Analysis The Properties of Steel Slag in Concrete

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Analysis the Properties of Steel Slag in Concrete

Ajit Shivam
Civil Engineering Department, Civil Engineering Department, Ganga
Ganga Institute Of Technology And Institute Of Technology And Management,
Management, ,

Abstract: Waste management is an essential aspect of viable II. LITERATURE REVIEW

steel industry. Management of waste means diminishing waste Sultan A.Tarawneh, .(2014) [10], in their study “Effect of
where possible and reutilization of materials which might using Steel Slag aggregate on Mechanical Properties of
otherwise become waste. Management of solid waste practices Concrete”.In this experiment their analysis is to evaluate the
has acknowledged the reduction, recycling, and recycle of physical and mechanical properties and characteristics of steel
wastes as important for management of sustainable resources. slag aggregate concrete in evaluation with the typical crushed
Steel slag, a by-product obtained from steel formation during limestone stone aggregate concrete. After proper analysis they
the separation of the molten steel from impurities in furnaces. founds that compressive strength at the stage of 7 days shows
A molten liquid melt obtained from slag is a complex silicates much more strength as compared to that of 28 days. They
and oxides that solidify on cooling. A partial replacement of conclude that the added slag show good results at early age.
steel stag is referred in this study in terms of fine aggregate Hence steel slag could be utilized as partial replacement.
material. This study is carried out to understand the effects in P. Sateesh Kumar (2015) [7], in their paper entitled
terms of compressive, tensile and flexural strength. It will “Study on Behavior of Concrete Mix Replacing Fine
helpful for other researchers to identify more about this field. Aggregate with Steel Slag at different Properties”. The aim of
The aim of this experiment is to find out the effect of Steel this experiment is to study the result of partial replacement of
Slag as partial replacement of Fine Aggregate with 0%, 10%, steel slag on various strength and durability properties of
20%, 30%, and 40% are tested for M25& M30 grade of concrete by using mix design. The test is performed out at the
concrete after 7, 14, 28 and 50 days water curing. The result replacement level of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% at the ages of 7 and
shows that variation in much strength for Fine aggregate 28 days.They concludes that for conventional concrete, partial
replaced by Steel slag for 7, 14, 28 and 50 days water curing. replacement of fine aggregate by steel slag improve the
compressive, tensile, flexural strength. The viability of steel
Keywords: Concrete, Steel slag, Fine Aggregates, slag in concrete is found.
Compressive Strength, Flexural Strength and Tensile Strength S.T.Borole, [9], in their paper entitled
I. INTRODUCTION “Replacement of Fine Aggregate by Steel Slag”. In this
Aggregates are inert grainy materials such as sand, gravel or research paper M30 concrete with high volume steel slag
crushed stone that are an end product in their own right and replacement for fine aggregate is studied to examine the
are an essential ingredient in concrete. Aggregate, which changes in properties of compressive strength, flexural
contributes 60 to 75 percent of the total volume of concrete, strength and split tensile strength. After evaluation with
are divided into two major categories--fine and coarse. Fine conventional concrete property results shows that replacing
aggregates commonly comprises of natural sand or crushed about 0%, 25 % and 50% of steel slag aggregates by that of
stone with maximum particles passing through a sieve of fine aggregate will not show any harm and any adverse effect
4.75mm. Fine aggregate(natural sand) which has been washed to the durability and strength. The test is carried out after 7 and
and sieved to remove larger particles i.e. more than 5 mm. IS 28 day of curing.
specifications categorize the sand into four zones as per to its
grading as fine aggregate of grading Zone-1 to grading Zone- OBJECTIVES
4. The four grading zones which shows that it become finer To determine the optimum quantity of steel slag as a fine
from Zone-1 to Zone-4 progressively from 90% to 100% of aggregate to increase the strength of concrete by conducting
the fine aggregate passes 4.75 mm IS sieve and 0 to 15% related tests like Compressive strength, Tensile strength and
passes 150 micron IS sieve which depends on its grading zone. Flexural strength at replacement level of 10%,20%,30% and
Steel slag, a by-product obtained from steel formation, is 40%.
produced by the process of parting of the molten steel from III. MATERIALS USED
impurities in steel-making furnaces. A molten liquid melt A. Cement: As per IS 8112-1989, ordinary Portland cement of
obtained from slag is a complex silicates and oxides that grade 43 is used. The initial setting time of cement is 30
solidify on cooling. Basically all steel is made in integrated minutes and 3.15 is the specific gravity of cement.
steel plants using a sort of the basic oxygen process or in B. Fine Aggregate: Natural river sand which is locally
specialty steel plants (mini-mills) using an electric arc furnace available obtained from the Narmada river of Hoshangabad
process. Nowadays open hearth furnace process is of no use. City is used as fine aggregates. Natural sand passing through
4.75mm sieve and retained on the 600 micron sieve with the
specific gravity of 2.65 was used. Zone 2 was the grading of
the aggregate.
C. Coarse Aggregate: Aggregates greater than 4.75mm are
considered as Coarse aggregate. Crusted coarse aggregate of
20mm downsize were used with fineness modulus of 4.32 and
a specific gravity of 2.84.
D. Steel Slag: In this experiment the steel slag collection is
done from New Kabadkhana, Imamganj.Bhopal. Nowadays
steel products are used everywhere. Steel is durable and
strong. It is obtained either from conversion of iron to steel in
a BOF (Basic Oxygen Furnace) or by the melting of scarp to
make steel in the EAF (Electric Arc Furnace).
E. Water: As per the IS: 456-2000 specifications, clean and Figure 1: Slump Values for M 25 and M 30 grade concrete
potable water was used.
many fields of construction industry where its different As per IS: 1199 – 1959, to find the workability of fresh
characteristics can be put to effective use such as road base concrete, compaction factor test is conducted by using
coarse material, coarse aggregate for concrete, calcium silicate Compacting factor apparatus. For the determination of
fertilizer, blending material for Portland cement and soil workability of concrete this test is known for its accuracy. The
improvement. test results are tabulated and plotted below.
Table 2.Compaction factor test results of M25 and M30
IV. METHODOLOGY grade concrete
In this study, M25, M30, mix proportion is designed as per the
Sr. No. % Replacement Compaction factor Compaction factor
guidelines of Indian Standard recommended method IS
of Fine Value in MM for Value in MM for
10262:2009. Cement of 43 grade is used; also zone 2 is taken Aggregate by M 25 M 30
into account from IS 383(1970). Steel slag is replaced by 10%, 1. 0% 0.845 0.855
20%, 30% and 40%.The coarse aggregate of size 20mm is 2. 10% 0.848 0.861
selected which is retained on 10mm sieve. Fine aggregate 3. 20% 0.853 0.868
passing through 4.75mm sieve and retained on 600micron 4. 30% 0.858 0.877
sieve used. 5. 40% 0.864 0.884


To study the Workability of fresh concrete, slump cone test is
conducted. This test was carried out for M 25 & M 30 grade of
concrete; the results are tabulated and plotted below.

Table 1.Slump test results of M25 and M30 grade concrete

Sr. % Replacement of Slump Value In Slump Value In
No. Fine Aggregate by MM For M 25 MM For M 30
Steel Slag
1 0% 75 75
2 10% 73 69
3 20% 66 61
4 30% 55 52 Figure 2: Compaction factor graph for M 25&M 30 grade
5 40% 52 48


(1). Concrete cubes (150mmx150mm) were casted for 0%,
10%, 20%, 30%, 40% replacement of steel. The compressive
strength for M25 grade of concrete is tested for 7, 14, 28 and
50 days of curing and the results are tabulated and plotted
Table3.Avg.Compressive strength test results for M25 grade
of concrete
% Average Average Average Average
Replacement Com- Com- Com- Com-
Sr. of Fine Pressive pressive pressive pressive
No. Aggregate Strength Strength Strength Strength
by Steel 2 2 2 2
Slag (N/mm ) (N/mm ) (N/mm ) (N/mm )


1. 0% 18.30 23.23 32.54 37.19

2. 10% 19.63 24.10 33.60 39.03
3. 20% 22.32 26.44 36.33 40.26
4. 30% 24.06 27.92 38.50 37.22

5. 40% 23.08 27.14 37.22 41.26

Figure 4: Compressive Strength Graph for M 30 grade of Concrete

• From both of the above graph i.e. M25 and M30, the
compressive strength of concrete is increased gradually from
0% to 20% and achieved a maximum value at a replacement of
30% Steel slag in fine aggregate afterwards decreased for 40%
replacement of steel slag.
• However compressive strength of concrete for the partial
replacement of Fine aggregate with Steel slag of 40% does not
show major decrement as compared to 30% and can be use by
control mix.


Concrete cylinders (150mmx300mm) were casted for 0%,
10%, 20%, 30%, 40% replacement of steel slag. The split
tensile strength for M25 and M30 grade of concrete is tested
for 28 days of curing and the results are tabulated and plotted

Figure 3: Compressive Strength Graph for M 25 grade of Concrete

Table 5.Avg.Tensile strength test results for M25 and M30
grade of concrete
(2). Concrete cubes (150mmx150mm) were casted for 0%, Sr. % Replacement Average Tensile Average Tensile
10%, 20%, 30%, 40% steel slag replacement. The compressive No of Fine Strength for Strength for
strength for M30 grade of concrete is tested for 7, 14, 28 and Aggregate by M25. M30.
50 days of curing and the results are tabulated and plotted Steel Slag 2 2
(N/mm ) (N/mm )
below. 28 28 DAYS
Table 4.Avg.Compressive strength test results for M30 grade 1. 0% 2.533 3.376
of concrete
Sr. % Average Average Average Average 2. 10% 2.663 3.496
No. Replacement Com- Com- Com- Com- 3. 20% 2.75 3.666
of Fine pressive pressive pressive pressive
Aggregate by Strength Strength Strength Strength 4. 30% 2.956 3.906
2 2 2 2
Steel Slag (N/mm ) (N/mm ) (N/mm ) (N/mm ) 5. 40% 2.866 3.793
14 28 50
1. 0% 22.77 27.19 39.25 42.48
2. 10% 24.69 28.73 40.50 43.85
3. 20% 26.85 30.13 42.50 46.15
4. 30% 28.44 31.98 45.35 44.21
5. 40% 27.48 31.22 44.21 47.25
the results shows that the strength of the normal concrete is
slightly lower than the Steel slag replaced concrete.
• The increment in compressive strength is about 31.47%
for 7 days curing 20% for 14 days curing 18% for 28 days
while at 40% a slight decrement of 4.2% noted for 7 days and
3.4 % for 28 days of curing as compared to 30%.
• The increment in compressive strength of M 30 grade of
concrete is about 24.9% for 7 days of curing 17.5% for 14
days of curing and 15.5% for 28 days of curing while at 40% a
slight decrement of 3.6% noted for 7 days and 2.5% for 28
days of curing as compared to 30%.
• The split tensile strength increases with increase in
percentage of steel slag up to 30% by weight of fine aggregate.
Figure 5: Tensile Strength Graph For M25 & M30 at 28 Days. The increment in split tensile strength is about 16.7% for 28
days curing for M 25 grade of concrete and increment about
• From both of the above graph i.e. M25 & M30 grade of 15.6% for 28 days curing for M 30 grade of concrete.
concrete, the Split tensile strength of concrete is increased • The Flexural strength increases with increase in
gradually from 0% to 20% and attained a maximum value at a percentage of steel slag up to 30% by weight of fine aggregate.
replacement of 30% Steel slag in fine aggregate afterwards The increment in flexural strength test is about 36.7% for 28
decreased for 40% replacement of steel slag. days curing for M 25 grade of concrete and 24.7% for 28 days
• However Split tensile strength of concrete for the partial curing for M 30 grade of concrete.
replacement of Fine aggregate with Steel slag of 40% does not • From the results of compressive strength, split tensile
show major decrement as compared to 30% and can be use by strength, flexural strength 28 days curing, 30% replacement of
control mix. fine aggregate by steel slag is the optimum percentage of
replacement of M 25 & M 30 grade of concrete.
Concrete beams (500mmx100mmx100mm) were casted for
0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% replacement of steel slag. The REFERENCES
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CONCLUSIONS “Replacement of Fine Aggregate by Steel Slag”.International
Based on the deep study of experimental results and
discussions the following conclusions are made.
• Comparison and observations for the compressive
strength, flexural strength and split tensile strength of standard
concrete and concrete with Steel slag as partial replacements,
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IJSTM – ISSN: 2394 – 1537 Vol. No. 04. Issue No. 02.

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