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Study Important Questions For Class 8 Science Chapter

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Study Important Questions for Class 8 Science Chapter 7 –

Conservation of Plants
Very Short Answer Questions: 1 Mark

1. Why are trees in the forest cut? 

A. procuring land for cultivation 
B. building houses and factories 
C. making furniture or using wood as fuel 
D. all of these
Ans: D. All of these
2.  Survival of some animals has become difficult because of
A. disturbance in rainfall 
B. disturbance in their natural habitat 
C. afforestation 
D. none of these
Ans: B. Disturbance in their natural habitat
3. Migratory birds fly to faraway places because of _______ changes. 
A. physical B. natural 
C. climatic D. environmental
Ans: C. climatic
4. A place in the environment where an organism lives is called a
A. home B. resort 
C. habitat D. reservoir
Ans: C. habitat
5. Fauna is ___________. 
A. plants B. animals 
C. microorganism D. both plants and animals
Ans: B. Animals
6. Sanctuary is a place where _________________. 
A. animals are protected B. plants are protected 
C. office of forest department D. a tribal village is
Ans: A. animals are protected
7. Give any two examples of a biosphere reserve
Ans:  Examples of biospheres are:
i. Nilgiri
ii. Pachmarhi

8. Give any two examples of flora.

Ans: Examples of flora are:
i. Neem
ii. Mango

9. Give any two examples of fauna.

Ans: Examples of fauna are:
i. Lion
ii. Tiger

10. Give any two examples of endemic species.

Ans: Examples of endemic species are:
a. Flora - Sal, wild mango 
b. Fauna - Bison, Indian giant squirrel

11. Give any two examples of endangered species.

Ans: Examples of endangered species are:
i. Texa Wild Rice
ii. Mountain Gorilla

12. Give any two examples of wildlife sanctuaries.

Ans: Examples of wildlife sanctuaries are:
i. Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary
ii. Gir Wildlife Sanctuary

13. Give any two examples of national parks.

Ans: Examples of national park are:
i. Jim Corbett National Park
ii. Kaziranga National Park

14. Give any two examples of migratory birds.

Ans: Examples of migratory birds are:
i. Saras
ii. Siberian Crane 

Short Answer Questions: 3 Marks

15. Define deforestation.

Ans: Deforestation is the clearing of forests or groups of trees for reusing
the land for commercial purposes such as agriculture, construction,
mining and urbanization.
16. What do you mean by a drought?
Ans: A drought is a period of time when an area or region receives less
rain than usual. Reduced soil moisture or groundwater, reduced
streamflow, agricultural damage, and a general water scarcity can all
result from a lack of appropriate precipitation, whether rain or snow.
Drought can also be an effect of change of temperature due to global
17. What is desertification?
Ans: Desertification is the process of turning fertile land into deserts due
to soil erosion and widespread deforestation. It can affect all - humans,
plants and animals.
18. Differentiate between wildlife sanctuary and zoo.
Ans: Difference between wildlife sanctuary and zoo are as follows:

Wildlife Sanctuary Zoo

Zoo is an enclosed area

Wildlife sanctuary is an area where animals
where animals are for public
are protected in their natural habitat.

They allow the local people to graze their

animals and collect firewood, fruits, No public activity is allowed.
medicinal plants etc.

E.g. Rajiv Gandhi Zoological

E.g. Pachmarhi
Park, Pune.

19. How can we prevent biodiversity from getting disturbed?

Ans: We can prevent biodiversity from getting disturbed with the help of
afforestation which implies planting more trees in the area. Along with this
we need to follow the norms laid by government and policy makers for
prevention of biodiversity. 
20. What do you mean by biosphere?
Ans: The biosphere is a worldwide ecosystem made up of living organisms
(biota) and the nonliving (abiotic) components that provide them with
energy and nutrition. It includes the atmosphere, lithosphere and
21. What are the factors that affect the natural habitat of endemic
Ans: Factors affecting the natural habitat of endemic species are as
i. Destruction of natural habitat of the species.
ii. Introduction of stronger species in the same habitat.

22. What is biological diversity?

Ans: Biological diversity, also known as biodiversity, refers to the wide
range of creatures that exist on the planet, as well as their
interrelationships and interactions with the environment.
23. Write a short note on the Red Data Book?
Ans: The Red Data Book is a database that maintains track of all
endangered animals and plants. The International Union for Conservation
of Nature maintains the Red Data Book on a global scale. India also keeps
a Red Data Book for flora and animals that can be found in the country.
24. What are flora and fauna?
Ans: Difference between flora and fauna are as follows:

Flora Fauna

It includes all kinds of plant It includes all kinds of animals

Study of flora is called botany Study of fauna is called zoology

They lack mobility They are mobile

E.g. Rose, Neem E.g. Dog, Tiger

25. Write the causes of deforestation.

Ans: Various causes of deforestation are as follows:
i. Urbanisation.
ii. Mining
iii. Natural phenomenon such as flood, drought etc.
iv. Forest fire
v. Dam construction
vi. Increase in agricultural land.

26. Define endemic species.

Ans: Plants and animals that are indigenous to a certain geographic
region are known as endemic species. Example: Kangaroo is endemic to
27. What do you mean by endangered animals?
Ans: An endangered species is one that is on the verge of extinction,
either globally or in a specific geographic area. Example: Giant Panda,
28. Define sanctuary.
Ans: A sanctuary is a designated place where animals and plants are
brought to dwell and are reserved for wildlife to utilize the environment
and natural resources freely.
29. Define the following. 
i. Biosphere Reserves: Biosphere reserves are enormous areas of
protected land intended to conserve wildlife, plant and animal
resources, as well as the traditional way of life of the tribal people
that live there.
            Example: Nanda Devi, Himachal Pradesh.
ii. National Park: A national park is a protected region where wildlife
can easily access habitats and natural resources.
            Example: Kanha National Park, Jim Corbett National Park etc.
30. Define species.
Ans: A species is a group of populations that live together in a certain area
and can interbreed; members of a species can only reproduce by mating
with members of their own species and not with members of other
31. Explain the importance of recycling paper.
Ans: It is important to recycle paper to save trees, water and energy.
Paper recycling also preserves landfill space and minimises the quantity of
pollution released into the atmosphere as a result of incineration.
Recycling paper is beneficial for both humans and the environment.
32. Define ecosystem.
Ans: An ecosystem is made up of all living and nonliving elements of the
environment, including plants, animals, and microbes in a given area, as
well as non living elements such as climate, soil, rivers, and so on.
33. What is Project Tiger?
Ans: Project Tiger is a project initiated by the Indian government to
safeguard the tiger population in 1973. The main goal of this initiative was
to assure the survival and conservation of the country's tiger population.
Long Answer Questions: 5 marks

34. What are the consequences of deforestation?

Ans: Consequences of deforestation are as follows:
i. It decreases tree population leading to carbon dioxide increase in
the atmosphere.
ii. It leads to an increase in the temperature of the earth.
iii. It also leads to soil erosion.
iv. Decrease in rainfall and soil fertility.
v. Increase in air pollution.
vi. It overall affects the earth and can lead to global warming.

35. Write a short note on biosphere reserve.

Ans: Biosphere reserves are places dedicated to biodiversity conservation.
Biosphere reserves aid in the preservation of a region's biodiversity and
culture. Other protected sites may be included in a biosphere reserve.
Biosphere reserves also serve as a means of preserving the tribals'
traditional way of life in the area. There are a total 18 biosphere reserves
in India.
Example: Pachmarhi, Madhya Pradesh and Nilgiri, Tamil Nadu
36. Explain reforestation and its useful effects.
Ans: The process of regenerating or replanting forest areas that have
been destroyed or damaged for the benefit of civilization is known as
reforestation. The terms afforestation and reforestation are
interchangeable. Reforestation can happen naturally as well but it is time
taking. The Forest Conservation Act in India aims at preservation and
conservation of natural forests.
Advantages of reforestation are as follows:
i. It helps in maintaining oxygen level.
ii. It will help in creating more natural habitat for animals.
iii. It will help in reducing carbon level and help in reducing global
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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1. Why is it important to conserve plants and animals

according to Chapter 7 Conservation of Plants and Animals of
Class 8 Science?
Ans: It is extremely important to conserve plants and animals in order to protect
the endangered plants and animals along with their habitat. By conserving living
resources, a balanced ecosystem can be maintained which is essential for the
survival of many species. Conserving will result in the existence of varieties of
species on the Earth. It will help to maintain a healthy and functional
environment which is extremely essential for the survival of all organisms.
Finally, it will help in restoring the damage which is already done to the
environment through activities like afforestation.

Q2. Why does it matter if a species goes extinct?

Q3. What is wildlife conservation?

Q4. What is drought and desertification?

Q5. List the factors disturbing the biodiversity of a particular

area  according to Chapter 7 Conservation of Plants and Animals
of Class 8 Science.


Ch-7 Conservation of plants and animals
1. Fill in the blanks.
(a) A place where animals are protected in their natural habitats is
(b) Species found only in a particular area is known as ____________.
(c) Migratory birds fly to faraway places because of ____________ changes.
Ans. Fill in the blanks.
(a) A place where animals are protected in their natural habitats is called wildlife
(b) Species found only in a particular area is known as biodiversity.
(c) Migratory birds fly to faraway places because of climate changes.

2. Differentiate between the following.

(a) Wildlife sanctuary and biosphere reserve
(b) Zoo and wildlife sanctuary
(c) Endangered and extinct species
(d) Flora and fauna
Ans. (a)



NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Conservation of Plants and Animals

3. Discuss the effects of deforestation on the following.

(a) Wild animals
(b) Environment
(c) Villages (rural areas)
(d) Cities
(e) Earth
(f) The next generation
Ans. (a)  Wild animals- They won’t get their natural habitat and surroundings as well
as food. They will migrate to another forest.
(b)  Environment- Climate changes disturb the environment. Global warming is
caused due to accumulation of carbon dioxide.
(c)  Villages- Villagers cannot grow food because of no rain. So, drought situations
will prevails. Villager will move to towns and cities.
(d)  Cities- Cities flooded with drought-affected villagers, will affect the environment.
Food-grains will either not available of if available, they will costlier.
(e)  Deforestation leads to change in soil properties. Physical properties of the soil
will get affected badly. The lands will be gradually converted into desert.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Conservation of Plants and Animals

4. What will happen if.

(a) We go on cutting trees.
(b) The habitat of an animal is disturbed
(c) The top layer of soil is exposed
Ans. (a) If we go on cutting trees, then following situation will arrive:
(i)  The climate change will affect the environment due to global warming and there
will be no rain.
(ii)  The soil will become unfertile due to regular flooding of top soil.
(b)  If the habitat of an animal is disturbed, the animal may not be in position of
getting its natural habitat as well as food.
(c)  Removal of top layer of soil by floods and heavy winds will expose the lower hard
and rocky layers. This soil has less humus and less fertility.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Conservation of Plants and Animals

5. Answer in brief.
(a) Why should we conserve biodiversity?
(b) Protected forests are also not completely safe for wild animals. Why?
(c) Some tribal depends on jungle. How?
(d) What are the causes and consequences of deforestation?
(e) What is Red Data Book?
(f) What do you understand by the term migration?
Ans. (a) If the biodiversity is not conserved, the life existing on earth, their
interrelationships and their relationship with environment will be disturbed.
(b)  It is because despite all these the poachers keep killing or capturing the animals
in these forests. That is why protected forests are also not completely safe for
(c)  Some tribal live in the jungle. Jungle provides them food and protection. That is
why; they are fully dependent upon the forests.
(d)  Causes of deforestation-
(i) Procuring land for cultivation.
(ii) Building houses and factories.
(iii) Natural Calamities like flood, drought and forest fire.
Consequence of deforestation-

(i) Global warming.
(ii) Soil erosion
(iii) Melting of ice on poles.
(e)   Red Data Book a book which keeps record of all endangered animals and plants.
(f)  Migration is the phenomenon of movements of species from its own habitat to
some other habitat for particular time period every year for change of climate and for
the purpose of breeding.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Conservation of Plants and Animals

6. In order to meet the ever-increasing demand in factories and for shelter, trees are
being continually cut. Is it justified to cut trees for such projects?
Ans. Of course, to meet the ever-increasing demand in factories and for shelter, trees
are being continually cut, which not justified at all. If one tree is cut, a least five trees
should be grown so that reforestation process will remain continuous. But, if trees
are cut blindly and no trees are planted then the earth will face global warming, no
rainfall, climate change, soil erosion and deforestation. So, cutting trees for any
reason at all is not justified.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Conservation of Plants and Animals

7. How can you contribute to the maintenance of green wealth of your locality? Make a
list of actions to be taken by you.
Ans. For the maintenance of the green wealth of my locality. I will prefer
reforestation in the locality.
I shall start a campaign, along with my friends, to make the people of locality aware
of the importance of trees. Once the people become conscious of the importance of
plants they will be requested to do the following-

(a) Each family should plant at least one tree in the monsoon month.
(b) During summer, they should assure watering of the plants everyday.
(c) On the occasion of birthday, marriage ceremony and other happy occasions, they
should gift their friends and relatives.
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Conservation of Plants and Animals

8. Explain how deforestation leads to reduced rainfall.

Ans. Deforestation leads to accumulation of   in the atmosphere which results

in global warming as  traps the heat of the sun rays. The increase in
temperature of earth will disturb the water cycle and reduce rainfall causing drought
in the region.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Conservation of Plants and Animals

9. Find out about national parks in your state. Identify and show their location on the
outline map of India.
Ans. There is not any national park in my native state but near about national park
around my locality are
Ranthambore, Bharatpur and Sarika of nearby state of Rajasthan.

10. Why should paper be saved? Prepare a list of ways by which you can save paper.
Ans. Manufacturing of paper needs trees. By cutting trees, deforestation is caused. If
paper is saved or recycled, so many trees can be saved. To make one tone of paper
17 full grown trees are to be cut. Therefore, to stop deforestation, we should save
paper. It can be saved by recycling. Paper can be recycled for 5-7 times and can be
used. If everyone who use paper, could save at least one sheet of paper in a day, we
can save many trees in a year.
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Conservation of Plants and Animals

11. Complete the word puzzle.

1. Species on the verge of extinction.
2. A book carrying information about endangered species.
5. Consequence of deforestation.
1. Species which have vanished.
3. Species found only in particular habitat.
4. Variety of plants, animals and microorganisms found in an area.


It can form multiple images by making the use of mirrors inclined at  certain angle.
Now the most important question is how to make kaleidoscope!
 Kaleidoscope is made up of three rectangular mirror strips each about 15 cm long and 4 cm
 Join them together to form a prism.
 Fix them in circular cardboard tube.
 Make sure that the tube is slightly longer than the mirror strips.
 Close one end of the tube by a cardboard disc having a hole in the centre.
 To make the disc durable, paste a piece of transparent plastic sheet under the cardboard
 At the other end, touching the mirrors, fix a circular plane glass plate.

Dispersion of light is a phenomenon of splitting of white light into its component colors.
In optics, dispersion is the phenomenon in which the phase velocity of a wave depends on its
frequency, or alternatively when the group velocity depends on the frequency.
Media having such a property are termed dispersive media.
Rainbow is the natural phenomenon in which dispersion takes place.
The cause of dispersion is that sunlight consists of seven constituents colors namely violet, indigo,
blue, green, yellow, orange and red popularly referred to as VIBGYOR that have different
refractive index with respect to a medium.
The wavelength of each color is different that causes the difference in velocity of the
corresponding light when passing from one medium to another.
Here is the activity to show the seven different colors of sunlight.
 Take plane mirror of suitable size.
 Place it in a bowl.
 Fill the bowl with water.
 Put this arrangement near the window such that sunlight directly falls on the mirror.
 Adjust position of bowl such that reflected light from mirror falls on the white color wall.
 You will observe that reflected light consist of seven colors.

Question: What is Braille System?

1. The most popular instrument or system used by visually challenged persons to read and
write is called Braille system.
2. This system was developed by Louis Braille in 1821 for visually challenged peoples.
3. This system was adopted in 1932.
This system uses characters formed by patterns of raised dots that represent letters and
numbers which can be felt by the fingers. It has 63 dot patterns or characters. These
patterns when embossed on Braille sheets help visually challenged persons to recognize
words by touching.
Human eye

It is a naturally occurring optical

Human eye consists of:
1. Cornea
2. Iris
3. Pupil
4. Ciliary muscles
5. Lens
6. Retina
7. Blind spot
8. Optic nerve
Cornea –
It is the white part of the eye that allows light to enter and it act as window to world.
Iris –
It is the colored part of the eye. It holds the pupil and also adjusts the size of pupil according
to the intensity of light.
Pupil –
It is black in color that absorbs all the light rays falling on it. It gets constricted when light
intensity is high. It gets expanded when light intensity is low.
Ciliary Muscles –
It holds the lens and adjusts the focal length of the lens.
Convex Lens –
It is a cellular structure resembling convex lens.
Retina –
It is a screen of eye where image is formed. It consists of two types of cells:
a) Cone cells
These cells respond to colors.
b) Rod cells
These cells respond to intensity of light.
Yellow Spot –
It is a point on retina where most clear image is formed.
Blind Spot –
It is a point on retina where no image is formed.
Optic nerve –
It is a nerve that connects eye to brain.

Multiple Images-
Multiple images are formed when a number of plane mirrors are placed
at a certain angle.

Characteristics of sound
There are different characteristics of sound which are as follows:
1. Loudness
2. Pitch
3. Quality
4. Intensity

It is a characteristic of sound, the degree of sensation of sound.
It depends upon amplitude. Amplitude determines the loudness of sound. Loudness is
proportional to the square of the amplitude of the vibrating body which produces
sound. More is the amplitude, louder is the sound. It is measured in unit ‘decibel’.
The more the amplitude of vibration, louder the sound. The lesser the amplitude of
vibration, the sound gets feeble.

It is the property that determines the shrillness (sharpness) or depth of sound.
It depends upon the frequency. More the frequency, more the voice is shrilled. Less the
frequency, deep is the sound. For example: a baby’s voice has more frequency and thereby,
it is shriller than an adult’s voice.

It is the property by which one can distinguish between two different sounds of same pitch
and loudness. Like in a dark room where there is no light and  100 people are present, we
can easily recognize the sound of our friend among all the people due to the particular
quality of its sound.

It is defined as the number of sound waves passing 1 meter square area in one second. It
depends upon the square of amplitude.
Sound can travel through all 3 states of matter that is solids, liquids and gases.
Speed of sound depends upon the density (density is defined as mass per unit volume) of
medium (it increases with increase in density of mediums).
Speed of sound is maximum in solids and least in gases as particles are closer in solids. So,
transfer of sound energy occurs faster. Speed of sound in air is 340 metre per second.

Assertion: Red data book has a record of all animals.

Reason: Endangered species need to be noticed.

A) Both the Assertion and the Reason are true and the Reason is a correct explanation of the

B) Both the Assertion and the Reason are true but the Reason is not a correct explanation of the

C) The Assertion is true but the Reason is false.

D) Both the Assertion and the Reason are false.

E) The Assertion is false but the Reason is true.

Hint: Balance of ecosystem is very important and to maintain the health of the individual species
that are present on the earth, and maintaining the species are very important in order to prevent
from the extinct, and maintain the biodiversity, conserving the species will prevent them from
extinction and which helps to maintain and carry them to next generation.

Complete answer:

Red data book can be called a public document which was created for endangered and rare species
of plants, animals and other organisms such as fungi, etc.

And this red data book also has the information regarding some subtropics or regional species,
where these all are helpful for protection and conservation of particular species and they are also
useful for the biologist for the research purpose.

This Red data list or Red data book was created by Russia and it was in the hands of Russian
Federation, And the list was taken on the basis of scientific research done by biologists regarding the
species in the year between 1961 to 1964.

But now this book was taken under the control of IUCN, where the full form is the international
union for conservation of nature which was formed in the year 1964.

The purpose of IUCN is to protect nature and animals and plant species which are living and which
are in verge of extinction and this Red data book mainly has the list of extinct species of plants and
animals .
There is coding that present for the Red data book, which included the following, they are

Black—which are confirmed to be extinct.

Red-- Endangered.

Amber-- vulnerable.

White-- Rare species.

Green—They are formerly endangered species, but the species started to recover.

Grey-- Vulnerable, endangered, and rare species.

So the Assertion is wrong,

Endangered species are the one which have the risk of extinction and it is very important to notice
and protect them to maintain biodiversity. So the reason is correct.

The correct option is E.

Note: Red data book or list is the document which regarding all species which are in the risk of
extinction, this helps the protect and conserve them and which maintains the biodiversity and so
balance the ecosystem, and there are several committees regarding the conservation of nature,
among all IUCN is one which maintains this data at present.

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