Forest Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Network: Prof. Sagar Pradhan
Forest Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Network: Prof. Sagar Pradhan
Forest Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Network: Prof. Sagar Pradhan
Chetan Dhapodkar, Ritik Gedam, SamratSingh Thakur, Shreyash Pandey
Forests as a whole were at high risk for deploy system, in contrast, is able to capture
human encroachment jobs. Excessive and report the real-time sensing data within
population growth and rapid the (on-site) the forest target area.
construction of the city led to the entry of Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) basically
factories, bridges etc. Other than that, there geographically sensors nodes are used in the
is a lot that is illegal activities such as area of interest cooperatively monitor the
poaching, logging etc. forest areas. Almost environment and collect specific application
all Maoist activities are from unprotected parameters such as temperature, sound,
forest areas. Forest rangers can only control vibration, pressure, movement or pollution.
a limited space due to inaccessibility, lack of Since these small and inexpensive nodes,
Also, constant monitoring these forests are Small size and price requirements mean
very boring and almost impossible. This node resources in terms power, memory,
module senses human and animal activity computational speed and bandwidth are very
using IR sensor The IR sensor is used to compelling. Each sensor node is equipped
monitor the entry and exit of humans or with a radio transceiver, a small
humidity readings are also collected using rechargeable battery. Each the node captures
the DHT-11 sensor. The flame sensor will data and can transfer information from some
help in to detect fire in the forest. nodes use multi-hop connections (store once
Therefore, this module also detects forest forward) and transfer it to a monitoring area
fires at the initial level and helps determine known as the sink, assembly center or gate.
areas of the forest that need more attention. The sink eventually transfers data to the
The systems are aimed at aiding the forest project manager for further processing. The
rangers so that they can adequately and sensor node has one or more sensors
efficiently use their resources to effectively attached connected to the physical world.
monitor the forest. The module can Some examples of temperature sensors, light
constantly monitor the conditions inside the and passive infrared sensors (PIR) that can
forest. This relatively lower cost than aerial measure compliance events are placed near
them. Thus, each sensor is a separate data a transmission. We have used two units of
source that produces records with a few transmitter and one receiver unit. This unit is
fields such as the identity and location of the of NRF trans-receiver unit. Each transmitter
sensor type, and the value of this reading. unit consist of one NodeMCU, one NRF
transceiver, one DHT11 sensor foe humidity
2. Problem Definition and temperature detection, IR sensor for
Keeping the number of animals in any forest activity detection and flame sensor for fire
is difficult. Species are disappearing day by detection.
day. There are no specific reasons for doing Two transmitters is placed at separate
so it is due to this. Some possible reasons location for data collection, these data is
could be: then transmitted to the receiver section via
• Bad weather NRF wireless transmitter. The receiver
• Hunting or poaching section consists of only NodeMCU
• Animals may be infected with unknown controller and NRF transceiver. All data
diseases. collected by sensors will be transmitted to
Forest plants are also at risk. This may be the receiver section and displayed on serial
due to: monitor. The transmitters named as station 1
• Natural causes such as forest fires and station 2.
• Bad weather
• Man-made causes such as rapid DHT 11
deforestation, urbanization, poaching, etc. Sensor
6. Result
7. Conclusion
This program aims to better monitor the
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2. Animal identification
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