CAR Daily Vehicle Pre Checks Information
CAR Daily Vehicle Pre Checks Information
CAR Daily Vehicle Pre Checks Information
with appropriate tread depth? Tyres should have indicators are working. Check that the safety chain
sufficient tread and should not be worn to the is in place. Check that the hand brake is released
extent that the tread indicator contacts the road and that the dolly wheel is raised and secured.
surface. Check thread depth with a simple gauge.
The legal minimum tyre tread depth for vehicles is Make sure that all vehicle access is in good
1.6mm but tyres should be replaced before this. condition.
Refer to the manufacturer’s handbook for specific
information about obtaining best performance from Check the door and mirrors on the passenger side.
your vehicle. Check the windscreen washer reservoir cap for
security. Lift the bonnet and check the engine fluid
Is the exhaust secure? Make sure that the fuel tank levels. Engine fluid levels should be between the
cap is securely in place and that the cap seal is in minimum and maximum marks. Look underneath
good condition and is not leaking. Walk around the the vehicle for any signs of fluid leaks such as oil or
vehicle in one direction and check that all required coolant. Check the wipers for wear.
lights, reflectors and markings are fitted, clean and
in good condition. Check the vehicle bodywork and Check that valid tax, insurance and NCT discs (if
wings for damage. Make sure that body panels are required) are correctly displayed on the windscreen.
secure and not liable to fall off and create a hazard
Make sure that the seat and steering wheel are set
for other road users and that the bodywork has no
for comfort, posture and safety and that all controls
sharp edges.
can be easily reached. Check your driving lights.
Make sure that the number plates are fitted in the
Check that there is good visibility through all
correct position, clean and that the registration is
windows and mirrors and that there are no cracks
clearly visible and appropriately lit.
or damage. For example, is vision obstructed by any
If carrying a load or goods in or on [roof rack] the stickers or pendants? Check that the car interior is
vehicle, check that it is adequately secured, unlikely clean and that there are no loose items which could
to move, that the vehicle is not overloaded. Check cause you injury if vehicle had to brake in an
the manufacturer’s guidelines for maximum load emergency.
capacity for the vehicle. Check the load restraints
Check that the windscreen washer operates, the
for damage, wear and tear such as fraying straps,
jets are aimed correctly and that the washer bottle
cuts or tears and replace as necessary.
level warning light is not showing. Check that the
For overhanging loads, carried on roof rack, make wipers work correctly and that that the mirrors are
sure that the load does not protrude more than 3 all correctly aligned and the heater element
metres from the body of the vehicle and that it is operates. Do the demister, interior heater, interior
marked with an appropriate and visible flag to warn lights and horn all operate correctly?
other road users.
Check that all instruments, gauges and warning
Where a trailer is in use, the registration number of devices are operating correctly and following their
the vehicle must be displayed at the rear of the correct sequence, including the ABS and EBS in car
trailer. Check that the trailer coupling is secure and warning lights. If any warning lights remain on after
that the electrics are connected and the lights and start up, report them, and don’t ignore them.
Issued March 2012
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Apply the foot brake, release the parking brake and Further information
check that there is no pressure drop. Is there
excessive smoke or noise from the exhaust? The Health and Safety Authority, the Road Safety
Authority and An Garda Síochána have developed a
Before driving off, check that the steering and series of resources to help employers learn more
brakes are working correctly. about and manage vehicle risks. They include
vehicle walk-around check posters, check lists and
Continue to monitor vehicle’s roadworthiness as it instructional videos.
is driven. Check that the speedometer is working
and can be seen from the driving position. If The vehicle checks resources can be downloaded
applicable, make sure that the ABS or EBS lights do from the following websites:
not remain on after their check sequence is
complete. An Garda Síochána:
Health & Safety Authority:
Recording of Defects Road Safety Authority:
Record and report any defects in accordance with Examples of the checks poster and checklist are
employer’s defect reporting systems. Remember attached on following pages.
any safety critical items must be repaired or the
vehicle must be taken out of service. Records of all
checks, repairs and services should be kept for the
vehicle. Analysis of the records may highlight a
pattern or history to the vehicle, re-occurring
defects or poor maintenance repair standards.