Timed File Viewing: Analysis
Timed File Viewing: Analysis
Timed File Viewing: Analysis
In this project we are going to send file to the user with one time password.
First user has to register in our site. That all details are stored in the database. After that Admin
will send the file with expired date and time to the user with password to the email Id. When the
user clicks on that link, the site will open the pop-up window with password.
We have to enter the password. Once the user click the button , the user can
access the file. When the user opens the file, the timer will starts running, the file will open until
the timer reaches to “0”. After that file will be deleted. While viewing the file, the user has only
read permission. The user does not have the permission to copy, paste and download the file.
After completing the time, the users will logout automatically.
User Registration
Administrator Access
User Access
User Registration:
In the first module, the user has to be registered in our site. He has to give the
details of first name, lastname and email id. While user clicks the submit button all the details
will be stored in the database.
Administrator Access:
In the second module, the administrator will enter into the database. He will set
the password to the user. He will send the file to the user with password and site link.
Administrator will set time limit to each file. When the user login to the site, automatically log
file will be created with the details.
User Access:
In the third module, user will access the site. When user clicks on the link, he will
get the window to enter the password and when he click on the button he can view the file what
he want. When the file was opened, the timer will start. The user can view the file until the timer
expires. After that the file will be deleted automatically and user will be logout. He has the
permission only to view the file. He doesn’t have permission to copy, paste and even
downloading also.
Waterfall Model:
The waterfall model is a popular version of the systems development life cycle
model for software engineering. Often considered the classic approach to the systems
development life cycle, the waterfall model describes a development method that is linear and
sequential. Waterfall development has distinct goals for each phase of development. Once a
phase of development is completed, the development proceeds to the next phase and there is no
turning back.
The disadvantage of waterfall development is that it does not allow for much reflection or
revision. Once an application is in the testing stage, it is very difficult to go back and change
something that was not well-thought out in the concept stage.
In the Requirement analysis and definition phase all requirements
are pointed down. Later these requirements are defined and discussed with system users to
specify system configuration.
The next phase is “System and software design” where the actual
design of the project takes place. The designing includes both software and hardware systems
and full system architecture is drawn.
In the integration and system testing phase as the name suggests all
unit tasks that have been performed in the former stage are integrated to produce a complete
system. It is then tested as a complete system to find out the final deliverable to the client.
The final phase operation and maintenance is usually bit longer than
the other phases but not always this is the case. However here the project is run for practical
purpose and resolved any problem that arise during the operation. In addition to that the system
is also aligned with the newer requirements.
About PHP:
It is also helpful to think of PHP in terms of what it can do for you. PHP
will allow you to:
A PHP session solves this problem by allowing you to store user information on
the server for later use (i.e. username, shopping cart items, etc). However, this session
information is temporary and is usually deleted very quickly after the user has left the website
that uses sessions.
It is important to ponder if the sessions' temporary storage is applicable to your website. If
you require a more permanent storage you will need to find another solution, like a MySQL
Sessions work by creating a unique identification(UID) number for each visitor and storing
variables based on this ID. This helps to prevent two users' data from getting confused with one
another when visiting the same webpage.
The constants below are defined by this extension, and will only be available when the extension
has either been compiled into PHP or dynamically loaded at runtime.
SID (string)
Constant containing either the session name and session ID in the form of "name=ID" or
empty string if session ID was set in an appropriate session cookie. This is the same id as
the one returned by session_id().
The session module cannot guarantee that the information you store in a session is only
viewed by the user who created the session. You need to take additional measures to actively
protect the integrity of the session, depending on the value associated with it.
Assess the importance of the data carried by your sessions and deploy additional protections --
this usually comes at a price, reduced convenience for the user. For example, if you want to
protect users from simple social engineering tactics, you need to
enable session.use_only_cookies. In that case, cookies must be enabled unconditionally on the
user side, or sessions will not work.
A cookie is often used to identify a user. A cookie is a small file that the server
embeds on the user's computer. Each time the same computer requests a page with a browser, it
will send the cookie too. With PHP, you can both create and retrieve cookie values.
When you create a cookie, using the function setcookie, you must specify three
arguments. These arguments are set cookie (name, value, expiration):
1. Name: The name of your cookie. You will use this name to later retrieve your cookie, so
don't forget it!
2. Value: The value that is stored in your cookie. Common values are username(string) and
last visit(date).
3. Expiration: The date when the cookie will expire and be deleted. If you do not set this
expiration date, then it will be treated as a session cookie and be removed when the
browser is restarted.
In this project we are using the cookies and sessions and some
other functions. Cookies allow the webmaster to store information about the site visitor on their
computer to be accessed again the next time they visit. One common use of cookies is to store
your username and password on your computer so you don't need to login again each time you
visit a website. Cookies can also store other things such as your name, last visit, shopping cart
contents, etc.
System Design:
The architectural design defines the relationship among major structural components into a
procedural description of the software. Source code generated and testing is conducted to
integrate and validate the software.
From a project management point of view, software design is conducted in two steps.
Preliminary design is connected with the transformation of requirements into data and software
architecture. Detailed design focuses on refinements to the architectural representation that leads
to detailed data structure and algorithmic representations of software.
Logical Design:
Data Design:
Data design is the first of the three design activities that are conducted during software
engineering. The impact of data structure on program structure and procedural complexity causes
data design to have a profound influence on software quality. The concepts of information hiding
and data abstraction provide the foundation for an approach to data design.
Object-Oriented Design:
Sequence Diagram:
Go to Register Page
It opens window
Enter password