Forest Monitoring System Using Wireless Sensor Network: Prof. Sagar Pradhan

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Chetan Dhapodkar, Ritik Gedam, SamratSingh Thakur, Shreyash Pandey

UG student, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering,

S.B Jain institute of Technology, Management and Research, Nagpur

Prof. Sagar Pradhan

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

S.B Jain institute of Technology, Management and Research, Nagpur


Abstract: environment, via villages, towns and even

villages have proliferated a few decades
Wireless nerve networks (WSNs) have
ago. In addition, there has been a dramatic
emerged as one of the most promising
increase in human trafficking such as
research sites in recent years and the most
poaching. Forest rangers can only cover a
comprehensive seen as powerful means of in
limited area for a reason inaccessibility and
situ detection events and venues that last a
lack of necessary equipment. So, we they
long time. Width spectrum applications
aim to build an effective forest monitoring
WSNs can provide such environmental and
system. The forest monitoring system will
accommodation monitoring, health care
monitor the situation is suitable for animals
applications, home or changing industries
and collects data such as temperature,
and control, product quality monitoring,
humidity, entry and exit of animals and
disaster monitoring and inventory tracking
people in the area forest.
led us to develop a monitoring program
called forest monitoring. Forests all over the Keywords: Infrared (IR) sensor, Humidity
world have declining rapidly due to an sensing, Temperature sensing, NRF
increase in human activity. Like the result of transmitter- receiver r, Flame sensor, forest
this, the invasion of animals into the human monitoring.
1. Introduction: or satellite imaging techniques and faster to

Forests as a whole were at high risk for deploy system, in contrast, is able to capture

human encroachment jobs. Excessive and report the real-time sensing data within

population growth and rapid the (on-site) the forest target area.

construction of the city led to the entry of Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) basically

forest areas as a result building homes, include many, still distributed

factories, bridges etc. Other than that, there geographically sensors nodes are used in the

is a lot that is illegal activities such as area of interest cooperatively monitor the

poaching, logging etc. forest areas. Almost environment and collect specific application

all Maoist activities are from unprotected parameters such as temperature, sound,

forest areas. Forest rangers can only control vibration, pressure, movement or pollution.

a limited space due to inaccessibility, lack of Since these small and inexpensive nodes,

necessary equipment and staff shortages. can be reproduced planted in abundance.

Also, constant monitoring these forests are Small size and price requirements mean

very boring and almost impossible. This node resources in terms power, memory,

module senses human and animal activity computational speed and bandwidth are very

using IR sensor The IR sensor is used to compelling. Each sensor node is equipped

monitor the entry and exit of humans or with a radio transceiver, a small

animals. Furthermore, temperature and microcontroller, and power source, usually a

humidity readings are also collected using rechargeable battery. Each the node captures

the DHT-11 sensor. The flame sensor will data and can transfer information from some

help in to detect fire in the forest. nodes use multi-hop connections (store once

Therefore, this module also detects forest forward) and transfer it to a monitoring area

fires at the initial level and helps determine known as the sink, assembly center or gate.

areas of the forest that need more attention. The sink eventually transfers data to the

The systems are aimed at aiding the forest project manager for further processing. The

rangers so that they can adequately and sensor node has one or more sensors

efficiently use their resources to effectively attached connected to the physical world.

monitor the forest. The module can Some examples of temperature sensors, light

constantly monitor the conditions inside the and passive infrared sensors (PIR) that can

forest. This relatively lower cost than aerial measure compliance events are placed near
them. Thus, each sensor is a separate data a transmission. We have used two units of
source that produces records with a few transmitter and one receiver unit. This unit is
fields such as the identity and location of the of NRF trans-receiver unit. Each transmitter
sensor type, and the value of this reading. unit consist of one NodeMCU, one NRF
transceiver, one DHT11 sensor foe humidity
2. Problem Definition and temperature detection, IR sensor for
Keeping the number of animals in any forest activity detection and flame sensor for fire
is difficult. Species are disappearing day by detection.
day. There are no specific reasons for doing Two transmitters is placed at separate
so it is due to this. Some possible reasons location for data collection, these data is
could be: then transmitted to the receiver section via
• Bad weather NRF wireless transmitter. The receiver
• Hunting or poaching section consists of only NodeMCU
• Animals may be infected with unknown controller and NRF transceiver. All data
diseases. collected by sensors will be transmitted to
Forest plants are also at risk. This may be the receiver section and displayed on serial
due to: monitor. The transmitters named as station 1
• Natural causes such as forest fires and station 2.
• Bad weather
• Man-made causes such as rapid DHT 11
deforestation, urbanization, poaching, etc. Sensor

NRF NodeMCU Flame

3. Proposed System Transmitte
controller Sensor
The forest monitoring system consists of a r
with WIFI
main processor that is the NodeMCU. It is
powered using battery cells and its Sensor
rechargeable battery. The sensors, i.e.
Humidity sensor, temperature sensor, flame Fig 1: Block Diagram of the Transmitter
sensor and infrared sensors, collect all the
data and send it to NodeMCU. We have The transmitter unit will collect various data
used NRF trans-receiver for wireless such as temperature, humidity, human
activity or movement detection in forest if reading spike moisture more than normal,
area. Using flame sensor we can also predict rain can be expectations. Forest rangers can
fire in forest area. These data will be sent to then take steps to solve problems.
the receiver via NRF transmitter. The DHT-11 sensor is widely used to detect
forest fires in the early stages. Increased

NodeM temperature beyond the previous set

NRF CU Serial threshold value indicates that there is a fire
Receiver control Monitor
in the area sensor and protective measures
can be taken. Sensor data can be used to
predict and analyze basic weather conditions
Fig 2: Block Diagram of the Receiver
of the forest. DHT-11 sensor and hot camera
is used to measure temperature in different
The transmitted values of different
areas forest.
parameters will be collected at receiver with
2. IR Sensor: Infrared Sensor transmitter
the help of NRF Receiver. These data is
sends infrared signal jumping on the surface
further send to NodeMCU controller and
of an object or obstacle and obtained from
then displayed on serial monitor.
infrared receiver. Forest IR sensor a
4. Project Description
monitoring unit located at the boundary of
1 DHT-11 Sensor: the temperature and the
the forest is used continuing to monitor the
humidity of the environment. Humidity
entry and exit of humans and animals and
range reading is 20-80% with 5% accuracy,
outside, the boundaries of the forest. Hence
and the width of temperature readings are 0-
the number of animals and people inside or
50 ° C and 2 ° C accuracy. We can combine
outside the forest can be kept. If forest
temperature and humidity reading to specify
monitoring unit placed inside the forest, we
heat index. The temperature indicator shows
can measure the density of animals and
how hot the region is it is. Therefore, we can
humans in a particular area region. In
determine the most forested areas suitable
addition, it can be used to detect human
for sustaining wildlife. Additional resources
intervention in prohibited or protected
can be dedicated to ensuring that these areas
regions. Therefore, use an IR sensor illegal
are safe as well saved. In addition, climate
activities can be prevented.
change can be considered therefore the
necessary steps can be taken. For example,
3. Flame sensor: A flame-sensor is one kind which is less than one LED. The operating
of detector which is mainly designed for voltage of the module ranges from 1.9 to
detecting as well as responding to the 3.6V, but the good thing is that some pins
occurrence of a fire or flame. tolerate 5V logic, so we can easily connect
The most sensitive sensor in normal light is to Arduino without using any logic level
known as the fire sensor. That is why this converters. Three of these pins are SPI
sensor module is used in fire alarms. This contacts and need to be connected to
sensor receives fire waves if not between Arduino SPI pins, but note that each
760 nm - 1100 nm from light source. This Arduino board has different SPI pins. The
sensor can easily be damaged at high CSN and CE connectors can be connected to
temperatures. So this sensor can be placed a any digital PIN of the Arduino board and are
certain distance from the sun. Fire detection used to set the module in standby or active
can be made from a distance of 100cm and mode, as well as to switch between transfer
the detection angle will be 600. The output or command mode. The last PIN is a
of this sensor is an analog signal or a digital disruptive PIN that does not need to be used.
signal. These sensors are used in fire- We are using this module to transmit data
fighting robots as a flame alarm. This wirelessly from one station to another
sensor/detector can be built with station.
an electronic circuit using a receiver like 5. Data collection and transmission using
electromagnetic radiation. This sensor uses NodeMCU: NodeMCU is an IoT firmware
the infrared flame flash method, which with an in-built ESP8266-12 Wi-Fi module.
allows the sensor to work through a coating It can be coded using Arduino IDE software.
of oil, dust, water vapor, otherwise ice. It then collects data from the various sensors
4. NRF transmitter: the module can use and transmits it wirelessly to the base
125 different channels that provide access to station. The sensor data is displayed using
a network of 125 independent modules in serial monitor at the base station. This
one location. Each channel can have up to 6 collected data is then conditioned to give
addresses, or each unit can interact with up required alerts, making the monitoring
to 6 other units at a time. The power process better, efficient, convenient and
consumption of this module is portable.
approximately 12mA during transmission,
5. Schematic of Proposed System
The proposed system has two unit of
transmitter and one unit of receiver. The
transmitter which include all sensors and
one NRF each per unit section is showing in
fig.3 whereas receiver section which only
contains NRF is shown in figure 4.

Fig. 5 Proposed system

6. Result

Fig.3 Circuit Diagram of Transmitter

Fig.4 Circuit Diagram of Receiver

7. Conclusion
This program aims to better monitor the
forest. The forest monitors and other
relevant authorities can effectively they
distribute their services based on the needs Networks”, IEEE Wireless Commun., Dec.
determined by this program. The forest 2004, pp. 54 – 61.
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1. Detection of armed invasions in forest
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2. Animal identification
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4. Monitoring and protection of endangered [6] I. F. Akyildiz, W. Su, Y.
species Sankarasubramaniam, and E. Cayirci,
5. Research on new species
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6. Study of animal activities and behavior.
7. Study of optimum living conditions for Computer Networks Journal, vol. 38, no. 4,
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