Project Report: Study of Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID), Distributed Control Systems

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The key takeaways are that instrumentation is used to measure and control physical quantities in industrial processes. It has evolved significantly over time with the introduction of electronics and computers. Today instrumentation utilizes advanced hardware, computer controls, and analytical techniques.

Instrumentation is the application of measuring and control devices to determine physical or chemical quantities and control them within specified limits. The main components are sensors, transmitters, controllers and control valves.

In the 1920s-1930s, instrumentation was crude with local controls. From WWII-1950s, control theory advanced. The 1950s saw the introduction of electronics and miniaturization. Computer applications now dominate.


Study of Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID),

Distributed Control Systems




ROLL NO. 505/IC/07

Instrumentation and Control Engineering

Netaji Subhas Institute of technology

Instrumentation can be defined as the art of science of applying measuring or measuring

controlling devices to an object or combination of objects for the purpose of determining the
magnitude or identity of certain varying physical or chemical quantity, and often for the
purpose of controlling those quantities within specified limitations.


In the 1920s and 1930s industrial instruments were rather crude compared to today’s
standards. Local controls were prominent. Efforts to centralize controls were confined
primarily to units or subunits of processes, even for the more sophisticated plants. From the
beginning of World War II through the 1950s, control theorists produced a rather complete
and general body of knowledge for the analysis, synthesis and design aspects of linear control
systems. The 1950 period also witnessed the introduction of electronic instruments. This
same period saw the beginning of miniaturization in packaging of control components, both
pneumatic and electronic.


Today the plants are being built using the latest available electronic hardware, computer
controls and advanced control concepts; others are built with appropriate hardware for future
conversion to computer control; and still others are built with conventional hardware that
would require major, expensive modifications to convert to computer control. A dominant
factor in current instrumentation is the impact of computer applications. Computers are being
used to control directly, to perform economic optimization calculations, to make heat and
material balance calculations, or simply to perform the conventional monitoring, logging and
alarm functions so essential in today’s industrial process. Large computer systems are being
designed and built having fully redundant computers; with complete, fully automatic transfer
of data and controls in the event that the online computer fails.
Following are other features of today’s challenging control technology:

 Implementation of New Hardware and Control Techniques:

Even in this, new and improved hardware and useful control features have been
added. Electro hydraulic valve operators with extremely fast operating speeds are
available for processes demanding fast response speeds.
 Equipment Packaging:

The size of both pneumatic and electronic panel instruments has been reduced;
instrument density in control panel arrangement has increased; and field
connections have been simplified.

 Analytical Equipment:
Analytical techniques for online measurement and control are changing rapidly,
particularly in gas chromatography. Reliability and reproducibility have been
recognized problems. These are improving with better sampling systems, more
reliable programming techniques and the ever-increasing storehouse of application

 Basic Measurement of Flow, Temp, Pressure and Level:

The accuracy of these basic process measurements have not increased
significantly in recent years. Accuracies to within 0.5 to 1% have been attainable
for a long time. Many devices accurate to within 0.25% are available now, but this
cannot be claimed as an outstanding achievement.


A historical review of instrumentation and an analysis of “where it stands today” lead us to

the question, “What will instrumentation be like tomorrow?” some needs, trends and
predictions for the future can be enumerated. One of the greatest needs is for new and
improved measuring sensors. There needs to be an order of magnitude increase in accuracies.
Instead of 0.5 and 2%, there should be 0.05 and 0.2%, or even 0.01 and 0.02%, which would
be much closer to matching accuracies available in some of the signal processing devices.

Sensors should be unaffected by ambient temp variations, vibration, power supply

fluctuations and corrosive environments. A better understanding is needed to identify
applications, which are critical and utilize the highest level of accuracy and dependability for
those cases. The increasing use of computers dictates the need for digital transmitters and
transducers outputting directly into the computer. Final control elements must be capable of
receiving directly the digital outputs from the computer. A digital pressure transducer has
recently appeared on the market, as well as a digital valve positioner, but widespread usage of
these elements has not been evident.

 P& ID (Piping And Instrumentation Diagram) Study

 Instrument Index checking.

 Control Valve study

 Pressure Safety Valve study

 Control Valve Sizing

 Pressure Safety Valve Sizing


 P & ID Study:

P& ID refers to Piping and Instrumentation Diagram. It consists of various symbols

which represent various instruments (flow instruments, pressure instruments,
temperature instruments, level instruments etc.) and different types of lines (utility,
electrical, traced, center, vendor limit, coil, pneumatic, capillary etc.) used in a unit. It
depicts the layout of the above mentioned components in the plant.

The P&ID has been studied using a legend. Legend is a diagram consisting of the
details of symbols and abbreviations used in a P&ID.

 Instrument Index Checking:

Instrument Index is an index of the various instruments being used or to be used in a

plant. It includes the details of the various instruments. It includes tag number, fluid,
description, location line number. P&ID number etc. of all the instruments listed.

Instrument index has been checked with reference to corresponding P&ID.

 Control Valve Study & Sizing:

Control Valve has been studied in details. The study includes various types of control
valves, their construction , working and their sizing. The details of the study has been
given further in this report.

 Pressure Safety Valve Study & Sizing:

Pressure Safety Valve has been studied in details. The study includes various types of
pressure safety valves, their construction, working and their sizing. The details of the
study has been given further in this report.

1. Pressure Instruments
 Pressure Gauge/Indicator
 Pressure Transmitter
 Pressure Instruments
 Differential Pressure Gauge
 Differential Pressure Transmitter
2. Temperature Instruments
 Temperature Element
 Temperature Transmitter
 Temperature Gauge
 Temperature Instruments
3. Level Instrument
 Level Gauge
 Level Transmitter
 Level Control Valve
 Level Instruments
4. Flow Instrument
 Flow Transmitter
 Flow Element
 Flow Control Valve
 Flow Instruments
5. Safety Devices
 Pressure Safety Valve
 Thermal Safety Valve
6. Control Valve
 Pressure Control Valve
 Temperature Control Valve
A control valve is a device that regulates the flow of substances either gas, fluidized solid,
slurries, or Liquid by opening, closing, or partially obstructing various passageways. Valves
are technically pipe. Piping and plumbing fittings, but usually are discussed separately.

Valves are used in a variety of applications including Industrial, Military, commercial,

residential, Transportation. Plumbing valves are the most obvious in everyday life, but many
more are used.

Control Valve is a device used to modulate flow of process fluid in line by creating a variable
pressure drop in the line.

1.1 [] Application

A large variety of valves is available and has many applications with sizes ranging from tiny
to huge. The cost of valves ranges from very cheap simple disposable valves in some items to
very expensive valves for specialized applications. Often not realized by some, small valves
are even inside some common household items devices.

[]1.2 Valve parts

[]1.2.1 Body

The majority of the valve consists of the valve body, including most of the exterior. The
valve body is the vessel or casing that holds the fluid going through inside the valve. Valve
bodies are most commonly made of various metals or plastics.

[]1.2.2 Ports

The body has two or more openings, often called the ports, through which the fluid can enter
or leave the valve. Valves with two ports are the most common. Valves with three ports are
the next most common. Less often used are valves with four or more ports.

[]1.2.3 Stem

The stem is a rod or similar piece spanning the inside and the outside of the valve,
transmitting motion to control the internal disc or rotor from outside the valve. Inside the
valve, the rod is joined to or contacts the disc/rotor. Outside the valve the stem is attached to
a handle or another controlling device. Between inside and outside, the stem typically goes
through a valve bonnet if there is one. In some cases, the stem and the disc can be combined
in one piece, or the stem and the handle are combined in one piece.

1.2.4 []Bonnet

A bonnet basically acts as a cover on the valve body. It is commonly semi-permanently

screwed into the valve body. During manufacture of the valve, the internal parts were put into
the body and then the bonnet was attached to hold everything together inside. To access
internal parts of a valve, a user would take off the bonnet, usually for maintenance. Many
valves do not have bonnets; for example, plug valves usually do not have bonnets.

1.2.5 []Spring

Many valves have a spring for spring-loading, to normally shift the disc into some position by
default but allow control to reposition the disc. “Relief Valve” commonly uses a spring to
keep the valve shut, but allow excessive pressure to force the valve open against the spring-

1.2.6 []Valve Balls

A valve ball is also used for severe duty, high pressure, high tolerance applications. They are
typically made of stainless steel, titanium, Stellite, Hastelloy, brass, and nickel. They can also
be made of different types of plastic, such as ABS, PVC, PP or PVDF.

[]1.3 Valve operating positions

Valve positions are operating conditions determined by the position the disc or rotor in the
valve. Some valves are made to be operated in a gradual change between two or more
All Control valve can be divided in two category.

1. Sliding stem (Globe valve)

2. Rotary shaft (Quarter turn)

Also Valves can be further subdivided as shown below:

By Shape By Internal By Characteristics By Guiding

Globe Plug EQ% Top
Butterfly Cage Linear Cage
Angle Full Ball Quick Open Top & Bottom
Slant Sleeved Parabolic Bush/Bearing
Y-Type V Ball


VALVE Cv - No. Of US gallon [ USG = 3.7 Ltrs] of water per minute passing through the
valve in full open condition with 1 PSI pressure Drop across the valve at 15 deg C temp.

So essentially valve Cv is capacity of valve in terms of water which helps us to identify

suitable size required for any fluid in any pressure / temp. condition.

VALVE Kv - Quantity of water in M3/Hr. at temperature between 5 to 40C that will flow
through the valve at a specified travel with a pressure drop of 1 Bar.

Kv = 0.856Cv

Equal % - Rate of change of flow due to change of valve travel is proportional to earlier

Linear- Rate of change of flow is same to rate of change of valve travel.

Quick Open- Full capacity attaining without change of travel after initial opening


LINEAR FLOW CHARACTERISTIC – A valve with an ideal linear inherent flow

characteristic produces flow rate directly proportional to the amount of valve plug travel,
throughout the travel range, For instance, at 50% of rated travel, flow rate is 50% of
maximum flow; at 80% of rated travel, flow rate is 80% of maximum; etc. Change of flow
rate is constant with respect to valve plug travel. Valves with a linear characteristic are often
specified for liquid level control and for flow control applications requiring constant gain.

EQUAL-PERCENTAGE FLOW CHARACTERISTIC- Ideally, for equal increments of

valve plug travel, the change in flow rate regarding travel may be expressed as a constant
percent of the flow rate regarding travel may be expressed as a constant percent of the flow
rate at the time of the change. The change in flow rate observed regarding travel will be
relatively small when the valve plug is near its seat and relatively high when the valve plug is
nearly wide open.Therefore, a valve with an inherent equal-percentage flow characteristic
provides precise throttling control through the lower portion of the travel range and rapidly
increasing capacity as the valve plug nears the wide-open position. Valves with equal-
percentage flow characteristic are used on pressure control applications, on applications
where a large percentage of the pressure drop is normally absorbed by the system itself with
only a relatively small percentage available at the control valve and on applications whetre
highly varying pressure drop conditions can be expected. In most physical systems, the inlet
pressure decreases as the rate of flow increases, and equal percentage characteristic is
appropiate. For this reason, equal percentage is the most common valve characteristic.

QUICK-OPENING FLOW CHARACTERISTIC- A valve with quixck opening flow

characteristic provides a maximum change in flow rate at low travels. The curve is basically
linear through the first 40 percent of valve plug travel, then flattens out noticeably to indicate
little increase in flow rate as travel approaches the wide-open position.

Control Valves with quick-opening flow characteristics are often used in relief valve
applications. Quick-opening valves can also be selected for many of the same applications for
which linear flow characteristics are recommended, because the quick-opening characteristics
is linear up to about 70 percent of maximum flow rate. Linearity decreases sharply after flow
area generated by valve plug travel equals the flow area of the port. For a typical quick-
opening valve, this occurs when valve plug travel equals one-fourth of port diameter.



Control valve sizing is a procedure done to select a control valve of appropriate type and size
for the given phase inputs and operating conditions.

The various procedures involved in sizing of control valve are given below.


For calculation of Cv at maximum, minimum and normal conditions following factors are
considered to be unity.

 Choked flow factor for liquids (Fy).

 Reynold’s number factor for liquids (FR).
 Piping geometry factor (Fp).
 Expansion factor for gases/vapours/steam.

For calculation of Cv the pressure drop value across the valve at maximum, minimum, &
normal conditions is required.

When pressure flow is maximum then pressure drop is minimum, But when pressure flow is
minimum then pressure drop is maximum.


The selection of a control valve of a suitable body size, trim size & flow capacity (in terms of
Cv) is based on user.

However, as far as the calculation are concerned, it is only the body size & Cv of the selected

For finding the value of Cv we should have pressure drop value across the valve at
maximum, minimum, & normal conditions by the user.

When pressure flow is maximum then pressure drop is minimum, But when pressure flow is
minimum then pressure drop is maximum.
The most generally used valve styles & flow direction is given as:-


Angle Contoured Flow-to-open
Angle Contoured Flow-to-close
Angle Venturti
Butterfly 60 degree open
Butterfly 90 degree open
Globe Single seated contoured Flow-to-open
Globe Single seated V-port
Globe Double seated contoured
Globe Double seated V-port
Rotatory* Eccentric Flow-to-open
Rotatory* Eccentric Flow-to-close

A) Rangeability

It calculates the rangeability of the control valve.

Rangeability = Cv maximum
Cv minimum

B) Inlet Velocity

It depends on flow conditions which are indicated. The inlet velocity depends on the fluid
phase, nominal body size & body material of valve.


LIQUID 1.5 To 2” 6.7 9.1
LIQUID 3” To 4” 6.1 7.6

LIQUID 6” and Above 6.1 6.1

GASES/VAPOURS/STEA 0.5 “ To 2” 127 152

GASES/VAPOURS/STEA 3” and 4” 102 127
GASES/VAPOURS/STEA 6” and above 76 102

C) Predicted Noise Level

In case of liquids we calculate Hydrodynamic Noise.

In case of gases/vapours/steam we calculate Aerodynamic Noise.

SPL = 20 log10 P

P=Sound pressure in fluid medium in bars.

PR=Reference pressure taken as 0.0002 microbar.

The tolerance of prediction is about + or – 3dBA

Flow Coefficient Cv:

Input flow data may be entered in either volume units or weight units. The program performs
the calculations in volume units. Therefore when input flow data in weight units. It converts
them to volume units using the following relation.

Q= W / (1000 GF)

The equations for Cv max, CvN & Cv min. are as below:

Cv max= 1.16 Qmax.(GF /∆Pmin) ½


CvN= 1.16 QN (GF / ∆PN) ½

Cv min= 1.16 Qmin.(GF /∆Pmax) ½



In refineries, the pipelines and vessels contain fluids at high pressure, sometimes the pressure
may reach a point, which may be dangerous and may cause harm to the equipments and life
of people working there. To avoid this situation, pressure safety valves are used.

Pressure Safety Valves are used for protection of lines and equipments in closed pressurized
system against over-pressure.

Causes of overpressure:

 Blocked discharge.
 Cooling water failure.
 Failure of upstream equipment.
 Expansion due to external heat source.
 Thermal stresses.

Pressure safety valves are of 3 types:

 Conventional
 Balanced
 Pilot Operated
Conventional Pressure Safety Valves

Conventional Pressure Safety Valve is used primarily when the valve discharges to open
atmosphere or into a low pressure closed system having negligible effect on the operation
of the valve. Conventional valves are used when the back pressure is either constant or
variable but within 10% of set pressure. It is a spring loaded pressure relief valve whose
operational characteristics are directly affected by changes in the back pressure.
Conventional Pressure Safety Valve

Balanced Pressure Safety Valves

Balanced Pressure Safety Valve is used when the valve discharges to closed system with
variable pressure. This type of valve incorporates means of reducing the effect of back
pressure such as Bellows. It is a spring loaded pressure safety valve that incorporates a
bellows or other means for minimizing the effect of back pressure on the operational
characteristics of the valve.
Balanced-Bellows Pressure Safety Valve

Pilot Operated Pressure Safety Valves

Pilot Operated Pressure Safety Valves are a combination of Piston operated main valve
operated through an external pilot. These valves are used when the operating pressure is very
close to the set pressure or the back pressure is very high compared to set pressure (more than
90%). It is a pressure safety valve in which the major relieving device or main valve is
combined with and controlled by a self actuated auxiliary pressure safety valve (pilot).
Pilot Operated Pressure Safety Valve

Pressure safety valve sizing is a procedure done to select a pressure safety valve of
appropriate type and size for the given phase inputs and operating conditions.

The various procedures involved in sizing of pressure safety valve are given below:
Type of Valve depends on:-

 Type of Back Pressure (constant/variable)

 Magnitude of Back Pressure (as % of Set Pressure)
 Fluid State

Valve type is SELECTED as per following logics.

A) Conventional valve

It is selected if [Set Pressure] * 0.9 ≥ Operating Pressure (Maximum) and either

 Fluid State is Steam, or

 Back Pressure is constant & ≤ 90% of Set pressure, or
 Back Pressure is variable & ≤ 10% of Set pressure.

B) Balanced Bellows valve

It is selected if [Set Pressure] * 0.9 ≥ Operating Pressure (Maximum) and either

 Back Pressure is variable & ≤ 10% of Set Pressure

But [Set pressure – Back pressure] * 0.9 ≤ Operating Pressure (Maximum)


 Back Pressure is variable & > 10% but ≤ 50% of Set Pressure.

C) Pilot Operated valve

It is selected if

 [Set Pressure] * 0.9 < Operating Pressure (Maximum) or

 Back Pressure is variable & > 50% of Set Pressure

When Pilot Operated valve is selected, then Sizing Code shall be set to API only
irrespective of Service [Gas/Vapour or Liquid]


The calculation of minimum orifice area depends on:-

 Fluid State
 Sizing Code
 Type Of Valve


A = [Q / (38* Kd * Kv *Kp )]*[(G) /(1.25P - Pb)]½

A = Required discharge area in square inches

Q = Required discharge capacity in US Gallons/min.

Kd = 0.62

Kv = Viscosity Correction Factor

Kp = Over pressure Correction Factor

G = Specific Gravity

P =Set Pressure in PSIG

Pb = Back Pressure in PSIG


A = [Q /(38* Kd * Kv * Kp * Kw)]*[(G) /(1.25P - Pb)]½

A = Required discharge area in square inches

Q = Required discharge capacity in US Gallons/min

Kd = 0.62

Kv = Viscosity Correction Factor

Kp = Over pressure Correction Factor

G = Specific Gravity

P =Set Pressure in PSIG

Pb = Back Pressure in PSIG

Kw = Correction Factor due to Back pressure


Critical flow pressure Pcf

Pcf = P1 * (2 / K+1)k/k-1

P1 = Upstream relieving pressure in PSIG

= Set Pressure(PSIG) * [1 + (%overpressure /100)] + 14.7

K = Specific heat ratio

Pcf = Critical flow pressure in PSIA

If P2 ≤ Pcf then formula (a) is used

If P2 > Pcf then formula (b) is used

P2 = Back Pressure in PSIA

(a) A = [W/( C*Kd * P1 * Kb)]*[(T*Z) /(M)]½

A = Required discharge area in square inches,

W = Required discharge capacity in Lb/hr

Kd = 0.975

C = 520 * [K *{2/(K+1)}(k+1)/(k-1)]½

K = Specific heat ratio

P1 =Upstream relieving pressure in PSIA

Kb = 1.0 [for conventional valves]

T = Relieving Temperature in Degree Rankine

Z = Compressibility Factor

M = Molecular Weight
(b) A = [W/(735*F2*Kd)]*[(T*Z) /{m*P1(P1 – P2)}]½

A = Required discharge area in square inches

W = Required discharge capacity in Lb/hr

Kd = 0.975

P1 =Upstream relieving pressure in PSIA

P2 =Back pressure in PSIA

F2 = [{K/(K-1)} * (r)2/k *{1-r(k-1)/k}/ (1 – r)]½


T = Relieving Temperature in Degree Rankine

Z = Compressibility Factor

M = Molecular Weight




Critical flow pressure Pcf

Pcf = P1 * (2 / K+1)k/k-1

P1 = Upstream relieving pressure in PSIG

= Set Pressure(PSIG) * [1 + (%overpressure /100)] + 14.7

K = Specific heat ratio

Pcf = Critical flow pressure in PSIA

If P2 ≤ Pcf then formula (a) is used.

If P2 > Pcf then formula (b) is used.

P2 = Back Pressure in PSIA.

(a) A = [W/( C*Kd * P1 * Kb)]*[(T*Z) /(M)]½

A = Required discharge area in square inches

W = Required discharge capacity in Lb/hr

Kd = 0.975

C = 520 * [K *{2/(K+1)}(k+1)/(k-1)]½

K = Specific heat ratio

P1 =Upstream relieving pressure in PSIA

Kb = 1.0

T = Relieving Temperature in Degree Rankine

Z = Compressibility Factor

M = Molecular Weight

(b) A = [W/(735*F2*Kd)]*[(T*Z) /{m*P1(P1 – P2)}]½

A = Required discharge area in square inches

W = Required discharge capacity in Lb/hr

Kd = 0.975

P1 =Upstream relieving pressure in PSIA

P2 =Back pressure in PSIA

F2 = [{K/(K-1)} * (r)2/k *{1-r(k-1)/k}/ (1 – r)]½


T = Relieving Temperature in Degree Rankine

Z = Compressibility Factor

M = Molecular Weight


A distributed control system (DCS) refers to a control system usually of a manufacturing system,
process or any kind of dynamic system, in which the controller elements are not central in location
(like the brain) but are distributed throughout the system with each component sub-system
controlled by one or more controllers. The entire system of controllers is connected by networks for
communication and monitoring.

Distributed Control Systems (DCSs) are dedicated systems used to control manufacturing processes
that are continuous or batch-oriented, such as oil refining, petrochemicals, central station power
generation, pharmaceuticals, food & beverage manufacturing, cement production, steelmaking, and
papermaking. DCSs are connected to sensors and actuators and use setpoint control to control the
flow of material through the plant. The most common example is a setpoint control loop consisting
of a pressure sensor, controller, and control valve. Pressure or flow measurements are transmitted
to the controller, usually through the aid of a signal conditioning Input/Output (I/O) device. When
the measured variable reaches a certain point, the controller instructs a valve or actuation device to
open or close until the fluidic flow process reaches the desired setpoint. Large oil refineries have
many thousands of I/O points and employ very large DCSs.

A typical DCS consists of functionally and/or geographically distributed digital controllers capable of
executing from 1 to 256 or more regulatory control loops in one control box. The input/output
devices (I/O) can be integral with the controller or located remotely via a field network. Today’s
controllers have extensive computational capabilities and, in addition to proportional, integral, and
derivative (PID) control, can generally perform logic and sequential control.

DCSs may employ one or several workstations and can be configured at the workstation or by an off-
line personal computer. Local communication is handled by a control network with transmission
over twisted pair, coaxial, or fiber optic cable. A server and/or applications processor may be
included in the system for extra computational, data collection, and reporting capability.

Total Plant Solution (TPS) is a data acquisition and control system that can be tailored to meet
specific user requirements, manufactured by Honeywell. It can be a small system with just a handful
of devices, or it may be a highly complex system with hundreds of devices and several kinds of
communication networks interconnecting these devices. It can begin as a small system and be easily
expanded whenever the need arises. The basic architecture is shown in the figure.
The backbone of every TPS System is a communication network known as the Local Control
Network. The LCN directly links those devices that function as:

 Human Interface Device

 Interface to UNIX/X window devices
 File server, history storage, and analysis
 Extensive advanced control
 Interface between multiple LCNs
 Interface to computers
 Interface to process networks
 Interface to UCN distributed control


The TPS LCN architecture is illustrated in the figure. The devices associated with each function are
described immediately following the figure:

The devices connected directly to the local control network are called LCN modules.

1. Human Interface devices

Universal Station:

The US is the primary TPS human interface. It provides a single window to the entire system,
whether the data is resident in one of the LCN modules or in one of the devices on the UCN or
hiway. A single station can be used by an operator, by the process engineer and by the maintenance
technician to accomplish the different set of tasks for which each is responsible.

System and process operation functions include the following:

 Monitoring and manipulating continuous and discontinuous operations

 Annunciating and handling alarms
 Displaying and printing trends, logs, journals and reports
 Monitoring and controlling system status and diagnostics

Process engineering functions include the following:

 Network configuration
 Building the process database
 Building custom graphics
 Designing reports
 Preparing control language programs

Maintenance functions include the following:

 Diagnosing system problems
 Displaying and printing information required during troubleshooting

2. Mass data storage and analysis

History Module:

The HM, available with redundant drives in different storage capacities, makes possible storage of
and quick access to, large quantities of data such as:

 History of process alarms, operator changes, operator messages, system status

changes, system errors and system maintenance recommendations; also continuous
process history to support logs and trends.
 System files of all types, graphics and other data required anytime are reloaded
 Checkpoint data for
maintaining up-to-date
device setting in the event of
a device being taken out of
 On-process maintenance
information and analysis.

3. Extensive advanced control

Application module:

The AM permits the implementation of certain complex control calculations and strategies that may
not be practical or possible when using only process connected devices. A set of standard control
algorithms is included and custom algorithms and packages can be developed by using a process
engineer oriented control language (CL).

4. Interface to computers

Plant Network Module:

The PLNM provides an interface between the LCN and DEC VAX or Alpha AXP computers. The VAX
provides an environment where the user can develop, debug, and execute programs to perform
running complex calculations, process optimization, advanced custom report generation, long term
data storage, scheduling, and plant management.

5. Interfaces to Process Networks

Network Interface Module (NIM):

The NIM interconnects the LCN with the universal control network. The UCN integrates Honeywell’s
most advanced process connected devices into TPS. These products are discussed in the following

Hiway Gateway:

The HG interconnects Honeywell’s data hiway with the LCN, making the transition from the
transmission technique and protocol of the LCN to the transmission technique and protocol of the
hiway. It also provides other functions such as polling, alarm scanning, and time synchronization for
hiway based devices. The devices that can reside on the data hiway are discussed following the UCN
device discussion.

Programmable Logic Controller Gateways:

The PLC gateway (PLCG) and enhanced PLC gateway (EPLCG) provide an efficient LCN interface for
non-Honeywell programmable controllers. They do so by supporting the de-facto industry
subsystem protocols of Allen Bradley and modbus.


Designed to be compatible with IEEE and ISA standards, the UCN is a high speed, high security
process network. Its peer-to-peer communication capability allows for easy sharing of process data,
making it convenient to implement sophisticated control schemes involving more than one process
manager, advanced process manager, high performance process manager, logic manager, safety
manager, or any combination of these devices.

1. Process Manager

The process manager (PM) is a highly flexible data acquisition and control device that provides a
complete range of capabilities. It consists of a powerful control processor that performs regulatory,
logic, and sequencing functions, coupled with up to 40 selectable intelligent I/O processors. In
addition, separate communication and I/O interface processors assure high speed flow of
information both internal and external to the PM. The number and types of control functions to be
implemented, along with the processing rate, are configurable by the user. It is fully integrated with
smart transmitters and supports bidirectional digital communication.

2. Advanced Process Manager

The APM adds new functions and capacity to those available with the PM. It offers increased
integration of discrete control with the device control point. It also supports flexible subsystem
integration with the array point and the serial I/O processor. Also more number of flag and numeric
points than The PM are available.

3. High performance process manager

The high performance process manager (HPM) represents an evolution of the Process manager (PM)
and advanced process manger. Its dual 68040 platform offers a wide range of capabilities for present
and future process requirements. HPM control performance is significantly greater, with five times
the processing power of PM and APM. The HPM offers flexible I/O functions for both data
monitoring and control. Control functions, including regulatory, logic, and sequencing control are
provided for continuous, batch, sequencing, and hybrid applications. A toolbox of functions can be
configured and programmed to meet the needs of data acquisition and advanced control
requirements in a highly secure and performance intensive manner. HPMS capabilities include peer-
to-peer communications and compatibility with industry-standard communication protocols.

4. Logic manager (LM)

The logic manager (LM) integrates the power of high speed logic functions into the architecture of
the UCN. Its control processor is programmed using ladder logic, which is continuously and rapidly
executed as long as the control processor is in the run mode. A logic manager module provides the
interface for the rest of the TPS system to access a variety of data point types, and provides data to
be processed by the ladder logic program. Both serial and parallel I/O systems are available and each
can accommodate a wide variety of I/O modules.

Control Valves and Pressure safety valves are essential components of a refinery. They are
necessary for the proper and safe working of the plant and also essential for the safety of the
people working as it creates safe working conditions.

Sizing of the control valve and pressure safety valve is required for selection of the right type
of valve required as per the process. The selection of correct type of valve results in proper
working of the refinery and ads up to the safety of the work place and reduces the chances of
accidents which may cause a threat to the plant or life.

The proper procedure for sizing has been studied for both control valves and pressure safety

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