Macroeconomics: Subject Outline
Macroeconomics: Subject Outline
Macroeconomics: Subject Outline
Subject Outline
ECO 304
Spring 2021
Subject Details
Subject name Macroeconomics
Units of credit 5
FMT Office:
R. 201, Building C
Contact details
Tel: (024) 35533560
Ms. Nguyen Thu Trang:
The subject outline contains important information. Please ensure that you read it carefully. It is
also strongly recommended that you keep this copy of your subject outline for future reference.
Subject aim/rationales
This subject aims to introduce students to the study of the economy as a whole and to the economic
way of thinking. It provides the students with macroeconomic concepts, basic models and the
institutional policy framework so they could identify and analyze macroeconomic problems and
justify policy responses to those problems.
Subject Objectives
Upon completion of this subject, students are expected to be able to
understand and explain contemporary macroeconomic theories at primary level.
explore and analyze the major macroeconomic problems and policies of the late 1990s and
the 21st century.
understand and analyze the policies for solving unemployment and inflation problems
explain how fluctuations in the business cycle can have an impact on Gross Domestic
Products (GDP), interest rates, exchange rates, inflation rates, unemployment rates and
understand the working of fiscal policies, monetary policies, and international trade
explain the open-economy macroeconomics.
Subject Structure
The structure of this subject for on-campus students comprises:
One 110-minute lecture per week
One 110-minute tutorial per week
Prescribed Textbook
Mankiw, N. G., 2015, Principles of Economics (Macroeconomics), Seventh Edition, International
Mankiw, N. G., 2015, Principles of Macroeconomics, Seventh Edition, South-Western.
Frase, I. et al, 2003, Economics for Business, 2ed., McGraw – Hill Book Company Australia Pty
Mc Targgart, D. et tal, 2000, Macroeconomics, 3ed., Addison – Wesley.
The lecture handouts, which is required reading, will support your learning macroeconomic tools
taught in class. These will mostly come from the Mankiw textbook. However, Mankiw textbook,
and other references are recommended reading, which means we are not testing for anything in
these textbooks that we do not cover in class. Anyway, most of you will find the textbook helpful to
supplement the subject outlines, especially where you find the outline challenging, or who want
more details.
Other readings:
The Economist
Economic Times
The Asian Wall Street Journal
Vietnam Economic Times
Vietnam Investment Review
You are encouraged to read online resources with relevant content about the world economic
situation, Vietnam economy and government economic policies.
Assessment for the subject will be on the basis of:
Weight Description Note
Participation scores will be given based on
students' class attendance, preparation, quantity as well
as quality of participation at class; quality of
Class participation is demonstrated through asking relevant Required
Participation questions, making statements that add to and facilitate
class discussions, and building upon others’ comments.
Students whose attendance is less than 80% of time
are not allowed to participate in the Final Exam test.
Oral test
Midterm Test 20% Required
(Comprehensive exercises and/or short questions)
minutes for Q&A (20% weighted)
Option 2:
Groups will join in such games as taboo, in which your
knowledge on economics should be adapted. (details will
be provided at the tutorial classes)
Multiple choice questions (40% weighted)
Fill in the blanks with your own words (no hint or
suggestion) (10%)
Final Exam 50% Exercises/essay questions: several short questions which Required
can be divided into further sub-parts covering important
economic issues required the integration of acquired
knowledge and analysis skills (50% weighted)
Total 100%
Proposed Weekly Schedule
Start Textbook
Week Topics
Date Chapters
Chapters 1,
1 18 Jan Lecture 1: Introduction to Macroeconomics
Chapter 2
Chapter 24,
8 22 Mar Lecture 7: The Money Growth & Inflation
Chapter 30
Tutorial classes
Start Textbook
Week Topics
Date Chapters
Chapter 24,
9 5 Apr Tutorial class 7: The Money Growth & Inflation Chapter 30