ENGLISH 7 - Week 3&4 (4th Quarter)
ENGLISH 7 - Week 3&4 (4th Quarter)
ENGLISH 7 - Week 3&4 (4th Quarter)
TOPIC: Determining the Worth of Ideas to Make Simple Inferences intended audience? audience’s Buenaventura
What age participation in the Alandy National
In this lesson, you will know more about determining the worth of ideas range/group do they speech. High School
mentioned in a listening text using the CASTS method which stands for context, belong? Explain why they (BANHS) will be in
audience, speaker, tone or mood, and summary. It will guide you in making Do they have are the intended the audience for
similarities? audience based on the dance
inferences about the thoughts and feelings expressed in the text you listened to.
Are they coming the text you have competition.
from a group or listened to.
Inferences are guesses you make by combining two things: organization?
details/information from the text and your prior knowledge/personal experience. Speaker What position Describe the The speaker is the
These inferences are helpful for you to arrive with the summary of the speaker’s does he/she have in background principal of
message. a group or information you BANHS, who is
organization? know about the very supportive of
While listening, you will process the information delivered by the speaker How important is speaker. such events.
to formulate your inferences. You will also reflect on the message for you to his/her presence in
understand the context and impact of the speech. You might be thinking of the giving the speech?
following questions: Tone/Moo What words did Write the words The speaker is
1. What is the purpose of the speaker in delivering the speech? d the speaker use that that make you feel excited since
2. How did the message change me after I have listened to it? made you feel the about the speech. she announced
3. Is the message new to me? How can I share this knowledge to other people? emotions portrayed Describe your that the
in the speech? Is the emotions that you contest winners
speaker fearful, felt after listening to will receive prizes.
To better understand the CASTS method, the table below presents the guide
angry, surprised, the
questions and steps in making inferences. An example for each method is also serious, or text.
provided. humorous?
Summary What salient or List down all your The speaker
CASTS Guide Questions How to come up Example important points thoughts, insights, delivered a
Method with your that the speaker and opinions about message regarding
inferences? mentioned in his/her the points that the the Division's
Context Where did the Describe the The speech was speech? speaker has upcoming Dance
speech take place? speech based on held in the school What is the central mentioned. Contest. Students
When did the your prior at 8 in the morning message that the from BANHS will
speaker deliver the knowledge. as part of the speaker wants to compete, and I
speech? Explain the Opening Program. convey? believe they will
How do other significance of the win the
participants react to location and time competition, like
the speech? where the speech they did last year
was held. as she mentioned.
You have developed your ability to cite text evidence in the previous quarter, and How to get it from the producers or from other governments is really
now you are working on another important skill — making simple inferences. You something which we have to deal with because it is a global need, and everyone
may not realize it, but you have been employing this skill in your daily activities. All would go for it.
you have to do now is put it into practice while reading or listening. When inferring
from the text, integrate your prior knowledge or personal experiences with the Learning Task 2
evidence provided by the text.
Consider the line lifted from the speech. Use the table to make a simple inference
Learning Task 1 using the information from the text and your prior knowledge or personal
For your first task, listen to an excerpt of President Rodrigo Duterte’s State of the
Nation Address 2020. Then, answer the questions in the graphic organizer. It says... I say... So, I infer...
You can watch or listen to the speech on this link: (information from the text) (prior (inference)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpHMG5uxlsY knowledge/personal
If you do not have access to the internet, a transcript of the speech is available “Until the COVID 19 vaccine is available, I
below: will not allow the traditional face to face
teaching or learning unless [all] risks of
exposure to sickness are eliminated.”
Excerpt of President Rodrigo Duterte’s State of the Nation Address 2020:
Until the COVID 19 vaccine is available, I will not allow the traditional face
Learning Task 3
to face class teaching or learning unless [all] risks of exposure to sickness are
eliminated. I cannot and will not put to risk the health and lives of our students and
Complete the graphic organizer by filling out information from the excerpt of the
speech of President Rodrigo Duterte during the State of the Nation Address 2020.
Two weeks ago, I seemed to have said that I would allow the face-to-face
classes to resume. But we were talking actually of January because my thinking is
Guide Questions:
that by September, we would have the vaccine.
1. What is the context (location/time) of the speech?
2. Who is the intended audience?
3. Who is the speaker?
4. What tone or mood is expressed on the speech?
5. How will you summarize the speech?
TOPIC: Determining the Truthfulness and Accuracy of the Material Viewed
In first quarter, you learned how to identify the genre of a material viewed.
You analyzed the videos in terms of their genres, content, and features. You also
learned that those materials are a good source of information. However, because 1. reputable and credible on the subject matter? /
such media are prone to manipulation, it is necessary that you check the facts or 2. identified through the available profile information? /
information provided through them. 3. qualified to talk about the topic? /
In this lesson, you will learn how to evaluate these materials based on their 4. connected with a credible institution? /
truthfulness and accuracy whether for a research paper, a classroom discussion, or Is the information...
an exchange of ideas with friends or acquaintances. 5. relevant and up-to-date? /
To determine the truthfulness of a material you viewed, you should identify 6. supported by evidence and verifiable in another source? /
what is real and what is fake. Most of the fake news are circulated through videos 7. believable after comparison with other materials with the same /
in social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. We often topic?
decide to trust them and forget to assess the quality of the information itself. Does the creator/producer/resource person in the video...
8. clearly own responsibility on providing accurate information? /
You can categorize fake news into two (2) ways. The first one is
9. remain objective (unbiased/fair) in covering the topic? /
misinformation. It is a false information that is shared because it is believed to be
10.provide content well founded on facts which serve its purpose /
real. On the other hand, disinformation is a false information that is spread even
(inform, explain, or persuade)?
though it is known to be false. To help you do a fact-check, there are sites like
factcheck.org and snopes.com. Even Google has its own fact- check feature to
Through the guide questions, you have learned a simple way to determine
identify fake news - Google Fact Check Tool.
the truthfulness and accuracy of the material viewed. If there are two (2) or more
“No” answers on the checklist when you analyze a video, then there is a possibility
Determining the Truthfulness and Accuracy
that it is a fake news.
Social media has become one of the primary sources of information. Yet,
Determining truthfulness is beyond distinguishing fake from real, it requires
users like you are exposed to content with questionable truthfulness and accuracy.
you to be critical as well. You should ask key questions that will help you determine
So, think before you act. You might be spreading fake news by clicking,
how trustworthy the information is. In addition, since anyone can create and share
liking, commenting, sharing, or retweeting without checking its truthfulness and
content on the internet, you must take extra precautions to ensure that the
accuracy. There are thousands of fake news online and some are capable of
information you obtain is accurate.
damaging individuals and society.
Here is an example of a truthful and accurate video as a source of
information on West Philippine Sea. Look at how it is analyzed in terms of the guide
Learning Task 1
questions on authorship, accuracy, and purpose and objectivity.
If you have a way to connect to the Internet, watch the video on this link:
Watch an I-Witness documentary on “COVID K9” by Howie Severino. Then,
complete the information below and use the guide questions on the checklist to
determine the truthfulness and accuracy of the video.
Title of the Video: Title of the Video: Ang laban ni Juan para sa West
Philippine Sea - Episode 1
If you have a way to connect to the Internet, watch the video on this link:
Web Address/URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lp-J-nVO8DQ
YouTube Channel: YouTube Channel: Institute for Maritime and Ocean Affairs
Resource Person: Resource Person: Justice Antonio T. Carpio or Justice Tony
Title of the Video:
Web Address/URL:
Is the creator/producer/resource person in the video... Yes No
YouTube Channel: ASSESSMENT
Resource Person/s:
Instructions: Fill in each blank with the appropriate word/phrase.
Learning Task 2
After accomplishing the checklist, answer the questions that follow. Prepared by:
1. How many check marks under “YES” did the documentary get?
2. What pieces of information did you find out from the documentary? MARY ROSE B. DELA CRUZ
3. Are you convinced that the documentary is truthful and accurate? Teacher I
4. What do you think is the intention or purpose of the creator of this video?
5. Would you share or recommend it to your friends? Why or Why not?