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Industrial Effluents/Abattoir Discharge and Its Effects on Water Quality on the Receiving Woji River, Niger Delta, Nigeria View project
Industrial Effluent/Abattoir Discharge and its Effects on Water Quality on the Receiving Woji River, Niger Delta, Nigeria. View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Dumkhana BERNARD Beabu on 11 June 2021.
Abstract: The study assessed the surface water quality of Woji River, Niger Delta of Nigeria, in order to determine the water quality
index, water samples were collected at six sampling points of the River. The result revealed that the Physicochemical and heavy
metals parameters exceeded the WHO and NSDWQ recommended permissible limit except for EC, Zinc, Chromium and Mercury
that were within the acceptable limit. The water quality index scores of the selected locations of Woji River indicated that it was bad
and as well very bad, thus, Woji Abattoir (SS5) and Okwujagwu (SS6) locations were observed to be more polluted. The study
recommend consistent monitoring of anthropogenic activities around the surface water by relevant agencies.
Keywords— Heavy metals, Water quality index; Waste discharge, Surface water.
emphasized as it plays a significant role in enhancing human
life, animal and plants [8]. Most importantly, it is used for
cooking, laundry services, cleaning, agricultural (irrigation
Water is an essential resource necessary for existence as such purposes) and industrial activities which the study area is
its quality should be properly maintained and not be known to be the industrial hub of the nation and water is also
compromised [1]. Effluent discharge from industrial plants, regarded as a universal solvent [9]. It is accessed from surface
abattoir discharge, sewage disposals, surface runoff from and groundwater sources. The groundwater sources include
mechanic garages and dockyard pollute the water bodies. The boreholes and hand dug wells while surface water sources
disposal of effluents into drains to Woji River poses include stream, rivers, and lakes. Rapid increase in population
serious health and environmental hazard to urban dwellers density, urbanization and industrialization has led to the
downstream. According to Huang et al. [2], aquatic contamination of water sources. The increase in unregulated
environments like lakes, rivers and reservoirs receive heavy discharge of untreated effluent from households, industries
metals in untreated or inadequately treated wastewater from and abattoirs in the Niger Delta and this constitutes a major
domestic, industrial, and agricultural sources. As most of the source of water pollution in the region [10] and improper
heavy metals quickly deposit into the sediment after entering management of solid waste such as electronic appliance,
the river. Heavy metals can be found in trace amount in painting waste, used batteries, etc. when dumped
surface waters but many of them are toxic even at very low with municipal solid wastes increase the heavy metals in
concentrations which influences many other organisms dumpsites and dumping without adequate separation of
through the food web [3; 4]. The concentration of metals in hazardous waste can further elevate toxic environmental
the coastal ecosystem is of a concern due to their toxicity, effects [8]. Environmental impact of land filling of
environmental persistence and bioaccumulation in some biota municipal solid waste can usually result from the run-off of
[5; 6]. the noxious compounds into surface water and groundwater
Among the toxic metals are arsenic, lead, cadmium, nickel, which ultimately lead to water pollution as a result of
mercury, chromium, cobalt, zinc, and selenim even in very percolation of leachate [12] these contaminations can affect
little quantity [7]. According to [6] Woji River in the Niger the clarity and the chemical constituents of the water source.
delta province is prone to pollution from various industrial Essentially, they can distort the quality of the water and even
effluents, abattoir discharge, dockyard, market located within add odour thereby impacting negatively on economic
and outside the area. The importance of water cannot be over- activities [13]. Waterfronts in Nigeria Niger Delta Basin have
International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER)
ISSN: 2643-9085
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May – 2021, Pages: 8-18
Table 1: Sample Stations, their Geographic Coordinates and Vn – Estimated value of the nth parameter at a given
Location Description
Sampling Coordinates Locations Description of
water sampling station.
Stations Location Sn – Standard permissible value of the nth parameter
(SS) Vi – Ideal value of nth parameter in pure water (i.e., 0 for all other
SS1 N 040 51’ 34.9’’ Eliozu Eliozu Car parameters except the parameters pH and Dissolve oxygen [7.0
E 0070 01’ 31.8’’ wash close to and 14.6 mg/l respectively]. The unit weight was calculated by a
Eliozu Market. value inversely proportional to the recommended standard value
SS2 N 040 50’ 27.6’’ Bridge Bus Bridge bus stop Sn of the corresponding parameter.
E 0070 01’ 54.6’’ stop along Aba-Port Wn = k/Sn
Harcourt Where Wn – unit weight for nth parameter.
Expressway. Sn – standard permissible value for nth parameter.
SS3 N 040 50’ 15.7’’ Mini-Ewa Mini-Ewa k – Proportionality constant (K=1.85445).
E 0070 02’ 09.9’’ Police Station The overall WQI was calculated with the following equation.
opposite Mobil WQI = qn Wn/ Wn
Filling Station.
SS4 N 040 49’ 33.0’’ Oginigba Wilderness/Des The status of water quality according to WQI as shown in Table
ert in Oginigba, 2.
E 0070 02’ 08.9’’
Layout. Table 2: Description of contaminated Water Based on the
SS5 N040 48.6’ 34.5’’ Woji Woji Abattoir. WQI [22]
E 0070 0’ 33.6’’
Water Quality Index Status
SS6 N 040 48’ 06.6’’ Okwujagwu Sand dump in 0 – 25 Excellent
E 0070 03’ 04.7’’ Azuabie, 26 -50 Good
Okwujagwu off
Peter Odili 51 -75 Bad
Road Trans- 76 -100 Very Bad
Amadi. Above 100 Unfit
International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER)
ISSN: 2643-9085
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May – 2021, Pages: 8-18
Table 3: Physicochemical Parameters of Water Samples from Different Locations of Woji River
Parameters SS1 SS2 SS3 SS4 SS5 SS6 WHO, 2011 NSDWQ, 2015
pH 6.28 5.84 6.1 6.8 5.77 7.25 6.5-8.5 6.5-8.5
Temperature (oC) 26.4 27.4 29.2 28.9 26.4 26.8 25
EC (µs/cm) 139.4 109.1 23 156.3 286 388 1000 1000
Turbidity (NTU) 9.04 6.21 5.51 8.12 78.1 85.72 5 5
TDS(mg/l) 96.8 77.4 16.3 106.8 219 254 500 500
DO(mg/l) 5.68 8.12 8.93 5.68 0 3.25 2 5
Lead(mg/l) 0.001 0 0 0 0.001 0.001 0.01 0.01
Zinc(mg/l) 0.003 0 0.004 0.005 0.004 0.004 3 3
Cadmium(mg/l) 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.005 0.005 0.003 0.003
Chromium(mg/l) 0.007 0.006 0.006 0.009 0.01 0.011 0.05 0.05
Mercury(mg/l) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.006 0.001
pH DO(mg/l)
6 9
5 8
PH 7
4 6
3 5
2 4
1 3
0 2 DO(mg/l)
WHO, 2011
NSDWQ, 2015
Figure 1a. pH from Sampling Points Figure 1b. Dissolve Oxygen from Sampling Points
International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER)
ISSN: 2643-9085
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May – 2021, Pages: 8-18
Figure 2a. Total Dissolved Solids from Sampling Points Figure 2b. Electrical Conductivity from Sampling Points
50 0.006
0 Lead (mg\l)
(NTU) 0.002
WHO, 2011
NSDWQ, 2015
Figure 3a. Turbidity from Sampling Points Figure 3b. Lead from Sampling Points
International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER)
ISSN: 2643-9085
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May – 2021, Pages: 8-18
Cadmium(mg/l) 3
0.005 2
0.004 1.5
0.003 Cadmium(mg/l) Zinc(mg/l)
0 0
Figure 4a. Cadmium from Sampling Points Figure 4b. Zinc from Sampling Points
Figure 1a. Shows the pH level across various sampling permissible limit for drinking water standard. This
points with the highest in sampling point (SS4 and work align with [1] that high turbidity adversely affects
SS6) 6.80 and 7.25 respectively. The pH is one of the the aquatic penetration of sunlight into water bodies.
most important operational water quality parameter On the other hand, sunlight is needed by sea weeds for
[20]. The surface water samples collected in all the photosynthetic activities. Turbidity of above 5 NTU
locations were within the acceptable range of WHO can harbor micro-organism protecting them from
and NSDWQ. High water temperature enhanced the disinfection and can entrap heavy metals and biocides,
growth of microorganisms and may increase problems even though it has no direct health effect. In addition,
related to taste, odour, colour and corrosion [20].Figure visibility of aquatic lives is impaired at high turbidity
1b. Show the values of Dissolved oxygen for all levels and decreased turbidity beyond a certain level
samples exceeded the WHO and NSDWQ permissible promotes the growth of algae. Figure 3b. It is the most
limit of 2mg/l and 5mg/l except for SS5 (0mg/l) and significant among other heavy metals, it is harmful and
SS6 (3.25mg/l) which are within the acceptable limit. toxic in small concentration [4; 15] it can accumulate
The increase in Dissolved Oxygen could be due to the in the body tissue causing adverse health effect such as
degree of pollution by organic substance [8]. brain damage, cancer, mental deficiencies and even
death. Results shows that lead concentration in all
Figure 2a. Result shows that surface water sample from surface water sample location are within the acceptable
all location are within the permissible range of not limit of 0.01mg/l according to WHO and NSDWQ.
more than 1000mg/l. TDS is a measure of mineral
content resulting from the balance between dissolution Figure 4a. Show relatively high concentration of
and precipitation [1]. Figure 2b. The results indicated Cadmium from different sampling location 0.004 to
that EC value were by far lower across all sampling 0.005mg/l as against the recommended value of
location as shown in Table 4. EC is the ability of a 0.003mg/l by WHO. High cadmium could cause
substance to conduct electric current, this ability agonistic and antagonistic effects on hormones and
depends on the presence of ions, their total enzymes leading to several malformation such as renal
concentration mobility, valence relative concentration damage [23]. Figure 4b. Show that Zinc concentration
and on the temperature [8]. The results revealed that the from the different sampling points were far below the
Woji River was not considerable ionized and has lower permissible limit of 3mg/l.
level of ionic concentration activities.
Table 4: Calculated Water Quality Rating (Qn) of Woji River from Six Sampling Points
Parameters SS1 SS2 SS3 SS4 SS5 SS6
p 48 77.33 60 13.33 82 16.67
Temp ( C) 105.6 109.6 116.8 115.6 105 107.2
EC (µs/cm) 13.94 10.91 2.3 15.63 28.6 38.8
Turbidity (NTU) 180.8 124.2 110.2 162.4 1562 1714.4
TDS(mg/l) 19.36 15.48 3.26 21.36 43.8 50.8
DO(mg/l) 70.79 51.43 41.51 70.79 0 25.79
Lead(mg/l) 10 0 0 0 10 10
Zinc(mg/l) 0.001 0 0.13 0.17 0,13 0.13
Cadmium(mg/l) 133.3 133.3 133.3 133.3 166.67 166.67
Chromium(mg/l) 14 12 12 18 20 22
Mercury(mg/l) 0 0 0 0 0 0
Table 6. Calculation of Water Quality Index of Sampling Station (SS)1 Water Quality Index (WQI) =
∑WnQn/∑Wn =73.72
Observed Standard Unit Quality
Parameters WnQn
Value (Vn) Value(Vs) Weight (Wn) Rating(Qn)
pH 6.28 6.5-8.5 0.218 48 10.464
Temp(oC) 26.4 25 0.074 105.6 7.8144
EC (µs/cm) 139.4 1000 0.002 13.94 0.02788
Turbidity (NTU) 9.04 5 0.37 180.8 66.896
TDS(mg/l) 96.8 500 0.004 19.36 0.07744
DO(mg/l) 5.68 2 0.927 70.79 65.6223
Lead(mg/l) 0.001 0.01 185.44 10 1854.4
Zinc(mg/l) 0.003 3 0.62 0.001 0.00062
Cadmium(mg/l) 0.004 0.003 618.15 133.3 82399.39
Chromium(mg/l) 0.007 0.05 37.09 14 519.26
Mercury(mg/l) 0 0.006 309.07 0 0
∑Wn=1,151.965 ∑WnQn=84,923.964
International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER)
ISSN: 2643-9085
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May – 2021, Pages: 8-18
Table 7. Calculation of Water Quality Index of Sampling Station (SS2) Water Quality Index (WQI) =
∑WnQn/W∑n =72.02
Observed Standard Quality
Parameters Weight WnQn
Value (Vn) Value(Vs) Rating(Qn)
p 5.84 6.5-8.5 0.218 77.33 16.85
Temp(oC) 27.4 25 0.074 109.6 8.11
EC (µs/cm) 109.1 1000 0.002 10.91 0.022
Turbidity (NTU) 6.21 5 0.37 124.2 45.95
TDS(mg/l) 77.4 500 0.004 15.48 0.062
DO(mg/l) 8.12 2 0.927 51.43 47.67
Lead(mg/l) 0 0.01 185.44 0 0
Zinc(mg/l) 0 3 0.62 0 0
Cadmium(mg/l) 0.004 0.003 618.15 133.3 82,399.39
Chromium(mg/l) 0.006 0.05 37.09 12 445.08
Mercury(mg/l) 0 0.006 309.07 0 0
∑ Wn=1,151.965 ∑ WnQn=82,963.13
Table 8. Calculation of Water Quality Index of Sampling Station (SS3) Water Quality Index (WQI) =∑
WnQn/∑Wn =72.0
Observed Standard Unit Weight Quality
Parameters WnQn
Value (Vn) Value(Vs) (Wn) Rating(Qn)
pH 6.1 6.5-8.5 0.218 60 13.08
Temp(oC) 29.2 25 0.074 116.8 8.64
EC (µs/cm) 23 1000 0.002 2.3 0.0046
Turbidity (NTU) 5.51 5 0.37 110.2 40.77
TDS(mg/l) 16.3 500 0.004 3.26 0.013
DO(mg/l) 8.93 2 0.927 41.51 38.48
Lead(mg/l) 0 0.01 185.44 0 0
Zinc(mg/l) 0.004 3 0.62 0.13 0.081
Cadmium(mg/l) 0.004 0.003 618.15 133.3 82,399.39
Chromium(mg/l) 0.006 0.05 37.09 12 445.08
Mercury(mg/l) 0 0.006 309.07 0 0
∑Wn=1,151.965 ∑WnQn=82,945.541
International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER)
ISSN: 2643-9085
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May – 2021, Pages: 8-18
Table 9. Calculation of Water Quality Index of Sampling Station (SS4) Water Quality Index (WQI) =
WnQn/∑Wn =72.23
Observed Standard Quality
Parameters Weight WnQn
Value (Vn) Value(Vs) Rating(Qn)
pH 6.8 6.5-8.5 0.218 13.33 2.9
Temp(oC) 28.9 25 0.074 115.6 8.55
EC (µs/cm) 156.3 1000 0.002 15.63 0.031
Turbidity (NTU) 8.12 5 0.37 162.4 60.09
TDS(mg/l) 106.8 500 0.004 21.36 0.085
DO(mg/l) 5.68 2 0.927 70.79 65.62
Lead(mg/l) 0 0.01 185.44 0 0
Zinc(mg/l) 0.005 3 0.62 0.17 0.1
Cadmium(mg/l) 0.004 0.003 618.15 133.3 82,399.39
Chromium(mg/l) 0.009 0.05 37.09 18 667.6
Mercury(mg/l) 0 0.006 309.07 0 0
∑ Wn=1,151.965 ∑ WnQn=83,204.366
Table 10. Calculation of Water Quality Index of Sampling Station (SS5) Water Quality Index (WQI) = ∑WnQn/∑Wn =92.21
International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER)
ISSN: 2643-9085
Vol. 5 Issue 5, May – 2021, Pages: 8-18
Table 11. Calculation of Water Quality Index of Sampling Station (SS6) Water Quality Index (WQI) = ∑WnQn/∑Wn =92.33
Observed Value Standard Unit Weight Quality
Parameters WnQn
(Vn) Value(Vs) (Wn) Rating(Qn)
pH 7.25 6.5-8.5 0.218 16.67 3.63
Temp(oC) 26.8 25 0.074 107.2 7.93
EC (µs/cm) 388 1000 0.002 38.8 0.078
Turbidity (NTU) 85.72 5 0.37 1714.4 634.3
TDS(mg/l) 254 500 0.004 50.8 0.2
DO(mg/l) 3.25 2 0.927 25.79 23.91
Lead(mg/l) 0.001 0.01 185.44 10 1,854.40
Zinc(mg/l) 0.004 3 0.62 0.13 0.081
Cadmium(mg/l) 0.005 0.003 618.15 166.67 103,027.06
Chromium(mg/l) 0.011 0.05 37.09 22 815.98
Mercury(mg/l) 0 0.006 309.07 0 0
∑ Wn=1151.965 ∑ Wn=106,367.57
CONCLUSION except for Cadmium 0.003m/gl that was slightly higher than
The study examined the physicochemical and heavy WHO recommended limit. The study revealed that sampling
metals properties of surface water samples of Woji River in point 1 to sampling point 4 were bad in terms of water
Obio/Akpor local government area of Rivers State, Nigeria. quality index determined on the sample, whereas sampling
There were changes in some physicochemical parameters point 5 and sampling point 6 were very bad. The study
like temperature, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen that were provides a baseline information on the physicochemical and
above the permissible range of WHO and NSDWQ. heavy metal conditions of Woji River. Proper treatment
However, pH, Electrical Conductivity, and Total Dissolved should be carried out on the discharges of effluents to water
Solids were within the accepted limit. The metal bodies to avert depletion of dissolve oxygen thereby
concentration in Woji River such as Lead, Zinc, Chromium, endangering the aquatic life.
and Mercury were within the recommended acceptable limit
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