Sai Milk
Sai Milk
Sai Milk
the customer’s needs and wants. Marketing theory traditionally splits analysis of buyer or
customer behaviour into two broad groups for analysis – Consumer Buyers and Industrial
Consumer buyers are those who purchase items for their personal consumption
Industrial buyers are those who purchase items on behalf of their business or
organization. Businesses now spend considerable sums trying to learn about what makes
•Who buys?
For a marketing manager, the challenge is to understand how customers might respond to
the different elements of the marketing mix that are presented to them.
If management can understand these customer responses better than the competition, then
Buying Behavior is the decision processes and acts of people involved in buying and
using products.
Need to understand:
Six Stages to the Consumer Buying Decision Process (For complex decisions).
Actual purchasing is only one stage of the process. Not all decision processes lead to a
purchase. All consumer decisions do not always include all 6 stages, determined by the
degree of complexity.
The 6 stages are:
Difference between the desired state and the actual condition. Deficit in
assortment of products. Hunger--Food. Hunger stimulates your need to eat.
Can be stimulated by the marketer through product information--did not know you
were deficient? I.E., see a commercial for a new pair of shoes, stimulates your
recognition that you need a new pair of shoes.
2. Information search
3. Evaluation of Alternatives
Need to establish criteria for evaluation, features the buyer wants or does not
want. Rank/weight alternatives or resume search. May decide that you want to eat
something spicy, Indian gets highest rank etc. If not satisfied with your choice then
return to the search phase. Can you think of another restaurant? Look in the yellow
pages etc. Information from different sources may be treated differently. Marketers
try to influence by "framing" alternatives.
4. Purchase decision
5. Purchase
May differ from decision, time lapse between 4 & 5, product availability.
6. Post-Purchase Evaluation
Buyers level of involvement determines why he/she is motivated to seek
information about a certain products and brands but virtually ignores others.
Buying low involvement frequently purchased low cost items; need very little
search and decision effort; purchased almost automatically. Examples include soft
drinks, snack foods, milk etc.
The purchase of the same product does not always elicit the same Buying
Behavior. Product can shift from one category to the next.
For example:
Going out for dinner for one person may be extensive decision making (for someone
that does not go out often at all), but limited decision making for someone else. The
reason for the dinner, whether it is an anniversary celebration, or a meal with a couple of
friends will also determine the extent of the decision making.
Factors that influence the Consumer Purchase Decision making Process
Unique to a particular person. Demographic Factors. Sex, Race, Age etc.
Who in the family is responsible for the decision making. Young people purchase things
for different reasons than older people.
Psychological factors
MASLOW hierarchy of needs!!
o Physiological
o Safety
o Love and Belonging
o Esteem
o Self Actualization
Need to determine what level of the hierarchy the consumers are at to determine
what motivates their purchases. Motives often operate at a subconscious level therefore
are difficult to measure.
Selective Exposure
Selective Distortion
Selective Retention
Remember inputs that support beliefs, forgets those that don't. Average supermarket
shopper is exposed to 17,000 products in a shopping visit lasting 30 minutes-60% of
purchases are unplanned. Exposed to 1,500 advertisements per day. Can't be expected to
be aware of all these inputs, and certainly will not retain many.
Inexperience buyers often use prices as an indicator of quality more than those who
have knowledge of a product. Non-alcoholic Beer example: consumers chose the most
expensive six-pack, because they assume that the greater price indicates greater quality.
Individual learns attitudes through experience and interaction with other people.
Consumer attitudes toward a firm and its products greatly influence the success or failure
of the firm's marketing strategy.
Attitudes and attitude change are influenced by consumers personality and lifestyle.
Consumers screen information that conflicts with their attitudes. Distort information
to make it consistent and selectively retain information that reinforces our attitudes. IE
brand loyalty.
There is a difference between attitude and intention to buy (ability to buy).
All the internal traits and behaviors that make a person unique, uniqueness arrives
from a person's heredity and personal experience. Examples include:
o Compulsiveness
o Dogmatism
o Self confidence
o Friendliness
o Adaptability
o Ambitiousness
o Authoritarianism
o Introversion
o Extroversion
o Aggressiveness
o Competitiveness.
Traits effect the way people behave. Marketers try to match the store image to the
perceived image of their customers.
There is a weak association between personality and Purchase Behavior, this may be
due to unreliable measures. Nike ads. Consumers buy products that are consistent with
their self concept.
Lifestyles are the consistent patterns people follow in their lives.
Example healthy foods for a healthy lifestyle. Sun tan not considered fashionable in
US until 1920's. Now an assault by the American Academy of Dermatology.
Social Factors
Consumer wants, learning, motives etc. are influenced by opinion leaders, person's
family, reference groups, social class and culture.
Opinion leaders
Spokespeople etc. Marketers try to attract opinion leaders...they actually use (pay)
spokespeople to market their products. Michael Jordon (Nike, McDonalds, Gatorade etc.)
Can be risky...Michael Jackson...OJ Simpson...Chevy Chase
Role...things you should do based on the expectations of you from your position
within a group.People have many roles. Husband, father, employer/ee. Individuals role
are continuing to change therefore marketers must continue to update information.
Family is the most basic group a person belongs to. Marketers must understand:
o That many family decisions are made by the family unit
o Consumer behavior starts in the family unit
o Family roles and preferences are the model for children's future family (can
o Family buying decisions are a mixture of family interactions and individual
decision making
o Family acts an interpreter of social and cultural values for the individual.
The Family life cycle: families go through stages, each stage creates different consumer
Reference Groups
Individual identifies with the group to the extent that he takes on many of the values,
attitudes or behaviors of the group members. Families, friends, sororities, civic and
professional organizations. Any group that has a positive or negative influence on a
persons attitude and behavior.
Social Class
An open group of individuals who have similar social rank. Criteria: Occupation,
Education, Income, Wealth, Race, Ethnic groups and possessions.
Social class influences many aspects of our lives. I.e., upper middle class prefer
luxury cars Mercedes.
o Upper -upper class, .3%, inherited wealth, aristocratic names.
o Lower-upper class, 1.2%, newer social elite, from current professionals and
corporate elite
o Upper-middle class, 12.5%, college graduates, managers and professionals
o Middle Americans-middle class, 32%, average pay white collar workers and blue
collar friends
o Working class, 38%, average pay blue collar workers
o Lower Americans-lower class, 9%, working, not on welfare
o Lower-lower class, 7%, on welfare
Social class determines to some extent, the types, quality, and quantity of
products that a person buys or uses.
Lower class people tend to stay close to home when shopping, do not engage in
much prepurchase information gathering. Stores project definite class images.
Family, reference groups and social classes are all social influences on consumer
behavior. All operate within a larger culture.
Culture refers to the set of values, ideas, and attitudes that are accepted by a
homogenous group of people and transmitted to the next generation. Culture also
determines what is acceptable with product advertising. Culture determines what
people wear, eat, reside and travel. Cultural values in the US are good health,
education, individualism and freedom. In American culture time scarcity is a growing
problem. IE change in meals. Big impact on international marketing.
India is wide and large country, which is highly concentrated in rural society and spread
over 5, 65,742 villages, which is nearly about 70% of the overall population. Agriculture
is the main income source. Dairying is complementary to Agriculture income and playing
important role in the stability of rural economy. The cow was adored as the deity
Milk and its product depute an important and compulsory part of daily life. From early
ages of human life milk is considered as the most significant and complete food among
all the food products. Milk gives energy, body building proteins, bone forming minerals,
vitamins, Lactose, fast and fatty acids, etc. Besides providing certain essential fatty acids,
All these properties make milk an important food product in the universe.
Husbandry from an important activity of its Economy. This dairying activity constitutes
10% of total G.D.P. Agriculture being a seasonal activity it cannot give regular income
throughout the year certain activities like dairying, sheep rearing, poultry, etc. are taken
up. Major part of the milk is produced in rural areas, but the demand for milk is mainly
from the urban area. Urban consumers receive milk through private milk vendors who
Dairy in India was not in an organized manner till 1895. There were military dairies until
1940 with modern processing facilities like that of pilot dairy at Anand.
After independence in 1947 greater “Bombay Milk Scheme” was started and Airey milk
colony was established. Milk was supplied from Kaira District Co-operative Milk
Producer Union known as “Anand Milk Union Limited (AMUL)” to greater Bombay
Milk Scheme.
In 1951, Government started ‘Key Village Scheme’ to improve the productivity intensive
cattle development productivity of milk cattle under Five Year plan Scheme. Productivity
intensive cattle development Project was started through scientific breeding, feeding and
In 1960, under the pattern of greater “Bombay Milk Scheme” some state Governments in
India started milk supply schemes procuring milk from rural areas paying remunerative
price to the milk producers. Then dairying acquired national level recognition.
India has the largest cattle and buffalo population but its share of the milk production is
10% only. In India, the average animal milk capacity per cow is only 150 liters per year
and buffalo 50 liters per year. In some countries due to dairy development activities, the
average milk production per cow is 300 liters to 400 liters per year. In India at present
the level of milk consumption is only 19 ml per head while a healthy person requires at
In India, many problems arise in marketing of the milk. The main problems are lack of
adequate and timely supply of milk, poor quality and adulteration of milk leakage of
Government of India adopts several measures to improve the marketing system, quality
and sales of milk in rural as well as in urban areas. Consequently, today most of the urban
Recognizing the nature of business, the dairy industry concerted into a commercial
industrializing rural dairying, tapping and promoting the dairy industry with greater
Because of the changing scenario in the competitive environment in the last five years,
the role of Government and voluntary organization has been limited with a major focus
on private industry. Governing companies like Heritage, Cream line dairy, Ravila etc.
Keeping this in view and devised an effective marketing strategy for SAI Dairy with a
This project is based on the study on consumer buying behavior towards “ Sai Dairy
The study is to find out the various attributes in a product which results in purchase
To identify level of consumer satisfaction and the consumer needs
As learning is a human activity and is as natural, as breathing. Despite of the fact that
learning is all pervasive in our lives, psychologists do not agree on how learning takes
place. How individuals learn is a matter of interest to marketers. They want to teach
consumers in their roles as their roles as consumers. They want consumers to learn about
their products, product attributes, potential consumers benefit, how to use, maintain or
even dispose of the product and new ways of behaving that will satisfy not only the
The Scope of My study restricts itself to the analysis of consumer buying behavior, with
special reference from “ SAI MILK”, Madurai. The scope of my study is also restricts
itself to Madurai region only. And the study depends on psychological aspects and the
Since the Sample size is 100 and the data may not represent the accurate results.
The time period of the project is only six weeks, which may not be sufficient for
the study
In the history of world dairying, the year 1998 has been a lucky year for India. We
have just emerged as the highest milk producing country in the world and that too in
the 50th year of our independents. Increasing the annual milk production from 20
small holders.
Our country has the largest bovine population in the world (195 million cattle and 77
million buffaloes). The results of White Revolution are quite visible with our per
capital milk consumption rising to 210 g per day inspite of the ever increasing human
population. All the has largely been a developmental agency of governmental, non-
Indian deriving has over the years created an identify of its own. It has also
cost Effective production system. A recent survey conducted by the Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has declared India as the top
milk producer in the world, surpassing USA. The credit for enabling India to reach
this milestone goes to millions of small and marginal farmers and land less labourers
for their untiring efforts and the institutional support provided by the National Dairy
aspect is that India has achieved this coveted position without giving any incentive or
The dairy sector provides round-the-year employment which no other agri
business can do. Besides, it also provides a safety net to the weaker sections of our
society. But unfortunately this sector’s contribution to the Indian economy and its
growth potential have not yet been properly recognized. The industrial sector has been
regularly receiving several forms of subsidies and incentives since independence. The
agriculture sector too has its own share of privileges and subsidies. But, if one goes
through the budgetary allocations of all the plans made so far, dairying’s share is too
insignificant as compared to any other sectors. And, never any special incentive was
given to it. The dairy sector is also deprived of the special banking support as is provided
Dairy Industry in the Emerging world Scenario:
Dairying has played a prominent role towards household nutrition security and
also in strengthening our rural economy. It has been organized as an instrument to bring
about socio-economic transformation. Also the dairying sector has helped national
economy by emerging as the largest milk producer in the world. The import dependent
Indian dairying soon become not only self sufficient but also poised for an export
oriented dairying nation. This has been primarily attributable to the implementation of the
Operation Flood Programme launched in 1970 under the aegis of the National Dairy
Development Board. The architect of the quite Revolution Dr. Kurien deserves special
However, the gains of the White Revolution achieved through the cooperative
networking of the small and marginal farmers, and land less labourers are needed to be
sustained to cope with the rapid transformation that are now taking place consequent to
the GATT Agreement and establishment of the World Trade organization (WTO). In
future, international trade will be strongly regulated by the WTO regime. New ever and
stricgter Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards are being framed for regulating quality
standards. Under these circumstances, our practices for production and processing milk
The Uruguay Round of Multi-lateral Trade Negotiations signed on 15 th April. 1994 us
well as General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) the world economies are
swiftly gearing to adjust with the situation arising due to the withdrawal of trade
subsidies. The major dairying countries of the world, which had heavily relied on these
subsidies, are now readjusting their internal economies in order to produce milk at the
competitive price. One sound economic principle guiding the trade globally is, "if a
changes were anticipated, most of the European Nations had the acumen of streamlining
their economies long back. The Eastern Europe has consciously reduced production of
milk from 39 MT in 1991 to 35 MT in 1998. In the same period, West Europe has
reduced milk. Production from 129 MT to 126 MT. Several other adverse factors, such as
the perceived image of production has led to a decrease in butter production on a global
basis. The world production of butter has declined from 5.03 MT in 1991 to 5.01 in
1997. Withdrawal of subsidies coupled with reduced demand of skim milk powder has
led to the decline of its production from 1500 MT to 1100 MT. It is paradoxical that as a
production, even though the demand for cheese and whole milk is rising. Consequently,
to fill up this gap, world trade of cheese has gone up from 950MT to 1300 MT during
1993-96. There has also been an increased from 1050 MT to 1300 MT in the global of
With the changing declining trends in the domestic/export markets as well as
profits for conventional dairy products, such as milk powder, butter etc., need for product
diversification that permits value addition, long life-cycle and greater income has become
quite obvious. Growing awareness towards the beneficial role of milk and milk products
in maintaining normalcy of human health has led to the development of a new range of
proteins etc, play an 'extra nutritional' which are formed during the passage through
digestive tract. Fermented milk products such as yogurt in particular provide beneficial
microbes, which favorably influence the microbial ecology of the gut-system. These, in
turn, effect various biochemical functions to protect human health. Biotechnology has
been successfully employed to develop genetically modified strains of dairy cultures that
cancer cells as well as augment immune system besides offering may other health
promoting attributes. The dairy industry in advanced countries is rapidly diversifying its
product mix to produce arrange of dairy foods that is targeted to reduce the role of
medicine in maintaining normalcy of dairy foods that is targeted to reduce the role of
medicine in maintaining normalcy of human health. Japan the world leader in this sector.
where the current market of US$ 5.5 billion is still last growing. In the USA 11 billion.
Industry, which we must capitalize through, required R&D efforts, both in the public and
private sectors.
Dairy industry is also fast diversifying to develop special food ingredients derived
from milk. Which can be deployed advantageously to improve the sensory quality
is another area, which is receiving intensive R&D inputs for developing low cost,
biodegradable materials to prevent further damage to the environment and ensure greater
food safety.
However, greater challenge lie before the Indian dairy industry in modernizing the
unorganized sector engaged in the preparation of wide range of indigenous milk products.
Intensive scientific, R&D and financial input are necessary to develop industrial
shrikhand and burfi, very little progress had been made in this area. The weakest link is in
standards of product safety, shelf life and labeling requirements. It is in this context, India
is yet to take advantage of UHT technology, which could otherwise help in minimizing
post-harvest losses and also accord greater physical access in remote and difficult areas.
India's competitiveness:
traditional practice of utilizing the crop resides as feed for the milk animals, India has
been able to achieve milk production of 70 million MT at a very competitive 'Farm Gate
Milk Price’ on global basis. India enjoys competitive edge over Newzealand, Australia
and the USA of being able to produce milk at a lower cost. Livestock products have
registered a compound growth rate of 5.26% per annum, during the preceding decade.
Milk and milk products account for 66% of the total value of livestock products. Another
noteworthy feature of Indian dairy scenario is that all the milk is produced by a very large
number of milk animals having low productivity. Thus, only marginal improvement ion
animal productivity is capable of making a substantial impact. On the other hand. in the
technologically advanced countries, even small targets for increased milk production
present major challenge, since animals have already attained their maximum genetic
India has well-organized dairy infrastructure of 7,800 rural milk cooperatives and
a processing capability of abut 12million litre per day in about 280 dairy plants. India has
a strong HRD capability to meet the multi sectoral requirement of the dairy industry.
India has generated very valuable experience and competence in treopical dairying,
which can serve as model for developing countries. In particular, India has developed a
very precious R & D reservoir for buffalo; milk processing. This provides opportunities
for export of technologies to partner countries through an integrated approach for
With the liberalization of world economies, Indian dairy industry has also
ventured to explore the export markets. A rather modest, beginning has been made
through exports of milk powders, being Rs. 318.5 to 22 countries, mainly Bangladesh,
Cheese has the potential of emerging as the No. 1 dairy product in India, with its
present estimated demand of 1800 tones projected to rise to 30000 tonnes by 2000 AD.
The global cheese market is also beckoning the Indian producers. For, after the WTO
enforced withdrawal of the milk producer subsidy, European producers would Fine it
Prospects of cheese production in India is quite bright. This is because of the fact
that cheese has all the attributes of an ideal dairy product. Cheese is a fermented dairy
product. Fermentation has occupied a place of pride in the food preservation practices
from time immential. It improves nutritional value and enriches the flavor, body and
texture of the product. Fermented milk products have been reported to have therapeutic.
Cheese represents a balanced food with concentrated from of energy and good
substitute to non-vegetrial diet. Cheese has high food and nutritive value. It is an
excellent source of high quality protein, rich source of calcium and phosphorous, an
excellent source of several fat-soluble vitamins. To consumers, it provides good
nutrition, variety. Convenience for use. Portability, food safety and novelty of flavor and
Process cheese spread and slices have proved to be an ideal bread-mate. The
consumption of bread is increasing very fast in India. Butter, the traditional spread for
bread, is not avoided because of its high fast content. The other conventional spread like
jam and jelly are considered as junk food. Thus it is the cheese, which can provide
Milk is procured from the farmers by the dairy units and goes through various
tests and processed to obtain good satisfactory results from the consumers. It involves the
following steps.
Milk procured undergoes through various tests such as:-
Ph Test: The Ph value gives the measure of the time acidity of milk. Generally ph
lactation of milk.
Acidity Test: It is used lo find out the quality and heat stability of
milk and also to check the content of lactic acid present in it.
Alcohol Test: It is made to detect whether milk has tendency to curdle during the
sterilization process.
On Boiling Test (COB): COB test is meant to have final confirmation of the quality
of milk. Since, with high acidity and salt content clots on boiling due to precipitation
of protein it is rejected.
Fat test: It is conducted to estimate the fat percentage present in the milk
Milk procured from various areas throughout the settle from framers is brought to
their respective dairy units by solo milk tanker, where the milk is chilled. Milk is chilled
to very low temperatures so that it last longer and does not perish. This is very important
Pasteurization is a process where milk is churned at. high speed and sterilized by
heating at high temperatures. Here the milk is made free from derived amount of fats,
edible oils and also disease causing germs after pasteurization process. Chilling process
merchandise any product. Manufacturer desires his product to reach in safe delivery to
It must protect and preserve the commodity until it reaches the consumers.
Reasonable in cost.
separated from it by means of centrifugal force, where milk is rotated at the high
speed with which, the cream moves away from the axis. This cream is generated
during the rotation and is taken from the sides of the separator. Generally the fat
content in the cream is of the 25% taken from the sides of the separator. Generally the
BUTTER: Butter is a fat rich product containing about 80% of milk fats while the
rest is a water, salt curd and also colour is added to some types of the butter and
cooking butter.
GHEE : It is the most important ingredient- in day life of nay Indian. Ghee is the
pure clarified fat derived solely from milk or curd or from desibuytter or from cream
method i.e.. Rise in temperature of milk to I 10-120c. the shelf life is 6 months only.
cultures. It has a minimum of 42% of milk fat. The most common cheese used is the
cheddar cheese. It is hard, ripened cheese made from pasteurized milk to which small
amount of lactic is added. The shelf life of cheese is 4-6 months only.
FROZEN PRODUCTS: The most common frozen products that water one's mouth
arc ice creams, kulfi and choc-bar. These are obtained from cow or buffalo milk or
combination there of or from cream. They have 10% milk fat and are prepared with
mixtures of dry fruits of nuts or both to have an excellent taste. These frozen products
are cooled below 4c only. The shelf life of froze products l-2rnonths only.
precipitation with sour milk and lactic acid. The milk fat content is a minimum of
DAHI : Dahi or commonly called curd is obtained from boiled milk by souring,
fresh skimmed milk of cow or buffalo or a mixture thereof. It when mixed with water
India is currently the second largest milk producer in the world after the USA
1992-93 i.e a rise of 150% over a period of 20 years, this phenomenal rise of the dairy
'FLESH' season (SEP-MAR) and 'LEAN' season (Apr-Aug) of every year, maximum and
minimum amount of milk is respectively procured, Finally country's milk export is low
This chapter gives detailed information about the development availability under
taken by Madurai dairy and the existing management system of Madurai Dairy etc.
In Madurai district different types of cattle breed are found. There are certain
The buffalo living in Madurai are apart from production of milk, cattle’s are used for
agricultural purpose.
There is a Dairy plant in Madurai town and foremilk chilling centre. Their milk
chilling centres collect milk from collection centres in the villages. The collected
milk is chilled at the concerned chilling centre and it is transported to the Madurai
Dairy. The processed milk at Madurai Dairy is marketed to the milk consumers in the
Madurai city and some sub urban, it covers there towns mainly , Dindukal and
Government offices and educational Institutions. The importance was because of it’s
year 1968. Milk supply of farmers of Madurai District was formed in Organized Co-
operative sector under the intensive milk supply scheme; these activities were looked
Under this scheme a medium size of Dairy was sanctioned with a capacity of 12,000
litres per day, when the State Government has established the Dairy development in
1970. Madurai Dairy has bought under its shadow. Again when the state government
Madurai Dairy came under their control. The Government of Andhra Pradesh has
structure of APDDCF Ltd., from 1981 onwards. At present Madurai is under the
bulk cooler is installed at that period with the installation of cooler, milk supply to the
Madurai was started on 10th March 1969. The construction of building and
installation of plant and machinery was completed in 1971. Dairy opening ceremony
was help on September 1971. It was speed over as area of 5 acres and 24 guntas.
The cost of construction was more than Rs. 20 lakhs. An initial stage milk automatic
bulk machine with a capacity of 5,880 bottle per hour was installed. In the year 1982
the pre packed machined was instandand milk is now being supplied in polythene
sachets. At present there are two pre packed machines functioning each with a
capacity of 5000 milk sachets per hour. The milk in Madurai is distributed through
more than 100-booth need over the tri-city of Madurai. In addition to this milk is
also being supplied on credit to instructors like hospitals, hotel, Railways, canteen
and Central Jail etc., Relating to this Madurai Dairy has there Dairy parlors for
selling milk products like whole milk powder, ghee, butter, cheese etc.
Madurai Dairy Organization is using “SAI milk” Brand labels to sell their
products to the consumers wherein some other states, the Dairy federation is using
Madurai Dairy is a District level unit and all the policy decisions are taken at the
head office level. Madurai unit is only a functioning unit, which operates the work to
To provide the good market for all rural as well as urban markets.
Supply of pasteurized milk to the people of Madurai and its surroundings at
reasonable price.
The milk sales are being conducted in the tri-cities of Madurai through 98 booths is a
Credit Institutions. The sales have reached now up to 15,000 litres per day. For
consumer behavior.
Today APDDCF offers the widest spectrum of milk products in India, under the
brand name “Sai”. These include Ghee, Bhutter, Processed Cheddar, Chese and
Cheese spread, UHT Milk, flavoured milk, slim milk in Tetra packets, sterilized
Cream, Skim milk powder, Dairy Whitener, cooking butter and ice cream. Several
among these carry the Agmark, an attestation of quality by Government of India and
the ISI mark of Bureau of India standards. The brand “Sai” denotes quality &
quality, which makes it a trusted name in millions of house hold across the country.
apnner, Doodh peda and Dairy parlours and a chain of retailers spread across
Tamilnadu .
With a strong desire to develop the dairy industry in the state, involving the milk
the milk produced in rural areas. For this purpose, the Government of Tamilnadu has
Village Level
economic change. There are 63 Dairy units in different parts of the state including 48
milk chilling centres, 9 District Dairies and 6 milk product factories About 6,400
villages co-operative Societies are procuring milk from 11,900 villages among 286
routes. It is estimated that 5 lakhs milk producing families and 24 lakhs consumers
are benefited by the activities of the APDDCF. The dairy Industries concentrating on
increasing the procurement was 636 lakh liters. It is increased to 2.52 lakh liters in
the year 1985-1986 and it has increase enormously in 1992, 1993 to the effort of
8,000 lakh liters per day. In the present year 2006-07, the dairy industries
concerning on the increasing procurement was above 50, 000, 00 lakh liters per day.
The author illustrates about the general methodologies over marketing management of
the products.
2.Leon Schifman & Lesile Lazer Kanulk, “Consumer Behavior” Eastern Economy
The author illustrates about the general buying pattern of the consumer over the products.
4.S.J. Bedker and G.C. Berry, “Marketing Research” 1st Edition, Oxford
This chapter describes the methodology of the study. This project is based on
information collected from primary sources. After the detailed study, an attempt has been
people. The data had been used to cover various aspects like consumption, consumer
buying behaviour and customer’s satisfaction regarding Sai Milk. In collecting requisite
data and information regarding the topic selected, I went to the residents of Madurai and
Survey design:
The study is a cross sectional study because the data were collected at a single point of
time. For the purpose of present study a related sample of population was selected on the
basis of convenience.
A sample of 100 people was taken on the basis of convenience. The actual consumers
Research Period:
Research Instrument:
This work is carried out through self-administered questionnaires. The questions included
Data Collection:
The data, which is collected for the purpose of study, is divided into 2 bases:
Buying pattern towards Sai Milk”. The data has been collected directly from
Secondary source: The secondary data was collected from internet, References
from Library.
Table 5.1
The above graph depicts that majority of respondents (40%) are prefer the Mulkanoor, 35
of respondents are preferring Sai Milk.
Table 5.2
Milk Vendors
Retail Stores
Milk Dealers
From the above graph, it is observed that 45% of respondents are buying the Milk from
Retail stores, 35% are buying the Milk from Milk Vendors.
Table 5.3
Both, 17
Loose Milk,
Milk, 48
The above graph shows that 48% of respondents are buying the milk in Packet form, 35%
Table 5.4
Neighbors / t
Friends 0%
Retail Stores
From the above graph, it is known that 75% respondents are came to know about Milk
from Retail Stores, 25% of respondents are came to know by Neighbor/Friends and
Table 5.5
2 Lit, 12
1 ½ Lit, 8
½ Lit, 45
1 Lit, 35
The graph indicates that 45% of respondents are consuming ½ Ltr Milk, 35% of
Table 5.6
Image, 25
Margin, 35
Demand, 10
Quantity, 30
The graph depicts that 35% of respondents are compelled to buy the Milk by Margin as
Table 5.7
The graph depicts that 65% of respondents are willing to continue the sai Milk forever,
Table 5.8
The above graph shows that 45% of respondents are saying Quality of sai Milk is
Table 5.9
15% Tea/Coffe
The graph depicts that 45% of respondents using the milk for the purpose of Tea/Coffee,
Table 5.10
Graph shows that 65% of respondents are saying that advertisement plays a role to
Table 5.11
The graph shows that 20% respondents are facing the problem while consuming of Milk,
Table 5.12(1)
Table 5.12(2)
Opinion No. of Respondents % of Respondents
Jersey 30 30%
Mulkanoor 50 50%
Others 20 20%
Total 100 100%
9 5%
Others, 20
Jersey, 30
The above graphs depicts that 95% respondents are changing their brand and they will
Table 5.13
Most of the people i.e, 75% of people accepted that sai milk price is reasonable.25% of
Table 5.14
Quantity Quality
0% 10%
Most of the people i.e, 75% people want changes in Sai milk product,15% of the people
feeding children.
Maximum of the respondents are aware of Sai milk through kirana, general
Majority of the respondents change their brand when Sai milk not available in
the market.
1. Sai Dairy should concentrate more on quality to improve the sales of product.
2. The Organization should improve the sales of product, more advertising can be
3. Look out for strategies, which will help in being different from the competitors
like having catchy “ PUNCH LINES” which could attract the customers
5. The Organization can provide the milk booths to convince the customers in
different locality.
7. Print date of packing on the sachets in order to discourage the supply of old stock
2. Leon Schifman & Lesile Lazer Kanulk, “Consumer Behavior” Eastern Economy
4. S.J. Bedker and G.C. Berry, “Marketing Research” 1st Edition, Oxford
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