Abortus Spontaneous Incomplete With Previous Curettage Infection
Abortus Spontaneous Incomplete With Previous Curettage Infection
Abortus Spontaneous Incomplete With Previous Curettage Infection
KELAS : 2A-205020
1 Diagnosa yang telah diterapkan DPJP Letak sungsang Delivery normal Outcome
2 Diagnosa yang akan dikode Sungsang Partus normal spontan Bayi tunggal hidup
Normal spontaneous delivery
3 Bahasa Termin Maternal care for Outcome of delivery
breech presentation Presentation single liveborn Outcome of delivery
-- breech O80.1 O80.1
4 Lead Term - breech (mother) single
5 Identasi/modifiers - liveborn Z37.0 Z37.0
6 Kode ICD 10 Vol. 3 O32.1
7 Kode ICD 10 Vol. 1 O32.1 O32.1
8 Kode ICD 10 Main Condition Kode ICD 10 Other
- Condition
Partus spontan
Bayi prematur
Isterus fisiologis
1 Diagnosa yang telah diterapkan DPJP Hamil dengan sakit Delivery normal Outcome
2 Diagnosa yang akan dikode Hamil 71/2 bulan sakit Partus spontan Bayi tunggal hidup
febris typhoidea
3 Maternal care for Maternal care Multiple delivery, Twins, both liveborn
breech presentation for high head at term all spontaneous
Maternal care high head at term (pregnancy)
O32.4 O32.4 O32.4
4 Lead Term Presentation Delivery Outcome of delivery
5 Identasi/modifiers breech (mother) multiple -twins
- all (by) - - both liveborn
- - spontaneous
O84.0 O84.0
6 Kode ICD 10 Vol. 3 O32.1 - Z37.2
7 Kode ICD 10 Vol. 1 KodeO32.1
ICD 10
Main Condition Z37.2
8 Kode ICD 10 Other Condition -
9 - - O84.0 Z37.2
6. Partus seksio
Kembar dempet terhubung di abdomen
Berat badan kedua bayi di atas 2.250 kg.
Cengeng sulit menete ASI
7. Persalinan macet
Myoma uteri
Lahir vakum
Bayi cephalohematom
8. Partus spontan
Cukup bulan
Bayi sehat
9. Persalinan induksi gagal dengan gagal dengan suntikan oxytocin uterin inertia,akhirnya diseksio dengan
Bayi hydrosefalus toksoplasmosis
1 Diagnosa yang telah diterapkan DPJP Persalinan induksi gagal Delivery Outcome
dengan suntikan
2 Diagnosa yang akan dikode Partus spontan Seksio dengan Bayi tunggal hidup
hysterectomy Delivery by caesarean hysterectomy Delivery
3 Bahasa Termin Failed medical cesarean (for) Outcome of delivery
induction of labour - with hysterectomy O82.2 single liveborn
4 Lead Term induction Outcome of delivery
5 Identasi/modifiers -normal single
- liveborn
Z37.0 Z37.0
6 Kode ICD 10 Vol. 3 O61.0
7 Kode ICD 10 Vol. 1 O61.0