English: Quarter 4 - Module 2
English: Quarter 4 - Module 2
English: Quarter 4 - Module 2
Quarter 4 – Module 2
Strategies for Effective
Interpersonal Communication
English – Grade 7
Quarter 4- Module 2: Strategies for Effective Interpersonal Communication
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Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
You need to ensure that the learner clearly understand the lesson or
concepts discussed in the module. You are also expected to guide him/her in
answering the activities or accomplishing the different learning tasks thereby
enabling him/her to master the competency.
Read and follow the instructions in all the learning activities and
exercises very carefully,
Be honest in answering all the learning activities and exercises,
Write your answers neatly and legibly in your subject notebook or
on a separate sheet of paper, and
Seek guidance from your parents, guardians or subject teacher if
you encounter difficulty in accomplishing the learning activities.
Working on each learning activity in this module will surely enable you to
learn certain aspects of the target language in an enjoyable and meaningful
way. So, take good care of this module and have fun while learning!
What I Need to Know
1. define interpersonal communication;
2. determine the elements of interpersonal communication; and
3. employ a variety of strategies for effective interpersonal
communication in terms of having an interview, dialog and
What I Know
In your previous lesson, you studied more about the features of academic
writing. Now, it is time to recall what you have learned!
Mind Booster
Directions: Write YES or NO if the following is an example of academic writing.
Refer to the table below.
If you got it all correct, Congratulations! You have mastered the previous
Lesson Strategies for Effective Interpersonal Communication
What’s In
The time you step out of your house, you encounter people with whom
you are having a conversation. You transfer and absorb information by
exchanging messages with them may it be verbal or non-verbal. But how do
you communicate with them? What are some ways you consider to please and
not to offend them with the words or expressions you used in speaking or
listening with them?
Process Questions
1. What did the three boys talk about?
2. How are they related to one another? How did you know?
3. How did Ken react to Mark’s offer?
4. What can you say about his words and expressions while talking to the
5. How did Tim react from the reply of Mark? How did he handle the offer of
What’s New
What is interpersonal
Interpersonal communication has different
elements. It includes the following.
1. The Communicators
communication is
For any communication to occur there
the process by which
must be at least two people involved. It is easy
people exchange
to think about communication involving a
information, feelings,
sender and a receiver of a message. However,
and meaning through
the problem with this way of seeing a
verbal and non-verbal
relationship is that it presents communication
messages: it is face-
as a one-way process where one person sends
the message and the other receives it. While
one person is talking and another is listening,
for example.
communication is not
just about what is
In fact communications are almost always
actually said - the
complex, two-way processes, with people
sending and receiving messages to and from each other simultaneously.
In other words, communication is an interactive process. While one
person is talking the other is listening - but while listening they are also
sending feedback in the form of smiles, head nods etc.
2. The Message
Message not only means the speech used or information conveyed,
but also the non-verbal messages exchanged such as facial
expressions, tone of voice, gestures and body language. Non-verbal
behaviour can convey additional information about the spoken message.
In particular, it can reveal more about emotional attitudes which may
underlie the content of speech.
3. Noise
Noise has a special meaning in communication theory. It refers to
anything that distorts the message, so that what is received is different
from what is intended by the speaker. Whilst physical 'noise' (for
example, background sounds or a low-flying jet plane) can interfere with
communication, other factors are considered to be ‘noise’. The use
of complicated jargon, inappropriate body
language, inattention, disinterest, and cultural differences can be
considered 'noise' in the context of interpersonal communication. In
other words, any distortions or inconsistencies that occur during an
attempt to communicate can be seen as noise.
4. Feedback
Feedback consists of messages the receiver returns, which allows the
sender to know how accurately the message has been received, as well as
the receiver's reaction. The receiver may also respond to the unintentional
message as well as the intentional message. Types of feedback range from
direct verbal statements, for example "Say that again, I don't understand",
to subtle facial expressions or changes in posture that might indicate to the
sender that the receiver feels uncomfortable with the message. Feedback
allows the sender to regulate, adapt or repeat the message in order to
improve communication.
5. Context
All communication is influenced by the context in which it takes
place. However, apart from looking at the situational context of where the
interaction takes place, for example in a room, office, or perhaps outdoors,
the social context also needs to be considered, for example the roles,
responsibilities and relative status of the participants. The emotional
climate and participants' expectations of the interaction will also affect the
6. Channel
The channel refers to the physical means by which the message is
transferred from one person to another. In a face-to-face context the
channels which are used are speech and vision, however during a telephone
conversation the channel is limited to speech alone.
Source: https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/interpersonal-communication.html
What Is It
After giving you the inputs about the lesson, it’s time to test you up and
make your learning more productive and interesting through a series of
activities that will challenge you along your journey.
Task 2. Viewing Run-up
Go online and watch the suggested video clip from the internet.
After watching the video, it’s time to get familiarized with the elements of
interpersonal communication. Answer the questions that follow.
How did you come up with your diagram? What are the things you have
considered to arrive from it?
What’s More
Situation 1: You are asking permission from your father, but he insists not to
allow you to join in an outing with your friends, how would you convince him?
Your answer:
I would convince my father by
Situation 2. You came to school late, but the test in your first subject already
started and on-going, how would excuse to the class and talk to your teacher?
Your answer:
I would excuse by _____________________________________________________
Situation 3. You are the group leader in your class activity, but you forgot to
bring and left in your house the materials needed in your presentation. In a few
minutes, the presentation will start. How would you deal with your group
mates who are very excited to present, expecting that everything is ready?
Your answer:
I would tell my groupmates that ________________________________________
Go online and click the link below. Watch the video clip and listen
carefully to the speaker. Afterwards, answer the questions that follow.
Process Questions:
1. What is the video all about?
2. Who is the speaker? Is he a good speaker? How do you say so?
3. How does the speaker deliver and express his words or expressions?
4. How do the audience react to the speaker’s message?
5. Do you consider him good in terms of interpersonal communication?
Justify your answer.
6. If you were the speaker, would you consider the same style or strategy in
delivering the message? Why or why not?
What I Have Learned
Heading Insights
Did you find it useable and valuable in your personal growth in terms of
communication strategies?
What I Can Do
Task 6. Try-out!
Be guided of this rubric. (5-being the highest and 1- being the lowest
This will be the basis of your performance after getting the average.
5 – Outstanding
4 – Excellent
3 – Average
2 – Fair
1 – Needs improvement
What I Can Do On My Own
Final Route
Congratulations! You are along the way end of this module. After
accomplishing the series of activities provided for you, it’s time to dig deeper
and let us know how high the level of your understanding about the entire
lesson. Let’s evaluate!
Part 1 (5 points)
Part 2 (5 points)
Part 3 (5 points)
Directions: Match
the following words in MATCHING TYPE
Column A that
correspond with the Column A Column B
clues/descriptions in ___11. Feedback A. sender and receiver
Column B. Write the of the message
letter of your answer ___12. Noise B. more than two people
on the space provided sending messages
before each number. ___13. Channel C. receiver’s returning
___14. Communicators D. transfer of message from one to another
___15. Two-way process E. background sounds
Charge Up!
Interview your parents/guardian by asking them questions provided
below. Write your dialogue with them in your worksheet.
1. If you were to choose, what modality of learning do you prefer for your
child/children? Why?
2. What precautionary measures do you consider to secure the safety of
your child/children with regards of this pandemic Covid-19?
3. As a parent or guardian, how do you monitor your child/children who
study from home?
Answer Key
(What I Know)
Mind Booster
1. YES
2. NO
3. YES
4. NO
5. YES
(What’s In)
Task 1. Come With Me!
1. The video is about a high school graduating student who delivered his
valedictory address.
2. Answers may vary.
3. Answers may vary.
4. Answers may vary.
5. Answers may vary.
6. Answers may vary.
3. C
4. A
5. A
Part 3. Matching-type
The cropped image, diagram, some parts of the topic and video links
used in this module were just copied and have been credited as a reference.
The links are as follows:
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