From Web Components To Web Services
From Web Components To Web Services
From Web Components To Web Services
présentée pour obtenir le diplôme de
Contents iii
Acknowledgement vii
Abstract ix
Résumé xi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 The problem studied in the thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Thesis Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2 Background 13
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2 Web Component based Application Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2.1 Web Application Frameworks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2.2 Introduction to Java Enterprise Edition Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2.3 Java EE Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3 Service Oriented Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.3.1 Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3.2 Service-orientation design principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3.3 Concept of Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3.4 Service implementation technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3.5 Web service: Standard languages and protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.3.6 Service Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.3.7 Business Process Execution Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
iv Contents
3 Literature review 31
3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.2 Approaches and Tools for Migrating Systems to (Web) Services-Oriented Appli-
cations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.2.1 Approaches for migrating Web applications to SOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.2.2 Approaches for migrating Legacy systems to SOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.2.3 Approaches for generating Web services from software components . . 42
3.2.4 Model-Driven Approaches for generating Web service-oriented applica-
tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.3 Approaches for Web Service Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.4 Approaches of Software Architecture Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
II Contributions 57
8 Tools 119
8.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
8.2 WSGen: A tool for creating primitive and composite Web services starting from
Web components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
vi Contents
Bibliography 149
First and foremost, praises and thanks to my God, Allah for everything.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Salah Sadou
for accepting the supervision of this thesis. Thank you for all the guidance, patience, immense
knowledge, and the support that you gave me at every stage in my Ph.D. Project.
My sincere thanks also to the committee members: Prof. Abdelmalik BACHIR, Prof. Ab-
delkrim AMIRAT, Prof. Foudil CHERIF, and Dr. Salim BITAM, for accepting to evaluate this
work. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to Prof. Brahim
Mezerdi for all the help and the support that he gave me in all the time. Thank you!
I sincerely thank all the members of LIRMM laboratory especially the MAREL team for the
numerous helpful discussions during my stay in Montpellier. I also thank my colleagues at the
computer science department of Biskra university. Many thanks to my friends for all the help
and the support they gave me in every stage of my research study.
Words cannot express how grateful I am to my father and my mother for all the sacrifices
that they made for me. They have been with me throughout my life and whose love brought
me where I am today. I owe a lot to both of you. I am very grateful to my brothers, my sisters,
and all my family members for all the support and the help they provided throughout my life.
Thank you very much.
Web applications are nowadays prevalent software systems in our everyday’s life. A lot of these
applications are built mainly by assembling Web components. These components are first cus-
tomized to meet the requirements of the built applications, then instantiated and assembled
with other component instances. The Web applications are then deployed in a Web server in
order to be tested and validated. Finally, they are put into production by deploying them in a
Web/application server to make them accessible for end users only. Thus, they are not designed
by considering future extensions that would be developed by third parties. One possible and
interesting solution for opening these applications for such kind of extension development is
to create and deploy Web services starting from these applications. This thesis addresses the
problem of opening Web Applications for third party development. We proposed a set of meth-
ods and tools that contribute in the migration of Web Component based applications toward
Web service oriented systems. Firstly, we proposed a formal model that represents in unam-
biguous way the source systems (Web applications) and the target systems (service-oriented
systems). This formal definition helps in understanding both kinds of systems and it enabled
us to present more accurately the migration approach. Secondly, we proposed a method to
generate operations that are published in Web services for each functionality provided by a
Web application. In addition, it generates new operations starting from Web interfaces. Thirdly,
we developed another complementary method to generate executable orchestrations, as BPEL
(Business Process Execution Language) processes, starting from navigations in the Web inter-
faces of these applications and to create Web service choreographies starting from the depen-
dencies between Web components. Fourthly, we proposed an approach for recovering high
level specifications in BPMN(Business Process Model and Notation) and in SCA (Service Com-
ponent Architecture) starting from the collaborations between the generated Web services.
These architectures help in better understanding the service compositions. Finally, in order
to evaluate the performance and the accuracy of the proposed approaches, we implemented
and experimented the solution in the migration of three real-world Web applications toward
Web service-oriented systems.
Aujourd’hui, les applications Web sont des systèmes logiciels qui dominent notre vie quotidi-
enne. Un grand nombre de ces applications sont construites par l’assemblage de composants
Web. Ces composants sont d’abord personnalisés pour répondre aux besoins des applications
développées, puis instanciés et assemblés avec d’autres instances de composants. Les appli-
cations Web sont ensuite déployées dans un serveur Web afin d’être testées et validées. En-
fin, elles sont mises en production en les déployant dans un serveur Web /d’application pour
les rendre accessible seulement par les utilisateurs finaux. Donc, elles ne sont pas conçus
en prenant en considération des futures extensions qui pourraient être développées par des
tierces parties. Une solution possible et intéressante pour ouvrir ces applications pour ce type
de développement d’extensions est de créer et de déployer des services Web à partir de ces ap-
plications. Cette thèse étudie le problème d’ouverture des applications Web pour le développe-
ment tiers. Nous avons proposé un ensemble de méthodes et d’outils qui contribuent à la mi-
gration des applications à base de components Web vers des systèmes orientés services Web.
Tout d’abord, nous avons proposé un modèle formel qui représente clairement les systèmes
sources (applications Web) et les systèmes cibles (systèmes orientés services). Cette défini-
tion formelle aide à comprendre les deux types de systèmes et elle nous a permis de présenter
plus précisément l’approche de migration. Deuxièmement, nous avons proposé une méthode
pour générer des opérations qui sont publiées dans des Web services pour chaque fonction-
nalité fournie par l’application Web. En outre, elle génère des nouvelles opérations à partir des
interfaces Web. Troisièmement, nous avons développé une autre méthode complémentaire
pour générer des orchestrations exécutables, comme des processus BPEL, à partir des navi-
gations dans les interfaces Web de ces applications et de créer des chorégraphies de services
Web à partir de dépendances entre les composants Web. Quatrièmement, nous avons proposé
une approche pour récupérer des spécifications de haut niveau en BPMN et en SCA à partir
des collaborations entre les services Web générés. Ces architectures aident à mieux compren-
dre les compositions de services. Afin d’évaluer la performance et la précision des approches
proposées, nous avons implémenté et expérimenté la solution dans la migration de trois appli-
cations Web du monde réel vers des systèmes orientés services Web.
Mots clés: Applications à base de Composants Web, SOA, Services Web, Composition de Ser-
xii Résumé
To program is to understand.
Kristen N YGAARD.
This introduction presents the context of our work, the problem studied, and the contributions of
this dissertation. The context concerns the Web component-based development, the software
reuse and component-based development and finally the service oriented development. The
problem studied in the dissertation and our contributions are presented through a set of research
questions and a series of challenges that we aim to achieve. Finally, we end this introduction by
stating the organization of this dissertation and the list of our publications that are related to
this work.
2 Chap 1. Introduction
1.1 Context
EB APPLICATIONS are software systems that are widely used since the early nineties and
W the emergence of the World Wide Web. They have gained a lot of popularity com-
paratively to Desktop applications, because of their ease of use, via Web browsers, whereas
Desktop applications need sometimes heavy installations. These applications provide to their
users Web interfaces through which they can submit data to the server-side scripts and through
which they can receive the processing results.
Since the end of the nineties, Web component-based development has emerged as a new
solution which aims at decoupling Web application code modules, and making them reusable
and customizable software entities. Indeed, a step has been taken forward in modularizing Web
applications and thus separating business logic code, from view, data model and operational
control one. One of the technologies leading this field is Java EE and its numerous frameworks
like Struts or JSF. These technologies are currently one of the most interesting solutions for de-
veloping large and complex applications with highly critical requirements on maintainability
and portability. Web modules in such technologies are entities that can be used and reused
in different applications and customized according to the application requirements. Many li-
braries in the Internet provide access to Web COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf ) like Compo-
nentSource ®1 or free Web components like RichFaces from JBoss or Apache’s MyFaces.
Besides, reuse is one of the major objectives of software engineering. Research on software
reuse has greatly evolved in recent years, from code reuse to knowledge reuse and software
component reuse. Unlike traditional development approaches, the development of a new sys-
tem is not made from scratch and does not require recreating large parts of the system for each
new change. For a decade, there is a growing interest in software engineering for developing
techniques and tools to build applications by assembling software components [Szyperski et
al., 1999]. This interest in components is resulting from the desire to reduce development costs
by increasing the reuse instead of inventing new forms of development to face the increasing
complexity of applications related to new requirements such as reliability and evolution. Cur-
rently there are many proposed definitions of the concept of software component, the most
cited definition is:
This definition can be interpreted on different levels of abstraction. Here, we explain some
parts of this definition: i) “a unit of composition”: This means that components are developed
to be composed with other components. ii) “contractually specified interfaces”: It provides an
1 ComponentSource Website:
1.2. The problem studied in the thesis 3
Nowadays, SOA paradigm is considered as one of the best solutions for developing systems
by reusing a set of independent and loosely coupled software entities, called “Services” [Erl,
2009]. Services are a natural development of software components. They encapsulate discrete
functionality, which can be distributed and accessed programmatically. Besides, one possible
and usual way of implementing SOA architectures relies on Web services. Web services are
functionalities based on standard Internet and XML based languages and protocols which are
"programming language"- and "execution platform"-independent, like WSDL or SOAP. New
applications with thin or thick clients can be built and can access these functionalities, by sim-
ply formulating requests, which embed XML-based (SOAP) messages, to the chosen Web ser-
vice providers. The same kind of messages are returned back to these applications, containing
the results (answers to their requests). Upon these results, more actions can be performed by
these new applications in order to implement some new business-logic. In this way, Web ser-
vice providers, which hold some precious resources (like large databases of products to retail
of Amazon, or weather forecast data of Meteo France), offer third party developers the oppor-
tunity (for free or not) to build new applications by extending their public services, and thus
capitalize on these resources.
This thesis addresses the problem of Opening Web Applications for Third Party Develop-
ment that is precisely defined in the next section.
How can third party developers extend easily and efficiently the business logic imple-
mented by an existing Web component-based application?
In other words, the problem tackled here is to find a way to assist a developer to open its
Web application2 (or some of their functionalities), thereby allowing it to be easily and effi-
ciently i) re-used and extended remotely by third parties for developing new systems; ii) inte-
grated with existing systems ; iii) accessed from any program or device. As stated in the con-
text of this introduction, SOA paradigm is considered as one of the best solutions for opening
software systems to be reused and integrated with new or existing systems. As for Web ser-
vices, they have confirmed their status of one of the most pertinent solutions for a given service
provider, like eBay (auction and shopping), Amazon (retail) or FedEx (logistics), to open their
solutions for third party software development. Therefore, we redefine the problem of opening
Web applications for third party development, as a problem of searching a way for assisting
efficiently the developers to migrate their Web application (or some of their functionalities)
toward Web service oriented solutions. We divided and defined the problem of opening Web
applications toward Service Oriented Solutions through the following sub-questions:
RQ1: How to define precisely and in an unambiguous way the used concepts in the source
system (Component-based Web application) and the target system (Web service oriented system)
In order to define and present more accurately the processing to be performed on Web
applications to generate Web service oriented systems, we need to specify in unambiguous way
(mathematically) the used concepts in both systems. Moreover, we need to identify properties
that characterize both systems and provide a formal description that represents them.
RQ2: What are Web application capabilities which can be thought of remote Web services,
and how to migrate these capabilities to Web services?
We need to identify what are Web application functionalities which can be migrated into
Web services. In addition, we need to identify what are the activities and their sequencing that
the developer has to follow in order to generate pertinent operations and Web services starting
from a Web application.
RQ3: How to compose automatically and in a rational way the generated individual Web
services in order to provide coarse grained functionality?
The functionalities that are migrated into Web services originally collaborate together in the
Web application in order to provide coarse grained capabilities to end-users. Unfortunately,
2 We consider in this thesis existing “white-box" Web applications, whose source code can be migrated.
1.3. Contributions 5
the third party developer cannot easily and efficiently identify these collaborations (because
they are embedded in the source code) in order to provide these coarse grained capabilities as
additional Web services. The third party developer has no other choice than parse manually
the source code to identify this collaboration and composing these services manually. This
tasks are error-prone, cumbersome, and so time-consuming. Indeed, despite the existence of
languages and standards for composing services such as BPEL [OASIS., 2007], the Web service
composition still is a highly complex task, and it is already beyond the human capability to deal
with the whole process manually [Rao et Su, 2005]. Hence, we need to find a way to compose
automatically and in rational way the generated Web services.
RQ4: How can we help third party developers or maintenance engineers to understand and
evolve easily the generated service oriented application?
Knowing that all software is required to regularly change (Lehman’s 1st law of evolu-
tion [Lehman et Belady, 1985]) and before starting the evolution a good understanding of the
implementation is required. The change in these compositions of services is often carried out
with an ad-hoc way directly in code. This makes very difficult the understanding of the ra-
tionale behind a given composition of services, especially for large applications. In addition,
it implies a direct impact on the cost and the risk of errors during an evolution. According
to [Bennett, 1996], in the software evolution, the software understanding stage costs more than
50% of the maintenance time. Hence, in order to understand and maintain these large ap-
plications, it is helpful to know their architectures. Unfortunately, the created (Web) service
oriented composites have not explicit service oriented architectures. In order to improve the
understanding for developers, we need to define in this thesis a way to explicit the hidden ser-
vice oriented architecture from the source code of a (Web) service oriented application. The
service architectures represent the systems using service-oriented concepts. They explicitly
show to developers the collaboration between (Web) services, the exchanged messages, and
the relationships between service providers and service consumers and their related roles.
1.3 Contributions
We proposed a systematic method that assists developers to migrate their Web applications to-
ward Web service oriented systems. In this way, we make the functionalities exposed by Web
interfaces of the application accessible as Web services for remote extensions. In order to de-
velop our method, we need to answer the previous asked sub-questions that are related to the
SOA migration problem. Each answer to these questions corresponds to one of our contribu-
tions in this thesis. We summarize these contributions as follows:
6 Chap 1. Introduction
The first kind represents the end-users navigation in the Web interfaces of the applica-
tion. In our method, the relationships between these Web interfaces are transformed into
a set of Web service orchestrations. These orchestrations are generated as BPEL [OASIS.,
2007] processes. They implement a coarse-grained functionality provided by the Web
application, comparatively with the individual Web services that implement fine-grained
functionality. The BPEL is an OASIS standard, considered as one of the leading languages
used for implementing Web service orchestrations.
The second kind of dependencies represents the collaborations between the generated
Web services at code level. In our method, these dependencies are transformed into a set
of Web service choreographies. To do so, we parse the source code of the generated Web
services in order to identify these dependencies and transform them into Web services
5. Implementation:
We implemented our methods on a collection of Java Frameworks. We have developed
two prototypes: a tool called WSGen which covers the implementation of Contributions
2 and 3, and a tool called ArchGen implementing Contribution 4.
We focused in our work on a particular kind of Web applications, which are modern
component-based Web applications built with Java EE and its frameworks like JSF. They
are the input of WSGen tool and a set of (primitive and composite) Web services are pro-
vided as output. The choice of such technologies is motivated by the fact that they offer
8 Chap 1. Introduction
a structured organization of the source code of Web applications. This made easy the
parsing performed in our approach in order to generate Web services. Besides, (Web)
Service-based Applications source code (in the current implementation, Java Web ser-
vices) are the inputs of ArchGen tool and a set of BPMN and SCA models are provided as
6. Experimentation:
Finally, we conducted two experiments for evaluating our proposals. In the first experi-
mentation, we have evaluated the performance and the accuracy of the proposed meth-
ods in the migration of three real-world Web applications towards Web service-oriented
systems. In the second experimentation, we measured what is the additional cost in-
duced by the using of our proposed approach. We have made some measures in the
development of the same software extensions developed first without our approach, and
then with our approach. Then, we have made a comparison between the obtained re-
This chapter describes the proposed transformation rules, and shows how they can be used to
recover BPMN and SCA models starting from two examples of service oriented systems. Chap-
ter 8 describes the architecture as well as the functionalities provided by two developed tools:
WSGen and ArchGen, which realize our proposed ideas. In each tool, we present how the pro-
posed approach is implemented and present the underlying technologies. Chapter 9 shows the
details of the conducted experimentation in order to evaluate the proposed ideas. It describes
the used measures to show the effectiveness and the applicability of the proposed solution.
This chapter ends with discussing the threats to validity. Finally, in Chapter 10, we conclude
the dissertation and we draw some perspectives.
Related publications
1). Mohamed Lamine Kerdoudi, Chouki Tibermacine, and Salah Sadou. Opening web ap-
plications for third party development: a service-oriented solution. Accepted in the in Service
Oriented Computing and Applications journal, (SOCA), pages 1–27, February 2016, Springer.
4). Chouki Tibermacine and Mohamed Lamine Kerdoudi. Migration d’applications à base
de composants Web en services et orchestration de services Web. In proceedings of the french-
speaking conference on Software Architectures, (CAL’11) Lille, France.
5). Chouki Tibermacine and Mohamed Lamine Kerdoudi. From web components to Web
services: Opening development for third parties. In proceedings of European Conference on
Software Architecture (ECSA’10), editors Muhammad Ali Babar et Ian Gorton, volume 6285 de
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 480–484, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2010. Springer.
Part I
14 Chap 2. Background
2.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we give a background about the context of this work, which helps in the under-
standing of the concepts that are used in this thesis. We begin (in Section 2.2) with an overview
about the Web component-based application development. Subsequently, we introduce the
Web Framework features, the Java Entreprise Edition Platform, and the components of Java EE
multi-tiered applications. In Section 2.3, we discuss the service oriented development from a
conceptual and a technological point of views. We present in particular the Web service tech-
nology and their composition. At the end, we introduce briefly the BPEL and BPMN languages,
and the SCA specification.
a relational database (“Model”), a system for processing HTTP requests with a Web templating
system (“View”), and a regular-expression-based URL dispatcher (“Controller”).
The Java EE platform uses a distributed multi-tiered application model for enterprise Web
applications[Oracle, ]. The application logic is divided into different kind of components.
These components make up the Java EE application are installed on various machines depend-
ing on the tier in the multi-tiered Java EE environment to which the application component
belongs. Figure 2.1 shows two multi-tiered Java EE applications divided into the tiers described
in the following list:
A Java EE application is packaged into one or more standard units for deployment to any Java
EE platform–compliant system. Each unit contains a set of components, such as an enterprise
bean, Web page, Servlet, or applet, and an optional deployment descriptor that describes its
content. A Java EE application is delivered in a Java Archive (JAR) file, a Web Archive (WAR) file,
or an Enterprise Archive (EAR) file. A WAR or EAR file is a standard JAR (.jar) file with a (.war) or
(.ear) extension. Each of these archives has a specific structure.
16 Chap 2. Background
Containers are the interface between a component and the low-level, platform-specific func-
tionality that supports the component. They provide components with services such as life
cycle management, security, deployment, and threading. All JEE components are deployed
into Java EE containers. The server and containers are as follows:
• Java EE server: is the runtime portion of a Java EE product. A Java EE server provides EJB
and Web containers.
• EJB container: it manages the execution of enterprise beans for Java EE applications.
• Web container: it manages the execution of Web components and some EJB components
for Java EE applications.
• Applet container: it manages the execution of applets. It consists of a Web browser and a
Java Plug-in running on the client side.
Java EE Clients
A Java EE client is usually either a Web client (sometimes called a thin client), an application
client. A Web client consists of two parts: (i) Dynamic Web pages containing various types of
markup language (HTML, XML, and so on), which are generated by Web components running
in the Web tier, and (ii) A Web browser, which renders the pages received from the server. An
application client (such as: Applets, JavaBeans,...) runs on a client machine.
Web Components
Java EE Web components are either Servlets or Web pages created using JavaServer Faces tech-
nology and/or JSP technology (JSP pages) and run in the Web tier. Servlets are Java program-
ming language classes that dynamically process requests and construct responses. JavaServer
pages are like regular HTML pages with special tags and execute as Servlets. JavaServer Faces
technology builds on Servlets and JSP technology and provides a user interface component
framework for Web applications.
There are three main types of JSP constructs: scripting constructs, directives, and ac-
tions [Falkner et Jones, 2004]. Scripting elements are used to specify Java code that will become
part of the resultant Servlet. Directives are used to control the overall structure of the resultant
Servlet. Actions are used to control the behavior of the JSP engine. There are three types of JSP
scripting constructs that can be used to insert Java code into a resultant Servlet: expressions,
scriptlets, and declarations
• A JSP expression is used to insert a Java expression directly into the output. It has the
following form:
<%= Java expression %>
The expression is evaluated, converted into a string, and sent to the output stream of the
• A JSP scriptlet is used to insert Java statements into the Servlet’s jspService method,
which is invoked by the service method. A JSP scriptlet has the following form:
<% Java statement %>
• A JSP declaration is for declaring methods or fields into the Servlet. It has the following
<%! Java declaration %>
JSP expressions and scriptlets can use a set of predefined variables (also known as JSP
implicit objects) from the Servlet environment namely, request (which is an instance of
18 Chap 2. Background
Figure 2.2 : Interaction between a Web client and a Web application that uses Web components
[Jendrock et al., 2014]
The Servlets and the JSPs are Java scripts that execute at the server-side. Figure 2.2 illus-
trates the interaction between a Web client and a JEE Web application that uses Web compo-
nents. The client sends an HTTP request to the Web server. A Web server that implements the
Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technology (such as Apache Tomcat) converts the request
into an HTTPServletRequest object. This object is delivered to a Web component, which can
interact with JavaBeans components or a database to generate a dynamic content. The Web
component can then generate an HTTPServletResponse or can redirect the request to another
Web component. A Web component eventually generates a HTTPServletResponse object. The
Web server converts this object to an HTTP response and returns it to the client.
Business Components
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) components are business components that run on the business
logic server. The EJB components use the JavaBeans conventions for defining accessor meth-
ods for their properties.
• Standardized Service Contract: Services within the same enterprise or domain are in
compliance with the same contract design standards.
• Service Loose Coupling: Service contracts impose low consumer coupling requirements
and are themselves decoupled from their surrounding environment.
• Service Abstraction: Service contracts only contain essential information and informa-
tion about services is limited to what is published in service contracts.
• Service Reusability: Services have the potential to be reused. These reusable services
are designed in a manner so that their solution logic is independent of any particular
business process or technology.
• Service Autonomy: Services exercise a high level of control over their underlying runtime
execution environment.
Web services technology represents now the most important and popular means for im-
plementing service-oriented architectures. A service can be defined as: “A loosely-coupled,
reusable software component that encapsulates discrete functionality, which may be distributed
and programmatically accessed. A Web service is a service that is accessed using standard Inter-
net and XML based protocols.[Sommerville, 2011].”. A Web service is a body of solution logic
that provides a service contract consisting of a WSDL definition and one or more XML Schema
definitions and also possible WS-Policy expressions. The Web service contract exposes public
capabilities as operations, establishing a technical interface but without any ties to a propri-
etary communication framework.
are programs that are designed with an emphasis on simplicity, scalability, and usability [Erl,
2009]. They can send messages without a SOAP envelope and in a free encoding (XML, JSON,
binary, plain text). The Web Application Description Language (WADL) [Hadley, 2009] is an
XML-based language which can be used to describe the REST services. A WADL description
comprises essentially the following elements:
• Method : it describes the input to and output from an HTTP protocol method (GET,POST,
PUT, DELETE) that may be applied to a resource.
• Request: It describes the input to be included when applying an HTTP method to a re-
• Response: It describes the output that results from performing an HTTP method on a
WADL was submitted to the World Wide Web Consortium by Sun Microsystems on 2009,
but, it is not yet standardized [Hadley, 2009].
1. Extensible Markup Language: The XML[Bray et al., 1998] is used as the standard format
to describe models, formats, and data types. All Web services standards are based on
2. Hypertext Transfer Protocol: HTTP (including HTTPS) is the low-level protocol used by
the Internet. HTTP(S) is one possible protocol that can be used to send Web services over
networks, using Internet technology.
3. Web Service Description Language: The Web Service Description Language (WSDL) is an
XML-based standard language [Chinnici et al., 2007], which is used to describe Web ser-
vice interfaces. It allows exposing, the functionality of a Web service as a set of operations
and messages (operation parameters). In the following, we describe the different parts of
the WSDL document.
22 Chap 2. Background
• Type: is composed of type definitions which are described using a type system such
as XML schemas.
• Message: describes the name and the type of the set of data being communicated
(Invocation parts and returned values).
• Operation: corresponds to an abstraction, which describes an action implemented
by the service.
• Port Type: describes a set of operations. Each operation has zero or more mes-
sages at the input and/or the output.
• Binding: specifies the binding of a port type to a concrete protocol, and the data
• Port: defines an endpoint as a combination of binding and network address.
• Web Service: is a collection of related endpoints. It specifies also the service name.
4. Communication protocol: Simple Object Access Protocol: The Simple Object Access
Protocol (SOAP) is a protocol of the XML family [Box et al., 2000] providing a communi-
cation mechanism in a distributed and decentralized environment. It defines a common
and a standard format for XML messages over HTTP and other transports. SOAP was
originally defined by Microsoft and IBM, but it became a W3C recommendation on June
24, 2003. Since then, the software industry has entered a consolidation phase and has be-
gun to broadly adopt SOAP in the context of Web Services. SOAP consists of three parts: an
envelope that defines a framework for describing what is in a message and how to process
it, a set of encoding rules for expressing instances of application-defined datatypes, and
a convention for representing remote procedure calls and responses. SOAP messages are
XML documents that contains three elements composing a message: a mandatory SOAP
envelope, an optional SOAP header, and a mandatory SOAP body. The envelope rep-
resents the message, the header is a generic mechanism for include additional features
(such as security, transactions, and other quality-of-service attributes) to a SOAP mes-
sage in a decentralized manner without prior agreement between the communicating
parties, and the body is a container for mandatory information intended for the ultimate
recipient of the message.
BPEL Meta-Model
Figure 2.6 depicts an excerpt of the BPEL meta-model. The main meta-class in this meta-model
is Process, which represents the BPEL process instances. A BPEL process is a set of steps,
where, each step is called ’Activity’. BPEL supports primitive and structure activities. Primi-
tive activities represent basic constructs such as:
• <Receive>: waiting for the client to invoke the business process by sending a message
(receiving a request).
Structure activities combine these and other primitive activities to define complex business
process. The most important are:
In addition to the activity elements, a BPEL process contains other kind of elements (see Fig-
ure 2.6) such as:
• <PartnerLink>: the partners are the parties that interact with the BPEL process. They
represent both a consumer of the service that is provided by the BPEL process, and a
provider of a service to the BPEL process. A BPEL process declares the list of partner links
it supports and, for each, which role it performs and which role its partner is expected
to perform (for example: shipping provider or scheduling provider). A process can have
one or more partner links.
• <Variable> : A variable for use in a process or a scope, with a type based on a WSDL
message type, an XSD element, or an XSD basic type.
• <PartnerLinkType>: is a mapping of Web service port types to partner roles. Partner link
types are also defined in the WSDL files of the invoked services through the WSDL exten-
sibility element mechanism.
In Listing 2.1, we illustrate an overview of the structure of a BPEL Process in XML format. The
characters that are appended to elements, attributes, and as follows: "?" (0 or 1), "*" (0 or more),
"+" (1 or more).
14 <messageExchanges>? </messageExchanges>
16 <variables>?
17 <variable name="BPELVariableName" messageType="QName"? type="QName"?
18 element="QName"?>+ from-spec?
19 </variable>
20 </variables>
22 <correlationSets>?
23 <correlationSet name="NCName" properties="QName-list" />+
24 </correlationSets>
26 <faultHandlers>?
27 <!-- Note: There must be at least one faultHandler -->
28 </faultHandlers>
30 <eventHandlers>?
31 <!-- Note: There must be at least one onEvent or onAlarm. -->
32 </eventHandlers>
33 Activity
34 </process>
In the Line 33, we need to define an ordered list of activities that must be executed by the
BPEL process. A BPEL process starts providing services to its partners through inbound mes-
sage activities (<Receive>, <Pick> and <OnEvent>) and corresponding <Reply> activities.
The most important BPMN elements that are used in a Collaboration are:
• Message Flows: connect two separate Pools. Message Flows cross the Pool boundary to
attach to the appropriate Activity. They must not connect two objects within the same
Pool. A Message Flow is a line with an open circle line start and an open arrowhead line
end that must be drawn with a dashed single line
• Sequence Flow: is used to show the order of flow elements in a Process. Each Sequence
Flow has only one source and only one target. The Activities within a Pool are organized
by Sequence Flows. A Sequence Flow is line with a solid arrowhead.
The SCA Assembly Model consists of a series of artifacts which define the configuration of an
SCA Domain in terms of composites which contain assemblies of service components and the
connections and related artifacts which describe how they are linked together.
One basic artifact of SCA is the component, which is the unit of construction for SCA. Fig-
ure 2.7 illustrates some features of an SCA component. A component consists of a configured
instance of an implementation, where an implementation is the piece of program code pro-
viding business functions. The business function is offered for use by other components as
2.3. Service Oriented Development 29
Services. Implementations can depend on services provided by other components. These de-
pendencies are called References. Implementations can have settable properties, which are
data values that influence the operation of the business function. SCA allows for a wide variety
of implementation technologies such as Java, C++, and BPEL.
The component configures the implementation by providing values for the properties and by
linking the references to services provided by other components using Wires. SCA describes
the content and linkage of an application in assemblies called composites. Figure 2.8 picture
illustrates some features of a composite assembled using a set of components. Composites can
contain components, services, references, property declarations, plus the wiring that describes
the connections between these elements.
Composites are grouped within an SCA Domain. An SCA Domain represents a set of services
providing business functionalities that are belong to the same area. For example, an SCA Do-
main might cover all financial related function in accounts department, and it might contain a
series of composites dealing with specific areas of accounting, for example, with customer ac-
counts. The composites can be used to group and configure related artifacts. Figure 2.9 picture
illustrates an SCA Domain assembled from a series of high-level composites, some of which are
in turn implemented by lower-level composites
30 Chap 2. Background
2.4 Summary
In this chapter, we presented the main concepts related to Web component based applications
and Web service oriented applications. We started by presenting the properties of the first kind
of applications and their supported Web Frameworks. After that, we have introduced the Java
Enterprise Edition Platform, the distributed multi-tiered application model, and the JEE com-
ponents. In Section2.3, we illustrated the advantage of the service oriented development, the
service oriented architecture, and the service oriented design principals. We introduced also
the different implementation technologies for the primitive services and the service composi-
tions namely, the REST services, the Web services, and the BPEL language. At the end of this
chapter, we presented the BPMN language and the SCA specification which are among the
leading languages for creating respectively, the behavioral and structural views of the service
oriented systems.
Literature review
32 Chap 3. Literature review
3.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we present a state of the art of SOA migration approaches. There are more than
hundred approaches and tools for migrating systems to SOA. Each of them concentrates on
specific activities in the migration and a particular kind of systems. In Section 3.2, we intro-
duce the existing approaches and tools to migrate systems toward (Web) services-oriented ap-
plications. In this section, we distribute these approaches in four categories. In each category,
we present the approaches that are the most representative and close to our contributions. In
Section 3.3, we present a state of the art of the approaches in the domain of (Web) service com-
position. In Section 3.4, we discuss the existing approaches of software architecture recovery.
In each of all the presented approaches, we discuss the similarities and differences between
their proposals and our contributions.
The authors of [Almonaies et al., 2013] proposed a Framework which allows a semi-
automatic migration of Legacy Web applications (implemented using the PHP scripting lan-
guage) to service oriented applications. The proposed Framework uses an iterative process of
incremental steps to analyze and reprogram existing Web applications to Web services based
on the Service Component Architecture (SCA) Web services standard. The first step in this pro-
cess is the service identification. The output of this step is a marked-up version of the Web
application source code in which sections of code with the desired business functionality have
been identified as operations of the candidate service. This tagged candidate service is then
the input to an automated migration process. The migration process extracts and separates
the identified business features in dynamically-typed scripting languages as object-oriented
classes. An automatic inferring of the types of parameter values in dynamically-typed scripting
languages is performed. At the end of the process, each object-oriented class is converted into
an SCA service component.
3.2. Approaches and Tools for Migrating Systems to (Web) Services-Oriented Applications
In contrast to our approach, the authors of [Almonaies et al., 2013] focus on the service
migration aspect, while the identification of services is done manually based on the developer
knowledge. In the identification notation, each candidate service operation is marked up man-
ually using a <service function = function-name> tag, where function-name is a user-suggested
name for the candidate service operation. In our work, we deal with the service identification
task in an automatic manner. We parse automatically programs executed at sever side in the
aim of identifying the potential operations to be published as Web services. In addition, we deal
with many aspects that are not covered in the work of [Almonaies et al., 2013] such as: i) gen-
erating service compositions starting from the dependencies between the Web components of
the application. ii) taking into consideration in the service identification many aspects namely:
session variables, cookies, client-side scripts, in-line documents.
The proposed work in [Tatsubori et Takashi, 2006] addresses the problem of extracting Web
services from Web applications. This work proposes a model for decomposing and abstracting
a Web application into modular building blocks forming the desired Web services. The decom-
position model is created by modeling each human transition from page to page as modular
pieces of the entire service. The abstract model consists of argument passing, data extraction
and context propagation in each transition from page to page. Using these two models and a
set of configuration files created manually by the developer, Web service wrappers can be cre-
ated for the Web applications. The decomposition technique in [Tatsubori et Takashi, 2006] do
not work a priori with Web applications that use techniques for retrieving remote data asyn-
chronously (like AJAX). In our approach, we deal with this kind of applications by transforming
the scripts at client-side into Web service requests, while the executed program at server side
is exported as a Web service. In addition, the page transition approach in [Tatsubori et Takashi,
2006] is applied to traditional Web pages, where the navigation is done with hyperlinks con-
tained in pages. Actually, modern Web applications that use navigation documents to imple-
ment dynamic transitions from page to page (such as in JSF Framework) are not addressed.
In the proposed approach in [Upadhyaya et al., 2012 ; Upadhyaya et al., 2015], RESTful ser-
vices can be extracted from Web applications. The approach is based on the capturing of sce-
narios executed by a user for the task to be migrated as a RESTful service. The input, output and
HTTP methods of the task are identified by the analysis of the annotation logs, the execution
logs, and the request/response HTML Web pages.
Comparing to our approach, we create Web services from the source code of the Web ap-
plications, while [Upadhyaya et al., 2012 ; Upadhyaya et al., 2015] proposed a black box ap-
proach (without accessing to the source code) for identifying Web services from Web applica-
tions. In addition, our migration approach is a semi-automatic process, while in [Upadhyaya
et al., 2012 ; Upadhyaya et al., 2015] the user is involved almost in every stage of their approach
such as: executing scenarios, identifying HTTP methods and the input/output messages which
are complex tasks.
34 Chap 3. Literature review
In another work, Wike [Han et Tokuda, 2008] generates virtual Web services by extracting
information from Web pages. Users can define patterns which are used to extract partial in-
formation from Web pages. The extraction function can be used to generate a Web service that
returns the result of the extraction process. Content-based Web pages are not the main concern
in our approach. Indeed, in our process, Web components including Web interfaces and busi-
ness logic implementation are the artifacts concerned by Web service generation. These works
are complementary solutions to our work. Web services that are generated using our approach
starting from Web components, which produce to users during execution a large quantity of
content, can be enhanced with new operations that return only partial information (texts, im-
ages, ...) using Wike. Invocations to these new operations can be added to the orchestrations
generated by our tool WSGen.
Baumgartner et al. [Baumgartner et al., 2004] proposed a process to transform the unstruc-
tured data in the “front-end” of Web applications into structured data which are accessible
from Web services that are generated automatically. In this way, they enabled the integration of
“front-end” contents of several Web applications. The proposed process performs the “front-
end” integration by exploiting existing Web-based interfaces of the Web applications to be in-
tegrated. The Web-based interfaces (for example, Web forms) are accessed and extracted au-
tomatically and the response document is translated from HTML(unstructured data) to XML
(structured data) which later can be automatically processed. The generated Web service is
like a wrapper program that queries the generated XML data. The activities of accessing, infor-
mation extraction and their transformation to a structured data are performed using the Lixto
Visual Wrapper tool [Baumgartner et al., 2001]. This tool is particularly well-suited for visual
and interactive creation of HTML to XML wrappers. The Lixto wrappers are embedded into
an information processing Framework, called Lixto Transformation Server [Herzog et Gottlob,
2001] which enables application developers to format, transform, integrate, and deliver XML
data to various devices and applications. The Transformation Server allows designers to pub-
lish the extracted information from the Web-based interfaces as Web Services that contain one
or several operations. After that, it generates their WSDL documents. However, the Lixto wrap-
per enables developers to create stable wrappers programs to deal with changes that can occur
on the Web page contents. The Lixto informs the Web service providers to react to any change
in the Web page format.
The process published in [Baumgartner et al., 2004] is complementary to our proposal. In-
deed, in our approach, we do not extract the content from the “font-end” of the Web application
to make them accessible as Web services. But, we generate Web services starting from the func-
tionally (by the parsing of the server side scripts and back-end components of the application)
provided the Web user interfaces (“font-end” of the Web application). The generated Web ser-
vices are independent applications, any change made in the format of the Web user interface
have no influence on the generated Web services.
3.2. Approaches and Tools for Migrating Systems to (Web) Services-Oriented Applications
Lorenzo et al. [Lorenzo et al., 2007] proposed a wrapping based-migration approach for
migrating a user-oriented interface of the Web application into a programmatic interface that
exposes the full functionality and data of the application as Web services. The approach uses
a black-box (without accessing or changing the source code) reverse engineering technique
for modeling Web application user interface using a Finite State Automaton (the detail of this
technique is addressed in [Canfora et al., 2008]). The automaton model will be then inter-
preted by the wrapper. The wrapping technique is based on a migration process that includes
the following steps: 1) Selection of the Web application functionality to be turned into a Web
service, 2) Reverse engineering of the Web application user interface to identify the execution
scenarios, 3) Designing of an interaction model and developing their XML-based specification
to be interpreted by the wrapper, 4) Deployment and validation of the Wrapper service. This
step includes all the activities needed to publish the service and export it to an Application
Server. Comparing the approach in [Lorenzo et al., 2007] to our migration approach, we follow
a white-box approach. Indeed, we create Web services with accessing to the source code of the
Web applications. In addition, our approach is based on static analysis of the system artifacts,
while [Lorenzo et al., 2007] analyze the system at runtime by executing scenarios which are
corresponding to a set of use cases. Analyzing the system at runtime in order to identify new
Web services is one of the perspectives of this work.
[Belushi et Baghdadi, 2007] proposed to wrap the functionalities of legacy Web applications
to expose them as Web services. They apply a Bottom-up methodology to generate wrappers
using the provided tools by J2EE and .Net environments. The wrapper program is responsi-
ble for converting the SOAP request and response messages into a format processable by the
Legacy application. Another scenario provided by this approach when the Legacy application
needs to invoke an external Web service. The Legacy code saves their requests in a shared file
accessible by the wrapper. The later converts them into SOAP messages and invokes the desired
Web services, the results are then saved in a new file that is accessible by Legacy application.
WA2WS [Djelloul et al., 2009] is a Framework that can be used for creating Web Services
36 Chap 3. Literature review
from existing Web applications. The creation of Web services is performed through two ap-
proaches, a reverse-engineering approach and a forward engineering approach. In the first
approach, an UML conceptual schema is recovered starting from the HTML Web pages of the
application using a domain ontology. The second approach uses a set of mapping rules to gen-
erate the Java source code of the Web services. In our approach, the semantic of the Web inter-
face content is not taken into consideration when we parse the Web application. Our parsing
is based on a syntactic analysis. The use of a domain ontology in the parsing of the Web appli-
cation is an important complementary work that can enhance the service identification step in
our approach.
[Guo et al., 2005] proposed a white-box reverse engineering approach for generating wrap-
per components that make the functionalities of a Client–Server .NET application available as
Web Services. The approach is supported by a tool called Web Service Wrapper (WSW) which
is composed of two components: an Analyzer and a Wrapper. The Analyzer parses the source
code of the Microsoft .Net application and it displays the results to the developer as a set of
classes, properties, methods, parameters, and return values of the methods. The task of Wrap-
per is to wrap the legacy system into Web Services and generate related source code directly.
Before that, the Wrapper uses a set of restrictions to eliminate the methods that should not
be considered as Web services. An example of these restrictions is the methods that must be
public and not abstract. In our approach the elimination of non pertinent operations is a semi-
automatic task based on set of OCL constraints written by the developer and could be updated
and reused easily.
Another work proposed by [Maras et al., 2013] relies on the analysis of the client-side Web
application code. The authors consider several behaviors which could be reused in a large
number of Web applications [Maras et al., 2012]. They proposed an approach to identify and
extract the code which implements certain behaviors. The proposal is based on dynamic anal-
ysis, which relies on the execution of scenarios and saving the executed code (client-side code)
responsible for an expected behavior. In addition to the behavior identification, the approach
can extract library functionalities and identify (or delete) the code that does not implement any
behavior (improve the performance). This work is complementary to our proposal as it deals
with client side scripts’ code. Analyzing such kind of client code is one of the perspectives of
our work. For the moment, we partially deal with it in choreography creation when Ajax is used
in the migrated Web application.
time-consuming. A lack of clean interfaces makes integrating Legacy Systems with other sys-
tems difficult. And, they are also difficult, if not impossible, to extend. Several techniques and
methods have been proposed in literature to face the problem of migrating Legacy systems to
service-oriented architectures (SOA). A set of classifications of these solutions have been pro-
posed in [Bisbal et al., 1999 ; Almonaies et al., 2010 ; Zhang et Yang, 2004].
The works published in [Bisbal et al., 1999 ; Almonaies et al., 2010] classify these approaches
into four categories which are: i) replacement, make sense to retire the application and replace
it with a COTS components or a complete rewrite of the Legacy system from scratch. ii) rede-
velopment, which rewrites existing applications; iii) wrapping, which provides a new interface
to a component, making it more easily accessible by other software components; and iv) mi-
gration, which moves the Legacy system to a more flexible environment, while retaining the
original system’s data and functionality. In the migration strategy, Legacy code is identified,
decoupled, and extracted using approaches similar to those used in wrapping and redevelop-
Zhang et al. [Zhang et Yang, 2004] classify the SOA migration approaches on: i) black-box
re-engineering technique, is corresponding to the wrapping approach, where a set of adaptors
are developed to wrap the Legacy code and data, which allow the application to be invoked as
a service. ii) white-box approach (redevelopment) is a reverse engineering technique to the
existing code in order to recover the business logic and then apply modifications on this code
in order to expose this business logic as a Web service. iii) grey-box re-engineering technique,
combines black-box and white-box approaches for integrating not the whole Legacy system
but parts of a Legacy system with valuable business logic.
The approaches of migrating (Legacy) systems to SOA solutions have been the subject of
few literature reviews such as [Almonaies et al., 2010 ; Khadka et al., 2013 ; Razavian et Lago,
2015]. Almonaies et al. [Almonaies et al., 2010] provided a critical review based on the four cat-
egories of SOA migration approaches: replacement, redevelopment, wrapping and migration.
They study the strengths and the weaknesses of each approach aiming to assist organizations to
make good decisions when undertaking a new modernization project. They demonstrate that
no one approach can be applied to every situation. In order to choose, the developers have to
understand the maturity, applicability, strengths and weaknesses of each of approach.
Khadka et al. [Khadka et al., 2013] provided an historic overview, focusing on the meth-
ods and techniques used in a Legacy to SOA evolution. They developed an evaluation Frame-
work to evaluate the Legacy to SOA evolution approaches. The Framework uses six phases that
are typically related to evolution/modernization of Legacy systems. The phases are identified
from common phases in popular methods from software re-engineering domain and service-
oriented development methodologies such as: Butterfly Method, the Renaissance Method,
the Architecture-Driven Modernization(ADM), the Service-Oriented Design and Development
38 Chap 3. Literature review
Figure 3.1 : Evaluation Framework for Legacy to SOA evolution [Khadka et al., 2013]
Razavian et al. [Razavian et Lago, 2015] provided a systematic literature review of SOA mi-
gration approaches that are proposed by the research community. The authors proposed a
SOA migration frame of reference which could be used to select and to define an approach
for migrating to SOA. This frame of reference generalizes the activities carried out and cate-
3.2. Approaches and Tools for Migrating Systems to (Web) Services-Oriented Applications
Figure 3.2 : An example of two-view approach representation. (A) Knowledge view and (B)
activity view [Razavian et Lago, 2015]
Using the SOA frame of reference, Razavian et al. have classified the existing migration ap-
proaches based on similar activity views and the migration objectives and solutions. The SOA
migration approaches are categorized on eight families. Figure 3.3 illustrates the schematic
forms of these families, where, (F1) Code transformation family, (F2) Service identification fam-
40 Chap 3. Literature review
ily, (F3) Business model transformation family, (F4) Design element transformation family, (F5)
Forward engineering family, (F6) Design and composite element transformation family, (F7)
Pattern-based composition transformation family and (F8) Forward engineering with gap anal-
ysis family. Figure 3.3.B illustrates an example of the schematic form of the activity view in fam-
ily (F4), where, in this family, the transformation process only occurs at “basic design element”
level (e.g., modules or classes). Similarly, reverse and forward engineering processes are lim-
ited to this level. As for our approach which is published in [Tibermacine et Kerdoudi, 2010], it
was categorized by [Razavian et Lago, 2015] in the family (F6). This family has a transformation
at both level of “basic design element” and “composite design element”(in Figure 3.2.B). This
entails altering legacy elements to services (i.e., design element transformation) as well as re-
shaping the structure of legacy elements to realize new service compositions (i.e., composition
transformation). Migration here adopts recovering and refactoring of the legacy architecture
to the service-oriented architecture as well as reshaping the legacy elements to service-based
In the following, we report the representative examples of approaches for the Legacy sys-
tems migration to service-oriented architectures: The SMART approach [Lewis et al., 2006]
3.2. Approaches and Tools for Migrating Systems to (Web) Services-Oriented Applications
aims at assisting organizations to migrate their Legacy systems to SOA in a systematic way.
The Legacy systems functionalities, or subsets of them are exposed as services. The proposal
is based on an interview guide, which is presented to the developer in terms of questions.
These questions concern issues about the process of the migration. Based on the developer’s
responses, the degree of the difficulty and the required effort to make such migration are de-
Sneed et al. [Sneed, 2006] presented a tool supported method for moving a legacy software
into a service oriented solution. This work presented a set of metrics to be considered in the
identification of services in Legacy systems. Three main steps are followed in this method to
create Web services, which are i) salvaging the legacy code: consists on analyzing and eval-
uating several hundred of programs in order to identify and extract a code and determine if it
is interesting for reusing. In this step, a domain expert is involved, and (s)he is supported by
automated reverse engineering tools; ii) wrapping the salvaged code: the goal of the wrapping
process is to provide the component extracted from the legacy code with a WSDL interface.
The used technique is to transform each entry into a method and to transform each parameter
into an XML data element. The tool SoftWrap has been developed to automate this transforma-
tion for the languages PL/I, COBOL, and C/C++; iii) Linking the Web services to the business
processes: in this step, the Web services are linked as business processes. The language for
implementing business processes is BPEL4WS. The BPEL4WS process establishes links to part-
ners, defines the link types, declares the parameters to be sent and the results to be received,
and invokes the Web services.
Zhang and Yang [Zhang et Yang, 2004] proposed a re-engineering approach based on hi-
erarchical clustering algorithm to restructure the legacy code and to facilitate legacy code ex-
traction for Web service construction. The service identification step in this approach, starts
with a domain analysis to identify and document requirements on a set of systems in the same
application domain. The results of this step are summarized as a domain model expressed in
UML and saved in XML format. This model is used as basis to identify some business functions
that are reusable and suitable to be provided as services. After that, the target Legacy system is
evaluated and modeled in order to understand their source code. The modeling process uses a
reverse engineering technique which is based on the use of hierarchical clustering techniques.
The clustering techniques are used for transferring procedural code to object-oriented model
and understanding legacy code. Clustering analysis is to group large mounts of entities in a
dataset into clusters according to their relationship and similarity. In this work, the functions,
procedures and classes in object oriented programs are the entities to be clustered. The ob-
tained Dendrogram is analyzed in order to extract a functional service from legacy code accord-
ing to available design decisions (using the created domain model). At the end, the extracted
legacy code must be refined and packaged into candidate services. Based on the domain anal-
ysis and service identification, the service interfaces (WSDL descriptions) are designed.
42 Chap 3. Literature review
Another solution has been proposed in [Canfora et al., 2008] to migrate form-based Legacy
systems into Web services based on a wrapping approach. In the form-based Legacy system the
flow of data between the system and the user is described by a sequence of query and response
interactions, which is converted into message requests from the client and message responses
from the service provider. In this approach, the behaviors accrued when the user interacts with
the Legacy system is modeled in terms of finite state automata, based on a black box reverse
engineering technique. This specification will be interpreted by the wrapper.
Comparing these works to our migration approach, we do not create wrappers for the func-
tionalities exposed by the Web application, but we create a new Web service application start-
ing from the functionality exposed by the Web application. The generated Web service appli-
cation will be eventually used and extended remotely by third party developers. However, the
existing Web applications are kept running and accessible for end users.
A. Marinho et al. [Marinho et al., 2009] proposed a similar approach to [Lee et al., 2005].
In addition, the proposal allows the generation of services starting from components, which
are written in different programming languages. Compared to these reactive systems, WSGen
is proactive. Indeed, in our approach we do not react to a client request, but we propose to
the developers of the Web application to anticipate the export of some functionalities as Web
services. In this way, third party developers can make remote extensions of the services exposed
by the interfaces of the Web components. However, in [Lee et al., 2005 ; Marinho et al., 2009],
only business functionalities implemented in software components are transformed. In our
approach, the Web interfaces, the business functionalities and the navigation between Web
interfaces are converted into stateless Web services and compositions of them.
In [Fei et Wang, 2004], the authors have been presented a conceptual model of Web compo-
nents. They proposed a method for composing a set of services provided by Web components
using parameterized contracts. These contracts link the services in the provided interfaces of
3.2. Approaches and Tools for Migrating Systems to (Web) Services-Oriented Applications
a given component to the services of its required ones. To satisfy a given functionality when a
composition is under construction, a service is included if all its required services are satisfied
by the component’s environment. If some required services are not satisfied, other provided
services from other components are integrated. In our approach, the Web components that we
deal with do not define required interfaces. They refer to industrial solutions of Web develop-
ment (like Java EE). In addition, we build compositions of services as BPEL processes starting
from existing Web and business logic code, while in [Fei et Wang, 2004], compositions are built
starting from formal definitions (contracts) associated with some candidate services in a repos-
Many works in the literature propose model-driven techniques to generate (Web) service-
oriented applications. The work of [Ameller et al., 2015] provided a state-of-the-art in Model
Driven Development (MDD) for SOA systems. The authors focus on what are the characteris-
44 Chap 3. Literature review
tics of MDD approaches that support SOA, what types of SOA are supported and how do they
handle non-functional requirements. They conducted a mapping study (is a form of systematic
literature review) on approaches that have been proposed in the scientific literature related to
the use of MDD in the context of SOC. The conducted study illustrated the following observa-
tions: (1) predominance of top-down transformation in software development activities; (2) in-
existence of consolidated methods; (3) significant percentage of works without tool support; (4)
SOA systems and service compositions more targeted than single services and SOA enterprise
systems; (5) limited use of metamodels; (6) very limited use of Non-Functional Requirements;
and (7) limited application in real cases.
Here we give some examples of model driven approaches for Web service-oriented devel-
opment. The authors of [Bauer et Huget, 2004 ; Bauer et Muller, 2004] have proposed a concep-
tual methodology based on UML 2.0 for developing Web service-based systems covering the
business process, Web service interface and composition parts. The conceptual methodology
can be seen as a multi-steps process. In the first step, a semantic business process specifica-
tion is produced using an extension of UML 2.0 activity diagrams. Next, this specification is
refined into two models: i) a static model, which is essentially the service model (interfaces of
Web services) which are developed using UML diagrams and is enhanced with meta-data, such
as the description of pre- and post-conditions for service invocation, and with exception defi-
nitions; ii) a dynamic model, which is essentially the creation of service choreography oriented
models on the message exchange level using UML 2.0. Each of these two models is described
by a platform independent model and one or more platform specific models.
In [Bauer et Muller, 2004] an approach based on MDA1 has been proposed to transform the
platform independent models specified by UML 2 sequence diagrams to Web Service composi-
tion representations (platform dependent models) specified in BPEL language. This approach
aims in particular to assist the developer in coding BPEL specifications. The transformation
consists on mapping of sequence diagram elements to BPEL2WS elements. This mapping is
defined informally (using graphical notation elements) by associating an element from the set
of sequence diagram elements with one or more elements of the set of BPEL2WS elements. The
informal definition of a mapping between the two representations can be automated. However,
information concerning the WSDL definition of the Web service interfaces are defined manu-
ally starting from UML class diagrams.
R. Gronmo [Gronmo et al., 2004] proposed a model-driven process for building Web ser-
vice compositions. The WSDL descriptions are transformed into UML models. These mod-
els are integrated by the developer to form composite Web services, which contain interface
and workflow descriptions. Interface models are described using stereotyped UML class dia-
grams and workflow models are represented by stereotyped activity diagrams. At the end, a
1 OMG’s Website:
3.2. Approaches and Tools for Migrating Systems to (Web) Services-Oriented Applications
set of WSDL descriptions are generated for the resulting composite services. This work pro-
vides means for making forward engineering (UML to WSDL and BPEL) and reverse engineer-
ing (WSDL to UML) by specifying bidirectional transformation rules. A set of recommendation
are provided to developers in order to create Web services in the area of model driven develop-
In [Yu et al., 2007], proposed a MDA based approach to generate automatically BPEL pro-
cesses. This approach uses transformation rules for converting orchestration models (as PIMs)
specified in CCA (Component Collaboration Architecture), which is part of the UML profile for
Enterprise Distributed Object Computing (EDOC [OMG., ]), into BPEL specifications (as PSMs).
The approach is applicable to other orchestration languages. The same orchestration model
can be transformed to different specifications defined in different orchestration languages by
applying different rules. The transformation rules are specified using OMG’s QVT specification
(Operational Mappings language is used). These rules take as input an instance of the CCA
meta-model enriched by new features and constraints. A BPEL file and a WSDL file (instances
of respectively WSDL and BPEL meta-models) are the output of applying these transformation
[Sosa et al., 2013] describe a systematic and semi-automatic process to modernize and
adapt legacy Web applications to SOA solutions. The proposed approach is based on model-
driven techniques to drive the process. The first step in this process is the reverse engineering
of legacy systems to obtain a model-based specification from them. Service identification is the
second step, where new models conform to SoaML Meta-model (SoaML is OMG specification
to describe Services Oriented Architectures [OMG, 2012]) of the Web application are created,
where the services are labeled. After that, a matching between SoaML models and the business
process model (described in BPMN) of the company is performed. An orchestration of services
based on BPEL is generated by using a model-to-text transformation that takes as input the
weaving models obtained in the previous phase. Concretely, the process proposes: (i) a model-
based reengineering step; (ii) services identification and generation of the services layer for a
SOA, including, on the one hand, the wrapper code to interact with the legacy Web application
and, on the other hand, the publication of the services layer as Web services; (iii) a business
process modeling stage, to clearly describe the organization processes; (iv) an orchestration
code generation phase, to align the services layer offered with the business processes.
Another model-driven approach for creating service-oriented solutions has been proposed
in [Johnston et Brown, 2006]. In this work, a UML profile has been defined for software ser-
vices as a design notation for expressing the design of a services-oriented solution. The service
models that are expressed in this UML profile are then transformed into a specific service im-
plementation in WSDL. The use of this UML profile for describing software oriented services
provides several benefits such as providing: i) A consistent set of concepts, notations, and se-
mantics for modeling services and service interactions. ii) A “domain-specific language” for
46 Chap 3. Literature review
service modeling to support designers of SOAs as they design and reason about their solution.
iii) A consistent basis for generating service realizations from the logical service model. The
mapping from design to implementation is described at two levels: generation of a service
model from the analysis model and generation of a WSDL description from the service model.
This mapping is supported though automated tools in the IBM Rational Software Development
Platform. However, the defined model transformations can be used to convert service models
expressed using the profile into various target languages for service realization.
C. Dumez et al. [Dumez et al., 2008] have introduced UML-S (UML for Services), an exten-
sion to UML 2.0, to develop composite Web services conforming to the model-driven engineer-
ing vision. It is an UML profile and guidelines to develop composite Web services according to
MDE principles. In UML-S, both class diagrams and activity diagrams are used to model and
specify respectively Web services interfaces and their interactions. A set of transformation rules
between UML-S and low-level code (platform-specific code) are introduced. First, transforma-
tion rules from WSDL 2.0 to UML-S class diagram are introduced. Second, transformation rules
to generate WS-BPEL 2.0 code from UML-S diagrams are provided. The use of this transforma-
tion rules has simplified the creation of composite Web services and has made this task more
A. Fuhr et al. [Fuhr et al., 2013] proposed a model driven approach to migrate legacy sys-
tems to service oriented architectures. Based on model-driven strategies, this approach pro-
vided an extension of IBM’s SOMA method towards migration. SOMA(Service-Oriented Model-
ing and Architecture) is an iterative and incremental method to design and implement service-
oriented systems. Four phases of the SOMA method are extended to support SOA migration.
The defined extension are: i) The service identification phase has been extended by a model-
driven technique to reverse-engineer legacy code into an appropriate TGraph, which enables
queries and transformations to identify service candidates. The queries and the transforma-
tions are applied on models that represent different views on software systems including busi-
ness process models, software architecture and programming code. ii) The service specifi-
cation phase has been extended by combining the forward engineering (design of the target
architecture and orchestration of services) with the reverse engineering (derive service opera-
tions and message design from legacy code) techniques. Therefore, the forward design is per-
formed by analyzing legacy systems. iii) The service realization phase has been extended by
the tasks static and dynamic analysis of legacy systems in order to understand the implemen-
tation of legacy functionality. The result of these analyses helps developers to look in legacy
system to find the code to be migrated to services. iv) The service implementation phase has
been extended by including graph transformations as techniques to extract legacy code and
transform it into service implementations. The proposed approach was applied to the migra-
tion of functionality of GanttProject2 towards a Service-Oriented Architecture. As result, a set of
2 GanttProject:
3.3. Approaches for Web Service Composition 47
Web Services were generated whose business functionality where implemented by transform-
ing legacy code.
All these works are complementary to our approach. In our work the transformations are
made from PSM to PSM. Web components, which are models specific to a given platform (in
the current implementation, Java EE), are converted into Web services, which are considered as
another platform-specific model (WSDL, Java and BPEL, in the actual version of WSGen). The
UML profile presented in [Johnston et Brown, 2006] can be used to define high-level models
of the generated Web services. The other approaches can be used to make a reverse engineer-
ing of the generated Web services or orchestrations and obtain more understandable models
(compared to code). In addition, most of these works focus on UML modeling and generat-
ing new Web services starting from models of a high level of abstraction. In our approach, we
worked on the transformation of existing Web code.
A survey of automated Web service composition methods is presented in [Rao et Su, 2005].
The authors consider the automation is the possibility to generate the process model automat-
ically, or to locate the correct services if an abstract process model is given. They proposed a
framework for automatic Web services composition. This framework discusses the similarities
and differences between the existing service composition methods. Figure 3.4 gives a general
representation of this Framework. The Translator translates the specifications expressed by
the participants (Service requester and Service provider) using external languages into
another kind of specifications defined in an internal language that is used by the Process
Generator. For each request, the Process Generator generates a plan that composes the
available services in Repository. The Evaluator evaluates all plans and proposes the best to
be executed by the Execution Engine.
Our proposed approach covers all the phases in this framework, but slightly in different way.
Indeed, our system is not reactive to external specifications that come from service requester,
but, the process plan is extracted starting from the parsing of the Web interface navigations.
The translator in our approach, uses the extracted navigation documents and transform them
into a set of executable BPEL orchestrations. The involved Web services in the composition are
those that are generated from the Web application. The generated orchestrations could be then
executed in one of the existing BPEL execution engines such as Apache ODE [Apache., 2013].
48 Chap 3. Literature review
Figure 3.4 : The framework of the service composition system[Rao et Su, 2005]
The authors in [Zernadji et al., 2015] proposed a scripting language called WS-BScript used
by the designers to specify their process plans. These specifications are then interpreted auto-
matically for updating BPEL orchestrations. The WS-BScript language is used mainly to recon-
figure automatically an existing BPEL orchestration. The authors take into consideration the
non-functional properties in the evolution of these BPEL processes.
A survey of existing methods and approaches for reliable composite services is presented
in [Immonen et Pakkala, 2014]. The authors define the required phases of the composite ser-
vice design and execution to achieve reliable composite service. These phases are described in
the form of a framework. A matching of the existing approaches and their Framework was per-
formed. In our Web services migration approach, we proposed to publish similar operations in
different Web services, this makes them potentially published on different servers. In this way,
if one of the services is not available, or does not work correctly, we can find a similar service
(its substitute) in some other servers. In this way, our approach contributes in the creation of
reliable composite services.
Several automatic, semi-automatic and manual service composition approaches are pro-
posed in the literature such as [Paik et al., 2014 ; Oh et al., 2008 ; Segev et Toch, 2009 ;
Zeng et al., 2004 ; Ren et al., 2011 ; Medjahed et Bouguettaya, 2005 ; Boustil et al., 2014]. Paik et
al. [Paik et al., 2014] proposed to compose services dynamically and automatically from exist-
ing services in service-oriented architecture and cloud computing environments. The authors
proposed a framework and a nested multilevel dynamic composition model which provides a
functional scalability and a seamless composition. They extend the phases of automatic service
composition that are proposed [Rao et Su, 2005] by adding orchestration of nested workflows
and composition property transformations to the existing process.
Oh et al. [Oh et al., 2008] consider the problem of automatic composition of Web services as
AI planning and network optimization problems to investigate its complexity. Their Framework
allows to: (i) formalize the Web service composition problem in terms of AI planning problem,
(ii) analyze the available Web service sets using complex network analysis techniques, (iii) build
benchmarks that simulate these observed topologies, and (iv) design a Web service composi-
3.3. Approaches for Web Service Composition 49
tion algorithm, and finally, (v) evaluate it against the generated benchmarks as well as existing
testing sets.
In [Segev et Toch, 2009] a context-based semantic approach is proposed for classifying and
ranking Web services in order to compose them. The classification is based on the analysis of
the WSDL documents and free text descriptions of the Web services. Two methods are used
for the classification of Web services: Term Frequency/ Inverse Document Frequency (TF/IDF)
and context extraction. The TF/IDF mechanism generates a set of representative keywords
from a corpus of documents (WSDL files or textual descriptions). A context extraction is the
process of creating a set of descriptors, where, a descriptor is a pair of terms (word, phrase, or
alphanumerical) and a weight (represents the importance of the descriptor in relation with the
Web service). The process of service ranking is to give a numeric estimation of the comple-
mentary relation between each two Web services. This process is based on the context analy-
sis, where, each Web service WSDL context descriptor is evaluated according to its proximity to
other services’ free text context descriptors.
In our approach, some parameters of the generated operations have meaningless names
such as: arg1, input0 or param1, which are given by default. Thus, the generated WSDLs for
these services will have also message parts with meaningless names. This problem is consid-
ered by [Rodriguez et al., 2010] as an anti-pattern (called ambiguous names) which occurs fre-
quently in the Web services description. This anti-pattern makes the matching of parameters
in the automatic composition of the services more difficult, and requires the developer inter-
vention. The methods TF/IDF and context extraction that are used by [Segev et Toch, 2009]
could be exploited by our tool “WSGen” to extract representative names for these parameters
starting from the analysis of HTML forms and the used text to describe the input and output
values in the Web application.
In our work, we have used the composability model of [Medjahed et Bouguettaya, 2005] to
50 Chap 3. Literature review
check the syntactic composability of the services. Semantic composability is one of the per-
spectives of our work.
[Garcia et al., 2013b] proposed a framework comprising a set of principles and a process
for recovering a system’s ground-truth architectures. According to the authors, a ground-truth
architecture is the architecture of software system that has been verified as accurate by the
system’s architects or developers who have intimate knowledge of underling application and
problem domain. They consider this knowledge is often undocumented. The framework’s
principles serve as rules or guidelines for grouping code-level entities into architectural ele-
ments and for identifying their interfaces. Four types of information are used to obtain the
ground-truth architecture: generic information (e.g., system-module dependencies), domain
information (e.g., architectural-style rules), application information (e.g., the purpose of the
source code elements), and information about the system context (e.g., the programming lan-
guage used). The proposed process recovers a preliminary version of the system architecture
from its source code. After that, it involves the system’s engineers in a controlled step for com-
pleting the recovery. The authors have discussed their findings through obtaining ground-truth
architectures for four system existing systems come from several problem domains
The authors in [Garcia et al., 2013a] have used a set of eight architectures that have been
3.4. Approaches of Software Architecture Recovery 51
recovered from open source systems and carefully verified as ground-truths architecture in
performing a comparative analysis of six state-of-the-art software architecture recovery tech-
niques. They have used a set of metrics to evaluate the accuracy of each technique, and their
ability to identify a system’s architectural components and overall architectural structure. The
input of the six selected techniques in this study are: (i) textual inputs which are words in
source code and comments of implementation-level entities and (ii) structural inputs which
are control-flow-based and/or data flow-based dependencies between implementation-level
entities. The selected software architecture recovery techniques are:
(1) Algorithm for Comprehension-Driven Clustering (ACDC) [Tzerpos et Holt, 2000], this
technique recovers components (subsystems) using patterns driven approach. Depending on
the pattern used, the subsystems are given appropriate names. These patterns are used to
group entities at the implementation levels. They refer to familiar subsystem structures that
frequently appear in manual decomposition of large industrial software systems. These pat-
terns include for example grouping together entities (such as, procedures and variables) con-
tained in the same source file (Source file pattern) and entities in the same directory (Directory
structure pattern).
(2) Weighted Combined Algorithm (WCA) [Maqbool et Babri, 2004] is a hierarchical clus-
tering technique based on grouping together items or entities based on their properties or fea-
tures. In this technique, each entity is represented as a vector of properties (features), which
represents the entity dependencies. Each implementation-level entity is placed in a cluster,
where a cluster represents an architectural component. The WCA is based on an iterative merg-
ing process of clusters based on a pair-wise similarity of these clusters. The feature vector of a
combined cluster is built by combining the feature vectors of the two similar clusters.
(4) Bunch [Mancoridis et al., 1999] uses a hill climbing algorithm to find a partitioning of
entities into clusters that maximizes an objective function. Bunch initially starts with a random
partition and stops when there is no better partition.
(5) Zone-Based Recovery (ZBR) [Corazza et al., 2010] is a technique which utilizes textual
information, hierarchical clustering, and a weighting scheme for feature vectors. The textual
information tries to infer a software system’s semantics when recovering the system’s architec-
ture. In ZBR, the source file divided into zones and each word in this zone is scored by a term
52 Chap 3. Literature review
frequency. The zone is weighted using the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm. Clusters
in ZBR consist of source files and feature vectors (consists of the word’s score values for each
weighted zone). The ZBR computes the similarity between entities using cosine similarity.
(6) Architecture Recovery using Concerns (ARC) [Garcia et al., 2011] recovers concerns of
implementation-level entities and uses a hierarchical clustering technique to obtain hierarchi-
cal elements. The recovery of concerns is based on a statistical language model LDA (Latent
Dirichlet allocation), which is obtained from the identifiers and comments in a system source
In our recovery approach, the components are grouped based on their names and the de-
veloper knowledge. We plan in future to improve our approach by using one of these clustring
techniques. Our classification will take into consideration several other criteria such as: the
cohesion, the coupling, the similarity between components.
Recently there is a major interest by researchers for proposing approaches and techniques
that aim to recover component-based architectures and service-oriented architectures from
the system implementations. In the following, we give some examples of these approaches:
[Chardigny et al., 2008] proposed an approach called ROMANTIC which focuses on ex-
tracting component-based architectures from existing object oriented systems. The ROMAN-
TIC approach is based on defining a correspondence model between the code elements and
the architectural concepts and instantiating that model in order to extract the architectural el-
ements from the software. The correspondence model consists on defining a partition of the
system classes in shapes (each shape represents a component), while some classes in a shape
have links with classes from another shape. The extraction approach is based on a hierarchical
clustering algorithm. For the authors, an extracted architecture is relevant if it respects four
guides which are: (i) semantically correct. (ii) a good quality properties. (iii), respects precisely
the recommendation of the architect (iv) can be adapted to the specificity of the deployment
hardware architecture. The authors in [Kebir et al., 2012] proposed a technique for evolving ob-
ject oriented systems toward component-based applications.They have used the component-
based architectures that are created as a result of the ROMANTIC approach for identifying the
internal structure of the software components and their required/provided interfaces from the
object oriented programs.
The works in [Chardigny et al., 2008] and [Kebir et al., 2012] focus on creating component-
based architectures which help them to identify software components and their interfaces from
object oriented systems. The set of guides and the clustering algorithms are used to represent a
set of classes as an architectural component element. After that, they have defined a fitness
function to measure the semantic-correctness of a component, where they have identified
three semantic characteristics of software components: composability, autonomy and speci-
3.4. Approaches of Software Architecture Recovery 53
ficity. In our work, during the identification and the creation of Web services from Web appli-
cations, we create implicitly this kind of architectural elements by clustering and distributing
the services based on the cohesion, coupling, and similarity criteria. The semantic character-
istics are ensured by our service distribution technique. But, the main objective of our archi-
tecture recovering approach is not to identify services from Web applications but, is to explicit
architectural views from the collaboration between service participants, which can be seen at
code level only. The generated architectures are then used by the maintenance developers to
understand the implementation-level details of the target system.
[Allier et al., 2010] proposed an approach to restructure legacy object oriented applica-
tions into component-based applications. They consider a component as a group of classes
collaborating to provide a system function. The interfaces provided and required by a compo-
nent are the method calls respectively from and to classes belonging to other components. The
identification of components and their interfaces is based on the analysis of traces obtained
by executing scenarios corresponding to the system use cases. A clustering technique is used
for the classes of the target system, where the classes that appear frequently together in the
execution traces are grouped to form a component. The clustering is based on the using of
meta-heuristic search algorithms in order to find near-optimal solutions. The authors defined
a fitness function to evaluate the quality of a partition by considering the internal cohesion of
a component and the inter-component coupling.
The authors in [Seriai et al., 2014a] proposed an approach to identify the interfaces of a
component according to its interactions with the other components. According to the au-
thors, a component is implemented as a set of classes that work together to provide one or
more services. The set of services are then grouped as an interface for that component. They
consider the interface identification as a clustering problem based on the dependencies be-
tween the exposed methods and the components that use them. The Formal Concept Analysis
(FCA) techniques are used to perform this clustering. For each component a formal context
is created. This context summarizes the dependencies of this component with other compo-
nents. A dependency is defined by a pair: (calling component, called service). The FCA clas-
sifier module derives a concept lattice in which services are grouped according to the calling
components. After that, the lattice is interpreted in order to suggest interfaces for the called
component based on its corresponding lattice. The authors in [Seriai et al., 2014b] proposed
an approach for restructuring the object oriented systems by extracting component based ar-
chitecture and provide a mapping between the architectural elements and their corresponding
ones in the code. Their main objective is to identify all instances of classes representing an
instance of a component in order to build the component’s factory. The authors consider an
instance of a component is all the class instances, which have had connections during the ex-
ecution of the application. The component instances are created by transforming object call
graph into a component instance call graph.
54 Chap 3. Literature review
The works in [Allier et al., 2010], [Seriai et al., 2014a], and [Seriai et al., 2014b] are com-
plementary to our recovery approach. Indeed, in our approach, we analyze the static calls
between services to create the service component architectures. The grouping of the compo-
nents of these architectures is based on the developer knowledge and the syntactic comparison
of the service and component names. This step of our approach could be improved by using
the analysis technique of the execution traces which is proposed by [Allier et al., 2010]. The
grouping of the components will be then based on their runtime dependencies.
The authors in [Anquetil et al., 2009] proposed an approach for making the maintainers’
work easier. They proposed a component recovery approach for Java legacy application. They
explored a reverse engineering approach to extract component types, data types, provided and
required services, structure of composite component types, and communication channels be-
tween components. Their approach is intended to compare a concrete implementation with
an abstract model. It checks also the good state of the architecture of a system by indicating
when a component is used improperly (e.g. communicate with the wrong component).
The proposed approach in [Forster et al., 2013] enables the identification and the analysis
of software dependencies in the context of two software development frameworks: OSGi and
Qt. The first step in this approach is the identification of relevant architectural styles for com-
munication. To do so, developers are invited to inspect the available documentation to learn
about predominant styles and defining the abstract communication principles. The second
step consists on the parsing of the source code in order to create a model capturing object ori-
ented and procedural language constructs (such as packages, classes, and methods). The third
step is the identification of communication ports in source code. The Graphical Pattern Mod-
eling and Matching techniques are used in this step. The last step in this approach consists on
creating components and reconstructing the actual connections. The creation of component
abstractions and their attached ports is supported by the system experts. The information re-
covered is visualized in a graphical view.
In comparison to our work, [Anquetil et al., 2009] and [Forster et al., 2013] recover compo-
nent based architectures, where each public method in the classes is considered as a provided
interface for the component that enclose these classes and each invocation to this method is
modeled as a required interface for the caller component. But, our focus is to recover SOA
architectures (structural and behavioral views) starting from the service-oriented applications
(such as OSGi applications). Indeed, the service oriented communications are recovered and
modeled. To do so, we identify the components that register services in the Service Registry,
and the components that obtain from this Registry the object references (or WSDL interfaces)
of these services in order to invoke them and we represent these collaborations by BPMN and
SCA models.
Some works have been proposed in the literature to detect SOA design patterns from service
3.5. Summary 55
oriented applications such as: [Demange et al., 2013], [Upadhyaya et al., 2013], and [Liang et al.,
2006]. The SOA design patterns are cataloged in few books such as:[Erl, 2009] and [Daigneau,
2011]. These books provide good practices to design service oriented systems. In the recent
years, the detection of patterns in an SOA environment starts attracting more and more re-
searchers. Firstly, [Upadhyaya et al., 2013] proposed to identify service composition patterns
by analyzing the execution logs and the order of service invocation events in these execution
logs. These service composition patterns represent services that are used together repeatedly
and they are structurally and functionally similar. Secondly, [Demange et al., 2013] proposed to
detect five newly defined SOA patterns. They specify these patterns using "rule cards". Accord-
ing to the authors, the "rule cards" are sets of rules that combine various metrics. These can ei-
ther be static which provide information about structural properties like cohesion or coupling,
or dynamic, which provide information about response time or number of service invocation.
Subsequently, they generate detection algorithms from rule cards and apply concretely these
algorithms to detect patterns on SOA systems at runtime. [Liang et al., 2006] used the prop-
erty similarity between the services to detect SOA design patterns. All these works are comple-
mentary to our service oriented architecture recovery approach. Improving our approach by
recovering SOA design patterns will greatly enhance the understanding of the target system.
3.5 Summary
This chapter sums up existing works in the state-of-the-art in three main categories: migration
to SOA approaches, Web service composition approaches, and software architecture recovery
approaches. We highlighted the focus of the community on evolving existing systems to ser-
vice oriented applications. The migration to SOA has been proved to bring many benefits. Of
these benefits, one most important is to open the existing systems for third party development.
Through in-depth analysis of the studies focused on migration activities carried out by the se-
lected approaches, we have shown that there are several ways to make such transition to SOA
(for example, by wrapping, replacement, redevelopment, or migration), and the migration pro-
cess varies depending on the type of system to be migrated (legacy system, software compo-
nent, Web applications, or conceptual models) and the type of the target system (Web service,
service, composition of services, service oriented models). In addition, each selected approach
focuses on a set of particular activities and objectives (such as, code transformation, service
identification, business model transformation, design and composite element transformation,
and automatic, semi-automatic and manual migration).
have shown the topic of (semi)-automatic composition of services has attracted more and more
researchers in last decades, especially in the search for reliable and semantic service composi-
tion. The third category of state of the art is about software architecture recovery. We pointed
out the important role of architecture recovery in system maintenance and evolution.
The following chapters of this thesis aim at presenting the proposed ideas, which are illus-
trated through a set of concrete examples and evaluated with real data.
Part II
Formal model for Web applications and
Service oriented Systems
60 Chap 4. Formal model for Web applications and Service oriented Systems
4.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we introduce (in section 4.2) an example of a Web application which serves as
a running example for illustrating our proposals throughout this dissertation. After that, we
introduce (in section 4.3) a formal description of the context of our work, which is composed of
Web applications and Web service-oriented systems. These formal definitions represent in an
unambiguous way the concepts used in Web applications which are the input of our method,
and the concepts used in Web service oriented systems, which are the output. Moreover, we
identify the properties that characterize the concepts in both systems, and define them using
a set-theoretic notation. In addition, this chapter illustrates how to use the proposed formal
model to represent our example of Web application and the desired Web service oriented ap-
plication that could be generated from this example.
So, there are some functionalities needed by this extension that are already provided by
the original application (eg. searching, payment and delivery schedule). Therefore, for imple-
menting this extension it would be interesting for the third-party developer if (s)he can use
4.2. Illustrative Example 61
functionalities which are provided by the original application instead of implementing them
from scratch.
In order to implement this solution, the third-party developer should have access to the
functionality provided by the Web application differently than via its Web interfaces. Indeed,
if (s)he uses only these Web interfaces, (s)he should send from her(his) programs the neces-
sary HTTP requests, with customized parameters, and should then parse the returned HTTP
responses. This parsing involves an analysis of the responses in order to look for some specific
parts which are of interest. In our example, the third-party developer should implement a pro-
gram that sends an HTTP request to the server hosting the Web application, with for example
the reference(s) of the product(s) (chosen by the customer). The parsing should identify the
price of the purchased items, among other elements. As stated in the introduction, this task is
time-consuming, cumbersome, and error-prone. In addition, the developer should know the
exact type and structure of the HTTP requests and responses.
Moreover, unfortunately, there is no means to directly publish some services of the applica-
tion for third party development. Even if stubs can be generated and provided for client appli-
cations, these stubs are generally language-dependent (only Java clients can use stubs gener-
ated for EJBs) and cannot be published, as they are, in libraries of services. Besides, the EJB 3.x
specification introduced some annotations to enable developers to publish some methods in
a bean as services. However, this is possible only for individual methods, and we cannot intro-
duce annotations to create composition of operations which we found in real-world business
logic. In addition, we cannot use these annotations to expose Web interfaces as Web services.
The same observations can be made on Eclipse tools (WTP project), which allow to generate
Web services starting from individual methods in Java classes.
The BPEL process makes the payment of the purchased products (without insurance) from
62 Chap 4. Formal model for Web applications and Service oriented Systems
the original Web application by invoking the generated Payment Web service. After that, to pay
the insurance costs, the BPEL process invokes an operation that is implemented by the third
party developer. At the end of this process, it invokes the Delivery Service.
These two formal models have been validated in the publication [Kerdoudi et al., 2016].
W P (w p 2 ) bui l d SeS(ses 2 )
• E = C S A ∪ SS A with:
– C S A is the set of all client side artifacts which are HTML Web pages (W P in Figure 4.1)
and Client Scripts (C S in Figure 4.1).
– SS A is the set of all server side artifacts which are Server Scripts (SeS in Figure 4.1)
and Server Classes (SC in Figure 4.1)
• R is the set of all common and possible relationships between artifacts of Web applications
– (C S A × SeS) corresponding to relationships between static Web pages and server side
scripts (such as submit, build, redirect, clientScriptRequest, among other re-
lationships in Figure 4.1)
– (SeS × SC ) corresponding to relationships between server scripts and server classes
(eg. (ses 1 use sc 1 ) in Figure 4.1)
– (SeS × SeS) corresponding to relationships between server scripts (eg. redirect in
Figure 4.1)
– (SC × SC ) corresponding to relationships between server classes (eg. (sc 1 use sc 3 ) in
Figure 4.1)
– (C S A × C S A) corresponding to relationships that exist between client side artifacts
(eg. (w p 1 include cs 1 ) in Figure 4.1)
A Web (user) interface (UI) may be formally defined as a subgraph of the graph representing
the Web application to which it belongs. Thus, a Web UI is defined by a pair (E wui , R wui ) such
as: E wui = (C S A wui ∪ SS A wui ) with (C S A wui ⊆ C S A) ∧ (SS A wui ⊆ SS A) ∧ (R wui ⊆ R)
A Web UI consists of server pages, client static pages and client built pages. The server
pages are deployed on the Web server and could manipulate some server classes; client static
pages have a static content which is composed of HTML tags; the content of client built pages
is generated on the fly by the server pages after processing user’s requests.
64 Chap 4. Formal model for Web applications and Service oriented Systems
submi t
W P (showC ar t .ht ml ) SeS(t ot al P r i ce I nC ar t . j sp)
bui l d
W P (car t Det ai l ml ) SC (I t em. j av a)
SC (P r od uc t s. j av a)
Considering our example of the e-shopping application. In the Cart Web UI the total price of
all saved items in the user’s cart is calculated and presented to users via a Web interface.
Figure 4.2 shows a subgraph that represents the Cart Web UI 1 where,
• SeS = {t ot al P r i ce I nC ar t . j sp}
• SC = { I t em. j av a, P r od uct s. j av a }
In this subgraph, the user can access the cart through the client page showC ar t .ht ml .
In order to calculate the total price of the products in the cart, the user can submit data
(such as product references and quantities) to the server script located in the JSP page
t ot al P r i ce I nC ar t . j sp. As a result, the total price is displayed to the user via the client page
c ar t Det ai l ml .
We define a set of structural and behavioral properties related to server side artifacts as
• Request Parameters: are the data entered by users when manipulating a Web interface
and which are processed by a server side script.
1 This subgraph is used as an illustrative example throughout this thesis
4.3. Web applications and Service oriented Systems 65
• Environment Objects: Each server side script could manipulate a set of environment
objects such as session variables, cookies and business objects in order to store and share
user’s data.
For each element ses ∈ SeS,
EO(ses) is the set of environment objects which are manipulated by the server script ses.
• Statements of Server Scripts: For each ses ∈ SeS, St at s(ses) is the set of all state-
ments declared in ses.
• Methods of Server Classes: For each sc ∈ SC , M (sc) is the set of all methods declared
in a server class sc.
The presented model and the set of definitions are used later throughout the thesis.
service orchestrations. Fig. 4.3 shows an example of a graph representing the software entities
of an imaginary Web service-oriented application.
• E sos = SI ∪ B P ∪C ;
• B P is a set (possibly empty) of all BPEL processes that implement the WSDL service inter-
faces of the Web service orchestrations;
• C is a set of all OO classes that implement WSDL service interfaces of primitive Web services
• R sos is the set of all common and possible relationships between the sets SI , B P and C .
So, R sos = IIR ∪ ISR ∪ WSR with,
• SI = {si 1 , si 2 }
• C = {c 1 , c 2 , c 3 , c 4 , c 5 , c 6 }
• B P = {bpel 1 }
C (c 1 ) I SR C (c 4 )
C (c 2 ) C (c 3 )
C (c 5 ) B P (bpel 1 )
C (c 6 )
A Web service may be formally defined as a subgraph of the graph representing the Web
service-oriented system to which it belongs. Thus, a Web service is defined by a pair (E s , R s ): E s
= (SI s ∪ B P s ∪C s ) where (SI s ∈ SI ) ∧ (B P s ⊆ B P ) ∧ (C s ⊆ C ) ∧ (R s ⊆ R) with,
Returning to the Cart Web UI presented previously (Section 4.3.1), Fig. 4.4 shows a graph
SOS sos1 = (E sos1 , R sos1 ) that represents the Web services which could be generated starting
from this Web UI.
68 Chap 4. Formal model for Web applications and Service oriented Systems
Ser vi ce(ser 1 ) SI (w sd lC ar t )
Ser vi ce(ser 2 ) SI (w sd l P r od uc t s)
C (P r od uc t sSer vi ce)
Figure 4.4 : A subgraph that represents the generated Web services from the Cart Web Interface
(SOS 1 )
• SI = {w sd lC ar t , w sd l P r od uct s}
• B P = {}
In this subgraph, Ser vi ce(ser 1) represents the generated Web service starting from server
scripts in the Cart Web UI and Ser vi ce(ser 2) represents the generated Web service start-
ing from the server class P r od uct s. j av a. The W SR relationship represents an invocation
to an operation published in w sd l P r od uc t s interface from the source code of the class
C (C ar t Ser vi ce). This relationship represents an invocation from a server script in the Cart
Web UI to a method (this method is exposed later as a Web service operation) located in the
P r od uc t s. j av a class.
4.4 Summary
In this chapter, we illustrated through a concrete example, the need for shifting starting from
Web application systems into Web service-oriented systems. In order to better understand both
kinds of software systems and to present more accurately our migration process, we have pro-
posed a model that represents formally these two systems. Thus, we have used this formal
model to illustrate how our example of Web application and the desired service oriented system
are represented in an unambiguous way as two directed graphs expressed using a set-theoretic
notation. The migration process is then considered as a mapping between graphs. The prop-
erties that characterize the concepts in both systems are also mathematically defined as sets.
4.4. Summary 69
In the two next chapters, we use these formal definitions to present the migration of Web
applications toward individual and composite Web services. The approach is explained using
a set of procedures and functions that use this formal model.
Migrating Component-Based Web
Applications to Web Services : Towards
Considering a "Web Interface as a
Chap 5. Migrating Component-Based Web Applications to Web Services : Towards
72 Considering a "Web Interface as a Service"
5.1 Introduction
This chapter covers the heart of this thesis, we present our solution for migrating Web appli-
cations toward Web service-oriented systems. In section 5.2, we give a general overview of
the proposed approach. The proposed approach is a multi-step process which is explained
through an algorithm proposed in this chapter. All the details about the processing performed
on Web applications in order to generate primitive Web services are presented in the remain-
ing sections. In addition, we use our formal models (presented in Chapter 4) to present the
migration of Web applications to Web service-oriented systems as a mapping of graphs.
A first version of this process was published initially in ECSA conference [Tibermacine et
Kerdoudi, 2010], CAL conference [Tibermacine et Kerdoudi, 2011] and ICWS conference [Tiber-
macine et Kerdoudi, 2012]. After that, our method was detailed and published in the Service
Oriented Computing and Applications journal [Kerdoudi et al., 2016].
In the following we give a brief description of each step in the proposed process.
2. Input and Output Message Identification The input and output messages related to each
identified operation in the Web services are extracted starting from the parsed elements
in the Web component. In this step, many aspects of Web application are taken into
consideration such as: HTTP requests and HTTP responses, session variables, cookies,
client-side scripts and their direct HTTP requests, in-line documents, among others.
5.2. Approach Overview 73
3. Operation Filtering Then, all operations that must not be published in Web services are
eliminated. This needs the contribution of the developer. (S)he should manually remove
these unwanted operations. Besides, we provide to the developer a way for specifying
constraints so that the operations that are recurrently unwanted can be automatically
removed (see Line 9).
4. Operation Distribution After that, the remaining operations are grouped in Web services
based on two criteria (see Line 10). Similar operations (lexically) are distributed on dif-
ferent Web services to ensure some level of reliability. The tightly coupled operations are
grouped together in a single Web service. This grouping increases at the same time the
performance and helps developers in the evolution and maintenance of the generated
services. Besides, each created Web service is represented as a subgraph of the output
Hereinafter, we detail each function in the process. In this chapter, we present the details
of the four first steps, which concern the generation of individual Web services. The details of
the composition of these Web services is presented in Chapter 6.
Therefore, the service interface and its implementation class are created here (see Lines 3
to 5 in Algorithm 2).
Algorithm 3 gives the details of how to create operations. Each access to global variables
5.3. Operation Pool Construction 75
or attributes from the source code of the identified methods and functions is transformed into
additional parameters (see Line 5 in Algorithm 3). This makes these operations stateless. More-
over, each server class and all their dependent internal classes (which does not publish opera-
tions) are grouped together to form a Web service (see Lines 7 to 12 in Algorithm 3).
The public functionalities which are accessible via Web interfaces from end-users are trans-
formed into new operations. These operations have as parameters the data entered by users
when manipulating the Web interface (data entered in forms, for example), and have as output
Chap 5. Migrating Component-Based Web Applications to Web Services : Towards
76 Considering a "Web Interface as a Service"
the results returned by the scripts processing the data entered by the users. In other words,
the code present in programs executed at the server-side (JSP or PHP scripts, for example) is
grouped within new operations and formatted to be executed as stand-alone code. For exam-
ple, all the code present in scriptlets of a JSP page which implements a provided functionality
to users is grouped and formatted within a single operation. For instance, in the Web inter-
face presented in section 4.3.1, the code present in scriptlets of t ot al P r i ce I nC ar t . j sp server
page is formatted within a new operation exposed by the w sd lC ar t interface in Fig. 4.4. More
details about this transformation is given in the next section.
Therefore, the Web interfaces that use a secure protocol such as TSL(SSL) [Dierks et
Rescorla, 2006] to protect the exchanged messages content or to authenticate the client by us-
ing a client’s public key certificate are migrated toward a secure Web service that uses the same
protocol. Indeed, the source code that implements the TSL(SSL) protocol in the Web interface
is formatted to be a secure Web service. In this way, our approach will not weaken the migrated
Web application security level.
Besides, a Web interface may include a Frameset composed of one or more frames, and
in each frame, there is a content which could be dynamically loaded from elsewhere (Web in-
tefaces, texts, images, etc.). For example, the <iframe src="URL"> tags are used to embed
another content (HTML, JSP, PHP...) within a given HTML, JSP or PHP document. For such
tags, the inline frame (document) sometimes corresponds to a Web interface, which has been
transformed into a Web service. In this case, an invocation to this Web service is added in the
source code of the operation created starting from the currently analyzed Web interface. This
invocation allows to retrieve some data from the server.
Algorithm 4 shows how to create a Web service subgraph starting from a Web interface sub-
graph. First, the service interface and its implementation class are created (see Lines 3 to 5).
After that, a new operation is created from the Web interface (see Lines 6 to 9 ). This operation
and its internal dependent classes are grouped within a Web service (see Lines 10 to 15). In
other words, for each dependent class, we create a node of type C s . This node is connected
to the class that implements the service with an I SR relationship. For example, in Fig. 4.4 the
C (I t em. j av a) class is an internal class used by the C (C ar t Ser vi ce) class. Additional opera-
tions are also generated from the existing methods in the server page (see Lines 16 to 20).
to extract new input and output messages (see Lines 7 and 8 in the Algorithm 4); iii) The used
environment objects (session variables, cookies and business objects) by the Web interface are
considered as input and output messages (see Lines 7 and 8 in Algorithm 4). This step of our
migration process and the used examples have been validated in the publication [Kerdoudi et
al., 2016].
Furthermore, the contents produced by the server programs, which are viewed at the client
side (this content is produced using statements such as: JSP expressions or out.println(...)
for JSP and PHP’s echo() or print() function calls), are considered as output values. The
types of these values are extracted from the code and defined in the generated SOAP messages.
The arguments of the out.println(...) or echo(...) methods can be variables, method
invocations or expressions. For variables, we get their type from the parsed code. In the case
of method invocations, the type of the generated output message corresponds to the returned
type of the invoked method. The expressions can be a concatenation of texts and values of
variables and/or method invocations. In this case, the values from method invocations and the
variable accesses are extracted to be added as output values of the generated operation. The
text is added as another output.
Let us consider the Cart Web UI of our example presented in Section 4.3.1. This interface
allows users to calculate the total price of her/his items. Listing 5.1 shows an excerpt of the code
present in the t ot al P r i ce I nC ar t . j sp server script. Two input messages are identified start-
ing from the request.getParameterValues(...) statements (see Lines 8 and 9). They cor-
respond to the references of the selected items to be purchased and the quantities wanted
by the user for each selected item. Another input message is extracted from the used JavaBean
object prods. For the subgraph created for this Web interface (see Fig. 4.2), we represent these
values as: RP ={r e f er ences, quant i t i es} and EO= {pr od s}.
L ISTING 5.1 : An excerpt of the code present in the Cart Web interface
5.4. Input and Output Message Generation 79
The type of the references input is an array of Strings. From the conversion statement (see
Line 14) we have deduced that the type of quantities is an array of Integers.
Finally, we have deleted from the source code of the generated operation: the conver-
sion, the cast and the request.getParameterValues(...) statements (Lines 8, 9 and 14 in
Listing 5.1). The returned value of the generated operation is the result saved in the variable
totalPrice and bound to the Web interface using a JSP expression (Line 19). This is used to
create an output SOAP message of type Double (in our subgraph, we have PC = {t ot al P r i ce}).
After applying the two first steps and making the necessary modifications for the previous
source code, a new operation is created (see Listing 5.2). For that, four input parameters and a
returned value are identified.
L ISTING 5.2 : An excerpt of the generated operation from the Cart Web interface
Fig. 4.4 shows the subgraph that represents the generated Web service from the Cart Web
interface and the server class Products, where, the following values represent these services.
• OP ar am(t ot al P r i ce I nC ar t ) = { t ot al P r i ce}
The user’s data that is stored in these session objects could be used as constraints for ac-
cessing other Web interfaces when the user navigates in the application. Therefore, the output
messages that are generated from the first Web interface are considered as the input to the
generated services from the navigated Web interfaces. This ensures that these services are not
freely accessible (preserve security). In order to generate these messages, we parse the code
present in operations that use session variables.
In our illustrative example, the addItem Web interface is used to add a new item into a vir-
tual cart. Listing 5.3 shows an example of using session variables to store information about the
cart. The quantity and the reference are identified and considered as input messages. They
are identified after the parsing of the request.getParameter(...) statements (as explained
in the previous section).
1 <%
2 Cart currentCart =(Cart) session.getAttribute("currentCart");
3 // return the object bound with the name ’currentCart’ in this session, or null if
no object is bound under this name
4 Cart newCart = null;
5 if (currentCart == null){
6 //binds a new object ’newCart’ to this session using the name "currentCart"
7 newCart = new Cart();
8 session.setAttribute("currentCart",newCart);
9 }
10 else {
11 newCart = (Cart) session.getAttribute("currentCart");
12 }
13 String StrQuantity = request.getParameter("quantity");
14 int quantity = Integer.parseInt(StrQuantity);
15 if (quantity > 0){
16 String reference = request.getParameter("reference");
17 // update the Cart and the object bound the this session
18 newCart.addItem(reference,quantity);
19 }
20 out.println(newCart.getTotalPrice())
21 %>
L ISTING 5.3 : An excerpt of a server script present in the addItem Web interface
5.4. Input and Output Message Generation 81
Now, statements such as session.getAttribute(...) (see Lines 2 and 11) return the objects
bound to the name ’currentCart’ specified in this session. So, this object is transformed
into an additional input. The session objects can be updated in the source code (see Line 18).
For this reason, they are also considered as output messages of the generated operation. After
analyzing the cast statements in Lines 2 and 11, we have deduced that the concrete type of the
’currentCart’ message is Cart.
In addition, the parsing of statements that are used to bind an object to a session such
as: session.setAttribute(...,...) generates additional output messages. For example,
from the Line 8, we create an output message named ’currentCart’. At the end, an addi-
tional output message corresponding to the calculated price is generated from the parsing of
the statement out.println(...) (see Line 20). The type of this output corresponds to the
returned type of getTotalPrice method that is Double. Listing 5.4 shows an excerpt of the
newly created operation. It allows to add a new item in the virtual cart. This operation receives
three input messages (reference, quantity and currentCart) and returns a composed mes-
sage that contains the new total price and the updated virtual cart. However, the statements
that use session variables are removed from the code of this operation.
L ISTING 5.4 : An excerpt of the generated operation from addItem Web interface
sages. Listing 5.5 shows an example of using cookies to save information about user authenti-
cation in the signIn Web interface.
The parsing of this code has identified one input message which is defined starting from
the request.getCookies() statement (see Line 2). This input value corresponds to a set of
cookies that are used in the generated operation’s code. This set of cookies is returned as out-
put message of this operation in order to be used as input of another operation generated from
another Web interface that uses these cookies. In this way the composition of these two oper-
ations would be easier.
1 <%
2 Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
3 String email = "", password ="";
4 if( cookies != null ){
5 for(Cookie cookie : cookies){
6 if (cookie.getName().equals("email")){
7 email = cookie.getValue();
8 }
9 if(cookie.getName().equals("password")){
10 password = cookie.getValue();
11 }
12 }
13 AccountManager userId= new AccountManager();
14 if(userId.signIn(email,password)){
15 // ....
16 }
17 }
18 %>
L ISTING 5.5 : An excerpt of code showing the using of cookies in the signIn Web interface
The generated operation has a body with the same code as the script shown above, except
the statement at Line 2. This Line is replaced with a statement which is used for extracting
the cookies from an object of type Collection (obj.getCookies()) received as an argument. In
addition, a “return" statement is added at the end of the operation’s body, which returns this
object (retun obj;).
needs the developer involvement. The developer is asked to choose among the selected oper-
ations those that are not interesting for a publication. A set of filtering expressions are made
available to be used and enriched by the developer. Some kinds of operations are recurrent
in most of applications. Therefore, the specified expressions could be reused by another devel-
oper in order to filter operations which are generated starting from other Web applications. The
developer will not have to specify them from scratch. These expressions are constraints that
are checked on an Ecore [Eclipse, 2009a] instance of a meta-model representing operations.
These instances of the meta-model are automatically built by analyzing the operations’ code.
Constraints are Boolean expressions which are specified using OCL (Object Constraint Lan-
guage [OMG., 2006]). OCL has been chosen because of its simplicity [Briand et al., 2005] and
the existence of a good tool support (OCL Toolkit [Dresden., 2009], Eclipse MDT/OCL [Eclipse,
2009b], ...). The specified constraints navigate in the meta-model, which is illustrated in Fig-
ure 5.2. This meta-model is an excerpt of the UML meta-model (related to operations) [OMG.,
2011b] extended with some basic constructs.
The main meta-class in Figure 5.2 is Operation, which represents an identified operation
from the code. The Operation meta-class is associated to a Type meta-class which represents
the returned type of the operation. In addition, this operation could have a body and a set
of parameters. All constraints have as a context an instance of the Operation meta-class. An
example of a constraint is given below:
This OCL constraint states that the operations which use the session standard script variable
must not be selected.
In this example, all operations that represent field accessors (for example, setter methods) are
Chap 5. Migrating Component-Based Web Applications to Web Services : Towards
84 Considering a "Web Interface as a Service"
The operation filtering approach has been validated in the publications [Tibermacine et
Kerdoudi, 2010], [Tibermacine et Kerdoudi, 2012] and [Kerdoudi et al., 2016].
The cohesion of a service is assessed based on the degree of the strength of functional re-
latedness of operations within a service. We measure the cohesion of a service by analyzing the
static invocations between operations within that service. Several cohesion metrics have been
proposed in the literature in order to measure the cohesion of a class in an object-oriented
system [Briand et al., 1998]. We believe that one of these metrics can be used to evaluate the
cohesiveness of the generated Web services. The LCOM (Lack of Cohesion in Methods), T CC
(Tight Class Cohesion) and LCC (Loose Class Cohesion) are one of the most used metrics to
measure cohesion between public methods in a class. The problem with LCOM metric is that
such metric only helps in identifying the absence of cohesion rather than its presence [Etzkorn
et al., 2004]. On the contrary, we need in our work to measure the presence of cohesion in Web
services. For this reason we use the T CC and LCC metrics to measure service cohesion. To
do so, we start with a flat organization of operations (all operations are distributed in one Web
service). Then, we calculate T CC and LCC to check the cohesiveness of this Web service. If
the service is not cohesive, we split it into set of low coupling services and we check again the
cohesiveness of each one of them. We repeat the measurement until the produced services are
“quite cohesive".
To measure LCC , we consider NIC is the number of indirect connections between opera-
tions (when two operations are connected via other operations). LCC is defined as the relative
number of directly or indirectly connected operations: LCC = N DC + N IC /N P .
According to [Badri et Badri, 2004], a class (a service in our case) is considered non-cohesive
when T CC < 0.5 and LCC < 0.5. If LCC = 0.8 the class is considered "strongly cohesive". If
T CC = LCC = 1 then the class is maximally cohesive, which means all methods are connected.
In our approach, we experimentally tested these metrics and we found out that with T CC > 0.5
or LCC > 0.5 the obtained Web services are “quite cohesive”.
Algorithm 5 shows how the grouping is performed. First, each group of operations is rep-
resented with a graph which is expressed as a pair (OP,CON ), where OP symbolizes a set of
operations. CON is a binary relation on CON (⊆ OP × OP ). It corresponds to the direct and
indirect connections between operations.
The input of this algorithm is a group that contains all the identified operations. The output
is a set of cohesive Web services.
First, we try to find the best grouping (best level of cohesiveness) by measuring the T CC . If
T CC > 0.5 we conclude that the Web service is "quite cohesive". In this case, we do not need
Chap 5. Migrating Component-Based Web Applications to Web Services : Towards
86 Considering a "Web Interface as a Service"
to calculate the LCC , because, the existing number of direct connections is enough, in order
to know if service is cohesive or not. Now, in the case of T CC < 0.5, the indirect connections
between operations that belongs to a service are used to assess the cohesiveness of that service.
Hence, we need to calculate the LCC . If LCC > 0.5 we consider the Web service is "cohesive"
although the T CC < 0.5. Now, if the LCC < 0.5 and T CC < 0.5, then the service is not cohesive.
In this case, we split the service into a set of explicit groups of operations (where, there are no
connections between these groups) (see Line 11). For each explicit group we invoke again the
grouping algorithm. Now, if there are no explicit groups, we identify the implicit groups where
there is a lowest coupling between them (see Line 16). And, we repeat the measurement for
each group.
For instance, the following operations are created starting from the e-shopping application:
G2 op 1 op 3
op 2 op 4
G4 G5
op 5
op 8 op 6 op 11
op 7 op 9 op 10
Fig. 5.3 shows the dependencies between operations where, dashed lines represent the in-
direct connections between a pair of operations and solid lines represent direct connections
between them. The measurements give the following values:
Chap 5. Migrating Component-Based Web Applications to Web Services : Towards
88 Considering a "Web Interface as a Service"
• TCC(G1) = 55 = 0.10
• LCC(G1) = 55 = 0.21
• TCC(G2) = 6 = 0.5
• LCC(G2) = 6 = 0.83
• TCC(G3) = 21 = 0.14
• LCC(G3) = 21 = 0.33
• TCC(G4) = 10 = 0.10
• LCC(G4) = 10 = 0.5
• TCC(G5) = 1 =1
• LCC(G5) = 1 =1
We have started with the group G1 which is not cohesive. G1 is divided into two explicit
groups (G2) and (G3). After that, (G4) and (G5) are created starting from (G3). Finally, the
obtained cohesive Web services are: G2 (op1, op2, op3, op4), G4(op5, op6, op7, op8, op9) and
G5( op10, op11).
In other words, Web services are exposed to errors and failures for many reasons, such as,
the network is unreachable, the application server is unavailable or the service is not working
properly. Hence, the reliability of the programs (it could be an orchestration of Web services)
that invokes these services will be decreased. Several error-handling approaches are proposed
in the literature such as [Aït-Bachir, 2008], [Crasso et al., 2008], [Kokash, 2006] and [Tiberma-
cine et al., 2015]. Many of these approaches are based on finding a relevant service substitute
that replaces the failed service. For example in [Azmeh et al., 2011] and [Tibermacine et al.,
2015] the identification of the substitute is based on the measurement of similarity between
service interfaces.
In this work, a solution based on a comparison of operation signatures has been used. The
WSSim tool [Tibermacine et al., 2013] allows to measure the similarity between operations by
comparing the operations’ names and input and output messages. Table 5.1 shows the simi-
larity measurement results that are produced by WSSim for the operations that are depicted in
5.7. Web Service Deployment 89
Fig. 5.3. In this table, we give a score of similarity (between 0 and 1) for all pairs of operations.
The operations that have a similarity score that ranges between 0.80 and 1 are considered highly
similar. According to the obtained similarity assessment, we consider that operations op 8 and
op 9 are highly similar.
After the calculation of cohesion and similarity between the different operations, the next
step is to distribute these operations on Web services. In the current implementation, we assist
the developer for giving a new organization based on the obtained results from the cohesion
and similarity values. The proposed organization could then be manually updated by the de-
veloper. For example, we decide to move the operation (op 8 ) from the Web service G4 into
G5. This moving does not have a negative impact on the cohesiveness of the obtained services.
This technique of operations distribution based on the grouping and spreading criteria has
been validated in the publication [Kerdoudi et al., 2016].
Another alternative to the centralized deployment is the remote hosting. In this case, the
developer has thus the opportunity to host her/his Web services in a server which is running
in another execution context. The code is uploaded and then put in the correct directory of
the Web server. This is done via FTP and requires that the developer has all access rights. This
Chap 5. Migrating Component-Based Web Applications to Web Services : Towards
90 Considering a "Web Interface as a Service"
step of our approach has been validated in the publication [Tibermacine et Kerdoudi, 2010],
[Tibermacine et Kerdoudi, 2011] and [Tibermacine et Kerdoudi, 2012].
5.8 Summary
Recent research in software and information systems engineering emphasizes the need for
the proposition of new languages, methods, and tools for building systems by shifting from
a product-centric to a service-oriented view [Finkelstein et Kramer, 2000]. In this chapter, we
presented our solution of migrating Web component based application to Web Services: To-
wards Considering a "Web Interface as a Service". The proposed solution, is a multi-step pro-
cess for the transformation of Web applications into Web service-oriented ones. Web compo-
nents are seen here as software artifacts embedding business logic code and exporting Web
interfaces. This kind of modules are analyzed, the different elements that compose them are
extracted to identify potential operations to be published into Web services. All operations
that must not be published in Web services are eliminated. We provide a semi-automatic way
of eliminating unwanted recurrent operations. This is done through OCL constraints that de-
velopers should specify on a simple metamodel of operations inspired from the UML meta-
model. These constraints are automatically checked. The operations kept must satisfy these
constraints, if any. After that, in order to create Web services with a good level of granularity, we
proposed a technique for distributing operations into Web services. Operations tightly coupled
are grouped in the same Web services in order to enhance their performance, and operations
that are similar are spread-out in different Web services, in order to enhance their reliability.
All of the resulting services are deployed on the Web server in order to allow third party devel-
opment. In our work, we considered these deployed artifacts (embedding Web interfaces) as
remote APIs (as Services) that offer the opportunity for developers to extend the functionality
provided by these services and exploit the resources used by them.
In the next chapter, we detail the step of the Web service composition. We show how the
individual Web services are composed automatically based on existing dependences between
Web components.
Generation of composite Web Services
92 Chap 6. Generation of composite Web Services
6.1 Introduction
In Chapter 5, we presented all the details of our method for transforming component-based
Web applications into service-oriented ones. We have illustrated how we assist the developer
so that (s)he creates primitive Web services starting from Web applications. In this chapter,
we show how to create composite Web services by assembling automatically the generated in-
dividual Web services. The potential dependencies between the different selected operations
in the Web services are identified. We distinguish two kinds of dependencies between opera-
tions: operation invocation dependencies and Web navigation relationships. In Section 6.2, we
present the details of the first kind of dependencies, where choreographies are generated by
analyzing the relationships between the published Web services. In Section 6.4, we present the
details of the second kind, where, the navigations between Web interfaces of the Web applica-
tion enable to create orchestrations of the Web services that have been created from these Web
Besides, other Web service requests can be also created starting from the parsing of client-
side scripts. Indeed, the majority of modern Web applications use Ajax, which allows to build
dynamic and interactive Web applications. Client-side scripts can create direct connections
to the server and transfer data from clients to servers. The XMLHttpRequest API is the mostly
used technique as an Ajax implementation [Flanagan, 2011]. In some cases, the request sent to
the server asks for a server-side program which has been transformed into a Web service. We
6.3. Example of Choreography Creation at Code Level 93
check this by the parsing of the scripts that use this API. In this case, we create a new request to
this Web service. This request is added at the beginning of the source code of the Web service
generated starting from the current Web interface. This invocation allows to update the data at
server side before it will be used by the Web service.
This client side script contains a call to a program executed at the server side corresponding
to the updateCart Web interface. This program allows to update the cart and calculate the new
total price. When the user clicks on the proceed to checkout button, a program (provided by
the Payment Web interface) is executed at server side. This program takes as input the new
calculated total price and the new cart details.
Following our approach, the payment and updateCart operations are created respectively
starting from the Payment and updateCart Web interfaces. So, an invocation to updateCart
operation is added at the beginning of the payment source code. In this way, the new total price
is calculated before proceeding to payment.
In addition to the invocation of the updateCart operation several other operation in-
vocations are created in order to accomplish the payment process. Indeed, the opera-
94 Chap 6. Generation of composite Web Services
The choreography creation approach has been validated in the publication [Tibermacine
et Kerdoudi, 2012] and [Kerdoudi et al., 2016].
In this algorithm, first all navigation paths are calculated from the Web navigation doc-
ument of the parsed Web application (Line 2). Each path represents a coarse grained func-
6.4. Web Service Orchestration Creation 95
tionality provided to the user when (s)he navigates between the Web interfaces of this path.
Therefore, for each path we create a BPEL process (Line 4) which represents a new generated
composite Web service. After that, for each navigation rule in the current path, we identify the
source operation (Line 8). The source operation corresponds to the operation that has been
generated starting from the navigation’s source Web interface. The same thing is done for the
destination Web interface (Line 19). As specified in the algorithm, a navigation rule contains
three elements: i) a source view (Line 8), which represents the Web interface(s) from which
the navigation started (e.g., the Web interface presenting the form for searching items in the
example introduced previously: search.jsp); ii) a destination view (Line 19) that corresponds
to the Web interface(s) to which the user will be automatically directed (e.g., the Web inter-
face(s) presenting the result of the search searchResult.jsp); and iii) an execution condition
which contains an expression and a value (e.g., the expression is a call to the JavaBean method
for getting the number of items found: #{searchResult.getItemsCount}, and the value is
For each navigation rule, we first test if the source operation has already been called in the
process while parsing another navigation rule (Line 9). This ensures that operation invocations
are not duplicated. In the case of an operation which has already been invoked in the process,
we just get the returned value (Line 16). This kind of values is stored after each operation in-
vocation (see Lines 13 and 25). Then, we parse the condition part in the navigation rule, by
calling a function (see Line 18). In this function, we get the expression of the condition, which
corresponds to the operation to be invoked. We test if this operation is not invoked previously
in the process. In this case, we create in the process an invocation to this operation. After
that, we create in the process an If Activity. It is used to compare the obtained value after
invoking the operation defined in the condition’s expression and the condition’s value. If the
two values are equal, then we invoke the corresponding destination operation (see Lines 19 to
24). We need to test before, if the destination operation has already been called in the process
while parsing another navigation rule. This means that there is a cycle in this navigation path.
The cycles occur when the user wants to navigate again in a path with new input values. So, all
invoked operations in this cycle can be invoked again with the new input values. We deal with
cycles by calling of the function addPickToProcess (see Line 28). Fig. 6.1 shows an excerpt of
an abstract process, which represents the sequence of generated activities to be added in the
process after calling the addPickToProcess function. This abstract process contains mainly
the activities: Pick and RepeatUntil(Loop).
The loop activity is used to repeat the set of created invocations starting from the cycle.
The pick activity allows the process to block and wait for one or a set of suitable message(s).
The arrival of a message indicates that the user needs to repeat the invocation of operations
in the cycle. When one of these messages is received, the associated activity is performed and
the pick completes. If none of these expected messages is received within a certain period
6.4. Web Service Orchestration Creation 97
Figure 6.1 : An excerpt of a BPEL process representing the created activities to deal with a cycle.
of time 1 , the pick can specify an exceptional behavior to be performed (in our algorithm, an
OnAlarm activity is added, which allows to the process to wait). In this way, the cycle of the
navigation path is considered in the BPEL process.
In orchestration creation, before each operation invocation (see Line (24) in the algorithm
above), we prepare the list of arguments. A matching of the variables’ names in the orches-
tration and the arguments of the operation to be invoked is performed. In this way, we check
the syntactic composability [Medjahed et Bouguettaya, 2005] of the two operations to be com-
posed and we ensure that arguments are passed in the correct order (see Lines (22) and (23)).
Each generated composite service is modeled as a subgraph that belongs to the graph
1 We give a default value for this time interval, which could be modified by the developer on the generated BPEL
98 Chap 6. Generation of composite Web Services
which represents the migrated service-oriented system. In this subgraph we create a WSDL
interface node and BP(bpel) node and we connect them via an I I R relationship. These nodes
represent, respectively, the interface and implementation of the generated composite service.
The invocations to operations which belong to other Web services are represented with W SR
relationships. These relationships relate the BP(bpel) node of the generated composite service
and the WSDL interface node of each invoked service.
The first version of the proposed algorithm has been published in [Tibermacine et Ker-
doudi, 2011] and [Tibermacine et Kerdoudi, 2012]. The proposed abstract model which is used
to deal with cycles is validated in the publication [Kerdoudi et al., 2016].
6.6 Summary
In this chapter, we presented our approach of Web service orchestration and choreography
generation. We have presented an algorithm that allows to generate choreographies starting
from the method invocations located in the source code of the generate individual Web ser-
vices. The presented algorithm, shows that the manual identification of these collaborations
and the creation of Web service requests are too complicated tasks and time-consuming, espe-
cially, for a large source code and a great number of the generated Web services. The second
algorithm that is presented in this chapter, allows to generate service orchestrations as BPEL
processes starting from Web user interfaces navigations. The Web navigation documents are
extracted from the source code (if they are not available as separate document such as JSF
faces-config files). The presented algorithm deals with several aspects, namely, the creation
of navigation paths, the creation of a WSDL description for each BPEL process, the identifi-
cation of the involved Web services in the orchestrations, the creation of the necessary BPEL
activities and partnerlinks elements, identification of the input and output variables, the iden-
tification of the variables that the client must provide via a receive activity, the matching of
6.6. Summary 99
variables’ names (based a syntactic similarity) in the arguments of the operation to be invoked,
and dealing with cycles. At the end, the BPEL processes are saved in files of XML-based format.
Hence, we have shown that our approach alleviates in particular the developer from the com-
plexity of identifying manually the Web navigations and preparing them to be considered as
business logics for these orchestrations. In addition, we free the developer from the complexity
of creating BPEL processes and their WSDL descriptions manually. (S)he does not need to deal
with the complex XML data in BPEL and WSDL files.
The next chapter shows how to recover high level specifications starting from the source
code of the generated Web service compositions.
Recovering Architectures from Service
Oriented Systems
102 Chap 7. Recovering Architectures from Service Oriented Systems
7.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we present our recovery approach of service oriented architecture. In this
approach, we aim to derive high level specifications from the source code of (Web) Service-
Oriented Applications (namely the source code of the generated Web services using our ap-
proach in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6). In this way, we provide a useful support for maintenance
developers and for the third party developers in order to understand the target service ori-
ented system and make their evolutions easily. Our approach is based on two main steps:
First, we generate BPMN specifications that represents the behavior of the system. We chose
BPMN standard language because it provides a rich graphical notation for choreography mod-
eling [Decker et al., 2008]. Second, we generate architectures expressed with the SCA specifi-
cations [Beisiegel et al., 2009]). These architectures represent the structure of the system using
a set of components that are connected via explicit interfaces stating the provided and the re-
quired services.
We studied the application of our approach on two kinds of service oriented applications.
First, we generate the service architecture from the source code of a Web service choreography.
Second, we apply the approach on the OSGi (Open Services Gateway Initiative) [McAffer et al.,
2010] applications which are good examples of large Service Oriented Applications. This choice
allow us to scale to real-world SOA applications (such as: Equinox Framework, Eclipse E4, and
Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool), where the number of the services is more than thousands.
Overall, we first parse the source code of a Web service-based application to generate an
abstract syntax tree. This latter is a tree representation of the abstract syntactic structure of
the source code. It is created in conformance with Eclipse’s ASTParser specification. After that,
we transform this representation into behavioral and structural service oriented architectures
using a set of transformation rules that we have defined. The recovering approach of BPMN
models from Web service choreographies and the defined transformation rules have been val-
idated in the publication [Kerdoudi et al., 2016].
7.2. Recovering Service Architectures from (Web) service Choreographies 103
1. For each choreography (collaboration between service providers and service clients), we
create a BPMN model.
2. Each participant (service provider or service client) in the choreography is modeled with
a Pool element1 . This Pool is used as a container of the activities that are performed by
the participant. The activities represent mainly the exchanges of the provided service (or
service client) with other participants.
3. If the participant is a service client thus, it must contains one or several (Web) service
invocation(s). Each service invocation is modeled as a Task2 element to be added to the
created Pool element of the service client. This Task element is a kind of activity within
BPMN. It is an atomic Activity within a process flow.
4. The set of Tasks within a Pool are connected as a sequence (in the same order of their
appearance in source code) using the Sequence Flow element.
5. If the participant is a service provider and its provided service has no requests for other
services, the provided service is modeled as a Service Task3 element to be added to the
created Pool element of the service provider. The Service Task is a kind of Tasks within
BPMN used to represent a kind of service, which could be a Web service.
6. If the participant is a service provider and its provided (Web) service implements re-
quests to other services, the service is modeled as a SubProcess4 element to be added
in Pool element. The SubProcess element can be a white box or a contour which shows
a lower-level process, which is executed by the service provider. Each request to an exter-
nal service is identified and modeled as a Task element to be added as an inner activity
of the SubProcess element. The set of Tasks within a SubProcess are connected as se-
quence using the Sequence Flow element.
7. The connection between a Task element (which is generated for a service request) and
the Service Task (or the SubProcess) which located in separate pool is done via a
1 A Pool is the graphical representation of a Participant in a Collaboration.
2 A Task is a rounded corner rectangle which is drawn with a single thin line.
3 A Service Task shares the same shape as the Task, which is a rectangle that has rounded corners, with a graph-
ical marker in the upper left corner of the shape that indicates that the Task is a Service Task.
4 A SubProcess is an Activity whose internal details have been modeled using Activities, Gateways, Events, and
Sequence Flows.
104 Chap 7. Recovering Architectures from Service Oriented Systems
Message Flow element. The Message Flow element is used to represent the message
sending or receiving between the client participant and the service provider participant.
8. Each control statement (for example, a conditional statement) containing a service invo-
cation is modeled with a diverging Exclusive Gateway (Decision) element5 . It is used
to create alternative paths within a process flow, only one of the paths can be taken.
Each path is targeted to an activity element or to a default path (which can be the end
of the process). The decision of the Exclusive Gateway can be a question or the con-
ditional expression which is extracted from the source code (for example, the condition
expression of a conditional statement). The path where the answer to this question is
true is targeted to the Task element created for the service invocation. The two ele-
ments (Exclusive Gateway and Task elements) are connected using a Sequence Flow
9. If the service invocation statements are located within a loop statement, the loop is rep-
resented with a Loop Task element. It has the same form as the Task with a loop marker
in the medium. And, we move the Task elements created for the service invocation state-
ments into the Loop Task element.
As we can see in this model, all the hidden choreographies are extracted and we can easily
understand the behavior of the overall composition. This is due to our technique of reverse
engineering, since only operation invocations and the control or loop statements that contain
operation invocations are extracted. In this way, the developer does not need to know all the
details which could be found in a large source code. Only participants (Web services) in the
choreography and their exchanged messages are modeled.
By extracting these models, we believe that thanks to the high level of abstraction provided
by the choreographies, evolving these applications will be simpler. Indeed, we help the devel-
oper in choosing the well suited position in the code in order to apply the necessary changes to
implement an evolution scenario.
5 It has the form of a diamond with a marker inside that is shaped like an "X."
6 The generated model is updated and validated manually by grouping the Pools which are of the same category
and giving more readable names to Pools, Lanes (sub-partition within a Pool) and Activities.
7.2. Recovering Service Architectures from (Web) service Choreographies 105
Figure 7.1 : A BPMN model represents a service choreography to accomplish the payment ac-
Let us suppose the following evolution scenario for the payment activity choreography. We
need to add a new Web service that enhances the security of the payment process. This service
can be a program that sends to the client a validation code with an SMS on her/his smartphone.
The client introduces the received code and the application checks its validity. On looking at
the generated BPMN model, the developer can clearly decide to add an invocation to the new
service after the Credit Card Authorization task in the initiating Pool.
1. For each choreography (collaboration between service providers and service clients), we
create a Service Component Architecture instance, which is represented by an SCA com-
106 Chap 7. Recovering Architectures from Service Oriented Systems
2. Each participant (service provider or service client) in the choreography is modeled with
an SCA Component element. This SCA Component is used as basic element of business
function in an SCA assembly, which is combined into complete business solutions by
an SCA composite. Components provide and consume services. They are declared as
sub-elements of an SCA Composite.
3. If the participant is a service client thus, it must contain one or several (Web) service
invocation(s). All the identified operation invocations of the same service are modeled
as an SCA Component Reference7 element to be added to the created SCA Component
element for the service client (see Rule 2). This SCA Component Reference element rep-
resent a required interface (service) for the service requester participant. The name of the
SCA Component Reference must be identical to the name of the interface of the invoked
4. If the participant is a service provider then, it is modeled as an SCA Component (see Rule
2). This SCA component must has an SCA Component Service element8 , which repre-
sents the interface of the offered (Web) service.
5. If the participant is a service provider and the implementation of its provided (Web)
service contains a request(s) to other service(s), the service provider is modeled as an
SCA Component (see Rule 2) and its offered service is modeled using an SCA Component
Service element (see Rule 4). And, all its operation invocations of the same service are
modeled as an SCA Component Reference (see Rule 3).
6. Each invocation from a service client to a (Web) service (or from a (Web) service to an-
other Web service) is modeled structurally as an SCA Wire element that connects the SCA
Component Reference element (from SCA Component of the service requester) and the
SCA Component Service element (from the SCA Component of the service provider).
Web service is represented by an SCA Reference element in the SCA Component that repre-
sents the service requester (caller). This SCA Reference has the same name as the Web service
interface’s name.
Now, if an SCA Component of SCA Composite ‘A’ provides a service that is required by
another SCA component located an SCA Composite ‘B’( outside of SCA Composite ‘A’), we
create an SCA Composite Sevice element in the SCA Composite ‘A’. Inside the SCA Composite
‘A’, we create an SCA Promote element11 that connects the created SCA Composite Service
and SCA Component Service of the component that provides this service. In this way,
we make this provided service accessible from the outside of this SCA Composite. In the
other side, we create an SCA Composite Reference element in the SCA Composite ‘B’. In-
side the SCA Composite ‘B’, we create an SCA Promote element that connects the created
SCA Composite Reference and SCA Component Reference of the component that requires
this service.
For example, in Figure 7.4, we created an SCA Composite Sevice element for the provided
10 This means that all the components and their structural connections are modeled in one model.
11 SCA promote element means that the composite service is actually provided by one of the components within
the composite
7.3. SCA Component grouping and SCA Composite generation model 109
identified based on the name of the provided and the required services. These dependencies
are then modeled in this architecture using the SCA Wire elements. In this way, we provide
an architecture of high level of abstraction that represents the application by hiding the details
of each SCA composite (which is modeled in separate model with its components). Figure 7.5
depicts the generated global architecture of the payment application. In this architecture, the
Manufacture and the Finance composites are modeled as SCA components.
In this section, we illustrate how to use the previous transformation rules to recover the
BPMN and SCA models starting from another kind of service oriented systems, which are ap-
plications created and executed under the OSGi Framework. This allows us to study the ap-
plication of our recovery process on large scale applications. Before presenting the details of
the service-oriented architecture generation from the OSGi applications, we introduce with a
concrete example a brief description of the OSGi component model.
7.4. Recovering Service architectures from OSGi-based Applications 111
Virtual Machine, which implements the Service Locator Pattern. The main concepts re-
volve around the service-oriented publish, find, and bind interaction pattern. A bundle (service
provider) can publish their exported interface as services into a Service Registry (the “start”
method that is implemented by the class « Activator » (called also: ServicePublisher) can be
used to register services in the Service Registry or to allocate any resources that the bundle
needs), while a service client (another bundle) search the registry to find available services to
use (see Figure 7.7). This bundle receives from the Service Registry a reference of an instance
service implementation.
• AddressBook Component: this component provides services such as: storing, accessing,
sorting and updating entries called contacts. Each contact entry usually consists of a few
7.4. Recovering Service architectures from OSGi-based Applications 113
standard fields (for example: first name, last name, company name, address, phone num-
ber, e-mail address, fax number). The services provided by this component are invoked
from the Emailer Component.
• TextEditor Component: it provides several services for editing the message to send,
such as: get the edited message, receive user input text, set the font, add a numbered
list, and insert a picture. These services are invoked from the Emailer Component.
• SpellChecker Component: it provides services to check the edited input text. The ser-
vices could be: fix the spelling errors or provide a set of suggestions to fix the errors, reg-
istering/unregistering a new dictionary. These services are invoked from the TextEditor
The Listing 7.2 depicts the interface that is exported as a service (contains a set of methods) by
the SpellChecker component.
1 package dz.biskra.univ.spell.checker;
2 public interface SpellCheckerService {
3 public void registerDictionary(Dictionary dictionary);
4 public void unregisterDictionary(Dictionary dictionary);
5 public boolean spellCheck(String word);
6 public Vector<String> getSuggestions(String word);
7 }
L ISTING 7.2 : The Interface of the service provided by the SpellChecker component
The Listing 7.3 depicts an excerpt of the code of the class « Activator » that publishes
the service SpellCheckerService into the Service Registry, thanks to the “start()” method.
The “start()” method uses the provided bundle context and their implemented method
“registerService(...)” to register the interface as a service in the Service Registry.
In the first parameter, we need to provide the interface name that the service implements, fol-
lowed by the actual service instance (« new SpellCheckerServiceImpl()»), and finally the service
properties (see Line 4 in Listing 7.3).
We have seen how to register a service. Now, we present how to discover this service (pro-
vided by SpellChecker component) from another bundle client (for example, the TextEditor
component). In order to use a service object and call its methods, a bundle must first obtains a
ServiceReference object. The BundleContext interface defines a number of methods a bundle
can call to obtain ServiceReference objects from the Framework. The Listing 7.4 shows a sim-
plistic client code that could be implemented by the TextEditor component. This code rep-
resents an excerpt of the getMessage method implementation 12 . This code uses the provided
bundle context and their implemented methods “getServiceReference(...) and getService(...)”.
The getServiceReference(...) method is used to obtain the reference of the registered ser-
vice (SpellCheckerService) (see Line 8). It has one input which is the class name with which
the service was registered. The getService(...) method returns the service object from the
Service Registry(see Line 9). It has one input represents the service reference.
1 package dz.biskra.univ.text.editor;
2 import org.osgi.framework.*;
3 import dz.biskra.univ.spell.checker.SpellCheckerService;
4 public class TextEditorServiceImpl implements TextEditorService {
5 public String getMessage() {
6 BundleContext ctx = getContext();
7 String msg= getUserInput();
8 ServiceReference ref = ctx.getServiceReference(SpellCheckerService.class.getName
9 SpellCheckerService spellChecker = (SpellCheckerService) ctx.getService(ref);
10 //Tester ref!=null
11 Boolean isCorrect = spellChecker.spellCheck(msg);
12 if(isCorrect) { return msg;}
13 else {....} // fix errors
14 }
15 //...
16 }
ipants (bundles) that provide services (service providers) (ii) the participants that use services
(service clients), (iii) the name of the provided and the required services, and (iv) the invocation
order of these services (this corresponds to the order of their appearance in the source code).
• Provided Services via the Service Registry: this kind of services is identified by
the parsing of the source code of each bundle. The parsing focuses on finding the state-
ments that allow the bundle to register services in the Service Registry. For example, in
the E-mailer application (in Section7.4.3), we have the SpellChecker bundle which has
registered a service in the Service Registry via the statement: “ctx.registerService(...)”, (see
Line 4 in Listing 7.3). So, the SpellChecker bundle is considered as a Service Provider.
The name of the provided service is identified from the input parameters of the regis-
terService(...) method (the SpellCheckerService in this example).
• Provided Services via the Manifest file: this kind of services is identified by the
parsing of the manifest file of each bundle. As explained in the Section7.4.1, we consider
each exported package as a provided service while the name of this service corresponds
to the name of this package.
• Required Services via the Service Registry: this kind of services is identified
by the parsing of statements that are used to discover the services from the Service
Registry. For example, in the E-mailer application, we have the TextEditor bundle
which uses the service SpellCheckerService that is provided by SpellChecker bun-
dle via the statements “getServiceReference(...)” and “getService(...)”. So, we consider the
SpellCheckerService as a required service for the TextEditor bundle, while the latter
is considered as a Service client.
• Required Services via the Manifest file: the imported packages are considered
in our approach as required services, while the name of each service corresponds to the
name of imported package.
Besides, in a bundle, we can have some services that are imported or their service references are
obtained (via the getServiceReference(...) statements), but these services are not really invoked
(or are not instantiated) in the source code of the client service. This kind of services is called
116 Chap 7. Recovering Architectures from Service Oriented Systems
in our approach: Potential Required Services. We call the connector that links this bundle
with the bundle that provides the Potential Required Service: a Future Potential Connector. In
the current implementation, we distinguish between the two kinds of the required services (or
connectors) by using a documentation that is added (as an additional tag in the XML file) in the
SCA Component Reference element and the SCA Wire element of the generated SCA architec-
ture. In the near future, we plan to extend the Apache Tuscany SCA implementation of the SCA
specification for doing this distinction by using different colors for these elements. Moreover,
in this extension, we will distinguish between the services that are provided (or required) via
the Service Registry and those that are provided (or required) via the Manifest file.
This distinction between "potential" elements in an architecture and effective ones enables
to recover architectures that can be visualized with some level of detail (LoD) as in 3D or game
graphics. An architect can visualize a detailed architecture, with all its elements: potential and
effective ones. This will enable her/him to make a deep analysis of this architecture. She/He
can also visualize a general recovered architecture to have an overview of the structure of the
analyzed system. This latter case is particularly interesting if the system is very complex
Figure 7.9 : Generated SCA model that represents the E-Mailer OSGi application
common goal (sending an email). A BPMN instance is created by applying the Rule 1 to our ex-
ample. Four Pool elements are created (AddressBook, TextEditor,... in Fig. 7.8) by applying the
Rule 2. The bundle TextEditor contains an invocation to the service SpellCheckerService
which is provided by the SpellChecker bundle (see Lines 8 to 11 in Listing 7.4). The invoca-
tion is modeled as Task element added to the TextEditor Pool (Rule 3). The invoked service
is represented with a Service Task in the SpellChecker Pool (Rule 5). This service is iden-
tified by the parsing of the source code of the SpellChecker bundle, and extracting the call to
the registerService(...) method (see Line 4 in Listing 7.3). We do the same work for mod-
eling all the interactions between bundles. The getMessage() service is used by the Emailer
bundle, and the implementation of this service contains requests to the services (check and
getSuggestions) provided by the SpellChecker bundle. In this case, the getMessage service
is modeled as a SubProcess element (Rule 6). The Exclusive Gateway element is created in
the TextEditor Pool by applying the Rule 8.
7.5 Summary
In this chapter, we have presented a reverse engineering approach for deriving a service ori-
ented architecture from the source code of the Web service choreographies. We generate the
structural and behavioral views based on a set of transformation rules that we have defined.
In our recovery approach, we focused on identifying the service invocations. In this way, we
hide from the developer the unnecessary details which could be found in a large source code.
Only participants in the choreography and their exchanged messages are modeled. Hence, the
developer can easily understand the interactions in the overall composition of Web services.
We have shown that the defined transformation rules are extensible and can be applied
to any service oriented systems (not necessarily Web services). We have tested these rules on
another kind of service-oriented systems which are implemented within the OSGi Framework.
In next chapters, we present the details of the implementation of the proposed approaches
in this thesis. After that, we present the results of the conducted experimentation in order to
evaluate and validate the proposed ideas in this thesis.
Make it work.
Make it work right.
Make it work right and fast.
120 Chap 8. Tools
8.1 Introduction
Both ideas of generating primitive and composite Web services from a Component-based Web
application (Chapter 5 and Chapter 6) and Recovering Architectures from Service Oriented Sys-
tems (Chapter 7) are put into practice via two tools: WSGen and ArchGen respectively. The first
tool allows generating and compiling Java Web services and BPEL processes. It generates also:
the WSDL documents for each generated individual and composite Web service, the configura-
tion files, and the axis archives for deploying these services. The second tool allows to generate
high level specifications described in BPMN and SCA. The generated specifications are XML
files that can be opened and visualized graphically in a dedicated Graphical Modeling Frame-
work such as, Eclipse BPMN2 Modeler [Eclipse, a] and SCA Composite Designer [Eclipse, b].
This chapter presents also the functional architecture of WSGen and ArchGen, where, we de-
scribe the role of each component in these architectures. In addition, we show here what are
the generated Web services and their compositions from an example of a Web application.
files (for example, Axis ARchive (AAR) files and Web Services Deployment Descriptor (WSDD)),
which are used to deploy the desired Web services.
• The login component: allows client’s authentication. It asks a user via a form to enter an
email and a password.
122 Chap 8. Tools
• The new_account component: allows a new user to register in the application. The user
is asked to enter an email, a password and re-type the password for validation.
• The password_recovery component: asks the user to enter the email address that
she/he used to register in Seekda, and a new password. This component sends then an
email that allows the user to activate the new password.
• The web_services_search component: asks the user to enter keywords for searching
Web services. This component provides as a result a list of Web services. Each service
is described by the following information: country name, provider name, WSDL URL,
WSDL Cache, monitoring date, server name, availability, documentation, tags and user
– The _service_login operation: receives as input two messages of type String (the
email and the password of the user). This operation performs the authentification
– The _service_new_account operation: receives as input three messages of type
String (the email, the password and the repeated password). This operation per-
forms the creation of new client’s account.
– The _service_password_recovery operation: has three messages of type String
(the email, the new password, the repeated password). It returns a message that
indicates to the client that she/he will receive an email containing a link to activate
the new password.
ternal clients. These clients represent others applications or Web services that consume
the service provided by the BPEL process. We have then an "invoke" activity to call the
_service_new_account operation of the AccountService. After invoking this operation, we
have in the process another "invoke" activity to thenewAccountAction operation, which per-
forms the creation of a new account in Seekda web application. This returns one of two values
"newAccountPass" or "newAccountFail", which represent respectively, success or failure of
the registration. After that, we have an "if" activity, in which, we test whether the returned
value is equal to the value newAccountPass or not. This value as depicted in Figure 8.2 rep-
resents the value of the condition in the navigation rule. Based on this test, the process in-
vokes the _service_AdvancedSearch operation or not. Before invoking this operation,there
is a "receive" activity which gets from the client the search keywords and other search crite-
ria such as: country and provider names. The next activity in this process is an invoke to the
advancedSearchAction operation. We have then, an "if" activity in which, we compare the
returned value of the operation with "searchPass" value. If they are equal, the process invokes
the _searchResult operation. Finally, the returned message from this operation is sent to the
client using the "reply" activity.
In this way, developers can directly use the services generated from the Seekda search en-
gine application, either for creating new accounts or for searching Web services. They can build
extensions of these services to provide more sophisticated solutions. For example, the tools im-
plemented by our team [Azmeh et al., 2011] classify hierarchically the result set of Web services
obtained from Seekda, in order to make search and browsing easier. The set of Web services re-
turned by the Seekda application consists of HTML pages. Instead of building an HTML parser
8.3. ArchGen: A tool for recovering Service Architectures from the source code of Service
Oriented Systems 125
"from scratch" to analyze each HTML page, we can consider here these tools as extensions to
the functionalities provided by the Web interfaces of Seekda application accessed through our
generated Web services. In this way, these tools can simply send requests to the Web service
SearchingService and based on the obtained result, they classify Web services.
Eclipse ASTParser tool : All tasks related to the parsing of Java source code and the identifica-
tion of dependency between operations are implemented using the ASTParser tool. This
tool is available in the Eclipse Java development tools JDT [Eclipse, 2001].
JaxMe Java Source framework : This framework [Apache, 2003] is used for generating Java
source code. In WSGen, the API of this tool has been exploited to create new operations
and Java classes implementing the exported services.
MDT OCL: This tool [Eclipse, 2009b] aims at providing a support to developers working with
models containing expressions written in OCL. Such support includes the edition, code
generation, interpretation, and debugging of the OCL constraints given for some under-
lying (Ecore or UML2) model. In our case, the OCL constraints are checked on an Ecore
instance built starting from the operations’ code.
8.4. Underling Technologies 127
HTMLParser: This tool [Derrick et al., 2002] is a Java library used to parse HTML pages. WGen
adapts this tool to parse JSP files and extracts some code portions to generate Web service
operations. This allows to identify scriptlets, expressions, declarations and other JSP tags.
JspC: We use JspC to convert JSPs into Servlets. The generated classes are parsed to help us in
creating input/output parameters. JspC is available in Tomcat Apache Project [Apache,
Axis’ Java2WSDL: This tool is provided by Apache with the Axis Web service support [Apache,
2004a]. WSGen uses Java2WSDL to generate WSDL files starting from the Java files con-
taining the operations that implement the created Web services.
Xerces-J: This tool [Apache, 1999] provided by Apache as an XML parsing support is used to
analyze the navigation documents in the Web components.
WSDL4J: The WSDL documents are parsed using this tool. WSGen uses WSDL4J API to create
WSDL documents, which represent the interfaces of the generated primitive and com-
posite Web services.
BPELWriter: This API [Eclipse, 2005] is a Java library used to generate BPEL processes. The
process is instantiated by BPELFactory. This instance is registered by a resource using
BPELResourceSetImpl, which in turn is used by an instance of the BPELWriter class.
BPELWriter has methods for translating each of the BPEL elements and attributes from
EMF objects into DOM objects. DOM objects are serialized to BPEL files.
XML Schema Definition Tool: This tool is available in Eclipse MDT project [Eclipse, 2009b]
as an API. This library is used to examine, create or modify W3C XML Schema. WSGen
uses this XSD API to parse the types (simples or complexes) of the operation’s messages.
The result of the parsing is used to calculate the similarity between two messages (output
messages with input messages) of two Web services operations to be composed.
Eclipse BPMN2 Modeler: is an eclipse graphical modeling tool [Eclipse, a] which allows to
specify business processes or choreographies using the BPMN 2.0 diagrams. This frame-
work provides a Java library used by programmers to generate BPMN models. The tool is
built on Eclipse Graphiti and uses the BPMN 2.0 EMF meta model developed within the
Eclipse Model Development Tools (MDT) project. This meta model is compatible with
the BPMN 2.0 specification proposed by the Object Management Group. A BPMN model
is instantiated by Bpmn2Factory class. The created instance is registered by a resource
using Bpmn2ResourceImpl class. The API provides methods for translating each of the
BPMN elements and attributes from EMF objects into DOM objects. DOM objects are
serialized to BPMN files.
128 Chap 8. Tools
Apache Tuscany SCA implementation: Apache Tuscany [Apache, 2004b] simplifies the task
of developing SOA solutions by providing a comprehensive infrastructure for SOA de-
velopment and management that is based on Service Component Architecture (SCA)
standard. Tuscany SCA Java has implemented the SCA specifications defined by OSOA
and OASIS. We used in our tool ArchGen these APIs in order to generate automati-
cally the SCA models from the source code of the service oriented applications. The
SCA model is instantiated by the ScaFactory interface. The ScaFactory interface is
also used to instantiate the SCA elements such as: SCA Composite, SCA Component,
SCA Wire, SCA reference, SCA Service and SCA Promote which are added into the
SCA instance (model). At the end, the SCA instance is registered by a resource using
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource. The EMF objects are translated into DOM ob-
jects, which in turn are serialized to SCA files.
8.5 Summary
In this chapter, a set of tools that implement the proposed ideas in this dissertation are pre-
sented. The WSGen tool implements the approach presented in Chapters 5 and 6. It con-
tributes to the generation of Java Web services and BPEL orchestrations throughout the process
of migrating of Component based Web applications toward service oriented solutions. In fact,
WSGen extracts the Web component archives and provides a specific parser for each of their
content (namely, Java classes, Servlets, JSP pages, Web configuration files, HTML files....). And,
it generates new Java classes, Java interfaces, WSDL documents, WSDD files, services.xml files,
BPEL processes, and their WSDL files. All the generated Java classes are compiled automatically
using the JDT API and archived in Axis Archives files. After that, they are deployed by moving
them into the Axis server directory. WSGen provides also to the developers an interface to edit,
update, save, or choose a set of OCL constraints. In addition, it distributes operations into Web
services based on similarity and the coupling metrics.
The ArchGen tool implements the recovering approach presented in Chapter 7. It con-
tributes in the generation of BPMN and SCA architectures starting from the source code of
(Web) service oriented systems. The created models can be then opened and visualized di-
rectly in a dedicated graphical modeling Framework such as: the Eclipse BPMN2 Modeler and
the Eclipse SCA Composite Designer.
In the next chapter, we present the details of the conducted experimentation for evaluating
our approaches.
Experimentation: A Case study
130 Chap 9. Experimentation: A Case study
9.1 Introduction
To evaluate the proposed approaches in this thesis, we conducted two evaluations. First, we
evaluated the performance of the proposed process by experimenting it through the migra-
tion of three real-world Web applications towards Web service-oriented systems. Second, we
evaluated the additional cost induced by the proposed approach by evaluating the developer’s
effort when (s)he implements extensions to the three Web applications with and without our
In order to show that our approach reduces the cost of the development of extensions to
Web applications, we have conducted an experiment on three real-world Web applications of
different sizes. In this experiment, we have in particular addressed the following research ques-
• RQ1: What is the performance of the process of identification of operations and Web
services that are generated and published?
For answering the first research question, we measured in our experiment the performance
of our approach taking the definition of “performance” from the information retrieval domain.
We measured thus the precision and the recall on the results of the steps in the process: i) the
identification of published operations, ii) and the creation of BPEL processes.
For answering the second research question, we have measured: i) the size (in terms of
number of statements) of the same extensions developed first without our approach, and then
with our approach; ii) the time taken in the development of many extensions to see at what
1 This task is not really fully manual. We consider the use of tools for annotating code and then generating Web
time (from how many developed extensions) we can see the benefits of using our approach
(initial cost of Web service generation amortized).
The chosen applications for our experiment are: (i) an E-Auction application [Francesca et
al., that provides via its Web interfaces the functionality for buying and selling second-hand
goods by bidders and sellers2 . (ii) An Online Music Portal, which is a JEE Web application3 . This
application offers to users and administrators several functionalities such as: searching, pur-
chasing and managing songs. (iii) A simulated version of a Web service search engine (Seekda).
This application provides a set of functionalities, such as, searching for public Web services in
the Internet.
Table 9.1 describes the size of the three Web applications, where NSAC represents the Num-
ber of Server-side scripts And Classes. NLOC represents the Number of Lines Of Code in the Web
application. These Web applications are considered as inputs for our tool (WSGen: Web Ser-
vice Generator). We have presented in Section 8.2.2 what are the generated Web services and
their compositions obtained from the Seekda Web application.
The experimentation method and all the obtained results have been validated in the publi-
cation [Kerdoudi et al., 2016].
3 Downloaded from:
132 Chap 9. Experimentation: A Case study
Table 9.2 : Recall and Precision calculation for the operation identification step
Involved developers Systems TP FP FN Precision Recall
E-Auction Application 25 9 3 0.73 0.89
Ph.D. Student 1 Music Portal Application 10 15 2 0.40 0.83
Seekda Application 12 2 1 0.85 0.92
E-Auction Application 28 9 7 0.75 0.80
Ph.D. Student 2 Music Portal Application 12 15 3 0.44 0.80
Seekda Application 12 2 2 0.85 0.85
E-Auction Application 26 9 4 0.74 0.86
Ph.D. Student 3 Music Portal Application 13 15 5 0.46 0.72
Seekda Application 9 2 2 0.81 0.81
E-Auction Application 27 9 8 0.75 0.77
Ph.D. Student 4 Music Portal Application 14 15 6 0.48 0.70
Seekda Application 11 2 3 0.84 0.78
Table 9.3 : Recall and Precision calculation for the step of BPEL generation step
Involved developers Systems TP FP FN Precision Recall
E-Auction Application 32 4 10 0.88 0.76
Ph.D. Student 1 Music Portal Application 10 2 2 0.83 0.83
Seekda Application 10 2 1 0.83 0.90
E-Auction Application 37 4 15 0.90 0.71
Ph.D. Student 2 Music Portal Application 11 2 2 0.84 0.84
Seekda Application 10 2 2 0.83 0.83
E-Auction Application 29 4 9 0.87 0.76
Ph.D. Student 3 Music Portal Application 13 2 2 0.86 0.86
Seekda Application 8 2 1 0.80 0.88
E-Auction Application 35 4 13 0.89 0.72
Ph.D. Student 4 Music Portal Application 15 2 2 0.88 0.88
Seekda Application 12 2 3 0.85 0.80
• True Positives (TP): the operations identified and published by WSGen and which are
also created manually.
• False Positives (FP): the operations created by WSGen, but which are eliminated manu-
• False Negatives (FN): the operations created manually without our approach and which
have not been generated by WSGen.
• True Negatives (TN): the operations eliminated by WSGen and are not created manually.
9.3. First Experimentation 133
The Precision is the ratio of the number of true positives to the total number of all created
operations by WSGen (T P + F P ). Precision = (T PT+F
P) .
The Recall is the ratio of the number of true positives to the number of operations that
should be published (T P + F N ). Recall = (T PT+F
N) .
Table 9.2 depicts the obtained values of precision and recall for the three applications. The
obtained values show that precision of the operations identification is relatively good except
the case of the Music Portal application where the precision is low. In this case, the elimination
of the operations provided to the administrator of the application (adding users, ...) cannot
effectively be automated and requires the developer knowledge. By this intervention of the
developer the value of F P becomes high, which affects negatively the value of the precision.
Besides, in the third column of Table 9.2 (TP) we can see a little difference between the
values obtained by the involved developers. This is due to the fact that there are some correct
operations which are identified by some developers but they are not identified by the others.
This variance is due in general to several factors such as: the level of developer skills, the time
spent in analyzing the code (careful code review or not), the complexity and the size of the code
and the availability of Web application documentation and architecture.
However, the measures show that the recall rate is relatively high for the three applications.
This means that the correctness level of our approach is relatively good (most of the identified
operations by WSGen are also created manually). Nevertheless, additional operations are cre-
ated manually and cannot be identified automatically by WSGen (False Negatives). An example
of these operations for the E-Auction application is getAuctionListForProduct operation. It
returns a list of created auctions for a specific kind of product. This functionality was not pro-
vided directly by the E-Auction application, but it was easy to create it by invoking an exist-
ing method in the Web application and then filtering its returned results that correspond to a
specific product. Additional operations are created manually (False Negatives) by slicing the
source code of some programs in the Web applications. The creation of this kind of operations
implies complex human thinking and this cannot be fully automated.
There are many variables which are involved in the service and operation identification
which made this task too complicated and time-consuming. In such a scenario, identifi-
cation of candidate services and operations within a large source code is challenging. Var-
ious strategies and ways could be adopted such as: using architectural reconstruction ap-
proaches [O’Brien et al., 2005], pattern detection [Arcelli et al., 2008] or concept analysis and
program slicing techniques [Zhang et al., 2006].
After the evaluation of performance for the operation’s identification step, now we have
made measures of performance in order to calculate the recall and the precision for the step
of the generation of BPEL processes. We have asked the four Ph.D. students to extract all pos-
134 Chap 9. Experimentation: A Case study
sible combinations that could be considered as pertinent Web service orchestrations. Then,
these have been compared with the generated orchestrations by WSGen. For these measures,
the True Positives are the number of BPEL processes which are created manually and with WS-
Gen. The False Positives are the BPEL processes created by WSGen and eliminated manually.
The False Negatives are the processes created manually but which have not been generated by
As we have seen in the first evaluation, there are some operations which have been created
manually and which are not generated by WSGen. As a result, we cannot rely on the previous
operation sets to measure recall and precision for BPEL process generation. To deal with this
issue, we have decided to consider in our measurement only the operations that are correct
(created both by WSGen and manually). After that, we measured the number of BPEL processes
that invoke these operations. The obtained values are depicted in Table 9.3. We can see in this
table that the precision is high for the three applications, which demonstrates that the step of
orchestration generation gives good results with a minimum rate of errors.
Besides, we can observe also in Table 9.3 that the recall is relatively high for the three ap-
plications. Despite that, there is a number of orchestrations which are created manually and
which are not generated by WSGen. This is due to the use of navigation models for generating
BPEL processes. As a result, some combinations of operations cannot be identified from these
models, but they are defined manually (False Negatives). An example of these combinations is
an orchestration that invokes operations which are created starting from programs in back-end
components of Web applications. This kind of operations is not always invoked directly from
BPEL processes that are generated by WSGen. This fact does not have an influence on the cor-
rectness of our approach, because most of the orchestrations which represent the functionality
used by end-users via Web interfaces are created by WSGen.
• We have implemented extensions to the three Web applications without using our ap-
proach and then the same extensions have been developed using our approach. In the
extensions, which have been developed without using our approach, we have written
Java programs that send HTTP requests to the running Web applications and by analyz-
ing the HTTP responses. The implemented extensions are as follows:
– For the E-Auction: the extension allows to the user to create alerts by sending an
9.4. Second Experimentation 135
email when particular products with specific features are offered by the E-Auction
– For the Music Portal: the extension is a mobile front-end for this application, for
accessing the searching functionality of the application from an Android tablet.
– For Seekda: the extension searches for Web service descriptions from the search
engine by sending keywords and then retrieves WSDL files from the obtained re-
sults (in order to exploit them to make classifications of Web services [Azmeh et al.,
• We calculated St mRat i o which is the ratio between N S W SGen and N S H T T P for the three
Web applications (St mRat i o = N S H T T P / N S W SGen ).
The values for St mRat i o for the three applications are: 3.76 for the E-Auction applica-
tion, 3.6 for the Music Portal application, and 3.2 for Seekda. All the values confirm that the
extensions developed using our approach are more than three times smaller than the same
extensions developed using HTTP requests (answer to RQ2).
We can observe that the comparison made, between the two ways of developing extensions,
to answer the second research question does not take into consideration the initial overhead
of our approach. This overhead can be quantified by measuring the number of OCL expres-
sions and the number of interactions with WSGen GUI (number of clicks in order to validate
operations, for example). But this cannot be added up to the number of statements and then
be compared with the number of statements when developing the extensions without our ap-
proach. Then, we have decided to compare the total time spent during the development of
several extensions to one of the three Web applications, which is the Music Portal application.
In addition to the firstly created extension we have implemented three other simple extensions
to this Web application. Then, in order to not limit ourselves to four extensions of this Web ap-
plication, we have decided to create several fictive (simulated) extensions. For each simulated
extension, we vary randomly the value of N S H T T P and we calculate N S W SGen which is equal
to: N S H T T P × St mRat i o.
• T : represents the total time for generating primitive and composite Web services from
the Web application using our approach. This time is the sum of the global time for ex-
136 Chap 9. Experimentation: A Case study
Table 9.4 : Time for the four extensions of the Music Portal application
Extensions TH T T P TW S
Extension 1 1.94 1.9
Extension 2 1.2 0.85
Extension 3 0.94 0.77
Extension 4 0.92 0.75
ecuting our tool and the time for the intervention of the developer: writing OCL con-
straints and validating the generated operations and services.
• TW SG : represents the time spent during the implementation of an extension to a Web ap-
plication by invoking the generated Web services. This time is the sum of the global time
needed for a developer to understand the service descriptions and/or the BPEL processes
in addition to the time for programming and testing an extension.
• T H T T PG : represents the needed time to implement the same extension without using our
approach. This time is the sum of the estimated time for navigating between the inter-
faces of the Web application in order to learn and save, before the development of the
extension, the content of the HTTP requests (and their responses) sent to (respectively,
received from) the Web application and the global time to implement and test this exten-
• TW S : is the average time for implementing one statement within an extension using our
approach. This time is equal to TW SG /N S W SGen .
• T H T T P : is the average time for implementing one statement within an extension without
using our approach. This time is equal to T H T T PG /N S H T T P .
Table 9.4 shows the average values of time for implementing one statement in the four ex-
tensions of the Music Portal Web application. We can observe that the values of T H T T P and
TW S decrease from one extension to the next one. This is related to the fact that the developer
acquires a programming experience during the implementation of an extension, which allows
her(him) to implement the next extension in less time. This experience is affected by several
factors such as the use of the same API. In this experimentation, we have supposed that all the
simulated extensions are implemented using the same API and in the same programming lan-
guage. Besides, we have estimated the time for rewriting the code of the four extensions (as if
it was a “mechanical” task that does not imply thinking). The estimated value of T H T T P and
TW S is equal to 0.37 min. This is the minimal time. Now, we would like to predict the values of
T H T T P and TW S for each simulated extension. For this, starting from the values in Table 9.4 we
have used a regression technique to obtain two curves of trends and their equations. These two
equations allowed us to extrapolate the values of T H T T P and TW S for the simulated extensions.
9.4. Second Experimentation 137
Figure 9.1 : Result of the application of the regression technique for our approach.
Figure 9.2 : Result of the application of the regression technique for the HTTP approach.
As we have aforementioned, the values in Table 9.4 have a decreasing trend that tends to the
value 0.37. So, to determine the curves of trends we used an inverse power regression model,
which is defined mathematically as following: f (x) = a × x b , where a and b are constants, and
b is negative. f (x) represents the value of T H T T P or TW S for the extension number: x. It is clear
that this function converges to zero. But, we have mentioned that the minimal value of time
for T H T T P and TW S is 0.37. Thus, the function that we need in our calculation could be defined
as follows: g (x) = f (x) + 0.37. To calculate f(x), we have first subtracted the value 0.37 from
the values in Table 9.4. After that, we have used these new values as input when we have ap-
plied the regression technique. The obtained curves of trends and their equations4 are shown
in Fig 9.1 and Fig 9.2. Now, in order to estimate the global time(T H T T PG and TW SG ) for im-
plementing each simulated extension, we use a function h which is defined mathematically as
follows: h(x, r ) = g (x)×r , where r represents the number of statements N S H T T P 5 or N S W SGen 6
in each simulated extension. Thus, the result of the calculation of time for implementing all the
extensions of the Music Portal are shown in Fig9.3.
We have accumulated the global time for each simulated extension (the time to develop the
whole extension, not the time for writing one statement). We can observe in the curves that the
time for implementing the first extension using our approach is relatively high comparatively
to the time spent during the implementation of the same extension without our approach. This
4 These curves and equations are generated using the tool provided by the Microsoft Office Excel 2007.
5N S
H T T P is generated randomly.
6N S
W SGen is calculated by: N S H T T P × St mRat i o.
138 Chap 9. Experimentation: A Case study
Figure 9.3 : Variation of the time over the number of extensions in the Music Portal Application
time is equal to T +TW SG , which represents the initial overhead of our approach (which is con-
sidered only one time) and the time for implementing the first extension. We can see in Fig. 9.3,
starting from the fourth extension (it represents the point where the two curves intersect), that
our method becomes beneficial and the global time for implementing and testing extensions
becomes less than the global time for doing the same thing without our approach. In addition,
we can observe that the slopes of the two curves are different. The curve related to the devel-
opment of extensions without our approach grows faster. This shows the amortization of the
initial overhead of our approach over the development of multiple extensions (answer to the
second part of RQ2).
On what concerns the internal validity, we can be tempted to say that, as we have been
involved (not in the manual annotation of the Web application code to generate Web services
in the first part of the experiment, but) in the development of the extensions without WSGen
in the second part of the experiment, the results would be biased. This fact does not have an
influence on the experiment results. Indeed, the way of developing the extensions by using
9.6. Summary 139
HTTP requests is greatly different from using Web services. The fact that the developers know
what would be the generated Web service interfaces of the Web applications does not impact
their way of programming the HTTP requests using the API.
9.6 Summary
In this chapter, we have presented the setup, the process and the result of two evaluations.
Basically, they aim at proving the applicability of the proposed ideas and measuring the perfor-
mance of the proposed approach. The obtained results of experiments, showed the applicabil-
ity and the cost-effectiveness of the approach. We alleviate in particular the developer from the
complexity of creating these Web services (individual and composite) manually. As we have ex-
plained above, this task is particularly challenging, time consuming and error prone, especially,
when we parse a complex and large Web application, and when we create Web services start-
ing from Web interfaces, which are implemented with a mixing of different paradigms such as,
HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Java.
In addition, we have shown that in our method, the global time for implementing and test-
ing extensions is much less than the global time for doing the same thing without our approach.
Indeed, time related to the development of extensions without our approach grows faster ev-
ery time we implement new extensions, while our approach, starting from the fourth extension,
becomes beneficial.
In the near future, we plan to evaluate the accuracy, the performance of our software recov-
ering approach on case study in which we apply our techniques to produce service architec-
tures of one of the open source implementations of OSGi Framework such as Eclipse Equinox.
Conclusion and Future Work
10.1 Summary
HE work presented in this thesis contributes in opening Web applications for third party
T development. Nowadays, there is a real need for shifting from Web applications target-
ing exclusively humans into Web service-oriented applications. Examples of scenarios where
this need is felt, for example, (i) when we want to build mobile applications by using data from
existing Web applications, or (ii) when we want to implement a new “niche” business logic
in the Web, underlying a large/famous Web application. After this shift, the obtained result
will thus enable third tier developers to build systems by reusing services provided by the ex-
isting Web applications instead of creating them from scratch or dealing with complex HTTP
interactions. In this thesis, we have addressed the problem of opening Component-Based Web
Applications for third party development. Web components are seen here as software artifacts
embedding business logic code and exporting Web interfaces. We proposed an approach (in
Chapter 5) that helps developers to create Web service-oriented systems starting from the Web
user interfaces of these applications. We considered in our approach these deployed artifacts
(embedding Web interfaces) as remote APIs (as Web Services) that offer the opportunity for de-
velopers to extend the functionality provided by these services and exploit the resources used
by them. Indeed, the third party developers use the WSDL descriptions of these Web services
to create their client applications. These latter can send XML-based messages (SOAP) to the
chosen Web service. The same kind of messages are returned back to these client applications,
containing answers to their requests. Upon these results, more actions can be performed in
142 Chap 10. Conclusion and Future Work
In addition to the created individual Web services from Web interfaces and existing primi-
tive functionality, we proposed in Chapter 6 a method to generate composite Web services by
assembling the created individual Web services in order to provide coarse-grained functional-
ities. The approach relies on the creation of Web service orchestrations and choreographies.
Both concepts imply coordination or control the act of making individuals Web services work
together to form some consistent overall process. Orchestration refers to coordination at the
level of a single participant’s process, whereas choreography refers to the global view, spanning
multiple participants. The orchestrations in our approach are expressed using BPEL, which
is one of the leading languages in this field. The choreographies are generated starting from
the method invocations located in the source code of the generated individual Web services.
We have proposed the necessary algorithms and techniques to generate BPEL processes start-
ing from Web user interfaces navigations and to generate the Web service choreographies as a
set of Web service requests embedded in the source code. All these “emerging Web services”
contribute in opening Web applications for third-tier extension development.
In order to present more accurately the processing performed in Web application to create
service oriented solutions, we have proposed (in Chapter 4) a formal model that represents in
an unambiguous way both kinds of systems as graphs. These mathematical notations are used
to present the migration as a mapping between graphs. This formal definition helps in the
general understanding, and it gives a solid reference point for the rest of the thesis.
All the proposed ideas in this thesis are implemented thought two tools called: WSGen
and ArchGen. The WSGen allows to generate primitive and composite Web services from a
10.2. Perspectives 143
Component-based Web application and the ArchGen allows to generate BPMN models and
SCA specifications from the source code of (Web) Service Oriented Systems. The details about
the implemented tools are presented in Chapter 8.
Finally, we have conducted two experiments to evaluate the proposed approaches (in
Chapter 9). In the first experimentation, we measured the performance of our approach by
migration of three real world Web applications into composite and primitive Web services.
Comparing to the manual creation of these Web services, the obtained results, have shown
a good values of precision and recall. In the second experimentation, we investigated the addi-
tional cost induced by the proposed approach. The obtained experiment results confirm that
the extensions developed using our approach are more than three times smaller than the same
extensions developed using HTTP requests. Besides, we evaluated the architecture recovery
approach on set of examples as a part of the evaluation process. The developers that were in-
volved in this evaluation confirmed that the generated models are very helpful. Experimenting
in depth this step of our approach on large applications with real-world developers is one of
the perspectives of this work. However, it is commonly agreed that recovering high-level archi-
tecture descriptions is helpful during software comprehension.
To sum up, we list the potential beneficiaries of the proposed ideas in this thesis: i) the or-
ganization which holds the rights on the Web application and whose developers would use the
proposed method: migrating a Web application of this organization towards a service-oriented
one enables the organization to modernize its “patrimony” and to shift to a new paradigm
(of service orientation); ii) third party developers: they will be able to develop new business
processes, potentially with financial benefits, starting from the generated Web services. The
development of this “ecosystem” (composed of third party developers) around the generated
services should necessarily bring a return on investment for the organization holding the rights
on the original Web application.
10.2 Perspectives
In the near future, we plan to extend the proposed method by implementing more sophis-
ticated techniques for grouping complementary operations in Web services, based on “text-
mining” of Web components’ documentation. At the conceptual level, we plan to study the
formalization of the performed transformation as a set of high-level declarative rules. We then
define such rules in a QVT-compliant language [OMG., 2008] and thus integrate our solution in
a Model-Driven Engineering process.
Furthermore, we plan to address more accurately the security issues when migrating Web
application toward Web service oriented systems. In fact, in the current work, we deal with
Web interfaces that use a secure protocol such as TSL (SSL). Actually, Web applications start
using a third party secure delegation service (such as OAuth authorization [Leiba, 2012]) to
144 Chap 10. Conclusion and Future Work
enhance their access security. As a future work, we intend to study the migration of such kind of
Web applications towards Web service-oriented systems that use this secure delegation service.
For example, the implementation of the scenario of delegation provided by OAuth could be
migrated into a Web service orchestration where the user is involved to introduce the scope of
The results of the experiments demonstrated that service identification is challenging, and
there are several strategies and ways that could be adopted such as using architectural recon-
struction approaches [O’Brien et al., 2005], pattern detection [Arcelli et al., 2008] or concept
analysis and program slicing techniques [Zhang et al., 2006]. Indeed, we plan in the future
studying these strategies in order to improve this step of our approach so that obtaining more
precise results.
Future work includes also the use of a hierarchical clustering technique like Weighted Com-
bined Algorithm [Maqbool et Babri, 2004] in service architecture recovery approach. We illus-
trated in Chapter 7 the grouping the components in a composite is based on their category
and developer knowledge. We plan in future to use the Weighted Combined Algorithm, where,
we represent each component by a cluster, and we compute the pair-wise similarity between
all the clusters and then we combine the two most similar clusters into a new cluster. This is
repeated until all the elements will be clustered or the desired number of clusters is achieved.
In our thesis, the recovered architectures are created based on static analysis of the service
oriented applications. In the long term, we would like to analyze dynamically the artifacts,
like execution traces to identify at runtime dynamic service dependencies. In this kind of sys-
tems, an optimized architectures can be recovered at runtime, instead of dealing with static
“spaghetti” architectures. This optimization is possible because architecture elements are not
all involved in the running system. Thereby, these elements can be hidden in the dynamic ar-
chitecture description, and concretely running elements can be highlighted. By simplifying
architecture descriptions, they enable developers to make like a quick “inventory” of what is
concretely running, among all what composes their system, at a particular execution time (bug
occurrence, for example). They can easily identify which component is consuming a particular
failing service, for instance.
List of Figures
3.1 Evaluation Framework for Legacy to SOA evolution [Khadka et al., 2013] . . . . . . . 38
3.2 An example of two-view approach representation. (A) Knowledge view and (B) ac-
tivity view [Razavian et Lago, 2015] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.3 SOA migration families [Razavian et Lago, 2015] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.4 The framework of the service composition system[Rao et Su, 2005] . . . . . . . . . . 48
6.1 An excerpt of a BPEL process representing the created activities to deal with a cycle. 97
7.1 A BPMN model represents a service choreography to accomplish the payment activity.105
7.2 Service Component Architecture of the Payment Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
146 List of Figures
9.1 Result of the application of the regression technique for our approach. . . . . . . . . 137
9.2 Result of the application of the regression technique for the HTTP approach. . . . . 137
9.3 Variation of the time over the number of extensions in the Music Portal Application 138
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