, lucrative gains and worship in famous temples. These
are the results of being under the powerful phase of Ketu Dasa. You will also be
leading a happy and blissful life which will be complimented with the birth of a
child. If Ketu placed in 2nd, 5th, 9th or 10th house, Under the ordinary phase, you
may obtain wealth from superiors by exhibiting your talents and you may also
make new friends.
if ketu ill placed, in 4th house, or 8th house or 12th house or conjoined or aspected
by Mars, Sun or Saturn in your chart then in this maha dasha, you may suffer with
injuries and diseases, there will be problems in relations, you will become
unfriendly and unhappy, you will also get troubles from enemies and great evils
will come your way. There will be Financial loss also indicating. Mentally you will
lose confidence, there will be no peace and happiness in your marital life. Under
this maha dasha , people born in mesha rashi or mesha lagna will face several
disgraceful and embarrassing situations. There will be troubles with your relatives,
loss of property due to court cases and other domestic goods. Acquisition of
property by evil means will be there. To our come from these problems you need
to chant Ketu mantra or ganesha stotra daily.

Ven Maha dasha From: 12.12.2028

If Venus well placed in your, placed in own house, exalted or in 1st, 2nd, 5th, 9th,
10th or 11th house in your chart then in this maha dasha there will be
experiencing a happy and blissful marital life complemented with the birth of a
child. The pleasures derived from monetary gains, happy marital life will make the
native's life worth living. You will also have financial gains from trade, share
market and cultivation and increase of your friends' support are indicating. During
this maha dasha period, you will start believing in the theory of 'live and let live!'
You will remain happy yourself and will lend happiness to the people around you
as well. Your life partner will get job or success in business. If Venus is weak in
your chart then in this Sukra dasha will make you quarrel with your wife; some
issues with family members, adultery and residence in foreign lands are main
result. Things like misunderstandings with relatives and life partner, and
unhappiness will lead you to live an unhappy and gloomy life. It is not advisable to
go abroad in this period without proper preparation.
If Venus is weak or debilitated or ill placed in your chart, then in this maha dasha,
you will have problems in family life, some people may face bad relationship their
life partner and breakup in love affairs. Your life partner or mother will have
health problems, you may have financial losses and there will be some health
problems life diabetics and skin diseases. To overcome problems caused by ill
placed Venus, you need to chant Sukra mantra or Lakshmi stotra daily or perform
Sukra puja at nearby Navagraha temple.

Sun Maha dasha From: 12.12.2048

If Sun is well placed, in 3rd, 6th, 10th or 11th house or exalted position in your
chart then in this maha dasha, you will have good job or position, there will be
accession of valuable things, and conferment of distinction, extreme gains and
worship in famous temples and meeting with high rank people or politicians. If Sun
placed in 2nd, 5th, 7th or 9th house then in this maha dasha you need to take care
of your health and position, you may be suffering from ill health and sickness.
Especially related to blood, eyes, and heart. You will also be lucky enough for
foreign tours and moreover as far as the political activities are concerned you can
also stand for an election where you will definitely be elected in high position for
social and political bodies.
If Sun debilitated or weak or ill placed, in 4th, 8th or 12th house then in this maha
dasha you may suffer with injuries, health issues, unpleasantness and
misunderstandings among relatives, friends, and neighbors and even amongst your
colleagues during the weak phase of this very dasha and you may also be affected
with pain in the ears and some urinary troubles. To overcome negative results of
this Sun maha dasha, chant Surya mantra or Siva panchakshari mantra and perform
abhisheka to lord Shiva.

Moon Maha dasha From: 13.12.2054

If Moon well placed in your chart, in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th or 11th house or in
own house or exalted, then in this Chandra maha dasha you will have comfortable
life, you will enjoy garlands, good fame, honour through your career, purchase
jewels, you will enjoy domestic happiness and acquisition of land and wealth.
There will be increase in your assets, happiness in your family life and success in
your intellectual pursuits. You will also have gains through lands and business. You
will be having your friends' circle increased and you will be prone to religious
affairs. You are also likely to attain general prosperity, prosperity in trade and in
your personal business and profession.
If Moon debilitated, weak or ill placed, in 4th, 8th or 12th house from lagna, then
in this maha dasha you may suffer with mental tensions. You may suffer from cold,
allergies and stomach problems, get emaciated, become unfriendly and unhappy.
There will be Loss of money due to wrong investments, irreligiousness,
misunderstandings in family life and unnecessary bad reputation and troubles will
grasp you in different ways. To overcome these negative effects of Moon in his
dasha, you need to chant Chandra mantra or Siva panchakshari mantra. Also chant
chandra graha stotras regularly.

Mars Maha dasha From: 12.12.2064

If mars well placed in your chart, exalted, placed in own house or in 3rd, 6th, 10th
or 11th house in your chart then in this maha dasha, you will gain lands and
property, you will be showered upon with riches, clothes, ornaments and all other
materialistic happiness. You will get job, position, success in court cases, victory
over enemies, increase in relations and all your general happiness and desires will
be fulfilled will also come your way. You are likely to be getting monetary wealth
because of your social rank, prestige, position, and repute. You are also likely to
become energetic and successful.
If mars debilitated, weak or ill placed, in 1st, 4th, 8th or 12th house, then in this
maha dasha there will be delay in marriage. Hurdles in every undertaking, loss of
property. You may suffer with health problems like blood pressure, bone injuries
etc. You may also loss land, house, or fixed assets in this maha dasha because of
enemies. To overcome these problems, you need to chant Kuja mantra or Kuja
stotra. Also, worship lord Subrahmanya or Nrusimha for better results.

Rahu Maha dasha From: 13.12.2071

If Rahu conjoined with favorable planets or if he well placed, in 3rd, 6th, or 11th
house in your chart then this rahu dasha will bring wealth and prosperity from all
areas of life. You will get success in competitions, elections. You will gain good
popularity. You will be interested in photography, arts, and crafts and in magical
sciences. Apart from these, you will also enjoy a terrific command over any foreign
language you learn. You will also get a chance to go abroad. You will be
courageous, a researcher and an individual of social service. If rahu placed in 2nd,
5th, 9th or 10th house, then in this maha dasha, you are likely to be getting
normal monetary wealth because of your social rank, prestige, position and repute.
You may also work in less salaried job and also get normal reputation.
If Rahu ill placed, in 4th, 8th or 12th house or conjoined with Shani, Mars or Sun in
your chart, then in this maha dasha the adverse effect will bring to you social
backwardness, mental tension and anxiety. You may get unnecessary fight with
family members. You may have bad dreams, or sleeping disorder. There will be
trouble in foreign lands. You will also be experiencing financial loss, ill health, fear
and evil thoughts. To overcome from negative effects, chant durga Stotra or rahu
mantra daily.

This Vedic Horoscope is printed from Visit for


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