Operating Manual: Communication Commands
Operating Manual: Communication Commands
Operating Manual: Communication Commands
Communication commands
I1820-1.0 en
Safety informations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
WE2107 HBM
4 WE2107 − Communication commands
Safety informations
Meaning: Possible dangerous situation
Warns of a potentially dangerous situation in which failure to comply with safety requirements
could result in damage to property or some form of physical injury.
Symbols for operating instructions and useful information:
Symbol: NOTE
Means that important information about the product or its handling is being given.
HBM WE2107
WE2107 − Communication commands 5
The WE2107 digital weighing electronics are weighing electronics for non-automatic
weighing instrument (NAWI). They include all the requisite weighing functions for this
D Digital filtering
D Adjusting the factory characteristic curve
D Adjusting the scale characteristic curve
D Linearization
D One, two or three -range display
D Output scaling of the measured values
D Range monitoring of the display values (OIML, NTEP)
D Zero setting ("2 %)
D Tare
D Gross/net selection
D Standstill recognition
D Zero on start-up
D Automatic zero tracking
D Calibration switch with calibration counter
D Gravitational acceleration correction via a settable factor
D Nonvolatile parameter storage
D Parameter password protection
A command set for filling and dosing extend the field of applications.
The digital serial interface for remote control is a RS-232 interface or RS-485 (2wire) inter-
face. With RS-485 up to 32 bus members can be connected to the bus system.
The abbreviation WE is also used for the WE2107 weighing electronics in the following text.
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6 WE2107 − Communication commands
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WE2107 − Communication commands 7
This chapter describes the relationship between the parameter menu and the implemented
commands (see also manual part 1).
Access Main menu level second menu third menu level Command
level level .1. .2.
.1. .2.
0 InFO
ZEro -
totAL SUM?
Sv_nb IDN?
F_nb IDN?
Adc AOV?
Error ERR?
1 Print
Prt SHC(0...6)
WE2107 HBM
8 WE2107 − Communication commands
Access Main menu level second menu third menu level Command
level level .1. .2.
.1. .2.
2 SEtPt
InPut LIV1,(P2)
On_L LIV1,(P4)
InPut LIV2,(P2)
On_L LIV2,(P4)
InPut LIV3,(P2)
On_L LIV3,(P4)
InPut LIV4,(P2)
On_L LIV4,(P4)
doS_t MFT,
tAr_t TAD
HBM WE2107
WE2107 − Communication commands 9
Access Main menu level second menu third menu level Command
level level
.1. .2.
.1. .2.
2 SEtuP -
Count -
nb -
3 UArt1 -
Addr ADR
3 UArt2 -
Funct FUB
bAUdr -
PArtY -
Prot EDP
E_Ch1 ED1
E_Ch2 ED2
WE2107 HBM
10 WE2107 − Communication commands
Access Main menu level second menu third menu level command
level level
.1. .2.
.1. .2.
3 Prt_S -
time TME
modE TMM
dAY -
nonth -
YEAr -
InIt -
IdEnt nbr PID
Prot -
3 InPut -
HBM WE2107
WE2107 − Communication commands 11
Access Main menu level second menu third menu level Command
level level
.1. .2.
.1. .2.
3 Buttn -
3 tESt -
diSPL -
UArt -
d_IO -
EEPr -
buttn -
WE2107 HBM
12 WE2107 − Communication commands
Access Main menu level second menu third menu level Command
level level
.1. .2.
.1. .2.
Funct SFU
4 AdJ -
Unit ENU
Point DPT
InPut -
Zero LDW
Zero -
SPAn -
HBM WE2107
WE2107 − Communication commands 13
Access Main menu level second menu third menu level Command
level level
.1. .2.
.1. .2.
Lin -
4 FAdJ -
0 OFF -
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14 WE2107 − Communication commands
General advice:
Commands can be entered in upper or lower case letters, they are not case-sensitive, so
either format can be used for input.
Each command entry must be concluded by a delimiter. This can either be a line feed (LF) or
a semi-colon (;).
If an end label is all that is sent to the WE2107, the WE2107 input buffer is cleared.
The data provided in round brackets () for the commands are mandatory and must be
entered. Parameters in pointed brackets <> are optional and do not have to be provided.
The brackets themselves are not part of the input.
Text must be enclosed in quotes ” ”.
Responses are given in ASCII characters and terminate with LF. Output in binary characters
is the exception here (see command MSV or COF).
Each command comprises the command shortform, one or more parameters and the end
Responses consist of ASCII characters and close with CRLF. An exception to this is binary
character output (see MSV and COF commands).
Each command consists of the command shortform, one or more parameters and the
Example: MSV?;
After this command, a measured value is output.
All the ASCII characters ≤ 20H (blank) can appear between the command short form, the
parameters and the end mark.
For commands and parameters the following characters are allowed:
’ ’ ’+’ ’-’ ’.’ ’,’ ’”’ ’0’ ...’9’ ’A’...’Z’ ’a’...’z’
For a input string (command PST) the input range is : 0x1fhex < char < 0x7fhex . In this case
the string is enclosed with ” ...string...”.
If the master has send a command string (query), than the master has to wait for the answer
before it send the next query.
If the master has send a command string (input), than the master has to wait for at least
10 msec. before it send the next query or command.
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WE2107 − Communication commands 15
Note on the reaction times of the WE:
The reaction times specified for the WE in the command description do not include the time
taken to transfer the command to the WE and the time taken to transfer the response from
the WE.
The WE works in an RS-485 2-wire bus configuration. No responses are given to input, re-
gardless of whether the input is valid or invalid. After making an entry, use a query to ver-
ify the input.
ASF3; //Setting the filter to level 3
If the master has send a command string (input), than the master has to wait for at least
10 msec. before it send the next query or command.
If the parameter is a legal for trade parameter, and the legal for trade mode is switched
on, than this parameter will not be changed.
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16 WE2107 − Communication commands
A parameter query is entered by using the command with a question mark attached.
A parameter query is always answered in ASCII format. The end label is a line feed
(LF = 0A hex).
The output length of a query is always constant for every command.
Query: ASF;
Response: 03 crlf
If the master has send a command string (query), than the master has to wait for the answer
before it send the next query or command.
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The response to measurement queries (MSV?) depends on the output format (COF) that is
set (binary or ASCII output). Data output works with fixed output lengths (see command
The end mark of the data output is always a line feed. However, this character must not be
filtered out as an end mark during binary output, as these characters may also be included in
the binary code of the measured value. Which is why only the byte count is helpful with bi-
nary output.
WE password protection includes the important settings for the scale curve and its identifica-
tion. Commands with password protection are only activated after the password has been
entered. Unless the password is entered via the command SPW, this command input will not
be executed. A query is always possible.
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18 WE2107 − Communication commands
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20 WE2107 − Communication commands
To establish communication between the WE and the computer, the interface has to be confi-
gured. The following commands are available in the WE to set up the interface and to select
the transfer format:
D Communication address for bus mode ADR
D Baud rate setting BDR
D Output format for measurement data (ASCII / binary) COF
D Select command for a bus user via the communication address (Select) S...
1 character
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As data transmission is serial, the rate at which data is transmitted must match the rate at
which it is received. The number of bits per second is called the baud rate.
The exact baud rate of the receiver is synchronized with the start bit for each character
transferred. The data bits then follow, which all have the same length. On reaching the stop
bit, the receiver moves to the wait state until it is reactivated by the next start bit.
The number of characters per measured value depends on the output format selected (COF
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22 WE2107 − Communication commands
(Device address)
Note: ( ) required parameters, < > optional parameters for parameter input
You only need this command when the WE is communicating via the RS-485 bus. The
command is used to prepare bus mode. Each WE connected in the bus must have a unique
address (00 - 31).
Parameter description:
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WE2107 − Communication commands 23
Baud Rate
(Baud rate)
The command sets the baud rate for serial communication.
When the baud rate is changed, communication is not possible at first. The computer also
has to switch over to the new setting (baud rate). For the change in the baud rate to be per-
manent, it has to be saved in the EEPROM using the command TDD1. This procedure ensu-
res that the baud rates set in the WE are all supported by the remote station. If the newly
entered baud rate is not saved, when the system is reset or started up again, the WE will
answer at the previous baud rate.
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24 WE2107 − Communication commands
The command is used to set up the output formats for the command MSV?.
The possible formats and the decimal number to enter for them are listed in the tables below.
The following format groups are supported:
D COF 0 ... 3 binary data output
D COF 4 ASCII data output
Data output relates to the nominal (rated) value set for the WE (see the NOV command).
With 2-byte binary output, the NOV value must be v 30000, otherwise the measured value
will be output with overflow or underflow (7FFFH or 8000H). With NOV30000, the overload
reserve is only about 2700 digits.
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Note on the evaluation of binary measured values
When measurement data is output in binary format, the binary code for CRLF may occur
within the bytes representing the measured value. This is why the contents of the data output
should not be tested for the CRLF character when checking for the possible end of
measurement transmission. With binary output, it is far better to record the number of
characters received. The CRLF control characters are also appended to the measured value
during binary output.
WE2107 HBM
26 WE2107 − Communication commands
N (sign, measured kg
value with decimal
point) t
G = gross, 9 x ‘-‘ , when out- For standstill End
side display range only, otherwise
N = net for 3 blanks label
LT > 0
NOV is the output scaling (NOV w 100). The percentage figures relate to the NOV.
The d information relates to increment that is set (RSN):
RSN = 2 -> 9 d = 18 digits
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(Selecting of WE2107 in bus mode)
With this, the WEs connected to a bus can be addressed individually or jointly. A maximum
of 32 addresses (00...31) are assigned using the command ADR.
The Select command does not generate a response.
A WE is always active after reset or power-up and must be addressed in bus mode by using
the Select command, so that none of the other bus users respond. If there is only one WE,
you do not need the S... command.
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28 WE2107 − Communication commands
Parameter description:
Selection Effect for the WE Effect for the PC
S00; to Only the WE with the given address exe- 1:1 communication with a se-
S31; cutes all the commands and responds. lected WE.
Example: Select 00
Command 1
Command 2...n
Select 01
Command 1 etc.
Command S98; is intended for special functions (broadcast). All the WEs connected to the
bus are addressed here. All the WEs execute the subsequent commands. No WE responds.
This goes on until a single WE is once again addressed using S00...S31.
The S... command on its own does not generate a response. The selected WE only
responds when it is combined with another command.
For a measurement query on the bus, proceed as follows:
Master WE Note
S00;MSV?; Xxcrlf Query WE with address 00, response at COF0
S01;MSV?; Yycrlf Query WE with address 01, response at COF0
S02;MSV?; Zzcrlf Query WE with address 02, response at COF0
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The commands described in this section are used to set up the factory default curve:
D Adjusting the default curve: SZA, SFA
D Gravitational acceleration correction: ACA, ACU
Setting the factory default curve with SZA, SFA (absolute value calibration in mV/V)
Action Command sequence
Enter password, e.g. SPW00000;
Measure input at 0 mV/V SZA(P1);
Measure input at 2mV/V SFA(P2);
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30 WE2107 − Communication commands
Initial curve
Effect of SZA
Initial curve
Effect of SFA
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For an input signal of 0mV/V, the output value 0 digits is assigned to the internal measured
Parameter description:
For a query, the value is output ±6-digit (e.g. -000246 CRLF).
The curve is disabled at SZA=0 and SFA=200000.
To perform the electronic adjustment see command SFA.
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32 WE2107 − Communication commands
For an input signal of 2 mV/V, the output value 200000 digits is assigned to the internal
measured value for ASCII output.
Parameter description:
For a query, the value is output ±6-digit (e.g. -350246 LF).
The curve is disabled at SZA=0 and SFA=200000.
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The characteristic curve commands SZA and SFA should be entered or executed in the
following order: SZA followed by SFA. The input data is only offset if these two parameters
have been entered in pairs.
When the factory default curve is entered with SZA/SFA, this resets the user curve to the
default values LDW=0, LWT=200000, CWT=100000 and ACU:=ACA.
Numbers 1 - 10 do not apply if the factory default curve can be re-entered using parameters
that are already known.
With the command TDD0; the factory default settings will be activated.
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34 WE2107 − Communication commands
G-Correction Factor
(G-factor correction, calibration location)
The command is used to correct the effect of gravitational acceleration when the place where
the scale is adjusted is not the same as the place of installation and the gravitational
acceleration factors (g) are different.
Parameter description:
For a query, the value is output 6-digit (e.g. 098102 CRLF).
Correction is disabled at ACA = ACU.
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For a query, the value is output 6-digit (e.g. 098102 CRLF).
Correction is disabled at ACA = ACU.
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36 WE2107 − Communication commands
The characteristic curve commands LDW and LWT should be entered or executed in the
following order: LDW followed by LWT. The input data is only offset if these two parameters
have been entered or measured in pairs.
After the scale adjustment the range LDW → LWT is assigned to the following number
HBM WE2107
WE2107 − Communication commands 37
Load L/Ln
0.1 0.7 1
Range application
Load L/Ln
0.1 0.7
Range application
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38 WE2107 − Communication commands
When measuring, the current input signal (e.g. scale not loaded, but with dead load) assigns
the output value 0 digits to the internal measured value.
Parameter description:
For a query, the value is output ±6-digit (e.g. -000246 CRLF).
The user curve is disabled at LDW=0 and LWT=200000.
The LDW value is not converted via NOV.
To perform the scale adjustment see command LWT.
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WE2107 − Communication commands 39
Load Weight
(Scale characteristic curve full scale)
When measuring, the current input signal (e.g. scale loaded= max. capacity) assigns the
output value 200000 digits to the internal measured value.
Parameter description:
For a query, the value is output ±6-digit (e.g. -950246 CRLF).
The user curve is disabled at LDW=0 and LWT=200000.
The LWT value is not converted via NOV.
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40 WE2107 − Communication commands
The characteristic curve commands LDW and LWT should be entered or executed in the
following order: LDW followed by LWT. The input data is only offset if these two parameters
have been entered or measured in pairs.
When the factory default curve is measured with LDW/LWT, this resets the user curve to the
default values LDW=0, LWT=200000, CWT=100000 and ACU:=ACA
With partial load adjustment (measurement):
The LWT value is converted to 100 % in accordance with the CWT value entered and the
CWT value is then reset to its 100 % value (=100000).
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Calibration Weight
(Calibration weight)
If, when adjusting the user curve, you cannot apply 100 % of the input signal, then the CWT
command also gives you the opportunity to adjust the WE with an input signal in the range
10 % to 120 % of the required nominal (rated) value (partial load calibration).
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42 WE2107 − Communication commands
Parameter description:
P1 is a 6−digit decimal number in the range 10000 to 120000 (=10 % ... 120 %). With
P1=100000 (=100 %) this part load calibration is switched off.
P1 is a 6-digit decimal number in the range 10000 to 99999 (=10 % ... 120 %) for none legal
for trade applications.
P1 is a 6-digit decimal number in the range 20000 to 99999 (=20 % ... 120 %) for legal for
trade applications.
P1 is the percentage of the max. capacity with which the next LDW / LWT adjustment is to
be carried out.
The scale curve LDW/LWT of a scale is adjusted with 15 kg=15000 d. But the only
adjustment weight available for the adjustment is a 10 kg weight. Proceed as follows:
1. For the adjustment, set the CWT value to 66667 ( corresponds to 66 %).
2. For the adjustment, set the NOV value to 15000.
3. Then carry out an LDW/LWT adjustment.
After the adjustment, the WE outputs 10000 digits as the measured value at 10 kg and
15000 digits at 15 kg.
4. Set the increment to RSN5 and the decimal point to DPT3. This gives the number of
divisions as 3000 d=e and a display of 15,000 at 15 kg max. capacity.
After an adjustment, the LDW and LWT values can be read out. They correspond to
parameters, as if the adjustment had been carried out at max. capacity (and not at partial
load). Should you want to enter the values for LDW and LWT again later, you must first enter
CWT=0, then the LDW value that has been read out and finally the value read out for LWT.
When the factory default curve is entered with SZA/SFA, this resets the user curve to the
default values LDW=0, LWT=200000 and CWT=100000.
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The N0V value is used to scale the output value during data output. ASCII data output is
scaled at the factory to 6000. If you require a data output of 2000 digits at max. capacity, for
example, then use this command to set the nominal (rated) value NOV2000;. This scaling
does not change the input parameters.
The tare value is on the NOV curve and is output in this scaling.
For 2-byte binary output, the NOV value must be v 30000. Otherwise the measured value
will be output with overflow or underflow (7FFFH or 8000H; H: hexadecimal). With
NOV30000, the overload reserve is only about 2700 digits.
WE2107 HBM
44 WE2107 − Communication commands
Engineering Unit
(Unit of measurement)
The command implements input of a unit of measurement.
P1 Unit of measurement
0 none
1 g
2 kg
3 t
4 lbs
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(Display resolution, Increment)
The command implements the increment of data output. The following functions are affected
by the increment:
D standstill recognition (MDT)
D zero tracking (ZTR)
D measuring range monitoring
D initial zero setting (ZSE)
D measured value resolution
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46 WE2107 − Communication commands
Decimal Point
(Decimal point position)
The command implements the input of data output decimal places:
DPT0: xxxxx.
DPT1: xxxx.x
DPT2: xxx.xx
DPT3: xx.xxx
DPT4: x.xxxx
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Motion detection
(Motion detection)
MDT0: OFF (motion detection is switched off, unit is always displayed)
MDT1: 0.5 d / sec.
MDT2: 1.0 d / sec. ( to be set if legal for trade application)
MDT3: 2.0 d / sec.
MDT4: 5.0 d / sec.
If the stand still conditions are fulfilled than the selected unit (ENU) will be displayed.
The digit unit (d) relates to the nominal (rated) value (NOV) and the selected increment
RSN=5, NOV=15000, weighing range = 15000 g
With MDT2 the stand still condition occurs if the deviation of the weight is less than 5 g/sec.
With MDT3 the stand still condition occurs if the deviation of the weight is less than 10 g/sec.
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48 WE2107 − Communication commands
The command is used to set up the scale as a one or two-range scale. At MRA0; 2-range
mode is deactivated. With MRA>0 ... NOV, it is possible to specify the changeover point
between ranges 1 and 2. If 2-range mode is enabled, the set RSN increment is valid for
range 1. The increment for range 2 is then automatically the next increment:
RSN=2: Range 1 with increment 2, range 2 with increment 5
RSN=5: Range 1 with increment 5, range 2 with increment 10
The display switches back to the increment of range 1 if the scale is unloaded.
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The command is used to set up the scale as a one, two or three -range scale. At MRA0;
2-range mode is deactivated. With MRA< MRB ... NOV, it is possible to specify the
changeover point between ranges 2 and 3. If 3-range mode is enabled, the set RSN
increment is valid for range 2. The increment for range 3 is then automatically the next
RSN=5: Range 1with increment 5, range 2 with increment 10, range 3 with increment 20
The display switches back to the increment of range 1 if the scale is unloaded.
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50 WE2107 − Communication commands
The WE has the possibility to reduce the non linearity of the scale. The WE use a polynomial
third order. Therefore two additional points between deadload (LDW) and max. capacity
(LWT) has to be used for this correction.
These commands should be set after the adjustment of the scale (LDW, LWT, NOV).
To calculate the coefficients for the polynomial third order there are 4 pairs of values
So these two additional points have to be in the range 0…NOV. And the following conditions
have to be valid:
0 < LIM1 < LIM2 < NOV
0 < LIN1 < LIN2 < NOV
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The values LIM are the input values of the linearization curve.
Conditions: 0 < LIM1 < LIM2 < NOV
For more information see command LIN.
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52 WE2107 − Communication commands
The values LIN are the wanted output values of the linearization curve.
Conditions: 0 < LIN1 < LIN2 < NOV
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54 WE2107 − Communication commands
The command selects a digital filter. This influences the filter behavior of the WE
( measurement signal bandwidth).
The limit frequency of the filter determines the settling time. The higher the filter index, the
better the filter effect, but also the longer the settling time when the weight changes. Choose
as low a filter setting as possible, but one that ensures measured value rest (standstill) when
the weight does not change.
The mean-value calculation influences the overall settling time of the WE. The overall settling
time also depends on the mechanical construction of the transducer, the dead load of the
scale and the weight to be weighed.
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Parameter description:
At ASF0, the filter is disabled.
The settling time of the scale is also influenced by the settings of FMD.
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56 WE2107 − Communication commands
Filter mode
(Filter mode selection)
FMD0: normal behavior (as described with ASF)
FMD1: fast settling mode
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Zero Tracking
(Automatic zero tracking)
Automatic zero tracking occurs with gross or net measured values < 0.5 d in the range ±2 %
of the nominal (rated) value of the scale (NOV). The maximum adjustment speed is 0.5d/s at
scale standstill. The unit d (digit) relates to the nominal (rated) value (NOV) and the
increment RSN.
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58 WE2107 − Communication commands
Zero Setting
(Initial zero setting on start-up)
When switching on the voltage, during a RESET or after an RES command, zero setting is
executed in the selected range at standstill after about 2.5 s. Any change to the zero on
start-up setting range only takes effect after switching on the voltage or after the RES
If there is no standstill or if the gross value is outside the selected limits, zero setting does
not occur. The internal zero memory is always cleared before automatic zeroing. If the gross
value at standstill is within the selected range, the gross value is accepted into the zero
memory. It is not possible to read out the zero memory. The standstill condition will be set
with MDT. The digit unit (d) relates to the nominal (rated) value (NOV) and the increment
Parameter description:
ZSE0: zeroing disabled
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Before taking up measuring mode, the scale should be adjusted (section 3.3) and the requi-
site settings for measuring mode should be stored (section 3.4).
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60 WE2107 − Communication commands
As previously defined, the measured value is output in ASCII or binary format (see
commands COF, NOV and RSN). The maximum extent of the measured values is:
For 2-byte data output: integer ±32767
For 4-byte data output: long integer ±399999
For ASCII data output: ASCII ±399999
The length of output depends on the output format (see COF command).
The output format for a measured value must be defined before the measurement run. The
measured value is output in relation to the particular measuring range (NOV). The measured
value can be a net or a gross measured value (TAS).
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With 2-byte binary output, the NOV value must be v 30000, otherwise the measured value
will be output with overflow or underflow (7FFFH or 8000H, H: hexadecimal). With
NOV30000, the overload reserve is only about 2700 digit.
The measured value is stored in the output buffer independently of the measurement query.
Binary output:
The length specification includes the end label (CR, LF).
With 4-byte output, the measured value is a 3-byte value. The fourth byte is the
measurement status
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62 WE2107 − Communication commands
NOV is the output scaling (NOV>100). The percentage figures relate to the NOV.
The decimal point DPT only takes effect for ASCII output.
The d information relates to increment that is set (RSN):
RN=2 -> 9 d = 18 digits (d).
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Measurement status
In 4-byte binary output, the measurement status can be transferred with the measured value
(see command COF). The measurement status is coded bit by bit.
If standstill is active and a gross value is involved, then the content of the status byte = (8+4)
= 12 decimal (0C hex).
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64 WE2107 − Communication commands
This command should be only used for the scale adjustment (LDW, LWT)
The output format for a measured value is fixed (COF2). The maximum extent of the mea-
sured values is:
For 4-byte data output: long integer "399999
The measured value is output in not in relation to the particular measuring range (NOV).
Output format measured value at max. capacity 0 mV/V 2 mV/V
4-byte binary 0 200000
Binary output:
The length specification includes the end label (CR, LF).
With 4-byte output, the measured value is a 3−byte value. The fourth byte is the measure-
ment status
COF Length Sequence for data output
COF2 6 bytes MSB before LSB (LSB=status)
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Measurement status
In 4-byte binary output, the measurement status can be transferred with the measured value
(see command COF). The measurement status is coded bit by bit.
Content of the status byte Possible cause
Bit 0 1= counting scale 1= counting scale is activated
Bit1 1= outside the display range −160 % ... +160 % of NOV (industrial, LFT=0),
−2 % ... MAX+9 d (OIML, LFT=1),
−2 % ... MAX+5 % (NTEP, LFT=2)
Bit2 1= Gross value 0= net value, 1 = gross value (see also TAS)
Bit3 1= standstill 1 = standstill ( see MDT)
Bit4 1= range 2 / 3 0 = range 1, 1= range 2 / 3 (multi−range display)
Bit5 1= Out1 active 1 = Output 1 is active
Bit6 1= Out2 active 1 = Output 2 is active
Bit7 1= Error An error occurs, read the error status with the
command ERR?
If standstill is active and a gross value is involved, then the content of the
status byte = (8+4) = 12 decimal (0C hex).
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66 WE2107 − Communication commands
The command CDL; undertakes a zero balance of the gross value if this is in the range
"2 % of the weighing range (NOV) and there is standstill. Set to zero is not executed if one
of the two conditions is violated.
Once set to zero is successfully completed, the display is switched to gross output (TAS=1).
HBM WE2107
WE2107 − Communication commands 67
(Tare with the actual gross value)
The command TAR; tares the current measured value. After tare, it switches back to the net
measured value (TAS0;). The current value is stored in tare memory (also see the TAV
command) and subtracted from the measured value and all subsequent measured values.
With legal for trade applications (LFT>0) tare is only allowed when standstill conditions
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68 WE2107 − Communication commands
Tare Value
(Tare value)
The tare value can be pre-assigned, or a tare value saved by the tare function (TAR) is
The value is on the LDW/LWT curve (0...NOV) scaled with the NOV parameter. After making
the curve inputs with the commands SZA, SFA or LDW, LWT, the tare memory is cleared
When the tare value is entered, the display switch to NET display weight.
When the tare value is input, the net value is identified in the displayas a pretare value (PT).
HBM WE2107
WE2107 − Communication commands 69
Query: TAV?;
The content of the tare memory is output. The tare value is converted to the NOV value.
With legal for trade applications (LFT>0), the tare range is restricted to 0...100 % of NOV.
permissible tare range :
LFT=0: ± 100 % of NOV
LFT>0: 0… NOV
NOV3000; (scale scaling)
TAS1; (gross output enabled)
MSV?; 1500 LF (measured value at 50% = max. capacity
of the scale)
TAR; (tare and select net output
TAV?; 1500 LF (query tare value)
MSV?; 0 LF (net measured value)
TAS?; 0 LF (net is enabled)
TAS1; (select gross)
MSV?; 3000 LF (measured value at 100 % = nominal (rated)
load of the scale)
TAV?; 1500 LF (query tare value, unchanged)
WE2107 HBM
70 WE2107 − Communication commands
Tare Set
(Gross/net selection)
The command changes data output over (MSV?).
TAS0:net measured value
The value in tare memory is subtracted from the current measured value.
TAS1:gross measured value
The value in tare memory is not offset. The tare value is unchanged during the
gross/net changeover.
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WE2107 − Communication commands 71
The WE has password protection for parameters Relevant to legal for trade.
If the password is not activated with SPW, although the parameters of a protected function
can be read out, they cannot be modified. A new password is entered with the command
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72 WE2107 − Communication commands
Define Password
(Define password)
The command saves the new password. No query is possible. The new password has to be
activated after input with the SPW command.
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WE2107 − Communication commands 73
Set Password
(Write enable for all password protected parameters)
The command SPW with a correctly entered password (using the command DPW) gives
authorization for data input with all commands. The command SPW with an incorrect
password stops data input for protected commands. A password is not necessary for query.
After an RES or a power-up, you are again prevented from using the protected commands.
A SPW? query is not permitted.
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74 WE2107 − Communication commands
(Reset electronic)
The RES command initiates device start-up (warm start). This command does not generate a
response. All the parameters are set in the same way as they were saved with the last TDD1
command, that is to say, the EEPROM values are transferred to the RAM.
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WE2107 − Communication commands 75
(Identification of electronic type and serial number)
An identification string is output (18 characters + end label).
Sequence: electronics type, serial number, software version
A fixed number of characters are output. 6 characters are always output for the electronics
type, the serial number always has 7 characters and the version number always has three
characters (each separated by a comma).
Only the manufacturer can enter the serial number (any ASCII characters).
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76 WE2107 − Communication commands
This command is used to save all the parameters. The WE has two EEPROM. In the first
EEPROM, customer-specific parameters are stored power fail safe. The second EEPROM
contains the legal for trade parameters.
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WE2107 − Communication commands 77
With parameter input, the changed settings are initially only saved in working memory
(RAM), so they are not stored power fail safe. Use the command TDD1 to store the settings
that you have changed in working memory power fail safe in the EEPROM.
TDD0, restore the factory default:
This command restore the factory default parameters:
D SZA, SFA (0…2 mV/V factory characteristic curve)
Unchanged parameters:
D Commands for the communication: BDR, ADR, COF,
D Commands for the real time clock : TDT,TME,TMM,
D Commands for the external display: EDP, EDS, ED1, ED2, EDC
D Commands for the print setup: ESC,PES,
After TDD0 the scale has to be adjusted again. The legal for trade switch is set to OFF. The
calibration counter is incremented by one.
WE2107 HBM
78 WE2107 − Communication commands
Error status
(Error status)
The Error code has a range of 0…255 (decimal, ERR=0 == no Error). After reading the error
status the error memory is set to zero.
An error can be detected by the status of the measured value (Bit7=1).
The error status is coded bit by bit. If several errors occurs at the same time than the
individual error bits (3…0) are set to error with the highest priority.
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80 WE2107 − Communication commands
HBM WE2107
WE2107 − Communication commands 81
ADC Overflow
(ADC overflow / underflow counter)
If an ADC overflow or underflow occurs (to large input signals), each 10 minutes the overflow
counter will be increment by 1. The Error memory is set to (1100 0010 binary = 0C2 hex,
see command ERR).
The maximum count is 99999.
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82 WE2107 − Communication commands
Sensor Overflow
(Sensor overflow / underflow counter)
If an sensor overflow / underflow occurs, each 10 minutes the overflow counter will be
increment by 1. The Error memory is set to (1100 0010 binary = 0C2 hex, see command
The maximum count is 99999.
Overflow range: > + 3.4 mV/V or < - 3.4mV/V
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WE2107 − Communication commands 83
The commands are used to monitor parameter changes made to parameters Relevant to
legal for trade via the standard counter:
If the calibration switch is set to LFT>0, it is not possible to make changes to parameters Re-
levant to legal for trade. Before changing parameters relevant to legal for trade, activate
the password (DPW, SPW) and set LFT to zero. Every LFT change increases the calibra-
tion counter (TCR) that cannot be reset by 1.
After calibration, set LFT to a value greater than zero. Then read out the calibration counter
and make a note on the identification label of the scale.
WE2107 HBM
84 WE2107 − Communication commands
With each LFT command change, the calibration counter (TCR) is increased by 1.
With LFT>0 (legal for trade applications), parameter input of the following commands is
This means that each change to these parameters relevant to legal for trade applications is
detected by the standard counter TCR that cannot be reset.
The display range is defined as follows:
LFT=0: -160 x NOV .... + 160 x NOV (cannot be verified)
LFT=1: -2 % ... + NOV + 9 d (legal for trade, OIML, R76)
LFT=2: -2 % ... + NOV + 5 % (legal for trade, NTEP)
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WE2107 − Communication commands 85
Trade Counter
(Legal for trade (calibration) counter)
This counter cannot be reset and marks the parameter changes of commands relevant to
legal for trade applications (see command LFT). The maximum count is 65535. When this
count is reached, the counter stops data output MSV?; then only outputs overflow values.
This status can only be removed at the factory.
It is only possible to read out the calibration counter.
WE2107 HBM
86 WE2107 − Communication commands
The commands are used to setup the communication with the external display via the se-
cond serial link.
The protocol has to be defined in the parameter menu (UART2/FUNCT) or with the
command FUB. The baudrate can only be selected in the parameter menu (there is no
command available)
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WE2107 − Communication commands 87
This command defines the function of the COM-port 2.
Definition of the parameter:
P1=0: Function OFF,
P1=1; printer : hardware protocol (DTR),
P1=2; printer: software protocol (DC1/DC3/DC4),
P1=3; external display: no protocol (only transmit),
P1=4; external display: hardware protocol (DTR),
P1=5; external display: software protocol (DC1/DC3/DC4)
WE2107 HBM
88 WE2107 − Communication commands
Definition of the output string:
P1 = 0: no external display (if printer is connected)
P1 = 1; output of the actual Gross- or Net value
P1 = 2; output of the actual Gross- or Net value and the tare value
P1 = 3; output of the actual filling result
P1 = 4; output of the actual Gross- or Net value with decimal point
(6 char.)
P1 = 5; output of the actual Gross- or Net value without decimal point
(5 char.)
The length of the output string depends on the start character (EDS), the both end
characters (ED1, ED2) and the check sum character (EDC).
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90 WE2107 − Communication commands
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92 WE2107 − Communication commands
This command defines the start character in the output string.
EDS=0: no start character is defined (the telegram is 1 byte shorter)
EDS=1…99 an start character is defined ( reference ASCII-chart PC437)
EDS=2: start character is STX (=02hex)
EDS=27: start character is an ESC (=1B hex)
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WE2107 − Communication commands 93
This command defines the first end character in the output string.
ED1=0: no end character is defined (the telegram is 1 byte shorter)
ED1=1…31 an end character is defined ( reference ASCII-chart PC437)
ED1=3: end character is ETX (=03hex)
ED1=13: end character is an CR (=0d hex)
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94 WE2107 − Communication commands
This command defines the second end character in the output string.
ED2=0: no end character is defined (the telegram is 1 byte shorter)
ED2=1…31 an end character is defined ( reference ASCII-chart PC437)
ED1=3: end character is ETX (=03hex)
ED1=10: end character is an LF (=0a hex)
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WE2107 − Communication commands 95
This command defines the checksum in the output string.
EDC = 0: no check sum is defined (the telegram is 1 byte shorter)
EDC = 1 an check sum will be calculated
The check sum is the XOR function ( first byte is the start character (EDS) and
The last byte is the end character 2 (ED2).
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96 WE2107 − Communication commands
To start a hard copy a function button (F1/F2) or a digital input has to be set
The protocol has to be defined in the parameter menu (UART2/FUNCT) or with the com-
mand FUB.
The parity bit and the communication protocol has to be defined in the menu of the WE. The
different hard copies are described in the part 1 of the manual. . The baud rate can only be
selected in the parameter menu (there is no command available).
HBM WE2107
WE2107 − Communication commands 97
Print protocol
(Print protocol via second serial link)
P1 = 0: print function is switched off
P1 = 1: gross or net weight (tare value if net weight printed)
P1 = 2: gross or net weight and the quantity ( if counting scale)
P1 = 3: gross or net weight, quantity, total weight
P1 = 4: gross or net weight, quantity, total weight, after printing the total
weight is cleared
P1 = 5: result portion weighing (gross or net weight),
P1 = 6: result portion weighing (gross or net weight), total weight,
after printing the total weight is cleared
P1 = 7: print all parameters of the WE,
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98 WE2107 − Communication commands
Escape sequences
(Escape sequences for the print protocol )
The escape sequences are used to setup the printer (see manual of the printer).
The WE has two Escape sequences:
Sequence 1:ESC, ESC0, ESC1, ESC2, ESC3, ESC4
Sequence 2:ESC, ESC5, ESC6, ESC7, ESC8, ESC9
If the ESC character is set to zero (ESCx,0) this character will not be transmitted.
To switch off the sequence 1 the command ESC0,0 has to be send.
To switch off the sequence 2 the command ESC5,0 has to be send.
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WE2107 − Communication commands 99
P1 defines the number of empty lines at the start of printing.
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100 WE2107 − Communication commands
P1 defines the number of empty spaces (blanks) on the start of each new line.
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WE2107 − Communication commands 101
P1 defines the identification counter. With each hard copy this counter will be incremented by
one. The print counter will be cleared by the command CSN.
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102 WE2107 − Communication commands
Print strings
(Print strings for the print protocol)
The WE has three print strings (P1=0…2). All ASCII characters are allowed (20hex…7f hex)
for P2.
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WE2107 − Communication commands 103
P1 defines the number of empty lines at the end of printing.
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104 WE2107 − Communication commands
If a printer is connected to the second serial link and the UART2 is activated for the print
function in the parameter menu than this command can start a hard copy of the different print
protocols (see command PRT).
If legal for trade is set (LFT>0) than the hard copy will only perform if stand still condition
occurs. If no stand still condition occurs during 5 sec. ,than the SHC demand will be deleted.
If it is a non legal for trade application is set (LFT=0) the stand still condition is not necessary.
HBM WE2107
WE2107 − Communication commands 105
D Date TDT
D Time TME
D Time mode TMM
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106 WE2107 − Communication commands
Time date
(Real time clock date)
The hard copy of the year is 20yy.
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(Real time clock)
The hard copy of the time depends on TMM.
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108 WE2107 − Communication commands
Time mode
(Real time clock mode)
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110 WE2107 − Communication commands
This command defines the access in the parameter menu of the WE:
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This command defines the function of the buttons F1 and F2.
P1=1: button F1
P1=2: button F2
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112 WE2107 − Communication commands
1) before the use of this function, the print protocol has to be selected in the parameter menu or by the comm. PRT.
2) to display the 10-times resolution the NOV < 10000 d, the DPT should be less than 4.
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WE2107 − Communication commands 113
This command defines the function of the buttons F1 and F2.
P1=1: button F1
P1=2: button F2
Parameter P2 defines the function. To activate this button function a long push (>5 sec.) is
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114 WE2107 − Communication commands
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WE2107 − Communication commands 115
The WE has two digital inputs. This command defines the function of both inputs:
P1=1: digital input 1 (IN1)
P1=2: digital input 2 (IN2)
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116 WE2107 − Communication commands
Digital input 2:
P2 code Function with SFU = 0
0 No function
1 Tare
2 Hard copy (selected with command PRT)1)
3 Lock parameters (only display of parameters in the parameter menu, a
change is not possible)
1) before the use of this function, the print protocol has to be selected in the parameter menu Print\Result\PR T or
by the command PRT.
2) the reaction time for the input TILT can be defined by the command TDL.
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WE2107 − Communication commands 117
The WE has one digital input (IN1) which can defined as an tilt sensor input. This command
defines the monitoring cycle time with a resolution of 0.1 sec.
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118 WE2107 − Communication commands
For the dosing process control and tank weighing control there are the additional
D Start filling / dosing / emptying RUN
D Tare delay time TAD
D Residual flow time RFT
D Maximum filling / dosing time MFT
D Emptying time EPT
D Break filling / dosing / emptying BRK
D Dosing result FRS?
D Total weight (dosing) SUM?
D Dosing counter NDS?
D Clear total weight and counters CSN
Filling – fill a tank to a defined limit (max. filling level)
Dosing – fill a bin / vessel / bag from a tank (portion weighing)
Emptying – deflate the bin / tank ( for service purposes)
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WE2107 − Communication commands 119
Short description of the application platform scale / process control with limit swit-
ches (SFU0):
Digital I/O Function with SFU0
IN1 defined by command FIN
IN2 defined by command FIN
OUT1 Limit switch 1
OUT2 Limit switch 2
OUT3 Limit switch 3
OUT4 Limit switch 4
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120 WE2107 − Communication commands
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WE2107 − Communication commands 121
Cycles of dosing:
D Start dosing (external input/button/command RUN), if the bin is empty,
start the time monitoring (MFT), deactivate the ready signal (OUT1)
D Tare ( if activated with TAD>0, switch to NET)
D Start coarse flow (activate OUT2)
D If the weight is equal or above the coarse flow disconnection point then stop the coarse
flow (deactivate OUT2)
D Wait for the residual flow time (RFT)
D Final measurement: If standstill occurs the filling result will be stored (FRS), the total
weight (SUM) will be calculated and the dosing counter (NDS) will be incremented
D If the parameter EPT>0 the output OUT3 will be activated for the emptying time
D Stop the time monitoring (MFT), activate the ready signal (OUT1)
D Short message in the display ‘READY’ (for 3 sec.)
If the dosing result is out of the tolerance (LIV3_ON/OFF_level) then the alarm output
(OUT4) will be activated. The result is OK if the equation is valid:
LIV3_OFF < = FRS < = LIV3_ON
If the dosing result (FRS) is out of the tolerance the optimization function will change the
parameter of the disconnection point (LIV2_OFF_level)
Diff:= LIV2_ON_level – FRS (target weight – dosing result)
Diff1 := Diff * correction factor
LIV2_OFF_Level := LIV2_OFF_Level + Diff1
If the dosing time exceeds the maximum filling/dosing time (MFT) the process stops
immediately and the alarm output (OUT4) becomes active.
During the dosing process the BRK stops the process immediatly.
The start will not be done if the actual gross weight is above a limit (LIV4_OFF_level)
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124 WE2107 − Communication commands
If the dosing result is out of the tolerance (LIV3_ON/OFF_level) then the alarm output
(OUT4) will be activated. The result is OK if the equation is valid:
LIV3_OFF < = FRS < = LIV3_ON
If the dosing result (FRS) is out of the tolerance the optimization function will change the
parameter of the disconnection point (LIV2_OFF_level)
Diff:= LIV2_ON_level – FRS (target weight – dosing result)
Diff1 := Diff * correction factor
LIV2_OFF_Level := LIV2_OFF_Level + Diff1
If the dosing time exceeds the maximum filling/dosing time the process stops immediately
and the alarm output (OUT4) becomes active.
During the dosing process the BRK stops the process immediatly.
The start will not be done if the actual gross weight is below a limit (LIV4_OFF_level =
minimum filling level tank)
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The Functions with SFU3 are the same as SFU2. The difference is that the function SFU3
controls the emptying of the tank with a separate output OUT4.
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126 WE2107 − Communication commands
Scale Function
(Activate filling / dosing function)
The command activate the filling function:
SFU0: normal operation (none automatic weighing instrument)
for the applications platform scale and process control.
SFU1: filling function with additive weighing (only filling process)
SFU2: filling function with subtractive weighing (tank weighing)
SFU3: filling function with subtractive weighing (tank weighing)
HBM WE2107
WE2107 − Communication commands 127
Limit values
(Limit values switches)
The WE contains four limit value switches with selectable hysteresis. These can monitor
gross or net measured values. The monitoring speed depends on the set output rate. Moni-
toring is always implemented, even when there is no communication via the serial interface.
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128 WE2107 − Communication commands
Parameter description:
HBM WE2107
WE2107 − Communication commands 129
Start dosing
(Start dosing / portion weighing)
This command starts the filling or dosing processes:
P1=0 Start portion weighing
P1=1 Start filling the tank (only if SFU=2/3)
P1=2 Start emptying the tank (only if SFU=2/3)
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130 WE2107 − Communication commands
The resolution of this time parameter is 100 ms. After this delay time the WE perform a tare
and switch to NET value display/output.
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The resolution of this time parameter is 100 ms. If the valve is closed then residual material
flows into the tank/bin. So the WE waits this time before the next step will be performed.
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132 WE2107 − Communication commands
The resolution of this time parameter is 100 ms. If actual process time exceeds this
maximum filling time then all outputs (OUT1..3) will be deactivated (stops the process) and
the alarm / error will be activated.
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Emptying time
(Emptying time, filling / dosing process)
The resolution of this time parameter is 100 ms. If actual time exceeds this maximum
emptying time then all outputs will be deactivated (stops the emptying process).
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134 WE2107 − Communication commands
This command stops all processes immediately (deactivate OUT1..4).
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Dosing result
(Dosing result portion weighing)
The query FRS?; outputs the last dosing result (6 characters without decimal point). The
dosing result will be cleared by the command CSN. The dosing result is valid until the next
final measurement.
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136 WE2107 − Communication commands
The query NDS?; outputs the last dosing result (6 characters). The dosing counter will be
cleared by the command CSN.
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The query SUM?; outputs the last total weight (9 characters without decimal point). The total
weight will be cleared by the command CSN.
The total weight will be calculated after the measurement of the dosing result:
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138 WE2107 − Communication commands
This command clears the total weight, the dosing counter, the dosing result and the print
SUM: = 0
NDS: = 0
FRS: = 0
PID: = 0
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WE2107 − Communication commands 139
4 Communication examples
The WE is able to work with up to 32 modules in a bus. The prerequisite for this is that each
WE is connected to the bus by an RS-485 interface driver. Each WE operates as a slave,
that is to say, without being prompted by the bus master (e.g. PC or PLC) the WE will remain
inactive on its transmission line. The master selects a WE by using the select command, S...
(S00...31;). This is why it is essential, before the bus coupling, to enter a communication ad-
dress for each WE. Of course, each address in the bus must only be assigned once.
There are two possible ways to connect the WEs to the bus:
Connecting WEs to the bus consecutively
1. Connect the first WE to the bus line (factory default:: ADR31, baud rate=9600Bd, even)
2. Initialize the master interface at 9600 Bd, 8, e, 1.
3. Use the command ;S31; to select the WE.
4. Use the ADR command to set the required address (e.g. ADR01;)
5. Use ;S01; to select the WE with the new address.
6. Use the command TDD1; to store the address power fail safe in the EEPROM.
7. Connect the next WE to the bus, call it with ;S31;, set ADR02;,
8. etc.
All the WE’s are connected to the bus
1. Read off the production numbers of the WEs (7-digit)
(1st WE: xxxxx, 2nd WE: yyyyy, etc.).
2. Initialize the master interface at 9600Bd, 8, e, 1.
3. Select all the WEs by using the broadcast command ;S98; .
4. Use the ADR command to set the required addresses one after the other
(e.g. ADR01,”xxxxx”; ADR02,”yyyyy”; etc.).
5. Use the command TDD1; to store the addresses power fail safe in the EEPROM.
With S98; none of the WEs respond; but each WE executes the command. If there is no
communication, either the address or the baud rate are wrong.
Once all the addresses have been set and the baud rate is unified, the bus is ready for
operation. Now you must specify how the measured values are to be read out.
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140 WE2107 − Communication commands
For data output using the command MSV?; the output format must previously have been set
in all the modules. To do this, proceed as follows:
1. Enter the broadcast command ;S98;
All the WEs execute the command, but do not send a response.
2. Use the COF command to specify the output format
(e.g. COF4; for ASCII output)
3. Use the command TDD1; to save the setting power fail safe in the EEPROM.
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The WE can work at different baud rates. The setting can only be changed via the serial in-
terface by using the BDR command.
Of course in bus mode, the baud rate of all the connected users must be the same. To make
sure that the WEs in a bus are always safely set to the required baud rate on initialization
(power-up) of the hardware (in this example 9600 = BR0), proceed as follows:
1. Set the baud rate of the master interface to 9600Bd, 8 data bits, 1 parity bit (even) and
1 stop bit.
2. Output the following commands in the sequence in which they appear below:
; Clear the WE input buffer
S98; Select all the WEs on the bus
BDR0; Set the required baud rate
Then wait about 150 ms.
3. Set the baud rate of the master interface to 19200Bd, 8 data bits, 1 parity bit (even) and
1 stop bit.
4. Output the following commands in the sequence in which they appear below:
; Clear the WE input buffer
S98; Select all the WEs on the bus
BDR0; Set the required baud rate
Then wait about 150 ms.
5. Set the baud rate of the master interface to 9600Bd, 8 data bits,
1 parity bit (even) and 1 stop bit.
6. Enter the blank command to clear the input buffer:
; Clear the WE input buffer
7. Use the command TDD1; to save the settings power fail safe in the EEPROM. .... etc.
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142 WE2107 − Communication commands
It is essential to output the semicolon before the command S98;, as controlling the WE at
different baud rates may result in undefined characters in the WE input buffer. These
characters are rejected when the semicolon is received.
With S98; none of the WEs respond; but each WE executes the command.
In the example given above, all the WEs on this bus are set to the baud rate 9600Bd,
whatever their previous settings.
Of course, it is also possible to set a different baud rate. To do this, provide the required
baud rate in the command BDR and modify the initialization of the master interface
Transfer time at the interface
The baud rate is the speed of transfer of the interface. This does not change the number of
measured values that the WE determines every second.
A high baud rate merely allows a greater number of WEs to be queried per time unit in bus
With this information, it is possible to roughly estimate the transfer time for a command
sequence. To do this, establish the number of characters in the command and multiply it by
the transfer time. In addition to this, the WE has a processing time (reaction time) for each
command. You will find these times in the individual command descriptions (total time =
transfer time + processing time).
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It is often useful, each time the bus is enabled or if WE responses are missing, to determine
the bus configuration. Use Bus Scan to determine bus address occupation. The prerequisite
here is for all the modules to be set to the same baud rate. Carry out the bus scan as follows:
1. Initialize the master interface with the set WE baud rate
2. Scan an address with the following command sequence:
;S00; Select address
ADR?; Query address
The WE addressed by this address responds with an 00LF If there is no response after
about 100ms, there is no WE at this address. If the master receives undefined characters
or does nor receive an ?-character, there may be a bus malfunction or multiple address
occupation. The bus master must respond accordingly.
3. Repeat Number 2 with the following addresses 01...31.
If there are only a few WEs connected with known addresses, the bus scan can naturally
relate to these addresses only. If all the WEs are successfully established as bus users, the
WE identification string may be read in (identification = production number).
The time-out setting for the master interface driver is crucial for the speed of the bus scan.
The select command needs a maximum 20ms to output at 9600 baud. The WE does not
respond to this select command.
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144 WE2107 − Communication commands
In the previous sections of this example, all the WEs have been prepared for bus mode and
bus scan has found all the connected WEs. For simple measurement query with the MSV?;
command, the output format has been set with the COF command. Now start the measure-
ment query with the following command sequence:
S00; MSV?; the WE with address 00 responds with the measured value
S01; MSV?; the WE with address 01 responds with the measured value
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WE2107 − Communication commands 145
If the measurement query is executed properly, the parameters can be set in all the WEs
connected at the bus. Proceed as follows:
1. Select all the WEs by entering the broadcast command S98;
All the WEs execute the command, but do not send a response.
2. Enter the required parameters.
3. Use the command TDD1; to store the parameter power fail safe in the EEPROM.
4. Use Sii; to select the next WE, to read control parameters, for example.
This sequence can also be used when taring with the TAR; command, for example, or for
changing over between gross and net output.
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146 WE2107 − Communication commands
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WE2107 − Communication commands 147
Maximum filling time, MFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132. Scale characteristic curve full scale, LDW . . . . 39
Measured Internal Signal Value MIV . . . . . . . . .64 scale curve zero point, LDW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 .
Measured Signal Value MSV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 . Scale function SFU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 ..
Measurement query . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64 . Select S... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27..
Measurement status, MSV? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 . Sensor Fullscale Adjust SFA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 .
Menu access level MAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110 . Sensor Overflow SOV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 .
Motion detection MDT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 . Sensor Zero Adjust SZA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 .
Multi Range Mode 1 MRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 . serial interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ..
Multi Range Mode 2 MRB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 . set factory default curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 .
Set Password SPW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 ..
N Set to zero, CDL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 ..
Nominal Output Value NOV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
. Setup of the linearization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 .
Number of dosing results NDS . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
. Start dosing / portion weighing, RUN . . . . . . . .129
Start hard copy SHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104 .
Print empty lines at the end of printing PLC . . 103
Print empty lines before printing, PLB . . . . . . . .99 Tare TAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67..
Print empty spaces PES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 . Tare delay time, TAD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130 .
Print identification counter PID . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 . Tare Set TAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 ..
print empty spaces, PES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 . Tare Value TAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 ..
Print protocol PRT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97.. Tare with the actual gross value TAR . . . . . . . . .67
Print strings PST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
.. Tilt delay time TDL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117 .
Protocol COM2, for printer or external display . 87 Time mode TMM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 ..
Protocol external display, EDP . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 . Time TME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107..
Time date TDT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 ..
R Total weight of dosing results, SUM . . . . . . . . .137
Reaction time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15.. Trade Counter TCR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 ..
Real time clock, TME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107 . transfer time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .142
Real time clock date, TDT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106 . Transmit Device Data TDD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 .
Real time clock mode, TME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 .
Reset electronic RES, RES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 .
Residual flow time, RFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131 . Unit of measurement, ENU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Resolution RSN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 ..
Restart RES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74.. W
restore the factory default, TDD0 . . . . . . . . . . . .77 Write enable for all passw. prot. param., SPW . 73
Scale characteristic curve, LDW, LWT . . . . . . . .37 Zero Setting ZSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
WE2107 HBM
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