Pressure Vessel Design (Basic)
Pressure Vessel Design (Basic)
Pressure Vessel Design (Basic)
1. Thick-walled Cylinders
2. Thin-walled Cylinders
• Thick-wall theory is developed from the Theory of Elasticity which yields the state of
stress as a continuous function of radius over the pressure vessel wall. The state of
stress is defined relative to a convenient cylindrical coordinate system:
1. σ t — Tangential Stress
2. σ r — Radial Stress
3. σ l — Longitudinal Stress
• Stresses in a cylindrical pressure vessel depend upon the ratio of the inner radius to
the outer radius ( ro / ri ) rather than the size of the cylinder.
• Principal Stresses ( σ 1 , σ 2 , σ 3 )
Consider a cylinder, with capped ends, subjected to an internal pressure, pi, and an
external pressure, po,
σt pi
σl σ
r σt
FIGURE T4-15-1
Text Eq. refers to Mechanical Engineering Design, 7th edition text by Joseph Edward Shigley, Charles
R. Mischke and Richard G. Budynas; equations and figures with the prefix T refer to the present tutorial.
The cylinder geometry is defined by the inside radius, ri , the outside radius, ro , and the
cylinder length, l. In general, the stresses in the cylindrical pressure vessel ( σ t , σ r , σ l )
can be computed at any radial coordinate value, r, within the wall thickness bounded by
ri and ro , and will be characterized by the ratio of radii, ζ = ro / ri . These cylindrical
stresses represent the principal stresses and can be computed directly using Eq. 4-50 and
4-52. Thus we do not need to use Mohr’s circle to assess the principal stresses.
Tangential Stress:
Radial Stress:
Longitudinal Stress:
• Applicable to cases where the cylinder carries the longitudinal load, such as
capped ends.
• Only valid far away from end caps where bending, nonlinearities and stress
concentrations are not significant.
pi ri2 − po ro2
σl = for ri ≤ r ≤ ro (Modified Text Eq. 4-52)
ro2 − ri2
ro2 + ri2 ζ 2 +1
σ t (r = ri ) = σ t ,max = pi 2 2 = pi 2 = pi Cti (T-1)
ro − ri ζ −1
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ζ 2 + 1 ro2 + ri 2
where Cti = 2 = is a function of cylinder geometry only.
ζ − 1 ro2 − ri 2
σ r (r = ri ) = σ r ,max = − pi Natural Boundary Condition (T-2)
where Cli = .
ζ −1
2ro2 2ζ 2
σ t (r = ri ) = σ t ,max = − po = − p o = − poCto (T-4b)
ro2 − ri2 ζ 2 −1
2ζ 2 2ro2
where, Cto = = .
ζ 2 − 1 ro2 − ri 2
r = ro σ r (r = ro ) = σ r ,max = − po Natural Boundary Condition (T-5a)
ro2 + ri2 ζ 2 +1
σ t (r = ro ) = − po = − po = − poCti (T-5b)
ro2 − ri2 ζ 2 −1
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where Clo = .
ζ 2 −1
1. the state of stress ( σ r , σ t , σ l ) at the inner and outer cylinder
2. the Mohr’s Circle plot for the inside and outside cylinder surfaces;
3. the critical section based upon the estimate of τ max .
Solution Methodology:
Since we have an external pressure case, we need to compute the state of
stress ( σ r , σ t , σ l ) at both the inside and outside radius in order to determine
the critical section.
1. As the cylinder is closed and exposed to external pressure only,
Eq. (T-6a) may be applied to calculate the longitudinal stress
developed. This result represents the average stress across the wall
of the pressure vessel and thus may be used for both the inner and
outer radii analyses.
2. Assess the radial and tangential stresses using Eqs. (T-4) and (T-5)
for the inner and outer radii, respectively.
3. Assess the principal stresses for the inner and outer radii based
upon the magnitudes of ( σ r , σ t , σ l ) at each radius.
4. Use the principal stresses to calculate the maximum shear stress at
each radius.
5. Draw Mohr’s Circle for both states of stress and determine which
provides the critical section.
OD 50 mm ID 25 mm
ro = = = 25 mm ; ri = = = 12.5 mm
2 2 2 2
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ζ2 (2) 2
Clo = = = 1.3333 mm 2
ζ − 1 (2) − 1
2 2
σ l (r = ri ) = σ l (r = ro ) = − po 2 = − poClo = (−150MPa)(1.3333 mm 2 )
ζ −1
σ l = −200 MPa
σ 1 − σ 3 0 − (−400)
Inner Radius (r = ri ) τ max (r = ri ) = = = 200 MPa
2 2
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σ 1 − σ 3 (−150) − (−250)
Outer Radius (r = ro ) τ max (r = ro ) = = = 50 MPa
2 2
5. Mohr’s Circles:
Inner Radius (r = ri )
FIGURE T4-15-2
τ max = 200 MPa
σ 1 = 0 MPa
σ 3 = -400 MPa
σ 2 = -200 MPa
Outer Radius (r = ro )
FIGURE T4-15-3
• τmax = 50 MPa
σ 2 = -200 MPa
Critical Section
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• Thin-wall theory is developed from a Strength of Materials solution which yields the
state of stress as an average over the pressure vessel wall.
• Use restricted by wall thickness-to-radius ratio:
t 1
According to theory, Thin-wall Theory is justified for ≤
r 20
t 1
In practice, typically use a less conservative rule, ≤
r 10
FIGURE T4-15-4
FHoop FHoop
Pressure Acting over
Projected Vertical Area
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The internal pressure exerts a vertical force, FV, on the cylinder wall which is
balanced by the tangential hoop stress, FHoop.
¦ Fy = 0 = FV − 2 FHoop = pd i − 2σ t t
Find: The percent difference of the maximum shear stress estimates found using
the Thick-wall and Thin-wall Theories.
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Solution Methodology:
t 12.5 mm 1 1 1
1. Check t/r Ratio: = = ² or
r 25 mm 2 20 10
σ 1 = σ r = 0 MPa
σ 2 = σ l = −150 MPa
σ 3 = σ t = −300 MPa
σ 1 − σ 3 0 − (−300 MPa )
τ max = = = +150 MPa
2 2
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τ max,Thin − τ max,Thick
% Difference = ∗100%
τ max,Thick
(+150) − (+200)
= ∗ (100%) = −25%
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