Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Chapter 7
RECENT PILOT EXPERIENCE for Pilot In Command: (61.57, 91.103, 121.439, 135.247, 135.299)
1. To carry PASSENGERS the PIC must have 3 takeoffs and landings in an aircraft of the same category
and class in the past 90 days — these landings must be made to a full stop if in a tailwheel aircraft or
at night — and — if a type rating is required — must be in the same type of aircraft. (61.57, 135.247)
For Part 121 operations the three takeoffs and landings are required for ANY flight crewmember
regardless of if passengers are carried or not. (121.439)
2. For operations at NIGHT (between 1 hour after sunset and 1 hour before sunrise), the same as #1
above during this same 90 day period of time.
3. If the PIC has not flown over a route and into an airport within the preceding 90 days — the pilot must
become familiar with all available information required for the safe operation of the flight [135.299(c),
A. TWO PILOTS — Flightcrew of two “required” pilots (required by the regulations or the type
certification of the aircraft) — Check non-standard.
Takeoffs from Unlisted Airports: (121.637)
No pilot may takeoff an airplane from an airport not
1. ¼ Mile or RVR 1600 — AT LEAST ONE of the following: listed in the OpSpecs unless the weather conditions
a. High Intensity Runway Lights (HIRL). are equal to or better than prescribed in Part 97.
b. Centerline Lights (CL). Where minimums are not prescribed, the weather
minimums of 800-2, 900-1½, or 1,000-1 are required.
c. Centerline Marking (RCLM).
d. OR… Adequate visual reference to continuously identify the takeoff surface.
2. TDZ RVR 1200 and Rollout RVR 1000 and must have BOTH of the following:
a. Centerline Lights (CL). 91.1039(e) — No person
b. Two RVR reporting systems. may takeoff when the
3. TDZ RVR 600, Mid RVR 600, and Rollout RVR 600, provided visibility is less than 600 ft.
ALL of the following visual aids and RVR equipment are available:
a. Centerline Lights (CL). 500 RVR takeoffs are authorized
for some operators.
b. Centerline Markings (RCLM). 300 RVR is possible when using
c. At least two of the three RVR reporting systems must be working. a takeoff guidance system.
1. Mid RVR may be substituted for either TDZ RVR or Rollout RVR if TDZ RVR or Rollout RVR is not
2. Use of autopilot in lieu of a required 2nd-in-command IS NOT authorized.
3. Each pilot station must have:
a. An Attitude Indicator, DG, VSI, Airspeed and Altimeter.
b. An independent source of power for Attitude and DG.
4. Each PIC and SIC must have at least 100 hours PIC (or SIC) in specific make & model and have
completed company training program for the minimums authorized.
5. For takeoffs when TDZ and rollout RVR is less than RVR 1000, the aircraft must be able to achieve
performance specified in FAR 135.367, 135.379, or 135.398 as appropriate (Must have “ACCELERATE-
STOP DISTANCE” — the distance required to accelerate to liftoff speed and, assuming failure of an engine at the
instant that liftoff speed is attained, to bring the airplane to a full stop — and/or be able to climb to 35 ft before the
end of the runway on one engine if it fails at V1 — aka “ACCELERATE-GO DISTANCE”). [C079d.(6)]
6. If you TAKEOFF with weather BELOW landing minimums — for all practical purposes — you cannot
return to land if you lose an engine after takeoff. Therefore, you must FILE (or list in the dispatch or
flight release) a “TAKEOFF ALTERNATE” (aka “DEPARTURE ALTERNATE”) that is within
ONE hour’s flying time at normal cruise speed, in still air — 135.217; or… at normal cruise speed
in still air with one engine inoperative — 121.617) or… TWO hour’s flying time for an aircraft with
3 or more engines. (135.217, 121.617) The “TAKEOFF ALTERNATE” airport must have weather at or
above IFR landing minimums. (121.625)
If the departure runway does not have RVR you are limited to
½ mile visibility (or the lowest Cat I visibility authorized for that
91.1039, 135.217 — No person may takeoff
runway). OpSpec C057 does not allow takeoffs from runways where weather conditions are below IFR
which do not have RVR, based on the RVR report of another landing minimums unless there is an
runway. OpSpec C057 — “…RVR reports, when available for a alternate airport within 1 hour’s flying time
particular runway, shall be used for all takeoff operations on that
runway. All takeoff operations, based on RVR, must use RVR (at normal cruise speed, in still air).
reports from the locations along the runway specified…”