The Lord's Supper and Children
The Lord's Supper and Children
The Lord's Supper and Children
Don Bryant
In order to formulate some guidelines, parents should recall some truths about the
Lord’s Supper:
1. The church is to practice two ordinances (ceremonies “ordered” by our
Lord): baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
2. Baptism is the ceremony of initiation, following salvation. The Lord’s
Supper is the ceremony of continuation by which the Christian is
called continually to a reliance upon Christ alone for salvation.
3. Consequently, the proper order for participation in these ordinances is
first, baptism, followed by the Lord’s Supper.
4. From this it is clear that only those who have professed belief and
personal trust in Jesus Christ for the gift of eternal life are to observe
the Lord’s Supper. Children are to be guided away from an external
form of religion and led to the internal realities which the Holy Spirit
wants to impart.
A. As to its design:
1. It commemorates the death of Christ “do this in
remembrance of me.”
2. It represents and certifies our parti-cipation in the body
and blood of Christ – “this is my body which is for
3. It represents and certifies the union of believers with
each other. It is a common meal.
4. It symbolizes our acceptance of the new covenant, as
ratified by the blood of Christ, to be God’s people, set
apart for the doing of His will.
These perspectives might raise questions that you wish to share with me. Please
do so. In all things we want to be profitable to your child’s spiritual life. May
God grant you His wisdom in instruction and care.