Mobile Phone Bus Time App: by Brendan Hegarty
Mobile Phone Bus Time App: by Brendan Hegarty
Mobile Phone Bus Time App: by Brendan Hegarty
Brendan Hegarty
“Solving big problems is easier than solving little problems.”
School of Computer Science and Statistics
O’Reilly Institute, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland
by Brendan Hegarty
The aim of this project was to investigate the use of Android and computer vision
together by developing an Android application which made use of computer vision.
The specific function of the application was to allow a Dublin Bus passenger to take a
picture of the stop sign containing the stop number and then quickly fetch the real time
information for that bus stop.
The technologies used in this project are the Android Software Development Kit (SDK)
and OpenCV. The Android SDK is used to take care of general Android application
development and OpenCV is a computer vision library which is used for the image
I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Kenneth Dawson-Howe, for giving me the
opportunity to undertake this project. His constant support and guidance was an in-
valuable resource throughout the project.
I would also like to thank my friends and classmates for all the help and support they
have given me during this project and over the past four years.
Finally I would like to thank my parents, Colm and Susan, who have been great to me
throughout my whole life, and without whom none of this would have been possible.
Declaration of Authorship i
Abstract iii
Acknowledgements iv
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Aims . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 Project Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.4 Overview of Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2 Background 4
2.1 Android . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.1 History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.1.2 Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Computer Vision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 OpenCV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.4 OpenCV4Android . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.5 Optical Character Recognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.6 Tesseract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4 Future Work 22
4.1 GPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.2 City Center Signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.3 Luas/DART Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
5 Conclusion 25
Bibliography 26
2.1 Number of app downloads from Google Play from August 2010 to July
2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Distribution of Android versions throughout the world between December
2009 and March 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Number of OpenCV downloads from 15/3/2001 until 31/3/2015 . . . . . 7
2.4 Number of OpenCV4Android downloads from 1/1/2012 until 31/3/2015 . 9
4.1 Two different types of stop signs: the ones found in the suburbs (left),
and the one found in the city centre (right) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Chapter 1
This chapter will outline the aims and motivation behind the project and a general
overview of both the project itself and this report.
1.1 Aims
The aim of this project was to investigate OpenCV4Android, which is a relatively new
technology. This is an Android port of computer vision libraries to do image manipula-
1.2 Motivation
A lot of modern research goes into maximizing connection speeds in developed countries
so that
In public transportation systems all over the world, there exists signs to signify where
passengers can get on or off. Whilst these signs exists everywhere, they have very
little use as other than when someone new to that system (people who recently moved
residence, tourists, etc.) needs them to tell whether they have reached their destination
yet or not.
In cases where there exists a Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) system, informa-
tion could be read from these signs, which could then be used to obtain the real time
information for the passenger. Nowadays, more and more people carry smartphones
with them wherever they go, so developing an application which would do this is quite
Computer Vision has many techniques which allows this to be possible. Even moreso
now because it is now possible to use Computer Vision techniques in both Android and
iOS applications.
For this particular project I looked at the real time information for Dublin Bus. Dublin
Bus have real time information for all of its stops in Dublin. In the city center, it even
has a digital display at most stops which displays this for passengers.
However, outside of the city there exists no such displays, and if passengers would like
to know when the next bus is coming, they would have to open up the Dublin Bus app,
go to the relevant search option, and input the route number or stop number. This can
take a while as, depending on what the passenger does, the Dublin Bus app could end
up making multiple calls to the Dublin Bus API.
I created an Android application which would allow the passenger to simply take a
picture of the Dublin Bus stop sign, and the application would read the stop number
from it and fetch the real time information. Once it reads the stop number from the
image, it makes a call to the Dublin Bus API which returns the information for that stop.
This returned information gets parsed and the relevant bus stop details are presented
to the passenger in a simple table.
The next chapter will describe the different technologies used for this project. It will
also talk about similar apps like this on the market.
Then, Chapter 3 will talk about design choices for each step of the application and how
each of these steps work with each other.
Chapter 4 will briefly describe some possiblities for future development of the application,
including possible features that it is currently lacking.
Finally, there will be a ‘Conclusion’ chapter which will summarise the results of my
project and what I was able to achieve from doing it.
Chapter 2
In this chapter I will talk about the technologies required to create the application for
which this report is about, specifically about Android development itself, and libraries
required for computer vision.
2.1 Android
In terms of this project, Android refers to the mobile operating system which is developed
by Google and is based on the Linux Kernel. Its main use is for touchscreen mobile
devices such as smartphones and tablets, but it can also be used to make specialised
user interfaces for televisions and wrist watches.
In July 2013, the Google Play store hit the one million mark for the number Android
applications published, with over 50 billion downloadeds of these apps (see figure 2.1).[1]
In 2014, Google announced that there were over one billion active monthly Android users,
which is approximately double what it was the previous year.[2]
Google have released Android’s source code under open source licenses, which means
that it is free for everybody to access. This has resulted in a larger community of devel-
opers using the open-source code code as a foundation for community-driven projects.
Android’s success has gotten it involved with the “smartphone wars” between technology
2.1.1 History
The Android operating system originally started its life with Android, Inc., which was
a small company founded by Andy Rubin, Rich Miney, Nick Sears, and Chris White,
Figure 2.1: Number of app downloads from Google Play from August 2010 to July
in October 2003. The company’s original aims where to make an advanced operating
system for digital cameras to help improve the connection between cameras and PCs.[3]
Despite the fact that the founders of Android, Inc. had been very successful in the past,
they decided to operate the company in secret, only saying that they were working on
software for mobile phones.
In August 2005, Google bought Android, Inc. with a number of the original founders
staying with the company. Rubin then led a team which developed a mobile device
platform using the Linux Kernel. Later, towards the end of 2007, Android was finally
unveiled by the Open Handset Alliance[4], with the first smartphone running Android
being the HTC Dream which was released the following year.
There have been many updates to Android since its release in 2008, both for bug fixes
and for the addition of new features. So far there have been 10 major versions of Android,
with the latest one being Android 5.0 “Lollipop”. Figure 2.2 shows the distribution of
Android versions being used at a given point between December 2009 and March 2015.
Every major version of Android has been named in alphabetical order after a dessert or
sugary treat.
2.1.2 Development
The development of Android versions and updates are done in private by the team at
Google. It is only when it is ready to be release to the public that the source code is
Figure 2.2: Distribution of Android versions throughout the world between December
2009 and March 2015
made available to the public. Google aims to have a major update to Android every six
to nine months.
However, depending on the device in question updates can be slow to reach it. Being
Google’s own product and the flagship device for Android, the Nexus brand of phone
and tablet receive updates as soon as they are released. For other brands, it can take a
couple of months until the update is available. The reasoning for this is that there can
be an extensive variation in hardware between different Android devices, so each update
needs to be tailored for that device.
The kernel used by Android is based on the Linux kernel’s long-term support branches,
generally being either version 3.4 or 3.10. The kerner version varies depending on the
actual Android device.
Computer vision is concerned with the automatic extraction, analysis and understand-
ing of useful information from either a single image, or a sequence of images. It involves
the development of a theoretical and algorithmic basis to achieve automatic visual un-
derstanding. The goal of computer vision is to model, replicate, and exceed human
vision using computer software and hardware at different levels. It is concerned with
the theory behind artificial systems that extract information from images, which can
take many forms such as video sequences or views from multiple cameras.
The first attempt to solve the problem of computer vision was made by Seymour Papert
in MIT.[5] It was believed that it would be a relatively easy problem to solve so this
first attempt was referred to as “The Summer Vision Project” which took place during
the summer of 1966. The aim of this project was to develop a vision system that
would dividea a vidisector picture into multiple regions such as likely objects and likely
background areas.
Unfortunately this project wasn’t as successful as everybody thought it would have been.
The reason for this is that computer vision is a lot more complicated that everybody
thought it would be. The human visual system is a very complex system. According
to cognitive research the human brain is devoting between 40-70% of its capacity into
processing the visual signal that it receives from the eye.
People spent the next few decades trying to solve all the problems which they were being
faced with. It wasn’t until the 1990’s that real progress was made. Suddenly there were
many methods being proposed for these computer vision problems and what we know
to be modern computer vision was born.
2.3 OpenCV
OpenCV is an open source computer vision and machine learning library. It is free
for use under the open-source BSD license. The OpenCV library currently has over
2,500 optimized algorithms, which includes sets of state-of-the-art computer vision and
machine learning algorithms. It is used by over 47,000 people and has approximately
6.23 millions downloads since it was released in 2001 (see figure 2.3).
OpenCV sees use from companies of all sorts, ranging from well-established companies
like Google, Intel, Microsoft and IBM, to many startups like VideoSurf, Applied Minds,
and Zeitera. Research groups and government bodies also make extensive of OpenCV.
The OpenCV project began its life in 1999 as an Intel Research initiative to advance
CPU-intensive applications. It was part of a series of projects including real-time ray
tracing and 3D display walls.
The library is written in C++, with its primary interface being for C++ and C. It
also contains interfaces for Java, Python and MATLAB. It currently has support for
Windows, Android, Linux, OS X, iOS, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Maemo and Blackberry 10.
The first alpha version was released at the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition in June of 2000. It then went through five beta test periods between
2001 and 2005, with the first 1.0 version being released in 2006. Willow Garage, a
robotics research lab and technology incubator, began to support OpenCV in 2008
meaning it was under active deployment again. A verion 1.1 “pre-release” was then
released in October 2008.
2009 saw the second major release of OpenCV. This included major changes to the C++
interface which added some new implementations and the improvement of existing ones.
Development of the libraries is now taken care of by a Russian team who push for official
releases every six months or so. A non-profit organisation known as took
over support of the OpenCV project in August 2012 and currently maintain both a
developer and user site for the library.
2.4 OpenCV4Android
OpenCV4Android is the name given to the Android port of OpenCV. In 2010 Ethan
Rublee, a member of Willow Garage, developed the first build of the Android port. This
first “alpha” version was not available to the public however. In June of 2011, NVIDIA
began to support this new project. The OpenCV Android port was greatly improved
upon with this new support, including the addition of full camera support.
The port was ready to be entered into its first beta test period that July. During this
period, a number of more improvements were made. The Android Java API was made
for OpenCV meaning that approximately 330 OpenCV functions could now be used
inside an application. August of the same year saw the Android port’s second beta test
period. This brought the number of OpenCV functions that could be used up to 700,
included some bug fixes and included OpenCV native camera support to more Android
April 2012 saw the first full release of OpenCV4Android. Since it’s release the Android
port has seen 7 minor updates, with the last of these being in November 2013. Each
of these updates were for minor issues such as bugs, adding camera support for more
Android devices, etc.
Since 2012 there have been over 370,000 downloads of OpenCV4Android. As popularity
of Android increases, so does the interest in developing applications with computer
Optical character recognition (OCR) is the process of converting images containing text
into machine-encoded text. It’s main use is as a form of data entry from printed records
to that they may be edited electronically, searched, and stored more compactly. OCR
is a field of research in pattern recognition, artifical intelligence and computer vision.
Optical character recognition can be traced back to the early 20th century. Since then,
there has existed OCR technologies for use with telegraphy and for creating reading
devices for the blind.[6]
Back in 1914 a Russian physicist and inventor by the name of Emanuel Goldberg devel-
oped a machine which could read text and convert the characters into standard telegraph
code. During the late 1920s and early 1930s he was developing a machine which could
be used to search microfilm archives using an optical code recognition system.
2.6 Tesseract
There exists a large number of OCR engines today. The one being used for this project
is known as Tesseract. Tesseract is a free software that is released under the Apache
License, Version 2.0. Since 2006, Google have sponsored its development. The reason I
chose this was because Tesseract is generally considered to be the most accurate open
source OCR engine currently available.[7]
Tesseract started off life as proprietary software at Hewlett Packard labs during the mid
1980s, with it being finished in 1994. Between then and 1998 it had gone through some
improvements including a port to Windows, and migration from C to C++. It then
stayed in that state for nearly a decade until it was released as open source in 2005.
2.7 Conclusion
This chapter will outline design choices and how I implemented the application. First I
will talk about the development of the Android application itself, then I will move onto
individual techniques used for different parts of it.
The development of Android applications is done using the Android Software Devel-
opment Kit (SDK). This SDK comes with all the necessary development tools needed,
including all the relevant libraries, a debugger and an Android emulator. The main
platforms which are currently supported for development or Android are any modern
desktop Linux distribution, Windows XP or later, and Mac OS X 10.5.8 or later.
The languages used in Android development are Java and XML. The entire back-end
functionality, including the use of the computer vision libraries, is done in Java. XML is
used for both the front-end design & layout of the pages, and for the general configuration
of the application.
This is a very basic activity which acts as a landing page. It is what gets displayed when
the user first opens the app. When the user selects the Take Picture button, the activity
will launch a behind-the-scenes activity which loads the default camera and saves the
resulting picture. After this, it will return to the main activity with the result image.
This will then call the camera result activity and the image will then get passed into it.
As I mentioned previously, this activity gets launched after the user takes a picture with
a camera. All of the image processing (which I will talk about in a second) takes place
in this activity.
Before doing this, the activity sets the camera image to be displayed on screen, just so
the user can confirm the image is correct. It will also show the user what number the app
obtained from the image, also letting the user confirm it. If either of these are wrong,
the user can simply use the Back button which will take them back to the landing page,
and they can re-take the image.
Finally, we have the RTPI results activity. Similarly to the landing page, this activity
is very basic. It only contains a table, which gets populated based on the results of the
Dublin Bus API call. It will only display the first 10 results (if applicable). The user
can then return back to the previous activity, allowing them to go through the whole
process again.
Image processing, or image manipulation, is used to the stop number from an image of
a Dublin Bus stop sign. As mentioned in the previous chapter, OpenCV is the library
used for doing this. The image processing for this application is essentially split into two
parts. The first one is the process of actually recognising a Dublin Bus stop sign and
getting a proper image down to a binary image which just has the relevant text. Once
this is done, the second process of actually reading that text and converting it into a
string can begin.
As mentioned previously, the first part of the image processing is to actually recognise
a Dublin Bus stop sign. This part has three steps to it, all of which are described below
in detail.
Back projection is a computer vision technique to record how well the pixels of a given
image fit the distribution of pixels in a histogram model. It is essentially used to find
a certain colour in an image. For back projection, a sample set of images is required.
In this case, it would be images containing different shades of yellow. A histogram is
generated based on the colours of each pixel in the image. This histogram then gets
normalized with a maximum value of 1.0, which allows the values to be treated as
probabilities. The now-normalized histogram then gets projected onto the image taken
my the camera providing a probability image where the probability of each pixel is the
similarity between the two images.
This process will result in an image where the whiter the pixel, the higher the probability
is of that pixel being yellow. Once this image has been obtained, it goes through a binary
thresholding where any pixel that is not black is set to be white. This gives a binary
image where white represents any shades of yellow present in the original image, and
where black represents everything else. You can see this resulting image in figure 3.4.
My reasoning for using back projection is that it doesn’t narrow down the application to
be used with only these signs. As you will see later on in chapter 4, I list a future feature
as adapting the application or use with the Luas and/or the DART. Back projection
Figure 3.5: Resulting image from back projection - white represents yellow present
in the original image
can be used to find any colour that is wanted, so that it could potentially be used for
these two in future development.
After this is all done, the app will find all contours in the image. In the context of
computer vision, a contour is actually a shape and not an edge. Going through each of
these, it will keep track of the area of each one, and at the end it will remember what
the largest one was. Assuming the user of the application aimed directly at the image
and close enough for it to be clear, the largest contour should be just the circle of the
bus stop sign. This largest contour then gets drawn as a binary image which you can
see in figure 3.5.
The idea behind this technique is that, assuming the user is making sure the picture
they take of the bus stop is clear, the largest thing in the image should be the sign. The
OCR engine needs the text to be in white not black (the opposite to what it is after
back projection), so this image can be used to swap around the colours within the area
of the sign.
This next process is as simple as it sounds. It is just a simple comparison between the
two images from the previous steps, and getting the differences between them. The two
images are compared pixel-by-pixel, and in the new image the corresponding pixel will
be white if there is a difference between the images, or black if they are the same. The
idea of this is that it will eliminate the yellow of the sign and present us with just the
text that is present on the sign, as seen in figure 3.7. This new image is now ready to
be processed by the OCR engine which will return a string of all the text in the image.
Figure 3.7: Difference between the back projected image and the largest contour
The second step of the image processing is to actually process the binary text image
and pull the text out of it. This is done using an optical character recognition engine
called Tesseract. Tesseract is an open source OCR engine. It is generally conceived as
being the most accurate open source engine currently available. Using the Leptonica
Image Processing Library, Tesseract can read images in a wide variety of image formats
and convert them to text in over 60 languages. Tesseract works on Windows, Linux and
Mac OS. It can be compiled for other operating systems, including Android and iOS.
Unfortunately these are lacking in some features that Tesseract has, and they arent as
well tested the main PC operating systems.
Dublin Bus have their API open for all to use. It is a simple process of sending a
HTTP GET request to the APIs URL. This gives back a bunch of XML, which then
gets processed and the RTPI information gets parsed into a 2 dimensional String array.
This 2D array then populates an Android table simply displaying the route, destination
and time remaining.
Figure 3.8: Example of a sign used for template matching in sign recognition
During this project, I had been investigating multiple different techniques for each step
of the project, for both the image processing and the process of obtaining the real time
For recognising a Dublin Bus sign there was two techniques which I had looked at, other
than back projection which I used. These two techniques are template matching and
making use of a HSV image.
Template Matching
Template matching is a process where, given a sample image, it searches a second image
for anything which matches this. In the case of this project, the sample image would be
a sample Dublin Bus stop sign, such as the one in figure 3.8. The idea would be that
it would simply know the location in the image where the sign is and only search for
text in this region. Unfortunately this process did not work for me. If the sample image
does not contain a stop number then the application would search for a sign that also
did not have a stop number. Alternatively, if a stop number was present in the sample
image then it would look for a stop with that number present in the main image.
A method which I found while browsing online was to make use of an image in the
HSV (hue-saturation-value) colour space. With OpenCV, converting to this from the
RGB colour space is a simple process. With this HSV image, it’s possible to remove
everything from the image that are outside of a certain range of HSV values, resulting
in only the yellow being present. The big problem with this method is finding an ideal
range. Depending on current lighting a sign could easily fall outside of the set range
even though it should be accepted.
For this project, the only method I had actually tried to implement was the use of an
OCR engine. However, in case it ended up not working out for me I had looked into
a couple of other methods: using SPR and template matching like before. The main
problem with these two methods is that while they would work to get individual digits,
more work would possibly be needed to make sure all the obtained digits are in the
correct order.
Statistical pattern recognition is the process of recognising patterns based on the prob-
ablilty that a certain feature, or features, occur. Something that could be an issue with
SPR is that some numbers which are similar to each other, like 1 and 7, could end up
getting mixed up, resulting in the user being presented with real time information for
the wrong bus stop.
Template Matching
In a similar way to looking for a sign, a possiblity for recognising the stop number could
be template matching. Instead of just one image, it could go through 10 images, starting
at 0 and going to 9, until it finds a match in the image. A possible problem with this is
that, similarly to using SPR, it could get mixed up with some digits, such as 1 and 7.
Originally when making the application, my plan was to use a SOAP request to obtain
the real time information from Dublin Bus. Unfortunately, this turned out to not be
possible inside an Android application.
SOAP Request
During inital development of the Java back-end for the application I had been obtaining
the Dublin Bus RTPI through a SOAP request. I ran into a problem when moving it
all over to the Android problem. The Java libraries which exist for Android are actually
stripped down versions of the standard Java library. One of the missing packages from
the Android version was one that is required to make SOAP requests. This meant that
I had to scrap that idea and move to a simple HTTP request instead.
3.8 Conclusion
In this chapter, the various methods I implemented for the development of the applica-
tion were described. To start off, the application’s activities, which are the actual inner
workings of the application, have been described. These can be seen in figures 3.1, 3.2
and 3.3. Following this, the computer vision techniques used and reasons for choosing
them are then discussed, with images showing each step of the image processing step
(see figures 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7). Finally, there are brief descriptions on techniques which I
had been investigating initally but then decided to drop from the project and reasons
Chapter 4
Future Work
There are many ways in which this application could be improved upon. In this chapter,
I will talk about some of the features for the application which are not yet present, but
could be implemented in future development.
4.1 GPS
Initially, I had been looking into using the mobile phone’s GPS location in relation to
narrowing the what the possible bus stop could be. The reason for this feature not being
done as part of the actual project is that the GPS co-ordinates are not readily accessible
to the public with the calls for the real time information. The GPS co-ordinates for
each bus stop must exist in some form because online mapping services, such as Google
Maps, have the location of all the bus stops on the map. It may be possible to obtain
this information by contacting Dublin Bus and asking about it.
Once the GPS information can be attained, the application itself could pretty much be
transformed. Instead of the user taking a picture of the bus stop, they could simply
make the application search for what bus stops are nearby to the phone’s GPS location
and present the user with a list of these stops. Assuming that the stop the user wants
is listed, they can then simply tap that stop on the list and they will then be presented
with the real time information for that stop.
There currently exists two different types of Dublin Bus stop signs, depending on if it
is in the city centre or in the suburbs. Figure 4.1 shows these two different signs.
Figure 4.1: Two different types of stop signs: the ones found in the suburbs (left),
and the one found in the city centre (right)
At the moment, the application is designed to only work with the type of stop found in
the suburbs. The application needs further work to be carried out on it to support the
city centre bus stop signs. Whilst the Computer Vision side of things would be largely
the same, the resulting string from the Tesseract OCR engine would need to be parsed
differently because of the different layout of the sign.
While this application only works for Dublin Bus, the technology behind it could easily
be adapted into either a separate application for the Luas and the DART, or even to
implement these two public transport systems into the current application. In a similar
way to the bus stops, both the Luas and the DART have signs at every stop, and real
time information available for their respective stops. This would involve some previous
investigating to see whether or not the real time service for these two systems is publicly
available or not.
4.4 Conclusion
In this chapter, you can see some features which could be done in future development of
the application. The features are both ideas which I had originally hoped to implement
as part of the project from the beginning, and ideas which are just possibilities based
on the current setup of the application.
Chapter 5
In this chapter I will talk about the results of the project. The overall aim of this project
was to investigate OpenCV4Android by developing an Android application which also
made use of computer vision.
The main result of the project is that there is in fact a working Android application that
uses computer vision. A user can take a picture of a Dublin Bus stop sign and they will
get presented with the real time information for that stop.
However, it works on a very basic level. There are a few things that would need to be
tidied up if the application were to be release-ready. For example, as I mentioned in
section 4.2 of the previous chapter, the current state of application is only designed to
work with the type of signs found in the suburbs of Dublin and beyond. The application
would also need to undergo some general tidying up, both to clean up the user interface
and to properly make sure the application works no matter what the external lighting
conditions are.
From this project, I was able to learn about OpenCV4Android. As I have mentioned
previously, it is quite a new technology. Despite this, it has come along way in its short
lifetime. Compared to the main versions of OpenCV, the Android port can be used for
nearly anything. It is missing some of the lesser used functions and techniques, but it
does contain all of the common functions which are used most often.
[1] Victor H. Android’s google play beats app store with over 1 million apps, now
officially largest. July 2013. URL
largest id45680.
[2] Justin Kahn. Google shows off new version of android, announces 1 billion active
monthly users. June 2014. URL
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