Assesssment of Downriver Pollution Profile of Gondar City Wastewater and Its Influence On Keha River
Assesssment of Downriver Pollution Profile of Gondar City Wastewater and Its Influence On Keha River
Assesssment of Downriver Pollution Profile of Gondar City Wastewater and Its Influence On Keha River
6 N°3(2020) 291-309
G . Arega
Department of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering, School of Civil and Hydraulic, Institute of
Technology, University of Gondar, Gondar, Ethiopia
Population growth, disposal of liquid and solid waste to the river affect the pollution of the river.
Keha river is exposed to waste discharge from the city. The main purpose of this study was to assess
downriver pollution profile of Gondar city wastewater and its influence on keha river. A total of six
sampling sites were chosen. A total of 15 grab samples were collected for analysis. pH and
temperature value ranged from 7.10 - 8.55 and 17.2 - 25 (OC), respectively. Turbidity and TDS were
ranged from 17– 205 (NTU) and 404– 631 (mg/l), respectively. Electrical conductivity and TSS were
ranged from 712– 1550 (µS/cm) and 36.15 – 224.32 (mg/l), respectively. BOD5 and COD were
ranged from 6.22 – 20.66 (mg/l) and 17.7 – 44.5 (mg/l), respectively. Total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN),
NH3-N, NO3-N and No2-N were ranged from 20 – 29.5 (mg/l), 0.78 – 2.00 (mg/l), 0.41 – 2.2 (mg/l)
and 0.06 – 0.58 (mg/l), respectively. Sulphate and Total Phosphate were also ranged from 0.33 - 0.89
(mg/l) and 4.05 – 9.26 (mg/l), respectively. Total Hardness level were ranged from 85 – 250 (mg/l as
CaCO3). There are environmental and health risk associated with the use of these water resources
therefore, it is recommended that proper management of solid and liquid waste before disposal to the
Keha river was mandatory.
1. Introduction
Water pollution is a serious environmental problem in the world. It is the degradation of the quality of
water that renders water unsuitable for its intended purpose. Anything which degrades the quality of
water is termed as pollutant. Water pollutants can be broadly classified as major categories namely
organic, inorganic, suspended solid and sediments, heavy metals, radioactive materials and heat [1].
Water pollution has an effect on oceans and inland water bodies. Most of our water resources are
gradually becoming polluted due to the addition of foreign materials from the surroundings. Rapid
urbanization and industrialization with improper environmental planning often lead to discharge of
industrial and sewage effluents into lakes [2].
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From spatial perspective, the sources of pollution can be divided as point and non-point sources. As
the name implies, point source pollution represents those activities where wastewater is routed directly
into receiving water bodies by, for example, discharge pipes, where they can be easily measured and
controlled. In contrast, non-point source pollution arises from a broad group of human activities for
which the pollutants have no obvious point of entry into receiving watercourses [3].
Wastewater is any water that has been adversely affected in quality by anthropogenic influence. It
comprises liquid waste discharged by domestic residences, commercial properties, industry, and/or
agriculture and can encompass a wide range of potential contaminants and concentrations. In the most
common usage, it refers to the municipal wastewater that contains a broad spectrum of contaminants
resulting from the mixing of wastewaters from different sources [4].
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institutional wastewater to river Keha can cause an impact on environmental condition in the river
.This is mainly because untreated wastewater usually contain other contaminants, nutrients mainly
nitrogen and phosphorus that can stimulate the growth of aquatic plant, which in turn result in
eutrophication problem to the river and also chemicals disposed from University of Gondar
compressive specialized hospital can affect the growth of aquatic life. The chemicals may also have a
tendency to pose growth of cultivation of vegetables. Therefore, studying the characteristics of
Municipal wastewater composition of Gondar city can provide baseline information in relation to the
impact of the effluent on the receiving river ecology.
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2.2 Sampling
Sampling six sites were selected from municipal wastewater channel, hospital wastewater channel and
on the river. Municipal wastewater of Gondar was selected as the focus for this study where attempts
were made to determine impact of the effluents from the municipality on Keha river. The study area
starts from Auto Parko Adebabay which situated at Northern part of the city and ends at central part by
joining to the river. And also on either side study area start from University of Gondar Compressive
specialized Hospital exit and ends at central part of the city by joining to the river. The sampling sites
were designated as S1 to S6 located on the map as shown in figure 2. According to the field studies
and surveys conducted along a municipal waste water channel in the study area, the potentially
polluted with high number of effluent (their exposure to municipal discharges) were selected as study
sites. As described on table 1, the storm channel of the city starts from a point called Auto Parko
Adebabayat upper river and at the downsteam the river which is a receiving water body and the total
distance of the study area is about 1.5 km along storm canal 0.01 km along the river totally 1.51 km on
either side. On either side wastewater of hospital starts from a point of Hospital exit at West side of
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river and at the downsteam the river which is a receiving water body and the total distance of the study
area is about 0.5 km along storm canal 0.01 km along the river totally 0.51 km on either side.
Table 1: Summary of the sampling sites along storm channel and on the river
Sampling Site area Description
Site 1 (S1) Auto-parko Adebaby The point where the municipal wastes
from Piyassa and Abajalew join sanitary
Site 2 (S2) Aste Fasil bath and horse cage An additional municipal wastewater,
from Fechefetet and Fasildes, joining
points at the downstream, where at this
point a volume of wastewater is bigger
than site 1.
Site 3 (S3) At joining point of Keha river on East The point where the municipal waste of
side of river the city from East side join the Keha
Site 4 (S4) At jointing point of Keha river on Either side jointing point on University
hospital side Hospital side of the river.
Site 5 (S5) University of Gondar Compressive The point where municipal waste from
specialized Hospital fence exit University hospital and Yohannes join
the sanitary channel.
Site 6 (S6) on Keha river On downstream of keha river 85 meter
far from jointing point (S4 and S3).
The reason why the sample where taken on two side of the river is that both sides sanitary channel
disposal where towards Keha river. As tried to describe on figure 2, S3 and S4 where showed as
overlapped the sample where not taken from the same point, but on both side joint point sample where
taken 10 meter far from joint point on the river.
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Arega & al./ Appl. J. Envir. Eng. Sci. 6 N°3(2020) 291-309
Physico-Chemical Analysis Temperature and pH was analyzed using portable digital pH meter
(Jenway model- 370, England). The pH meter was calibrated just before analysis using PH 4.0 and PH
7.0. Total dissolved solids (TDS), Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Electrical Conductivity were
analyzed using portable digital conductivity meter (CC-401, Poland). This instrument was also used to
cross check the temperature of the water samples. With regard to turbidity, it was measured using
portable microprocessor turbidity meter (H193703 ELE international, Hungary). Nitrate, Ammonia,
TKN, Sulphate and Total Phosphate were measured using HACH DR 2000 spectrophotometer
following HACH instructions. Total Hardness were measured using EDTA titration method. BOD5
and COD were analysied based APHA standard methods using closed reflux method.
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3.1.2 pH
As described in figure 3, the mean pH concentration along wastewater channel of Gondar city down
river ranged from 7.31 + 0.21 - 8.23 + 0.32. The range is safe according to the standard sated by EPA
for drinking water or irrigation (5.5 - 9). The lowest mean pH measurement were recorded at site 2
(Aste Fasil bath and horse cage) and the highest mean pH measurement were recorded at site 6 (on
Keha river). Statistical analysis (ANOVA) showed that in the present study pH value was significantly
different among sites (P = 0.023, F = 6.03).
pH value
Site 1
Site 2
pH value
7,5 Site 3
Site 4
Site 5
6,5 Site 6
Sampling Site
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3.1.3 Temperature
Temperature is the most important factor which influences the chemical and biological characteristics
of the aquatic system. As described on figure 4, mean temperatures recorded in sewer channel were in
the range of 19.5 + 2.3 - 22.5 + 2.5 (Oc). These values were found within the EPA standard range of
surface waters temperature, 0° C to 25° C. This could be described to the absence of big industries.
Because, industrial facilities are mainly responsible for temperature and pH changes in water bodies
through the release of heat and chemical laden effluents into watercourses [14]. The minimum
average temperature were recorded at site 2 (Aste Fasil bath and horse cage) while maximum average
temperature were record at site 4 (At jointing point of Keha river on hospital side). Statistical analysis
(ANOVA) showed that in the present study temperature value was not significantly different among
sites (P = 0.49, F = 0.96), because p-value was greater than 0.05.
22 Site 1
Temperature (oc)
Site 2
Site 3
20 Site 4
Site 5
Site 6
Sampling site
3.1.4 Turbidity
As described on figure 5, mean turbidity value at each six sampling sites of a storm channel of Gondar
city downriver and at the river ranged from 25 + 8 – 172 + 33 (NTU).
200 Turbidity
Site 1
Turbidity (NTU)
120 Site2
100 Site 3
80 Site 4
60 Site 5
Site 6
Sampling site
Arega & al./ Appl. J. Envir. Eng. Sci. 6 N°3(2020) 291-309
The minimum mean turbidity value were recorded at site 4 (At jointing point of Keha river on hospital
side) while maximum mean turbidity value were recorded at site 2 (Aste Fasil bath and horse cage).
Turbidity is an indication of the clarity of a water; is as an optical property; presence of colloidal
particles. Turbidity can indicate that water may be contaminated with pathogens presenting human
health concerns [15]. Statistical analysis (ANOVA) showed that in the present study turbidity value
was significantly different among sites (P = 3.01*e-06, F = 28.3).
Total Dissolved Solid (TDS)
Site 1
Site 2
TDS (mg/l)
Site 3
Site 4
200 Site 5
100 Site 6
Sampling site
Arega & al./ Appl. J. Envir. Eng. Sci. 6 N°3(2020) 291-309
600 Site 4
400 Site 5
200 Site 6
Sampling Site
100 Site 3
Site 4
Site 5
Site 6
Sampling Site
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dissolved oxygen depilation and fish kill in receiving water bodies [19]. The highest mean value of
BOD5 was recorded at site 2 (Aste Fasil bath and horse cage) were as the lowest mean value of BOD5
was recorded at site 6 (on Keha river). The statistical analysis (ANOVA) of BOD5 result was
significantly different (P = 0.006, F = 5.83). The sources of BOD and COD in the river could be
agricultural organic wastes, human excrement, plant debris, animal manure and untreated municipal
sewage arising from various non-point sources [20].
12 Site 2
10 Site 3
8 site 4
6 Site 5
Site 6
Sampling site
Site 3
Site 4
10 Site 5
5 Site 6
Sampling site
Arega & al./ Appl. J. Envir. Eng. Sci. 6 N°3(2020) 291-309
35 2 Site 1
Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3-N)
30 Site 2
NH3-N (mg/L)
TKN (mg/l)
site2 Site 3
15 site3 1 Site 4
10 site4 Site 5
5 0,5
site5 Site 6
site6 0
Sampling Site
Sampling Point
Nitrire (mg/L)
Site 2 Site 2
1 Site 3 Site 3
Site 4 Site 4
Site 5 0,1 Site 5
0 Site 6 0 Site 6
Sampling Site Sampling Site
Figure 11: Mean TKN, NH3-N, NO3-N and NO2-N Concentration of municipal wastewater of Gondar
Arega & al./ Appl. J. Envir. Eng. Sci. 6 N°3(2020) 291-309
concentration was recorded at site 5 (At hospital fence exit) while minimum mean sulphate
concentration was recorded at site 4 (At jointing point of Keha river on hospital side). The reason
behind why such concentration sulphate were recorded at site 5 was due to high amount of Sulphate
content chemical was disposed from hospital. The statistical analysis of Sulphate result was not
significantly different (P = 0.37, F = 1.2), because the P-value was > 0.05.
Site 2
0,4 Site 3
Site 4
Site 5
0 Site 6
Sampling Site
Total Phosphate (mg/l)
9 site1
8 site4
7,5 site5
Sampling Point
Arega & al./ Appl. J. Envir. Eng. Sci. 6 N°3(2020) 291-309
Total Hardness (mg/l)
200 site2
150 site3
100 site4
Sampling Point
Figure 14: Mean Total Hardness Concentration of municipal wastewater of Gondar city
3.2 The impacts of sewage disposal on water quality of the receiving Keha river
The pH, temperature and turbidity value of Keha river (site-6) were 8.23, 21.8 Oc and 25 NTU,
respectively. As try to describe above the pH value of Keha river was 8.23. The pH of most natural
waters is in the range of 6 - 8.5 [14]. Furthermore, it is inline with the pH ranges of the EPA guidelines
(6.5 – 8.5) given for fisheries and aquatic life. Therefore, Keha river is found to be within the natural
range of pH value. Based on EPA standards (5.5 - 9), only on behalf of pH value the Keha river was
also safe for drinking purpose. The pH of water affects the solubility if many toxic and nutritive
chemicals, which affects the availability of these substances to aquatic organisms. During the study
time the temperature condition of Keha river was 21.8 Oc. Based on [14], the temperature of Keha
river was similar in the range (0 – 30 Oc) with most natural water. According to EPA guidelines (<13
c) given for fisheries and aquatic life the Keha river temperature was not safe. The mean turbidity
value of Keha river was 25 NTU. The colloidal material which exert turbidity they may be harmful or
cause undesirable testes and odour. Disinfection of turbid water is difficult because of adsorptive
characteristic some colloid and the solids may partially shield organism from disinfectant. Turbidity
can indicate that water may be contaminated with pathogens presenting human health concerns [15].
Based on WHO turbidity does not comply with the drinking water standards. This indicates that
discharging such effluents devastate the receiving environment. Based on EPA standard the turbidity
of surface water given for aquatic life were < 5 NTU, but the turbidity of Keha river were beyond the
standard value. Therefore, in terms of turbidity Keha river was nor safe for aquatic life.
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The concentration of TDS, EC and TSS of Keha river recorded were 432 mg/l, 812 µS/cm and 48.65
mg/l, respectively. The range of mean values for TDS (< 450 mg/l) was within the recommended
limits for livestock drinking, agricultural irrigation and even human drinking. However, the
concentration of TSS is greatly above the recommended limits of the maintenance of aquatic life and
fisheries of Ethiopia (≤ 25 mg/l). The standard value of EC by WHO was < 700 µS/cm but, the EC
value of Keha river was beyond the standard. Therefore this value of EC affects the livestock drinking,
agricultural irrigation and even human drinking.
The concentration of BOD5 and COD in most unpolluted water bodies is less than 2 mg/l and 20 mg/l,
respectively [14]. However, the mean BOD5 and COD of Keha river (site-6) were 8.52 mg/l and 20.1
mg/l, respectively, which were beyond the limit. This values of BOD5 and COD implies that the river
have high concentration of organic and inorganic matters. The result indicated that the mean ranges of
BOD5 and COD in this study are by far greater implying serious organic pollution of the river making
it difficult for the survival of aquatic organisms and unfit for direct use. And also they may cause
adverse effect on aquatic organisms by depleting the dissolved oxygen of the water in the receiving
The presence of nitrogen compounds in the river can also have an impact on the water quality of Keha
river. The concentration of nitrogen compounds like, TKN, NH3-N, NO3-N and NO2-N recorded were
14.5 mg/l, 1.27 mg/l, 1.1 mg/l and 0.24 mg/l, respectively. In unpolluted waters the level of nitrogen
compounds are usually less than 0.10 mg/l [14], but the concentration of all nitrogen compounds were
beyond this limit value. These higher levels of nutrients can be important contributors to the
eutrophication of the Lake. Thus, they can have significant environmental impacts such as algal
blooms and can restricting the use of water bodies for purposes such as recreation or drinking water
for human and animal use.
The Sulphate and Phosphate concentration of Keha river (site-6) were 0.54 mg/l and 2.87 mg/l,
respectively. Natural concentration of Phosphorus in most surface waters is within a range of 0.005--
0.02 mg/l and Sulphate (SO4 2-) ranging from 2 mg/l to 80mg/l [14]. This shows that Keha river has
sulphate concentration below the background concentration of most natural waters while the river has
elevated concentration of phosphate than most natural waters. However, when the concentration levels
of Sulphate in Keha river were compared against the standard guideline of Ethiopia, it was found that
the levels of these parameters are within the guideline for the maintenance of Fisheries and aquatic life
and human beings. While the level of Phosphate in Keha river beyond the standard, which implies it
have an impact on growth of fisheries and aquatic life, eutrophication, and human beings.
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4. Conclusions
Physico-chemical results from this study showed that most of the parameters measured were above the
provisional standards value set out by EPA and WHO. Keha river pollution profile was indicated for
turbidity, EC, TSS, BOD5, COD, total nitrogen, NH3-N, NO3-N, NO2-N, Sulphate and Phosphate,
were above the standard value. While levels of pH, water temperature and TDS studied in Keha river
were within permissible limit.
The contamination of Keha river with physic-chemicals could be due to simple disposal of liquid and
solid wastes, hospital waste disposal and misunderstanding of community towards protecting the river
from pollution.
Directly discharging municipal wastewater into the river are a cause for serious concern because of
human health, since many people use the stream for washing clothes, bathing and livestock drinking
purposes. Simple disposal of solid and liquid waste to the Keha river also affect the aesthetic condition
of Gondar city. It is generally observed that the lack of municipal wastewater treatment plant in the
town has caused the river to suffer from a serious pollution.
Proper disposal of municipal wastewater is primarily necessary to safeguard the environment from
heavy loads of pollutants and toxic substance.
Arega & al./ Appl. J. Envir. Eng. Sci. 6 N°3(2020) 291-309
First of all, I would like to thank almighty GOD for being there in all my need. Also I would like to
thanks University of Gondar Compressive specialized Hospital, Gondar city water supply and
sewerage authority and water quality laboratory and University of Gondar Environmental laboratory
for their invaluable cooperation in providing me the necessary laboratory and material resources.
I owe much gratitude to all individuals and organizations who helped me in making this study
possible by sharing their experiences, resources, time and efforts.
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