Guardians of The Anti-O9A Narrative
Guardians of The Anti-O9A Narrative
Guardians of The Anti-O9A Narrative
Herewith extracts from internet-exchanged messages, in September 2021, between ourselves and a well-travelled
journalist who over the years has extensively commented on the Order of Nine Angles (O9A).
Which extracts in our experience exemplify those who, knowingly or unknowingly, are guardians of the anti-O9A
narrative: fixed in their beliefs that the Order of Nine Angles is neo-nazi and a group, an organization, and not a
philosophy. Convinced that they are right and that "we" lie, deceive, are slippery, and that we condone and do "evil".
They seem unwilling or incapable - perhaps because of their prejudice and intolerance, or their belief in the ideology of
anti-fascism - of providing evidence from O9A texts for their claims; unwilling to even study O9A texts, and refusing to
answer, or ignoring, relevant questions such as "what is evil" and how can any government ban - outlaw - a
For publication we have corrected a few typos, omitted some comments - indicated by [...] - and added in square
brackets a few elucidations of meaning and also replaced a now dead-url.
The remarks by the journalist are indented and prefixed with the § symbol.
<begin quotations>
§ all u lot do is lie [...] you speak out the side of your neck [...] it's kind of cringe that someone who has
beliefs as dark as o9a are now trying some kind of pr offensive [...]
§ you literally are still pretending DM has nothing to do with o9a [...] let me guess, o9a is nothing to do with
those russians
1. No one in over 40 years has provided anything probative - any evidence admissible in a court of law - that DM is
Anton Long. All there is, is hearsay, personal opinion, propaganda, people making assumptions and committing
fallacies such as "argumentum ad populum" and "argumentum ad verecundiam". If you or anyone can provide
something probative, we'll change our view.
2. Since the O9A is an esoteric philosophy manifest as a modern sub-culture all we can say is that they "may" have
been influenced by their mis-interpretation(s) of that philosophy. Is Christianity - are the Gospels - responsible for a
priest committing sexual abuse?
§ same old lies [...] You're probably no one relevant within the org anyway [...]
You did not reply to any of the points I raised, presumably because of your certainty of belief - ideological or otherwise
- in regard to the O9A: that anyone who contradicts the "official" anti-fascist narrative about the O9A is "lying". Also,
for all you know I could be Anton Long himself..... At least I have studied everything he has written (1976-2012)
including the five novels of The Deofel [Quintet], and works by some of his seven students such as the 300 page "The
Seofonfeald Paeth" and the 159 page "The Esoteric Hermeticism Of The Order Of Nine Angles". Have you? Have any of
you who comment on and who criticize the O9A? But I forget, there is no need for you or them to do so because of your
certitude of knowing that such works are "lies" or PR or whatever [...]
§ I don't argue with people online it's a facile and pathetic endeavour. I don't really know what you're trying
to do here but do you realise O9A even names Myatt on
The o9a dot website is not the O9A, and presents only the personal view of Chloe. As you should know if you've studied
the O9A, it's a sub-culture and does not have and never has had and never can have an official spokesperson or leader
or representative. Ever read the O9A anarchic "Principle Of The Authority Of Individual Judgment"? So if Chloe believes
that Myatt=Long that's her personal opinion. There is I repeat nothing probative - not even presented by Chloe - to
prove Myatt=Long.
If it's "facile and pathetic" to respond to people on-line who disagree with you then isn't it also facile and pathetic to
post your opinions on-line and not meaningfully engage with those who disagree with your opinions? Just calling those
who disagree with you "liars" and "not relevant" and not responding, [not] engaging in a dialogue, in a rational,
civilized, manner seems to me to be facile.
§ There are several users who post on that site. It's only recently due to the see-through pr spin that Chloe
has mostly taken over and presented it as her own ramblings [...] Why did Richard Moult paint this image of
Myatt with an o9a symbol?
But o9a dot org is her site - she's the admin - and posts from others what she wants. Comments on posted articles are
closed. Fact is, it's not an "official" O9A site. There is not and cannot be such an entity. As for the Moult portrait, who
knows why, except possibly Moult himself, and anyway it's not the O9A sigil, there are subtle differences which no one
seems to have noticed
§ So, David Myatt is referenced by many O9A followers, Richard Moult painted him next to a sigil that is
ALMOST identical to the O9A one, Myatt writes very similar ideas to AL, Myatt likes duelling as does AL, Myatt
and AL have a similar writing style (excessive hyphens), and O9A as well as Myatt has a very close
fascination with Nazi Germany. Do you not think this is at the very least incredible suspicious? You seem like
an intelligent guy. Surely you can see why people would surmise that DM is AL
I understand why people make and have made the assumption that DM=AL, but there remains nothing probative to
prove it, and it's become almost an urban legend with people committing the fallacies of argumentum ad verecundiam
and especially argumentum ad populum. Also, as [Sieg] wrote, there are differences in writing styles, and Myatt did not
have a "fascination" with The Third Reich; he was for thirty years a dedicated National Socialist and wanted to help
create an NS society in the UK and elsewhere [...]
As for Long, he emphasised again and again in his writings that he considered NS as a useful and antinomian "form" or
belief - see his 1990s "Satanic Letters" for example.
§ [The above image is] from the O9A booklet "Explaining the Acausal and Esoteric Theory"
As for your quote from an O9A text, it proves nothing: Myatt himself has written about people borrowing and using his
ideas like the "star game" and his theory of the acausal. As a life-long supporter of copyleft he doesn't mind. I think he
mentions it in
§ I believe you know as well as I do that DM is AL [...] How long have you been O9A?
In my working world, to "know" is to have evidence - if possible several pieces of evidence - that is/are probative, for
that is being fair and not presumptive. Thus I personally do not "know" and thus do not declare that DM=AL and, for
me, that is being fair.
Most anti-O9A'ers I have encountered, in person or otherwise, seem to be unfair because they do not give DM the
benefit of the doubt: innocent until proven guilty by reason of some evidence or by many pieces of evidence that are
probative. Call me old fashioned, but that is "playing cricket" in my book.
To answer your question: I have been following, or rather seeking to follow, my individual interpretation of the O9A
"seven fold way" for over a decade. Which personal interpretation is "sans" the occult rituals and the satanism and the
"establish your own nexion/Temple" of the early stages [as prescribed in Naos]. From what I know, this type of
interpretation is not that uncommon at least in Europe. Which individual interpretation is encouraged since it is part of
O9A philosophy.
§ It's not proof but there's strong evidence DM is AL. There's more proof that he is than isn't. Also, you're
talking as if O9A--a group that is extremely deceptive and promotes actual evil--should be dealt with fairly in
the very society you alleged to despise and see yourselves as elite to. Why would you even care?
1. What is "evidence" and proof? In my world, they are something quite specific and relate to fairness and ultimately to
being civilized and thus to being rational and not to being influenced by emotion.
2. According to my decade or more of study the O9A is not a group but an esoteric or Occult philosophy which, to use
an O9A term, is presenced as a sub-culture. How can a sub-culture be deceptive? In addition and again according to
my decade or more of study it does not promote actual "evil", only some things that are or may be heretical or
antinomian or subversive in our current Western societies. We might and should ask what is evil? Is evil an apposite
translation of the Greek term κακός? Is φιλοσώματος "le vice suprȇme"?
3. O9A philosophy does not promote rape, misogyny, or child exploitation, or similar dishonourable things. "We" have
for years asked anyone to show us where in the writings of Anton Long (1976-2012) he promotes such things. No one
has done so. We have also asked where in the writings of his actual personally taught students, such as [in] "The
Seofonfeald Paeth" and "The Esoteric Hermeticism Of The Order Of Nine Angles" do they promote such things. It is only
since the FBI campaign, via a Confidential Informant paid over 100,000 US dollars since 2018, to discredit the O9A that
such deeds have been (mis)attributed to the O9A. That CI also set up a publishing company funded by the FBI to
distribute books which incited such dishonourable things.
§ Typical O9A slipperiness, using your own semantics to avoid the very realities of what is taught in Naos and
many other texts. I'm the only reporter that engages fairly with you lot and you always try to pull this big
brained shit it's boring and shows the cowardice of many Niners now that governments are talking about
applying the terror listing to the org.
So, according to you, asking for evidence that is probative is "typical O9A slipperiness," and that I am, according to
you, using semantics to deny what you and many others now obviously believe about the O9A rather than trying to
rationally present what Anton Long wrote about between 1976 and 2012?
In other words, you have your view about the O9A and refuse to even consider that such a view might be mistaken. Is
that not being prejudicial?
Also, where in Naos - or any Anton Long text - is there any mention of doing what the FBI informant wrote about and
incited people to do? Do please inform me where [Anton Long] incites sexual abuse, misogyny, and rape. Have you
read his novel The Giving where someone who does do such things becomes an opfer. Have you read the pro-Sapphic
(pro-Lesbian) novel "Breaking The Silence Down" which is part of the O9A Deofel Quintet?
How can any government ban a philosophy? A sub-culture? Is Naos a terrorist document? Does it incite terrorism? Are
"The Seofonfeald Paeth" and "The Esoteric Hermeticism Of The Order Of Nine Angles" terrorist documents? Do they
incite terrorism. Have you read them?
§ So by your logic, Naos doesn't say X and therefore if someone is influenced by it then it's nothing to do with
O9A, but at the same time when actual O9A leaflets name Myatt that can be explained away easily [...] Myatt
also said "i have no desire to give satanism a good name, on the contrary i wish for it to be seen as really
1. In respect of Naos, what I wrote was asking you where in that text does it promote or incite what the FBI agent
provocateur promoted and incited. You did not answer that question. So, if someone was influenced by Naos, they were
influenced by what was written therein, namely O9A esoteric philosophy as described by Anton Long. Which means
they were influenced by Anton Long.
2. Insofar as "leaflets/texts naming Myatt" are concerned, what someone - whether describing themselves as O9A or
not - wrote about Myatt is their personal opinion, not the opinion of some non-existent group termed "the Order of Nine
Angles", which is an esoteric philosophy, and as I wrote previously has as a foundational principle The Authority Of
Individual Judgment. Therefore what is so written [in such leaflets/texts] is not probative in the matter of Myatt=Long.
Now, you can describe such answers of mine as "slippery", as "deceptive", and as "employing semantics", but that
does [not], for the sagacious at least, change the fact that you keep evading my questions, such as (i) providing
definite proof - something probative - in the matter of Myatt=Long, and (ii) where in the corpus of texts authored by
Anton Long - whomsoever he is or they are - does he or they promote or incite what the FBI agent provocateur
promoted and incited, and which things promoted and incited by that well-paid agent provocateur are the basis for the
post-2018 anti-fascist anti-O9A campaign. Which campaign you seem to me to be [a] guardian of.
3. As for the quotation you gave - "I have no desire to give satanism a good name..." - that was not written by Myatt
but by Stephen Brown/Anton Long, whomsoever he or they are or were. Again, you have provided nothing probative in
the matter of Myatt=Long, so I can only assume you so unwaveringly believe that Myatt=Long that you, as the
propagandists of the anti-O9A campaign often do, use the names interchangeably.
What is expounded - "taught" - in Naos, in the O9A Deofel Quintet, in other Anton Long texts, in later texts such as
"The Seofonfeald Paeth" and "The Esoteric Hermeticism Of The Order Of Nine Angles", is an esoteric philosophy
manifest in a practical manner in the O9A Seven Fold Way, a way well-described in "The Seofonfeald Paeth". Nowhere
in such texts is there any promotion of and/or incitement regarding misogyny, rape, or sexual abuse of any kind.
What there is, is promotion of an esoteric, hermetic, philosophy or way of living, and of National Socialism, of holocaust
revisionism, of anarchy, and of satanism and occultism, as personal and short-lived (c.12-18 months) antinomian -
heretical - learning experiences, which learning or liberating or cathartic experiences have been likened, by a non-o9a
and American source, to "a covert internship".
§ This is starting to sound like the same argument communists use when you point out how it’s always led to
ruin, that is "it wasn’t real communism!" Feels like any O9A interpretation that doesn’t tally with your beliefs
"isn’t real O9A", yet based on your own argument no one can say what interpretation is right or wrong. Also,
Sutter, as much of a rat as he is, was not an FBI agent, he was an FBI informant. Big difference. No need to
get carried away. At least you accept O9A is NatSoc though. I've spoke to some Niners who don't even admit
that [...]
What is the foundation of the O9A are the 1976-2012 writings of Anton Long, which do not promote what you and other
anti-fascists seem, since 2018, to believe. Sure, people can have different interpretations - or misinterpretations of
O9A esoteric philosophy - but the fundamental principles remain the same or it isn't O9A philosophy. I, and what was
called the O9A Old Guard (OG) or Inner O9A, belong to a tradition taught person to person, not acquired by reading
stuff on the internet or in books, and which tradition has core principles and can only be fully experienced through a
living of its ethos. This was understood by many beyond the OG: see for example [A Confusion In Great Numbers, in]
In respect of the current Aeon, yes the O9A in ethos represents what NS sought to represent: see the chapter "O9A -
Toward A New Aeon" in the 2021 compilation "Discovering The Order Of Nine Angles" and the Preface to "The Truth
About The O9A" where Kαλὸς Kἀγαθός is mentioned in relation to the question of why an FBI anti-O9A campaign. If
you want I can supply URL's for those items.
Now, we can debate whether Sutter was just a CI or an actual agent provocateur, but paying him around 100,000 US
dollars since 2018 seems to suggest to me and others that he wasn't just a CI especially as the publishing company
run by him and his wife was set up and paid for by the FBI: no one who works part-time in some memorabilia store and
lives in a trailer can afford to produce the quantity and quality of items that their publishing company did. Our info is
that he was just a CI before 2018 and was during that time paid a pittance for info. Things changed late 2017 when
whoever was behind the FBI anti-o9a smear campaign was given "the green light".
Notice that, in reference to NS, I wrote "O9A in ethos" and "what NS sought to represent". I was not writing about
"politics" - modern "neo-nazism" for example - and not about what The Third Reich did. The ethos of Kαλὸς Kἀγαθός -
as an ideal - may have inspired some German and European National Socialists between 1933 and 1945, many of
whom were SS, such as Degrelle and Per Sorensen, but the ethos was not implemented for a variety of reasons. These
are of course subtle distinctions which the illiterati and anti-fascist ideologists do not seem to appreciate. One specific
O9A Insight Role - one covert internship, among many suggested - does of course involve modern "neo-nazism" but
that is only or can be a personal, time-limited, learning experience along the decades-long O9A Seven Fold Way. That
some confuse such a suggested learning experience with the actual Aeonic ethos of the O9A "we" find rather amusing.
<end quotations>
A Reasoned Response
As a result of discovering that "we" had posted a first draft of these extracts on an open access website, the journalist
in question banned us from sending him further messages after sending us this brief message,
followed by two other brief messages which contained profanities one of which messages read:
§ "print screen this: support popular front you **** house."
It should be noted that according to a report by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue - a non-governmental organization
(NGO) - "experts dispute that the O9A is a group which makes banning the O9A complicated." {1}
According to a Guardian Of The Anti-O9A Narrative, "our side of the story" is a lie and our attempts to circulate it is just
PR. Our asking for something probative to prove that DM=AL is us "pretending", and us lying, and "typical O9A
Note the sneering attitude - "no one relevant" - and the clinging to the fantasy that the O9A is an actual organization
not a sub-culture, not a philosophy. Note also that the journalist did not provide anything probative in regard to Myatt
being Anton Long, and did not answer questions relating to the fact that nowhere in the corpus written by Anton Long
between 1976 and 2012 - and nowhere in texts such as The Seofonfeald Paeth {2} written by his students - does he or
they promote or incite the things that an FBI agent provocateur promoted and incited, which things are the basis for
the post-2018 anti-fascist, anti-O9A, crusade/campaign.
QED: regarding just how biased, prejudiced, those promoting the official, now State-sponsored, {3} anti-O9A narrative
TWS Nexion
September 2021 ev
v. 1.07
{1} Amazon's algorithms, conspiracy theories and extremist literature, April 2021.
content/uploads/2021/04/Amazon-1.pdf [Accessed September 2021]
{3} In respect of State-sponsorship, qv. The FBI Anti-O9A Disinformation Campaign below.
Prejudice is "preconceived opinion not based on reason or actual experience; bias, partiality; unreasoned dislike,
hostility; an unreasoning preference or objection; a preliminary or anticipatory judgement." Propaganda is "the
systematic dissemination of information, especially in a biased or misleading way, in order to promote a political cause
or point of view." {1}
The propaganda about the Order of Nine Angles (O9A) written and distributed since 2018 - especially the propaganda
of a political advocacy group - is riddled with errors and logical fallacies, and reveals an astonishing lack of knowledge
about the O9A; {2} a lack which is deliberate, arising from hatred and prejudice; or arising because of an ideological
desire to spread propaganda about a declared enemy, or due to fallacious reasoning because of a lack of sagacity.
In respect of the O9A (Order of Nine Angles), a reading of the "O9A" section of a 2019 report issued by a particular
anti-fascist organisation is sufficient to (i) reveal that they are spreading disinformation and propaganda, and/or (ii)
reveal their ignorance about the O9A, and/or (iii) reveal their prejudice. A revealing evident in their subsequent
writings about the O9A.
Why prejudiced? To write or to speak about a matter or about a person or about a group in a reasonable, non-
prejudiced way, is to have actual experience of the matter, person or group, or to be probative regarding the matter,
person or group: that is, to have actual proof or evidence which validates what is written or said. Valid evidence would
be evidence from primary O9A source material {2} and placed into the context of the O9A corpus thus avoiding the
common errors of the fallacy of secundum quid et simpliciter, the fallacy of argumentum ad verecundiam, and the
fallacy of Incomplete Evidence, fallacies which some academics commit {3}{4} and which propagandists invariably
commit either deliberately or out of ignorance.
In the matter of the O9A, the anti-fascists in question have no actual proof or evidence from primary sources which
validates what they have written about the O9A. When they do quote O9A material or
alleged O9A material they provide no references to the text, printed or on-line; do not give the author of the original
material; often misattribute the quote, and fail to provide context (vis-a-vis the O9A corpus) and thus, either
propagandistically or due to ignorance, commit the fallacy of illicit transference. {5}
Thus most of the O9A corpus is ignored, since a study of that corpus (i) would have contradicted their claim that the
O9A is neo-nazi, {6}{7} (ii) revealed the context for suggested Insight Roles, which context is that they are a short
part of the third stage of the decades long Seven Fold Way; (iii) revealed the fundamental O9A principle of individual
authority, {8} and (iv) contradicted their claim that the O9A encourage misogyny and rape. {9}
° In the same report the propagandist commits the fallacy of secundum quid et simpliciter. Which is the use of
particular individual cases to form a general rule to then use that rule to describe, and thence to blame, or to
castigate, or to defame a whole group. In many instances this involves quoting from material authored by some of
those who associate themselves with the O9A subculture.
° In the 2020 report the propagandist commits the fallacy of argumentum ad verecundiam –
argument from authority – by repeating what certain others have said or written about the O9A, with it being obvious
from the errors made in that and in the 2019 report and from the committal of the foregoing two other fallacies, that
the propagandist is not an authority on the subject of O9A esoteric theory and praxises.
° In both reports the propagandist commits a fallacy of presumption by making conclusions based on their assumptions
and claims; in addition to which the author provides no evidence – nothing probative, admissible in a Court of Law – for
their assumptions and claims, such as in the matter of the assumption that Mr Myatt is Anton Long, and which
assumptions and claims often derive from the foregoing three fallacies.
The propagandistic nature of the reports can thus be seen, for the biased and misleading information they contain has
been systematically disseminated in order to promote a political cause.
TWS Nexion
March 2020 ev
{1} The definitions are taken from the complete Oxford English Dictionary, second edition (20 volumes), Oxford
University Press, 1989.
{2} An esoteric understanding of the O9A is given in the 300 page Seofonfeald Paeth trilogy, which is available at
To date, the O9A corpus amounts to over 5,000 pages of written material. As noted in an academic paper presented at
the international conference, Satanism in the Modern World, held at the Norwegian University of Science and
Technology in Trondheim on the 19-20th of November, 2009,
"the ONA has produced more material on both the practical and theoretical aspects of magic, as well as more
ideological texts on Satanism and the Left-Hand Path in general, than larger groups such as the Church of
Satan and the Temple of Set has produced in combination [which] makes the ONA an important player in the
theoretical discussion of what the Left-Hand Path and Satanism is and should be according to the
practitioners." Archive source:
{3} A classic example of the fallacy of illicit transference - arguing from the particular to the general - is the 2017
essay about the O9A by Della E. Campion of the University of Washington. See
{4} A classic example of argumentum ad verecundiam – the fallacy of appeal to authority – is the section on the O9A
by Massimo Introvigne in his Satanism: A Social History published in 2016. He relies on the opinions about the O9A by
other authors, such as Goodrick-Clarke and Senholt.
He also commits another common fallacy, that of illicit transference, by arguing from the particular to the general,
referencing one O9A item and then claiming that the opinion of the author in that item represents the opinion of the
O9A. As we note later on in respect of the principle of the authority of individual judgment, no author, no individual, no
nexion, can present or represent the view or the opinion of the entity termed the Order of Nine Angles.
{5} Examples of their misattribution and their committal of logical fallacies are given in
{6} See the chapter The Alleged National Socialism Of The O9A in The Seofonfeald Paeth trilogy.
The article quotes from letters by Anton Long sent to Michael Aquino and others in the early 1990s, letters which were
published in 1992.
{7} See also Order Of Nine Angles: The Deofel Quintet, included in Seofonfeald Paeth trilogy, where it is explained that
The Deofel Quintet (written between 1976 and the early 1990's) places the neo-nazism aspect into the necessary
esoteric perspective, for the novels of the Deofel Quintet are non-political.
{8} The principle is explained in the two articles Authority, Learning, and Culture, In O9A Tradition (written in 2013)
and The Authority Of Individual Judgement: Interpretation And Meaning (written in 2014). Both articles are included in
The Seofonfeald Paeth trilogy,
The axiom of the authority of individual judgement means that each O9A person, nexion, group, or cell, are – with one
important exception, which is the O9A Code Of Honour – free to develop their own interpretation of everything O9A,
free to develop and change everything O9A, and that there is no authority above the individual, or beyond each group
or collective of groups. No O9A leader, no outer (or inner) 'representative', no council, no 'old guard', who can make
pronouncements about or declare what is or is not correct. No 'official' or 'genuine' O9A; no 'heresy'; no proscription of
individuals or groups. Furthermore, no consensus is necessary or required among those who are or who associate with
the O9A, although naturally a particular O9A nexion may have or arrive at a particular internal consensus and thus
presence a particular interpretation of matters O9A.
{9} The O9A consider rapists as suitable candidates for culling: see for example the text Culling And The Code of
Kindred Honour (written 2015) available at
The pro-Sapphic novel Breaking The Silence Down – written in 1985 and part of The Deofel Quintet,
/download/breaking_the_silence_down-v1-1/breaking_the_silence_down-v1-1.pdf – and the essay The Anti-Patriarchal
O9A Ethos – written in 2017 and included in
2017-v5b-1.pdf – reveals the O9A attitude toward women.
Since 2018 the Order Of Nine Angles (O9A, ONA, Omega9Alpha, ω9α) has been misrepresented and lied about by
various political "special interest" (often anti-fascist) groups, by various politicians, by posts on social-media and by
postings on the internet in general; by various journalists and newspapers - in both printed and digital format - and by
The Media in general.
This misrepresentation and these lies were, in whole or in part, the result of an FBI disinformation campaign - Pys Op -
against the O9A and a certain neo-nazi group and which campaign involved an individual who - as a Confidential
Informant and agent provocateur - was paid almost 100,000 US dollars between 2018 and 2020 {1}. The success of
this campaign can be judged by the number of groups and the large number of people (politicians and journalists
included) who believed and who then propagated the misinformation and lies about the O9A without bothering to do
their own detailed research into the O9A using readily available O9A texts such as The Deofel Quintet, {2} The
Seofonfeald Paeth, {3} and The Esoteric Hermeticism Of The Order Of Nine Angles {4}.
The FBI Pys Op involved the Confidential Informant (CI) and his wife: (i) writing and publishing articles and books about
or said to be inspired by the Order of Nine Angles and by the National Socialism of The Third Reich, and (ii) persuading
- in person or by written or digital or telephonic communications - other persons, often young men, that certain
dishonourable and criminal deeds were acceptable according to the principles of the O9A and the National Socialism of
The Third Reich, and (iii) inciting these others to undertake such dishonourable and criminal (sometimes terrorist)
deeds, with the result that several "susceptible young men" {5} committed such dishonourable and criminal
(sometimes terrorist) deeds, and were arrested, tried in courts of law, found guilty and usually imprisoned, and in
many of which criminal trials the defendants were said, by prosecuting counsel, to be inspired by or influenced by the
O9A or to have possessed O9A literature or were actual members of a "neo-nazi" Satanic group known as the Order of
Nine Angles.
As a consequence of such trials, various political "special interest" (often anti-fascist) groups, various politicians, and
sundry journalists and Media commentators, believed and propagated their belief that such convicted individuals were
inspired by or influenced by the O9A or were actual members of an organization known as the Order of Nine Angles.
None of which groups, politicians, journalists or Media commentators bothered to research the O9A for themselves and
so discover the truth that the Order of Nine Angles was an esoteric tradition or philosophy, {6} not an organization
with members, and was neither "neo-nazi" nor "satanist" but used such causal abstractions, such beliefs, (i) in an
heretical, antinomian, way as esoteric personal learning experiences, {7} and (ii) in an Aeonic way, as defiance of the
Magian ethos. {8}
Prejudiced Or Gullible?
This belief by so many in, and the propagation by them of, such manufactured - State-sponsored - lies and
disinformation about the O9A, together with their failure to present the O9A side of the story which a detailed research
into the O9A using O9A texts would have discovered, compels us to ask whether such believers in and propagandists
of such lies and disinformation were gullible or just prejudiced.
° Prejudiced, because their political or ideological or personal beliefs dispose them to hate and be intolerant of anyone
or any group described by them or labelled by others as "neo-nazi" or "satanist" which group and/or person or persons
they believe deserve to be hated, deserve at best to be lampooned and at worst to be criminalized, subject to
persecution by the Media and the police, have their writings or literature banned, be shunned by "all right-minded
people", and if they are individuals be removed from their employment.
For such hatred and prejudice dispose them to believe that anyone who dares to contradict the lies and disinformation
spread about the O9A is lying, or being dishonest, or trying to "satanically" deceive them and others. Thus they, these
prejudiced hateful, and hypocritical ones - who speak and who write of "hope" and tolerance while themselves being
hateful and prejudiced - believe they have no need to spend time to find, let alone consider, "the O9A side of the
° Gullible, because they trust some politician(s), and/or The State, and/or the FBI, or what The Media wrote or said, or
what some journalist wrote or said, or what some academic or some "special interest group" or some affidavit or some
prosecuting counsel declared. In their trust, their gullibility, they also believe they have no need to find, let alone
consider, "the O9A side of the story".
It is therefore understandable, at least to us as well as being a sad indictment on our modern times, that no one -
politician, journalist, academic, Media commentator, or any member of a political "special interest group" - has taken
the time and effort to discover the truth about the Order of Nine Angles.
TWS Nexion
September 2021 ev
Falcifer -
{3} The 300 page book The Seofonfeald Paeth is available at
{5} In a recent case In England, Judge Spencer stated that the defendant was "highly susceptible to recruitment by
other like-minded individuals."
{6} In 2013, Professor Connell Monette stated that the O9A "is not a structured lodge or temple, but rather a
movement, a subculture or perhaps metaculture that its adherents choose to embody or identify with". Mysticism in
the 21st Century, Sirius Academic Press, p.89. A copy of the chapter on the O9A is available at
This truth about the O9A has been explained multiple times in O9A texts both before and after 2018.
(i) The 2014 text The Authority Of Individual Judgement: Interpretation And Meaning in The Seofonfeald
Paeth, available at
(iii) The Sinister Tradition In The Real World in Omega9Alpha: Episteme, available at
(iv) Discovering Nexion Zero: The Occult Phantom Menace, available at