Tome of Lost Spells: New and Converted Spells For Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition

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The document contains a collection of 22 spells from previous editions of D&D converted for 5th edition play, focusing on increasing options for certain wizard specialties and adding flavor.

Spells are included for bards, clerics, druids, paladins, sorcerers and wizards ranging from 1st to 8th level, covering a variety of schools of magic like enchantment, necromancy and transmutation.

Patternweave is a 1st-level necromancy spell that causes the next weapon attack made by the targeted weapon to strike the wielder instead of the intended target, potentially dealing damage to them.

Tome of Lost Spells

New and Converted Spells for

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition

Contained within is a collection of 22 spells from previous editions, some converted and some
reimagined. Some were chosen to increase the spells available to several of the wizard specialties,
such as divination, enchantment, and necromancy, some were spells possessed by characters in
my campaign when converting a campaign from 3.5 to 5th edition, and some are just old favorites
that added flavor to the game that I just missed. Whatever the reason the spell was chosen for
this collection, I hope they add an interesting dimension to your 5th edition games.

Magical character options for

Players and Dungeon Masters

by Ed Robinson

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, and all other Wizards of the
Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.

This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission
under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2016 by Edward D Robinson and published under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
Bard Spells Explosive Runes
Patternweave Graymantle
Prying Eyes
2ND LEVEL Spirit Wall
Encore Wrack
Bothersome Babble Fortunate Fate
Cleric Spells Frightening Glare
5TH LEVEL Mind Web
Spirit Wall Vision
Unceasing Vigilance of the Holy Sentinel Wail of the Banshee
7TH LEVEL Screen
Vision Shifting Paths
Druid Spells

Summon Swarm
1st-level necromancy
Paladin Spells
Casting Time: 1 action
5TH LEVEL Range: 30 feet
Unceasing Vigilance of the Holy Sentinel Components: V, S, M (a small dagger)
Sorcerer Spells Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You cast this spell on any melee or ranged weapon.
1ST LEVEL The next time that weapon is used to make an attack,
Backbiter its shaft twists around so that the weapon strikes the
Flawed Strike wielder instead. The weapon hits automatically, and
3RD LEVEL no attack roll is made.
The wielder gets no warning or knowledge of the
Bothersome Babble
spell's effect on the weapon, and the self-dealt damage
5TH LEVEL can't be consciously reduced (though damage
Spirit Wall resistance applies) or changed to nonlethal damage.
Once the weapon attacks its wielder (whether
7TH LEVEL successfully or not), the spell is discharged.
Frightening Glare The weapons wielder receives a Will save to
negate the spell's effect.
Wizard Spells

Backbiter 3rd-level enchantment
Flawed Strike
Patternweave Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
2ND LEVEL Components: V, S
Ghoul Touch Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Summon Swarm
If the target fails a Wisdom saving throw, they can't
3RD LEVEL make themselves understood using speech. No matter
Bothersome Babble how hard they try, they utter only nonsense sounds.

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If the victim attempts to cast a spell that requires The runes are difficult to detect by normal means (DC
a verbal component, they may make a Wisdom save to 20 wisdom [perception] check), but attempts to locate
form the necessary syllables, but must do so every time traps via magical means automatically detect them.
they attempt to do so throughout the duration of this When a creature reads or attempts to read the
spell. writing in which the runes are hidden, the writing
The subject's ability to write is unimpeded. detonates, 6d6 points of force damage with no saving
At Higher Levels. If cast using a spell slot of 5th throw. Creatures within a 10 foot radius of the runes
level, speaking causes physical pain. In any round may attempt a Dexterity saving throw, suffering half
where the victim attempts to speak, the victim suffers damage on a successful save. The objet upon which
3d6 necrotic damage. This damage occurs even if the the runes were inscribed is automatically destroyed in
victim successfully casts a spell with a verbal the process.
component, as described above. As the crafter of the runes, you and anyone you
instruct can read the writing without danger of setting
off the runes. You can remove the runes whenever
desired simply by touching the object and willing their
2nd-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
1st-level divination
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 1 action
You compel a target to repeat the action of their
Range: 30 feet
previous turn.
Components: S
For example, if an orc fired an arrow and inflicted
Duration: 1 round
4 points of damage to your party's paladin, the encore
spell would compel the orc to fire a second arrow at You extend your hand and point at a target in range.
the paladin. If the paladin moved out of range, the orc Your magic grants you a brief insight into the target's
would still fire an arrow at its target, but the arrow next probable attack, forewarning you and giving you
would fall short. time to warn you allies. On the target's next turn,
Any dice associated with the repeated action, provided that the spell hasn't ended and nothing
attack rolls, ability checks, saving throws, are rolled as prevents you from giving a warning, the target suffers
normal. disadvantage on their next attack roll. A successful
The target must be capable of repeating the action Wisdom saving throw can negate this effect.
in order to make the attempt. In the above example, if
the orc was out of arrows, the encore spell would
automatically fail. A wizard cannot be compelled to
recast a spell if no more spell slots are available at the 7th-level divination
level at which the spell was cast. A gnome that Casting Time: 1 bonus action
discovered a gem in a pile of rocks, however, would Range: 30 feet
still attempt to discover the gem even if there was not Components: V, S
another gem to be found, because he could go through Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
the effort of trying to find one.
An unwilling target is allowed to attempt a You surround the subject with an aura that
Wisdom saving throw to resist the effects of the encore immediately heals the creature if it is subjected to an
spell. effect that would reduce it to 0 hit points or kill it
outright. The target may attempt a Wisdom saving
throw to avoid the effects if it so desires.
When this event occurs, the spell intervenes by
3rd-level transmutation immediately reversing time in respect to -- and only in
respect to -- the recipient's body, immediately
Casting Time: 1 action
eliminating all effects of the attack that would have
Range: Touch
potentially killed it (including poisoning, disease,
Components: V, S
etc.). Once the target is saved by the fortunate fate
Duration: Permanent until triggered
spell, the magic is discharged and the spell must be
You trace mystic runes on a book, map, scroll, or recast to continue the effect.
similar object bearing written information to prevent
unauthorized people from reading the information.

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7th-level enchantment Regeneration or other fast-healing abilities
possessed by the subject, natural or magical, are
Casting Time: 1 action
suppressed for the duration of the spell. Spells that heal
Range: 30 feet
damage do not work on that individual. The subject's
Components: S, M (ground dragon scale)
current hit points can only be bolstered by increasing
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
its Constitution score or receiving temporary hit
Immediately upon completion of the casting of this points. When the spell ends, automatic healing
spell, you target a living creature within range with abilities begin to function again, but no healing is
your glare; that creature must succeed on a Charisma gained from any other effects attempted while under
saving throw or suffer 6d6 psychic damage and the spell's effects.
become paralyzed with fear for the duration of the
spell. You must be able to see the creature, and it must
be able to see you. If the target of this spell is damaged
7th-level enchantment
by an attack, the victim is permitted another Charisma
save to shake off the effects, but remains frightened for Casting Time: 1 action
the duration of the spell. Range: 120 feet
At Higher Levels. If cast using a spell slot above Components: V, S, M (a handful of chicken feathers)
7th level, the psychic damage is increased by 1d6 per Duration: Instantaneous
level and you may select an additional target beyond
You fill the mind of your target with madness. Your
the first.
target is permitted a Wisdom saving throw to avoid the
effect. If the saving throw fails, the affected creature
immediately suffers the effects of the confusion spell.
2nd-level necromancy At sunrise of the following day, the victim is allowed
another saving throw. If the throw fails, the effect
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
continues, with saving throws every sunrise until one
Range: Self
succeeds or until the creature's actions bring about its
Components: V, S, M (a scrap of cloth taken from a
end. If the night prior to the sunrise was a full moon,
the victim has disadvantage on the saving throw.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
The next time you touch someone within the duration
of this spell (which requires a spell attack, against an
7th-level divination (ritual)
unwilling target), the target must make a Constitution
saving throw or become paralyzed for as long as you Casting Time: 1 action
concentrate on the spell, up to 1 minute. Range: 1,200 feet
While the victim is paralyzed, it exudes a foul Components: V, S, M (a dead spider with all 8 legs)
stench that sickens those who come to close. Any Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
creature starting or ending its turn within a 10 foot
For the duration of the spell, as a bonus action, you can
radius of the paralyzed victim must make a
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for the eavesdrop on the thoughts of up to eight other
creatures at once, listening in on one of the below
duration of the spell or until magically cured.
 All of the creatures' surface thoughts.
 One of the affected subject's detailed trains of
5th-level necromancy thought for that round.
 One nugget of information from a number of
Casting Time: 1 action
affected minds equal to your Intelligence modifier
Range: 200 feet
(minimum of 1) can be gleaned regarding one
Components: V, S, M (a human skull)
particular subject, object, or creature, assuming
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
such knowledge exists.
A skull-shaped cloud of gray energy strikes your  Memories or thoughts of one affected creature in
target. The gray radiance is transferred to the creature, detail regarding one particular subject, object, or
covering it entirely. For the duration of the spell, a creature, assuming such knowledge exists.
living subject cannot regain hit points or ability score Each affected creature is permitted a Wisdom
points by any means (undead creatures can still gain saving throw to avoid the effects of this spell.
hit points), nor will restoration spells and effects work Additionally, if you do not known the creature's
on the target. primary language, you are required to make an

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Intelligence check with your proficiency bonus at a can even attempt to reassemble them if the feat can be
DC of 15 to interpret the creature's thoughts. accomplished within the spell's duration.
Once per round, if all you do is scan surface
thoughts, you can attempt (as a standard action) to
implant a suggestion in the mind of any one of the
affected creatures, per the 2nd level enchantment spell.
The creature can make a Charisma saving throw to
resist the suggestion, using the original save DC, and
he action suggested can last no longer than your
concentration on this spell.
Creatures with special resistance to enchantment
spells can use this resistance to keep from being
affected by the suggestion. Success on this saving
throw does not negate the other effects of the mind
web for that creature.
At Higher Levels. If cast using higher spell slots,
the duration of this spell is increased by 10 minutes per
level of the spell slot above 7th.

1st-level divination (ritual)

Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a small hand lens)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You can make sense of apparent chaos, such as seeing
shards of pottery reformed into a whole pot, shreds of
paper reassembled into a page, a coded communique
deciphered into readable text, or pulling a specific trail
from a group of overlapping footprints.
After casting this spell, you study the seemingly
random elements -- broken glass, shreds of paper, a
complex written code, intermingled trails, etc. -- and
attempt to make sense of them. The items to be studies 7th-level enchantment
must be tangible. Coded flashes of light, garbled
speech, or thoughts of any kind cannot be studied. Casting Time: 1 action
After studying the elements, you must make an Range: 60 feet
Intelligence saving throw, with the DC dependent on Components: V
the state of the elements, as shown below: Duration: See below
 All elements are present (DC 10) You utter a single word of power that causes one
 A few elements are missing (DC 15) creature of your choice to become blinded, whether the
 Half or more of the elements are missing (DC 20) creature can hear the word or not. The duration of the
 Someone deliberately confused the elements (DC spell depends on the target's current hit point total.
equal to the value of the roll made to obfuscate the Any creature that has greater than 200 hit points is
truth) unaffected. If the target has 50 or fewer hit points, the
If the elements studied are truly random, no blindness is permanent until magically cured. If the
information is gained. target has more than 50 hit points, but less than or
If successful, you can glean information from the equal to 100 hit points, the blindness lasts for 1d4 +
reassembled elements based on the item itself, reading your Intelligence modifier minutes. If the target has
a shredded document for the spell's duration, over 100 in hit points, but less than or equal to 200, the
identifying the direction an escaping enemy traveled blindness lasts for 1d4 + your Intelligence modifier in
at a busy intersection, the secret message obscured by rounds. The blindness can be magically cured at any
a code, etc. If all of the elements are present and you time during the duration of the spell.

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eye is destroyed or you move more than 1 mile away
from it, the eye disappears. You will realize that it is
5th-level divination gone, but you are not automatically notified of what
Casting Time: 1 action occurred to cause its disappearance.
Range: 1 mile These eyes act only as eyes and cannot convey
Components: V, S, M (a handful of small, clear data relating to any other sense, such as scents or
marbles) sounds. A dispel magic can destroy any eye caught
Duration: 6 hours within its area, though each eye is rolled for separately.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using
You create ten magical orbs (called "eyes") that move a spell slot of 6th level or higher, you gain 2 additional
out, scout around, and return as you direct them when eyes and 1 additional hour of duration per spell level.
casting the spell. Each eye can see 120 feet (normal In addition, the passive perception (and perception
vision only) in all directions. bonus) of the eyes is increased by 1 for each spell level
The eyes are semi-tangible and fragile, but very increase. If cast with a spell slot of 8th level or higher,
difficult to spot. They are about the size of a small the eyes gain the benefits of a true seeing spell.
apple and have 1 hit point and an armor class of 18.
They fly at 30 feet per round with perfect
maneuverability. They have a passive stealth score of
18, which is also the DC to locate one if actively 8th-level Illusion (ritual)
searching. They have a passive perception score of 10 Casting Time: 1 action
+ your Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus and Range: 60 feet
add your wisdom modifier and proficiency bonus to Components: V, S
their ability check during an active search. Duration: 24 hours
The eyes are subject to illusions, darkness, fog,
and any other factors that would affect your ability to This spell combines several elements to create a
receive visual information about your surroundings. powerful protection from scrying and direct
An eye traveling through darkness must feel its way observation. When casting the spell, you dictate what
around and, if not careful, could break itself on a stone will and will not be observed in the spell's area. The
wall as if suffering from a fall. They do not possess illusion created must be stated in general terms.
special vision capabilities such as darkvision, even if Thus, you could specify the illusion of yourself
you possess such a capability, though they do and another character playing dragon chess for the
collectively count as a single eligible target for the duration of the spell, but you could not have the
darkvision spell if you wish to grant them that illusory chess players take a break, make dinner, and
capability. then resume their game. You could have a crossroads
When you create the eyes, you give them specific appear quiet and empty even while an army is actually
instructions of up to 25 words. They will obey those passing through the area. You could specify that no
instructions to the best of their ability and will attempt one be seen (including passing strangers), that your
to adhere to the spirit of the orders rather than the troops be undetected, or even that every fifth person or
letter. Any knowledge you possess will be passed to unit should be visible.
the eyes, such as what a specific individual or creature Once the conditions are set, they cannot be
looks like. changed. Attempts to scry the area automatically
If, as example, you command the eyes to "spread detect the image you defined with no saving throw
out and search the town for Skeever the goblin. Then allowed. Sight, sound, and smells are appropriate to
follow him for three minutes and report back, the eyes the illusion created. A band of people standing in a
would spread out evenly around town and, upon meadow could be concealed as an empty meadow with
spotting Skeever, unobtrusively follow him for three birds chirping, for instance. Once you initiate the
minutes and then return to you to report what they saw. illusion, it will behave as a seemingly normal area of
Simple phrases like "spread out" or "surround me" will the type or action specified for the duration, taking on
be taken as you intend them as far as configuration and a life of its own within the limitations you define...
spacing of the eyes. You might ask the eyes to keep a even going so far as to be able to have a meaningless
look out for "dangerous creatures," and the eyes would conversation with a passerby if someone initiates the
identify any creature that you consider dangerous. behavior.
In order to report their findings, the eyes must Direct observation may allow a Wisdom saving
return to your hand. Each replays what it has seen into throw, if there is cause to disbelieve what is seen.
your mind at a rate of 1 round per hour of visual input. Certainly onlookers in the area would become
After relaying any findings, the eye disappears. If an suspicious if a marching army disappeared at one point

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to reappear at another. Even entering the area does not side to make a Wisdom saving throw or become
cancel the illusion or necessarily allow a save, frightened for 1d4 rounds.
assuming that hidden beings take care to stay out of A living creature that touches the wall takes 4d6
the way of those affected by the illusion. points of damage as its life force is disrupted. A living
creature that passes through the wall takes 8d6
necrotic damage. In both of these cases, the victim is
permitted a Constitution saving throw for half damage.
8th-level illusion (ritual) The barrier is semi-material and opaque,
Casting Time: 1 action providing cover and total concealment against
Range: 250 feet physical attacks, and it blocks line of effect for magical
Components: V, S effects, including spells and spell-like abilities.
Duration: 24 hours
This spell simultaneously hides a path or road
specified by you, while simultaneously creating an 2nd-level conjuration
illusory path. The illusory path starts at a point chosen
Casting Time: 1 action
by you within the range of the spell and continues in
Range: 60 feet
the direction you indicate. The illusion can be spread
Components: V, S, M (a small bit of wax shaped to
across an area of up to a 10 mile radius and is
resemble to type of creature to be summoned)
completely convincing to the all five senses.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
The illusory path avoids obstacles and provides
no bridges, stairs, ladders, ramps, or other methods of You summon a swarm of creatures that appear in one
traversing such obstacles. There is no way to force the or more unoccupied spaces that you can see within
illusory path to lead over a cliff or across a river more range. If the creatures occupy more than one space,
than 4 feet deep. Observers are only permitted each space chosen must be adjacent to at least one
Wisdom saving throws if they have reason to believe other space within the swarm. You summon a total of
that something is wrong with the path, such as 1 challenge rating worth of terrain-appropriate
previous experience with the road, a detailed map, etc. swarms, all of the same type, from the following list
Those who are not allowed saves or fail their (the number of spaces represents the total number of
Wisdom saving throws struggle along the illusory "Medium swarms" used to reach CR 1):
path. If vegetation or rough terrain slows their  Bats (CR 1/4, 4 spaces)
progress, they believe the path is sloping enough to  Insects, any type (CR 1/2, 2 spaces)
justify the reduced speed. Those who succeed on their  Quippers (CR 1, 1 space)
Wisdom saving throws see both paths, but the illusory  Rats (CR 1/4, 4 spaces)
path is shadowy and obviously unreal.  Ravens (CR 1/4, 4 spaces)
At Higher Levels. If cast using a 9th level spell A summoned swarm disappears if its hit points drop to
slot, the illusory path can cross dangerous obstacles 0 or when the spell ends.
like cliffs and rivers. Travelers in danger of injury or Roll for initiative the swarm as a single entity
death due to dangerous terrain features is allowed a which has its own turn. It obeys any verbal commands
Wisdom save to avoid the effect. that you issue (no action required by you). If you don't
issue any commands to the swarm, it will defend itself
from hostile creatures but otherwise take no actions.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using
5th-level necromancy
a higher level spell slot, you increase the size of the
Casting Time: 1 action swarm by challenge rating 1/2 for each spell level
Range: 120 feet above 2nd. Starting at spell level 4, you can choose 1
Components: V, S, M (a clear, cut gemstone) space of poisonous snakes (CR 2) as your swarm in
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes addition to the choices listed above. You must be able
to add at least one full space's worth of swarm to
You create a wall constructed of a swirling mass of choose the creature (for example, you cannot choose
green-white forms resembling tortured spirits forms. 1-1/2 spaces worth of quippers as a level 3 spell).
You can make a flat wall 60 feet wide, 20 feet high,
and 1 foot thick or a 20 foot high ring 20 feet in
diameter and 1 foot thick.
One side of the wall, selected by you, emits a low
groaning that causes creatures within 60 feet of that 5th-level transmutation (ritual)

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Casting Time: 1 minute (arcana) check with a DC of 15. If you are not in the
Range: 0 (5 foot radius sphere) presence of the subject of your question but have
Components: V, S, M (specially formulated ink that detailed information about it, the DC is 20. But if the
contains 1,000 gp worth of sapphire dust and a information you have is incomplete or vague, the DC
drop of holy water) is 30.
Duration: 8 hours The lower the DC of the check, the more clear the
information gained is as part the vision. The higher the
This spell enhances your ability to guard a person,
DC, the more obscure the vision is likely to be. No
place, or object. The spell's effect is centered on a
matter the difficulty, the vision will never be crystal-
certain area, creating an invisible, spherical area with
clear in the details. Information can be sought from the
a 5 foot radius from the point of origin. Once
past, present, or future, or possibly a combination
established, this area cannot be moved by any means.
thereof. Future information, being more fluid due to
While within the area of effect, you gain the
the uncertainty of the future, is inevitably more
following special abilities:
obscure than information about the present or past.
 Your sense of sight is magically enhanced. You
The material component for this spell is
can see through normal darkness and see invisible
something of sentimental or personal value to the
creatures and objects. The range of this magical
caster which is sacrificed in the casting. The more
sight is 60 feet.
precious the sacrifice, the better the chance that the
 You have no need for rest, food, or water. You
spell will work.
cannot suffer from exhaustion, and any levels of
exhaustion already in effect are neutralized while
inside of the circle. While you remain in the field,
you regenerate one hit die per hour up to your hit 7th-level necromancy
point maximum.
 You are completely immune to magical or natural Casting Time: 1 action
fear, sleep, or charm effects. Range: 30 feet
Components: V
These abilities benefit only you. While within the
field, you do not count as having taken any sort of rest, Duration: Instantaneous
short or long. You let out a bellowing wail like that of a banshee.
If you leave the circle for any reason, the spell is Every creature within 30 feet of you that can hear the
broken. When the spell is broken, you must rest for a wail must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or
full minute for every hour spent in the circle. If forced immediately drop to 0 hit points and begin making
into action during that time, you count as having two death saving throws. Those who succeed at this roll
levels of exhaustion until you can get the appropriate suffer 3d6 psychic damage instead. Constructs and
rest. Completing the required rest period after the spell undead creatures are not affected by this spell, nor are
ends counts as having completed a long rest. those creatures incapable of hearing.
As long as you remain within the circle, you may
fight and act normally under full effects of the spell.
5th-level necromancy

7th-level divination (ritual) Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S
Range: Self Duration: Concentration, up to 10 rounds
Components: V, S, M (something of sentimental or
personal value to the caster) Make an unarmed spell-attack. If successful, your
Duration: Instantaneous subject must make succeed on a Wisdom saving throw
or your touch causes the target to experience
You call upon the gods of foresight and magic, while excruciating pain. The subject falls prone and, for the
seeking information on a person, object, or location. duration of the spell, is blinded and incapacitated.
They provide you her answer in the form of a vision. Even if the target's saving throw is successful, the
This spell functions along the lines of the legend lore subject is frightened for the duration of the spell.
spell, except that it works more quickly.
You pose a question about some person, place, or
object, then cast the spell. If the person or object is at
hand or if you are in the place in question, you receive
a vision about it by succeeding on an Intelligence

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