A Study On Financial Analysis of Ultratech Cement Industry: Dr. C. Vadivel, K. Satya Bhama

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426

A Study on Financial Analysis of UltraTech Cement

Dr. C. Vadivel1, K. Satya Bhama2
M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D., PGDCA., M.B.A., Ph.D., Principal, Bharathiar University Arts and Science College, Modakurichi, Elumathur-
638115, India
M.Sc(ISM), M.Com, M.Phil, (Ph.D), M.B.A., Ph.D Scholar, Bharathiar University Arts And Science College, Navarasam Arts and Science
College for Women, Arachalur-638101, India

Abstract: This optimization modeling took into account mixtures of primary fuel (mineral coal, pet-coke and heavy oil) and its
alternative fuel which is agricultural waste (rice husk, sugar waste and ground shell). The optimization simulation models predict the
cost benefit to the manufacturer using alternative fuel, environmental impact to world and finally the quality of the cement produced to
the end user. The results show that the cost of cement production can be reduced by 30 to 70% with the use of alternative fuel (Rice
husk, Sugar cane waste, ground nut shell) and without greatly affecting the final product. The main goal of the article is the comparison
of the possible use of secondary energy products. Used fly ashes, respectively steel dusts in cement mixes derive from production in
Moravian-Silesian Region. The research focused on their influence on the chemical and physico-mechanical characteristics of the fresh
and solid mixture. The aim was to find suitable formulations for grouting works, highway construction possibly rehabilitation of
underground cavities created by mining activities. The introduction is mentioned the history of waste utilization up to current use as a
product and the overall state of the problem.

Keywords: Fuel mixtures, energy consumption, cement cost, cement quality

1. Introduction has been approving their investment schemes. Some such

initiatives by the government in the recent past are as
India is the second largest producer of cement in the follows: In Budget 2018-19, Government of India
world. No wonder, India's cement industry is a vital part of announced setting up of an Affordable Housing Fund of
its economy, providing employment to more than a million Rs 25,000 crore (US$ 3.86 billion) under the National
people, directly or indirectly. Ever since it was deregulated Housing Bank (NHB) which will be utilized for easing
in 1982, the Indian cement industry has attracted huge credit to homebuyers. The move is expected to boost the
investments, both from Indian as well as foreign investors. demand of cement from the housing segment.
India has a lot of potential for development in the
infrastructure and construction sector and the cement 2. Objectives of the Study
sector is expected to largely benefit from it. Some of the
recent major initiatives such as development of 98 smart  To know about the demand of Ultratech cement.
cities are expected to provide a major boost to the sector.  To find the liquidity position of the current assets and
Expecting such developments in the country and aided by current liabilities of the company Ultra tech cements.
suitable government foreign policies, several foreign  To identify the profitability status of the selected
players such as Lafarge-Holcim, Heidelberg Cement, and Ultratech cement.
Vicat have invested in the country in the recent past. A  To study the causative factors for increased production
significant factor which aids the growth of this sector is and productivity level in each cement unit.
the ready availability of the raw materials for making
cement, such as limestone and coal. Cement production 3. Review of Literature
capacity stood at 502 million tonnes per year (mtpy) in
2018. Capacity addition of 20 million tonnes per annum
Vijay Kumar (1992) has attempted to show in his
(MTPA) is expected in FY19- FY 21. The Indian cement
dissertation “A study on Cement Industry in India” the
industry is dominated by a few companies. The top 20
primary objective of the study was to analyze region-wise
cement companies account for almost 70 per cent of the
and state-wise inflows and outflows of cement. He has
total cement production of the country. A total of 210 large
employed trend method in order to forecast the production/
cement plants account for a cumulative installed capacity
demand and installed capacity. In the study it is forecasted
of over 410 million tonnes, with 350 small plants
that demand would exceed production. He has also
accounting for the rest. Of these 210 large cement plants,
observed that industry suffers from the inadequate supply
77 are located in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan
of coal.
and Tamil Nadu. According to data released by the
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP),
Susmita Das Gupta (2002) in her discussion paper,
cement and gypsum products attracted Foreign Direct
'Globalization and cement industry‟, argue that threat of is
Investment (FDI) worth US$ 5.28 billion between April
not a sufficient cause to assign to the decline cement
2000 and December 2018.In order to help the private
Industry. But it is because of weakening of rupee vis-à-vis
sector companies thrive in the industry, the government
the dollar. According to the author the fact that Indian
Volume 8 Issue 7, July 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20199099 10.21275/ART20199099 365
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
companies are unable to sell across to the developed the eighth largest cement manufacturer in the world.
countries is because they lack the right networking and Insider Ownership of UltraTech Cement While the precise
trading arrangements. Globalization is more a matter of definition of an insider can be subjective, almost everyone
adequate networking as it is a matter of technology and considers board members to be insiders. Management
pricing. Thus, the role of globalization is highlighted in ultimately answers to the board. However, it is not
achieving a good performance in cement industry in India. uncommon for managers to be executive board members,
Finally the author suggested keeping liberalization alive especially if they are a founder or the CEO. Insider
without globalization. ownership is positive when it signals leadership are
thinking like the true owners of the company. However,
Seref Saygili and Erol Taymaz (2002), have examined on high insider ownership can also give immense power to a
assumption that privatization is pressed as a necessary small group within the company. This can be negative in
condition for the creation of „ free market economy ‟ in some circumstances. Our information suggests that
which private firms, free from arbitrary political UltraTech Cement Limited insiders own less than 1% of
intervention, supply producers and services efficiently. the company. But they may have an indirect interest
through a corporate structure that we haven‟t picked up on.
4. Profile of the Company Being so large, we would not expect insiders to own a
large proportion of the stock. Collectively, they own
The Aditya Birla Group has renamed L&T Cement, which ₹711.7m of stock. In this sort of situation, it can be more
it had earlier acquired from Larsen & Toubro, as interesting to see if those insiders have been buying or
`UltraTech', making it the third big cement brand of the selling. General Public Ownership With a 18.1%
flagship Grasim Industries. "Nothing has changed except ownership, the general public have some degree of sway
the name. What essentially was earlier L&T Cement has over ULTRACEMCO. While this size of ownership may
now become UltraTech Cement," said Mr O.P. not be enough to sway a policy decision in their favour,
Puranmalka, Chief Marketing Officer of UltraTech they can still make a collective impact on company
Cement Ltd, the erstwhile cement division of L&T. "The policies.
quality, the technology, the plants and the people remain
the same as before," he said here at a press conference. Public Company Ownership We can see that public
L&T had earlier demerged its cement division to create companies hold 60.8%, of the ULTRACEMCO shares on
UltraTech Cem Co Ltd. Grasim acquired a majority stake issue. This may be a strategic interest and the two
in the company for around Rs 2,200 crore. Subsequent to companies may have related business interests. It could be
this, Grasim, which has cement brands such as Birla Plus that they have de-merged. This holding is probably worth
and Birla Super, was allowed to use the L&T Cement investigating further. It‟s always worth thinking about the
brand till March 31, 2005. However, the company decided different groups who own shares in a company. But to
not to use the L&T Cement brand anymore and instead has understand UltraTech Cement better, we need to consider
now chosen the UltraTech brand, Mr Puranmalka said. many other factors.
Along with Birla Plus and Birla Super, UltraTech will be
positioned as a national brand, he said. He said Grasim Sampling Method
opted to introduce the new brand to replace L&T Cement,
rather than merging it with the existing Birla cement The study is based on convenience sampling method.
brands, in order to leverage on the premium value the L&T
brand enjoyed. "We did not want to lose out on the brand 5. Period of the Study
value," Mr Puranmalka said, adding that UltraTech has
over 5,500 stockiest and authorized dealers, as well as The period of this study covered five years from 2014-15
several thousand retailers across the country. The Aditya to 2018-19.
Birla Group Chairman, Mr Kumar Mangalam Birla,
recently said that the company would invest Rs 200 crore 6. Data Collection
in UltraTech to generate around 2.5 million tonnes of
capacity through modernizing and streamlining the The data used in this study are secondary in nature which
facilities. The Group now has over 31 million tonnes per contains the Financial data and profile of the Companies.
annum (TPA) of cement production capacity, of which 17
million TPA comes from UltraTech. This makes the Group

Table 1
Ratio Analysis of Ultratech Cement
2014-15 0.9 0.59 0.35 73.42 8.34 65.13
2015-16 0.86 0.66 0.23 86.37 10.41 61.91
2016-17 1.55 1.27 0.22 95.72 10.74 60.82
2017-18 0.96 0.68 0.64 81.25 9.61 54.78
2018-19 0.97 0.69 0.63 81.25 9.61 61.09
MEAN 1.048 0.778 0.414 83.602 9.742 60.746
STD.DEV 0.284201 0.277795 0.208159 8.204338 0.927723 3.751377
COFF. 0.271184 0.357063 0.502799 0.098136 0.095229 0.061755
Source: Primary Data
Volume 8 Issue 7, July 2019
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20199099 10.21275/ART20199099 366
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN: 2319-7064
ResearchGate Impact Factor (2018): 0.28 | SJIF (2018): 7.426
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List of Abbreviation
The table-2 shows the ratio analysis of Ultratech cement.
Fixed asset turnover ratio and debtors turnover ratio is
satisfaction level of position. Dividend payout ratio is a
declined position. Return on capital employment is a
satisfactory. Standard deviation and coefficient of variance
of satisfactory is in stage.
1) From the above data analysis it has been found that, the
companies‟ profitability ratio is satisfied.
2) Both turnover ratios are satisfactory.
3) Position funds should be utilized properly.
4) Better Awareness to increase the sales is suggested.
5) Cost cut down mechanics can be employed.
6) Better production technique can be employed.

7. Conclusion
Financial ratios are essentially concerned with the
identification of significant accounting data relationships,
which give the decision into the financial performance of a
company. The analysis of financial statements is a process
of evaluating the relationship of component parts of
financial statements to obtain a better understanding of the
firm„s position and performance.

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Paper ID: ART20199099 10.21275/ART20199099 367

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