Home Work - Cem605
Home Work - Cem605
Home Work - Cem605
d) Explain the procedure to conduct Standard Penetration Test and how to measure bearing
capacity and allowable bearing pressure by using standard penetration resistance as per IS code
2. a) A wall with a smooth vertical back and 9 metres high retains a moist cohesionless soil with
a horizontal surface. The soil weighs 15 kN/m3 and has an angle of internal friction of 30°.
Determine the total earth pressure at rest and its location. If, subsequently, the water table rises to
the ground surface, determine the increase in earth pressure at rest. Assume effective unit weight
of soil as 9 kN/m3.
b) Determine the area ratios of the samplers of the following data and comment on the values.
Sampler Do(mm) Di(mm)
Split spoon sampler 52 37
Drive tube 100 92
Shelby tube 51 49
Where, Do = Outside diameter of sampling tube
Di = Inside diameter of sampling tube
c) A retaining wall 8.5 m high retains granular fill weighing 18 kN/m3 with level surface. The
active thrust on the wall is 180 kN per metre length of the wall. The height of the wall is to be
increased and to keep the force on the wall within allowable limits, the backfill in the top-half of
the depth is removed and replaced by cinders. If cinders are used as backfill even in the
additional height, what additional height may be allowed if the thrust on the wall is to be limited
to its initial value? The unit weight of the cinders is 9.2 kN/m3. Assume the friction angle for
cinders the same as that for the soil.
d) Explain the Plate Load Test and how to measure bearing capacity and allowable bearing
pressure for different types of soil as per Plate Load Test.
e) A square group of 25 piles extends between depth of 2m & 12 m in a deposit 20m thick stiff
clay overlying rock. The piles are 0.5 m in diameter & spaced at 1m centre to centre in the
group. The undrained shear strength of the clay at the pile base level is 180 kPa & the average
value of the undrained shear strength over the depth of the pile is 110 kPa. The adhesion
coefficient (α) is 0.45. Estimate the capacity of the pile group considering overall factor of
safety equal to 3 against shear failure.
3. a) A retaining wall, 4.5 m high, retains a soil with c = 2 N/cm2, φ = 30° and γ = 20 kN/m3,
with horizontal surface level with the top of the wall. The backfill carries a surcharge of 20
kN/m2. Compute the total passive earth resistance on the wall and its point of application.
b) A direct shear test was performed on sandy soil (A layer), sample fails at τ = 75-80 kN/m2 and
σ = 100-120 kN/m2. Calculate the shear strength parameter ‘φ’ of A layer.
c) Show the total and effective stresses diagram with capillary effect by considering capillary
zone of 1.1-1.3 m above water table having γcapillary zone = 17.1-17.6 kN/m3.
d) Give your comment on how to increase γ or φ of ‘A’ layer. (Explain any two techniques)
e) How to increase strength of layer ‘B’; write a short note on any two techniques of strength
improvement of clayey soil.
f) Calculate the consolidation settlement of 2 m clayey soil (B layer) as shown in figure with
2V:1H dispersion. (P = 300-350 kN, Cc=0.03 and e0=0.7-0.9)
g) Show the passive earth pressure diagram for given soil profile and show its point of
h) Calculate the width of isolated footing for 300-350 kN load if footing is placed at a depth of
1.5-1.7 m with 2.2-2.5 FOS.
i) For the given soil profile SPT test results are given, decide a suitable depth of isolated footing
within sandy strata, calculate the ultimate bearing capacity and safe allowable pressure as per IS
code for an allowable settlement of 35-45 mm.
Depth N value
0 0
0.75 10
1.5 17
2.25 22
3 13
j) Determine the allowable pile load capacity of pile of 30-35 cm diameter and length 7-8 m.