Vedic Horoscope: Birth Details
Vedic Horoscope: Birth Details
Vedic Horoscope: Birth Details
Vedic Horoscope
Birth Details
Name fff
Gender Male
Latitude -34.6685: S
Longitude -58.7222 W
Timezone -2 W
Panchanga Details
Sun rise 07:49:49
Yoni Sheep
Gana Deva
Sign Cancer Sign
Rashi lord Moon
Varna Kuta Brahmin
Ghata chakra
Month Pausha
Tithi 2-7-12
Weekday Wednesday
Nakshatra Anuradha
Yoga Vyaghata
Karana Naga
Prahara 1
Rashi Simha
Avoid Ghata tithi, nakshatra, day etc. for new openings, important
works and long journeys.
Prahar or Prahara is a Sanskrit term for a unit of time, or subdivision of the
day, approximately three hours long. Prahara =1 means, 3 hours from
Jaimini Karakas
Planet Chara Karaka Sthira Karaka
Saturn Atmakaraka Ayu Karaka
Mercury Amatyakaraka Gnyati Karaka
Venus Bhatrukaraka Dara Karaka
Sun Matrukaraka Atma karaka
Planetary table
Planet Nakshatra/ Pada Nak. lord Nav Nav. lord
Ascendant Shatabisha-3 Rahu Aqu Sa
Sun P.Bhadra-1 Jupiter Ari Ma
Moon Pushyami-2 Saturn Vir Me
Mars Arudra-4 Rahu Pis Ju
Mercury P.Bhadra-3 Jupiter Gem Me
Jupiter Hasta-3 Moon Gem Me
Bhava Table
House Sign D/M/S
Lagna Bhava Aquarius 13:48:13
Dhana Bhava Pisces 13:48:13
Bratru Bhava Aries 13:48:13
Matru Bhava Taurus 13:48:13
Putra Bhava Gemini 13:48:13
Shatru Bhava Cancer 13:48:13
Kalatra Bhava Leo 13:48:13
Ayu Bhava Virgo 13:48:13
Bhagya Bhava Libra 13:48:13
Rajya Bhava Scorpio 13:48:13
Labha Bhava Sagittarius 13:48:13
Vyaya Bhava Capricorn 13:48:13
House Sign Bhava Madhya Bhava Sandhi
Mo En - Fr En Fr En En En Fr
Ma En Fr - En Fr Fr En En Fr
Me En En En - En Fr Fr Fr Fr
Ju En Fr Fr En - En En Fr En
Ve Fr En Fr Fr En - Fr En Fr
Sa Fr En En Fr En Fr - Fr En
Ra Fr En En Fr Fr En Fr - En
Ke Fr Fr Fr Fr En Fr En En -
En = Enemy, Fr= Friend
Ve Ke Ma
12 1 2 3
Su Me Mo
As Lagna (D-1)
11 4
10 5
Ra Ju
9 8 7 6
Lagna Kundali tells about our overall life. Nature, Health, Education, Career,
Marriage, children etc..
Ma Su Me Ju
12 1 2 3
Ve As Navamsha (D- Ke
11 4
10 5
Mo Sa
9 8 7 6
Navamsha Kundali tells about marriage and Fortune. It also deals with
Partnerships, the Spouses, and general fine tunings of the Lagna Chart. This is
the most used, most important of the Varga Charts.
Su Mo
Hora (D-2) Ma Me
11 4
Ju Ve
Sa Ra
Ke As 5
9 8 7 6
Hora Kundali tells about Financial position. It also relates to the balance of
Male/Female, Active/Passive, Individual/ Social, Mental/ Emotional balances.
Cancer is the Female/ Moon side, Leo is the Male/ Solar side.
12 1 2 3
Mo Ra
Drekkana (D-3)
11 4
Ju Ke
10 5
Ve Su Ma Sa
9 8 7 6
Drekkana Tells about body parts, health issues. It also tells about brothers,
sisters, friends and alliances, like the 3rd house in lagna kundali. It also
indicates our capacity to work hard, or in a group, to achieve some goal.Energy,
curiosity, courage, prowess. For better analysis of drekkana we also need to
check 3rd house in lagna chart and postion of Mars.
12 1 2 3
Ke Chaturthamsha
11 4
Su Ra
10 5
Ma Ve Me Mo Sa
9 8 7 6
Chaturthamsha deals with general well being, emotions, home and happiness,
emotional contentment, psychological happiness. To analyse this chart we need
to check Moon, mercury and 4th lord. They should be well placed in this chart
for inner peace. It also tells about fixed assets and comforts.
Ke As Su
12 1 2 3
Mo Ve Saptamsha (D- Ju
11 4
10 5
Ra Ma
9 8 7 6
12 1 2 3
Ra Dashamsha (D- Ve
11 4
10 5
Ma Me Su
9 8 7 6
12 1 2 3
11 4
Me Ve
Ke 10 5
Ma Sa Su Mo
9 8 7 6
Dwadashamsha deals with Fate, destiny, past karma, parents, hereditary traits,
past life influences. Used to judge last life, our underlying conditioning brought
forward to this life. We need to consider 5th house, Jupiter along with this
amsha to analyse above things.
12 1 2 3
Shodashamsha Su Sa
11 4
Mo Ma
Ve Ra Ke
10 5
Me Ju
9 8 7 6
12 1 2 3
Su Vimshamsha Ma
11 4
10 5
Sa Mo As
9 8 7 6
12 1 2 3
ChaturVimshamsha As
11 4
Mo Ra
Ke 10 5
Su Ju Ma
9 8 7 6
12 1 2 3
11 4
10 5
Ju Me Ve As Sa Ra
9 8 7 6
12 1 2 3
11 4
Ra Ke
10 5
Ma As Ve Sa Me Mo
9 8 7 6
Ma Khavedamsha
11 4
Su Ve
10 5
Ju As Mo
9 8 7 6
Khavedamsha helps for indepth reading of birth chart, fine tuning of special
auspicious and inauspicious effects, good and bad habits, particulars of the
emotional and psychological natures.
Me Ve Akshavedamsha
11 4
10 5
9 8 7 6
Akshavedamsha tells about Morals and ethics, and fine tuning general
inidications. Also relates to 9th and 5th houses. Indicates which of the 3 main
deities one will most reflect.
Ma Ke As Ve
12 1 2 3
11 4
10 5
Sa Mo Ju Me Ra
9 8 7 6
Planetary Aspects
Planet Aspecting House
Sun 7
Moon 12
Mars 11, 8, 12
Mercury 7
Jupiter 2, 12, 4
Venus 8
Saturn 6, 2, 9
Sat Maha dasha Start date Mer Maha dasha Start date
12.12.1985 12.12.2004
Maha dasha Bhukti Start date Maha dasha Bhukti Start date
Ket Maha dasha Start date Ven Maha dasha Start date
13.12.2021 12.12.2028
Maha dasha Bhukti Start date Maha dasha Bhukti Start date
Maha dasha Bhukti Start date Maha dasha Bhukti Start date
Mars Maha dasha Start date Rahu Maha dasha Start date
12.12.2064 13.12.2071
Maha dasha Bhukti Start date Maha dasha Bhukti Start date
Mangal Dosh
Mars is planet of emotions. In a birth chart if Mars is well placed then they will
have control in their emotions and when Mars badly placed of placed in 1st, 4th,
7th, 8th ot 12th house then that person unable to control their emotions.
Placement of Mars in these houses causes problem in marriage life due to their
heavy emotional behaviour and anger. ThisKuja dosha or Mangal dosha or
chevvai dosham also causes delay in marriage and problems after marriage. So
knowing about this dosha will helps you to perform remedies and reduce
negative effect of this dosha and having timed marriage and happy married life.
Please note: These predictions are taken from various classical Vedic
Astrology books. Do not take these results as it is. We need to consider so
many things to come in to a conclusion. So Do not depend on these
predictions and please consult an Astrologer before taking any decision.
Physical features
You are born in Aquarius Ascendant. (Kumbha Lagna). Kumbha is the 11 of the
12 langas. The ruling Lord of this Lagna is Shani (Saturn). These people are tall
and strong. Well built body and long hands are prominent features. Though
they are slim until middle age, they may gain weight later age. They will have
Oval shaped face, light brown to dark brown hair, and strong muscles. Most of
these people have a mole or sign of wound on their front calves.
Fighting for public welfare, thinking and planning about future, quick King,
proper friendship, and being joyous are what they like.
Self boasting, loneliness, being common, limitations, and impractical idealism are
what they hate.
The Lord of the fourth house and ninth house, Shukra (Venus) give them
education. These people are deterministic in education. They excel in primary
education. They must take care on concentrating on higher education. During
higher education, they may get distracted. They may show indifference towards
education because of certain friendships. So, they must be extra careful during
their +with and undergraduate education. They can excel in competitive
examinations. Law, commerce, mathematics, science and technology, hotel
management courses are best for them.
Though they have strong bodies, they may suffer from small illnesses. Especially
skin and neurological issues, and gastric troubles because of lack of rest are
common health problems. Also, dental and football swelling, heel pains, ear
related issues may ail some of them. As Sun is opposed to these people, they
cannot recover quickly. Immunity may be less in some of these people. Taking
proper and timely diet, exercising, and Pranayamam will help clearing health
Family life
People of Aquarius get great support from their family. But these people don’t
like to take their help. As they love to be independent, they may not give
importance to family customs. This leads to friction in family. These people
support their families like none other. Similarly, they want their problems with
it asking for.
Financial Life
As Jupiter rules their finances and luck, their finances stay satisfactory. Money
will be available in any way. As these pare patient in nature, they can wait for
their compensation. They are careful in their money matters. Though they
don’t hesitate to spend, they give importance to savings. Bit most of their
spending is for their own sake only.
Professional life
Kuja (Mars), and Chandra (Moon) influence their professional life. These people
love to be in inventive and creative jobs. They can’t work properly if they have
to work like machines. They are incapable of rat race. Also, they want their
work to be useful to others. They want recognition too. Teaching, law,
economics, Academics, construction, Higher positions in governance, contracts,
and medicine are suitable fields of profession. They don’t care even if they don’t
get promotions, but this may lead to lack of proper development as per
Horoscope Analysis
You are born in AquariusAscendant . Lord of this house is Saturn. He is
placed in Twelfth House (Vyaya Sthana). Second House (Dhana Sthana)
falls in PiscesSign. Lord of this house is Jupiter. He is placed in Eighth House
(Ayu Sthana). Third House (Bhratru Sthana) in Aries Sign. Lord of this house is
Mars. He is placed in Fifth House (Putra Sthana). Fourth House (Matru Sthana)
falls in Taurus Sign. Lord of this house is Venus. He is placed in Second House
(Dhana Sthana). Fifth House (Putra Sthana) falls in Gemini Sign. Lord of this
house is Mercury. He is placed in First House (Lagna). Sixth House (Shatru
Sthana) falls in Cancer Sign. Lord of this house is Moon. He is placed in Sixth
House (Shatru Sthana). Seventh House (Kalatra Sthana) falls in Leo Sign. Lord
of this house is Sun. He is placed in First House (Lagna). Eighth House (Ayu
Sthana) falls in Virgo Sign. Lord of this house is Mercury. He is placed in First
House (Lagna). Ninth House (Bhagya Sthana) falls in Libra Sign. Lord of this
house is Venus. He is placed in Second House (Dhana Sthana). Tenth House
(Rajya Sthana) falls in Scorpio Sign. Lord of this house is Mars. He is placed in
Fifth House (Putra Sthana). Eleventh House (Labha Sthana) falls in Sagittarius
Sign. Lord of this house is Jupiter. He is placed in Eighth House (Ayu Sthana).
Twelfth House (Vyaya Sthana) falls in Capricorn Sign. Lord of this house is
Saturn. He is placed in Twelfth House (Vyaya Sthana)
Your Moon Sign is Cancer. You are born in 2nd quarter of Pushyami
Nakshatra. You are born in maha dasha of Sat.
For your Ascendant:
Good Planets: Venus Saturn Mercury
Bad Planets: Mars Moon Jupiter
Maraka Planets: Mars Sun Jupiter
Yoga Karaka Planets: Venus
Predictions of House lords placed in various houses
These predictions are taken from Hora Shastra.
Your lagna lord, Saturn is placed in twelfth house. If Lagnas Lord is devoid of
benefic aspect and/or conjunction, you will be bereft of physical happiness, will
spend unfruitfully and be given to much anger.
Your second lord, Jupiter is placed in eighth house. You will be endowed with
abundant land and wealth. But you will have limited marital felicity and be
bereft of happiness from your elder brother.
Your third lord, Mars is placed in fifth house. You will have sons and be virtuous.
If in the process the 3rd Lord be in conjunction with, or receives an aspect from
a malefic, you will have a formidable life partner.
Your fourth lord, Venus is placed in second house. You will enjoy pleasures, all
kinds of wealth, family life and honour and be adventurous. You will be cunning
in disposition.
Your fifth lord, Mercury is placed in lagna. You will be scholarly, be endowed
with progenic happiness, be a miser, be crooked and will steal others wealth.
Your sixth lord, Moon is placed in sixth house. You will have enmity with the
group of your kinsmen, but be friendly to others and will enjoy mediocre
happiness in matters, like wealth.
Your seventh lord, Sun is placed in lagna. You will go to others wives, be
wicked, skilful, devoid of courage and afflicted by windy diseases.
Your eighth lord, Mercury is placed in lagna. You will be devoid of physical
felicity and will suffer from wounds. You will be hostile to gods and Brahmins.
Your ninth lord, Venus is placed in second house. You will be a scholar, be dear
to all, wealthy, sensuous and endowed with happiness from wife, sons etc.
Your tenth lord, Mars is placed in fifth house. You will be endowed with all kinds
of learning, you will be always delighted and you will be wealthy and endowed
with sons.
Your eleventh lord, Jupiter is placed in eighth house. You will incur reversals in
your undertakings and will live long, while your wife will predecease him.
Your twelfth lord, Saturn is placed in twelfth house. You will only face heavy
expenditure, will not have physical felicity, be irritable and spiteful.
Dwi graha yogas (Two planets in one house)
You are having Sun and Mercury in one sign.
If the Sun and Mercury are in one House, you will be in service, will have
unsteady wealth, be sweet in speech, will have fame and money, be noble, dear
to king and good people and will possess strength, beauty and learning.
Thri graha yoga (Three planets in one house)
Please Note: This Horoscope calculations and predictions are based on the data
provided by you and the best possible research support we have received so far.
We do not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or the effect of any
decision that may be taken on the basis of this Horocsope and Predictions.
Please consult professional Astrologer before taking any decision.