Study Important Questions For Class 8 Science Chapter
Study Important Questions For Class 8 Science Chapter
Study Important Questions For Class 8 Science Chapter
Conservation of Plants
Very Short Answer Questions: 1 Mark
Flora Fauna
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Conservation of Plants and Animals
5. Answer in brief.
(a) Why should we conserve biodiversity?
(b) Protected forests are also not completely safe for wild animals. Why?
(c) Some tribal depends on jungle. How?
(d) What are the causes and consequences of deforestation?
(e) What is Red Data Book?
(f) What do you understand by the term migration?
Ans. (a) If the biodiversity is not conserved, the life existing on earth, their
interrelationships and their relationship with environment will be disturbed.
(b) It is because despite all these the poachers keep killing or capturing the animals
in these forests. That is why protected forests are also not completely safe for
(c) Some tribal live in the jungle. Jungle provides them food and protection. That is
why; they are fully dependent upon the forests.
(d) Causes of deforestation-
(i) Procuring land for cultivation.
(ii) Building houses and factories.
(iii) Natural Calamities like flood, drought and forest fire.
Consequence of deforestation-
(i) Global warming.
(ii) Soil erosion
(iii) Melting of ice on poles.
(e) Red Data Book a book which keeps record of all endangered animals and plants.
(f) Migration is the phenomenon of movements of species from its own habitat to
some other habitat for particular time period every year for change of climate and for
the purpose of breeding.
6. In order to meet the ever-increasing demand in factories and for shelter, trees are
being continually cut. Is it justified to cut trees for such projects?
Ans. Of course, to meet the ever-increasing demand in factories and for shelter, trees
are being continually cut, which not justified at all. If one tree is cut, a least five trees
should be grown so that reforestation process will remain continuous. But, if trees
are cut blindly and no trees are planted then the earth will face global warming, no
rainfall, climate change, soil erosion and deforestation. So, cutting trees for any
reason at all is not justified.
7. How can you contribute to the maintenance of green wealth of your locality? Make a
list of actions to be taken by you.
Ans. For the maintenance of the green wealth of my locality. I will prefer
reforestation in the locality.
I shall start a campaign, along with my friends, to make the people of locality aware
of the importance of trees. Once the people become conscious of the importance of
plants they will be requested to do the following-
(a) Each family should plant at least one tree in the monsoon month.
(b) During summer, they should assure watering of the plants everyday.
(c) On the occasion of birthday, marriage ceremony and other happy occasions, they
should gift their friends and relatives.
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Conservation of Plants and Animals
in global warming as traps the heat of the sun rays. The increase in
temperature of earth will disturb the water cycle and reduce rainfall causing drought
in the region.
9. Find out about national parks in your state. Identify and show their location on the
outline map of India.
Ans. There is not any national park in my native state but near about national park
around my locality are
Ranthambore, Bharatpur and Sarika of nearby state of Rajasthan.
10. Why should paper be saved? Prepare a list of ways by which you can save paper.
Ans. Manufacturing of paper needs trees. By cutting trees, deforestation is caused. If
paper is saved or recycled, so many trees can be saved. To make one tone of paper
17 full grown trees are to be cut. Therefore, to stop deforestation, we should save
paper. It can be saved by recycling. Paper can be recycled for 5-7 times and can be
used. If everyone who use paper, could save at least one sheet of paper in a day, we
can save many trees in a year.
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Conservation of Plants and Animals
It can form multiple images by making the use of mirrors inclined at certain angle.
Now the most important question is how to make kaleidoscope!
Kaleidoscope is made up of three rectangular mirror strips each about 15 cm long and 4 cm
Join them together to form a prism.
Fix them in circular cardboard tube.
Make sure that the tube is slightly longer than the mirror strips.
Close one end of the tube by a cardboard disc having a hole in the centre.
To make the disc durable, paste a piece of transparent plastic sheet under the cardboard
At the other end, touching the mirrors, fix a circular plane glass plate.
Dispersion of light is a phenomenon of splitting of white light into its component colors.
In optics, dispersion is the phenomenon in which the phase velocity of a wave depends on its
frequency, or alternatively when the group velocity depends on the frequency.
Media having such a property are termed dispersive media.
Rainbow is the natural phenomenon in which dispersion takes place.
The cause of dispersion is that sunlight consists of seven constituents colors namely violet, indigo,
blue, green, yellow, orange and red popularly referred to as VIBGYOR that have different
refractive index with respect to a medium.
The wavelength of each color is different that causes the difference in velocity of the
corresponding light when passing from one medium to another.
Here is the activity to show the seven different colors of sunlight.
Take plane mirror of suitable size.
Place it in a bowl.
Fill the bowl with water.
Put this arrangement near the window such that sunlight directly falls on the mirror.
Adjust position of bowl such that reflected light from mirror falls on the white color wall.
You will observe that reflected light consist of seven colors.
Multiple Images-
Multiple images are formed when a number of plane mirrors are placed
at a certain angle.
Characteristics of sound
There are different characteristics of sound which are as follows:
1. Loudness
2. Pitch
3. Quality
4. Intensity
It is a characteristic of sound, the degree of sensation of sound.
It depends upon amplitude. Amplitude determines the loudness of sound. Loudness is
proportional to the square of the amplitude of the vibrating body which produces
sound. More is the amplitude, louder is the sound. It is measured in unit ‘decibel’.
The more the amplitude of vibration, louder the sound. The lesser the amplitude of
vibration, the sound gets feeble.
It is the property that determines the shrillness (sharpness) or depth of sound.
It depends upon the frequency. More the frequency, more the voice is shrilled. Less the
frequency, deep is the sound. For example: a baby’s voice has more frequency and thereby,
it is shriller than an adult’s voice.
It is the property by which one can distinguish between two different sounds of same pitch
and loudness. Like in a dark room where there is no light and 100 people are present, we
can easily recognize the sound of our friend among all the people due to the particular
quality of its sound.
It is defined as the number of sound waves passing 1 meter square area in one second. It
depends upon the square of amplitude.
Sound can travel through all 3 states of matter that is solids, liquids and gases.
Speed of sound depends upon the density (density is defined as mass per unit volume) of
medium (it increases with increase in density of mediums).
Speed of sound is maximum in solids and least in gases as particles are closer in solids. So,
transfer of sound energy occurs faster. Speed of sound in air is 340 metre per second.
A) Both the Assertion and the Reason are true and the Reason is a correct explanation of the
B) Both the Assertion and the Reason are true but the Reason is not a correct explanation of the
Hint: Balance of ecosystem is very important and to maintain the health of the individual species
that are present on the earth, and maintaining the species are very important in order to prevent
from the extinct, and maintain the biodiversity, conserving the species will prevent them from
extinction and which helps to maintain and carry them to next generation.
Complete answer:
Red data book can be called a public document which was created for endangered and rare species
of plants, animals and other organisms such as fungi, etc.
And this red data book also has the information regarding some subtropics or regional species,
where these all are helpful for protection and conservation of particular species and they are also
useful for the biologist for the research purpose.
This Red data list or Red data book was created by Russia and it was in the hands of Russian
Federation, And the list was taken on the basis of scientific research done by biologists regarding the
species in the year between 1961 to 1964.
But now this book was taken under the control of IUCN, where the full form is the international
union for conservation of nature which was formed in the year 1964.
The purpose of IUCN is to protect nature and animals and plant species which are living and which
are in verge of extinction and this Red data book mainly has the list of extinct species of plants and
animals .
There is coding that present for the Red data book, which included the following, they are
Red-- Endangered.
Amber-- vulnerable.
Green—They are formerly endangered species, but the species started to recover.
Endangered species are the one which have the risk of extinction and it is very important to notice
and protect them to maintain biodiversity. So the reason is correct.
Note: Red data book or list is the document which regarding all species which are in the risk of
extinction, this helps the protect and conserve them and which maintains the biodiversity and so
balance the ecosystem, and there are several committees regarding the conservation of nature,
among all IUCN is one which maintains this data at present.