5 Thgrade 34 Time

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Introduction to 3/4


Secondary Unit for 5th Grade Band

Julia McCabe
Meadowlark Elementary
Spring 2022
5th Grade Unit: Prepare Lesson – Call and Response Game

Teacher Name: Ms. Julia McCabe Target Grade Level: 5th Grade Band

Standards Addressed:
• MU:Pr4.2.5b When analyzing selected music, read and perform using standard notation.

Materials Needed:
• Body for movement!

Entry Activity:
Students will come into the room and assemble instruments. They will be asked to do their warm-up
and their review for the day. Approx. 8 min. This lesson should be taught with the Present Lesson.
Lesson Sequence:
Activity Objective: Students will show call and response while demonstrating 4/4 time, 2/4,
time, and ¾ time with kinesthetic movement. Approx. 2 min
1. T: “Everybody gently put your instrument down on your chairs and stand up. I want someone
who is being really respectful today to help me out.. (student name), do you like clapping or
snapping the best?” S: “clapping (or snapping)” T: “Awesome! We will clap during this
2. T: “I am going to clap for four beats, then I want you all to clap for four beats. Lets try this a
few times.”
a. T and S go back and forth a few times clapping.
b. T: “Good! Now, I want you to copy me after every four counts. Lets try it. I’m going
to try to stump you!”
c. T and So go back and forth a few times clapping, snapping, stomping, and patting.
3. T: “Great. Now, lets do the same routine, except you’re going to copy me after every TWO
counts. Got it? Lets try it!”
a. T and S go back and forth a few times clapping, snapping, stomping, and patting.
4. T: “Good stuff. Can we do every three counts this time?”
a. T and S go back and forth a few times clapping, snapping, stomping, and patting.

Assessment: Did majority of students move to the beat of 3? If no, reassess and try once more.

Transition: T: “Alright everyone, great responding! Now lets count the rhythm on the board.” Move
to Present Lesson.
5th Grade Unit: Present Lesson – Rhythm Rap (#66 Essential Elements, catered to learning
new time signatures)

Teacher Name: Ms. Julia McCabe Target Grade Level: 5th Grade Band

Standards Addressed:
• MU:Pr4.2.5b When analyzing selected music, read and perform using standard notation.

Materials Needed:
• White Board, Marker, Eraser
• Drum Sticks
• Essential Elements #66
o Rewritten in several time signatures, as shown in lesson plan
 4/4
 2/4
 3/4
Entry Activity:
Students will have just completed the Prepare Lesson.
Lesson Sequence:
Activity Objective: Students will count the same rhythm three times on the board – first in 4/4,
then 2/4, and lastly ¾. Approx. 4 min

1. Students will count the following rhythms out


Before students count the final rhythm set, explain ¾ time. 3 beats per measure, quarter note gets the beat.

When students successfully count the rhythm, have them air play #67, Three Beat Jam.
5th Grade Unit: Practice Lesson #1 – Kinesthetic Movement

Teacher Name: Ms. Julia McCabe Target Grade Level: 5th Grade Band

Standards Addressed:
• MU:Cn11.0.T.5a Demonstrate understanding of relationships between music and the other arts,
other disciplines, varied contexts, and daily life.
• MU:Pr4.2.5b When analyzing selected music, read and perform using standard notation.

Materials Needed:
• White Board, Marker, Eraser
• Drum Sticks
• Essential Elements #68

Entry Activity:
Students will come into the room and assemble instruments. They will be asked to do their warm-up
and their review for the day. Approx. 12 min.
Lesson Sequence:
Activity Objective: Students will reinforce ¾ time by learning the waltz. Students will feel the
pulse in their body wit this kinesthetic movement.
1. T: “Great review of our Three Beat Jam. Now, I need everyone to gently put your
instruments on the ground and move your stands out of the way. You need to be able to
move around a little!”
a. T and S will move the classroom as needed (as minimal as possible) for this to
2. T: “Have any of you taken a dance class before? Cool. Do any of you know the waltz?
Awesome, then you can help your friends near you. I am going to teach you guys how to
a. T: “First, we have to be able to count in ¾ time. We are rockstars at this now, so
lets practice stomping on count 1. Watch me first. Okay, now lets try it together,
ready, go!”
b. T: “Good work. Now, try stepping with your right foot on beat 1, then your left
foot on beat one. We can switch back and forth, like this.” T demonstrates. T:
“Lets do it all together now. Lets do it 8 times total.”
c. T: “Such great dancers. Now, after we step on beat 1, we are going to take two
smaller steps on beats 2 and 3. Notice how I am switching back and forth between
my feet. RIGHT left right LEFT right left RIGHT left right LEFT right left. Lets
try it together 8 times. If you are successful, help your neighbor out!
d. T: “Great moves, everyone. Lets sit back down and learn our next song, #68.
Students will then count, air play, and play #68.
5th Grade Unit: Practice Lesson #2 – Listening and Identification

Teacher Name: Ms. Julia McCabe Target Grade Level: 5th Grade Band

Standards Addressed:
• MU:Re7.1.E.5a Identify reasons for selecting music based on characteristics found in the
music, connection to interest, and purpose or context.
• MU:Re7.2.E.5a Identify how knowledge of context and the use of repetition, similarities,
and contrasts inform the response to music.
• MU:Cn11.0.T.5a Demonstrate understanding of relationships between music and the
other arts, other disciplines, varied contexts, and daily life.
• MU:Pr4.2.5b When analyzing selected music, read and perform using standard notation.

Materials Needed:
• White Board, Marker, Eraser
• Drum Sticks
• Essential Elements #69
• Flute
• Amazing Grace sheet music

Entry Activity:
Students will come into the room and assemble instruments. They will be asked to do their warm-up
and their review for the day. Approx. 12 min.

Lesson Sequence:
Activity Objective: Students will identify the time signature of the piece Amazing Grace as the
teacher demonstrates on flute.
1. T: “I am going to play a song for you all and I want you to think of two things. First, what
song is it? Second, what time signature am I playing in? Please keep your answers to
yourself, since I’m going to call on people to answer after I finish playing.”
2. T will then play Amazing Grace and scaffold the questions. The answers are Amazing Grace
and ¾ time.
Students will then take a look at Essential Elements #69 by counting, air playing, and playing.
5th Grade Unit: Post-Assessment – Rhythm Worksheet Exit Ticket

Teacher Name: Ms. Julia McCabe Target Grade Level: 5th Grade Band

Standards Addressed:
MU:Re7.2.E.5a Identify how knowledge of context and the use of repetition, similarities, and contrasts
inform the response to music.
MU:Pr4.2.5b When analyzing selected music, read and perform using standard notation.

Materials Needed:
• White Board, Marker, Eraser
• Drum Sticks
• Essential Elements #71
• Extra Pencils
• Exit Ticket Worksheet

Entry Activity:
Students will come into the room and assemble instruments. They will be asked to do their warm-up
and their review for the day. Approx. 16 min.
Lesson Sequence:
Activity Objective: After learning the final exercise of the unit, #71 through counting, air
playing, and playing, students will be asked to fill out the Exit Ticket. Students will hand this to
the teacher before they leave class.
Overall Assessment of the entire unit is this post-assessment. T will be able to identify which
students understand ¾ time and which still need the extra help.

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